blob: b6cb7b75edc21f45cfeca73e1c76db146dea3f86 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
# This filter should be applied to *every* stderr results. It removes Valgrind
# startup stuff and pid numbers.
# Remove ==pid== and --pid-- and ++pid++ and **pid** strings
sed "s/\(==\|--\|\+\+\|\*\*\)[0-9]\{1,5\}\1 //" |
# Remove "<name>, a <description> for $ARCH-$OS." line and the following
# copyright notice line. Works for tool and core intro lines.
sed "/^.*, .* for .*-.*\./ , /./ d" |
# Remove other introductory lines
sed "/Estimated CPU clock rate is [0-9]* MHz/d" |
sed "/For more details, rerun with: -v/d" |
# Anonymise line numbers in vg_replace_malloc.c
sed "s/vg_replace_malloc.c:[0-9]*/vg_replace_malloc.c:.../" |
# Anonymise vg_intercept lines
sed "s/vg_intercept.c:[0-9]*/vg_intercept.c:.../" |
# Anonymise vg_libpthread lines
sed "s/vg_libpthread.c:[0-9]*/vg_libpthread.c:.../" |
# Hide suppressed error counts
sed "s/^\(ERROR SUMMARY[^(]*(suppressed: \)[0-9]*\( from \)[0-9]*)$/\10\20)/" |
# Reduce some libc incompatibility
sed "s/ __getsockname / getsockname /" |
sed "s/ __sigaction / sigaction /" |
sed "s/ __GI___/ __/" |
sed "s/ __\([a-z]*\)_nocancel / \1 /" |
# Remove line info out of order warnings
sed "/warning: line info addresses out of order/d" |
# Remove any ": dumping core" message as the user might have a
# limit set that prevents the core dump
sed "s/\(signal [0-9]* (SIG[A-Z]*)\): dumping core/\1/"