Merge QP1A.180823.001

Change-Id: I5757e4de4d821096af4f3f3fa676a8d96bd7fde7
diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c3efd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Verifier is used for testing only.
+omit =
+  */
+  */
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0736228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# EditorConfig is awesome:
+# top-most EditorConfig file
+root = true
+# Unix-style newlines with a newline ending every file
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+# 2 space indentation
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
diff --git a/.flake8 b/.flake8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d70e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.flake8
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ignore =
+    # indentation is not a multiple of four,
+    E111,E114,
+    # visually indented line with same indent as next logical line,
+    E129
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd6b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This file specifies intentionally untracked files that git should ignore.
+# See:
+# This file is intentionally different from the output of `git svn show-ignore`,
+# as most of those are useless.
+# File extensions to be ignored anywhere in the tree.
+# Temp files created by most text editors.
+# Merge files created by git.
+# Byte compiled python modules.
+# vim swap files
+# OS X specific files.
+# Files to ignore
+# Directories to ignore (do not add trailing '/'s, they skip symlinks).
diff --git a/.style.yapf b/.style.yapf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..823a973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.style.yapf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# YAPF uses the chromium style
+based_on_style = chromium
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d90518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+language: python
+  - 2.7
+  - 3.4
+  - 3.5
+  - 3.6
+  - nightly
+  allow_failures:
+    - python: nightly
+  include:
+    - python: 2.7
+      env: SCA=true
+    - python: 3.5
+      env: SCA=true
+  - if [ -z "$SCA" ]; then pip install --quiet coveralls; else echo skip; fi
+  - if [ -n "$SCA" ]; then python develop; else echo skip; fi
+  - if [ -n "$SCA" ]; then yapf --diff --recursive . || exit; else echo skip; fi
+  - if [ -z "$SCA" ]; then nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=yapf; else echo skip; fi
+  - coveralls
diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e54f1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vimrc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+" Force indentation styles for this directory
+autocmd FileType python set shiftwidth=2
+autocmd FileType python set tabstop=2
+autocmd FileType python set softtabstop=2
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5e878e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This is the official list of YAPF authors for copyright purposes.
+# This file is distinct from the CONTRIBUTORS files.
+# See the latter for an explanation.
+# Names should be added to this file as:
+# Name or Organization <email address>
+# The email address is not required for organizations.
+Google Inc.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4693f03
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+# Change Log
+# All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+# This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
+## [0.23.0] UNRELEASED
+### Added
+- `DISABLE_ENDING_COMMA_HEURISTIC` is a new knob to disable the heuristic which
+  splits a list onto separate lines if the list is comma-terminated.
+### Fixed
+- There's no need to increase N_TOKENS. In fact, it causes other things which
+  use lib2to3 to fail if called from YAPF.
+- Change the exception message instead of creating a new one that's just a
+  clone.
+## [0.22.0] 2018-05-15
+### Added
+- The `BLANK_LINE_BEFORE_MODULE_DOCSTRING` knob adds a blank line before a
+  module's docstring.
+- The `SPLIT_ALL_COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES` knob causes all lists, tuples, dicts
+  function defs, etc... to split on all values, instead of maximizing the
+  number of elements on each line, when not able to fit on a single line.
+### Changed
+- Improve the heuristic we use to determine when to split at the start of a
+  function call. First check whether or not all elements can fit in the space
+  without wrapping. If not, then we split.
+- Check all of the elements of a tuple. Similarly to how arguments are
+  analyzed. This allows tuples to be split more rationally.
+- Adjust splitting penalties around arithmetic operators so that the code can
+  flow more freely. The code must flow!
+- Try to meld an argument list's closing parenthesis to the last argument.
+### Fixed
+- Attempt to determine if long lambdas are allowed. This can be done on a
+  case-by-case basis with a "pylint" disable comment.
+- A comment before a decorator isn't part of the decorator's line.
+- Only force a new wrapped line after a comment in a decorator when it's the
+  first token in the decorator.
+## [0.21.0] 2018-03-18
+### Added
+- Introduce a new option of formatting multiline literals. Add
+  `SPLIT_BEFORE_CLOSING_BRACKET` knob to control whether closing bracket should
+  get their own line.
+- Added `CONTINUATION_ALIGN_STYLE` knob to choose continuation alignment style
+  when `USE_TABS` is enabled.
+- Add 'BLANK_LINES_AROUND_TOP_LEVEL_DEFINITION' knob to control the number
+  of blank lines between top-level function and class definitions.
+### Fixed
+- Don't split ellipses.
+## [0.20.2] 2018-02-12
+### Changed
+- Improve the speed at which files are excluded by ignoring them earlier.
+- Allow dictionaries to stay on a single line if they only have one entry
+### Fixed
+- Use tabs when constructing a continuation line when `USE_TABS` is enabled.
+- A dictionary entry may not end in a colon, but may be an "unpacking"
+  operation: `**foo`. Take that into accound and don't split after the
+  unpacking operator.
+## [0.20.1] 2018-01-13
+### Fixed
+- Don't treat 'None' as a keyword if calling a function on it, like '__ne__()'.
+- use_tabs=True always uses a single tab per indentation level; spaces are
+  used for aligning vertically after that.
+- Relax the split of a paren at the end of an if statement. With
+  `dedent_closing_brackets` option requires that it be able to split there.
+## [0.20.0] 2017-11-14
+### Added
+- Improve splitting of comprehensions and generators. Add
+  `SPLIT_PENALTY_COMPREHENSION` knob to control preference for keeping
+  comprehensions on a single line and `SPLIT_COMPLEX_COMPREHENSION` to enable
+  splitting each clause of complex comprehensions onto its own line.
