blob: 1c34ab4377cb5ca7cb178329cdee8bdb84964d14 [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- A pool (memory) allocator that avoids duplicated copies. ---*/
/*--- m_deduppoolalloc.c ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2014-2014 Philippe Waroquiers
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#include "pub_core_basics.h"
#include "pub_core_libcbase.h"
#include "pub_core_libcprint.h"
#include "pub_core_libcassert.h"
#include "pub_core_xarray.h"
#include "pub_core_deduppoolalloc.h" /* self */
#include "pub_core_hashtable.h"
#include "pub_core_poolalloc.h"
#include "pub_core_options.h"
#include "pub_core_mallocfree.h"
#include "pub_core_debuglog.h"
struct _DedupPoolAlloc {
SizeT poolSzB; /* Minimum size of a pool. */
SizeT fixedSzb; /* If using VG_(allocFixedEltDedupPA), size of elements */
SizeT eltAlign;
void* (*alloc_fn)(const HChar*, SizeT); /* pool allocator */
const HChar* cc; /* pool allocator's cost centre */
void (*free_fn)(void*); /* pool allocator's deallocation function */
/* XArray of void* (pointers to pools). The pools themselves.
Each element is a pointer to a block of size at least PoolSzB bytes.
The last block might be smaller due to a call to shrink_block. */
XArray *pools;
/* hash table of pool elements, used to dedup.
If NULL, it means the DedupPoolAlloc is frozen. */
VgHashTable *ht_elements;
/* Hash table nodes of pool_elements are allocated with a pool, to
decrease memory overhead during insertion in the DedupPoolAlloc. */
PoolAlloc *ht_node_pa;
UChar *curpool; /* last allocated pool. */
UChar *curpool_free; /* Pos in current pool to allocate next elt.
always aligned on eltAlign. */
UChar *curpool_limit; /* Last pos in current pool. */
/* Note that for a fixed size pool, we only have a single pool to allow
simple/fast indexing. This single pool is grown, which might change
the address of the already allocated elements. */
/* Total nr of alloc calls, resulting in (we hope) a lot less
real (dedup) elements. */
ULong nr_alloc_calls;
struct _ht_node {
struct _ht_node *next; // Read/Write by hashtable (pub_tool_hashtable.h)
UWord key; // Read by hashtable (pub_tool_hashtable.h)
SizeT eltSzB;
void *elt;
DedupPoolAlloc* VG_(newDedupPA) ( SizeT poolSzB,
SizeT eltAlign,
void* (*alloc_fn)(const HChar*, SizeT),
const HChar* cc,
void (*free_fn)(void*) )
DedupPoolAlloc* ddpa;
vg_assert(poolSzB >= eltAlign);
vg_assert(poolSzB >= 100); /* let's say */
vg_assert(poolSzB >= 10*eltAlign); /* let's say */
ddpa = alloc_fn(cc, sizeof(*ddpa));
VG_(memset)(ddpa, 0, sizeof(*ddpa));
ddpa->poolSzB = poolSzB;
ddpa->fixedSzb = 0;
ddpa->eltAlign = eltAlign;
ddpa->alloc_fn = alloc_fn;
ddpa->cc = cc;
ddpa->free_fn = free_fn;
ddpa->pools = VG_(newXA)( alloc_fn, cc, free_fn, sizeof(void*) );
ddpa->ht_elements = VG_(HT_construct) (cc);
ddpa->ht_node_pa = VG_(newPA) ( sizeof(ht_node),
ddpa->curpool = NULL;
ddpa->curpool_limit = NULL;
ddpa->curpool_free = NULL;
return ddpa;
void VG_(deleteDedupPA) ( DedupPoolAlloc* ddpa)
Word i;
if (ddpa->ht_elements)
// Free data structures used for insertion.
