blob: dc2d03bcc5ee5ae930d5f406ee845c743684d7be [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: Tobin Ehlis <>
#include "descriptor_sets.h"
#include "vk_enum_string_helper.h"
#include "vk_safe_struct.h"
#include <sstream>
// Construct DescriptorSetLayout instance from given create info
cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::DescriptorSetLayout(debug_report_data *report_data,
const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo *p_create_info,
const VkDescriptorSetLayout layout)
: layout_(layout), binding_count_(p_create_info->bindingCount), descriptor_count_(0), dynamic_descriptor_count_(0) {
uint32_t global_index = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < binding_count_; ++i) {
descriptor_count_ += p_create_info->pBindings[i].descriptorCount;
if (!binding_to_index_map_.emplace(p_create_info->pBindings[i].binding, i).second) {
reinterpret_cast<uint64_t &>(layout_), __LINE__, DRAWSTATE_INVALID_LAYOUT, "DS",
"duplicated binding number in "
binding_to_global_start_index_map_[p_create_info->pBindings[i].binding] = global_index;
global_index += p_create_info->pBindings[i].descriptorCount ? p_create_info->pBindings[i].descriptorCount - 1 : 0;
binding_to_global_end_index_map_[p_create_info->pBindings[i].binding] = global_index;
bindings_.push_back(new safe_VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding(&p_create_info->pBindings[i]));
// In cases where we should ignore pImmutableSamplers make sure it's NULL
if ((p_create_info->pBindings[i].pImmutableSamplers) &&
((p_create_info->pBindings[i].descriptorType != VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER) &&
(p_create_info->pBindings[i].descriptorType != VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER))) {
bindings_.back()->pImmutableSamplers = nullptr;
if (p_create_info->pBindings[i].descriptorType == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC ||
p_create_info->pBindings[i].descriptorType == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER_DYNAMIC) {
cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::~DescriptorSetLayout() {
for (auto binding : bindings_)
delete binding;
// put all bindings into the given set
void cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::FillBindingSet(std::unordered_set<uint32_t> *binding_set) const {
for (auto binding_index_pair : binding_to_index_map_)
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding const *
cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetDescriptorSetLayoutBindingPtrFromBinding(const uint32_t binding) const {
if (!binding_to_index_map_.count(binding))
return nullptr;
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding const *
cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetDescriptorSetLayoutBindingPtrFromIndex(const uint32_t index) const {
if (index >= bindings_.size())
return nullptr;
return bindings_[index]->ptr();
// Return descriptorCount for given binding, 0 if index is unavailable
uint32_t cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(const uint32_t binding) const {
if (!binding_to_index_map_.count(binding))
return 0;
// Return descriptorCount for given index, 0 if index is unavailable
uint32_t cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetDescriptorCountFromIndex(const uint32_t index) const {
if (index >= bindings_.size())
return 0;
return bindings_[index]->descriptorCount;
// For the given binding, return descriptorType
VkDescriptorType cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetTypeFromBinding(const uint32_t binding) const {
// For the given index, return descriptorType
VkDescriptorType cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetTypeFromIndex(const uint32_t index) const {
assert(index < bindings_.size());
return bindings_[index]->descriptorType;
// For the given global index, return descriptorType
// Currently just counting up through bindings_, may improve this in future
VkDescriptorType cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetTypeFromGlobalIndex(const uint32_t index) const {
uint32_t global_offset = 0;
for (auto binding : bindings_) {
global_offset += binding->descriptorCount;
if (index < global_offset)
return binding->descriptorType;
assert(0); // requested global index is out of bounds
// For the given binding, return stageFlags
VkShaderStageFlags cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetStageFlagsFromBinding(const uint32_t binding) const {
// For the given binding, return start index
uint32_t cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(const uint32_t binding) const {
// For the given binding, return end index
uint32_t cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetGlobalEndIndexFromBinding(const uint32_t binding) const {
// For given binding, return ptr to ImmutableSampler array
VkSampler const *cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetImmutableSamplerPtrFromBinding(const uint32_t binding) const {
// For given index, return ptr to ImmutableSampler array
VkSampler const *cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::GetImmutableSamplerPtrFromIndex(const uint32_t index) const {
assert(index < bindings_.size());
return bindings_[index]->pImmutableSamplers;
// If our layout is compatible with rh_ds_layout, return true,
// else return false and fill in error_msg will description of what causes incompatibility
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::IsCompatible(const DescriptorSetLayout *rh_ds_layout, std::string *error_msg) const {
// Trivial case
if (layout_ == rh_ds_layout->GetDescriptorSetLayout())
return true;
if (descriptor_count_ != rh_ds_layout->descriptor_count_) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "DescriptorSetLayout " << layout_ << " has " << descriptor_count_ << " descriptors, but DescriptorSetLayout "
<< rh_ds_layout->GetDescriptorSetLayout() << " has " << rh_ds_layout->descriptor_count_ << " descriptors.";
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false; // trivial fail case
// Descriptor counts match so need to go through bindings one-by-one
// and verify that type and stageFlags match
for (auto binding : bindings_) {
// TODO : Do we also need to check immutable samplers?
// VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding *rh_binding;
// rh_ds_layout->FillDescriptorSetLayoutBindingStructFromBinding(binding->binding, rh_binding);
if (binding->descriptorCount != rh_ds_layout->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(binding->binding)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Binding " << binding->binding << " for DescriptorSetLayout " << layout_ << " has a descriptorCount of "
<< binding->descriptorCount << " but binding " << binding->binding << " for DescriptorSetLayout "
<< rh_ds_layout->GetDescriptorSetLayout() << " has a descriptorCount of "
<< rh_ds_layout->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(binding->binding);
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
} else if (binding->descriptorType != rh_ds_layout->GetTypeFromBinding(binding->binding)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Binding " << binding->binding << " for DescriptorSetLayout " << layout_ << " is type '"
<< string_VkDescriptorType(binding->descriptorType) << "' but binding " << binding->binding
<< " for DescriptorSetLayout " << rh_ds_layout->GetDescriptorSetLayout() << " is type '"
<< string_VkDescriptorType(rh_ds_layout->GetTypeFromBinding(binding->binding)) << "'";
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
} else if (binding->stageFlags != rh_ds_layout->GetStageFlagsFromBinding(binding->binding)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Binding " << binding->binding << " for DescriptorSetLayout " << layout_ << " has stageFlags "
<< binding->stageFlags << " but binding " << binding->binding << " for DescriptorSetLayout "
<< rh_ds_layout->GetDescriptorSetLayout() << " has stageFlags "
<< rh_ds_layout->GetStageFlagsFromBinding(binding->binding);
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
return true;
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSetLayout::IsNextBindingConsistent(const uint32_t binding) const {
if (!binding_to_index_map_.count(binding + 1))
return false;
auto type =>descriptorType;
auto stage_flags =>stageFlags;
auto immut_samp =>pImmutableSamplers ? true : false;
if ((type != + 1))->descriptorType) ||
(stage_flags != + 1))->stageFlags) ||
(immut_samp != ( + 1))->pImmutableSamplers ? true : false))) {
return false;
return true;
cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::DescriptorSet(const VkDescriptorSet set, const DescriptorSetLayout *layout,
const std::unordered_map<VkBuffer, BUFFER_NODE> *buffer_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkDeviceMemory, DEVICE_MEM_INFO> *memory_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkBufferView, VkBufferViewCreateInfo> *buffer_view_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSampler, std::unique_ptr<SAMPLER_NODE>> *sampler_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImageView, VkImageViewCreateInfo> *image_view_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, IMAGE_NODE> *image_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, VkSwapchainKHR> *image_to_swapchain_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSwapchainKHR, SWAPCHAIN_NODE *> *swapchain_map)
: some_update_(false), full_update_(false), set_(set), p_layout_(layout), buffer_map_(buffer_map), memory_map_(memory_map),
buffer_view_map_(buffer_view_map), sampler_map_(sampler_map), image_view_map_(image_view_map), image_map_(image_map),
image_to_swapchain_map_(image_to_swapchain_map), swapchain_map_(swapchain_map) {
// Foreach binding, create default descriptors of given type
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_layout_->GetBindingCount(); ++i) {
auto type = p_layout_->GetTypeFromIndex(i);
switch (type) {
auto immut_sampler = p_layout_->GetImmutableSamplerPtrFromIndex(i);
for (uint32_t di = 0; di < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromIndex(i); ++di) {
if (immut_sampler)
descriptors_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Descriptor>(new SamplerDescriptor(immut_sampler + di, sampler_map_)));
descriptors_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Descriptor>(new SamplerDescriptor(sampler_map_)));
auto immut = p_layout_->GetImmutableSamplerPtrFromIndex(i);
for (uint32_t di = 0; di < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromIndex(i); ++di) {
if (immut)
descriptors_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Descriptor>(new ImageSamplerDescriptor(
immut + di, image_view_map_, image_map_, image_to_swapchain_map_, swapchain_map_, sampler_map_)));
descriptors_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Descriptor>(new ImageSamplerDescriptor(
image_view_map_, image_map_, image_to_swapchain_map_, swapchain_map_, sampler_map_)));
// ImageDescriptors
for (uint32_t di = 0; di < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromIndex(i); ++di)
new ImageDescriptor(type, image_view_map_, image_map_, image_to_swapchain_map_, swapchain_map_)));
for (uint32_t di = 0; di < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromIndex(i); ++di)
