blob: daf81eeca5b437182b4b01ce1ddaa99f74d2f839 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# This script assists in updating s390-opcodes.csv
# It utilizes <binutils>/opcodes/s390-opc.txt and
# <valgrind>/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c and will
# - identify new opcodes that are present in s390-opc.txt
# (s390-opc.txt is the golden list)
# - identify opcodes that are implemented in guest_s390_toIR.c
# but have an out-of-date status in the CSV file.
my $num_arg = $#ARGV + 1;
if ($num_arg != 3) {
die "usage: s390-check-opcodes s390-opcodes.csv s390-opc.txt guest_s390_toIR.c\n";
my $csv_file = $ARGV[0];
my $opc_file = $ARGV[1];
my $toir_file = $ARGV[2];
my %opc_desc = ();
my %csv_desc = ();
my %csv_implemented = ();
my %toir_implemented = ();
my %toir_decoded = ();
# Read s390-opc.txt (binutils)
open(OPC, "$opc_file") || die "cannot open $opc_file\n";
while (my $line = <OPC>) {
chomp $line;
next if ($line =~ "^[ ]*#"); # comments
next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/); # blank line
my $description = (split /"/,$line)[1];
my ($encoding,$mnemonic,$format) = split /\s+/,$line;
# Ignore opcodes that have wildcards in them ('$', '*')
# Those provide alternate mnemonics for specific instances of this opcode
next if ($mnemonic =~ /\$/);
next if ($mnemonic =~ /\*/);
# Ignore certain opcodes which are special cases of other opcodes
next if ($mnemonic eq "br"); # special case of bcr
next if ($mnemonic eq "nopr"); # special case of bcr
next if ($mnemonic eq "b"); # special case of bc
next if ($mnemonic eq "nop"); # special case of bc
next if ($mnemonic eq "j"); # special case of brc
next if ($mnemonic eq "jg"); # special case of brcl
next if ($mnemonic eq "tmh"); # alternate mnemonic for tmlh
next if ($mnemonic eq "tml"); # alternate mnemonic for tmll
next if ($mnemonic eq "lrdr"); # alternate mnemonic for ldxr
next if ($mnemonic eq "lrer"); # alternate mnemonic for ledr
next if ($mnemonic eq "me"); # alternate mnemonic for mde
next if ($mnemonic eq "mer"); # alternate mnemonic for mder
next if ($mnemonic eq "cuutf"); # alternate mnemonic for cu21
next if ($mnemonic eq "cutfu"); # alternate mnemonic for cu12
next if ($mnemonic eq "cfdbra"); # indistinguishable from cfdbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cfebra"); # indistinguishable from cfebr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cfxbra"); # indistinguishable from cfxbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgdbra"); # indistinguishable from cgdbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgebra"); # indistinguishable from cgebr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgxbra"); # indistinguishable from cgxbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cdfbra"); # indistinguishable from cdfbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cefbra"); # indistinguishable from cefbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cxfbra"); # indistinguishable from cxfbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cdgbra"); # indistinguishable from cdgbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cegbra"); # indistinguishable from cegbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cxgbra"); # indistinguishable from cxgbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "ldxbra"); # indistinguishable from ldxbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "lexbra"); # indistinguishable from lexbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "ledbra"); # indistinguishable from ledbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cdgtra"); # indistinguishable from cdgtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cxgtra"); # indistinguishable from cxgtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgdtra"); # indistinguishable from cgdtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgxtra"); # indistinguishable from cgxtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "fidbra"); # indistinguishable from fidbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "fiebra"); # indistinguishable from fiebr
next if ($mnemonic eq "fixbra"); # indistinguishable from fixbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "adtr"); # indistinguishable from adtra
next if ($mnemonic eq "sdtr"); # indistinguishable from sdtra
next if ($mnemonic eq "ddtr"); # indistinguishable from ddtra
next if ($mnemonic eq "mdtr"); # indistinguishable from mdtra
$description =~ s/^[\s]+//g; # remove leading blanks
$description =~ s/[\s]+$//g; # remove trailing blanks
$description =~ s/[ ][ ]+/ /g; # replace multiple blanks with a single one
# Certain opcodes are listed more than once. Let the first description win
if ($opc_desc{$mnemonic}) {
# already there
# if ($opc_desc{$mnemonic} ne $description) {
# print "multiple description for opcode $mnemonic\n";
# print " old: |" . $opc_desc{$mnemonic} . "|\n";
# print " new: |" . $description . "|\n";
# }
} else {
$opc_desc{$mnemonic} = $description;
