blob: 5a045a6371e50306621e0b2681ad1154ce252407 [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- The only header your skin will ever need to #include... ---*/
/*--- vg_skin.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, an x86 protected-mode emulator
designed for debugging and profiling binaries on x86-Unixes.
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#ifndef __VG_SKIN_H
#define __VG_SKIN_H
#include <stdarg.h> /* ANSI varargs stuff */
#include <setjmp.h> /* for jmp_buf */
#include "vg_constants_skin.h"
/*=== Build options and table sizes. ===*/
/* You should be able to change these options or sizes, recompile, and
still have a working system. */
/* The maximum number of pthreads that we support. This is
deliberately not very high since our implementation of some of the
scheduler algorithms is surely O(N) in the number of threads, since
that's simple, at least. And (in practice) we hope that most
programs do not need many threads. */
#define VG_N_THREADS 50
/* Maximum number of pthread keys available. Again, we start low until
the need for a higher number presents itself. */
#define VG_N_THREAD_KEYS 50
/* Total number of integer registers available for allocation -- all of
them except %esp, %ebp. %ebp permanently points at VG_(baseBlock).
If you change this you'll have to also change at least these:
- VG_(rankToRealRegNum)()
- VG_(realRegNumToRank)()
- ppRegsLiveness()
- the RegsLive type (maybe -- RegsLive type must have more than
Do not change this unless you really know what you are doing! */
/*=== Basic types ===*/
#define mycat_wrk(aaa,bbb) aaa##bbb
#define mycat(aaa,bbb) mycat_wrk(aaa,bbb)
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef unsigned short UShort;
typedef unsigned int UInt;
typedef unsigned long long int ULong;
typedef signed char Char;
typedef signed short Short;
typedef signed int Int;
typedef signed long long int Long;
typedef unsigned int Addr;
typedef unsigned char Bool;
#define False ((Bool)0)
#define True ((Bool)1)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Now the basic types are set up, we can haul in the kernel-interface
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#include "../coregrind/vg_kerneliface.h"
/*=== Command-line options ===*/
/* Verbosity level: 0 = silent, 1 (default), > 1 = more verbose. */
extern Int VG_(clo_verbosity);
/* Profile? */
extern Bool VG_(clo_profile);
/* Call this if a recognised option was bad for some reason.
Note: don't use it just because an option was unrecognised -- return 'False'
from SKN_(process_cmd_line_option) to indicate that. */
extern void VG_(bad_option) ( Char* opt );
/* Client args */
extern Int VG_(client_argc);
extern Char** VG_(client_argv);
/* Client environment. Can be inspected with VG_(getenv)() (below) */
extern Char** VG_(client_envp);
/*=== Printing messages for the user ===*/
/* Print a message prefixed by "??<pid>?? "; '?' depends on the VgMsgKind.
Should be used for all user output. */
enum { Vg_UserMsg, /* '?' == '=' */
Vg_DebugMsg, /* '?' == '-' */
Vg_DebugExtraMsg /* '?' == '+' */
/* Functions for building a message from multiple parts. */
extern void VG_(start_msg) ( VgMsgKind kind );
extern void VG_(add_to_msg) ( Char* format, ... );
/* Ends and prints the message. Appends a newline. */
extern void VG_(end_msg) ( void );
/* Send a simple, single-part message. Appends a newline. */
extern void VG_(message) ( VgMsgKind kind, Char* format, ... );
/*=== Profiling ===*/
/* Nb: VGP_(register_profile_event)() relies on VgpUnc being the first one */
#define VGP_CORE_LIST \
/* These ones depend on the core */ \
VGP_PAIR(VgpUnc, "unclassified"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpRun, "running"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpSched, "scheduler"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpMalloc, "low-lev malloc/free"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpCliMalloc, "client malloc/free"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpStack, "adjust-stack"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpTranslate, "translate-main"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpToUCode, "to-ucode"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpFromUcode, "from-ucode"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpImprove, "improve"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpRegAlloc, "reg-alloc"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpLiveness, "liveness-analysis"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpDoLRU, "do-lru"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpSlowFindT, "slow-search-transtab"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpInitMem, "init-memory"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpExeContext, "exe-context"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpReadSyms, "read-syms"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpSearchSyms, "search-syms"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpAddToT, "add-to-transtab"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpCoreSysWrap, "core-syscall-wrapper"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpDemangle, "demangle"), \
/* These ones depend on the skin */ \
VGP_PAIR(VgpPreCloInit, "pre-clo-init"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpPostCloInit, "post-clo-init"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpInstrument, "instrument"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpSkinSysWrap, "skin-syscall-wrapper"), \
VGP_PAIR(VgpFini, "fini")
#define VGP_PAIR(n,name) n
typedef enum { VGP_CORE_LIST } VgpCoreCC;
#undef VGP_PAIR
/* When registering skin profiling events, ensure that the 'n' value is in
* the range (VgpFini+1..) */
extern void VGP_(register_profile_event) ( Int n, Char* name );
extern void VGP_(pushcc) ( UInt cc );
extern void VGP_(popcc) ( UInt cc );
/* Define them only if they haven't already been defined by vg_profile.c */
#ifndef VGP_PUSHCC
# define VGP_PUSHCC(x)
#ifndef VGP_POPCC
# define VGP_POPCC(x)
/*=== Useful stuff to call from generated code ===*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* General stuff */
/* Get the simulated %esp */
extern Addr VG_(get_stack_pointer) ( void );
/* Detect if an address is within Valgrind's stack */
extern Bool VG_(within_stack)(Addr a);
/* Detect if an address is in Valgrind's m_state_static */
extern Bool VG_(within_m_state_static)(Addr a);
/* Check if an address is 4-byte aligned */
#define IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(aaa_p) (0 == (((UInt)(aaa_p)) & 3))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Thread-related stuff */
/* Special magic value for an invalid ThreadId. It corresponds to
LinuxThreads using zero as the initial value for
pthread_mutex_t.__m_owner and pthread_cond_t.__c_waiting. */
#define VG_INVALID_THREADID ((ThreadId)(0))
/* ThreadIds are simply indices into the vg_threads[] array. */
struct _ThreadState
extern ThreadId VG_(get_current_tid_1_if_root) ( void );
extern ThreadState* VG_(get_ThreadState) ( ThreadId tid );
/*=== Valgrind's version of libc ===*/
/* Valgrind doesn't use libc at all, for good reasons (trust us). So here
are its own versions of C library functions, but with VG_ prefixes. Note
that the types of some are slightly different to the real ones. Some
extra useful functions are provided too; descriptions of how they work
are given below. */
#if !defined(NULL)
# define NULL ((void*)0)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* stdio.h
* Note that they all output to the file descriptor given by the
* --logfile-fd=N argument, which defaults to 2 (stderr). Hence no
* need for VG_(fprintf)().
