blob: c59b94460b5a448534cc7d5f65100b40b73a3767 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: Jon Ashburn <>
* Author: Courtney Goeltzenleuchter <>
* Author: Chia-I Wu <>
* Author: Chia-I Wu <>
* Author: Mark Lobodzinski <>
#ifndef LOADER_H
#define LOADER_H
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "vk_loader_platform.h"
#include "vk_loader_layer.h"
#include <vulkan/vk_layer.h>
#include <vulkan/vk_icd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "vk_loader_extensions.h"
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
#define LOADER_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)
#define LOADER_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
// A debug option to disable allocators at compile time to investigate future issues.
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE 1024
// This is defined in vk_layer.h, but if there's problems we need to create the define
// here.
enum layer_type_flags {
VK_LAYER_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANCE_LAYER = 0x1, // If not set, indicates Device layer
VK_LAYER_TYPE_FLAG_EXPLICIT_LAYER = 0x2, // If not set, indicates Implicit layer
VK_LAYER_TYPE_FLAG_META_LAYER = 0x4, // If not set, indicates standard layer
typedef enum VkStringErrorFlagBits {
VK_STRING_ERROR_NONE = 0x00000000,
} VkStringErrorFlagBits;
typedef VkFlags VkStringErrorFlags;
static const int MaxLoaderStringLength = 256;
static const char UTF8_ONE_BYTE_CODE = 0xC0;
static const char UTF8_ONE_BYTE_MASK = 0xE0;
static const char UTF8_TWO_BYTE_CODE = 0xE0;
static const char UTF8_TWO_BYTE_MASK = 0xF0;
static const char UTF8_THREE_BYTE_CODE = 0xF0;
static const char UTF8_THREE_BYTE_MASK = 0xF8;
static const char UTF8_DATA_BYTE_CODE = 0x80;
static const char UTF8_DATA_BYTE_MASK = 0xC0;
struct VkStructureHeader {
VkStructureType sType;
const void *pNext;
// form of all dynamic lists/arrays
// only the list element should be changed
struct loader_generic_list {
size_t capacity;
uint32_t count;
void *list;
struct loader_extension_list {
size_t capacity;
uint32_t count;
VkExtensionProperties *list;
struct loader_dev_ext_props {
VkExtensionProperties props;
uint32_t entrypoint_count;
char **entrypoints;
struct loader_device_extension_list {
size_t capacity;
uint32_t count;
struct loader_dev_ext_props *list;
struct loader_name_value {
char name[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
char value[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
struct loader_layer_functions {
char str_gipa[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
char str_gdpa[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
char str_negotiate_interface[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
PFN_vkNegotiateLoaderLayerInterfaceVersion negotiate_layer_interface;
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr;
PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr get_device_proc_addr;
PFN_GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr get_physical_device_proc_addr;
struct loader_layer_properties {
VkLayerProperties info;
enum layer_type_flags type_flags;
uint32_t interface_version; // PFN_vkNegotiateLoaderLayerInterfaceVersion
char lib_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
loader_platform_dl_handle lib_handle;
struct loader_layer_functions functions;
struct loader_extension_list instance_extension_list;
struct loader_device_extension_list device_extension_list;
struct loader_name_value disable_env_var;
struct loader_name_value enable_env_var;
uint32_t num_component_layers;
char (*component_layer_names)[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
struct {
char enumerate_instance_extension_properties[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
char enumerate_instance_layer_properties[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
} pre_instance_functions;
struct loader_layer_list {
size_t capacity;
uint32_t count;
struct loader_layer_properties *list;
struct loader_dispatch_hash_list {
size_t capacity;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t *index; // index into the dev_ext dispatch table
// loader_dispatch_hash_entry and loader_dev_ext_dispatch_table.dev_ext have
// one to one correspondence; one loader_dispatch_hash_entry for one dev_ext
// dispatch entry.
// Also have a one to one correspondence with functions in dev_ext_trampoline.c
struct loader_dispatch_hash_entry {
char *func_name;
struct loader_dispatch_hash_list list; // to handle hashing collisions
typedef void(VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkDevExt)(VkDevice device);
struct loader_dev_ext_dispatch_table {
struct loader_dev_dispatch_table {
VkLayerDispatchTable core_dispatch;
struct loader_dev_ext_dispatch_table ext_dispatch;
// per CreateDevice structure
struct loader_device {
struct loader_dev_dispatch_table loader_dispatch;
VkDevice chain_device; // device object from the dispatch chain
VkDevice icd_device; // device object from the icd
struct loader_physical_device_term *phys_dev_term;
// List of activated layers.