+### Changed
+- Take into account a named function argument when determining if we should
+  split before the first argument in a function call.
+- Split before the first argument in a function call if the arguments contain a
+  dictionary that doesn't fit on a single line.
+- Improve splitting of elements in a tuple. We want to split if there's a
+  function call in the tuple that doesn't fit on the line.
+### Fixed
+- Enforce spaces between ellipses and keywords.
+- When calculating the split penalty for a "trailer", process the child nodes
+  afterwards because their penalties may change. For example if a list
+  comprehension is an argument.
+- Don't enforce a split before a comment after the opening of a container if it
+  doesn't it on the current line. We try hard not to move such comments around.
+- Use a TextIOWrapper when reading from stdin in Python3. This is necessary for
+  some encodings, like cp936, used on Windows.
+- Remove the penalty for a split before the first argument in a function call
+  where the only argument is a generator expression.
+## [0.19.0] 2017-10-14
+### Added
+  after the opening paren of an expression that's surrounded by parens.
+### Changed
+- Split before the ending bracket of a comma-terminated tuple / argument list
+  if it's not a single element tuple / arg list.
+### Fixed
+- Prefer to split after a comma in an argument list rather than in the middle
+  of an argument.
+- A non-multiline string may have newlines if it contains continuation markers
+  itself. Don't add a newline after the string when retaining the vertical
+  space.
+- Take into account the "async" keyword when determining if we must split
+  before the first argument.
+- Increase affinity for "atom" arguments in function calls. This helps prevent
+  lists from being separated when they don't need to be.
+- Don't place a dictionary argument on its own line if it's the last argument
+  in the function call where that function is part of a builder-style call.
+- Append the "var arg" type to a star in a star_expr.
+## [0.18.0] 2017-09-18
+### Added
+- Option `ALLOW_SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_VALUE` allows a split before a value. If
+  False, then it won't be split even if it goes over the column limit.
+### Changed
+- Use spaces around the '=' in a typed name argument to align with 3.6 syntax.
+### Fixed
+- Allow semicolons if the line is disabled.
+- Fix issue where subsequent comments at decreasing levels of indentation
+  were improperly aligned and/or caused output with invalid syntax.
+- Fix issue where specifying a line range removed a needed line before a
+  comment.
+- Fix spacing between unary operators if one is 'not'.
+- Indent the dictionary value correctly if there's a multi-line key.
+- Don't remove needed spacing before a comment in a dict when in "chromium"
+  style.
+- Increase indent for continuation line with same indent as next logical line
+  with 'async with' statement.
+## [0.17.0] 2017-08-20
+### Added
+- Option `NO_SPACES_AROUND_SELECTED_BINARY_OPERATORS` prevents adding spaces
+  around selected binary operators, in accordance with the current style guide.
+### Changed
+- Adjust blank lines on formatting boundaries when using the `--lines` option.
+- Return 1 if a diff changed the code. This is in line with how GNU diff acts.
+- Add `-vv` flag to print out file names as they are processed
+### Fixed
+- Corrected how `DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS` and `COALESCE_BRACKETS` interacted.
+- Fix return value to return a boolean.
+- Correct vim plugin not to clobber edited code if yapf returns an error.
+- Ensured comma-terminated tuples with multiple elements are split onto separate lines.
+## [0.16.3] 2017-07-13
+### Changed
+- Add filename information to a ParseError exception.
+### Fixed
+- A token that ends in a continuation marker may have more than one newline in
+  it, thus changing its "lineno" value. This can happen if multiple
+  continuation markers are used with no intervening tokens. Adjust the line
+  number to account for the lines covered by those markers.
+- Make sure to split after a comment even for "pseudo" parentheses.
+## [0.16.2] 2017-05-19
+### Fixed
+- Treat expansion operators ('*', '**') in a similar way to function calls to
+  avoid splitting directly after the opening parenthesis.
+- Increase the penalty for splitting after the start of a tuple.
+- Increase penalty for excess characters.
+- Check that we have enough children before trying to access them all.
+- Remove trailing whitespaces from comments.
+- Split before a function call in a list if the full list isn't able to fit on
+  a single line.
+- Trying not to split around the '=' of a named assign.
+- Changed split before the first argument behavior to ignore compound
+  statements like if and while, but not function declarations.
+- Changed coalesce brackets not to line split before closing bracket.
+## [0.16.1] 2017-03-22
+### Changed
+- Improved performance of cloning the format decision state object. This
+  improved the time in one *large* case from 273.485s to 234.652s.
+- Relax the requirement that a named argument needs to be on one line. Going
+  over the column limit is more of an issue to pylint than putting named args
+  on multiple lines.
+- Don't make splitting penalty decisions based on the original formatting. This
+  can and does lead to non-stable formatting, where yapf will reformat the same
+  code in different ways.
+### Fixed
+- Ensure splitting of arguments if there's a named assign present.
+- Prefer to coalesce opening brackets if it's not at the beginning of a
+  function call.
+- Prefer not to squish all of the elements in a function call over to the
+  right-hand side. Split the arguments instead.
+- We need to split a dictionary value if the first element is a comment anyway,
+  so don't force the split here. It's forced elsewhere.
+- Ensure tabs are used for continued indentation when USE_TABS is True.