* Also note that VG_(printf)() and VG_(vprintf)()
extern void VG_(printf) ( const char *format, ... );
/* too noisy ... __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))) ; */
extern void VG_(sprintf) ( Char* buf, Char *format, ... );
extern void VG_(vprintf) ( void(*send)(Char),
const Char *format, va_list vargs );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* stdlib.h */
extern void* VG_(malloc) ( Int nbytes );
extern void VG_(free) ( void* ptr );
extern void* VG_(calloc) ( Int nmemb, Int nbytes );
extern void* VG_(realloc) ( void* ptr, Int size );
extern void* VG_(malloc_aligned) ( Int req_alignB, Int req_pszB );
extern void VG_(print_malloc_stats) ( void );
extern void VG_(exit)( Int status )
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
/* Print a (panic) message (constant string) appending newline, and abort. */
extern void VG_(panic) ( Char* str )
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
/* Looks up VG_(client_envp) (above) */
extern Char* VG_(getenv) ( Char* name );
/* Crude stand-in for the glibc system() call. */
extern Int VG_(system) ( Char* cmd );
extern Long VG_(atoll) ( Char* str );
/* Like atoll(), but converts a number of base 2..36 */
extern Long VG_(atoll36) ( UInt base, Char* str );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ctype.h functions and related */
extern Bool VG_(isspace) ( Char c );
extern Bool VG_(isdigit) ( Char c );
extern Char VG_(toupper) ( Char c );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* string.h */
extern Int VG_(strlen) ( const Char* str );
extern Char* VG_(strcat) ( Char* dest, const Char* src );
extern Char* VG_(strncat) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, Int n );
extern Char* VG_(strpbrk) ( const Char* s, const Char* accept );
extern Char* VG_(strcpy) ( Char* dest, const Char* src );
extern Char* VG_(strncpy) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, Int ndest );
extern Int VG_(strcmp) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2 );
extern Int VG_(strncmp) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2, Int nmax );
extern Char* VG_(strstr) ( const Char* haystack, Char* needle );
extern Char* VG_(strchr) ( const Char* s, Char c );
extern Char* VG_(strdup) ( const Char* s);
/* Like strcmp(), but stops comparing at any whitespace. */
extern Int VG_(strcmp_ws) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2 );
/* Like strncmp(), but stops comparing at any whitespace. */
extern Int VG_(strncmp_ws) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2, Int nmax );
/* Like strncpy(), but if 'src' is longer than 'ndest' inserts a '\0' at the
Nth character. */
extern void VG_(strncpy_safely) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, Int ndest );
/* Mini-regexp function. Searches for 'pat' in 'str'. Supports
* meta-symbols '*' and '?'. '\' escapes meta-symbols. */
extern Bool VG_(stringMatch) ( Char* pat, Char* str );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* math.h */
/* Returns the base-2 logarithm of its argument. */
extern Int VG_(log2) ( Int x );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* unistd.h */
extern Int VG_(getpid) ( void );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* assert.h */
/* Asserts permanently enabled -- no turning off with NDEBUG. Hurrah! */
#define VG__STRING(__str) #__str
#define vg_assert(expr) \
((void) ((expr) ? 0 : \
(VG_(assert_fail) (VG__STRING(expr), \
__FILE__, __LINE__, \
extern void VG_(assert_fail) ( Char* expr, Char* file,
Int line, Char* fn )
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Reading and writing files. */
/* As per the system calls */
extern Int VG_(open) ( const Char* pathname, Int flags, Int mode );
extern Int VG_(read) ( Int fd, void* buf, Int count);
extern Int VG_(write) ( Int fd, void* buf, Int count);
extern void VG_(close) ( Int fd );
extern Int VG_(stat) ( Char* file_name, struct vki_stat* buf );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* mmap and related functions ... */
extern void* VG_(mmap)( void* start, UInt length,
UInt prot, UInt flags, UInt fd, UInt offset );
extern Int VG_(munmap)( void* start, Int length );
/* Get memory by anonymous mmap. */
extern void* VG_(get_memory_from_mmap) ( Int nBytes, Char* who );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* signal.h.
