blob: 8b589c383b449935859cf0941909ca5f333caaa9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "video/adaptation/video_stream_adapter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h"
#include "rtc_base/constructor_magic.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
const int kMinFramerateFps = 2;
// Generate suggested higher and lower frame rates and resolutions, to be
// applied to the VideoSourceRestrictor. These are used in "maintain-resolution"
// and "maintain-framerate". The "balanced" degradation preference also makes
// use of BalancedDegradationPreference when generating suggestions. The
// VideoSourceRestrictor decidedes whether or not a proposed adaptation is
// valid.
// For frame rate, the steps we take are 2/3 (down) and 3/2 (up).
int GetLowerFrameRateThan(int fps) {
RTC_DCHECK(fps != std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
return (fps * 2) / 3;
// TODO(hbos): Use absl::optional<> instead?
int GetHigherFrameRateThan(int fps) {
return fps != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
? (fps * 3) / 2
: std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// For resolution, the steps we take are 3/5 (down) and 5/3 (up).
// Notice the asymmetry of which restriction property is set depending on if
// we are adapting up or down:
// - VideoSourceRestrictor::DecreaseResolution() sets the max_pixels_per_frame()
// to the desired target and target_pixels_per_frame() to null.
// - VideoSourceRestrictor::IncreaseResolutionTo() sets the
// target_pixels_per_frame() to the desired target, and max_pixels_per_frame()
// is set according to VideoSourceRestrictor::GetIncreasedMaxPixelsWanted().
int GetLowerResolutionThan(int pixel_count) {
RTC_DCHECK(pixel_count != std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
return (pixel_count * 3) / 5;
// TODO(hbos): Use absl::optional<> instead?
int GetHigherResolutionThan(int pixel_count) {
return pixel_count != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
? (pixel_count * 5) / 3
: std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// One of the conditions used in VideoStreamAdapter::GetAdaptUpTarget().
// TODO(hbos): Whether or not we can adapt up due to encoder settings and
// bitrate should be expressed as a bandwidth-related Resource.
bool CanAdaptUpResolution(
const absl::optional<EncoderSettings>& encoder_settings,
absl::optional<uint32_t> encoder_target_bitrate_bps,
int input_pixels) {
uint32_t bitrate_bps = encoder_target_bitrate_bps.value_or(0);
absl::optional<VideoEncoder::ResolutionBitrateLimits> bitrate_limits =
? encoder_settings->encoder_info()
: absl::nullopt;
if (!bitrate_limits.has_value() || bitrate_bps == 0) {
return true; // No limit configured or bitrate provided.
RTC_DCHECK_GE(bitrate_limits->frame_size_pixels, input_pixels);
return bitrate_bps >=
} // namespace
VideoStreamAdapter::AdaptationTarget::AdaptationTarget(AdaptationAction action,
int value)
: action(action), value(value) {}
// VideoSourceRestrictor is responsible for keeping track of current
// VideoSourceRestrictions.
