blob: d9678fddb5ed9699f07b6e2b917b592fd021ccde [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "acm_common_defs.h"
#include "acm_neteq.h"
#include "acm_celt.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "webrtc_neteq.h"
#include "webrtc_neteq_help_macros.h"
// TODO(tlegrand): Add full paths.
// NOTE! Celt is not included in the open-source package. Modify this file or
// your codec API to match the function call and name of used Celt API file.
#include "celt_interface.h"
namespace webrtc {
ACMCELT::ACMCELT(int16_t /* codecID */)
: enc_inst_ptr_(NULL),
dec_channels_(1) {
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalEncode(uint8_t* /* bitStream */,
int16_t* /* bitStreamLenByte */) {
return -1;
int16_t ACMCELT::DecodeSafe(uint8_t* /* bitStream */,
int16_t /* bitStreamLenByte */,
int16_t* /* audio */,
int16_t* /* audioSamples */,
WebRtc_Word8* /* speechType */) {
return -1;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalInitEncoder(WebRtcACMCodecParams* /* codecParams */) {
return -1;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalInitDecoder(WebRtcACMCodecParams* /* codecParams */) {
return -1;
int32_t ACMCELT::CodecDef(WebRtcNetEQ_CodecDef& /* codecDef */,
const CodecInst& /* codecInst */) {
return -1;
ACMGenericCodec* ACMCELT::CreateInstance(void) {
return NULL;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalCreateEncoder() {
return -1;
void ACMCELT::DestructEncoderSafe() {
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalCreateDecoder() {
return -1;
void ACMCELT::DestructDecoderSafe() {
void ACMCELT::InternalDestructEncoderInst(void* /* ptrInst */) {
bool ACMCELT::IsTrueStereoCodec() {
return true;
int16_t ACMCELT::SetBitRateSafe(const int32_t /*rate*/) {
return -1;
void ACMCELT::SplitStereoPacket(uint8_t* /*payload*/,
int32_t* /*payload_length*/) {}
#else //===================== Actual Implementation =======================
ACMCELT::ACMCELT(int16_t codecID)
: enc_inst_ptr_(NULL),
sampling_freq_(32000), // Default sampling frequency.
bitrate_(64000), // Default rate.
channels_(1), // Default send mono.
dec_channels_(1) { // Default receive mono.
// TODO(tlegrand): remove later when ACMGenericCodec has a new constructor.
_codecID = codecID;
if (enc_inst_ptr_ != NULL) {
enc_inst_ptr_ = NULL;
if (dec_inst_ptr_ != NULL) {
dec_inst_ptr_ = NULL;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalEncode(uint8_t* bitStream, int16_t* bitStreamLenByte) {
*bitStreamLenByte = 0;
// Call Encoder.
*bitStreamLenByte = WebRtcCelt_Encode(enc_inst_ptr_,
// Increment the read index this tell the caller that how far
// we have gone forward in reading the audio buffer.
_inAudioIxRead += _frameLenSmpl * channels_;
if (*bitStreamLenByte < 0) {
// Error reported from the encoder.
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalEncode: Encode error for Celt");
*bitStreamLenByte = 0;
return -1;
return *bitStreamLenByte;
int16_t ACMCELT::DecodeSafe(uint8_t* /* bitStream */,
int16_t /* bitStreamLenByte */,
int16_t* /* audio */,
int16_t* /* audioSamples */,
WebRtc_Word8* /* speechType */) {
return 0;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalInitEncoder(WebRtcACMCodecParams* codecParams) {
// Set bitrate and check that it is within the valid range.
int16_t status = SetBitRateSafe((codecParams->codecInstant).rate);
if (status < 0) {
return -1;
// If number of channels changed we need to re-create memory.
if (codecParams->codecInstant.channels != channels_) {
enc_inst_ptr_ = NULL;
// Store new number of channels.
