blob: d11b7ab2346b47248d5e208f23549f3fa357bfd3 [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- Declarations shared between MemCheck and AddrCheck. ---*/
/*--- mac_shared.h ---*/
This file is part of MemCheck, a heavyweight Valgrind skin for
detecting memory errors, and AddrCheck, a lightweight Valgrind skin
for detecting memory errors.
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
/* Note: This header contains the declarations shared between
Addrcheck and Memcheck, and is #included by both. */
#ifndef __MAC_SHARED_H
#define __MAC_SHARED_H
#include "vg_skin.h"
#define MAC_(str) VGAPPEND(vgMAC_,str)
/*--- Errors and suppressions ---*/
/* The classification of a faulting address. */
enum {
Undescribed, /* as-yet unclassified */
Unknown, /* classification yielded nothing useful */
Freed, Mallocd,
UserG /* in a user-defined block; Addrcheck & Memcheck only */
/* Records info about a faulting address. */
struct {
/* ALL */
AddrKind akind;
/* Freed, Mallocd */
Int blksize;
/* Freed, Mallocd */
Int rwoffset;
/* Freed, Mallocd */
ExeContext* lastchange;
/* Stack */
ThreadId stack_tid;
/* True if is just-below %esp -- could be a gcc bug. */
Bool maybe_gcc;
enum {
/* Bad syscall params */
/* Memory errors in core (pthread ops, signal handling) */
/* Use of invalid values of given size (MemCheck only) */
Value0Supp, Value1Supp, Value2Supp, Value4Supp, Value8Supp, Value16Supp,
/* Invalid read/write attempt at given size */
Addr1Supp, Addr2Supp, Addr4Supp, Addr8Supp, Addr16Supp,
/* Invalid or mismatching free */
/* Overlapping blocks in memcpy(), strcpy(), etc */
/* Something to be suppressed in a leak check. */
/* What kind of error it is. */
enum { ValueErr, /* Memcheck only */
ParamErr, UserErr, /* behaves like an anonymous ParamErr */
FreeErr, FreeMismatchErr,
OverlapErr, /* Memcheck only */
/* What kind of memory access is involved in the error? */
enum { ReadAxs, WriteAxs, ExecAxs }
/* Extra context for memory errors */
struct {
/* AddrErr */
AxsKind axskind;
/* AddrErr, ValueErr */
Int size;
/* AddrErr, FreeErr, FreeMismatchErr, ParamErr, UserErr */
AddrInfo addrinfo;
/* ParamErr, UserErr, CoreMemErr */
Bool isWrite;
/* For malloc()/new/new[] vs. free()/delete/delete[] mismatch checking. */
enum {
MAC_AllocMalloc = 0,
MAC_AllocNew = 1,
MAC_AllocNewVec = 2,
MAC_AllocCustom = 3
/* Nb: first two fields must match core's VgHashNode. */
struct _MAC_Chunk {
struct _MAC_Chunk* next;
Addr data; /* ptr to actual block */
UInt size : 30; /* size requested */
MAC_AllocKind allockind : 2; /* which wrapper did the allocation */
ExeContext* where; /* where it was allocated */
/*--- Profiling of skins and memory events ---*/
enum {
VgpCheckMem = VgpFini+1,
/* Define to collect detailed performance info. */
/* #define MAC_PROFILE_MEMORY */
# define N_PROF_EVENTS 150
extern UInt MAC_(event_ctr)[N_PROF_EVENTS];
# define PROF_EVENT(ev) \
do { sk_assert((ev) >= 0 && (ev) < N_PROF_EVENTS); \
MAC_(event_ctr)[ev]++; \
} while (False);
# define PROF_EVENT(ev) /* */
/*--- V and A bits ---*/
#define IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(smap) \
((smap) == &distinguished_secondary_map)
#define ENSURE_MAPPABLE(addr,caller) \
do { \
if (IS_DISTINGUISHED_SM(primary_map[(addr) >> 16])) { \
primary_map[(addr) >> 16] = alloc_secondary_map(caller); \
/* VG_(printf)("new 2map because of %p\n", addr); */ \
} \
} while(0)
#define BITARR_SET(aaa_p,iii_p) \
do { \
UInt iii = (UInt)iii_p; \
UChar* aaa = (UChar*)aaa_p; \
aaa[iii >> 3] |= (1 << (iii & 7)); \
} while (0)
#define BITARR_CLEAR(aaa_p,iii_p) \
do { \
UInt iii = (UInt)iii_p; \
UChar* aaa = (UChar*)aaa_p; \
aaa[iii >> 3] &= ~(1 << (iii & 7)); \
} while (0)
#define BITARR_TEST(aaa_p,iii_p) \
(0 != (((UChar*)aaa_p)[ ((UInt)iii_p) >> 3 ] \
& (1 << (((UInt)iii_p) & 7)))) \
#define VGM_BIT_VALID 0
#define VGM_BYTE_VALID 0
#define VGM_WORD_VALID 0
#define VGM_EFLAGS_INVALID 0xFFFFFFFF /* not used */
/*--- Command line options + defaults ---*/
/* Memcheck defines a couple more. */
/* Allow loads from partially-valid addresses? default: YES */
extern Bool MAC_(clo_partial_loads_ok);
/* Max volume of the freed blocks queue. */
extern Int MAC_(clo_freelist_vol);
/* Do leak check at exit? default: NO */
extern Bool MAC_(clo_leak_check);
/* How closely should we compare ExeContexts in leak records? default: 2 */
extern VgRes MAC_(clo_leak_resolution);
