blob: cea7e698b977b27e820e4e918e3b08300334dadc [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- Startup: the real stuff vg_main.c ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, an extensible x86 protected-mode
emulator for monitoring program execution on x86-Unixes.
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include "core.h"
#include "ume.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif /* AT_DCACHEBSIZE */
#endif /* AT_ICACHEBSIZE */
#endif /* AT_UCACHEBSIZE */
#ifndef AT_SYSINFO
#define AT_SYSINFO 32
#endif /* AT_SYSINFO */
#define AT_SYSINFO_EHDR 33
#endif /* AT_SYSINFO_EHDR */
#ifndef AT_SECURE
#define AT_SECURE 23 /* secure mode boolean */
#endif /* AT_SECURE */
/* redzone gap between client address space and shadow */
#define REDZONE_SIZE (1 * 1024*1024)
/* size multiple for client address space */
#define CLIENT_SIZE_MULTIPLE (1 * 1024*1024)
/* Proportion of client space for its heap (rest is for mmaps + stack) */
/*=== Global entities not referenced from generated code ===*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Startup stuff
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Client address space, lowest to highest (see top of ume.c) */
Addr VG_(client_base); /* client address space limits */
Addr VG_(client_end);
Addr VG_(client_mapbase);
Addr VG_(client_trampoline_code);
Addr VG_(clstk_base);
Addr VG_(clstk_end);
Addr VG_(brk_base); /* start of brk */
Addr VG_(brk_limit); /* current brk */
Addr VG_(shadow_base); /* tool's shadow memory */
Addr VG_(shadow_end);
Addr VG_(valgrind_base); /* valgrind's address range */
// Note that VG_(valgrind_last) names the last byte of the section, whereas
// the VG_(*_end) vars name the byte one past the end of the section.
Addr VG_(valgrind_last);
struct vki_rlimit VG_(client_rlimit_data);
struct vki_rlimit VG_(client_rlimit_stack);
/* This is set early to indicate whether this CPU has the
SSE/fxsave/fxrestor features. */
Bool VG_(have_ssestate);
/* stage1 (main) executable */
static Int vgexecfd = -1;
/* client executable */
Int VG_(clexecfd) = -1;
/* Path to library directory */
const Char *VG_(libdir) = VG_LIBDIR;
/* our argc/argv */
static Int vg_argc;
static Char **vg_argv;
/* PID of the main thread */
Int VG_(main_pid);
/* PGRP of process */
Int VG_(main_pgrp);
/* Application-visible file descriptor limits */
Int VG_(fd_soft_limit) = -1;
Int VG_(fd_hard_limit) = -1;
/* As deduced from sp_at_startup, the client's argc, argv[] and
envp[] as extracted from the client's stack at startup-time. */
Int VG_(client_argc);
Char** VG_(client_argv);
Char** VG_(client_envp);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Running stuff
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Counts downwards in VG_(run_innerloop). */
UInt VG_(dispatch_ctr);
/* 64-bit counter for the number of basic blocks done. */
ULong VG_(bbs_done) = 0;
/* Tell the logging mechanism whether we are logging to a file
descriptor or a socket descriptor. */
Bool VG_(logging_to_filedes) = True;
/*=== Counters, for profiling purposes only ===*/
// These ones maintained by vg_dispatch.S
UInt VG_(bb_enchain_count) = 0; // Number of chain operations done
UInt VG_(bb_dechain_count) = 0; // Number of unchain operations done
UInt VG_(unchained_jumps_done) = 0; // Number of unchained jumps done
/* Counts pertaining to internal sanity checking. */
static UInt sanity_fast_count = 0;
static UInt sanity_slow_count = 0;
static void print_all_stats ( void )
// Translation stats
"chainings: %d chainings, %d unchainings.",
VG_(bb_enchain_count), VG_(bb_dechain_count) );
" dispatch: %llu jumps (bb entries); of them %u (%lu%%) unchained.",
((ULong)(100) * (ULong)(VG_(unchained_jumps_done)))
/ ( VG_(bbs_done)==0 ? 1 : VG_(bbs_done) )
// Scheduler stats
" sanity: %d cheap, %d expensive checks.",
sanity_fast_count, sanity_slow_count );
// Memory stats
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "");
"------ Valgrind's internal memory use stats follow ------" );
VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "");
"------ Valgrind's ExeContext management stats follow ------" );
/*=== Miscellaneous global functions ===*/
static Int ptrace_setregs(Int pid, ThreadId tid)
if (VG_(is_running_thread)( tid ))
return VGA_(ptrace_setregs_from_BB)(pid);
return VGA_(ptrace_setregs_from_tst)(pid, &VG_(threads)[tid].arch);
/* Start debugger and get it to attach to this process. Called if the
user requests this service after an error has been shown, so she can
poke around and look at parameters, memory, etc. You can't
meaningfully get the debugger to continue the program, though; to
continue, quit the debugger. */
void VG_(start_debugger) ( Int tid )
Int pid;
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
VG_(kill)(VG_(getpid)(), VKI_SIGSTOP);
} else if (pid > 0) {
Int status;
Int res;
if ((res = VG_(waitpid)(pid, &status, 0)) == pid &&
WIFSTOPPED(status) && WSTOPSIG(status) == SIGSTOP &&
ptrace_setregs(pid, tid) == 0 &&
kill(pid, SIGSTOP) == 0 &&
ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, NULL, 0) == 0) {
Char pidbuf[15];
Char file[30];
Char buf[100];
Char *bufptr;
Char *cmdptr;
VG_(sprintf)(pidbuf, "%d", pid);
VG_(sprintf)(file, "/proc/%d/fd/%d", pid, VG_(clexecfd));
bufptr = buf;
cmdptr = VG_(clo_db_command);
while (*cmdptr) {
switch (*cmdptr) {
case '%':
switch (*++cmdptr) {
case 'f':
VG_(memcpy)(bufptr, file, VG_(strlen)(file));
bufptr += VG_(strlen)(file);
case 'p':
VG_(memcpy)(bufptr, pidbuf, VG_(strlen)(pidbuf));
bufptr += VG_(strlen)(pidbuf);
*bufptr++ = *cmdptr++;
*bufptr++ = *cmdptr++;
*bufptr++ = '\0';
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "starting debugger with cmd: %s", buf);
res = VG_(system)(buf);
if (res == 0) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
"Debugger has detached. Valgrind regains control. We continue.");
} else {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Apparently failed!");
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
VG_(kill)(pid, VKI_SIGKILL);
VG_(waitpid)(pid, &status, 0);
/* Print some helpful-ish text about unimplemented things, and give
up. */
void VG_(unimplemented) ( Char* msg )
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
"Valgrind detected that your program requires");
"the following unimplemented functionality:");
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, " %s", msg);
"This may be because the functionality is hard to implement,");
"or because no reasonable program would behave this way,");
"or because nobody has yet needed it. In any case, let us know at");
"%s and/or try to work around the problem, if you can.", VG_BUGS_TO);
"Valgrind has to exit now. Sorry. Bye!");
Addr VG_(get_stack_pointer) ( void )
/* Debugging thing .. can be called from assembly with OYNK macro. */
void VG_(oynk) ( Int n )
/* Initialize the PID and PGRP of scheduler LWP; this is also called
in any new children after fork. */
static void newpid(ThreadId unused)
/* PID of scheduler LWP */
VG_(main_pid) = VG_(getpid)();
VG_(main_pgrp) = VG_(getpgrp)();
/*=== Check we were launched by stage 1 ===*/
/* Look for our AUXV table */
int scan_auxv(void* init_sp)
const struct ume_auxv *auxv = find_auxv((UWord*)init_sp);
int padfile = -1, found = 0;
for (; auxv->a_type != AT_NULL; auxv++)
switch(auxv->a_type) {
padfile = auxv->u.a_val;
found |= 1;
vgexecfd = auxv->u.a_val;
found |= 2;
case AT_PHDR:
VG_(valgrind_base) = PGROUNDDN(auxv->u.a_val);
if ( found != (1|2) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: stage2 must be launched by stage1\n");
vg_assert(padfile >= 0);
return padfile;
/*=== Address space determination ===*/
extern char _start[];
static void layout_remaining_space(Addr argc_addr, float ratio)
Int ires;
void* vres;
Addr client_size, shadow_size;
// VG_(valgrind_base) should have been set by scan_auxv, but if not,
// this is a workable approximation
if (VG_(valgrind_base) == 0) {
VG_(valgrind_base) = PGROUNDDN(&_start);
VG_(valgrind_last) = ROUNDUP(argc_addr, 0x10000) - 1; // stack
// This gives the client the largest possible address space while
// taking into account the tool's shadow needs.
client_size = ROUNDDN((VG_(valgrind_base)-REDZONE_SIZE) / (1.+ratio),
VG_(client_base) = CLIENT_BASE;
VG_(client_end) = VG_(client_base) + client_size;
/* where !FIXED mmap goes */
VG_(client_mapbase) = VG_(client_base) +
VG_(shadow_base) = VG_(client_end) + REDZONE_SIZE;
VG_(shadow_end) = VG_(valgrind_base);
shadow_size = VG_(shadow_end) - VG_(shadow_base);
#define SEGSIZE(a,b) ((VG_(b) - VG_(a))/(1024*1024))
if (0)
"client_base %8x (%dMB)\n"
"client_mapbase %8x (%dMB)\n"
"client_end %8x (%dMB)\n"
"shadow_base %8x (%dMB)\n"
"shadow_end %8x\n"
"valgrind_base %8x (%dMB)\n"
"valgrind_last %8x\n",
VG_(client_base), SEGSIZE(client_base, client_mapbase),
VG_(client_mapbase), SEGSIZE(client_mapbase, client_end),
VG_(client_end), SEGSIZE(client_end, shadow_base),
VG_(shadow_base), SEGSIZE(shadow_base, shadow_end),
VG_(valgrind_base), SEGSIZE(valgrind_base, valgrind_last),
#undef SEGSIZE
// Ban redzone
vres = mmap((void *)VG_(client_end), REDZONE_SIZE, PROT_NONE,
vg_assert((void*)-1 != vres);
// Make client hole
ires = munmap((void*)VG_(client_base), client_size);
vg_assert(0 == ires);
// Map shadow memory.
