blob: fa06c3d78dd2fcd74f29cd68ac1119e821fd091e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "api/peerconnectioninterface.h"
#include "pc/iceserverparsing.h"
#include "pc/peerconnectionfactory.h"
#include "pc/rtcstatscollector.h"
#include "pc/rtpreceiver.h"
#include "pc/rtpsender.h"
#include "pc/statscollector.h"
#include "pc/streamcollection.h"
#include "pc/webrtcsession.h"
namespace webrtc {
class MediaStreamObserver;
class VideoRtpReceiver;
class RtcEventLog;
// TODO(zhihuang): Remove this declaration when the WebRtcSession tests don't
// need it.
void ExtractSharedMediaSessionOptions(
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& rtc_options,
cricket::MediaSessionOptions* session_options);
// PeerConnection implements the PeerConnectionInterface interface.
// It uses WebRtcSession to implement the PeerConnection functionality.
class PeerConnection : public PeerConnectionInterface,
public IceObserver,
public rtc::MessageHandler,
public sigslot::has_slots<> {
explicit PeerConnection(PeerConnectionFactory* factory,
std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLog> event_log,
std::unique_ptr<Call> call);
bool Initialize(
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& configuration,
std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> allocator,
std::unique_ptr<rtc::RTCCertificateGeneratorInterface> cert_generator,
PeerConnectionObserver* observer);
rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollectionInterface> local_streams() override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollectionInterface> remote_streams() override;
bool AddStream(MediaStreamInterface* local_stream) override;
void RemoveStream(MediaStreamInterface* local_stream) override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface> AddTrack(
MediaStreamTrackInterface* track,
std::vector<MediaStreamInterface*> streams) override;
bool RemoveTrack(RtpSenderInterface* sender) override;
// TODO(steveanton): Remove this once all clients have switched to using the
// PeerConnection shims for WebRtcSession methods instead of the methods
// directly via this getter.
virtual WebRtcSession* session() { return session_; }
// Gets the DTLS SSL certificate associated with the audio transport on the
// remote side. This will become populated once the DTLS connection with the
// peer has been completed, as indicated by the ICE connection state
// transitioning to kIceConnectionCompleted.
// Note that this will be removed once we implement RTCDtlsTransport which
// has standardized method for getting this information.
// See
std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificate> GetRemoteAudioSSLCertificate();
rtc::scoped_refptr<DtmfSenderInterface> CreateDtmfSender(
AudioTrackInterface* track) override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface> CreateSender(
const std::string& kind,
const std::string& stream_id) override;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface>> GetSenders()
const override;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpReceiverInterface>> GetReceivers()
const override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannelInterface> CreateDataChannel(
const std::string& label,
const DataChannelInit* config) override;
bool GetStats(StatsObserver* observer,
webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface* track,
StatsOutputLevel level) override;
void GetStats(RTCStatsCollectorCallback* callback) override;
SignalingState signaling_state() override;
IceConnectionState ice_connection_state() override;
IceGatheringState ice_gathering_state() override;
const SessionDescriptionInterface* local_description() const override;
const SessionDescriptionInterface* remote_description() const override;
const SessionDescriptionInterface* current_local_description() const override;
const SessionDescriptionInterface* current_remote_description()
const override;
const SessionDescriptionInterface* pending_local_description() const override;
const SessionDescriptionInterface* pending_remote_description()
const override;
// JSEP01
// Deprecated, use version without constraints.
void CreateOffer(CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints) override;
void CreateOffer(CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) override;
// Deprecated, use version without constraints.
void CreateAnswer(CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints) override;
void CreateAnswer(CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) override;
void SetLocalDescription(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) override;
void SetRemoteDescription(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) override;
PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration GetConfiguration() override;
bool SetConfiguration(
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& configuration,
RTCError* error) override;
bool SetConfiguration(
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& configuration) override {
return SetConfiguration(configuration, nullptr);
bool AddIceCandidate(const IceCandidateInterface* candidate) override;
bool RemoveIceCandidates(
const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates) override;
void RegisterUMAObserver(UMAObserver* observer) override;
RTCError SetBitrate(const BitrateParameters& bitrate) override;
bool StartRtcEventLog(rtc::PlatformFile file,
int64_t max_size_bytes) override;
void StopRtcEventLog() override;
void Close() override;
sigslot::signal1<DataChannel*> SignalDataChannelCreated;
// Virtual for unit tests.