VG_(freezeDedupPA) (ddpa, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < VG_(sizeXA) (ddpa->pools); i++)
ddpa->free_fn (*(UWord **)VG_(indexXA) ( ddpa->pools, i ));
VG_(deleteXA) (ddpa->pools);
ddpa->free_fn (ddpa);
static __inline__
UChar* ddpa_align ( DedupPoolAlloc* ddpa, UChar *c )
return (UChar*)VG_ROUNDUP(c, ddpa->eltAlign);
/* Allocate a new pool or grow the (only) pool for a fixed size ddpa. */
static void ddpa_add_new_pool_or_grow ( DedupPoolAlloc* ddpa )
if (ddpa->fixedSzb > 0 && ddpa->curpool != NULL) {
// Grow (* 2) the current (fixed elt) pool
UChar *curpool_align = ddpa_align(ddpa, ddpa->curpool);
SizeT curpool_used = ddpa->curpool_free - curpool_align;
SizeT curpool_size = ddpa->curpool_limit - ddpa->curpool + 1;
UChar *newpool = ddpa->alloc_fn (ddpa->cc, 2 * curpool_size);
UChar *newpool_free = ddpa_align (ddpa, newpool);
UChar *newpool_limit = newpool + 2 * curpool_size - 1;
Word reloc_offset = (Addr)newpool_free - (Addr)curpool_align;
ht_node *n;
VG_(memcpy) (newpool_free, curpool_align, curpool_used);
/* We have reallocated the (only) pool. We need to relocate the pointers
in the hash table nodes. */
VG_(HT_ResetIter) (ddpa->ht_elements);
while ((n = VG_(HT_Next) (ddpa->ht_elements))) {
n->elt = (void*)((Addr)n->elt + reloc_offset);
newpool_free += curpool_used;
VG_(dropHeadXA) (ddpa->pools, 1);
ddpa->free_fn (ddpa->curpool);
ddpa->curpool = newpool;
ddpa->curpool_free = newpool_free;
ddpa->curpool_limit = newpool_limit;
VG_(addToXA)( ddpa->pools, &ddpa->curpool);
} else {
/* Allocate a new pool, or allocate the first/only pool for a
fixed size ddpa. */
ddpa->curpool = ddpa->alloc_fn( ddpa->cc, ddpa->poolSzB);
ddpa->curpool_limit = ddpa->curpool + ddpa->poolSzB - 1;
ddpa->curpool_free = ddpa_align (ddpa, ddpa->curpool);
/* add to our collection of pools */
VG_(addToXA)( ddpa->pools, &ddpa->curpool );
static Word cmp_pool_elt (const void* node1, const void* node2 )
const ht_node* hnode1 = node1;
const ht_node* hnode2 = node2;
if (hnode1->key < hnode2->key)
return -1;
else if (hnode1->key > hnode2->key)
return 1;
else if (hnode1->eltSzB == hnode2->eltSzB)
return VG_(memcmp) (hnode1->elt, hnode2->elt, hnode1->eltSzB);
else if (hnode1->eltSzB < hnode2->eltSzB)
return -1;
return 1;
/* Print some stats. */
static void print_stats (DedupPoolAlloc *ddpa)
"dedupPA:%s %ld allocs (%d uniq)"
" %ld pools (%ld bytes free in last pool)\n",
(long int) ddpa->nr_alloc_calls,
ddpa->curpool ?
(long int) (ddpa->curpool_limit - ddpa->curpool_free + 1) : 0);
VG_(HT_print_stats) (ddpa->ht_elements, cmp_pool_elt);
/* Dummy free, as the ht elements are allocated in a pool, and
we will destroy the pool in one single operation. */
static void htelem_dummyfree(void* ht_elem)
void VG_(freezeDedupPA) (DedupPoolAlloc *ddpa,
void (*shrink_block)(void*, SizeT))
if (VG_(clo_stats)
&& (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2 || VG_(debugLog_getLevel) () >= 2)) {
vg_assert (!ddpa->fixedSzb || VG_(sizeXA) (ddpa->pools) == 1);
if (shrink_block && ddpa->curpool_limit > ddpa->curpool_free)
(*shrink_block)(ddpa->curpool, ddpa->curpool_free - ddpa->curpool);
VG_(HT_destruct) ( ddpa->ht_elements, htelem_dummyfree);
ddpa->ht_elements = NULL;
VG_(deletePA) (ddpa->ht_node_pa);
ddpa->ht_node_pa = NULL;
void* VG_(allocEltDedupPA) (DedupPoolAlloc *ddpa, SizeT eltSzB, const void *elt)
ht_node ht_elt;
void* elt_ins;
ht_node *ht_ins;
vg_assert (eltSzB <= ddpa->poolSzB);
// Currently using adler32 as hash function.