// app_ is the version based on exactly what the application asked for.
// This is what must be returned to the application on Enumerate calls.
// expanded_ is the version based on expanding meta-layers into their
// individual component layers. This is what is used internally.
struct loader_layer_list app_activated_layer_list;
struct loader_layer_list expanded_activated_layer_list;
VkAllocationCallbacks alloc_callbacks;
struct loader_device *next;
// Per ICD information
// Per ICD structure
struct loader_icd_term {
// pointers to find other structs
const struct loader_scanned_icd *scanned_icd;
const struct loader_instance *this_instance;
struct loader_device *logical_device_list;
VkInstance instance; // instance object from the icd
struct loader_icd_term_dispatch dispatch;
struct loader_icd_term *next;
PFN_PhysDevExt phys_dev_ext[MAX_NUM_UNKNOWN_EXTS];
// Per ICD library structure
struct loader_icd_tramp_list {
size_t capacity;
uint32_t count;
struct loader_scanned_icd *scanned_list;
struct loader_instance_dispatch_table {
VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable layer_inst_disp; // must be first entry in structure
// Physical device functions unknown to the loader
PFN_PhysDevExt phys_dev_ext[MAX_NUM_UNKNOWN_EXTS];
// Per instance structure
struct loader_instance {
struct loader_instance_dispatch_table *disp; // must be first entry in structure
// We need to manually track physical devices over time. If the user
// re-queries the information, we don't want to delete old data or
// create new data unless necessary.
uint32_t total_gpu_count;
uint32_t phys_dev_count_term;
struct loader_physical_device_term **phys_devs_term;
uint32_t phys_dev_count_tramp;
struct loader_physical_device_tramp **phys_devs_tramp;
// We also need to manually track physical device groups, but we don't need
// loader specific structures since we have that content in the physical
// device stored internal to the public structures.
uint32_t phys_dev_group_count_term;
struct VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties **phys_dev_groups_term;
uint32_t phys_dev_group_count_tramp;
struct VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties **phys_dev_groups_tramp;
struct loader_instance *next;
uint32_t total_icd_count;
struct loader_icd_term *icd_terms;
struct loader_icd_tramp_list icd_tramp_list;
struct loader_dispatch_hash_entry dev_ext_disp_hash[MAX_NUM_UNKNOWN_EXTS];
struct loader_dispatch_hash_entry phys_dev_ext_disp_hash[MAX_NUM_UNKNOWN_EXTS];
struct loader_msg_callback_map_entry *icd_msg_callback_map;
struct loader_layer_list instance_layer_list;
// List of activated layers.
// app_ is the version based on exactly what the application asked for.
// This is what must be returned to the application on Enumerate calls.
// expanded_ is the version based on expanding meta-layers into their
// individual component layers. This is what is used internally.
struct loader_layer_list app_activated_layer_list;
struct loader_layer_list expanded_activated_layer_list;
VkInstance instance; // layers/ICD instance returned to trampoline
struct loader_extension_list ext_list; // icds and loaders extensions
union loader_instance_extension_enables enabled_known_extensions;
VkLayerDbgFunctionNode *DbgFunctionHead;
uint32_t num_tmp_callbacks;
VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT *tmp_dbg_create_infos;
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT *tmp_callbacks;
VkAllocationCallbacks alloc_callbacks;
bool wsi_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_win32_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_mir_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_wayland_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_xcb_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_xlib_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_android_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_macos_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_ios_surface_enabled;
bool wsi_display_enabled;
// VkPhysicalDevice requires special treatment by loader. Firstly, terminator
// code must be able to get the struct loader_icd_term to call into the proper
// driver (multiple ICD/gpu case). This can be accomplished by wrapping the
// created VkPhysicalDevice in loader terminate_EnumeratePhysicalDevices().
// Secondly, the loader must be able to handle wrapped by layer VkPhysicalDevice
// in trampoline code. This implies, that the loader trampoline code must also
// wrap the VkPhysicalDevice object in trampoline code. Thus, loader has to
// wrap the VkPhysicalDevice created object twice. In trampoline code it can't
// rely on the terminator object wrapping since a layer may also wrap. Since
// trampoline code wraps the VkPhysicalDevice this means all loader trampoline
// code that passes a VkPhysicalDevice should unwrap it.