descriptors_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Descriptor>(new TexelDescriptor(type, buffer_view_map_)));
for (uint32_t di = 0; di < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromIndex(i); ++di)
descriptors_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Descriptor>(new BufferDescriptor(type, buffer_map_)));
// For given global_index return bool of whether or not the underlying descriptor has been updated
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::IsUpdated(const uint32_t global_index) const {
if (global_index >= descriptors_.size() || !
return false;
// Is this sets underlying layout compatible with passed in layout according to "Pipeline Layout Compatibility" in spec?
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::IsCompatible(const DescriptorSetLayout *layout, std::string *error) const {
return layout->IsCompatible(p_layout_, error);
// Validate that the state of this set is appropriate for the given bindings and dynami_offsets at Draw time
// This includes validating that all descriptors in the given bindings are updated,
// that any update buffers are valid, and that any dynamic offsets are within the bounds of their buffers.
// Return true if state is acceptable, or false and write an error message into error string
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::ValidateDrawState(const std::unordered_set<uint32_t> &bindings,
const std::vector<uint32_t> &dynamic_offsets, std::string *error) const {
for (auto binding : bindings) {
auto start_idx = p_layout_->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(binding);
if (>IsImmutableSampler()) {
// Nothing to do for strictly immutable sampler
} else {
auto end_idx = p_layout_->GetGlobalEndIndexFromBinding(binding);
auto dyn_offset_index = 0;
for (uint32_t i = start_idx; i <= end_idx; ++i) {
if (!>updated) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Descriptor in binding #" << binding << " at global descriptor index " << i
<< " is being used in draw but has not been updated.";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
} else {
if (GeneralBuffer ==>GetClass()) {
// Verify that buffers are valid
auto buffer = static_cast<BufferDescriptor *>(>GetBuffer();
auto buffer_node = buffer_map_->find(buffer);
if (buffer_node == buffer_map_->end()) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Descriptor in binding #" << binding << " at global descriptor index " << i
<< " references invalid buffer " << buffer << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
} else {
auto mem_entry = memory_map_->find(buffer_node->second.mem);
if (mem_entry == memory_map_->end()) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Descriptor in binding #" << binding << " at global descriptor index " << i
<< " uses buffer " << buffer << " that references invalid memory "
<< buffer_node->second.mem << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
if (>IsDynamic()) {
// Validate that dynamic offsets are within the buffer
auto buffer_size = buffer_node->second.createInfo.size;
auto range = static_cast<BufferDescriptor *>(>GetRange();
auto desc_offset = static_cast<BufferDescriptor *>(>GetOffset();
auto dyn_offset = dynamic_offsets[dyn_offset_index++];
if (VK_WHOLE_SIZE == range) {
if ((dyn_offset + desc_offset) > buffer_size) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Dynamic descriptor in binding #" << binding << " at global descriptor index " << i
<< " uses buffer " << buffer
<< " with update range of VK_WHOLE_SIZE has dynamic offset " << dyn_offset
<< " combined with offset " << desc_offset << " that oversteps the buffer size of "
<< buffer_size << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
} else {
if ((dyn_offset + desc_offset + range) > buffer_size) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Dynamic descriptor in binding #" << binding << " at global descriptor index " << i
<< " uses buffer " << buffer << " with dynamic offset " << dyn_offset
<< " combined with offset " << desc_offset << " and range " << range
<< " that oversteps the buffer size of " << buffer_size << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
return true;
// For given bindings, place any update buffers or images into the passed-in unordered_sets
uint32_t cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::GetStorageUpdates(const std::unordered_set<uint32_t> &bindings,
std::unordered_set<VkBuffer> *buffer_set,
std::unordered_set<VkImageView> *image_set) const {
auto num_updates = 0;
for (auto binding : bindings) {
auto start_idx = p_layout_->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(binding);
if (>IsStorage()) {
if (Image ==>descriptor_class) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(binding); ++i) {
if ( + i)->updated) {
image_set->insert(static_cast<ImageDescriptor *>( + i).get())->GetImageView());
} else if (TexelBuffer ==>descriptor_class) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(binding); ++i) {