// Initially all inaccessible, incrementally initialized as it is used
if (shadow_size != 0) {
vres = mmap((char *)VG_(shadow_base), shadow_size, PROT_NONE,
if ((void*)-1 == vres) {
"valgrind: Could not allocate address space (%p bytes)\n"
"valgrind: for shadow memory\n"
"valgrind: Possible causes:\n"
"valgrind: - For some systems (especially under RedHat 8), Valgrind\n"
"valgrind: needs at least 1.5GB swap space.\n"
"valgrind: - Or, your virtual memory size may be limited (check\n"
"valgrind: with 'ulimit -v').\n"
"valgrind: - Or, your system may use a kernel that provides only a\n"
"valgrind: too-small (eg. 2GB) user address space.\n"
, (void*)shadow_size
/*=== Command line setup ===*/
/* Nb: malloc'd memory never freed -- kept throughout like argv, envp */
static char* get_file_clo(char* dir)
# define FLEN 512
Int fd, n;
struct stat s1;
char* f_clo = NULL;
char filename[FLEN];
snprintf(filename, FLEN, "%s/.valgrindrc", ( NULL == dir ? "" : dir ) );
fd = VG_(open)(filename, 0, VKI_S_IRUSR);
if ( fd > 0 ) {
if ( 0 == fstat(fd, &s1) ) {
f_clo = malloc(s1.st_size+1);
n = read(fd, f_clo, s1.st_size);
if (n == -1) n = 0;
f_clo[n] = '\0';
return f_clo;
# undef FLEN
#define ISSPACE(cc) ((cc) == ' ' || (cc) == '\t' || (cc) == '\n')
static Int count_args(char* s)
Int n = 0;
if (s) {
char* cp = s;
while (True) {
// We have alternating sequences: blanks, non-blanks, blanks...
// count the non-blanks sequences.
while ( ISSPACE(*cp) ) cp++;
if ( !*cp ) break;
while ( !ISSPACE(*cp) && *cp ) cp++;
return n;
/* add args out of environment, skipping multiple spaces and -- args */
static char** copy_args( char* s, char** to )
if (s) {
char* cp = s;
while (True) {
// We have alternating sequences: blanks, non-blanks, blanks...
// copy the non-blanks sequences, and add terminating '\0'
while ( ISSPACE(*cp) ) cp++;
if ( !*cp ) break;
*to++ = cp;
while ( !ISSPACE(*cp) && *cp ) cp++;
if ( *cp ) *cp++ = '\0'; // terminate if necessary
if (VG_STREQ(to[-1], "--")) to--; // undo any '--' arg
return to;
#undef ISSPACE
// Augment command line with arguments from environment and .valgrindrc
// files.
static void augment_command_line(Int* vg_argc_inout, char*** vg_argv_inout)
int vg_argc0 = *vg_argc_inout;
char** vg_argv0 = *vg_argv_inout;
char* env_clo = getenv(VALGRINDOPTS);
char* f1_clo = get_file_clo( getenv("HOME") );
char* f2_clo = get_file_clo(".");
/* copy any extra args from file or environment, if present */
if ( (env_clo && *env_clo) || (f1_clo && *f1_clo) || (f2_clo && *f2_clo) ) {
/* ' ' separated extra options */
char **from;
char **to;
int orig_arg_count, env_arg_count, f1_arg_count, f2_arg_count;
for ( orig_arg_count = 0; vg_argv0[orig_arg_count]; orig_arg_count++ );
env_arg_count = count_args(env_clo);
f1_arg_count = count_args(f1_clo);
f2_arg_count = count_args(f2_clo);
if (0)
printf("extra-argc=%d %d %d\n",
env_arg_count, f1_arg_count, f2_arg_count);
/* +2: +1 for null-termination, +1 for added '--' */
from = vg_argv0;
vg_argv0 = malloc( (orig_arg_count + env_arg_count + f1_arg_count
+ f2_arg_count + 2) * sizeof(char **));
to = vg_argv0;
/* copy argv[0] */
*to++ = *from++;
/* Copy extra args from env var and file, in the order: ~/.valgrindrc,
* $VALGRIND_OPTS, ./.valgrindrc -- more local options are put later
* to override less local ones. */
to = copy_args(f1_clo, to);
to = copy_args(env_clo, to);
to = copy_args(f2_clo, to);
/* copy original arguments, stopping at command or -- */
while (*from) {
if (**from != '-')
if (VG_STREQ(*from, "--")) {
from++; /* skip -- */
*to++ = *from++;
/* add -- */
*to++ = "--";
vg_argc0 = to - vg_argv0;
/* copy rest of original command line, then NULL */
while (*from) *to++ = *from++;
*to = NULL;
*vg_argc_inout = vg_argc0;
*vg_argv_inout = vg_argv0;
#define VG_CLO_SEP '\01'
static void get_command_line( int argc, char** argv,
Int* vg_argc_out, Char*** vg_argv_out,
char*** cl_argv_out )
int vg_argc0;
char** vg_argv0;
char** cl_argv;
char* env_clo = getenv(VALGRINDCLO);
if (env_clo != NULL && *env_clo != '\0') {
char *cp;
char **cpp;
/* OK, VALGRINDCLO is set, which means we must be a child of another
Valgrind process using --trace-children, so we're getting all our
arguments from VALGRINDCLO, and the entire command line belongs to
the client (including argv[0]) */
vg_argc0 = 1; /* argv[0] */
for (cp = env_clo; *cp; cp++)
if (*cp == VG_CLO_SEP)
vg_argv0 = malloc(sizeof(char **) * (vg_argc0 + 1));
cpp = vg_argv0;
*cpp++ = "valgrind"; /* nominal argv[0] */
*cpp++ = env_clo;
// Replace the VG_CLO_SEP args separator with '\0'
for (cp = env_clo; *cp; cp++) {
if (*cp == VG_CLO_SEP) {
*cp++ = '\0'; /* chop it up in place */
*cpp++ = cp;
*cpp = NULL;
cl_argv = argv;
} else {
/* Count the arguments on the command line. */
vg_argv0 = argv;
for (vg_argc0 = 1; vg_argc0 < argc; vg_argc0++) {
if (argv[vg_argc0][0] != '-') /* exe name */
if (VG_STREQ(argv[vg_argc0], "--")) { /* dummy arg */
cl_argv = &argv[vg_argc0];
/* Get extra args from VALGRIND_OPTS and .valgrindrc files.
Note we don't do this if getting args from VALGRINDCLO, as
those extra args will already be present in VALGRINDCLO. */
augment_command_line(&vg_argc0, &vg_argv0);
if (0) {
Int i;
for (i = 0; i < vg_argc0; i++)
printf("vg_argv0[%d]=\"%s\"\n", i, vg_argv0[i]);
*vg_argc_out = vg_argc0;
*vg_argv_out = (Char**)vg_argv0;
*cl_argv_out = cl_argv;
/*=== Environment and stack setup ===*/
/* Scan a colon-separated list, and call a function on each element.
The string must be mutable, because we insert a temporary '\0', but
the string will end up unmodified. (*func) should return True if it
doesn't need to see any more.
This routine will return True if (*func) returns True and False if
it reaches the end of the list without that happening.
static Bool scan_colsep(char *colsep, Bool (*func)(const char *))
char *cp, *entry;
int end;
if (colsep == NULL ||
*colsep == '\0')
return False;
entry = cp = colsep;
do {
end = (*cp == '\0');
if (*cp == ':' || *cp == '\0') {
char save = *cp;
*cp = '\0';
if ((*func)(entry)) {
*cp = save;
return True;
*cp = save;
entry = cp+1;
} while(!end);
return False;
static Bool contains(const char *p) {
if (VG_STREQ(p, VG_(libdir))) {
return True;
return False;
/* Prepare the client's environment. This is basically a copy of our
environment, except:
If any of these is missing, then it is added.
Yummy. String hacking in C.