Note that these use the vk_ (kernel) structure
definitions, which are different in places from those that glibc
defines -- hence the 'k' prefix. Since we're operating right at the
kernel interface, glibc's view of the world is entirely irrelevant. */
/* --- Signal set ops --- */
extern Int VG_(ksigfillset)( vki_ksigset_t* set );
extern Int VG_(ksigemptyset)( vki_ksigset_t* set );
extern Bool VG_(kisfullsigset)( vki_ksigset_t* set );
extern Bool VG_(kisemptysigset)( vki_ksigset_t* set );
extern Int VG_(ksigaddset)( vki_ksigset_t* set, Int signum );
extern Int VG_(ksigdelset)( vki_ksigset_t* set, Int signum );
extern Int VG_(ksigismember) ( vki_ksigset_t* set, Int signum );
extern void VG_(ksigaddset_from_set)( vki_ksigset_t* dst,
vki_ksigset_t* src );
extern void VG_(ksigdelset_from_set)( vki_ksigset_t* dst,
vki_ksigset_t* src );
/* --- Mess with the kernel's sig state --- */
extern Int VG_(ksigprocmask)( Int how, const vki_ksigset_t* set,
vki_ksigset_t* oldset );
extern Int VG_(ksigaction) ( Int signum,
const vki_ksigaction* act,
vki_ksigaction* oldact );
extern Int VG_(ksignal)(Int signum, void (*sighandler)(Int));
extern Int VG_(ksigaltstack)( const vki_kstack_t* ss, vki_kstack_t* oss );
extern Int VG_(kill)( Int pid, Int signo );
extern Int VG_(sigpending) ( vki_ksigset_t* set );
/*=== UCode definition ===*/
/* Tags which describe what operands are. */
enum { TempReg=0, ArchReg=1, RealReg=2,
SpillNo=3, Literal=4, Lit16=5,
NoValue=6 }
/* Invalid register numbers :-) */
#define INVALID_TEMPREG 999999999
#define INVALID_REALREG 999999999
/* Microinstruction opcodes. */
enum {
CMOV, /* Used for cmpxchg and cmov */
/* Read/write the %EFLAGS register into a TempReg. */
/* Not strictly needed, but useful for making better
translations of address calculations. */
LEA1, /* reg2 := const + reg1 */
LEA2, /* reg3 := const + reg1 + reg2 * 1,2,4 or 8 */
/* not for translating x86 calls -- only to call helpers */
CALLM_S, CALLM_E, /* Mark start and end of push/pop sequences
for CALLM. */
PUSH, POP, CLEAR, /* Add/remove/zap args for helpers. */
CALLM, /* call to a machine-code helper */
/* For calling C functions of up to three arguments (or two if the
functions has a return value). Arguments and return value must be
word-sized. If you want to pass more arguments than this to a C
function you have to use global variables to fake it (eg. use
Seven possibilities: 'arg1..3' show where args go, 'ret' shows
where return values go.
CCALL(-, -, - ) void f(void)
CCALL(arg1, -, - ) void f(UInt arg1)
CCALL(arg1, arg2, - ) void f(UInt arg1, UInt arg2)
CCALL(arg1, arg2, arg3) void f(UInt arg1, UInt arg2, UInt arg3)
CCALL(-, -, ret ) UInt f(UInt)
CCALL(arg1, -, ret ) UInt f(UInt arg1)
CCALL(arg1, arg2, ret ) UInt f(UInt arg1, UInt arg2)
/* Hack for translating string (REP-) insns. Jump to literal if
TempReg/RealReg is zero. */
/* FPU ops which read/write mem or don't touch mem at all. */
/* Advance the simulated %eip by some small (< 128) number. */
/* Makes it easy for extended-UCode ops by doing:
enum { EU_OP1 = DUMMY_FINAL_OP + 1, ... }
WARNING: Do not add new opcodes after this one! They can be added
before, though. */
/* Condition codes, observing the Intel encoding. CondAlways is an
extra. */
enum {
CondO = 0, /* overflow */
CondNO = 1, /* no overflow */
CondB = 2, /* below */
CondNB = 3, /* not below */
CondZ = 4, /* zero */
CondNZ = 5, /* not zero */
CondBE = 6, /* below or equal */
CondNBE = 7, /* not below or equal */
CondS = 8, /* negative */
ConsNS = 9, /* not negative */
CondP = 10, /* parity even */
CondNP = 11, /* not parity even */
CondL = 12, /* jump less */
CondNL = 13, /* not less */
CondLE = 14, /* less or equal */
CondNLE = 15, /* not less or equal */
CondAlways = 16 /* Jump always */
/* Descriptions of additional properties of *unconditional* jumps. */
enum {
JmpBoring=0, /* boring unconditional jump */
JmpCall=1, /* jump due to an x86 call insn */
JmpRet=2, /* jump due to an x86 ret insn */
JmpSyscall=3, /* do a system call, then jump */
JmpClientReq=4 /* do a client request, then jump */
/* Flags. User-level code can only read/write O(verflow), S(ign),
Z(ero), A(ux-carry), C(arry), P(arity), and may also write
D(irection). That's a total of 7 flags. A FlagSet is a bitset,
and bit 7 must always be zero since it is unused.
typedef UChar FlagSet;
#define FlagD (1<<6)
#define FlagO (1<<5)
#define FlagS (1<<4)
#define FlagZ (1<<3)
#define FlagA (1<<2)
#define FlagC (1<<1)
#define FlagP (1<<0)
#define FlagsOSZACP (FlagO | FlagS | FlagZ | FlagA | FlagC | FlagP)
#define FlagsOSZAP (FlagO | FlagS | FlagZ | FlagA | FlagP)
#define FlagsOSZCP (FlagO | FlagS | FlagZ | FlagC | FlagP)
#define FlagsOSACP (FlagO | FlagS | FlagA | FlagC | FlagP)
#define FlagsSZACP ( FlagS | FlagZ | FlagA | FlagC | FlagP)
#define FlagsSZAP ( FlagS | FlagZ | FlagA | FlagP)
#define FlagsZCP ( FlagZ | FlagC | FlagP)
#define FlagsOC (FlagO | FlagC )
#define FlagsAC ( FlagA | FlagC )
#define FlagsALL (FlagsOSZACP | FlagD)
#define FlagsEmpty (FlagSet)0
/* Liveness of general purpose registers, useful for code generation.
