blob: f52ae79d59ef057e66179cbe25e909b61f22ea35 [file] [log] [blame]
gcc -g -o v8memory_a -march=armv8-a -mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8 \
none/tests/arm/v8memory.c -I. -Wall -marm
gcc -g -o v8memory_t -march=armv8-a -mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8 \
none/tests/arm/v8memory.c -I. -Wall -mthumb
/* These tests unfortunately are unable to check the relative
placement (or, even, presence) of the required memory fences
relative to the store/load required. They only verify the
data-movement component. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h> // memalign
#include <string.h> // memset
#include "tests/malloc.h"
#include <assert.h>
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef unsigned short int UShort;
typedef unsigned int UInt;
typedef signed int Int;
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef signed long long int Long;
typedef unsigned long long int ULong;
typedef unsigned char Bool;
#define False ((Bool)0)
#define True ((Bool)1)
static inline UChar randUChar ( void )
static UInt seed = 90210; // Somewhere in Beverly Hills, allegedly.
seed = 1103515245 * seed + 12345;
return (seed >> 17) & 0xFF;
static UInt randUInt ( void )
Int i;
UInt r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
r = (r << 8) | (UInt)(0xFF & randUChar());
return r;
static void show_block_xor ( UChar* block1, UChar* block2, Int n )
Int i;
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (i > 0 && 0 == (i & 15)) printf("\n ");
if (0 == (i & 15)) printf("[%3d] ", i);
UInt diff = 0xFF & (UInt)(block1[i] - block2[i]);
if (diff == 0)
printf(".. ");
printf("%02x ", diff);
// INSN may mention the following regs as containing load/store data:
// r2 r3 r6 r9
// INSN must mention the following reg as containing the EA: r10
// INSN can use r4 and r5 as scratch
// In: rand: memory area (128 bytes), r2, r3, r6, r9
// r10 pointing to middle of memory area
// Out: memory area, r2, r3, r6, r9, r10
// What is printed out: the XOR of the new and old versions of the
// following:
// the memory area
// r2, r3 r6 r9 r10
#define MEM_TEST(INSN) { \
int i; \
const int N = 128; \
UChar* area1 = memalign16(N); \
UChar* area2 = memalign16(N); \
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) area1[i] = area2[i] = randUChar(); \
UInt block1[5]; \
UInt block2[5]; \
/* 0:r2 1:r3 2:r6 3:r9 4:r10 */ \
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) block1[i] = block2[i] = randUInt(); \
block1[4] = block2[4] = (UInt)(&area1[N/2]); \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"ldr r2, [%0, #0] ; " \
"ldr r3, [%0, #4] ; " \
"ldr r6, [%0, #8] ; " \
"ldr r9, [%0, #12] ; " \
"ldr r10, [%0, #16] ; " \
INSN " ; " \
"str r2, [%0, #0] ; " \
"str r3, [%0, #4] ; " \
"str r6, [%0, #8] ; " \
"str r9, [%0, #12] ; " \
"str r10, [%0, #16] ; " \
: : "r"(&block1[0]) : "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r9", "r10", \
"memory", "cc" \
); \
printf("%s with r10 = middle_of_block\n", INSN); \
show_block_xor(&area1[0], &area2[0], N); \
printf(" %08x r2 (xor, data intreg #1)\n", block1[0] ^ block2[0]); \
printf(" %08x r3 (xor, data intreg #2)\n", block1[1] ^ block2[1]); \
printf(" %08x r6 (xor, data intreg #3)\n", block1[2] ^ block2[2]); \
printf(" %08x r9 (xor, data intreg #4)\n", block1[3] ^ block2[3]); \
printf(" %08x r10 (xor, addr intreg #1)\n", block1[4] ^ block2[4]); \
printf("\n"); \
free(area1); free(area2); \
int main ( void )
printf("LDA{,B,H} (reg)\n\n");
MEM_TEST("lda r6, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("ldab r9, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("ldah r3, [r10]")
printf("STL{,B,H} (reg)\n\n");
MEM_TEST("stl r6, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("stlb r9, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("stlh r3, [r10]")
printf("LDAEX{,B,H,D} (reg)\n\n");
MEM_TEST("ldaex r6, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("ldaexb r9, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("ldaexh r3, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("ldaexd r2, r3, [r10]")
// These verify that stlex* do notice a cleared (missing) reservation.
printf("STLEX{,B,H,D} (reg) -- expected to fail\n\n");
MEM_TEST("clrex; stlex r9, r6, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("clrex; stlexb r9, r6, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("clrex; stlexh r9, r3, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("clrex; stlexd r9, r2, r3, [r10]")
// These verify that stlex* do notice a successful reservation.
// By using ldaex* to create the reservation in the first place,
// they also verify that ldaex* actually create a reservation.
printf("STLEX{,B,H,D} (reg) -- expected to succeed\n\n");
MEM_TEST("ldaex r2, [r10] ; stlex r9, r6, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("ldaexb r2, [r10] ; stlexb r9, r6, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("ldaexh r2, [r10] ; stlexh r9, r3, [r10]")
MEM_TEST("mov r4, r2 ; mov r5, r3 ; " // preserve r2/r3 around the ldrexd
"ldaexd r2, r3, [r10] ; "
"mov r2, r4 ; mov r3, r5 ; "
"stlexd r9, r2, r3, [r10]")
return 0;