If this needs to handle any more variables it should be hacked
into something table driven.
static char **fix_environment(char **origenv, const char *preload)
static const char inject_so[] = "";
static const char ld_library_path[] = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=";
static const char ld_preload[] = "LD_PRELOAD=";
static const char valgrind_clo[] = VALGRINDCLO "=";
static const int ld_library_path_len = sizeof(ld_library_path)-1;
static const int ld_preload_len = sizeof(ld_preload)-1;
static const int valgrind_clo_len = sizeof(valgrind_clo)-1;
int ld_preload_done = 0;
int ld_library_path_done = 0;
char *inject_path;
int inject_path_len;
int vgliblen = strlen(VG_(libdir));
char **cpp;
char **ret;
int envc;
const int preloadlen = (preload == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(preload);
/* Find the; also make room for the tool preload
library */
inject_path_len = sizeof(inject_so) + vgliblen + preloadlen + 16;
inject_path = malloc(inject_path_len);
if (preload)
snprintf(inject_path, inject_path_len, "%s/%s:%s",
VG_(libdir), inject_so, preload);
snprintf(inject_path, inject_path_len, "%s/%s",
VG_(libdir), inject_so);
/* Count the original size of the env */
envc = 0; /* trailing NULL */
for (cpp = origenv; cpp && *cpp; cpp++)
/* Allocate a new space */
ret = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (envc+3+1)); /* 3 new entries + NULL */
/* copy it over */
for (cpp = ret; *origenv; )
*cpp++ = *origenv++;
*cpp = NULL;
vg_assert(envc == (cpp - ret));
/* Walk over the new environment, mashing as we go */
for (cpp = ret; cpp && *cpp; cpp++) {
if (memcmp(*cpp, ld_library_path, ld_library_path_len) == 0) {
/* If the LD_LIBRARY_PATH already contains libdir, then don't
bother adding it again, even if it isn't the first (it
seems that the Java runtime will keep reexecing itself
unless its paths are at the front of LD_LIBRARY_PATH) */
if (!scan_colsep(*cpp + ld_library_path_len, contains)) {
int len = strlen(*cpp) + vgliblen*2 + 16;
char *cp = malloc(len);
snprintf(cp, len, "%s%s:%s",
ld_library_path, VG_(libdir),
*cpp = cp;
ld_library_path_done = 1;
} else if (memcmp(*cpp, ld_preload, ld_preload_len) == 0) {
int len = strlen(*cpp) + inject_path_len;
char *cp = malloc(len);
snprintf(cp, len, "%s%s:%s",
ld_preload, inject_path, (*cpp)+ld_preload_len);
*cpp = cp;
ld_preload_done = 1;
} else if (memcmp(*cpp, valgrind_clo, valgrind_clo_len) == 0) {
*cpp = "";
/* Add the missing bits */
if (!ld_library_path_done) {
int len = ld_library_path_len + vgliblen*2 + 16;
char *cp = malloc(len);
snprintf(cp, len, "%s%s", ld_library_path, VG_(libdir));
ret[envc++] = cp;
if (!ld_preload_done) {
int len = ld_preload_len + inject_path_len;
char *cp = malloc(len);
snprintf(cp, len, "%s%s",
ld_preload, inject_path);
ret[envc++] = cp;
ret[envc] = NULL;
return ret;
extern char **environ; /* our environment */
//#include <error.h>
/* Add a string onto the string table, and return its address */
static char *copy_str(char **tab, const char *str)
char *cp = *tab;
char *orig = cp;
*cp++ = *str++;
*cp++ = '\0';
if (0)
printf("copied %p \"%s\" len %lld\n", orig, orig, (Long)(cp-orig));
*tab = cp;
return orig;
This sets up the client's initial stack, containing the args,
environment and aux vector.
The format of the stack is:
higher address +-----------------+
| Trampoline code |
| |
: string table :
| |
- -
| auxv |
| NULL |
- -
| envp |
| NULL |
- -
| argv |
| argc |
lower address +-----------------+ <- sp
| undefined |
: :
static Addr setup_client_stack(void* init_sp,
char **orig_argv, char **orig_envp,
const struct exeinfo *info,
UInt** client_auxv)
void* res;
char **cpp;
char *strtab; /* string table */
char *stringbase;
Addr *ptr;
struct ume_auxv *auxv;
const struct ume_auxv *orig_auxv;
const struct ume_auxv *cauxv;
unsigned stringsize; /* total size of strings in bytes */
unsigned auxsize; /* total size of auxv in bytes */
int argc; /* total argc */
int envc; /* total number of env vars */
unsigned stacksize; /* total client stack size */
Addr cl_esp; /* client stack base (initial esp) */
/* use our own auxv as a prototype */
orig_auxv = find_auxv(init_sp);
/* ==================== compute sizes ==================== */
/* first of all, work out how big the client stack will be */
stringsize = 0;
/* paste on the extra args if the loader needs them (ie, the #!
interpreter and its argument) */
argc = 0;
if (info->interp_name != NULL) {
stringsize += strlen(info->interp_name) + 1;
if (info->interp_args != NULL) {
stringsize += strlen(info->interp_args) + 1;
/* now scan the args we're given... */
for (cpp = orig_argv; *cpp; cpp++) {
stringsize += strlen(*cpp) + 1;
/* ...and the environment */
envc = 0;
for (cpp = orig_envp; cpp && *cpp; cpp++) {
stringsize += strlen(*cpp) + 1;
/* now, how big is the auxv? */
auxsize = sizeof(*auxv); /* there's always at least one entry: AT_NULL */
for (cauxv = orig_auxv; cauxv->a_type != AT_NULL; cauxv++) {
if (cauxv->a_type == AT_PLATFORM)
stringsize += strlen(cauxv->u.a_ptr) + 1;
auxsize += sizeof(*cauxv);
/* OK, now we know how big the client stack is */
stacksize =
sizeof(int) + /* argc */
sizeof(char **)*argc + /* argv */
sizeof(char **) + /* terminal NULL */
sizeof(char **)*envc + /* envp */
sizeof(char **) + /* terminal NULL */
auxsize + /* auxv */
ROUNDUP(stringsize, sizeof(int)) +/* strings (aligned) */
VKI_PAGE_SIZE; /* page for trampoline code */
// decide where stack goes!
VG_(clstk_end) = VG_(client_end);
VG_(client_trampoline_code) = VG_(clstk_end) - VKI_PAGE_SIZE;
/* cl_esp is the client's stack pointer */
cl_esp = VG_(clstk_end) - stacksize;
cl_esp = ROUNDDN(cl_esp, 16); /* make stack 16 byte aligned */
/* base of the string table (aligned) */
stringbase = strtab = (char *)(VG_(client_trampoline_code) - ROUNDUP(stringsize, sizeof(int)));
VG_(clstk_base) = PGROUNDDN(cl_esp);
if (0)
printf("stringsize=%d auxsize=%d stacksize=%d\n"
"clstk_base %p\n"
"clstk_end %p\n",
stringsize, auxsize, stacksize,
(void*)VG_(clstk_base), (void*)VG_(clstk_end));
/* ==================== allocate space ==================== */
/* allocate a stack - mmap enough space for the stack */
res = mmap((void *)PGROUNDDN(cl_esp), VG_(clstk_end) - PGROUNDDN(cl_esp),
vg_assert((void*)-1 != res);
/* ==================== copy client stack ==================== */
ptr = (Addr*)cl_esp;
/* --- argc --- */
*ptr++ = argc; /* client argc */
/* --- argv --- */
if (info->interp_name) {
*ptr++ = (Addr)copy_str(&strtab, info->interp_name);
if (info->interp_args) {
*ptr++ = (Addr)copy_str(&strtab, info->interp_args);
for (cpp = orig_argv; *cpp; ptr++, cpp++) {
*ptr = (Addr)copy_str(&strtab, *cpp);
*ptr++ = 0;
/* --- envp --- */
VG_(client_envp) = (Char **)ptr;
for (cpp = orig_envp; cpp && *cpp; ptr++, cpp++)
*ptr = (Addr)copy_str(&strtab, *cpp);
*ptr++ = 0;
/* --- auxv --- */
auxv = (struct ume_auxv *)ptr;
*client_auxv = (UInt *)auxv;
for (; orig_auxv->a_type != AT_NULL; auxv++, orig_auxv++) {
/* copy the entry... */
*auxv = *orig_auxv;
/* ...and fix up the copy */
switch(auxv->a_type) {
case AT_PHDR:
if (info->phdr == 0)
auxv->a_type = AT_IGNORE;
auxv->u.a_val = info->phdr;
case AT_PHNUM:
if (info->phdr == 0)
auxv->a_type = AT_IGNORE;
auxv->u.a_val = info->phnum;
case AT_BASE:
if (info->interp_base == 0)
auxv->a_type = AT_IGNORE;
auxv->u.a_val = info->interp_base;
case AT_PLATFORM: /* points to a platform description string */
auxv->u.a_ptr = copy_str(&strtab, orig_auxv->u.a_ptr);
case AT_ENTRY:
auxv->u.a_val = info->entry;
case AT_PHENT:
case AT_FLAGS:
case AT_UID:
case AT_EUID:
case AT_GID:
case AT_EGID:
case AT_HWCAP:
case AT_FPUCW:
/* All these are pointerless, so we don't need to do anything
about them. */
/* If this is 1, then it means that this program is running
suid, and therefore the dynamic linker should be careful
about LD_PRELOAD, etc. However, since stage1 (the thing
the kernel actually execve's) should never be SUID, and we
need LD_PRELOAD/LD_LIBRARY_PATH to work for the client, we
set AT_SECURE to 0. */
auxv->u.a_val = 0;
/* Leave this unmolested for now, but we'll update it later
when we set up the client trampoline code page */
/* Trash this, because we don't reproduce it */
auxv->a_type = AT_IGNORE;
/* stomp out anything we don't know about */
if (0)
printf("stomping auxv entry %lld\n", (ULong)auxv->a_type);
auxv->a_type = AT_IGNORE;
*auxv = *orig_auxv;
vg_assert(auxv->a_type == AT_NULL);
/* --- trampoline page --- */
VG_(memcpy)( (void *)VG_(client_trampoline_code),
&VG_(trampoline_code_start), VG_(trampoline_code_length) );
vg_assert((strtab-stringbase) == stringsize);
/* We know the initial ESP is pointing at argc/argv */
VG_(client_argc) = *(Int*)cl_esp;
VG_(client_argv) = (Char**)(cl_esp + sizeof(Int));
return cl_esp;
/*=== Find executable ===*/
static const char* executable_name;
static Bool match_executable(const char *entry) {
char buf[strlen(entry) + strlen(executable_name) + 2];
/* empty PATH element means . */
if (*entry == '\0')
entry = ".";
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", entry, executable_name);
if (access(buf, R_OK|X_OK) == 0) {
executable_name = strdup(buf);
vg_assert(NULL != executable_name);
return True;
return False;
static const char* find_executable(const char* exec)
vg_assert(NULL != exec);
executable_name = exec;
if (strchr(executable_name, '/') == NULL) {
/* no '/' - we need to search the path */
char *path = getenv("PATH");
scan_colsep(path, match_executable);
return executable_name;
/*=== Loading tools ===*/
static void list_tools(void)
DIR *dir = opendir(VG_(libdir));
struct dirent *de;
int first = 1;
if (dir == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s: %s (installation problem?)\n",
VG_(libdir), strerror(errno));
while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
int len = strlen(de->d_name);
/* look for names */
if (len > (7+1+3) && /* "vgtool_" + at least 1-char toolname + ".so" */
strncmp(de->d_name, "vgtool_", 7) == 0 &&
VG_STREQ(de->d_name + len - 3, ".so")) {
if (first) {
fprintf(stderr, "Available tools:\n");
first = 0;
de->d_name[len-3] = '\0';
fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", de->d_name+7);
if (first)
fprintf(stderr, "No tools available in \"%s\" (installation problem?)\n",
/* Find and load a tool, and check it looks ok. Also looks to see if there's
* a matching vgpreload_*.so file, and returns its name in *preloadpath. */
static void load_tool( const char *toolname, void** handle_out,
ToolInfo** toolinfo_out, char **preloadpath_out )
Bool ok;
int len = strlen(VG_(libdir)) + strlen(toolname)*2 + 16;
char buf[len];
void* handle;
ToolInfo* toolinfo;
char* preloadpath = NULL;
Int* vg_malloc_redzonep;
// XXX: allowing full paths for --tool option -- does it make sense?
