blob: fddc0abbc1c46528bbf0eba507b372961d28d8cd [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Generate Valgrind's module dependence graph in 'dot' format.
# You can run it from anywhere(?) in a Valgrind source tree, but the two
# most interesting places are:
# - the root, to get the entire module dependence graph.
# - coregrind/, to get the core's module dependence graph.
# It sends a dot-format graph to stdout. You can use dot (part of the
# "GraphViz" package) to generated a PostScript graphs like this:
# dot -Tps -o
# Caveats:
# - It's not a proper parser. If you have a #include that is commented out,
# it will think it's there. We see that particularly in m_demangle.
# - It only looks in C files, not in header files, so it will miss any
# extra dependencies this causes. Fortunately we don't have many like
# that.
use warnings;
use strict;
# Global variables
# The dependence graph is a set of src-->dst pairs, stored in a double-hash:
# hash(src, hash(dst, dst_realname))
# Each of 'src' and 'dst' are node names. 'src' is always a module name,
# eg. 'm_main' or 'memcheck'. The destination is sometimes a module name,
# and sometimes a header file. Because Dot can't handle certain characters
# in its node names, when 'dst' represents a header file it's a transformed
# version of the header file name, eg. 'INT_memcheck_h' or 'EXT_sys_mman_h'.
# The 'dst_realname' holds the original name, eg. '"memcheck.h"' or
# "<sys/mman.h>". We use 'dst' for the node name in the graph, but label it
# with 'dst_realname' and that's what gets seen. (Although we use "" for
# 'dst_realname' when it would be the same as 'dst'.)
my $deps = {};
# Directories to skip. These are the defaults, they can be augmented
# using command-line options.
my %dirs_to_skip = ( auxprogs => 1, hp2ps => 1, tests => 1 );
# Command-line variables -- things we should show. Default is yes.
my $show_tools = 1;
my $show_headers = 1;
my $show_libc = 1;
# Modules to hide.
my %hide;
# List of all tools.
my @tools = ( "addrcheck", "cachegrind", "corecheck", "helgrind",
"lackey", "massif", "memcheck", "none" );
my $usage = <<END
usage: gen-mdg [options]
--headers=no|yes show headers, ie. show module-to-module deps only
--hide=<a>,<b>,... hide module(s) named <a>, <b>, ...
# Subroutines
sub process_cmd_line()
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
# --headers=yes|no
if ($arg =~ /^--headers=(yes|no)$/) {
$show_headers = 1 if ($1 eq "yes");
$show_headers = 0 if ($1 eq "no");
# --hide=<a>,<b>,...
} elsif ($arg =~ /^--hide=(.*)$/) {
my @hiders = split(/,/, $1);
foreach my $h (@hiders) {
$hide{$h} = 1;
} else {
die $usage;
if (!$show_tools) {
foreach my $tool (@tools) {
$dirs_to_skip{$tool} = 1;
# Convert a header filename into a node name acceptable by dot.
sub clean_nodename($)
my ($s) = @_;
$s =~ s/"([^"]+)"/INT_$1/; # "foo.h" --> foo.h
$s =~ s/<([^>]+)>/EXT_$1/; # <foo.h> --> foo.h
$s =~ s/\./_/g; # foo.h --> foo_h
$s =~ s/-/_/g; # foo-bar.h --> foo_bar_h
$s =~ s/\//_/g; # bar/foo_h --> bar_foo_h
return $s;
# Convert a header filename into a node label acceptable by dot.
sub clean_nodelabel($)
my ($s) = @_;
$s =~ s/"/\\"/g; # "foo.h" --> \"foo.h\"
return $s;
# $module is the module to which the C/asm file $f belongs.
sub scan_C_or_asm_file($$)
my ($module, $f) = @_;
# Skip if this is a module we want to hide
if ($hide{$module}) {
# Get any existing dependencies for this module, initialise if none
my $module_deps = $deps->{$module};
if (not defined $module_deps) {
$module_deps = {};
# Scan the C/asm file
open(CFILE, "< $f") || die "File $f not openable\n";
while (my $line = <CFILE>) {
if ($line =~ /#include\s+(("|<)[^">]+("|>))/) {
# Right! We've found a #include line.
my $include_string = $1;
my $target;
my $realname;
if ($include_string =~ /"pub_(core|tool)_([A-Za-z]+).h"/) {
# If #include string is "pub_core_foo.h" or "pub_tool_foo.h",
# the target module is "m_foo".
# Nb: assuming the "foo" part does not contains underscores!
$target = "m_$2";
$realname = "";
# But don't show hidden modules
if ($hide{$target}) {
$target = "";
} elsif ($show_headers) {
# Otherwise use the #include string as-is for the target.
# Note that "#include pub_core_foo_asm.h" falls into this
# category. We don't consider that part of the m_foo module
# because the *_asm.h only define some constants.
$target = clean_nodename($include_string);
$realname = clean_nodelabel($include_string);
} else {
# Don't record anything
$target = "";
$realname = "";
# Maybe record dependency (unless it's circular)
if ($target ne "" and $target ne $module) {
$module_deps->{$target} = $realname;
# Store the updated dependencies.
$deps->{$module} = $module_deps;
sub process_dir($); # forward declarations required because of recursion
sub process_dir($)
my ($parentd) = @_;
# Go through each file/dir in the directory.
my @fs = <*>;
foreach my $f (@fs) {
if (-d $f) {
# Directory -- recursively process unless we want to skip it.
if (not exists $dirs_to_skip{$f}) {
chdir $f or die;
chdir ".." or die;
} elsif (-f $f) {
if ($f =~ /\w+\.[cS]$/) {
# If this is a .c/.S file in coregrind/, it's a module in its
# own right, eg. coregrind/m_redir.c --> module name of
# "m_redir".
# Otherwise, it belongs to the module whose name is that of
# the parent directory, eg. coregrind/m_debuginfo/symtab.c
# --> module name of "m_debuginfo".
my $module;
if ($parentd eq "coregrind") {
$module = $f;
$module =~ s/(\w+).[cS]$/$1/; # foo.c --> foo
} else {
$module = $parentd;
# Now the module/f pair is either:
# - like this: (m_redir, m_redir.c)
# - or like this: (m_debuginfo, symtab.c)
scan_C_or_asm_file($module, $f);
} else {
die "$f is not a dir nor a file\n";
sub print_graph()
my %printed_realnames;
print("digraph G {\n");
while (my ($src, $dst_hash) = each %$deps) {
while (my ($dst, $dst_realname) = each %$dst_hash) {
# If the dstnode has a realname, print just the dstnode with that
# realname, and record it in %printed_realnames so we don't print
# it again.
if ($dst_realname ne "") {
if (not defined $printed_realnames{$dst}) {
print(" $dst [label=\"$dst_realname\"]\n");
$printed_realnames{$dst} = 1;
# Print the src-->dst edge.
print(" $src -> $dst\n");
# main
my $start_dir = `basename \`pwd\``;
chop($start_dir); # trim newline