if ( + i)->updated) {
auto bufferview = static_cast<TexelDescriptor *>( + i).get())->GetBufferView();
auto buffer = buffer_view_map_->at(bufferview).buffer;
} else if (GeneralBuffer ==>descriptor_class) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(binding); ++i) {
if ( + i)->updated) {
buffer_set->insert(static_cast<BufferDescriptor *>( + i).get())->GetBuffer());
return num_updates;
// This is a special case for compute shaders that should eventually be removed once we have proper valid binding info for compute
// case
uint32_t cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::GetAllStorageUpdates(std::unordered_set<VkBuffer> *buffer_set,
std::unordered_set<VkImageView> *image_set) const {
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> binding_set;
return GetStorageUpdates(binding_set, buffer_set, image_set);
// Starting at given current_binding with binding_remaining descriptors, parse over update_count
// descriptor updates and verify that for any binding boundaries that are crossed, the next binding(s) are all consistent
// Consistency means that their type, stage flags, and whether or not they use immutable samplers matches
// If so, return true. If not, fill in error_msg and return false
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::VerifyUpdateConsistency(uint32_t current_binding, uint32_t binding_remaining,
uint32_t update_count, const char *type,
std::string *error_msg) const {
// Verify consecutive bindings match (if needed)
auto orig_binding = current_binding;
while (update_count > binding_remaining) { // While our updates overstep current binding
// Verify next consecutive binding matches type, stage flags & immutable sampler use
if (!p_layout_->IsNextBindingConsistent(current_binding++)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempting " << type << " descriptor set " << set_ << " binding #" << orig_binding << " with #"
<< update_count << " descriptors being updated but this update oversteps the bounds of this binding and then "
"next binding is not consistent with current binding so this update is invalid.";
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
// For sake of this check consider the bindings updated and advance to next binding
update_count -= binding_remaining;
binding_remaining = p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(current_binding);
return true;
// Perform write update in given update struct
// If an error occurs, return false and fill in details in error_msg string
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::WriteUpdate(debug_report_data *report_data, const VkWriteDescriptorSet *update,
std::string *error_msg) {
auto num_updates = 0;
// Verify dst binding exists
if (!p_layout_->HasBinding(update->dstBinding)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "DescriptorSet " << set_ << " does not have binding " << update->dstBinding << ".";
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
} else {
// We know that binding is valid, verify update and do update on each descriptor
auto start_idx = p_layout_->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(update->dstBinding) + update->dstArrayElement;
auto type = p_layout_->GetTypeFromBinding(update->dstBinding);
if (type != update->descriptorType) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempting write update to descriptor set " << set_ << " binding #" << update->dstBinding << " with type "
<< string_VkDescriptorType(type) << " but update type is " << string_VkDescriptorType(update->descriptorType);
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
if ((start_idx + update->descriptorCount) > p_layout_->GetTotalDescriptorCount()) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempting write update to descriptor set " << set_ << " binding #" << update->dstBinding << " with "
<< p_layout_->GetTotalDescriptorCount() << " total descriptors but update of " << update->descriptorCount
<< " descriptors starting at binding offset of "
<< p_layout_->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(update->dstBinding)
<< " combined with update array element offset of " << update->dstArrayElement
<< " oversteps the size of this descriptor set.";
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
// Verify consecutive bindings match (if needed)
auto binding_remaining = p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(update->dstBinding) - update->dstArrayElement;
if (!VerifyUpdateConsistency(update->dstBinding, binding_remaining, update->descriptorCount, "write update to", error_msg))
return false;
// Update is within bounds and consistent so perform update
for (uint32_t di = 0; di < update->descriptorCount; ++di) {
if (!descriptors_[start_idx + di]->WriteUpdate(update, di, error_msg)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Write update to descriptor at global index " << start_idx + di << " within set " << set_
