blob: 0029113f16638a33c69d8f8626bca2e473acdce1 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file determines which parts of Chromium's third_party/ we copy.
# If a dependency is missing, add <dep> to the DEPS list in order to start
# copying third_party/<dep> from Chromium's third_party.
# Test your change like this:
# 1. Edit this file
# 2. Add
# "custom_vars": {
# "roll_chromium_into_webrtc": True,
# },
# to the WebRTC solution in your gclient.
# 3. gclient sync --deps=all
# 4. python tools_webrtc/autoroller/ --dry-run --ignore-unclean-workdir
# 5. git checkout -- . # Throw away rolls of existing deps.
# 6. You should now get untracked files in third_party/<dep>.
# 7. git add third_party/<dep>
# 8. git commit -am "Add third_party/<dep> to WebRTC"
# 9. git cl upload
DEPS = [
# Common
# These common deps will be synced by gclient:
# Windows specific deps will be synced by gclient:
# Android specific deps
# compile time deps
# test time deps
# These Android specific deps will be synced by gclient:
# Mac and iOS specific deps
# List of files to sync