+## [0.16.0] 2017-02-05
+### Added
+- The `EACH_DICT_ENTRY_ON_SEPARATE_LINE` knob indicates that each dictionary
+  entry should be in separate lines if the full dictionary isn't able to fit on
+  a single line.
+- The `SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_SET_GENERATOR` knob splits before the `for` part of a
+  dictionary/set generator.
+- The `BLANK_LINE_BEFORE_CLASS_DOCSTRING` knob adds a blank line before a
+  class's docstring.
+- The `ALLOW_MULTILINE_DICTIONARY_KEYS` knob allows dictionary keys to span
+  more than one line.
+### Fixed
+- Split before all entries in a dict/set or list maker when comma-terminated,
+  even if there's only one entry.
+- Will now try to set O_BINARY mode on stdout under Windows and Python 2.
+- Avoid unneeded newline transformation when writing formatted code to
+  output on (affects only Python 2)
+## [0.15.2] 2017-01-29
+### Fixed
+- Don't perform a global split when a named assign is part of a function call
+  which itself is an argument to a function call. I.e., don't cause 'a' to
+  split here:
+      func(a, b, c, d(x, y, z=42))
+- Allow splitting inside a subscript if it's a logical or bitwise operating.
+  This should keep the subscript mostly contiguous otherwise.
+## [0.15.1] 2017-01-21
+### Fixed
+- Don't insert a space between a type hint and the '=' sign.
+- The '@' operator can be used in Python 3 for matrix multiplication. Give the
+  '@' in the decorator a DECORATOR subtype to distinguish it.
+- Encourage the formatter to split at the beginning of an argument list instead
+  of in the middle. Especially if the middle is an empty parameter list. This
+  adjusts the affinity of binary and comparison operators. In particular, the
+  "not in" and other such operators don't want to have a split after it (or
+  before it) if at all possible.
+## [0.15.0] 2017-01-12
+### Added
+- Keep type annotations intact as much as possible. Don't try to split the over
+  multiple lines.
+### Fixed
+- When determining if each element in a dictionary can fit on a single line, we
+  are skipping dictionary entries. However, we need to ignore comments in our
+  calculations and implicitly concatenated strings, which are already placed on
+  separate lines.
+- Allow text before a "pylint" comment.
+- Also allow text before a "yapf: (disable|enable)" comment.
+## [0.14.0] 2016-11-21
+### Added
+- formatting can be run in parallel using the "-p" / "--parallel" flags.
+### Fixed
+- "not in" and "is not" should be subtyped as binary operators.
+- A non-Node dictionary value may have a comment before it. In those cases, we
+  want to avoid encompassing only the comment in pseudo parens. So we include
+  the actual value as well.
+- Adjust calculation so that pseudo-parentheses don't count towards the total
+  line length.
+- Don't count a dictionary entry as not fitting on a single line in a
+  dictionary.
+- Don't count pseudo-parentheses in the length of the line.
+## [0.13.2] 2016-10-22
+### Fixed
+- REGRESSION: A comment may have a prefix with newlines in it. When calculating
+  the prefix indent, we cannot take the newlines into account. Otherwise, the
+  comment will be misplaced causing the code to fail.
+## [0.13.1] 2016-10-17
+### Fixed
+- Correct emitting a diff that was accidentally removed.
+## [0.13.0] 2016-10-16
+### Added
+- Added support to retain the original line endings of the source code.
+### Fixed
+- Functions or classes with comments before them were reformatting the comments
+  even if the code was supposed to be ignored by the formatter. We now don't
+  adjust the whitespace before a function's comment if the comment is a
+  "disabled" line. We also don't count "# yapf: {disable|enable}" as a disabled
+  line, which seems logical.
+- It's not really more readable to split before a dictionary value if it's part
+  of a dictionary comprehension.
+- Enforce two blank lines after a function or class definition, even before a
+  comment. (But not between a decorator and a comment.) This is related to PEP8
+  error E305.
+- Remove O(n^2) algorithm from the line disabling logic.
+## [0.12.2] 2016-10-09
+### Fixed
+- If `style.SetGlobalStyle(<create pre-defined style>)` was called and then
+  `yapf_api.FormatCode` was called, the style set by the first call would be
+  lost, because it would return the style created by `DEFAULT_STYLE_FACTORY`,
+  which is set to PEP8 by default. Fix this by making the first call set which
+  factory we call as the "default" style.
+- Don't force a split before non-function call arguments.
+- A dictionary being used as an argument to a function call and which can exist
+  on a single line shouldn't be split.
+- Don't rely upon the original line break to determine if we should split
+  before the elements in a container. Especially split if there's a comment in
+  the container.
+- Don't add spaces between star and args in a lambda expression.
+- If a nested data structure terminates in a comma, then split before the first
+  element, but only if there's more than one element in the list.
+## [0.12.1] 2016-10-02
+### Changed
+- Dictionary values will be placed on the same line as the key if *all* of the
+  elements in the dictionary can be placed on one line. Otherwise, the
+  dictionary values will be placed on the next line.
+### Fixed
+- Prefer to split before a terminating r-paren in an argument list if the line
+  would otherwise go over the column limit.
+- Split before the first key in a dictionary if the dictionary cannot fit on a
+  single line.
+- Don't count "pylint" comments when determining if the line goes over the
+  column limit.
+- Don't count the argument list of a lambda as a named assign in a function
+  call.
+## [0.12.0] 2016-09-25
+### Added
+- Support formatting of typed names. Typed names are formatted a similar way to
+  how named arguments are formatted, except that there's a space after the
+  colon.
