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<chapter id="ac-manual" xreflabel="Addrcheck: a lightweight memory checker">
<title>Addrcheck: a lightweight memory checker</title>
<para>To use this tool, you must specify
<computeroutput>--tool=addrcheck</computeroutput> on the Valgrind
command line.</para>
<title>Kinds of bugs that Addrcheck can find</title>
<para>Addrcheck is a simplified version of the Memcheck tool
described in Section 3. It is identical in every way to
Memcheck, except for one important detail: it does not do the
undefined-value checks that Memcheck does. This means Addrcheck
is about twice as fast as Memcheck, and uses less memory.
Addrcheck can detect the following errors:</para>
<para>Reading/writing memory after it has been free'd</para>
<para>Reading/writing off the end of malloc'd blocks</para>
<para>Reading/writing inappropriate areas on the stack</para>
<para>Memory leaks -- where pointers to malloc'd blocks are lost
<para>Mismatched use of malloc/new/new [] vs free/delete/delete []</para>
<para>Overlapping <computeroutput>src</computeroutput> and
<computeroutput>dst</computeroutput> pointers in
<computeroutput>memcpy()</computeroutput> and related
<para>Some misuses of the POSIX pthreads API</para>
<para>Rather than duplicate much of the Memcheck docs here
(a.k.a. since I am a lazy b'stard), users of Addrcheck are
advised to read <xref linkend="mc-manual.bugs"/>. Some important
<para>Addrcheck is exactly like Memcheck, except that all the
value-definedness tracking machinery has been removed.
Therefore, the Memcheck documentation which discusses
definedess ("V-bits") is irrelevant. The stuff on
addressibility ("A-bits") is still relevant.</para>
<para>Addrcheck accepts the same command-line flags as
Memcheck, with the exception of ... (to be filled in).</para>
<para>Like Memcheck, Addrcheck will do memory leak checking
(internally, the same code does leak checking for both
tools). The only difference is how the two tools decide
which memory locations to consider when searching for
pointers to blocks. Memcheck will only consider 4-byte
aligned locations which are validly addressible and which
hold defined values. Addrcheck does not track definedness
and so cannot apply the last, "defined value",
<para>The result is that Addrcheck's leak checker may
"discover" pointers to blocks that Memcheck would not. So it
is possible that Memcheck could (correctly) conclude that a
block is leaked, yet Addrcheck would not conclude
<para>Whether or not this has any effect in practice is
unknown. I suspect not, but that is mere speculation at this
<para>Addrcheck is, therefore, a fine-grained address checker.
All it really does is check each memory reference to say whether
or not that location may validly be addressed. Addrcheck has a
memory overhead of one bit per byte of used address space. In
contrast, Memcheck has an overhead of nine bits per byte.</para>
<para>Due to lazyness on the part of the implementor (Julian),
error messages from Addrcheck do not distinguish reads from
writes. So it will say, for example, "Invalid memory access of
size 4", whereas Memcheck would have said whether the access is a
read or a write. This could easily be remedied, if anyone is
particularly bothered.</para>
<para>Addrcheck is quite pleasant to use. It's faster than
Memcheck, and the lack of valid-value checks has another side
effect: the errors it does report are relatively easy to track
down, compared to the tedious and often confusing search
sometimes needed to find the cause of uninitialised-value errors
reported by Memcheck.</para>
<para>Because it is faster and lighter than Memcheck, our hope is
that Addrcheck is more suitable for less-intrusive, larger scale
testing than is viable with Memcheck. As of mid-November 2002,
we have experimented with running the KDE-3.1 desktop on
Addrcheck (the entire process tree, starting from
<computeroutput>startkde</computeroutput>). Running on a 512MB,
1.7 GHz P4, the result is nearly usable. The ultimate aim is
that is fast and unintrusive enough that (eg) KDE sessions may be
unintrusively monitored for addressing errors whilst people do
real work with their KDE desktop.</para>
<para>Addrcheck is a new experiment in the Valgrind world. We'd
be interested to hear your feedback on it.</para>