blob: 739dc419704e06fbae5fc6bffc3472135456b962 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "common_util.h"
void Report(const char *format, ...);
bool StringMatch(const string& wildcard, const string& text) {
const char* c_text = text.c_str();
const char* c_wildcard = wildcard.c_str();
// Start of the current look-ahead. Everything before these positions is a
// definite, optimal match.
const char* c_text_last = NULL;
const char* c_wildcard_last = NULL;
char last_wc_char = wildcard[wildcard.size() - 1];
if (last_wc_char == '*' && wildcard.size() == 1) {
return true; // '*' matches everything.
if (last_wc_char != '*' && last_wc_char != '?'
&& last_wc_char != text[text.size() - 1]) {
// short cut for the case when the wildcard does not end with '*' or '?'
// and the last characters of wildcard and text do not match.
return false;
while (*c_text) {
if (*c_wildcard == '*') {
while (*++c_wildcard == '*') {
// Skip all '*'.
if (!*c_wildcard) {
// Ends with a series of '*'.
return true;
c_text_last = c_text;
c_wildcard_last = c_wildcard;
} else if ((*c_text == *c_wildcard) || (*c_wildcard == '?')) {
} else if (c_text_last) {
// No match. But we have seen at least one '*', so rollback and try at the
// next position.
c_wildcard = c_wildcard_last;
c_text = c_text_last++;
} else {
return false;
// Skip all '*' at the end of the wildcard.
while (*c_wildcard == '*') {
return !*c_wildcard;
string ConvertToPlatformIndependentPath(const string &s) {
string ret = s;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// TODO(timurrrr): do we need anything apart from s/\\///g?
size_t it = 0;
while ((it = ret.find("\\", it)) != string::npos) {
ret.replace(it, 1, "/");
#endif // _MSC_VER
return ret;
TS_FILE OpenFileReadOnly(const string &file_name, bool die_if_failed) {
SysRes sres = VG_(open)((const Char*)file_name.c_str(), VKI_O_RDONLY, 0);
if (!sr_isError(sres))
ret = sr_Res(sres);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
ret = fopen(file_name.c_str(), "r");
#else // no TS_VALGRIND
ret = open(file_name.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (ret == TS_FILE_INVALID && die_if_failed) {
Report("ERROR: can not open file %s\n", file_name.c_str());
return ret;
// Read the contents of a file to string. Valgrind version.
string ReadFileToString(const string &file_name, bool die_if_failed) {
TS_FILE fd = OpenFileReadOnly(file_name, die_if_failed);
if (fd == TS_FILE_INVALID) {
return string();
char buff[257] = {0};
int n_read;
string res;
while ((n_read = read(fd, buff, sizeof(buff) - 1)) > 0) {
buff[n_read] = 0;
res.append(buff, n_read);
return res;