// Per enumerated PhysicalDevice structure, used to wrap in trampoline code and
// also same structure used to wrap in terminator code
struct loader_physical_device_tramp {
struct loader_instance_dispatch_table *disp; // must be first entry in structure
struct loader_instance *this_instance;
VkPhysicalDevice phys_dev; // object from layers/loader terminator
// Per enumerated PhysicalDevice structure, used to wrap in terminator code
struct loader_physical_device_term {
struct loader_instance_dispatch_table *disp; // must be first entry in structure
struct loader_icd_term *this_icd_term;
uint8_t icd_index;
VkPhysicalDevice phys_dev; // object from ICD
struct loader_struct {
struct loader_instance *instances;
struct loader_scanned_icd {
char *lib_name;
loader_platform_dl_handle handle;
uint32_t api_version;
uint32_t interface_version;
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr GetInstanceProcAddr;
PFN_GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr;
PFN_vkCreateInstance CreateInstance;
PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties;
static inline struct loader_instance *loader_instance(VkInstance instance) { return (struct loader_instance *)instance; }
static inline VkPhysicalDevice loader_unwrap_physical_device(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice) {
struct loader_physical_device_tramp *phys_dev = (struct loader_physical_device_tramp *)physicalDevice;
return phys_dev->phys_dev;
static inline void loader_set_dispatch(void *obj, const void *data) { *((const void **)obj) = data; }
static inline VkLayerDispatchTable *loader_get_dispatch(const void *obj) { return *((VkLayerDispatchTable **)obj); }
static inline struct loader_dev_dispatch_table *loader_get_dev_dispatch(const void *obj) {
return *((struct loader_dev_dispatch_table **)obj);
static inline VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *loader_get_instance_layer_dispatch(const void *obj) {
return *((VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable **)obj);
static inline struct loader_instance_dispatch_table *loader_get_instance_dispatch(const void *obj) {
return *((struct loader_instance_dispatch_table **)obj);
static inline void loader_init_dispatch(void *obj, const void *data) {
#ifdef DEBUG
assert(valid_loader_magic_value(obj) &&
"Incompatible ICD, first dword must be initialized to "
"ICD_LOADER_MAGIC. See loader/ for details.");
loader_set_dispatch(obj, data);
// Global variables used across files
extern struct loader_struct loader;
extern THREAD_LOCAL_DECL struct loader_instance *tls_instance;
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(LOADER_DYNAMIC_LIB)
extern loader_platform_thread_mutex loader_lock;
extern loader_platform_thread_mutex loader_json_lock;
struct loader_msg_callback_map_entry {
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT icd_obj;
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT loader_obj;
// Helper function definitions
void *loader_instance_heap_alloc(const struct loader_instance *instance, size_t size, VkSystemAllocationScope allocationScope);
void loader_instance_heap_free(const struct loader_instance *instance, void *pMemory);
void *loader_instance_heap_realloc(const struct loader_instance *instance, void *pMemory, size_t orig_size, size_t size,
VkSystemAllocationScope alloc_scope);
void *loader_instance_tls_heap_alloc(size_t size);
void loader_instance_tls_heap_free(void *pMemory);
void *loader_device_heap_alloc(const struct loader_device *device, size_t size, VkSystemAllocationScope allocationScope);
void loader_device_heap_free(const struct loader_device *device, void *pMemory);
void *loader_device_heap_realloc(const struct loader_device *device, void *pMemory, size_t orig_size, size_t size,
VkSystemAllocationScope alloc_scope);
void loader_log(const struct loader_instance *inst, VkFlags msg_type, int32_t msg_code, const char *format, ...);
bool compare_vk_extension_properties(const VkExtensionProperties *op1, const VkExtensionProperties *op2);
VkResult loader_validate_layers(const struct loader_instance *inst, const uint32_t layer_count,
const char *const *ppEnabledLayerNames, const struct loader_layer_list *list);
VkResult loader_validate_instance_extensions(const struct loader_instance *inst, const struct loader_extension_list *icd_exts,
const struct loader_layer_list *instance_layer,
const VkInstanceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo);
void loader_initialize(void);
VkResult loader_copy_layer_properties(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_layer_properties *dst,
struct loader_layer_properties *src);
bool has_vk_extension_property_array(const VkExtensionProperties *vk_ext_prop, const uint32_t count,
const VkExtensionProperties *ext_array);
bool has_vk_extension_property(const VkExtensionProperties *vk_ext_prop, const struct loader_extension_list *ext_list);
VkResult loader_add_to_ext_list(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_extension_list *ext_list,
uint32_t prop_list_count, const VkExtensionProperties *props);
