blob: 02229ec24de8e1d38d40ae22d5c8c779d9348acf [file] [log] [blame]
5 May 2003
Building and not installing it
To run Valgrind without having to install it, run coregrind/valgrind (prefix
with "sh" because it's not executable) with the --in-place=<dir> option, where
<dir> is the root of the source tree (and must be an absolute path). Eg:
sh ~/grind/head4/coregrind/valgrind --in-place=/homes/njn25/grind/head4
This allows you to compile and run with "make" instead of "make install",
saving you time.
I recommend compiling with "make --quiet" to further reduce the amount of
output spewed out during compilation, letting you actually see any errors,
warnings, etc.
Running the regression tests
To build and run all the regression tests, run "make [--quiet] regtest".
To run a subset of the regression tests, execute:
perl tests/vg_regtest <name>
where <name> is a directory (all tests within will be run) or a single
.vgtest test file, or the name of a program which has a like-named .vgtest
file. Eg:
perl tests/vg_regtest memcheck
perl tests/vg_regtest memcheck/tests/badfree.vgtest
perl tests/vg_regtest memcheck/tests/badfree