blob: 6f8e7faebc53a3fe915256def5165b73af6f7138 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono> // Not allowed in production per Chromium style guide.
#include <memory>
#include <thread> // Not allowed in production per Chromium style guide.
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "rtc_base/event.h"
#include "rtc_base/task_queue_for_test.h"
#include "rtc_base/task_utils/repeating_task.h"
#include "test/gmock.h"
#include "test/gtest.h"
// NOTE: Since these tests rely on real time behavior, they will be flaky
// if run on heavily loaded systems.
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
using ::testing::AtLeast;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::MockFunction;
using ::testing::NiceMock;
using ::testing::Return;
constexpr TimeDelta kTimeout = TimeDelta::Millis<1000>();
void Sleep(TimeDelta time_delta) {
// Note that Chromium style guide prohibits use of <thread> and <chrono> in
// production code, used here since webrtc::SleepMs may return early.
class MockClosure {
MOCK_METHOD0(Call, TimeDelta());
MOCK_METHOD0(Delete, void());
class MoveOnlyClosure {
explicit MoveOnlyClosure(MockClosure* mock) : mock_(mock) {}
MoveOnlyClosure(const MoveOnlyClosure&) = delete;
MoveOnlyClosure(MoveOnlyClosure&& other) : mock_(other.mock_) {
other.mock_ = nullptr;
~MoveOnlyClosure() {
if (mock_)
TimeDelta operator()() { return mock_->Call(); }
MockClosure* mock_;
} // namespace
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, TaskIsStoppedOnStop) {
const TimeDelta kShortInterval = TimeDelta::ms(5);
const TimeDelta kLongInterval = TimeDelta::ms(20);
const int kShortIntervalCount = 4;
const int kMargin = 1;
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("TestQueue");
std::atomic_int counter(0);
auto handle = RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue.Get(), [&] {
if (++counter >= kShortIntervalCount)
return kLongInterval;
return kShortInterval;
// Sleep long enough to go through the initial phase.
Sleep(kShortInterval * (kShortIntervalCount + kMargin));
EXPECT_EQ(counter.load(), kShortIntervalCount);
// Sleep long enough that the task would run at least once more if not
// stopped.
Sleep(kLongInterval * 2);
EXPECT_EQ(counter.load(), kShortIntervalCount);
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, CompensatesForLongRunTime) {
const int kTargetCount = 20;
const int kTargetCountMargin = 2;
const TimeDelta kRepeatInterval = TimeDelta::ms(2);
// Sleeping inside the task for longer than the repeat interval once, should
// be compensated for by repeating the task faster to catch up.
const TimeDelta kSleepDuration = TimeDelta::ms(20);
const int kSleepAtCount = 3;
std::atomic_int counter(0);
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("TestQueue");
RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue.Get(), [&] {
if (++counter == kSleepAtCount)
return kRepeatInterval;
Sleep(kRepeatInterval * kTargetCount);
// Execution time should not have affected the run count,
// but we allow some margin to reduce flakiness.
EXPECT_GE(counter.load(), kTargetCount - kTargetCountMargin);
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, CompensatesForShortRunTime) {
std::atomic_int counter(0);
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("TestQueue");
RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue.Get(), [&] {
// Sleeping for the 10 ms should be compensated.
return TimeDelta::ms(30);
// We expect that the task have been called twice, once directly at Start and
// once after 30 ms has passed.
EXPECT_EQ(counter.load(), 2);
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, CancelDelayedTaskBeforeItRuns) {
rtc::Event done;
MockClosure mock;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(mock, Delete).WillOnce(Invoke([&done] { done.Set(); }));
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("queue");
auto handle = RepeatingTaskHandle::DelayedStart(
task_queue.Get(), TimeDelta::ms(100), MoveOnlyClosure(&mock));
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, CancelTaskAfterItRuns) {
rtc::Event done;
MockClosure mock;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return(TimeDelta::ms(100)));
EXPECT_CALL(mock, Delete).WillOnce(Invoke([&done] { done.Set(); }));
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("queue");
auto handle =
RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue.Get(), MoveOnlyClosure(&mock));
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, TaskCanStopItself) {
std::atomic_int counter(0);
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("TestQueue");
RepeatingTaskHandle handle;
task_queue.PostTask([&] {
handle = RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue.Get(), [&] {
return TimeDelta::ms(2);
EXPECT_EQ(counter.load(), 1);
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, ZeroReturnValueRepostsTheTask) {
NiceMock<MockClosure> closure;
rtc::Event done;
EXPECT_CALL(closure, Call())
.WillOnce(Invoke([&done] {
return kTimeout;
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("queue");
RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue.Get(), MoveOnlyClosure(&closure));
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, StartPeriodicTask) {
MockFunction<TimeDelta()> closure;
rtc::Event done;
EXPECT_CALL(closure, Call())
.WillOnce(Invoke([&done] {
return kTimeout;
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("queue");
RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue.Get(), closure.AsStdFunction());
TEST(RepeatingTaskTest, Example) {
class ObjectOnTaskQueue {
void DoPeriodicTask() {}
TimeDelta TimeUntilNextRun() { return TimeDelta::ms(100); }
void StartPeriodicTask(RepeatingTaskHandle* handle,
TaskQueueBase* task_queue) {
*handle = RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue, [this] {
return TimeUntilNextRun();
TaskQueueForTest task_queue("queue");
auto object = absl::make_unique<ObjectOnTaskQueue>();
// Create and start the periodic task.
RepeatingTaskHandle handle;
object->StartPeriodicTask(&handle, task_queue.Get());
// Restart the task
object->StartPeriodicTask(&handle, task_queue.Get());
struct Destructor {
void operator()() { object.reset(); }
std::unique_ptr<ObjectOnTaskQueue> object;
// Do not wait for the destructor closure in order to create a race between
// task queue destruction and running the desctructor closure.
} // namespace webrtc