// Doesn't allow for vgpreload_<tool>.so.
if (strchr(toolname, '/') != 0) {
/* toolname contains '/', and so must be a pathname */
handle = dlopen(toolname, RTLD_NOW);
} else {
/* just try in the libdir */
snprintf(buf, len, "%s/", VG_(libdir), toolname);
handle = dlopen(buf, RTLD_NOW);
if (handle != NULL) {
snprintf(buf, len, "%s/", VG_(libdir), toolname);
if (access(buf, R_OK) == 0) {
preloadpath = strdup(buf);
vg_assert(NULL != preloadpath);
ok = (NULL != handle);
if (!ok) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open tool \"%s\": %s\n", toolname, dlerror());
goto bad_load;
toolinfo = dlsym(handle, "vgTool_tool_info");
ok = (NULL != toolinfo);
if (!ok) {
fprintf(stderr, "Tool \"%s\" doesn't define TL_(tool_info) - "
goto bad_load;
ok = (toolinfo->sizeof_ToolInfo == sizeof(*toolinfo) &&
toolinfo->interface_major_version == VG_CORE_INTERFACE_MAJOR_VERSION &&
toolinfo->sk_pre_clo_init != NULL);
if (!ok) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error:\n"
" Tool and core interface versions do not match.\n"
" Interface version used by core is: %d.%d (size %d)\n"
" Interface version used by tool is: %d.%d (size %d)\n"
" The major version numbers must match.\n",
fprintf(stderr, " You need to at least recompile, and possibly update,\n");
if (VG_CORE_INTERFACE_MAJOR_VERSION > toolinfo->interface_major_version)
fprintf(stderr, " your tool to work with this version of Valgrind.\n");
fprintf(stderr, " your version of Valgrind to work with this tool.\n");
goto bad_load;
// Set redzone size for V's allocator
vg_malloc_redzonep = dlsym(handle, STR(VG_(vg_malloc_redzone_szB)));
if ( NULL != vg_malloc_redzonep ) {
VG_(vg_malloc_redzone_szB) = *vg_malloc_redzonep;
vg_assert(NULL != handle && NULL != toolinfo);
*handle_out = handle;
*toolinfo_out = toolinfo;
*preloadpath_out = preloadpath;
if (handle != NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: couldn't load tool\n");
/*=== Command line errors ===*/
static void abort_msg ( void )
VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_Fd;
VG_(clo_log_fd) = 2; /* stderr */
void VG_(bad_option) ( Char* opt )
VG_(printf)("valgrind: Bad option `%s'; aborting.\n", opt);
VG_(printf)("valgrind: Use --help for more information.\n");
static void missing_tool_option ( void )
VG_(printf)("valgrind: Missing --tool option\n");
VG_(printf)("valgrind: Use --help for more information.\n");
static void missing_prog ( void )
VG_(printf)("valgrind: no program specified\n");
VG_(printf)("valgrind: Use --help for more information.\n");
static void config_error ( Char* msg )
VG_(printf)("valgrind: Startup or configuration error:\n %s\n", msg);
VG_(printf)("valgrind: Unable to start up properly. Giving up.\n");
/*=== Loading the client ===*/
static void load_client(char* cl_argv[], const char* exec, Int need_help,
/*out*/struct exeinfo* info, /*out*/Addr* client_eip)
// If they didn't specify an executable with --exec, and didn't specify
// --help, then use client argv[0] (searching $PATH if necessary).
if (NULL == exec && !need_help) {
if (cl_argv[0] == NULL ||
( NULL == (exec = find_executable(cl_argv[0])) ) )
info->map_base = VG_(client_mapbase);
info->exe_base = VG_(client_base);
info->exe_end = VG_(client_end);
info->argv = cl_argv;
if (need_help) {
VG_(clexecfd) = -1;
// Set the minimal number of entries in 'info' to continue.
info->interp_name = NULL;
info->interp_args = NULL;
} else {
Int ret;
VG_(clexecfd) = VG_(open)(exec, VKI_O_RDONLY, VKI_S_IRUSR);
ret = do_exec(exec, info);
if (ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: do_exec(%s) failed: %s\n",
exec, strerror(ret));
/* Copy necessary bits of 'info' that were filled in */
*client_eip = info->init_eip;
VG_(brk_base) = VG_(brk_limit) = info->brkbase;
/*=== Address space unpadding ===*/
typedef struct {
char* killpad_start;
char* killpad_end;
struct stat* killpad_padstat;
} killpad_extra;
static int killpad(char *segstart, char *segend, const char *perm, off_t off,
int maj, int min, int ino, void* ex)
killpad_extra* extra = ex;
void *b, *e;
int res;
vg_assert(NULL != extra->killpad_padstat);
if (extra->killpad_padstat->st_dev != makedev(maj, min) ||
extra->killpad_padstat->st_ino != ino)
return 1;
if (segend <= extra->killpad_start || segstart >= extra->killpad_end)
return 1;
if (segstart <= extra->killpad_start)
b = extra->killpad_start;
b = segstart;
if (segend >= extra->killpad_end)
e = extra->killpad_end;
e = segend;
res = munmap(b, (char *)e-(char *)b);
vg_assert(0 == res);
return 1;
// Remove padding of 'padfile' from a range of address space.
void as_unpad(void *start, void *end, int padfile)
static struct stat padstat;
killpad_extra extra;
int res;
vg_assert(padfile > 0);
res = fstat(padfile, &padstat);
vg_assert(0 == res);
extra.killpad_padstat = &padstat;
extra.killpad_start = start;
extra.killpad_end = end;
foreach_map(killpad, &extra);
void as_closepadfile(int padfile)
int res = close(padfile);
vg_assert(0 == res);
/*=== Command-line: variables, processing, etc ===*/
/* Define, and set defaults. */
VexControl VG_(clo_vex_control);
Bool VG_(clo_error_limit) = True;
Bool VG_(clo_db_attach) = False;
Char* VG_(clo_db_command) = VG_CLO_DEFAULT_DBCOMMAND;
Bool VG_(clo_gen_suppressions) = False;
Int VG_(clo_sanity_level) = 1;
Int VG_(clo_verbosity) = 1;
Bool VG_(clo_demangle) = True;
Bool VG_(clo_trace_children) = False;
/* See big comment in core.h for meaning of these three.