Reg rank order 0..N-1 corresponds to bits 0..N-1, ie. first
reg's liveness in bit 0, last reg's in bit N-1. Note that
these rankings don't match the Intel register ordering. */
typedef UInt RRegSet;
#define ALL_RREGS_DEAD 0 /* 0000...00b */
#define ALL_RREGS_LIVE (1 << (VG_MAX_REALREGS-1)) /* 0011...11b */
#define UNIT_RREGSET(rank) (1 << (rank))
#define IS_RREG_LIVE(rank,rregs_live) (rregs_live & UNIT_RREGSET(rank))
#define SET_RREG_LIVENESS(rank,rregs_live,b) \
do { RRegSet unit = UNIT_RREGSET(rank); \
if (b) rregs_live |= unit; \
else rregs_live &= ~unit; \
} while(0)
/* A Micro (u)-instruction. */
struct {
/* word 1 */
UInt lit32; /* 32-bit literal */
/* word 2 */
UShort val1; /* first operand */
UShort val2; /* second operand */
/* word 3 */
UShort val3; /* third operand */
UChar opcode; /* opcode */
UChar size; /* data transfer size */
/* word 4 */
FlagSet flags_r; /* :: FlagSet */
FlagSet flags_w; /* :: FlagSet */
UChar tag1:4; /* first operand tag */
UChar tag2:4; /* second operand tag */
UChar tag3:4; /* third operand tag */
UChar extra4b:4; /* Spare field, used by WIDEN for src
-size, and by LEA2 for scale (1,2,4 or 8),
and by JMPs for original x86 instr size */
/* word 5 */
UChar cond; /* condition, for jumps */
Bool signed_widen:1; /* signed or unsigned WIDEN ? */
JmpKind jmpkind:3; /* additional properties of unconditional JMP */
/* Additional properties for UInstrs that call C functions:
- PUT (when %ESP is the target)
- possibly skin-specific UInstrs
UChar argc:2; /* Number of args, max 3 */
UChar regparms_n:2; /* Number of args passed in registers */
Bool has_ret_val:1; /* Function has return value? */
/* RealReg liveness; only sensical after reg alloc and liveness
analysis done. This info is a little bit arch-specific --
VG_MAX_REALREGS can vary on different architectures. Note that
to use this information requires converting between register ranks
and the Intel register numbers, using VG_(realRegNumToRank)()
and/or VG_(rankToRealRegNum)() */
RRegSet regs_live_after:VG_MAX_REALREGS;
/* Expandable arrays of uinstrs. */
struct {
Int used;
Int size;
UInstr* instrs;
Int nextTemp;
/*=== Instrumenting UCode ===*/
/* A structure for communicating TempReg and RealReg uses of UInstrs. */
struct {
Int num;
Bool isWrite;
/* Find what this instruction does to its regs. Tag indicates whether we're
* considering TempRegs (pre-reg-alloc) or RealRegs (post-reg-alloc).
* Useful for analysis/optimisation passes. */
extern Int VG_(getRegUsage) ( UInstr* u, Tag tag, RegUse* arr );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Used to register helper functions to be called from generated code */
extern void VG_(register_compact_helper) ( Addr a );
extern void VG_(register_noncompact_helper) ( Addr a );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Virtual register allocation */
/* Get a new virtual register */
extern Int VG_(getNewTemp) ( UCodeBlock* cb );
/* Get a new virtual shadow register */
extern Int VG_(getNewShadow) ( UCodeBlock* cb );
/* Get a virtual register's corresponding virtual shadow register */
#define SHADOW(tempreg) ((tempreg)+1)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Low-level UInstr builders */
extern void VG_(newNOP) ( UInstr* u );
extern void VG_(newUInstr0) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Opcode opcode, Int sz );
extern void VG_(newUInstr1) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Opcode opcode, Int sz,
Tag tag1, UInt val1 );
extern void VG_(newUInstr2) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Opcode opcode, Int sz,
Tag tag1, UInt val1,
Tag tag2, UInt val2 );
extern void VG_(newUInstr3) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Opcode opcode, Int sz,
Tag tag1, UInt val1,
Tag tag2, UInt val2,
Tag tag3, UInt val3 );
extern void VG_(setFlagRW) ( UInstr* u,
FlagSet fr, FlagSet fw );
extern void VG_(setLiteralField) ( UCodeBlock* cb, UInt lit32 );
extern void VG_(setCCallFields) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Addr fn, UChar argc,
UChar regparms_n, Bool has_ret_val );
extern void VG_(copyUInstr) ( UCodeBlock* cb, UInstr* instr );
extern Bool VG_(anyFlagUse) ( UInstr* u );
/* Refer to `the last instruction stuffed in' (can be lvalue). */
#define LAST_UINSTR(cb) (cb)->instrs[(cb)->used-1]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Higher-level UInstr sequence builders */
extern void VG_(callHelper_0_0) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Addr f);
extern void VG_(callHelper_1_0) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Addr f, UInt arg1,
UInt regparms_n);
extern void VG_(callHelper_2_0) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Addr f, UInt arg1, UInt arg2,
UInt regparms_n);
/* One way around the 3-arg C function limit is to pass args via global
* variables... ugly, but it works. */
void VG_(set_global_var) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Addr globvar_ptr, UInt val);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* UCode pretty/ugly printing, to help debugging skins; but only useful
if VG_(needs).extended_UCode == True. */
/* When True, all generated code is/should be printed. */
extern Bool VG_(print_codegen);
extern void VG_(ppUCodeBlock) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Char* title );
extern void VG_(ppUInstr) ( Int instrNo, UInstr* u );
extern void VG_(ppUInstrWithRegs) ( Int instrNo, UInstr* u );
extern void VG_(upUInstr) ( Int instrNo, UInstr* u );