<< " binding #" << update->dstBinding << " failed with error message: " << error_msg->c_str();
*error_msg = error_str.str();
return false;
if (num_updates != 0) {
some_update_ = true;
full_update_ = (descriptors_.size() == num_updates);
return true;
// Copy update
bool cvdescriptorset::DescriptorSet::CopyUpdate(debug_report_data *report_data, const VkCopyDescriptorSet *update,
const DescriptorSet *src_set, std::string *error) {
auto num_updates = 0;
if (!p_layout_->HasBinding(update->dstBinding)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "DescriptorSet " << set_ << " does not have copy update dest binding of " << update->dstBinding << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
if (!src_set->HasBinding(update->srcBinding)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "DescriptorSet " << set_ << " does not have copy update src binding of " << update->srcBinding << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// src & dst set bindings are valid
// Check bounds of src & dst
auto src_start_idx = src_set->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(update->srcBinding) + update->srcArrayElement;
if ((src_start_idx + update->descriptorCount) > src_set->GetTotalDescriptorCount()) {
// SRC update out of bounds
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempting copy update from descriptorSet " << update->srcSet << " binding#" << update->srcBinding
<< " with offset index of " << src_set->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(update->srcBinding)
<< " plus update array offset of " << update->srcArrayElement << " and update of " << update->descriptorCount
<< " descriptors oversteps total number of descriptors in set: " << src_set->GetTotalDescriptorCount() << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
auto dst_start_idx = p_layout_->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(update->dstBinding) + update->dstArrayElement;
if ((dst_start_idx + update->descriptorCount) > p_layout_->GetTotalDescriptorCount()) {
// DST update out of bounds
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempting copy update to descriptorSet " << set_ << " binding#" << update->dstBinding
<< " with offset index of " << p_layout_->GetGlobalStartIndexFromBinding(update->dstBinding)
<< " plus update array offset of " << update->dstArrayElement << " and update of " << update->descriptorCount
<< " descriptors oversteps total number of descriptors in set: " << p_layout_->GetTotalDescriptorCount() << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// Check that types match
auto src_type = src_set->GetTypeFromBinding(update->srcBinding);
auto dst_type = p_layout_->GetTypeFromBinding(update->dstBinding);
if (src_type != dst_type) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempting copy update to descriptorSet " << set_ << " binding #" << update->dstBinding << " with type "
<< string_VkDescriptorType(dst_type) << " from descriptorSet " << src_set->GetSet() << " binding #"
<< update->srcBinding << " with type " << string_VkDescriptorType(src_type) << ". Types do not match.";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// Verify consistency of src & dst bindings if update crosses binding boundaries
auto src_binding_remaining = src_set->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(update->srcBinding) - update->srcArrayElement;
auto dst_binding_remaining = p_layout_->GetDescriptorCountFromBinding(update->dstBinding) - update->dstArrayElement;
if ((!VerifyUpdateConsistency(update->srcBinding, src_binding_remaining, update->descriptorCount, "copy update from", error)) ||
(!VerifyUpdateConsistency(update->dstBinding, dst_binding_remaining, update->descriptorCount, "copy update to", error))) {
return false;
// Update parameters all look good so perform update
for (uint32_t di = 0; di < update->descriptorCount; ++di) {
if (!>CopyUpdate(src_set->, error))
return false;
if (num_updates != 0) {
some_update_ = true;
full_update_ = (descriptors_.size() == num_updates);
return true;
const std::unordered_map<VkSampler, std::unique_ptr<SAMPLER_NODE>> *sampler_map)
: sampler_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), immutable_(false), sampler_map_(sampler_map) {
updated = false;
descriptor_class = PlainSampler;
const VkSampler *immut, const std::unordered_map<VkSampler, std::unique_ptr<SAMPLER_NODE>> *sampler_map)
: sampler_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), immutable_(false), sampler_map_(sampler_map) {
updated = false;
descriptor_class = PlainSampler;
if (immut) {
sampler_ = *immut;
immutable_ = true;
updated = true;
bool cvdescriptorset::ValidateSampler(const VkSampler sampler,
const std::unordered_map<VkSampler, std::unique_ptr<SAMPLER_NODE>> *sampler_map) {
return (sampler_map->count(sampler) != 0) ? true : false;
bool cvdescriptorset::ValidateImageUpdate(const VkImageView image_view, const VkImageLayout image_layout,