+- Add a knob, 'SPACES_AROUND_DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN', to allow adding spaces
+  around the assign operator on default or named assigns.
+## Changed
+- Turn "verification" off by default for external APIs.
+- If a function call in an argument list won't fit on the current line but will
+  fit on a line by itself, then split before the call so that it won't be split
+  up unnecessarily.
+## Fixed
+- Don't add space after power operator if the next operator's a unary operator.
+## [0.11.1] 2016-08-17
+### Changed
+- Issue #228: Return exit code 0 on success, regardless of whether files were
+  changed.  (Previously, 0 meant success with no files
+  modified, and 2 meant success with at least one file modified.)
+### Fixed
+- Enforce splitting each element in a dictionary if comma terminated.
+- It's okay to split in the middle of a dotted name if the whole expression is
+  going to go over the column limit.
+- Asynchronous functions were going missing if they were preceded by a comment
+  (a what? exactly). The asynchronous function processing wasn't taking the
+  comment into account and thus skipping the whole function.
+- The splitting of arguments when comma terminated had a conflict. The split
+  penalty of the closing bracket was set to the maximum, but it shouldn't be if
+  the closing bracket is preceded by a comma.
+## [0.11.0] 2016-07-17
+### Added
+- The COALESCE_BRACKETS knob prevents splitting consecutive brackets when
+- Don't count "pylint" directives as exceeding the column limit.
+### Changed
+- We split all of the arguments to a function call if there's a named argument.
+  In this case, we want to split after the opening bracket too. This makes
+  things look a bit better.
+### Fixed
+- When retaining format of a multiline string with Chromium style, make sure
+  that the multiline string doesn't mess up where the following comma ends up.
+- Correct for when 'lib2to3' smooshes comments together into the same DEDENT
+  node.
+## [0.10.0] 2016-06-14
+### Added
+- Add a knob, 'USE_TABS', to allow using tabs for indentation.
+### Changed
+- Performance enhancements.
+### Fixed
+- Don't split an import list if it's not surrounded by parentheses.
+## [0.9.0] 2016-05-29
+### Added
+- Added a knob (SPLIT_PENALTY_BEFORE_IF_EXPR) to adjust the split penalty
+  before an if expression. This allows the user to place a list comprehension
+  all on one line.
+- Added a knob (SPLIT_BEFORE_FIRST_ARGUMENT) that encourages splitting before
+  the first element of a list of arguments or parameters if they are going to
+  be split anyway.
+- Added a knob (SPLIT_ARGUMENTS_WHEN_COMMA_TERMINATED) splits arguments to a
+  function if the list is terminated by a comma.
+### Fixed
+- Don't split before a first element list argument as we would before a first
+  element function call.
+- Don't penalize when we must split a line.
+- Allow splitting before the single argument in a function call.
+## [0.8.2] 2016-05-21
+### Fixed
+- Prefer not to split after the opening of a subscript.
+- Don't add space before the 'await' keyword if it's preceded by an opening
+  paren.
+- When we're setting the split penalty for a continuous list, we don't want to
+  mistake a comment at the end of that list as part of the list.
+- When calculating blank lines, don't assume the last seen object was a class
+  or function when we're in a class or function.
+- Don't count the closing scope when determining if the current scope is the
+  last scope on the line.
+## [0.8.1] 2016-05-18
+### Fixed
+- 'SPLIT_BEFORE_LOGICAL_OPERATOR' wasn't working correctly. The penalty was
+  being set incorrectly when it was part of a larger construct.
+- Don't separate a keyword, like "await", from a left paren.
+- Don't rely upon the original tokens' line number to determine if we should
+  perform splitting in Facebook mode. The line number isn't the line number of
+  the reformatted token, but the line number where it was in the original code.
+  Instead, we need to carefully determine if the line is liabel to be split and
+  act accordingly.
+## [0.8.0] 2016-05-10
+### Added
+- Add a knob, 'SPACES_AROUND_POWER_OPERATOR', to allow adding spaces around the
+  power operator.
+### Fixed
+- There shouldn't be a space between a decorator and an intervening comment.
+- If we split before a bitwise operator, then we assume that the programmer
+  knows what they're doing, more or less, and so we enforce a split before said
+  operator if one exists in the original program.
+- Strengthen the bond between a keyword and value argument.
+- Don't add a blank line after a multiline string.
+- If the "for" part of a list comprehension can exist on the starting line
+  without going over the column limit, then let it remain there.
+## [0.7.1] 2016-04-21
+### Fixed
+- Don't rewrite the file if there are no changes.
+- Ensure the proper number of blank lines before an async function.
+- Split after a bitwise operator when in PEP 8 mode.
+- Retain the splitting within a dictionary data literal between the key and
+  value.
+- Try to keep short function calls all on one line even if they're part of a
+  larger series of tokens. This stops us from splitting too much.
+## [0.7.0] 2016-04-09
+### Added
+- Support for Python 3.5.
+- Add 'ALLOW_MULTILINE_LAMBDAS' which allows lambdas to be formatted onto
+  multiple lines.
+### Fixed
+- Lessen penalty for splitting before a dictionary keyword.
+- Formatting of trailing comments on disabled formatting lines.
+- Disable / enable formatting at end of multi-line comment.
+## [0.6.3] 2016-03-06
+### Changed
+- Documentation updated.
+### Fixed
+- Fix spacing of multiline comments when formatting is disabled.
+## [0.6.2] 2015-11-01
+### Changed
+- Look at the 'setup.cfg' file to see if it contains style information for
+  YAPF.