channels_ = codecParams->codecInstant.channels;
if (WebRtcCelt_CreateEnc(&enc_inst_ptr_, channels_) < 0) {
return -1;
// Initiate encoder.
if (WebRtcCelt_EncoderInit(enc_inst_ptr_, channels_, bitrate_) >= 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalInitDecoder(WebRtcACMCodecParams* codecParams) {
// If number of channels changed we need to re-create memory.
if (codecParams->codecInstant.channels != dec_channels_) {
dec_inst_ptr_ = NULL;
// Store new number of channels.
dec_channels_ = codecParams->codecInstant.channels;
if (WebRtcCelt_CreateDec(&dec_inst_ptr_, dec_channels_) < 0) {
return -1;
// Initiate decoder, both master and slave parts.
if (WebRtcCelt_DecoderInit(dec_inst_ptr_) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalInitDecoder: init decoder failed for Celt.");
return -1;
if (WebRtcCelt_DecoderInitSlave(dec_inst_ptr_) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalInitDecoder: init decoder failed for Celt.");
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t ACMCELT::CodecDef(WebRtcNetEQ_CodecDef& codecDef,
const CodecInst& codecInst) {
if (!_decoderInitialized) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"CodecDef: Decoder uninitialized for Celt");
return -1;
// Fill up the structure by calling
// Then call NetEQ to add the codec to it's
// database.
if (codecInst.channels == 1) {
SET_CODEC_PAR(codecDef, kDecoderCELT_32, codecInst.pltype, dec_inst_ptr_,
} else {
SET_CODEC_PAR(codecDef, kDecoderCELT_32_2ch, codecInst.pltype,
dec_inst_ptr_, 32000);
// If this is the master of NetEQ, regular decoder will be added, otherwise
// the slave decoder will be used.
if (_isMaster) {
} else {
return 0;
ACMGenericCodec* ACMCELT::CreateInstance(void) {
return NULL;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalCreateEncoder() {
if (WebRtcCelt_CreateEnc(&enc_inst_ptr_, _noChannels) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalCreateEncoder: create encoder failed for Celt");
return -1;
channels_ = _noChannels;
return 0;
void ACMCELT::DestructEncoderSafe() {
_encoderExist = false;
_encoderInitialized = false;
if (enc_inst_ptr_ != NULL) {
enc_inst_ptr_ = NULL;
int16_t ACMCELT::InternalCreateDecoder() {
if (WebRtcCelt_CreateDec(&dec_inst_ptr_, dec_channels_) < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalCreateDecoder: create decoder failed for Celt");
return -1;
return 0;
void ACMCELT::DestructDecoderSafe() {
_decoderExist = false;
_decoderInitialized = false;
if (dec_inst_ptr_ != NULL) {
dec_inst_ptr_ = NULL;
void ACMCELT::InternalDestructEncoderInst(void* ptrInst) {
if (ptrInst != NULL) {
bool ACMCELT::IsTrueStereoCodec() {
return true;
int16_t ACMCELT::SetBitRateSafe(const int32_t rate) {
// Check that rate is in the valid range.
if ((rate >= 48000) && (rate <= 128000)) {
// Store new rate.
bitrate_ = rate;
// Initiate encoder with new rate.
if (WebRtcCelt_EncoderInit(enc_inst_ptr_, channels_, bitrate_) >= 0) {
return 0;
} else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"SetBitRateSafe: Failed to initiate Celt with rate %d",
return -1;
} else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"SetBitRateSafe: Invalid rate Celt, %d", rate);
return -1;
// Copy the stereo packet so that NetEq will insert into both master and slave.
void ACMCELT::SplitStereoPacket(uint8_t* payload, int32_t* payload_length) {
// Check for valid inputs.
assert(payload != NULL);
assert(*payload_length > 0);
// Duplicate the payload.
memcpy(&payload[*payload_length], &payload[0],
sizeof(uint8_t) * (*payload_length));
// Double the size of the packet.
*payload_length *= 2;
} // namespace webrtc