blob: ddcd6f5ba7d5ef7f8d45288cc2cc631e725f707a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include "call/adaptation/video_source_restrictions.h"
#include "video/adaptation/adaptation_counters.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Owns the VideoSourceRestriction for a single stream and is responsible for
// adapting it up or down when told to do so. This class serves the following
// purposes:
// 1. Keep track of a stream's restrictions.
// 2. Provide valid ways to adapt up or down the stream's restrictions.
// 3. Modify the stream's restrictions in one of the valid ways.
class VideoStreamAdapter {
static const int kMinFramerateFps;
static int GetLowerFrameRateThan(int fps);
static int GetHigherFrameRateThan(int fps);
static int GetLowerResolutionThan(int pixel_count);
static int GetHigherResolutionThan(int pixel_count);
// TODO(hbos): Why isn't this const?
VideoSourceRestrictions source_restrictions() const;
const AdaptationCounters& adaptation_counters() const;
void ClearRestrictions();
// "Can adapt?" and "do adapt!" methods.
// TODO( Make the adapter responsible for
// deciding what the next step are, i.e. taking on degradation preference
// logic. Then, these can be expressed either as CanAdaptUp() and DoAdaptUp()
// or as GetNextRestrictionsUp() and ApplyRestrictions().
bool CanDecreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels, int min_pixels_per_frame);
void DecreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels, int min_pixels_per_frame);
bool CanIncreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels);
void IncreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels);
bool CanDecreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate);
void DecreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate);
bool CanIncreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate);
void IncreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate);
class VideoSourceRestrictor;
const std::unique_ptr<VideoSourceRestrictor> source_restrictor_;
} // namespace webrtc