class VideoStreamAdapter::VideoSourceRestrictor {
VideoSourceRestrictor() {}
VideoSourceRestrictions source_restrictions() const {
return source_restrictions_;
const AdaptationCounters& adaptation_counters() const { return adaptations_; }
void ClearRestrictions() {
source_restrictions_ = VideoSourceRestrictions();
adaptations_ = AdaptationCounters();
bool CanDecreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels, int min_pixels_per_frame) {
int max_pixels_per_frame = rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(
return target_pixels < max_pixels_per_frame &&
target_pixels >= min_pixels_per_frame;
void DecreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels, int min_pixels_per_frame) {
RTC_DCHECK(CanDecreaseResolutionTo(target_pixels, min_pixels_per_frame));
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Scaling down resolution, max pixels: "
<< target_pixels;
target_pixels != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
? absl::optional<size_t>(target_pixels)
: absl::nullopt);
bool CanIncreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels) {
int max_pixels_wanted = GetIncreasedMaxPixelsWanted(target_pixels);
int max_pixels_per_frame = rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(
return max_pixels_wanted > max_pixels_per_frame;
void IncreaseResolutionTo(int target_pixels) {
int max_pixels_wanted = GetIncreasedMaxPixelsWanted(target_pixels);
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Scaling up resolution, max pixels: "
<< max_pixels_wanted;
max_pixels_wanted != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
? absl::optional<size_t>(max_pixels_wanted)
: absl::nullopt);
max_pixels_wanted != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
? absl::optional<size_t>(target_pixels)
: absl::nullopt);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(adaptations_.resolution_adaptations, 0);
bool CanDecreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate) {
const int fps_wanted = std::max(kMinFramerateFps, max_frame_rate);
return fps_wanted < rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(
void DecreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate) {
max_frame_rate = std::max(kMinFramerateFps, max_frame_rate);
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Scaling down framerate: " << max_frame_rate;
max_frame_rate != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
? absl::optional<double>(max_frame_rate)
: absl::nullopt);
bool CanIncreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate) {
return max_frame_rate > rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(
void IncreaseFrameRateTo(int max_frame_rate) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Scaling up framerate: " << max_frame_rate;
max_frame_rate != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
? absl::optional<double>(max_frame_rate)
: absl::nullopt);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(adaptations_.fps_adaptations, 0);
static int GetIncreasedMaxPixelsWanted(int target_pixels) {
if (target_pixels == std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// When we decrease resolution, we go down to at most 3/5 of current pixels.
// Thus to increase resolution, we need 3/5 to get back to where we started.
// When going up, the desired max_pixels_per_frame() has to be significantly
// higher than the target because the source's native resolutions might not
// match the target. We pick 12/5 of the target.
// (This value was historically 4 times the old target, which is (3/5)*4 of
// the new target - or 12/5 - assuming the target is adjusted according to
// the above steps.)
RTC_DCHECK(target_pixels != std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
return (target_pixels * 12) / 5;
VideoSourceRestrictions source_restrictions_;
AdaptationCounters adaptations_;
// static
VideoStreamAdapter::AdaptationAction action) {
switch (action) {
case AdaptationAction::kIncreaseResolution:
return AdaptationRequest::Mode::kAdaptUp;
case AdaptationAction::kDecreaseResolution:
return AdaptationRequest::Mode::kAdaptDown;
case AdaptationAction::kIncreaseFrameRate:
return AdaptationRequest::Mode::kAdaptUp;
case AdaptationAction::kDecreaseFrameRate:
return AdaptationRequest::Mode::kAdaptDown;
: source_restrictor_(std::make_unique<VideoSourceRestrictor>()),
last_adaptation_request_(absl::nullopt) {}
VideoStreamAdapter::~VideoStreamAdapter() {}
VideoSourceRestrictions VideoStreamAdapter::source_restrictions() const {
return source_restrictor_->source_restrictions();
const AdaptationCounters& VideoStreamAdapter::adaptation_counters() const {
return source_restrictor_->adaptation_counters();
const BalancedDegradationSettings& VideoStreamAdapter::balanced_settings()
const {
return balanced_settings_;
void VideoStreamAdapter::ClearRestrictions() {
DegradationPreference degradation_preference) {
bool did_clear = false;
if (degradation_preference_ != degradation_preference) {
if (degradation_preference == DegradationPreference::BALANCED ||
degradation_preference_ == DegradationPreference::BALANCED) {
did_clear = true;
degradation_preference_ = degradation_preference;
return did_clear ? SetDegradationPreferenceResult::kRestrictionsCleared
: SetDegradationPreferenceResult::kRestrictionsNotCleared;
DegradationPreference VideoStreamAdapter::EffectiveDegradationPreference(
VideoInputMode input_mode) const {
// Balanced mode for screenshare works via automatic animation detection:
// Resolution is capped for fullscreen animated content.
// Adapatation is done only via framerate downgrade.