// Many references tells adler32 is bad as a hash function.
// And effectively, some tests on dwarf debug string shows
// a lot of collisions (at least for short elements).
// (A lot can be 10% of the elements colliding, even on
// small nr of elements such as 10_000).
ht_elt.key = VG_(adler32) (0, NULL, 0);
ht_elt.key = VG_(adler32) (ht_elt.key, elt, eltSzB);
ht_elt.eltSzB = eltSzB;
ht_elt.elt = CONST_CAST(void *,elt);
ht_ins = VG_(HT_gen_lookup) (ddpa->ht_elements, &ht_elt, cmp_pool_elt);
if (ht_ins)
return ht_ins->elt;
/* Not found -> we need to allocate a new element from the pool
and insert it in the hash table of inserted elements. */
// Add a new pool or grow pool if not enough space in the current pool
if (UNLIKELY(ddpa->curpool_free == NULL
|| ddpa->curpool_free + eltSzB - 1 > ddpa->curpool_limit)) {
ddpa_add_new_pool_or_grow (ddpa);
elt_ins = ddpa->curpool_free;
VG_(memcpy)(elt_ins, elt, eltSzB);
ddpa->curpool_free = ddpa_align(ddpa, ddpa->curpool_free + eltSzB);
ht_ins = VG_(allocEltPA) (ddpa->ht_node_pa);
ht_ins->key = ht_elt.key;
ht_ins->eltSzB = eltSzB;
ht_ins->elt = elt_ins;
VG_(HT_add_node)(ddpa->ht_elements, ht_ins);
return elt_ins;
static __inline__
UInt elt2nr (DedupPoolAlloc *ddpa, const void *dedup_elt)
vg_assert (dedup_elt >= (const void *)ddpa->curpool
&& dedup_elt < (const void *)ddpa->curpool_free);
return 1 + ((const UChar*)dedup_elt - (const UChar *)ddpa->curpool)
/ VG_ROUNDUP(ddpa->fixedSzb, ddpa->eltAlign);
UInt VG_(allocFixedEltDedupPA) (DedupPoolAlloc *ddpa,
SizeT eltSzB, const void *elt)
if (ddpa->fixedSzb == 0) {
// First insertion in this ddpa
vg_assert (ddpa->nr_alloc_calls == 0);
vg_assert (eltSzB > 0);
ddpa->fixedSzb = eltSzB;
vg_assert (ddpa->fixedSzb == eltSzB);
void *dedup_elt = VG_(allocEltDedupPA) (ddpa, eltSzB, elt);
return elt2nr (ddpa, dedup_elt);
void* VG_(indexEltNumber) (DedupPoolAlloc *ddpa,
UInt eltNr)
void *dedup_elt;
dedup_elt = ddpa->curpool
+ (eltNr - 1) * VG_ROUNDUP(ddpa->fixedSzb, ddpa->eltAlign);
vg_assert ((UChar*)dedup_elt >= ddpa->curpool
&& (UChar*)dedup_elt < ddpa->curpool_free);
return dedup_elt;
UInt VG_(sizeDedupPA) (DedupPoolAlloc *ddpa)
if (ddpa->curpool == NULL)
return 0;
vg_assert (ddpa->fixedSzb);
return (ddpa->curpool_free - ddpa_align(ddpa, ddpa->curpool))
/ VG_ROUNDUP(ddpa->fixedSzb, ddpa->eltAlign);