fd is initially stdout, for --help, but gets moved to stderr by default
immediately afterwards. */
VgLogTo VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_Fd;
Int VG_(clo_log_fd) = 1;
Char* VG_(clo_log_name) = NULL;
Bool VG_(clo_time_stamp) = False;
Int VG_(clo_input_fd) = 0; /* stdin */
Int VG_(clo_n_suppressions) = 0;
Char* VG_(clo_suppressions)[VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES];
Bool VG_(clo_profile) = False;
Bool VG_(clo_single_step) = False;
Bool VG_(clo_optimise) = True;
UChar VG_(clo_trace_codegen) = 0; // 00000000b
Bool VG_(clo_trace_syscalls) = False;
Bool VG_(clo_trace_signals) = False;
Bool VG_(clo_trace_symtab) = False;
Bool VG_(clo_trace_sched) = False;
Int VG_(clo_trace_pthread_level) = 0;
Int VG_(clo_dump_error) = 0;
Int VG_(clo_backtrace_size) = 4;
Char* VG_(clo_weird_hacks) = NULL;
Bool VG_(clo_run_libc_freeres) = True;
Bool VG_(clo_track_fds) = False;
Bool VG_(clo_chain_bb) = True;
Bool VG_(clo_show_below_main) = False;
Bool VG_(clo_pointercheck) = True;
Bool VG_(clo_branchpred) = False;
static Bool VG_(clo_wait_for_gdb) = False;
/* If we're doing signal routing, poll for signals every 50mS by
default. */
Int VG_(clo_signal_polltime) = 50;
/* These flags reduce thread wakeup latency on syscall completion and
signal delivery, respectively. The downside is possible unfairness. */
Bool VG_(clo_lowlat_syscalls) = False; /* low-latency syscalls */
Bool VG_(clo_lowlat_signals) = False; /* low-latency signals */
void usage ( Bool debug_help )
Char* usage1 =
"usage: valgrind --tool=<toolname> [options] prog-and-args\n"
" common user options for all Valgrind tools, with defaults in [ ]:\n"
" --tool=<name> use the Valgrind tool named <name>\n"
" -h --help show this message\n"
" --help-debug show this message, plus debugging options\n"
" --version show version\n"
" -q --quiet run silently; only print error msgs\n"
" -v --verbose be more verbose, incl counts of errors\n"
" --trace-children=no|yes Valgrind-ise child processes? [no]\n"
" --track-fds=no|yes track open file descriptors? [no]\n"
" --time-stamp=no|yes add timestamps to log messages? [no]\n"
" uncommon user options for all Valgrind tools:\n"
" --run-libc-freeres=no|yes free up glibc memory at exit? [yes]\n"
" --weird-hacks=hack1,hack2,... recognised hacks: lax-ioctls [none]\n"
" --signal-polltime=<time> signal poll period (mS) for older kernels [50]\n"
" --lowlat-signals=no|yes improve thread signal wake-up latency [no]\n"
" --lowlat-syscalls=no|yes improve thread syscall wake-up latency [no]\n"
" --pointercheck=no|yes enforce client address space limits [yes]\n"
" user options for Valgrind tools that report errors:\n"
" --log-fd=<number> log messages to file descriptor [2=stderr]\n"
" --log-file=<file> log messages to <file>.pid<pid>\n"
" --log-socket=ipaddr:port log messages to socket ipaddr:port\n"
" --demangle=no|yes automatically demangle C++ names? [yes]\n"
" --num-callers=<number> show <num> callers in stack traces [4]\n"
" --error-limit=no|yes stop showing new errors if too many? [yes]\n"
" --show-below-main=no|yes continue stack traces below main() [no]\n"
" --suppressions=<filename> suppress errors described in <filename>\n"
" --gen-suppressions=no|yes print suppressions for errors detected [no]\n"
" --db-attach=no|yes start debugger when errors detected? [no]\n"
" --db-command=<command> command to start debugger [gdb -nw %%f %%p]\n"
" --input-fd=<number> file descriptor for input [0=stdin]\n"
Char* usage2 =
" debugging options for all Valgrind tools:\n"
" --sanity-level=<number> level of sanity checking to do [1]\n"
" --single-step=no|yes translate each instr separately? [no]\n"
" --optimise=no|yes improve intermediate code? [yes]\n"
" --profile=no|yes profile? (tool must be built for it) [no]\n"
" --chain-bb=no|yes do basic-block chaining? [yes]\n"
" --branchpred=yes|no generate branch prediction hints [no]\n"
" --trace-codegen=<XXXXXXXX> show generated code? (X = 0|1) [00000000]\n"
" --trace-syscalls=no|yes show all system calls? [no]\n"
" --trace-signals=no|yes show signal handling details? [no]\n"
" --trace-symtab=no|yes show symbol table details? [no]\n"
" --trace-sched=no|yes show thread scheduler details? [no]\n"
" --trace-pthread=none|some|all show pthread event details? [none]\n"
" --wait-for-gdb=yes|no pause on startup to wait for gdb attach\n"
" --vex-iropt-verbosity 0 .. 9 [0]\n"
" --vex-iropt-level 0 .. 2 [2]\n"
" --vex-iropt-precise-memory-exns [no]\n"
" --vex-iropt-unroll-thresh 0 .. 400 [120]\n"
" --vex-guest-max-insns 1 .. 100 [50]\n"
" --vex-guest-chase-thresh 0 .. 99 [10]\n"
" debugging options for Valgrind tools that report errors\n"
" --dump-error=<number> show translation for basic block associated\n"
" with <number>'th error context [0=show none]\n"
Char* usage3 =
" Extra options read from ~/.valgrindrc, $VALGRIND_OPTS, ./.valgrindrc\n"
" Valgrind is Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Julian Seward et al.\n"
" and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.\n"
" Bug reports, feedback, admiration, abuse, etc, to: %s.\n"
" Tools are copyright and licensed by their authors. See each\n"
" tool's start-up message for more information.\n"
if (VG_(details).name) {
VG_(printf)(" user options for %s:\n", VG_(details).name);
if (VG_(needs).command_line_options)
VG_(printf)(" (none)\n");
if (debug_help) {
if (VG_(details).name) {
VG_(printf)(" debugging options for %s:\n", VG_(details).name);
if (VG_(needs).command_line_options)
VG_(printf)(" (none)\n");
VG_(printf)(usage3, VG_BUGS_TO);
static void pre_process_cmd_line_options
( Int* need_help, const char** tool, const char** exec )
UInt i;
LibVEX_default_VexControl(& VG_(clo_vex_control));
/* parse the options we have (only the options we care about now) */
for (i = 1; i < vg_argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(vg_argv[i], "--version") == 0) {
printf("valgrind-" VERSION "\n");
} else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(vg_argv[i], "--help") ||
VG_CLO_STREQ(vg_argv[i], "-h")) {
*need_help = 1;
} else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(vg_argv[i], "--help-debug")) {
*need_help = 2;
} else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(7, vg_argv[i], "--tool=")) {
*tool = &vg_argv[i][7];
} else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(7, vg_argv[i], "--exec=")) {
*exec = &vg_argv[i][7];
/* If no tool specified, can act appropriately without loading tool */
if (*tool == NULL) {
if (0 == *need_help) {
// neither --tool nor --help/--help-debug specified
} else {
// Give help message, without any tool-specific help
usage(/*help-debug?*/2 == *need_help);
static void process_cmd_line_options( UInt* client_auxv, const char* toolname )
Int i, eventually_log_fd;
Int *auxp;
Int toolname_len = VG_(strlen)(toolname);
/* log to stderr by default, but usage message goes to stdout */
eventually_log_fd = 2;
/* Check for sane path in ./configure --prefix=... */
if (VG_LIBDIR[0] != '/')
config_error("Please use absolute paths in "
"./configure --prefix=... or --libdir=...");
for (auxp = client_auxv; auxp[0] != AT_NULL; auxp += 2) {
switch(auxp[0]) {
auxp[1] = (Int)(VG_(client_trampoline_code) + VG_(tramp_syscall_offset));
for (i = 1; i < vg_argc; i++) {
Char* arg = vg_argv[i];
Char* colon = arg;
/* Look for a colon in the switch name */
while (*colon && *colon != ':' && *colon != '=')
/* Look for matching "--toolname:foo" */
if (*colon == ':') {
if (VG_CLO_STREQN(2, arg, "--") &&
VG_CLO_STREQN(toolname_len, arg+2, toolname) &&
VG_CLO_STREQN(1, arg+2+toolname_len, ":"))
// prefix matches, convert "--toolname:foo" to "--foo"
if (0)
VG_(printf)("tool-specific arg: %s\n", arg);
arg += toolname_len + 1;
arg[0] = '-';
arg[1] = '-';
} else {
// prefix doesn't match, skip to next arg
/* Ignore these options - they've already been handled */
if (VG_CLO_STREQN(7, arg, "--tool="))
if (VG_CLO_STREQN(7, arg, "--exec="))
if ( VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--"))
else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "-v") ||
VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--verbose"))
else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "-q") ||
VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--quiet"))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--branchpred", VG_(clo_branchpred))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--chain-bb", VG_(clo_chain_bb))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--db-attach", VG_(clo_db_attach))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--demangle", VG_(clo_demangle))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--error-limit", VG_(clo_error_limit))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--gen-suppressions", VG_(clo_gen_suppressions))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--lowlat-signals", VG_(clo_lowlat_signals))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--lowlat-syscalls", VG_(clo_lowlat_syscalls))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--optimise", VG_(clo_optimise))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--pointercheck", VG_(clo_pointercheck))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--profile", VG_(clo_profile))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--run-libc-freeres", VG_(clo_run_libc_freeres))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--show-below-main", VG_(clo_show_below_main))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--single-step", VG_(clo_single_step))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--time-stamp", VG_(clo_time_stamp))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--track-fds", VG_(clo_track_fds))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--trace-children", VG_(clo_trace_children))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--trace-sched", VG_(clo_trace_sched))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--trace-signals", VG_(clo_trace_signals))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--trace-symtab", VG_(clo_trace_symtab))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--trace-syscalls", VG_(clo_trace_syscalls))
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--wait-for-gdb", VG_(clo_wait_for_gdb))
else VG_STR_CLO ("--db-command", VG_(clo_db_command))
else VG_STR_CLO ("--weird-hacks", VG_(clo_weird_hacks))