// Thus effective degradation preference is MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION.
// TODO(hbos): Don't do this. This is not what "balanced" means. If the
// application wants to maintain resolution it should set that degradation
// preference rather than depend on non-standard behaviors.
return (input_mode == VideoInputMode::kScreenshareVideo &&
degradation_preference_ == DegradationPreference::BALANCED)
? DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION
: degradation_preference_;
const absl::optional<EncoderSettings>& encoder_settings,
absl::optional<uint32_t> encoder_target_bitrate_bps,
VideoInputMode input_mode,
int input_pixels,
int input_fps,
AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason) const {
// Preconditions for being able to adapt up:
if (input_mode == VideoInputMode::kNoVideo)
return absl::nullopt;
// 1. We shouldn't adapt up if we're currently waiting for a previous upgrade
// to have an effect.
// TODO(hbos): What about in the case of other degradation preferences?
bool last_adaptation_was_up =
last_adaptation_request_ &&
last_adaptation_request_->mode_ == AdaptationRequest::Mode::kAdaptUp;
if (last_adaptation_was_up &&
degradation_preference_ == DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE &&
input_pixels <= last_adaptation_request_->input_pixel_count_) {
return absl::nullopt;
// 2. We shouldn't adapt up if BalancedSettings doesn't allow it, which is
// only applicable if reason is kQuality and preference is BALANCED.
if (reason == AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason::kQuality &&
EffectiveDegradationPreference(input_mode) ==
DegradationPreference::BALANCED &&
GetVideoCodecTypeOrGeneric(encoder_settings), input_pixels,
encoder_target_bitrate_bps.value_or(0))) {
return absl::nullopt;
// Attempt to find an allowed adaptation target.
switch (EffectiveDegradationPreference(input_mode)) {
case DegradationPreference::BALANCED: {
// Attempt to increase target frame rate.
int target_fps = balanced_settings_.MaxFps(
GetVideoCodecTypeOrGeneric(encoder_settings), input_pixels);
if (source_restrictor_->CanIncreaseFrameRateTo(target_fps)) {
return AdaptationTarget(AdaptationAction::kIncreaseFrameRate,
// Fall-through to maybe-adapting resolution, unless |balanced_settings_|
// forbids it based on bitrate.
if (reason == AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason::kQuality &&
GetVideoCodecTypeOrGeneric(encoder_settings), input_pixels,
encoder_target_bitrate_bps.value_or(0))) {
return absl::nullopt;
// Scale up resolution.
case DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE: {
// Don't adapt resolution if CanAdaptUpResolution() forbids it based on
// bitrate and limits specified by encoder capabilities.
if (reason == AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason::kQuality &&
!CanAdaptUpResolution(encoder_settings, encoder_target_bitrate_bps,
input_pixels)) {
return absl::nullopt;
// Attempt to increase pixel count.
int target_pixels = input_pixels;
if (source_restrictor_->adaptation_counters().resolution_adaptations ==
1) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Removing resolution down-scaling setting.";
target_pixels = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
target_pixels = GetHigherResolutionThan(target_pixels);
if (!source_restrictor_->CanIncreaseResolutionTo(target_pixels))
return absl::nullopt;
return AdaptationTarget(AdaptationAction::kIncreaseResolution,
case DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION: {
// Scale up framerate.
int target_fps = input_fps;
if (source_restrictor_->adaptation_counters().fps_adaptations == 1) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Removing framerate down-scaling setting.";
target_fps = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
target_fps = GetHigherFrameRateThan(target_fps);
if (!source_restrictor_->CanIncreaseFrameRateTo(target_fps))
return absl::nullopt;
return AdaptationTarget(AdaptationAction::kIncreaseFrameRate, target_fps);
case DegradationPreference::DISABLED:
return absl::nullopt;
const absl::optional<EncoderSettings>& encoder_settings,
VideoInputMode input_mode,
int input_pixels,
int input_fps,
int min_pixels_per_frame,
VideoStreamEncoderObserver* encoder_stats_observer) const {
// Preconditions for being able to adapt down:
if (input_mode == VideoInputMode::kNoVideo)
return absl::nullopt;
// 1. We are not disabled.
