blob: 90a660a8bff7fc369e56685e95ea6e2fa2fab4aa [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
# This filter should be applied to *every* stderr result. It removes
# Valgrind startup stuff and pid numbers.
dir=`dirname $0`
# Remove ==pid== and --pid-- and ++pid++ and **pid** strings
sed "s/\(==\|--\|\+\+\|\*\*\)[0-9]\{1,7\}\1 //" |
# Remove any --pid:0: strings (debuglog level zero output)
sed "/^--[0-9]\{1,7\}:0:*/d" |
# Remove "WARNING: assuming toc 0x.." strings
sed "/^WARNING: assuming toc 0x*/d" |
# Remove "Using valgrind..." line and the following
# copyright notice line. Tools have to filter their own line themselves.
sed "/^Using valgrind-.*, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework/ , /./ d" |
# ... and also remove the "Using LibVEX..." line and the one after it.
sed "/^Using LibVEX rev .*, a library for dynamic binary translation/ , /./ d" |
# Remove other introductory lines
sed "/Estimated CPU clock rate is [0-9]* MHz/d" |
sed "/For more details, rerun with: -v/d" |
# Anonymise line numbers in vg_replace_malloc.c, remove dirname if present
sed "s/\(m_replacemalloc\/\)\?vg_replace_malloc.c:[0-9]*/vg_replace_malloc.c:.../" |
# Hide suppressed error counts
sed "s/^\(ERROR SUMMARY[^(]*(suppressed: \)[0-9]*\( from \)[0-9]*)$/\10\20)/" |
# Reduce some libc incompatibility
$dir/filter_libc |
# Remove line info out of order warnings
sed "/warning: line info addresses out of order/d" |
# Older bash versions print abnormal termination messages on the stderr
# of the bash process. Newer bash versions redirect such messages properly.
# Suppress any redirected abnormal termination messages. You can find the
# complete list of messages in the bash source file siglist.c.
sed -r "/^(Segmentation fault|Alarm clock|Aborted|Bus error)( \(core dumped\))?$/d" |
# Remove any ": dumping core" message as the user might have a
# limit set that prevents the core dump
sed "s/\(signal [0-9]* (SIG[A-Z]*)\): dumping core/\1/"