extern Char* VG_(nameUOpcode) ( Bool upper, Opcode opc );
extern void VG_(ppUOperand) ( UInstr* u, Int operandNo,
Int sz, Bool parens );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Allocating/freeing basic blocks of UCode */
extern UCodeBlock* VG_(allocCodeBlock) ( void );
extern void VG_(freeCodeBlock) ( UCodeBlock* cb );
/*=== Functions for generating x86 code from UCode ===*/
/* These are only of interest for skins where
VG_(needs).extends_UCode == True. */
/* This is the Intel register encoding. */
#define R_EAX 0
#define R_ECX 1
#define R_EDX 2
#define R_EBX 3
#define R_ESP 4
#define R_EBP 5
#define R_ESI 6
#define R_EDI 7
#define R_AL (0+R_EAX)
#define R_CL (0+R_ECX)
#define R_DL (0+R_EDX)
#define R_BL (0+R_EBX)
#define R_AH (4+R_EAX)
#define R_CH (4+R_ECX)
#define R_DH (4+R_EDX)
#define R_BH (4+R_EBX)
/* For pretty printing x86 code */
extern Char* VG_(nameOfIntReg) ( Int size, Int reg );
extern Char VG_(nameOfIntSize) ( Int size );
/* Randomly useful things */
extern UInt VG_(extend_s_8to32) ( UInt x );
/* Code emitters */
extern void VG_(emitB) ( UInt b );
extern void VG_(emitW) ( UInt w );
extern void VG_(emitL) ( UInt l );
extern void VG_(newEmit)( void );
/* Finding offsets */
extern Int VG_(helper_offset) ( Addr a );
extern Int VG_(shadowRegOffset) ( Int arch );
extern Int VG_(shadowFlagsOffset) ( void );
/* Converting reg ranks <-> Intel register ordering, for using register
liveness info */
extern Int VG_(realRegNumToRank) ( Int realReg );
extern Int VG_(rankToRealRegNum) ( Int rank );
/* Subroutine calls */
/* This one just calls it. */
void VG_(synth_call) ( Bool ensure_shortform, Int word_offset );
/* This one is good for calling C functions -- saves caller save regs,
pushes args, calls, clears the stack, restores caller save regs.
`fn' must be registered in the baseBlock first. Acceptable tags are
RealReg and Literal.
WARNING: a UInstr should *not* be translated with synth_ccall followed
by some other x86 assembly code; this will confuse
vg_ccall_reg_save_analysis() and everything will fall over.
void VG_(synth_ccall) ( Addr fn, Int argc, Int regparms_n, UInt argv[],
Tag tagv[], Int ret_reg,
RRegSet regs_live_before, RRegSet regs_live_after );
/* Addressing modes */
void VG_(emit_amode_offregmem_reg) ( Int off, Int regmem, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_amode_ereg_greg) ( Int e_reg, Int g_reg );
/* v-size (4, or 2 with OSO) insn emitters */
void VG_(emit_movv_offregmem_reg) ( Int sz, Int off, Int areg, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_movv_reg_offregmem) ( Int sz, Int reg, Int off, Int areg );
void VG_(emit_movv_reg_reg) ( Int sz, Int reg1, Int reg2 );
void VG_(emit_nonshiftopv_lit_reg)( Int sz, Opcode opc, UInt lit, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_shiftopv_lit_reg) ( Int sz, Opcode opc, UInt lit, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_nonshiftopv_reg_reg)( Int sz, Opcode opc, Int reg1, Int reg2 );
void VG_(emit_movv_lit_reg) ( Int sz, UInt lit, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_unaryopv_reg) ( Int sz, Opcode opc, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_pushv_reg) ( Int sz, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_popv_reg) ( Int sz, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_pushl_lit32) ( UInt int32 );
void VG_(emit_pushl_lit8) ( Int lit8 );
void VG_(emit_cmpl_zero_reg) ( Int reg );
void VG_(emit_swapl_reg_EAX) ( Int reg );
void VG_(emit_movv_lit_offregmem) ( Int sz, UInt lit, Int off, Int memreg );
/* b-size (1 byte) instruction emitters */
void VG_(emit_movb_lit_offregmem) ( UInt lit, Int off, Int memreg );
void VG_(emit_movb_reg_offregmem) ( Int reg, Int off, Int areg );
void VG_(emit_unaryopb_reg) ( Opcode opc, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_testb_lit_reg) ( UInt lit, Int reg );
/* zero-extended load emitters */
void VG_(emit_movzbl_offregmem_reg) ( Int off, Int regmem, Int reg );
void VG_(emit_movzwl_offregmem_reg) ( Int off, Int areg, Int reg );
/* misc instruction emitters */
void VG_(emit_call_reg) ( Int reg );
void VG_(emit_add_lit_to_esp) ( Int lit );
void VG_(emit_jcondshort_delta) ( Condcode cond, Int delta );
void VG_(emit_pushal) ( void );
void VG_(emit_popal) ( void );
void VG_(emit_AMD_prefetch_reg) ( Int reg );
/*=== Execution contexts ===*/
/* Generic resolution type used in a few different ways, such as deciding
how closely to compare two errors for equality. */
enum { Vg_LowRes, Vg_MedRes, Vg_HighRes }
struct _ExeContext
/* Compare two ExeContexts, just comparing the top two callers. */
extern Bool VG_(eq_ExeContext) ( VgRes res,
ExeContext* e1, ExeContext* e2 );
/* Print an ExeContext. */
extern void VG_(pp_ExeContext) ( ExeContext* );
/* Take a snapshot of the client's stack. Search our collection of
ExeContexts to see if we already have it, and if not, allocate a
new one. Either way, return a pointer to the context. */
extern ExeContext* VG_(get_ExeContext) ( ThreadState *tst );
/*=== Error reporting ===*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Suppressions describe errors which we want to suppress, ie, not
show the user, usually because it is caused by a problem in a library
which we can't fix, replace or work around. Suppressions are read from
a file at startup time, specified by vg_clo_suppressions, and placed in
the vg_suppressions list. This gives flexibility so that new
suppressions can be added to the file as and when needed.