else VG_NUM_CLO ("--dump-error", VG_(clo_dump_error))
else VG_NUM_CLO ("--input-fd", VG_(clo_input_fd))
else VG_NUM_CLO ("--sanity-level", VG_(clo_sanity_level))
else VG_NUM_CLO ("--signal-polltime", VG_(clo_signal_polltime))
else VG_BNUM_CLO("--num-callers", VG_(clo_backtrace_size), 1,
else VG_BNUM_CLO("--vex-iropt-verbosity",
VG_(clo_vex_control).iropt_verbosity, 0, 10)
else VG_BNUM_CLO("--vex-iropt-level",
VG_(clo_vex_control).iropt_level, 0, 2)
else VG_BOOL_CLO("--vex-iropt-precise-memory-exns",
else VG_BNUM_CLO("--vex-iropt-unroll-thresh",
VG_(clo_vex_control).iropt_unroll_thresh, 0, 400)
else VG_BNUM_CLO("--vex-guest-max-insns",
VG_(clo_vex_control).guest_max_insns, 1, 100)
else VG_BNUM_CLO("--vex-guest-chase-thresh",
VG_(clo_vex_control).guest_chase_thresh, 0, 99)
// for backwards compatibility, replaced by --log-fd
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(13, arg, "--logfile-fd=")) {
VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_Fd;
VG_(clo_log_name) = NULL;
eventually_log_fd = (Int)VG_(atoll)(&arg[13]);
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(9, arg, "--log-fd=")) {
VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_Fd;
VG_(clo_log_name) = NULL;
eventually_log_fd = (Int)VG_(atoll)(&arg[9]);
// for backwards compatibility, replaced by --log-file
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(10, arg, "--logfile=")) {
VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_File;
VG_(clo_log_name) = &arg[10];
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(11, arg, "--log-file=")) {
VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_File;
VG_(clo_log_name) = &arg[11];
// for backwards compatibility, replaced by --log-socket
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(12, arg, "--logsocket=")) {
VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_Socket;
VG_(clo_log_name) = &arg[12];
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(13, arg, "--log-socket=")) {
VG_(clo_log_to) = VgLogTo_Socket;
VG_(clo_log_name) = &arg[13];
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(15, arg, "--suppressions=")) {
if (VG_(clo_n_suppressions) >= VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Too many suppression files specified.");
"Increase VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES and recompile.");
VG_(clo_suppressions)[VG_(clo_n_suppressions)] = &arg[15];
/* "vwxyz" --> 000zyxwv (binary) */
else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(16, arg, "--trace-codegen=")) {
Int j;
char* opt = & arg[16];
if (5 != VG_(strlen)(opt)) {
"--trace-codegen argument must have 8 digits");
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if ('0' == opt[j]) { /* do nothing */ }
else if ('1' == opt[j]) VG_(clo_trace_codegen) |= (1 << (7-j));
else {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "--trace-codegen argument can only "
"contain 0s and 1s");
else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--trace-pthread=none"))
VG_(clo_trace_pthread_level) = 0;
else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--trace-pthread=some"))
VG_(clo_trace_pthread_level) = 1;
else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--trace-pthread=all"))
VG_(clo_trace_pthread_level) = 2;
else if ( ! VG_(needs).command_line_options
|| ! TL_(process_cmd_line_option)(arg) ) {
// Check various option values
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) < 0)
VG_(clo_verbosity) = 0;
if (VG_(clo_db_attach) && VG_(clo_trace_children)) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
"--db-attach=yes conflicts with --trace-children=yes");
"Please choose one or the other, but not both.");
VG_(bad_option)("--db-attach=yes and --trace-children=yes");
/* Set up logging now. After this is done, VG_(clo_log_fd)
should be connected to whatever sink has been selected, and we
indiscriminately chuck stuff into it without worrying what the
nature of it is. Oh the wonder of Unix streams. */
/* So far we should be still attached to stdout, so we can show on
the terminal any problems to do with processing command line
opts. */
vg_assert(VG_(clo_log_fd) == 1 /* stdout */);
vg_assert(VG_(logging_to_filedes) == True);
switch (VG_(clo_log_to)) {
case VgLogTo_Fd:
vg_assert(VG_(clo_log_name) == NULL);
VG_(clo_log_fd) = eventually_log_fd;
case VgLogTo_File: {
Char logfilename[1000];
Int seq = 0;
Int pid = VG_(getpid)();
vg_assert(VG_(clo_log_name) != NULL);
vg_assert(VG_(strlen)(VG_(clo_log_name)) <= 900); /* paranoia */
for (;;) {
if (seq == 0)
VG_(sprintf)(logfilename, "",
VG_(clo_log_name), pid );
VG_(sprintf)(logfilename, "",
VG_(clo_log_name), pid, seq );
= VG_(open)(logfilename,
if (eventually_log_fd >= 0) {
VG_(clo_log_fd) = VG_(safe_fd)(eventually_log_fd);
} else {
if (eventually_log_fd != -VKI_EEXIST) {
"Can't create/open log file `'; giving up!",
VG_(clo_log_name), pid);
"--log-file=<file> didn't work out for some reason.");
case VgLogTo_Socket: {
vg_assert(VG_(clo_log_name) != NULL);
vg_assert(VG_(strlen)(VG_(clo_log_name)) <= 900); /* paranoia */
eventually_log_fd = VG_(connect_via_socket)( VG_(clo_log_name) );
if (eventually_log_fd == -1) {
"Invalid --log-socket=ipaddr or --log-socket=ipaddr:port spec");
"of `%s'; giving up!", VG_(clo_log_name) );
if (eventually_log_fd == -2) {
"valgrind: failed to connect to logging server `%s'.",
VG_(clo_log_name) );
"Log messages will sent to stderr instead." );
"" );
/* We don't change anything here. */
} else {
vg_assert(eventually_log_fd > 0);
VG_(clo_log_fd) = eventually_log_fd;
VG_(logging_to_filedes) = False;
/* Move log_fd into the safe range, so it doesn't conflict with any app fds */
eventually_log_fd = VG_(fcntl)(VG_(clo_log_fd), VKI_F_DUPFD, VG_(fd_hard_limit));
if (eventually_log_fd < 0)
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "valgrind: failed to move logfile fd into safe range");
else {
VG_(clo_log_fd) = eventually_log_fd;
VG_(fcntl)(VG_(clo_log_fd), VKI_F_SETFD, VKI_FD_CLOEXEC);
/* Ok, the logging sink is running now. Print a suitable preamble.
If logging to file or a socket, write details of parent PID and
command line args, to help people trying to interpret the
results of a run which encompasses multiple processes. */
if (VG_(clo_verbosity > 0)) {
/* Tool details */
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s%s%s, %s for %s.",
NULL == VG_(details).version ? "" : "-",
NULL == VG_(details).version
? (Char*)"" : VG_(details).version,
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s", VG_(details).copyright_author);
/* Core details */
"Using valgrind-%s, a program supervision framework for %s.",
"Copyright (C) 2000-2004, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.");
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0 && VG_(clo_log_to) != VgLogTo_Fd) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
"My PID = %d, parent PID = %d. Prog and args are:",
VG_(getpid)(), VG_(getppid)() );
for (i = 0; i < VG_(client_argc); i++)
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, " %s", VG_(client_argv)[i]);
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1) {
Int fd;
if (VG_(clo_log_to) != VgLogTo_Fd)
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Valgrind library directory: %s", VG_(libdir));
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Command line");
for (i = 0; i < VG_(client_argc); i++)
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, " %s", VG_(client_argv)[i]);
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Startup, with flags:");
for (i = 1; i < vg_argc; i++) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, " %s", vg_argv[i]);
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Contents of /proc/version:");
fd = VG_(open) ( "/proc/version", VKI_O_RDONLY, 0 );
if (fd < 0) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, " can't open /proc/version");
} else {
#define BUF_LEN 256
Char version_buf[BUF_LEN];
Int n = VG_(read) ( fd, version_buf, BUF_LEN );
vg_assert(n <= 256);
if (n > 0) {
version_buf[n-1] = '\0';
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, " %s", version_buf);
} else {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, " (empty?)");
#undef BUF_LEN
if (VG_(clo_n_suppressions) < VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES-1 &&
(VG_(needs).core_errors || VG_(needs).tool_errors)) {
/* If there are no suppression files specified and the tool
needs one, load the default */
static const Char default_supp[] = "default.supp";
Int len = VG_(strlen)(VG_(libdir)) + 1 + sizeof(default_supp);
Char *buf = VG_(arena_malloc)(VG_AR_CORE, len);
VG_(sprintf)(buf, "%s/%s", VG_(libdir), default_supp);
VG_(clo_suppressions)[VG_(clo_n_suppressions)] = buf;
if (VG_(clo_gen_suppressions) &&
!VG_(needs).core_errors && !VG_(needs).tool_errors) {
"Can't use --gen-suppressions=yes with this tool,");
"as it doesn't generate errors.");
// Build the string for VALGRINDCLO.
Char* VG_(build_child_VALGRINDCLO)( Char* exename )
/* If we're tracing the children, then we need to start it
with our starter+arguments, which are copied into VALGRINDCLO,
except the --exec= option is changed if present.
Int i;
Char *exec;
Char *cp;
Char *optvar;
Int optlen, execlen;
// All these allocated blocks are not free - because we're either
// going to exec, or panic when we fail.
// Create --exec= option: "--exec=<exename>"
exec = VG_(arena_malloc)(VG_AR_CORE,
VG_(strlen)( exename ) + 7/*--exec=*/ + 1/*\0*/);
vg_assert(NULL != exec);
VG_(sprintf)(exec, "--exec=%s", exename);
// Allocate space for optvar (may overestimate by counting --exec twice,
// no matter)
optlen = 1;
for (i = 0; i < vg_argc; i++)
optlen += VG_(strlen)(vg_argv[i]) + 1;
optlen += VG_(strlen)(exec)+1;
optvar = VG_(arena_malloc)(VG_AR_CORE, optlen);
// Copy all valgrind args except the old --exec (if present)
// VG_CLO_SEP is the separator.
cp = optvar;
for (i = 1; i < vg_argc; i++) {
Char *arg = vg_argv[i];
if (VG_(memcmp)(arg, "--exec=", 7) == 0) {
// don't copy existing --exec= arg
} else if (VG_(strcmp)(arg, "--") == 0) {
// stop at "--"
} else {
// copy non "--exec" arg
Int len = VG_(strlen)(arg);
VG_(memcpy)(cp, arg, len);
cp += len;
*cp++ = VG_CLO_SEP;
// Add the new --exec= option
execlen = VG_(strlen)(exec);
VG_(memcpy)(cp, exec, execlen);
cp += execlen;
*cp++ = VG_CLO_SEP;
*cp = '\0';
return optvar;
// Build "/proc/self/fd/<execfd>".