const std::unordered_map<VkImageView, VkImageViewCreateInfo> *image_view_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, IMAGE_NODE> *image_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, VkSwapchainKHR> *image_to_swapchain_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSwapchainKHR, SWAPCHAIN_NODE *> *swapchain_map,
std::string *error) {
auto image_pair = image_view_map->find(image_view);
if (image_pair == image_view_map->end()) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Invalid VkImageView: " << image_view;
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
} else {
// Validate that imageLayout is compatible with aspect_mask and image format
VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask = image_pair->second.subresourceRange.aspectMask;
VkImage image = image_pair->second.image;
VkFormat format = VK_FORMAT_MAX_ENUM;
auto img_pair = image_map->find(image);
if (img_pair != image_map->end()) {
format = img_pair->second.createInfo.format;
} else {
// Also need to check the swapchains.
auto swapchain_pair = image_to_swapchain_map->find(image);
if (swapchain_pair != image_to_swapchain_map->end()) {
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain = swapchain_pair->second;
auto swapchain_pair = swapchain_map->find(swapchain);
if (swapchain_pair != swapchain_map->end()) {
format = swapchain_pair->second->createInfo.imageFormat;
if (format == VK_FORMAT_MAX_ENUM) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Invalid image (" << image << ") in imageView (" << image_view << ").";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
} else {
bool ds = vk_format_is_depth_or_stencil(format);
switch (image_layout) {
// Only Color bit must be set
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "ImageView (" << image_view << ") uses layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL but does "
"not have VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT set.";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// format must NOT be DS
if (ds) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "ImageView (" << image_view
<< ") uses layout VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL but the image format is "
<< string_VkFormat(format) << " which is not a color format.";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// Depth or stencil bit must be set, but both must NOT be set
if (aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) {
if (aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) {
// both must NOT be set
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "ImageView (" << image_view << ") has both STENCIL and DEPTH aspects set";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
} else if (!(aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) {
// Neither were set
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "ImageView (" << image_view << ") has layout " << string_VkImageLayout(image_layout)
<< " but does not have STENCIL or DEPTH aspects set";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// format must be DS
if (!ds) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "ImageView (" << image_view << ") has layout " << string_VkImageLayout(image_layout)
<< " but the image format is " << string_VkFormat(format) << " which is not a depth/stencil format.";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// anything to check for other layouts?
return true;
bool cvdescriptorset::SamplerDescriptor::WriteUpdate(const VkWriteDescriptorSet *update, const uint32_t index, std::string *error) {
if (!immutable_) {
if (!ValidateSampler(update->pImageInfo[index].sampler, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to sampler descriptor with invalid sampler: " << update->pImageInfo[index].sampler
<< ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
sampler_ = update->pImageInfo[index].sampler;
} else {
if (!ValidateSampler(sampler_, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to immutable sampler descriptor which has invalid immutable sampler: " << sampler_
<< ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// TODO : Do we want a way to warn here in case of updating immutable sampler (which can't be updated)?
updated = true;
return true;
bool cvdescriptorset::SamplerDescriptor::CopyUpdate(const Descriptor *src, std::string *error) {
if (!immutable_) {
auto update_sampler = static_cast<const SamplerDescriptor *>(src)->sampler_;
if (!ValidateSampler(update_sampler, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted copy update to sampler descriptor with invalid sampler: " << update_sampler << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
sampler_ = update_sampler;
} else {
if (!ValidateSampler(sampler_, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted copy update to immutable sampler descriptor which has invalid immutable sampler: " << sampler_
<< ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// TODO : Do we want a way to warn here in case of updating immutable sampler (which can't be updated)?