Int /* Do not make this unsigned! */
/* An extensible (via the 'extra' field) suppression record. This holds
the suppression details of interest to a skin. Skins can use a normal
enum (with element values in the normal range (0..)) for `skind'.
If VG_(needs).report_errors==True, for each suppression read in by core
SKN_(recognised_suppression)() and SKN_(read_extra_suppression_info) will
be called. The `skind' field is filled in by the value returned in the
argument of the first function; the second function can fill in the
`string' and `extra' fields if it wants.
struct {
/* What kind of suppression. Must use the range (0..) */
SuppKind skind;
/* String -- use is optional. NULL by default. */
Char* string;
/* Anything else -- use is optional. NULL by default. */
void* extra;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Error records contain enough info to generate an error report. The idea
is that (typically) the same few points in the program generate thousands
of illegal accesses, and we don't want to spew out a fresh error message
for each one. Instead, we use these structures to common up duplicates.
Int /* Do not make this unsigned! */
/* An extensible (via the 'extra' field) error record. This holds
the error details of interest to a skin. Skins can use a normal
enum (with element values in the normal range (0..)) for `ekind'.
When errors are found and recorded with VG_(maybe_record_error)(), all
the skin must do is pass in the four parameters; core will
allocate/initialise the error record.
struct {
/* Used by ALL. Must be in the range (0..) */
Int ekind;
/* Used frequently */
Addr addr;
/* Used frequently */
Char* string;
/* For any skin-specific extras: size and the extra fields */
void* extra;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Call this when an error occurs. It will be recorded if it's not been
seen before. If it has, the existing error record will have its count
If the error occurs in generated code, 'tst' should be NULL. If the
error occurs in non-generated code, 'tst' should be non-NULL. The
`extra' field can be stack-allocated; it will be copied (using
SKN_(dup_extra_and_update)()) if needed. But it won't be copied
if it's NULL.
extern void VG_(maybe_record_error) ( ThreadState* tst, ErrorKind ekind,
Addr a, Char* s, void* extra );
/* Gets a non-blank, non-comment line of at most nBuf chars from fd.
Skips leading spaces on the line. Returns True if EOF was hit instead.
Useful for reading in extra skin-specific suppression lines.
extern Bool VG_(getLine) ( Int fd, Char* buf, Int nBuf );
/*=== Obtaining debug information ===*/
/* Get the file/function/line number of the instruction at address 'a'.
For these four, if debug info for the address is found, it copies the
info into the buffer/UInt and returns True. If not, it returns False and
nothing is copied. VG_(get_fnname) always demangles C++ function names.
extern Bool VG_(get_filename) ( Addr a, Char* filename, Int n_filename );
extern Bool VG_(get_fnname) ( Addr a, Char* fnname, Int n_fnname );
extern Bool VG_(get_linenum) ( Addr a, UInt* linenum );
/* This one is more efficient if getting both filename and line number,
because the two lookups are done together. */
extern Bool VG_(get_filename_linenum)
( Addr a, Char* filename, Int n_filename,
UInt* linenum );
/* Succeeds only if we find from debug info that 'a' is the address of the
first instruction in a function -- as opposed to VG_(get_fnname) which
succeeds if we find from debug info that 'a' is the address of any
instruction in a function. Use this to instrument the start of
a particular function. Nb: if a executable/shared object is stripped
of its symbols, this function will not be able to recognise function
entry points within it. */
extern Bool VG_(get_fnname_if_entry) ( Addr a, Char* filename, Int n_filename );
/* Succeeds if the address is within a shared object or the main executable.
It doesn't matter if debug info is present or not. */
extern Bool VG_(get_objname) ( Addr a, Char* objname, Int n_objname );
/*=== Shadow chunks and block-finding ===*/
enum {
Vg_AllocMalloc = 0,
Vg_AllocNew = 1,
Vg_AllocNewVec = 2
/* Description of a malloc'd chunk. skin_extra[] part can be used by
the skin; size of array is given by VG_(needs).sizeof_shadow_chunk. */
struct _ShadowChunk {
struct _ShadowChunk* next;
UInt size : 30; /* size requested */
VgAllocKind allockind : 2; /* which wrapper did the allocation */
Addr data; /* ptr to actual block */
UInt skin_extra[0]; /* extra skin-specific info */
/* Use this to free blocks if VG_(needs).alternative_free == True.