/* In leak check, show reachable-but-not-freed blocks? default: NO */
extern Bool MAC_(clo_show_reachable);
/* Assume accesses immediately below %esp are due to gcc-2.96 bugs.
* default: NO*/
extern Bool MAC_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs);
extern Bool MAC_(process_common_cmd_line_option) ( Char* arg );
extern void MAC_(print_common_usage) ( void );
extern void MAC_(print_common_debug_usage) ( void );
/*--- Variables ---*/
/* For tracking malloc'd blocks */
extern VgHashTable MAC_(malloc_list);
/* Function pointers for the two skins to track interesting events. */
extern void (*MAC_(new_mem_heap)) ( Addr a, UInt len, Bool is_inited );
extern void (*MAC_(ban_mem_heap)) ( Addr a, UInt len );
extern void (*MAC_(die_mem_heap)) ( Addr a, UInt len );
extern void (*MAC_(copy_mem_heap))( Addr from, Addr to, UInt len );
/* Function pointers for internal sanity checking. */
extern Bool (*MAC_(check_noaccess))( Addr a, UInt len, Addr* bad_addr );
/* Used in describe_addr() */
extern Bool (*MAC_(describe_addr_supp)) ( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai );
/* For VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS client request */
extern Int MAC_(bytes_leaked);
extern Int MAC_(bytes_dubious);
extern Int MAC_(bytes_reachable);
extern Int MAC_(bytes_suppressed);
/*--- Functions ---*/
extern void MAC_(pp_AddrInfo) ( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai );
extern void MAC_(clear_MAC_Error) ( MAC_Error* err_extra );
extern Bool MAC_(shared_recognised_suppression) ( Char* name, Supp* su );
extern void MAC_(new_block) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr p, UInt size,
UInt rzB, Bool is_zeroed,
MAC_AllocKind kind );
extern void MAC_(handle_free) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr p, UInt rzB,
MAC_AllocKind kind );
extern void MAC_(record_address_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a,
Int size, Bool isWrite );
extern void MAC_(record_core_mem_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Bool isWrite,
Char* s );
extern void MAC_(record_param_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a,
Bool isWriteLack, Char* msg );
extern void MAC_(record_jump_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
extern void MAC_(record_free_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
extern void MAC_(record_freemismatch_error)( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
extern void MAC_(record_overlap_error) ( ThreadState* tst, Char* function );
extern void MAC_(pp_shared_SkinError) ( Error* err);
extern MAC_Chunk* MAC_(first_matching_freed_MAC_Chunk)( Bool (*p)(MAC_Chunk*) );
extern void MAC_(common_pre_clo_init) ( void );
extern void MAC_(common_fini) ( void (*leak_check)(void) );
extern Bool MAC_(handle_common_client_requests)
( ThreadState* tst, UInt* arg_block, UInt* ret );
extern void MAC_(print_malloc_stats) ( void );
/* For leak checking */
extern void MAC_(pp_LeakError)(void* vl, UInt n_this_record,
UInt n_total_records);
extern void MAC_(do_detect_memory_leaks) (
Bool is_valid_64k_chunk ( UInt ),
Bool is_valid_address ( Addr )
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(new_mem_stack_4) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(die_mem_stack_4) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(new_mem_stack_8) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(die_mem_stack_8) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(new_mem_stack_12) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(die_mem_stack_12) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(new_mem_stack_16) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(die_mem_stack_16) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(new_mem_stack_32) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern __attribute__((regparm(1))) void MAC_(die_mem_stack_32) ( Addr old_ESP );
extern void MAC_(die_mem_stack) ( Addr a, UInt len);
extern void MAC_(new_mem_stack) ( Addr a, UInt len);
/*--- Stack pointer adjustment ---*/
/* Some noble preprocessor abuse, to enable Memcheck and Addrcheck to
share this code, but call different functions.
Note that this code is executed very frequently and must be highly
optimised, which is why I resort to the preprocessor to achieve the
factoring, rather than eg. using function pointers.
