blob: 2567742c393eb06705bad8aeea03a8fd163527a9 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This demonstrates a stack overrun bug that exp-ptrcheck found while
running Valgrind itself (self hosting). As at 12 Sept 08 this bug
is still in Valgrind. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned long long int ULong;
typedef unsigned int UInt;
typedef signed int Int;
typedef char Char;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This part excerpted from coregrind/m_libcbase.c */
// Percentify n/m with d decimal places. Includes the '%' symbol at the end.
// Right justifies in 'buf'.
void VG_percentify(ULong n, ULong m, UInt d, Int n_buf, char buf[])
Int i, len, space;
ULong p1;
Char fmt[32];
if (m == 0) {
// Have to generate the format string in order to be flexible about
// the width of the field.
sprintf(fmt, "%%-%ds", n_buf);
// fmt is now "%<n_buf>s" where <d> is 1,2,3...
sprintf(buf, fmt, "--%");
p1 = (100*n) / m;
if (d == 0) {
sprintf(buf, "%lld%%", p1);
} else {
ULong p2;
UInt ex;
switch (d) {
case 1: ex = 10; break;
case 2: ex = 100; break;
case 3: ex = 1000; break;
default: assert(0);
/* was: VG_(tool_panic)("Currently can only handle 3 decimal places"); */
p2 = ((100*n*ex) / m) % ex;
// Have to generate the format string in order to be flexible about
// the width of the post-decimal-point part.
sprintf(fmt, "%%lld.%%0%dlld%%%%", d);
// fmt is now "%lld.%0<d>lld%%" where <d> is 1,2,3...
sprintf(buf, fmt, p1, p2);
len = strlen(buf);
space = n_buf - len;
if (space < 0) space = 0; /* Allow for v. small field_width */
i = len;
/* Right justify in field */
for ( ; i >= 0; i--) buf[i + space] = buf[i];
for (i = 0; i < space; i++) buf[i] = ' ';
/*--- Stats ---*/
/* This part excerpted from coregrind/m_translate.c */
static UInt n_SP_updates_fast = 0;
static UInt n_SP_updates_generic_known = 0;
static UInt n_SP_updates_generic_unknown = 0;
void VG_print_translation_stats ( void )
Char buf[6];
UInt n_SP_updates = n_SP_updates_fast + n_SP_updates_generic_known
+ n_SP_updates_generic_unknown;
VG_percentify(n_SP_updates_fast, n_SP_updates, 1, 6, buf);
"translate: fast SP updates identified: %'u (%s)\n",
n_SP_updates_fast, buf );
VG_percentify(n_SP_updates_generic_known, n_SP_updates, 1, 6, buf);
"translate: generic_known SP updates identified: %'u (%s)\n",
n_SP_updates_generic_known, buf );
VG_percentify(n_SP_updates_generic_unknown, n_SP_updates, 1, 6, buf);
"translate: generic_unknown SP updates identified: %'u (%s)\n",
n_SP_updates_generic_unknown, buf );
int main ( void )
return 0;