It frees the ShadowChunk and the malloc'd block it points to. */
extern void VG_(freeShadowChunk) ( ShadowChunk* sc );
/* Makes an array of pointers to all the shadow chunks of malloc'd blocks */
extern ShadowChunk** VG_(get_malloc_shadows) ( /*OUT*/ UInt* n_shadows );
/* Determines if address 'a' is within the bounds of the block at start.
Allows a little 'slop' round the edges. */
extern Bool VG_(addr_is_in_block) ( Addr a, Addr start, UInt size );
/* Searches through currently malloc'd blocks until a matching one is found.
Returns NULL if none match. Extra arguments can be implicitly passed to
p using nested functions; see vg_memcheck_errcontext.c for an example. */
extern ShadowChunk* VG_(any_matching_mallocd_ShadowChunks)
( Bool (*p) ( ShadowChunk* ));
/* Searches through all thread's stacks to see if any match. Returns
* VG_INVALID_THREADID if none match. */
extern ThreadId VG_(any_matching_thread_stack)
( Bool (*p) ( Addr stack_min, Addr stack_max ));
/*=== Skin-specific stuff ===*/
/* Skin-specific settings.
* If new fields are added to this type, update:
* - vg_main.c:VG_(needs) initialisation
* - vg_main.c:sanity_check_needs()
* If the name of this type or any of its fields change, update:
* - dependent comments (just search for "VG_(needs)").
struct {
/* name and description used in the startup message */
Char* name;
Char* description;
/* Booleans that decide core behaviour */
/* Want to have errors detected by Valgrind's core reported? Includes:
- pthread API errors (many; eg. unlocking a non-locked mutex)
- silly arguments to malloc() et al (eg. negative size)
- invalid file descriptors to blocking syscalls read() and write()
- bad signal numbers passed to sigaction()
- attempt to install signal handler for SIGKILL or SIGSTOP */
Bool core_errors;
/* Want to report errors from the skin? This implies use of
suppressions, too. */
Bool skin_errors;
/* Should __libc_freeres() be run? Bugs in it crash the skin. */
Bool run_libc_freeres;
/* Booleans that indicate extra operations are defined; if these are
True, the corresponding template functions (given below) must be
defined. A lot like being a member of a type class. */
/* Is information kept about specific individual basic blocks? (Eg. for
cachesim there are cost-centres for every instruction, stored at a
basic block level.) If so, it sometimes has to be discarded, because
.so mmap/munmap-ping or self-modifying code (informed by the
DISCARD_TRANSLATIONS user request) can cause one instruction address
to store information about more than one instruction in one program
run! */
Bool basic_block_discards;
/* Maintains information about each register? */
Bool shadow_regs;
/* Skin defines its own command line options? */
Bool command_line_options;
/* Skin defines its own client requests? */
Bool client_requests;
/* Skin defines its own UInstrs? */
Bool extended_UCode;
/* Skin does stuff before and/or after system calls? */
Bool syscall_wrapper;
/* Size, in words, of extra info about malloc'd blocks recorded by
skin. Be careful to get this right or you'll get seg faults! */
UInt sizeof_shadow_block;
/* Skin does free()s itself? */
Bool alternative_free;
/* Are skin-state sanity checks performed? */
Bool sanity_checks;
extern VgNeeds VG_(needs);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Core events to track */
/* Part of the core from which this call was made. Useful for determining
* what kind of error message should be emitted. */
enum { Vg_CorePThread, Vg_CoreSignal, Vg_CoreSysCall, Vg_CoreTranslate }
/* Events happening in core to track. To be notified, assign a function
* to the function pointer. To ignore an event, don't do anything
* (default assignment is to NULL in which case the call is skipped). */
struct {
/* Memory events */
void (*new_mem_startup)( Addr a, UInt len, Bool rr, Bool ww, Bool xx );
void (*new_mem_heap) ( Addr a, UInt len, Bool is_inited );
void (*new_mem_stack) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*new_mem_stack_aligned) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*new_mem_stack_signal) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*new_mem_brk) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*new_mem_mmap) ( Addr a, UInt len,
Bool nn, Bool rr, Bool ww, Bool xx );
void (*copy_mem_heap) ( Addr from, Addr to, UInt len );
void (*copy_mem_remap) ( Addr from, Addr to, UInt len );
void (*change_mem_mprotect) ( Addr a, UInt len,
Bool nn, Bool rr, Bool ww, Bool xx );
void (*ban_mem_heap) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*ban_mem_stack) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*die_mem_heap) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*die_mem_stack) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*die_mem_stack_aligned) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*die_mem_stack_signal) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*die_mem_brk) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*die_mem_munmap) ( Addr a, UInt len );
void (*bad_free) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
void (*mismatched_free) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
void (*pre_mem_read) ( CorePart part, ThreadState* tst,
Char* s, Addr a, UInt size );
void (*pre_mem_read_asciiz) ( CorePart part, ThreadState* tst,
Char* s, Addr a );
void (*pre_mem_write) ( CorePart part, ThreadState* tst,
Char* s, Addr a, UInt size );
/* Not implemented yet -- have to add in lots of places, which is a
pain. Won't bother unless/until there's a need. */
/* void (*post_mem_read) ( ThreadState* tst, Char* s,
Addr a, UInt size ); */
void (*post_mem_write) ( Addr a, UInt size );
/* Scheduler events */
void (*thread_run) ( ThreadId tid );
/* Mutex events */
void (*post_mutex_lock) ( ThreadId tid,
void* /*pthread_mutex_t* */ mutex );
void (*post_mutex_unlock) ( ThreadId tid,
void* /*pthread_mutex_t* */ mutex );
/* Others... threads, condition variables, etc... */
/* ... */
/* Declare the struct instance */
extern VgTrackEvents VG_(track_events);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Template functions */
/* These are the parameterised functions in the core. The default definitions
* are replaced by LD_PRELOADing skin substitutes. At the very least, a skin
* must define the fundamental template functions. Depending on what needs
* boolean variables are set, extra templates will be used too. For each
* group, the need governing its use is mentioned. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Fundamental template functions */
/* Initialise skin. Must do the following:
- initialise the 'needs' struct
- register any helpers called by generated code
May do the following:
- indicate events to track by initialising part or all of the 'track'
- register any skin-specific profiling events
- any other skin-specific initialisation
extern void SK_(pre_clo_init) ( VgNeeds* needs, VgTrackEvents* track );
/* Do any initialisation that relies on the results of command line option
processing. */
extern void SK_(post_clo_init)( void );
/* Instrument a basic block. Must be a true function, ie. the same input
always results in the same output, because basic blocks can be
retranslated. Unless you're doing something really strange...