Char* VG_(build_child_exename)( void )
Char* exename = VG_(arena_malloc)(VG_AR_CORE, 64);
vg_assert(NULL != exename);
VG_(sprintf)(exename, "/proc/self/fd/%d", vgexecfd);
return exename;
/*=== File descriptor setup ===*/
static void setup_file_descriptors(void)
struct vki_rlimit rl;
/* Get the current file descriptor limits. */
if (VG_(getrlimit)(VKI_RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) < 0) {
rl.rlim_cur = 1024;
rl.rlim_max = 1024;
/* Work out where to move the soft limit to. */
if (rl.rlim_cur + VG_N_RESERVED_FDS <= rl.rlim_max) {
rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_cur + VG_N_RESERVED_FDS;
} else {
rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max;
/* Reserve some file descriptors for our use. */
VG_(fd_soft_limit) = rl.rlim_cur - VG_N_RESERVED_FDS;
VG_(fd_hard_limit) = rl.rlim_cur - VG_N_RESERVED_FDS;
/* Update the soft limit. */
VG_(setrlimit)(VKI_RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);
if (vgexecfd != -1)
vgexecfd = VG_(safe_fd)( vgexecfd );
if (VG_(clexecfd) != -1)
VG_(clexecfd) = VG_(safe_fd)( VG_(clexecfd) );
/*=== baseBlock: definition + setup ===*/
/* This is the actual defn of baseblock. */
/* Words. */
static Int baB_off = 0;
/* Returns the offset, in words. */
Int VG_(alloc_BaB) ( Int words )
Int off = baB_off;
baB_off += words;
if (baB_off >= VG_BASEBLOCK_WORDS)
VG_(core_panic)( "VG_(alloc_BaB): baseBlock is too small");
return off;
/* Align offset, in *bytes* */
void VG_(align_BaB) ( UInt align )
vg_assert(2 == align || 4 == align || 8 == align || 16 == align);
baB_off += (align-1);
baB_off &= ~(align-1);
/* Allocate 1 word in baseBlock and set it to the given value. */
Int VG_(alloc_BaB_1_set) ( Addr a )
Int off = VG_(alloc_BaB)(1);
VG_(baseBlock)[off] = (UInt)a;
return off;
Bool VG_(need_to_handle_SP_assignment)(void)
return ( VG_(defined_new_mem_stack_4)() ||
VG_(defined_die_mem_stack_4)() ||
VG_(defined_new_mem_stack_8)() ||
VG_(defined_die_mem_stack_8)() ||
VG_(defined_new_mem_stack_12)() ||
VG_(defined_die_mem_stack_12)() ||
VG_(defined_new_mem_stack_16)() ||
VG_(defined_die_mem_stack_16)() ||
VG_(defined_new_mem_stack_32)() ||
VG_(defined_die_mem_stack_32)() ||
VG_(defined_new_mem_stack)() ||
// The low/high split is for x86, so that the more common helpers can be
// in the first 128 bytes of the start, which allows the use of a more
// compact addressing mode.
static void init_baseBlock ( Addr client_eip, Addr sp_at_startup )
VGA_(init_baseBlock)(client_eip, sp_at_startup);
/*=== Initialise program data/text, etc. ===*/
static void build_valgrind_map_callback
( Addr start, SizeT size, Char rr, Char ww, Char xx,
UInt dev, UInt ino, ULong foffset, const UChar* filename )
UInt prot = 0;
Bool is_stack_segment;
is_stack_segment =
(start == VG_(clstk_base) && (start+size) == VG_(clstk_end));
/* Only record valgrind mappings for now, without loading any
symbols. This is so we know where the free space is before we
start allocating more memory (note: heap is OK, it's just mmap
which is the problem here). */
if (start >= VG_(valgrind_base) && (start+size-1) <= VG_(valgrind_last)) {
flags |= SF_VALGRIND;
VG_(map_file_segment)(start, size, prot, flags, dev, ino, foffset, filename);
// Global var used to pass local data to callback
Addr sp_at_startup___global_arg = 0;
static void build_segment_map_callback
( Addr start, SizeT size, Char rr, Char ww, Char xx,
UInt dev, UInt ino, ULong foffset, const UChar* filename )
UInt prot = 0;
UInt flags;
Bool is_stack_segment;
Addr r_esp;
= (start == VG_(clstk_base) && (start+size) == VG_(clstk_end));
if (rr == 'r') prot |= VKI_PROT_READ;
if (ww == 'w') prot |= VKI_PROT_WRITE;
if (xx == 'x') prot |= VKI_PROT_EXEC;
if (is_stack_segment)
flags = SF_EXEC|SF_MMAP;
if (filename != NULL)
flags |= SF_FILE;
if (start >= VG_(valgrind_base) && (start+size-1) <= VG_(valgrind_last))
flags |= SF_VALGRIND;
VG_(map_file_segment)(start, size, prot, flags, dev, ino, foffset, filename);
if (VG_(is_client_addr)(start) && VG_(is_client_addr)(start+size-1))
VG_TRACK( new_mem_startup, start, size, rr=='r', ww=='w', xx=='x' );
/* If this is the stack segment mark all below %esp as noaccess. */
r_esp = sp_at_startup___global_arg;
vg_assert(0 != r_esp);
if (is_stack_segment) {
if (0)
VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "invalidating stack area: %x .. %x",
VG_TRACK( die_mem_stack, start, r_esp-start );
/*=== Sanity check machinery (permanently engaged) ===*/
/* A fast sanity check -- suitable for calling circa once per
millisecond. */
void VG_(sanity_check_general) ( Bool force_expensive )
if (VG_(clo_sanity_level) < 1) return;
/* --- First do all the tests that we can do quickly. ---*/
/* Check stuff pertaining to the memory check system. */
/* Check that nobody has spuriously claimed that the first or
last 16 pages of memory have become accessible [...] */
if (VG_(needs).sanity_checks) {
/* --- Now some more expensive checks. ---*/
/* Once every 25 times, check some more expensive stuff. */
if ( force_expensive
|| VG_(clo_sanity_level) > 1
|| (VG_(clo_sanity_level) == 1 && (sanity_fast_count % 25) == 0)) {
# if 0
{ void zzzmemscan(void); zzzmemscan(); }
# endif
if ((sanity_fast_count % 250) == 0)
if (VG_(needs).sanity_checks) {
if ((sanity_fast_count % 500) == 0) VG_(mallocSanityCheckAll)();
if (VG_(clo_sanity_level) > 1) {
/* Check sanity of the low-level memory manager. Note that bugs
in the client's code can cause this to fail, so we don't do
this check unless specially asked for. And because it's
potentially very expensive. */
/*=== main() ===*/
This code decides on the layout of the client and Valgrind address
spaces, loads and the into the valgrind part,
loads the client executable (and the dynamic linker, if necessary)
into the client part, and calls into Valgrind proper.
The code is careful not to allow spurious mappings to appear in the
wrong parts of the address space. In particular, to make sure
dlopen puts things in the right place, it will pad out the forbidden
chunks of address space so that dlopen is forced to put things where
we want them.
The memory map it creates is:
CLIENT_BASE +-------------------------+
| client address space |
: :
: :
| client stack |
client_end +-------------------------+
| redzone |
shadow_base +-------------------------+
| |
: shadow memory for tools :
| (may be 0 sized) |
shadow_end +-------------------------+
valgrind_base +-------------------------+
| kickstart executable |
| valgrind heap vvvvvvvvv| (barely used)
- -
| valgrind .so files |
| and mappings |
- -
| valgrind stack ^^^^^^^^^|
valgrind_last +-------------------------+
: kernel :
Nb: Before we can do general allocations with VG_(arena_malloc)() and
VG_(mmap)(), we need to build the segment skip-list, so we know where
we can put things. However, building that structure requires
allocating memory. So we need to a bootstrapping process. It's done
by making VG_(arena_malloc)() have a special static superblock that's
used for the first 1MB's worth of allocations. This is enough to
build the segment skip-list.
static int prmap(char *start, char *end, const char *perm, off_t off,
int maj, int min, int ino, void* dummy) {
printf("mapping %10p-%10p %s %02x:%02x %d\n",
start, end, perm, maj, min, ino);
return True;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char **cl_argv;
const char *tool = NULL;
const char *exec = NULL;
char *preload; /* tool-specific LD_PRELOAD .so */
char **env;
Int need_help = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = --help, 2 = --help-debug
struct exeinfo info;
ToolInfo *toolinfo = NULL;
void *tool_dlhandle;
Addr client_eip;
Addr sp_at_startup; /* client's SP at the point we gained control. */
UInt * client_auxv;
VgSchedReturnCode src;
Int exitcode = 0;
Int fatal_sigNo = -1;
struct vki_rlimit zero = { 0, 0 };
Int padfile;
ThreadId last_run_tid = 0; // Last thread the scheduler ran.
// Nb: startup is complex. Prerequisites are shown at every step.
