blob: d9123661838e22b30351cd8cda40bcde77662724 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
group("modules") {
deps = [
if (rtc_desktop_capture_supported) {
deps += [ "desktop_capture" ]
rtc_source_set("module_api_public") {
sources = [
deps = [
rtc_source_set("module_api") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
sources = [
deps = [
if (rtc_include_tests) {
modules_tests_resources = [
if (is_ios) {
bundle_data("modules_tests_bundle_data") {
testonly = true
sources = modules_tests_resources
outputs = [
rtc_test("modules_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (rtc_desktop_capture_supported) {
deps += [ "desktop_capture:desktop_capture_modules_tests" ]
data = modules_tests_resources
if (is_android) {
deps += [
# NOTE(brandtr): Including Java classes seems only to be possible from
# rtc_test targets. Therefore we include this target here, instead of
# in video_coding_modules_tests, where it is actually used.
shard_timeout = 900
if (is_ios) {
deps += [ ":modules_tests_bundle_data" ]
if (!build_with_chromium && is_clang) {
# Suppress warnings from the Chromium Clang plugin (
suppressed_configs += [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ]
modules_unittests_resources = [
if (is_ios) {
bundle_data("modules_unittests_bundle_data") {
testonly = true
sources = modules_unittests_resources
outputs = [
rtc_test("modules_unittests") {
testonly = true
defines = []
sources = [
if (!build_with_chromium && is_clang) {
# Suppress warnings from the Chromium Clang plugin (
suppressed_configs += [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ]
deps = [
if (rtc_desktop_capture_supported) {
deps += [ "desktop_capture:desktop_capture_unittests" ]
if (!build_with_mozilla) {
deps += [ "video_capture" ]
data = modules_unittests_resources
if (is_android) {
deps += [
shard_timeout = 900
if (is_ios) {
info_plist = "../test/ios/Info.plist"
deps += [ ":modules_unittests_bundle_data" ]
configs += [ "..:common_objc" ]
ldflags = [ "-ObjC" ]