if ($description =~ /,/) {
print "warning: description of $mnemonic contains comma\n";
# Read CSV file (valgrind)
open(CSV, "$csv_file") || die "cannot open $csv_file\n";
while (my $line = <CSV>) {
chomp $line;
next if ($line =~ "^[ ]*#"); # comments
my ($mnemonic,$description,$status) = split /,/,$line;
$mnemonic =~ s/"//g;
$description =~ s/"//g;
next if ($mnemonic eq "cfdbra"); # indistinguishable from cfdbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cfebra"); # indistinguishable from cfebr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cfxbra"); # indistinguishable from cfxbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgdbra"); # indistinguishable from cgdbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgebra"); # indistinguishable from cgebr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgxbra"); # indistinguishable from cgxbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cdfbra"); # indistinguishable from cdfbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cefbra"); # indistinguishable from cefbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cxfbra"); # indistinguishable from cxfbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cegbra"); # indistinguishable from cegbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cdgbra"); # indistinguishable from cdgbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cegbra"); # indistinguishable from cegbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cxgbra"); # indistinguishable from cxgbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "ldxbra"); # indistinguishable from ldxbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "lexbra"); # indistinguishable from lexbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "ledbra"); # indistinguishable from ledbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cdgtra"); # indistinguishable from cdgtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cxgtra"); # indistinguishable from cxgtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgdtra"); # indistinguishable from cgdtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "cgxtra"); # indistinguishable from cgxtr
next if ($mnemonic eq "fidbra"); # indistinguishable from fidbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "fiebra"); # indistinguishable from fiebr
next if ($mnemonic eq "fixbra"); # indistinguishable from fixbr
next if ($mnemonic eq "adtr"); # indistinguishable from adtra
next if ($mnemonic eq "sdtr"); # indistinguishable from sdtra
next if ($mnemonic eq "ddtr"); # indistinguishable from ddtra
next if ($mnemonic eq "mdtr"); # indistinguishable from mdtra
# Complain about duplicate entries. We don't want them.
if ($csv_desc{$mnemonic}) {
print "$mnemonic: duplicate entry\n";
} else {
$csv_desc{$mnemonic} = $description;
# Remember whether it is implemented or not
next if ($line =~ /not\s+implemented/);
next if ($line =~ /N\/A/);
next if ($line =~ /won't do/);
if ($line =~ /implemented/) {
$csv_implemented{$mnemonic} = 1;
} else {
print "*** unknown implementation status of $mnemonic\n";
# Read s390_guest_toIR.c file. Compile list of implemented opcodes
open(TOIR, "$toir_file") || die "cannot open $toir_file\n";
while (my $line = <TOIR>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /goto\s+unimplemented/) {
# Assume this is in the decoder
if ($line =~ /\/\*\s([A-Z][A-Z0-9]+)\s\*\//) {
my $mnemonic = $1;
$mnemonic =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$toir_decoded{$mnemonic} = 1;
# print "DECODED: $mnemonic\n";
next if (! ($line =~ /^s390_irgen_[A-Z]/));
$line =~ /^s390_irgen_([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)/;
my $op = $1;
$op =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$toir_implemented{$op} = 1;
# 1) Make sure there are no missing/extra opcodes
foreach my $opc (keys %opc_desc) {
if (! $csv_desc{$opc}) {
print "*** opcode $opc not listed in $csv_file\n";
foreach my $opc (keys %csv_desc) {
if (! $opc_desc{$opc}) {
print "*** opcode $opc not listed in $opc_file\n";
# 2) Make sure opcode descriptions are the same
foreach my $opc (keys %opc_desc) {
if (defined $csv_desc{$opc}) {
if ($opc_desc{$opc} ne $csv_desc{$opc}) {
print "*** opcode $opc differs:\n";
print " binutils: $opc_desc{$opc}\n";
print " opcodes.csv: $csv_desc{$opc}\n";
# 3) Make sure implemented'ness is correct
foreach my $opc (keys %toir_implemented) {
if (! $csv_implemented{$opc}) {
print "*** opcode $opc is implemented but CSV file does not say so\n";
foreach my $opc (keys %csv_implemented) {
if (! $toir_implemented{$opc}) {
print "*** opcode $opc is not implemented but CSV file says so\n";
# 4) Make sure all opcodes are handled by the decoder
# We only have to check those for which we don't generate IR.
foreach my $opc (keys %opc_desc) {
if (! $toir_implemented{$opc} && ! $toir_decoded{$opc}) {
print "*** opcode $opc is not handled by the decoder\n";
print "there are " . int(keys %toir_implemented) . " implemented opcodes\n";
exit 0