+- Look at the '~/.config/yapf/style' file to see if it contains global style
+  information for YAPF.
+### Fixed
+- Make lists that can fit on one line more likely to stay together.
+- Correct formatting of '*args' and '**kwargs' when there are default values in
+  the argument list.
+## [0.6.1] 2015-10-24
+### Fixed
+- Make sure to align comments in data literals correctly. Also make sure we
+  don't count a "#." in a string as an i18n comment.
+- Retain proper vertical spacing before comments in a data literal.
+- Make sure that continuations from a compound statement are distinguished from
+  the succeeding line.
+- Ignore preceding comments when calculating what is a "dictonary maker".
+- Add a small penalty for splitting before a closing bracket.
+- Ensure that a space is enforced after we remove a pseudo-paren that's between
+  two names, keywords, numbers, etc.
+- Increase the penalty for splitting after a pseudo-paren. This could lead to
+  less readable code in some circumstances.
+## [0.6.0] 2015-10-18
+### Added
+- Add knob to indent the dictionary value if there is a split before it.
+### Changed
+- No longer check that a file is a "Python" file unless the '--recursive' flag
+  is specified.
+- No longer allow the user to specify a directory unless the '--recursive' flag
+  is specified.
+### Fixed
+- When determining if we should split a dictionary's value to a new line, use
+  the longest entry instead of the total dictionary's length. This allows the
+  formatter to reformat the dictionary in a more consistent manner.
+- Improve how list comprehensions are formatted. Make splitting dependent upon
+  whether the "comp_for" or "comp_if" goes over the column limit.
+- Don't over indent if expression hanging indents if we expect to dedent the
+  closing bracket.
+- Improve splitting heuristic when the first argument to a function call is
+  itself a function call with arguments. In cases like this, the remaining
+  arguments to the function call would look badly aligned, even though they are
+  techincally correct (the best kind of correct!).
+- Improve splitting heuristic more so that if the first argument to a function
+  call is a data literal that will go over the column limit, then we want to
+  split before it.
+- Remove spaces around '**' operator.
+- Retain formatting of comments in the middle of an expression.
+- Don't add a newline to an empty file.
+- Over indent a function's parameter list if it's not distinguished from the
+  body of the function.
+## [0.5.0] 2015-10-11
+### Added
+- Add option to exclude files/directories from formatting.
+- Add a knob to control whether import names are split after the first '('.
+### Fixed
+- Indent the continuation of an if-then statement when it's not distinguished
+  from the body of the if-then.
+- Allow for sensible splitting of array indices where appropriate.
+- Prefer to not split before the ending bracket of an atom. This produces
+  better code in most cases.
+- Corrected how horizontal spaces were presevered in a disabled region.
+## [0.4.0] 2015-10-07
+### Added
+- Support for dedenting closing brackets, "facebook" style.
+### Fixed
+- Formatting of tokens after a multiline string didn't retain their horizontal
+  spacing.
+## [0.3.1] 2015-09-30
+### Fixed
+- Format closing scope bracket correctly when indentation size changes.
+## [0.3.0] 2015-09-20
+### Added
+- Return a 2 if the source changed, 1 on error, and 0 for no change.
+### Fixed
+- Make sure we format if the "lines" specified are in the middle of a
+  statement.
+## [0.2.9] - 2015-09-13
+### Fixed
+- Formatting of multiple files. It was halting after formatting the first file.
+## [0.2.8] - 2015-09-12
+### Added
+- Return a non-zero exit code if the source was changed.
+- Add bitwise operator splitting penalty and prefer to split before bitwise
+  operators.
+### Fixed
+- Retain vertical spacing between disabled and enabled lines.
+- Split only at start of named assign.
+- Retain comment position when formatting is disabled.
+- Honor splitting before or after logical ops.
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b113c0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Want to contribute? Great! First, read this page (including the small print at the end).
+Before you contribute
+Before we can use your code, you must sign the `Google Individual Contributor
+License Agreement
+<>`_ (CLA), which
+you can do online. The CLA is necessary mainly because you own the
+copyright to your changes, even after your contribution becomes part of our
+codebase, so we need your permission to use and distribute your code. We also
+need to be sure of various other things—for instance that you'll tell us if you
+know that your code infringes on other people's patents. You don't have to sign
+the CLA until after you've submitted your code for review and a member has
+approved it, but you must do it before we can put your code into our codebase.
+Before you start working on a larger contribution, you should get in touch with
+us first through the issue tracker with your idea so that we can help out and
+possibly guide you. Coordinating up front makes it much easier to avoid
+frustration later on.
+Code reviews
+All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We
+use Github pull requests for this purpose.
+YAPF coding style
+YAPF follows the `Chromium Python Style Guide
+<>`_. It's the same
+as the Google Python Style guide with two exceptions:
+- 2 spaces for indentation rather than 4.
+- CamelCase for function and method names rather than words_with_underscores.
+The rationale for this is that YAPF was initially developed at Google where
+these two exceptions are still part of the internal Python style guide.
+Small print
+Contributions made by corporations are covered by a different agreement than
+the one above, the Software Grant and Corporate Contributor License Agreement.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62e2a5f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# People who have agreed to one of the CLAs and can contribute patches.
+# The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file
+# lists people.  For example, Google employees are listed here
+# but not in AUTHORS, because Google holds the copyright.
+# Names should be added to this file as:
+#     Name <email address>
+Bill Wendling <>
+Eli Bendersky <>
+Sam Clegg <>
+Łukasz Langa <>
diff --git a/HACKING.rst b/HACKING.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc27c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACKING.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Running YAPF on itself
+To run YAPF on all of YAPF::
+ $ PYTHONPATH=$PWD/yapf python -m yapf -i -r .