updated = true;
return true;
const std::unordered_map<VkImageView, VkImageViewCreateInfo> *image_view_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, IMAGE_NODE> *image_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, VkSwapchainKHR> *image_to_swapchain_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSwapchainKHR, SWAPCHAIN_NODE *> *swapchain_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSampler, std::unique_ptr<SAMPLER_NODE>> *sampler_map)
: sampler_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), immutable_(false), image_view_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), image_layout_(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED),
sampler_map_(sampler_map), image_view_map_(image_view_map), image_map_(image_map),
image_to_swapchain_map_(image_to_swapchain_map), swapchain_map_(swapchain_map) {
updated = false;
descriptor_class = ImageSampler;
const VkSampler *immut, const std::unordered_map<VkImageView, VkImageViewCreateInfo> *image_view_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, IMAGE_NODE> *image_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, VkSwapchainKHR> *image_to_swapchain_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSwapchainKHR, SWAPCHAIN_NODE *> *swapchain_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSampler, std::unique_ptr<SAMPLER_NODE>> *sampler_map)
: sampler_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), immutable_(true), image_view_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), image_layout_(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED),
sampler_map_(sampler_map), image_view_map_(image_view_map), image_map_(image_map),
image_to_swapchain_map_(image_to_swapchain_map), swapchain_map_(swapchain_map) {
updated = false;
descriptor_class = ImageSampler;
if (immut) {
sampler_ = *immut;
immutable_ = true;
updated = true;
bool cvdescriptorset::ImageSamplerDescriptor::WriteUpdate(const VkWriteDescriptorSet *update, const uint32_t index,
std::string *error) {
// First check sampler
if (!immutable_) {
if (!ValidateSampler(update->pImageInfo[index].sampler, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to combined image sampler descriptor with invalid sampler: "
<< update->pImageInfo[index].sampler << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
sampler_ = update->pImageInfo[index].sampler;
} else {
if (!ValidateSampler(sampler_, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to combined image sampler descriptor with immutable sampler which has invalid "
"immutable sampler: "
<< sampler_ << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// TODO : Do we want a way to warn here in case of updating immutable sampler (which can't be updated)?
// Now validate images
auto image_view = update->pImageInfo[index].imageView;
auto image_layout = update->pImageInfo[index].imageLayout;
if (!ValidateImageUpdate(image_view, image_layout, image_view_map_, image_map_, image_to_swapchain_map_, swapchain_map_,
error)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to combined image sampler descriptor failed due to: " << error->c_str();
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
updated = true;
image_view_ = image_view;
image_layout_ = image_layout;
return true;
bool cvdescriptorset::ImageSamplerDescriptor::CopyUpdate(const Descriptor *src, std::string *error) {
if (!immutable_) {
auto update_sampler = static_cast<const ImageSamplerDescriptor *>(src)->sampler_;
if (!ValidateSampler(update_sampler, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted copy update to combined image sampler descriptor with invalid sampler: " << update_sampler
<< ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
sampler_ = update_sampler;
} else {
if (!ValidateSampler(sampler_, sampler_map_)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted copy update to combined image sampler descriptor with immutable sampler that has invalid "
"immutable sampler: "
<< sampler_ << ".";
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// TODO : Do we want a way to warn here in case of updating immutable sampler (which can't be updated)?