'orig_addr' is the address of the first instruction in the block. */
extern UCodeBlock* SK_(instrument) ( UCodeBlock* cb, Addr orig_addr );
/* Finish up, print out any results, etc. */
extern void SK_(fini) ( void );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).report_errors */
/* Identify if two errors are equal, or equal enough. `res' indicates how
close is "close enough". `res' should be passed on as necessary, eg. if
the SkinError's extra field contains an ExeContext, `res' should be
passed to VG_(eq_ExeContext)() if the ExeContexts are considered. Other
than that, probably don't worry about it unless you have lots of very
similar errors occurring.
extern Bool SK_(eq_SkinError) ( VgRes res,
SkinError* e1, SkinError* e2 );
/* Print error context. The passed function pp_ExeContext() can be (and
probably should be) used to print the location of the error. */
extern void SK_(pp_SkinError) ( SkinError* ec, void (*pp_ExeContext)(void) );
/* Copy the ec->extra part and replace ec->extra with the new copy. This is
necessary to move from a temporary stack copy to a permanent heap one.
Then fill in any details that could be postponed until after the decision
whether to ignore the error (ie. details not affecting the result of
SK_(eq_SkinError)()). This saves time when errors are ignored.
extern void SK_(dup_extra_and_update)(SkinError* ec);
/* Return value indicates recognition. If recognised, type goes in `skind'. */
extern Bool SK_(recognised_suppression) ( Char* name, SuppKind *skind );
/* Read any extra info for this suppression kind. For filling up the
`string' and `extra' fields in a `SkinSupp' struct if necessary. */
extern Bool SK_(read_extra_suppression_info) ( Int fd, Char* buf,
Int nBuf, SkinSupp *s );
/* This should just check the kinds match and maybe some stuff in the
'extra' field if appropriate */
extern Bool SK_(error_matches_suppression)(SkinError* ec, SkinSupp* su);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).basic_block_discards */
extern void SK_(discard_basic_block_info) ( Addr a, UInt size );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).shadow_regs */
/* Valid values for general registers and EFLAGS register, for initialising
and updating registers when written in certain places in core. */
extern void SK_(written_shadow_regs_values) ( UInt* gen_reg, UInt* eflags );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).command_line_options */
/* Return True if option was recognised */
extern Bool SK_(process_cmd_line_option)( Char* argv );
/* Print out command line usage for skin options */
extern Char* SK_(usage) ( void );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).client_requests */
extern UInt SK_(handle_client_request) ( ThreadState* tst, UInt* arg_block );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).extends_UCode */
/* Used in VG_(getExtRegUsage)() */
# define VG_UINSTR_READS_REG(ono) \
{ if (mycat(u->tag,ono) == tag) \
{ arr[n].num = mycat(u->val,ono); \
arr[n].isWrite = False; \
n++; \
} \
# define VG_UINSTR_WRITES_REG(ono) \
{ if (mycat(u->tag,ono) == tag) \
{ arr[n].num = mycat(u->val,ono); \
arr[n].isWrite = True; \
n++; \
} \
// SSS: only ones using camel caps
extern Int SK_(getExtRegUsage) ( UInstr* u, Tag tag, RegUse* arr );
extern void SK_(emitExtUInstr) ( UInstr* u, RRegSet regs_live_before );
extern Bool SK_(saneExtUInstr) ( Bool beforeRA, Bool beforeLiveness,
UInstr* u );
extern Char* SK_(nameExtUOpcode) ( Opcode opc );
extern void SK_(ppExtUInstr) ( UInstr* u );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).syscall_wrapper */
/* If either of the pre_ functions malloc() something to return, the
* corresponding post_ function had better free() it!
extern void* SK_( pre_syscall) ( ThreadId tid, UInt syscallno,
Bool is_blocking );
extern void SK_(post_syscall) ( ThreadId tid, UInt syscallno,
void* pre_result, Int res,
Bool is_blocking );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).sizeof_shadow_chunk > 0 */
extern void SK_(complete_shadow_chunk) ( ShadowChunk* sc, ThreadState* tst );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* VG_(needs).alternative_free */
extern void SK_(alt_free) ( ShadowChunk* sc, ThreadState* tst );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VG_(needs).sanity_checks */
extern Bool SK_(cheap_sanity_check) ( void );
extern Bool SK_(expensive_sanity_check) ( void );
#endif /* NDEF __VG_SKIN_H */
/*--- end vg_skin.h ---*/