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(new_mem_stack_4)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(110); \
if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_NEW ( new_ESP, 4 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(die_mem_stack_4)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(120); \
if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-4 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_DIE ( new_ESP-4, 4 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(new_mem_stack_8)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(111); \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP+4 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_NEW ( new_ESP, 8 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(die_mem_stack_8)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(121); \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-8 ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-8 ); \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-4 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_DIE ( new_ESP-8, 8 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(new_mem_stack_12)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(112); \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP+8 ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+4 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_NEW ( new_ESP, 12 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(die_mem_stack_12)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(122); \
/* Note the -12 in the test */ \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP-12)) { \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-12 ); \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-4 ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-12 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-8 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_DIE ( new_ESP-12, 12 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(new_mem_stack_16)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(113); \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+8 ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+4 ); \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP+12 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_NEW ( new_ESP, 16 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(die_mem_stack_16)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(123); \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-16 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-8 ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-16 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-12 ); \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-4 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_DIE ( new_ESP-16, 16 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(new_mem_stack_32)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(114); \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+8 ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+16 ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+24 ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+4 ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+12 ); \
ALIGNED8_NEW ( new_ESP+20 ); \
ALIGNED4_NEW ( new_ESP+28 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_NEW ( new_ESP, 32 ); \
} \
} \
void __attribute__((regparm(1))) MAC_(die_mem_stack_32)(Addr new_ESP) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(124); \
if (IS_ALIGNED8_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-32 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-24 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-16 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP- 8 ); \
} else if (IS_ALIGNED4_ADDR(new_ESP)) { \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-32 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-28 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-20 ); \
ALIGNED8_DIE ( new_ESP-12 ); \
ALIGNED4_DIE ( new_ESP-4 ); \
} else { \
UNALIGNED_DIE ( new_ESP-32, 32 ); \
} \
} \
void MAC_(new_mem_stack) ( Addr a, UInt len ) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(115); \
UNALIGNED_NEW ( a, len ); \
} \
void MAC_(die_mem_stack) ( Addr a, UInt len ) \
{ \
PROF_EVENT(125); \
UNALIGNED_DIE ( a, len ); \
#endif /* __MAC_SHARED_H */
/*--- end mac_shared.h ---*/