+To run YAPF on just the files changed in the current git branch::
+ $ PYTHONPATH=$PWD/yapf python -m yapf -i $(git diff --name-only @{upstream})
+Releasing a new version
+* Run tests: python test
+  [don't forget to run with Python 2.7 and 3.6]
+* Bump version in yapf/
+* Build source distribution: python sdist
+* Check it looks OK, install it onto a virtualenv, run tests, run yapf as a tool
+* Build release: python sdist bdist_wheel
+* Push to PyPI: twine upload dist/*
+* Test in a clean virtualenv that 'pip install yapf' works with the new version
+* Commit the version bump; add tag with git tag v<VERSION_NUM>; git push --tags
+TODO: discuss how to use tox to make virtualenv testing easier.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d645695
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c70a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+include .coveragerc .editorconfig .flake8 plugins/README.rst
+include plugins/vim/autoload/yapf.vim plugins/vim/plugin/yapf.vim pylintrc
+include .style.yapf tox.ini .travis.yml .vimrc
diff --git a/OWNERS b/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0124a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Will perform annual update
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ef0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+.. image::
+    :target:
+    :alt: PyPI version
+.. image::
+    :target:
+    :alt: Build status
+.. image::
+    :target:
+    :alt: Coverage status
+Most of the current formatters for Python --- e.g., autopep8, and pep8ify ---
+are made to remove lint errors from code. This has some obvious limitations.
+For instance, code that conforms to the PEP 8 guidelines may not be
+reformatted.  But it doesn't mean that the code looks good.
+YAPF takes a different approach. It's based off of 'clang-format', developed by
+Daniel Jasper. In essence, the algorithm takes the code and reformats it to the
+best formatting that conforms to the style guide, even if the original code
+didn't violate the style guide. The idea is also similar to the 'gofmt' tool for
+the Go programming language: end all holy wars about formatting - if the whole
+codebase of a project is simply piped through YAPF whenever modifications are
+made, the style remains consistent throughout the project and there's no point
+arguing about style in every code review.
+The ultimate goal is that the code YAPF produces is as good as the code that a
+programmer would write if they were following the style guide. It takes away
+some of the drudgery of maintaining your code.
+Try out YAPF with this `online demo <>`_.
+.. footer::
+    YAPF is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is
+    just code that happens to be owned by Google.
+.. contents::
+To install YAPF from PyPI:
+.. code-block:: shell
+    $ pip install yapf
+(optional) If you are using Python 2.7 and want to enable multiprocessing:
+.. code-block:: shell
+    $ pip install futures
+YAPF is still considered in "alpha" stage, and the released version may change
+often; therefore, the best way to keep up-to-date with the latest development
+is to clone this repository.
+Note that if you intend to use YAPF as a command-line tool rather than as a
+library, installation is not necessary. YAPF supports being run as a directory
+by the Python interpreter. If you cloned/unzipped YAPF into ``DIR``, it's
+possible to run:
+.. code-block:: shell
+    $ PYTHONPATH=DIR python DIR/yapf [options] ...
+Python versions
+YAPF supports Python 2.7 and 3.6.4+. (Note that some Python 3 features may fail
+to parse with Python versions before 3.6.4.)
+YAPF requires the code it formats to be valid Python for the version YAPF itself
+runs under. Therefore, if you format Python 3 code with YAPF, run YAPF itself
+under Python 3 (and similarly for Python 2).
+    usage: yapf [-h] [-v] [-d | -i] [-r | -l START-END] [-e PATTERN]
+                [--style STYLE] [--style-help] [--no-local-style] [-p]
+                [-vv]
+                [files [files ...]]
+    Formatter for Python code.
+    positional arguments:
+      files
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -v, --version         show version number and exit
+      -d, --diff            print the diff for the fixed source
+      -i, --in-place        make changes to files in place
+      -r, --recursive       run recursively over directories
+      -l START-END, --lines START-END
+                            range of lines to reformat, one-based
+      -e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN
+                            patterns for files to exclude from formatting
+      --style STYLE         specify formatting style: either a style name (for
+                            example "pep8" or "google"), or the name of a file
+                            with style settings. The default is pep8 unless a
+                            .style.yapf or setup.cfg file located in the same
+                            directory as the source or one of its parent
+                            directories (for stdin, the current directory is
+                            used).
+      --style-help          show style settings and exit; this output can be saved
+                            to .style.yapf to make your settings permanent
+      --no-local-style      don't search for local style definition
+      -p, --parallel        Run yapf in parallel when formatting multiple files.
+                            Requires concurrent.futures in Python 2.X
+      -vv, --verbose        Print out file names while processing
+Return Codes
+Normally YAPF returns zero on successful program termination and non-zero otherwise.
+If ``--diff`` is supplied, YAPF returns zero when no changes were necessary, non-zero
+otherwise (including program error). You can use this in a CI workflow to test that code
+has been YAPF-formatted.
+Formatting style
+The formatting style used by YAPF is configurable and there are many "knobs"
+that can be used to tune how YAPF does formatting. See the ```` module
+for the full list.
+To control the style, run YAPF with the ``--style`` argument. It accepts one of
+the predefined styles (e.g., ``pep8`` or ``google``), a path to a configuration
+file that specifies the desired style, or a dictionary of key/value pairs.