virtual const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannel>>&
sctp_data_channels() const {
return sctp_data_channels_;
// TODO(steveanton): These methods are temporarily added to facilitate work
// towards merging WebRtcSession into PeerConnection. To make this easier, we
// want only PeerConnection to interact with WebRtcSession so they can be
// merged easily. A few outside classes still access WebRtcSession methods
// directly, so these have been added to PeerConnection to remove the
// dependency from WebRtcSession.
rtc::Thread* network_thread() const { return factory_->network_thread(); }
rtc::Thread* worker_thread() const { return factory_->worker_thread(); }
rtc::Thread* signaling_thread() const { return factory_->signaling_thread(); }
virtual const std::string& session_id() const { return session_->id(); }
virtual bool session_created() const { return session_ != nullptr; }
virtual bool initial_offerer() const { return session_->initial_offerer(); }
virtual std::unique_ptr<SessionStats> GetSessionStats_s() {
return session_->GetStats_s();
virtual std::unique_ptr<SessionStats> GetSessionStats(
const ChannelNamePairs& channel_name_pairs) {
return session_->GetStats(channel_name_pairs);
virtual bool GetLocalCertificate(
const std::string& transport_name,
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>* certificate) {
return session_->GetLocalCertificate(transport_name, certificate);
virtual std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificate> GetRemoteSSLCertificate(
const std::string& transport_name) {
return session_->GetRemoteSSLCertificate(transport_name);
virtual Call::Stats GetCallStats() { return session_->GetCallStats(); }
virtual cricket::VoiceChannel* voice_channel() {
return session_->voice_channel();
virtual cricket::VideoChannel* video_channel() {
return session_->video_channel();
virtual cricket::RtpDataChannel* rtp_data_channel() {
return session_->rtp_data_channel();
virtual rtc::Optional<std::string> sctp_content_name() const {
return session_->sctp_content_name();
virtual rtc::Optional<std::string> sctp_transport_name() const {
return session_->sctp_transport_name();
virtual bool GetLocalTrackIdBySsrc(uint32_t ssrc, std::string* track_id) {
return session_->GetLocalTrackIdBySsrc(ssrc, track_id);
virtual bool GetRemoteTrackIdBySsrc(uint32_t ssrc, std::string* track_id) {
return session_->GetRemoteTrackIdBySsrc(ssrc, track_id);
// This is needed for stats tests to inject a MockWebRtcSession. Once
// WebRtcSession has been merged in, this will no longer be needed.
void set_session_for_testing(WebRtcSession* session) {
session_ = session;
~PeerConnection() override;
struct TrackInfo {
TrackInfo() : ssrc(0) {}
TrackInfo(const std::string& stream_label,
const std::string track_id,
uint32_t ssrc)
: stream_label(stream_label), track_id(track_id), ssrc(ssrc) {}
bool operator==(const TrackInfo& other) {
return this->stream_label == other.stream_label &&
this->track_id == other.track_id && this->ssrc == other.ssrc;
std::string stream_label;
std::string track_id;
uint32_t ssrc;
typedef std::vector<TrackInfo> TrackInfos;
// Implements MessageHandler.
void OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) override;
void CreateAudioReceiver(MediaStreamInterface* stream,
const std::string& track_id,
uint32_t ssrc);
void CreateVideoReceiver(MediaStreamInterface* stream,
const std::string& track_id,
uint32_t ssrc);
void DestroyReceiver(const std::string& track_id);
// May be called either by AddStream/RemoveStream, or when a track is
// added/removed from a stream previously added via AddStream.
void AddAudioTrack(AudioTrackInterface* track, MediaStreamInterface* stream);
void RemoveAudioTrack(AudioTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
void AddVideoTrack(VideoTrackInterface* track, MediaStreamInterface* stream);
void RemoveVideoTrack(VideoTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
// Implements IceObserver
void OnIceConnectionStateChange(IceConnectionState new_state) override;
void OnIceGatheringChange(IceGatheringState new_state) override;
void OnIceCandidate(
std::unique_ptr<IceCandidateInterface> candidate) override;
void OnIceCandidatesRemoved(
const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates) override;
void OnIceConnectionReceivingChange(bool receiving) override;
// Signals from WebRtcSession.