// Now validate images
auto image_view = static_cast<const ImageSamplerDescriptor *>(src)->image_view_;
auto image_layout = static_cast<const ImageSamplerDescriptor *>(src)->image_layout_;
if (!ValidateImageUpdate(image_view, image_layout, image_view_map_, image_map_, image_to_swapchain_map_, swapchain_map_,
error)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted copy update to combined image sampler descriptor failed due to: " << error->c_str();
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
updated = true;
image_view_ = image_view;
image_layout_ = image_layout;
return true;
cvdescriptorset::ImageDescriptor::ImageDescriptor(const VkDescriptorType type,
const std::unordered_map<VkImageView, VkImageViewCreateInfo> *image_view_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, IMAGE_NODE> *image_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkImage, VkSwapchainKHR> *image_to_swapchain_map,
const std::unordered_map<VkSwapchainKHR, SWAPCHAIN_NODE *> *swapchain_map)
: storage_(false), image_view_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), image_layout_(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED), image_view_map_(image_view_map),
image_map_(image_map), image_to_swapchain_map_(image_to_swapchain_map), swapchain_map_(swapchain_map) {
updated = false;
descriptor_class = Image;
storage_ = true;
bool cvdescriptorset::ImageDescriptor::WriteUpdate(const VkWriteDescriptorSet *update, const uint32_t index, std::string *error) {
// First validate that the write update is valid
auto image_view = update->pImageInfo[index].imageView;
auto image_layout = update->pImageInfo[index].imageLayout;
if (!ValidateImageUpdate(image_view, image_layout, image_view_map_, image_map_, image_to_swapchain_map_, swapchain_map_,
error)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to image descriptor failed due to: " << error->c_str();
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
// Update is clean so process it
updated = true;
image_view_ = image_view;
image_layout_ = image_layout;
return true;
bool cvdescriptorset::ImageDescriptor::CopyUpdate(const Descriptor *src, std::string *error) {
// First validate update
auto image_view = static_cast<const ImageDescriptor *>(src)->image_view_;
auto image_layout = static_cast<const ImageDescriptor *>(src)->image_layout_;
if (!ValidateImageUpdate(image_view, image_layout, image_view_map_, image_map_, image_to_swapchain_map_, swapchain_map_,
error)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted copy update to image descriptor failed due to: " << error->c_str();
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
updated = true;
image_view_ = image_view;
image_layout_ = image_layout;
return true;
cvdescriptorset::BufferDescriptor::BufferDescriptor(const VkDescriptorType type,
const std::unordered_map<VkBuffer, BUFFER_NODE> *buffer_map)
: storage_(false), dynamic_(false), buffer_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), offset_(0), range_(0), buffer_map_(buffer_map) {
updated = false;
descriptor_class = GeneralBuffer;
dynamic_ = true;
storage_ = true;
dynamic_ = true;
storage_ = true;
bool cvdescriptorset::BufferDescriptor::WriteUpdate(const VkWriteDescriptorSet *update, const uint32_t index, std::string *error) {
// First validate bufferinfo
auto buffer = update->pBufferInfo[index].buffer;
if (!buffer_map_->count(buffer)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to buffer descriptor with invalid buffer: " << buffer;
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
updated = true;
buffer_ = buffer;
offset_ = update->pBufferInfo[index].offset;
range_ = update->pBufferInfo[index].range;
return true;
bool cvdescriptorset::BufferDescriptor::CopyUpdate(const Descriptor *src, std::string *error) {
// First validate bufferinfo
auto buffer = static_cast<const BufferDescriptor *>(src)->buffer_;
if (!buffer_map_->count(buffer)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted copy update to buffer descriptor with invalid buffer: " << buffer;
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
updated = true;
buffer_ = buffer;
offset_ = static_cast<const BufferDescriptor *>(src)->offset_;
range_ = static_cast<const BufferDescriptor *>(src)->range_;
return true;
cvdescriptorset::TexelDescriptor::TexelDescriptor(const VkDescriptorType type,
const std::unordered_map<VkBufferView, VkBufferViewCreateInfo> *buffer_view_map)
: buffer_view_(VK_NULL_HANDLE), storage_(false), buffer_view_map_(buffer_view_map) {
updated = false;
descriptor_class = TexelBuffer;
storage_ = true;
bool cvdescriptorset::TexelDescriptor::WriteUpdate(const VkWriteDescriptorSet *update, const uint32_t index, std::string *error) {
// First validate buffer view
auto buffer_view = update->pTexelBufferView[index];
if (!buffer_view_map_->count(buffer_view)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to texel buffer descriptor with invalid buffer view: " << buffer_view;
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
updated = true;
buffer_view_ = buffer_view;
return true;
bool cvdescriptorset::TexelDescriptor::CopyUpdate(const Descriptor *src, std::string *error) {
// First validate buffer view
auto buffer_view = static_cast<const TexelDescriptor *>(src)->buffer_view_;
if (!buffer_view_map_->count(buffer_view)) {
std::stringstream error_str;
error_str << "Attempted write update to texel buffer descriptor with invalid buffer view: " << buffer_view;
*error = error_str.str();
return false;
updated = true;
buffer_view_ = buffer_view;
return true;