+The config file is a simple listing of (case-insensitive) ``key = value`` pairs
+with a ``[style]`` heading. For example:
+.. code-block:: ini
+    [style]
+    based_on_style = pep8
+    spaces_before_comment = 4
+    split_before_logical_operator = true
+The ``based_on_style`` setting determines which of the predefined styles this
+custom style is based on (think of it like subclassing).
+It's also possible to do the same on the command line with a dictionary. For
+.. code-block:: shell
+    --style='{based_on_style: chromium, indent_width: 4}'
+This will take the ``chromium`` base style and modify it to have four space
+YAPF will search for the formatting style in the following manner:
+1. Specified on the command line
+2. In the `[style]` section of a `.style.yapf` file in either the current
+   directory or one of its parent directories.
+3. In the `[yapf]` section of a `setup.cfg` file in either the current
+   directory or one of its parent directories.
+4. In the `~/.config/yapf/style` file in your home directory.
+If none of those files are found, the default style is used (PEP8).
+An example of the type of formatting that YAPF can do, it will take this ugly
+.. code-block:: python
+    x = {  'a':37,'b':42,
+    'c':927}
+    y = 'hello ''world'
+    z = 'hello '+'world'
+    a = 'hello {}'.format('world')
+    class foo  (     object  ):
+      def f    (self   ):
+        return       37*-+2
+      def g(self, x,y=42):
+          return y
+    def f  (   a ) :
+      return      37+-+a[42-x :  y**3]
+and reformat it into:
+.. code-block:: python
+    x = {'a': 37, 'b': 42, 'c': 927}
+    y = 'hello ' 'world'
+    z = 'hello ' + 'world'
+    a = 'hello {}'.format('world')
+    class foo(object):
+        def f(self):
+            return 37 * -+2
+        def g(self, x, y=42):
+            return y
+    def f(a):
+        return 37 + -+a[42 - x:y**3]
+Example as a module
+The two main APIs for calling yapf are ``FormatCode`` and ``FormatFile``, these
+share several arguments which are described below:
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> from yapf.yapflib.yapf_api import FormatCode  # reformat a string of code
+    >>> FormatCode("f ( a = 1, b = 2 )")
+    'f(a=1, b=2)\n'
+A ``style_config`` argument: Either a style name or a path to a file that contains
+formatting style settings. If None is specified, use the default style
+as set in ``style.DEFAULT_STYLE_FACTORY``.
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> FormatCode("def g():\n  return True", style_config='pep8')
+    'def g():\n    return True\n'
+A ``lines`` argument: A list of tuples of lines (ints), [start, end],
+that we want to format. The lines are 1-based indexed. It can be used by
+third-party code (e.g., IDEs) when reformatting a snippet of code rather
+than a whole file.
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> FormatCode("def g( ):\n    a=1\n    b = 2\n    return a==b", lines=[(1, 1), (2, 3)])
+    'def g():\n    a = 1\n    b = 2\n    return a==b\n'
+A ``print_diff`` (bool): Instead of returning the reformatted source, return a
+diff that turns the formatted source into reformatter source.
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> print(FormatCode("a==b", filename="", print_diff=True))
+    --- (original)
+    +++ (reformatted)
+    @@ -1 +1 @@
+    -a==b
+    +a == b
+Note: the ``filename`` argument for ``FormatCode`` is what is inserted into
+the diff, the default is ``<unknown>``.
+``FormatFile`` returns reformatted code from the passed file along with its encoding:
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> from yapf.yapflib.yapf_api import FormatFile  # reformat a file
+    >>> print(open("").read())  # contents of file
+    a==b
+    >>> FormatFile("")
+    ('a == b\n', 'utf-8')
+The ``in-place`` argument saves the reformatted code back to the file:
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> FormatFile("", in_place=True)
+    (None, 'utf-8')
+    >>> print(open("").read())  # contents of file (now fixed)
+    a == b
+    Align closing bracket with visual indentation.
+    Allow lambdas to be formatted on more than one line.
+    Allow dictionary keys to exist on multiple lines. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        x = {
+            ('this is the first element of a tuple',
+             'this is the second element of a tuple'):
+                 value,
+        }
+    Allow splits before the dictionary value.
+    Insert a blank line before a ``def`` or ``class`` immediately nested within
+    another ``def`` or ``class``. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        class Foo:
+                           # <------ this blank line
+            def method():
+                pass
+    Insert a blank line before a module docstring.
+    Insert a blank line before a class-level docstring.
+    Sets the number of desired blank lines surrounding top-level function and
+    class definitions. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        class Foo:
+            pass
+                           # <------ having two blank lines here
+                           # <------ is the default setting
+        class Bar:
+            pass
+    Do not split consecutive brackets. Only relevant when
+    ``DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS`` is set. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        call_func_that_takes_a_dict(
+            {
+                'key1': 'value1',
+                'key2': 'value2',
+            }
+        )
+    would reformat to:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        call_func_that_takes_a_dict({
+            'key1': 'value1',
+            'key2': 'value2',
+        })
+    The column limit (or max line-length)
+    The style for continuation alignment. Possible values are:
+    - SPACE: Use spaces for continuation alignment. This is default behavior.
+    - FIXED: Use fixed number (CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH) of columns
+      (ie: CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH/INDENT_WIDTH tabs) for continuation
+      alignment.
+    - VALIGN-RIGHT: Vertically align continuation lines with indent characters.
+      Slightly right (one more indent character) if cannot vertically align
+      continuation lines with indent characters.
+      For options ``FIXED``, and ``VALIGN-RIGHT`` are only available when
+      ``USE_TABS`` is enabled.