// *** Be very careful when messing with the order ***
// Command line argument handling order:
// * If --help/--help-debug are present, show usage message
// (if --tool is also present, that includes the tool-specific usage)
// * Then, if --tool is missing, abort with error msg
// * Then, if client is missing, abort with error msg
// * Then, if any cmdline args are bad, abort with error msg
// Get the current process datasize rlimit, and set it to zero.
// This prevents any internal uses of brk() from having any effect.
// We remember the old value so we can restore it on exec, so that
// child processes will have a reasonable brk value.
VG_(getrlimit)(VKI_RLIMIT_DATA, &VG_(client_rlimit_data));
zero.rlim_max = VG_(client_rlimit_data).rlim_max;
VG_(setrlimit)(VKI_RLIMIT_DATA, &zero);
// Get the current process stack rlimit.
VG_(getrlimit)(VKI_RLIMIT_STACK, &VG_(client_rlimit_stack));
// Check we were launched by stage1
// p: n/a
void* init_sp = argv - 1;
padfile = scan_auxv(init_sp);
if (0) {
printf("========== main() ==========\n");
foreach_map(prmap, /*dummy*/NULL);
// Look for alternative libdir
// p: n/a
{ char *cp = getenv(VALGRINDLIB);
if (cp != NULL)
VG_(libdir) = cp;
// Get valgrind args + client args (inc. from VALGRIND_OPTS/.valgrindrc).
// Pre-process the command line.
// p: n/a
get_command_line(argc, argv, &vg_argc, &vg_argv, &cl_argv);
pre_process_cmd_line_options(&need_help, &tool, &exec);
// Nb: once a tool is specified, the must be loaded even if
// they specified --help or didn't specify a client program.
// With client padded out, map in tool
// p: set-libdir [for VG_(libdir)]
// p: pre_process_cmd_line_options() [for 'tool']
load_tool(tool, &tool_dlhandle, &toolinfo, &preload);
// Can use VG_(malloc)() and VG_(arena_malloc)() only after load_tool()
// -- redzone size is now set. This is checked by vg_malloc2.c.
// Finalise address space layout
// p: load_tool() [for 'toolinfo']
layout_remaining_space( (Addr) & argc, toolinfo->shadow_ratio );
// Load client executable, finding in $PATH if necessary
// p: pre_process_cmd_line_options() [for 'exec', 'need_help']
// p: layout_remaining_space [so there's space]
load_client(cl_argv, exec, need_help, &info, &client_eip);
// Everything in place, remove padding done by stage1
// p: layout_remaining_space() [everything must be mapped in before now]
// p: load_client() [ditto]
as_unpad((void *)VG_(shadow_end), (void *)~0, padfile);
as_closepadfile(padfile); // no more padding
// Set up client's environment
// p: set-libdir [for VG_(libdir)]
// p: load_tool() [for 'preload']
env = fix_environment(environ, preload);
// Setup client stack, eip, and VG_(client_arg[cv])
// p: load_client() [for 'info']
// p: fix_environment() [for 'env']
void* init_sp = argv - 1;
sp_at_startup = setup_client_stack(init_sp, cl_argv, env, &info,
if (0)
printf("entry=%p client esp=%p vg_argc=%d brkbase=%p\n",
(void*)client_eip, (void*)sp_at_startup, vg_argc,
// Finished setting up operating environment. Now initialise
// Valgrind. (This is where the old VG_(main)() started.)
// atfork
// p: n/a
VG_(atfork)(NULL, NULL, newpid);
// setup file descriptors
// p: n/a
// Read /proc/self/maps into a buffer
// p: all memory layout, environment setup [so memory maps are right]
// Build segment map (Valgrind segments only)
// p: read proc/self/maps
// p: sk_pre_clo_init() [to setup new_mem_startup tracker]
VG_(parse_procselfmaps) ( build_valgrind_map_callback );
// Can use VG_(arena_malloc)() with non-CORE arena after segments set up
// Init tool: pre_clo_init, process cmd line, post_clo_init
// p: setup_client_stack() [for 'VG_(client_arg[cv]']
// p: load_tool() [for 'tool']
// p: setup_file_descriptors() [for 'VG_(fd_xxx_limit)']
// p: parse_procselfmaps [so VG segments are setup so tool can
// call VG_(malloc)]
// If --tool and --help/--help-debug was given, now give the core+tool
// help message
if (need_help) {
usage(/*--help-debug?*/2 == need_help);
process_cmd_line_options(client_auxv, tool);
// Build segment map (all segments)
// p: setup_client_stack() [for 'sp_at_startup']
// p: init tool [for 'new_mem_startup']
sp_at_startup___global_arg = sp_at_startup;
VG_(parse_procselfmaps) ( build_segment_map_callback ); /* everything */
sp_at_startup___global_arg = 0;
// Protect client trampoline page (which is also sysinfo stuff)
// p: segment stuff [otherwise get seg faults...]
VG_(mprotect)( (void *)VG_(client_trampoline_code),
VG_(trampoline_code_length), VKI_PROT_READ|VKI_PROT_EXEC );
// Can use VG_(map)() after segments set up
// Allow GDB attach
// p: process_cmd_line_options() [for VG_(clo_wait_for_gdb)]
/* Hook to delay things long enough so we can get the pid and
attach GDB in another shell. */
if (VG_(clo_wait_for_gdb)) {
VG_(printf)("pid=%d\n", VG_(getpid)());
/* do "jump *$eip" to skip this in gdb */
// Set up baseBlock
// p: {pre,post}_clo_init() [for tool helper registration]
// load_client() [for 'client_eip']
// setup_client_stack() [for 'sp_at_startup']
init_baseBlock(client_eip, sp_at_startup);
// Search for file descriptors that are inherited from our parent
// p: process_cmd_line_options [for VG_(clo_track_fds)]
if (VG_(clo_track_fds))
// Initialise the scheduler
// p: init_baseBlock() [baseBlock regs copied into VG_(threads)[1]]
// p: setup_file_descriptors() [else VG_(safe_fd)() breaks]
// Set up the ProxyLWP machinery
// p: VG_(scheduler_init)()? [XXX: subtle dependency?]
// Initialise the signal handling subsystem
// p: VG_(atfork)(NULL, NULL, newpid) [else problems with sigmasks]
// p: VG_(proxy_init)() [else breaks...]
// Nb: temporarily parks the saved blocking-mask in saved_sigmask.
// Perhaps we're profiling Valgrind?
// p: process_cmd_line_options() [for VG_(clo_profile)]
// p: others?
// XXX: this seems to be broken? It always says the tool wasn't built
// for profiling; vg_profile.c's functions don't seem to be overriding
// vg_dummy_profile.c's?
// XXX: want this as early as possible. Looking for --profile
// in pre_process_cmd_line_options() could get it earlier.
if (VG_(clo_profile))
// Read suppression file
// p: process_cmd_line_options() [for VG_(clo_suppressions)]
if (VG_(needs).core_errors || VG_(needs).tool_errors)
// Initialise translation table and translation cache
// p: read_procselfmaps [so the anonymous mmaps for the TT/TC
// aren't identified as part of the client, which would waste
// > 20M of virtual address space.]
// Read debug info to find glibc entry points to intercept
// p: parse_procselfmaps? [XXX for debug info?]
// p: init_tt_tc? [XXX ???]
// Verbosity message
// p: end_rdtsc_calibration [so startup message is printed first]
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) == 1)
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "For more details, rerun with: -v");
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0)
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
// Setup pointercheck
// p: process_cmd_line_options() [for VG_(clo_pointercheck)]
if (VG_(clo_pointercheck))
VG_(clo_pointercheck) = VGA_(setup_pointercheck)();
// Run!
src = VG_(scheduler)( &exitcode, &last_run_tid, &fatal_sigNo );
// Finalisation: cleanup, messages, etc. Order no so important, only
// affects what order the messages come.
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0)
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
if (src == VgSrc_Deadlock) {
"Warning: pthread scheduler exited due to deadlock");
/* Print out file descriptor summary and stats. */
if (VG_(clo_track_fds))
if (VG_(needs).core_errors || VG_(needs).tool_errors)
TL_(fini)( exitcode );
VG_(sanity_check_general)( True /*include expensive checks*/ );
if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1)
if (VG_(clo_profile))
/* We're exiting, so nuke all the threads and clean up the proxy LWPs */
vg_assert(src == VgSrc_FatalSig ||
VG_(threads)[last_run_tid].status == VgTs_Runnable ||
VG_(threads)[last_run_tid].status == VgTs_WaitJoiner);
/* Print Vex storage stats */
LibVEX_ClearTemporary( False/*show stats*/ );
// Exit, according to the scheduler's return code
switch (src) {
case VgSrc_ExitSyscall: /* the normal way out */
vg_assert(last_run_tid > 0 && last_run_tid < VG_N_THREADS);
/* The thread's %EBX at the time it did __NR_exit() will hold
the arg to __NR_exit(), so we just do __NR_exit() with
that arg. */
VG_(exit)( exitcode );
VG_(core_panic)("entered the afterlife in main() -- ExitSyscall");
break; /* what the hell :) */
case VgSrc_Deadlock:
/* Just exit now. No point in continuing. */
VG_(core_panic)("entered the afterlife in main() -- Deadlock");
case VgSrc_FatalSig:
/* We were killed by a fatal signal, so replicate the effect */
vg_assert(fatal_sigNo != -1);
VG_(core_panic)("main(): signal was supposed to be fatal");
VG_(core_panic)("main(): unexpected scheduler return code");
/*--- end vg_main.c ---*/