VkResult loader_add_to_dev_ext_list(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_device_extension_list *ext_list,
const VkExtensionProperties *props, uint32_t entry_count, char **entrys);
VkResult loader_add_device_extensions(const struct loader_instance *inst,
PFN_vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties fpEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties,
VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, const char *lib_name,
struct loader_extension_list *ext_list);
VkResult loader_init_generic_list(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_generic_list *list_info, size_t element_size);
void loader_destroy_generic_list(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_generic_list *list);
void loader_destroy_layer_list(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_device *device,
struct loader_layer_list *layer_list);
void loader_delete_layer_properties(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_layer_list *layer_list);
bool loader_find_layer_name_array(const char *name, uint32_t layer_count, const char layer_list[][VK_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE]);
VkResult loader_add_to_layer_list(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_layer_list *list, uint32_t prop_list_count,
const struct loader_layer_properties *props);
void loader_find_layer_name_add_list(const struct loader_instance *inst, const char *name, const enum layer_type_flags type_flags,
const struct loader_layer_list *source_list, struct loader_layer_list *target_list,
struct loader_layer_list *expanded_target_list);
void loader_scanned_icd_clear(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_icd_tramp_list *icd_tramp_list);
VkResult loader_icd_scan(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_icd_tramp_list *icd_tramp_list);
void loader_layer_scan(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_layer_list *instance_layers);
void loader_implicit_layer_scan(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_layer_list *instance_layers);
bool loader_is_implicit_layer_enabled(const struct loader_instance *inst, const struct loader_layer_properties *prop);
VkResult loader_get_icd_loader_instance_extensions(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_icd_tramp_list *icd_tramp_list,
struct loader_extension_list *inst_exts);
struct loader_icd_term *loader_get_icd_and_device(const VkDevice device, struct loader_device **found_dev, uint32_t *icd_index);
void loader_init_dispatch_dev_ext(struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_device *dev);
void *loader_dev_ext_gpa(struct loader_instance *inst, const char *funcName);
void *loader_get_dev_ext_trampoline(uint32_t index);
bool loader_phys_dev_ext_gpa(struct loader_instance *inst, const char *funcName, bool perform_checking, void **tramp_addr,
void **term_addr);
void *loader_get_phys_dev_ext_tramp(uint32_t index);
void *loader_get_phys_dev_ext_termin(uint32_t index);
struct loader_instance *loader_get_instance(const VkInstance instance);
void loader_deactivate_layers(const struct loader_instance *instance, struct loader_device *device, struct loader_layer_list *list);
struct loader_device *loader_create_logical_device(const struct loader_instance *inst, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator);
void loader_add_logical_device(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_icd_term *icd_term,
struct loader_device *found_dev);
void loader_remove_logical_device(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_icd_term *icd_term,
struct loader_device *found_dev, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator);
// NOTE: Outside of loader, this entry-point is only provided for error
// cleanup.
void loader_destroy_logical_device(const struct loader_instance *inst, struct loader_device *dev,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator);
VkResult loader_enable_instance_layers(struct loader_instance *inst, const VkInstanceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
const struct loader_layer_list *instance_layers);
VkResult loader_create_instance_chain(const VkInstanceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator,
struct loader_instance *inst, VkInstance *created_instance);
void loader_activate_instance_layer_extensions(struct loader_instance *inst, VkInstance created_inst);
VkResult loader_create_device_chain(const struct loader_physical_device_tramp *pd, const VkDeviceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, const struct loader_instance *inst,
struct loader_device *dev);
VkResult loader_validate_device_extensions(struct loader_physical_device_tramp *phys_dev,
const struct loader_layer_list *activated_device_layers,
const struct loader_extension_list *icd_exts, const VkDeviceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo);
VkResult setupLoaderTrampPhysDevs(VkInstance instance);
VkResult setupLoaderTermPhysDevs(struct loader_instance *inst);
VkStringErrorFlags vk_string_validate(const int max_length, const char *char_array);
#endif // LOADER_H