// TODO(hbos): Don't support DISABLED, it doesn't exist in the spec and it
// causes scaling due to bandwidth constraints (QualityScalerResource) to be
// ignored, not just CPU signals. This is not a use case we want to support
// long-term; remove this enum value.
if (degradation_preference_ == DegradationPreference::DISABLED)
return absl::nullopt;
bool last_adaptation_was_down =
last_adaptation_request_ &&
last_adaptation_request_->mode_ == AdaptationRequest::Mode::kAdaptDown;
// 2. We shouldn't adapt down if our frame rate is below the minimum or if its
// currently unknown.
if (EffectiveDegradationPreference(input_mode) ==
DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION) {
// TODO(hbos): This usage of |last_adaptation_was_down| looks like a mistake
// - delete it.
if (input_fps <= 0 ||
(last_adaptation_was_down && input_fps < kMinFramerateFps)) {
return absl::nullopt;
// 3. We shouldn't adapt down if we're currently waiting for a previous
// downgrade to have an effect.
// TODO(hbos): What about in the case of other degradation preferences?
if (last_adaptation_was_down &&
degradation_preference_ == DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE &&
input_pixels >= last_adaptation_request_->input_pixel_count_) {
return absl::nullopt;
// Attempt to find an allowed adaptation target.
switch (EffectiveDegradationPreference(input_mode)) {
case DegradationPreference::BALANCED: {
// Try scale down framerate, if lower.
int target_fps = balanced_settings_.MinFps(
GetVideoCodecTypeOrGeneric(encoder_settings), input_pixels);
if (source_restrictor_->CanDecreaseFrameRateTo(target_fps)) {
return AdaptationTarget(AdaptationAction::kDecreaseFrameRate,
// Scale down resolution.
case DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE: {
// Scale down resolution.
int target_pixels = GetLowerResolutionThan(input_pixels);
// TODO( Move this logic to
// ApplyAdaptationTarget() or elsewhere - simply checking which adaptation
// target is available should not have side-effects.
if (target_pixels < min_pixels_per_frame)
if (!source_restrictor_->CanDecreaseResolutionTo(target_pixels,
min_pixels_per_frame)) {
return absl::nullopt;
return AdaptationTarget(AdaptationAction::kDecreaseResolution,
case DegradationPreference::MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION: {
int target_fps = GetLowerFrameRateThan(input_fps);
if (!source_restrictor_->CanDecreaseFrameRateTo(target_fps))
return absl::nullopt;
return AdaptationTarget(AdaptationAction::kDecreaseFrameRate, target_fps);
case DegradationPreference::DISABLED:
return absl::nullopt;
void VideoStreamAdapter::ApplyAdaptationTarget(const AdaptationTarget& target,
VideoInputMode input_mode,
int input_pixels,
int input_fps,
int min_pixels_per_frame) {
// Remember the input pixels and fps of this adaptation. Used to avoid
// adapting again before this adaptation has had an effect.
input_pixels, input_fps,
switch (target.action) {
case AdaptationAction::kIncreaseResolution:
case AdaptationAction::kDecreaseResolution:
case AdaptationAction::kIncreaseFrameRate:
// TODO( Don't adapt in two steps.
// GetAdaptUpTarget() should tell us the correct value, but BALANCED logic
// in DecrementFramerate() makes it hard to predict whether this will be
// the last step. Remove the dependency on GetConstAdaptCounter().
if (EffectiveDegradationPreference(input_mode) ==
DegradationPreference::BALANCED &&
source_restrictor_->adaptation_counters().fps_adaptations == 0 &&
target.value != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Removing framerate down-scaling setting.";
case AdaptationAction::kDecreaseFrameRate:
} // namespace webrtc