void OnSessionStateChange(WebRtcSession* session, WebRtcSession::State state);
void ChangeSignalingState(SignalingState signaling_state);
// Signals from MediaStreamObserver.
void OnAudioTrackAdded(AudioTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
void OnAudioTrackRemoved(AudioTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
void OnVideoTrackAdded(VideoTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
void OnVideoTrackRemoved(VideoTrackInterface* track,
MediaStreamInterface* stream);
void PostSetSessionDescriptionFailure(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const std::string& error);
void PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailure(
CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
const std::string& error);
bool IsClosed() const {
return signaling_state_ == PeerConnectionInterface::kClosed;
// Returns a MediaSessionOptions struct with options decided by |options|,
// the local MediaStreams and DataChannels.
void GetOptionsForOffer(
const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& rtc_options,
cricket::MediaSessionOptions* session_options);
// Returns a MediaSessionOptions struct with options decided by
// |constraints|, the local MediaStreams and DataChannels.
void GetOptionsForAnswer(const RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options,
cricket::MediaSessionOptions* session_options);
// Generates MediaDescriptionOptions for the |session_opts| based on existing
// local description or remote description.
void GenerateMediaDescriptionOptions(
const SessionDescriptionInterface* session_desc,
cricket::RtpTransceiverDirection audio_direction,
cricket::RtpTransceiverDirection video_direction,
rtc::Optional<size_t>* audio_index,
rtc::Optional<size_t>* video_index,
rtc::Optional<size_t>* data_index,
cricket::MediaSessionOptions* session_options);
// Remove all local and remote tracks of type |media_type|.
// Called when a media type is rejected (m-line set to port 0).
void RemoveTracks(cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Makes sure a MediaStreamTrack is created for each StreamParam in |streams|,
// and existing MediaStreamTracks are removed if there is no corresponding
// StreamParam. If |default_track_needed| is true, a default MediaStreamTrack
// is created if it doesn't exist; if false, it's removed if it exists.
// |media_type| is the type of the |streams| and can be either audio or video.
// If a new MediaStream is created it is added to |new_streams|.
void UpdateRemoteStreamsList(
const std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>& streams,
bool default_track_needed,
cricket::MediaType media_type,
StreamCollection* new_streams);
// Triggered when a remote track has been seen for the first time in a remote
// session description. It creates a remote MediaStreamTrackInterface
// implementation and triggers CreateAudioReceiver or CreateVideoReceiver.
void OnRemoteTrackSeen(const std::string& stream_label,
const std::string& track_id,
uint32_t ssrc,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Triggered when a remote track has been removed from a remote session
// description. It removes the remote track with id |track_id| from a remote
// MediaStream and triggers DestroyAudioReceiver or DestroyVideoReceiver.
void OnRemoteTrackRemoved(const std::string& stream_label,
const std::string& track_id,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Finds remote MediaStreams without any tracks and removes them from
// |remote_streams_| and notifies the observer that the MediaStreams no longer
// exist.
void UpdateEndedRemoteMediaStreams();
// Loops through the vector of |streams| and finds added and removed
// StreamParams since last time this method was called.
// For each new or removed StreamParam, OnLocalTrackSeen or
// OnLocalTrackRemoved is invoked.
void UpdateLocalTracks(const std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>& streams,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Triggered when a local track has been seen for the first time in a local
// session description.
// This method triggers CreateAudioSender or CreateVideoSender if the rtp
// streams in the local SessionDescription can be mapped to a MediaStreamTrack
// in a MediaStream in |local_streams_|
void OnLocalTrackSeen(const std::string& stream_label,
const std::string& track_id,
uint32_t ssrc,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
// Triggered when a local track has been removed from a local session
// description.
// This method triggers DestroyAudioSender or DestroyVideoSender if a stream
// has been removed from the local SessionDescription and the stream can be
// mapped to a MediaStreamTrack in a MediaStream in |local_streams_|.
void OnLocalTrackRemoved(const std::string& stream_label,
const std::string& track_id,
uint32_t ssrc,
cricket::MediaType media_type);
void UpdateLocalRtpDataChannels(const cricket::StreamParamsVec& streams);
void UpdateRemoteRtpDataChannels(const cricket::StreamParamsVec& streams);
void UpdateClosingRtpDataChannels(
const std::vector<std::string>& active_channels,
bool is_local_update);
void CreateRemoteRtpDataChannel(const std::string& label,
uint32_t remote_ssrc);
// Creates channel and adds it to the collection of DataChannels that will
// be offered in a SessionDescription.
rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannel> InternalCreateDataChannel(
const std::string& label,
const InternalDataChannelInit* config);
// Checks if any data channel has been added.
bool HasDataChannels() const;
void AllocateSctpSids(rtc::SSLRole role);
void OnSctpDataChannelClosed(DataChannel* channel);
// Notifications from WebRtcSession relating to BaseChannels.
void OnVoiceChannelCreated();
void OnVoiceChannelDestroyed();
void OnVideoChannelCreated();
void OnVideoChannelDestroyed();
void OnDataChannelCreated();
void OnDataChannelDestroyed();
// Called when the cricket::DataChannel receives a message indicating that a
// webrtc::DataChannel should be opened.
void OnDataChannelOpenMessage(const std::string& label,
const InternalDataChannelInit& config);
bool HasRtpSender(cricket::MediaType type) const;
RtpSenderInternal* FindSenderById(const std::string& id);
FindSenderForTrack(MediaStreamTrackInterface* track);
FindReceiverForTrack(const std::string& track_id);
TrackInfos* GetRemoteTracks(cricket::MediaType media_type);
TrackInfos* GetLocalTracks(cricket::MediaType media_type);
const TrackInfo* FindTrackInfo(const TrackInfos& infos,
const std::string& stream_label,
const std::string track_id) const;
// Returns the specified SCTP DataChannel in sctp_data_channels_,
// or nullptr if not found.
DataChannel* FindDataChannelBySid(int sid) const;
// Called when first configuring the port allocator.
bool InitializePortAllocator_n(const RTCConfiguration& configuration);
// Called when SetConfiguration is called to apply the supported subset
// of the configuration on the network thread.
bool ReconfigurePortAllocator_n(
const cricket::ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
const std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>& turn_servers,
IceTransportsType type,
int candidate_pool_size,
bool prune_turn_ports);
// Starts recording an RTC event log using the supplied platform file.
// This function should only be called from the worker thread.
bool StartRtcEventLog_w(rtc::PlatformFile file, int64_t max_size_bytes);
// Stops recording an RTC event log.
// This function should only be called from the worker thread.
void StopRtcEventLog_w();
// Ensures the configuration doesn't have any parameters with invalid values,
// or values that conflict with other parameters.
// Returns RTCError::OK() if there are no issues.
RTCError ValidateConfiguration(const RTCConfiguration& config) const;
// Storing the factory as a scoped reference pointer ensures that the memory
// in the PeerConnectionFactoryImpl remains available as long as the
// PeerConnection is running. It is passed to PeerConnection as a raw pointer.
// However, since the reference counting is done in the
// PeerConnectionFactoryInterface all instances created using the raw pointer
// will refer to the same reference count.
rtc::scoped_refptr<PeerConnectionFactory> factory_;
PeerConnectionObserver* observer_;
UMAObserver* uma_observer_;
// The EventLog needs to outlive |call_| (and any other object that uses it).
std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLog> event_log_;
SignalingState signaling_state_;
IceConnectionState ice_connection_state_;
IceGatheringState ice_gathering_state_;
PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration configuration_;
std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator> port_allocator_;
// One PeerConnection has only one RTCP CNAME.
std::string rtcp_cname_;
// Streams added via AddStream.
rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollection> local_streams_;
// Streams created as a result of SetRemoteDescription.
rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollection> remote_streams_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MediaStreamObserver>> stream_observers_;
// These lists store track info seen in local/remote descriptions.
TrackInfos remote_audio_tracks_;
TrackInfos remote_video_tracks_;
TrackInfos local_audio_tracks_;
TrackInfos local_video_tracks_;
SctpSidAllocator sid_allocator_;
// label -> DataChannel
std::map<std::string, rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannel>> rtp_data_channels_;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannel>> sctp_data_channels_;
std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannel>> sctp_data_channels_to_free_;
bool remote_peer_supports_msid_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<Call> call_;
WebRtcSession* session_;
std::unique_ptr<WebRtcSession> owned_session_;
std::unique_ptr<StatsCollector> stats_; // A pointer is passed to senders_
rtc::scoped_refptr<RTCStatsCollector> stats_collector_;
} // namespace webrtc