blob: 6a01a4e07e3d3b927f2ab5379647972672fa5436 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
#include "api/units/data_size.h"
#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "rtc_base/random.h"
#include "rtc_base/synchronization/sequence_checker.h"
#include "test/network/traffic_route.h"
#include "test/scenario/column_printer.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace test {
struct RandomWalkConfig {
int random_seed = 1;
DataRate peak_rate = DataRate::kbps(100);
DataSize min_packet_size = DataSize::bytes(200);
TimeDelta min_packet_interval = TimeDelta::ms(1);
TimeDelta update_interval = TimeDelta::ms(200);
double variance = 0.6;
double bias = -0.1;
class RandomWalkCrossTraffic {
RandomWalkCrossTraffic(RandomWalkConfig config, TrafficRoute* traffic_route);
void Process(Timestamp at_time);
DataRate TrafficRate() const;
ColumnPrinter StatsPrinter();
SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
const RandomWalkConfig config_;
TrafficRoute* const traffic_route_ RTC_PT_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_);
webrtc::Random random_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_);
Timestamp last_process_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) =
Timestamp last_update_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) =
Timestamp last_send_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) =
double intensity_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) = 0;
DataSize pending_size_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) = DataSize::Zero();
struct PulsedPeaksConfig {
DataRate peak_rate = DataRate::kbps(100);
DataSize min_packet_size = DataSize::bytes(200);
TimeDelta min_packet_interval = TimeDelta::ms(1);
TimeDelta send_duration = TimeDelta::ms(100);
TimeDelta hold_duration = TimeDelta::ms(2000);
class PulsedPeaksCrossTraffic {
PulsedPeaksCrossTraffic(PulsedPeaksConfig config,
TrafficRoute* traffic_route);
void Process(Timestamp at_time);
DataRate TrafficRate() const;
ColumnPrinter StatsPrinter();
SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
const PulsedPeaksConfig config_;
TrafficRoute* const traffic_route_ RTC_PT_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_);
Timestamp last_update_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) =
Timestamp last_send_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) =
bool sending_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(sequence_checker_) = false;
struct FakeTcpConfig {
DataSize packet_size = DataSize::bytes(1200);
DataSize send_limit = DataSize::PlusInfinity();
int packet_window;
TimeDelta process_interval = TimeDelta::ms(200);
TimeDelta packet_timeout = TimeDelta::seconds(1);
class FakeTcpCrossTraffic
: public TwoWayFakeTrafficRoute<int, int>::TrafficHandlerInterface {
FakeTcpCrossTraffic(FakeTcpConfig config,
EmulatedRoute* send_route,
EmulatedRoute* ret_route);
void Process(Timestamp at_time);
void OnRequest(int sequence_number, Timestamp at_time) override;
void OnResponse(int sequence_number, Timestamp at_time) override;
void HandleLoss(Timestamp at_time);
void SendPackets(Timestamp at_time);
const FakeTcpConfig conf_;
TwoWayFakeTrafficRoute<int, int> route_;
std::map<int, Timestamp> in_flight_;
double cwnd_ = 10;
double ssthresh_ = INFINITY;
bool ack_received_ = false;
int last_acked_seq_num_ = 0;
int next_sequence_number_ = 0;
Timestamp last_reduction_time_ = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
TimeDelta last_rtt_ = TimeDelta::Zero();
DataSize total_sent_ = DataSize::Zero();
} // namespace test
} // namespace webrtc