+    Indent width used for line continuations.
+    Put closing brackets on a separate line, dedented, if the bracketed
+    expression can't fit in a single line. Applies to all kinds of brackets,
+    including function definitions and calls. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        config = {
+            'key1': 'value1',
+            'key2': 'value2',
+        }  # <--- this bracket is dedented and on a separate line
+        time_series = self.remote_client.query_entity_counters(
+            entity='dev3246.region1',
+            key='dns.query_latency_tcp',
+            transform=Transformation.AVERAGE(window=timedelta(seconds=60)),
+            start_ts=now()-timedelta(days=3),
+            end_ts=now(),
+        )  # <--- this bracket is dedented and on a separate line
+    Disable the heuristic which places each list element on a separate line if
+    the list is comma-terminated.
+    Place each dictionary entry onto its own line.
+    The regex for an internationalization comment. The presence of this comment
+    stops reformatting of that line, because the comments are required to be
+    next to the string they translate.
+    The internationalization function call names. The presence of this function
+    stops reformatting on that line, because the string it has cannot be moved
+    away from the i18n comment.
+    Indent the dictionary value if it cannot fit on the same line as the
+    dictionary key. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        config = {
+            'key1':
+                'value1',
+            'key2': value1 +
+                    value2,
+        }
+    The number of columns to use for indentation.
+    Join short lines into one line. E.g., single line ``if`` statements.
+    Set to ``True`` to prefer using spaces around ``**``.
+    Do not include spaces around selected binary operators. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5
+    will be formatted as follows when configured with ``*,/``:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        1 + 2*3 - 4/5
+    Set to ``True`` to prefer spaces around the assignment operator for default
+    or keyword arguments.
+    The number of spaces required before a trailing comment.
+    Insert a space between the ending comma and closing bracket of a list, etc.
+    Split before arguments if the argument list is terminated by a comma.
+    If a comma separated list (dict, list, tuple, or function def) is on a
+    line that is too long, split such that all elements are on a single line.
+    Set to ``True`` to prefer splitting before ``&``, ``|`` or ``^`` rather
+    than after.
+    Split before the closing bracket if a list or dict literal doesn't fit on
+    a single line.
+    Split before a dictionary or set generator (comp_for). For example, note
+    the split before the ``for``:
+    .. code-block:: python
+        foo = {
+            variable: 'Hello world, have a nice day!'
+            for variable in bar if variable != 42
+        }
+    Split after the opening paren which surrounds an expression if it doesn't
+    fit on a single line.
+    If an argument / parameter list is going to be split, then split before the
+    first argument.
+    Set to ``True`` to prefer splitting before ``and`` or ``or`` rather than
+    after.
+    Split named assignments onto individual lines.
+    For list comprehensions and generator expressions with multiple clauses
+    (e.g multiple "for" calls, "if" filter expressions) and which need to be
+    reflowed, split each clause onto its own line. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+      result = [
+          a_var + b_var for a_var in xrange(1000) for b_var in xrange(1000)
+          if a_var % b_var]
+    would reformat to something like:
+    .. code-block:: python
+      result = [
+          a_var + b_var
+          for a_var in xrange(1000)
+          for b_var in xrange(1000)
+          if a_var % b_var]
+    The penalty for splitting right after the opening bracket.
+    The penalty for splitting the line after a unary operator.
+    The penalty for splitting right before an ``if`` expression.
+    The penalty of splitting the line around the ``&``, ``|``, and ``^``
+    operators.
+    The penalty for splitting a list comprehension or generator expression.
+    The penalty for characters over the column limit.
+    The penalty incurred by adding a line split to the unwrapped line. The more
+    line splits added the higher the penalty.
+    The penalty of splitting a list of ``import as`` names. For example:
+    .. code-block:: python
+      from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yad import (long_argument_1,
+                                                                long_argument_2,
+                                                                long_argument_3)
+    would reformat to something like:
+    .. code-block:: python
+      from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yad import (
+          long_argument_1, long_argument_2, long_argument_3)
+    The penalty of splitting the line around the ``and`` and ``or`` operators.
+    Use the Tab character for indentation.
+(Potentially) Frequently Asked Questions
+Why does YAPF destroy my awesome formatting?
+YAPF tries very hard to get the formatting correct. But for some code, it won't
+be as good as hand-formatting. In particular, large data literals may become
+horribly disfigured under YAPF.
+The reasons for this are manyfold. In short, YAPF is simply a tool to help
+with development. It will format things to coincide with the style guide, but
+that may not equate with readability.
+What can be done to alleviate this situation is to indicate regions YAPF should
+ignore when reformatting something:
+.. code-block:: python
+    # yapf: disable
+    FOO = {
+        # ... some very large, complex data literal.
+    }
+    BAR = [
+        # ... another large data literal.
+    ]
+    # yapf: enable
+You can also disable formatting for a single literal like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+    BAZ = {
+        (1, 2, 3, 4),
+        (5, 6, 7, 8),
+        (9, 10, 11, 12),
+    }  # yapf: disable
+To preserve the nice dedented closing brackets, use the
+``dedent_closing_brackets`` in your style. Note that in this case all
+brackets, including function definitions and calls, are going to use
+that style.  This provides consistency across the formatted codebase.
+Why Not Improve Existing Tools?
+We wanted to use clang-format's reformatting algorithm. It's very powerful and
+designed to come up with the best formatting possible. Existing tools were
+created with different goals in mind, and would require extensive modifications
+to convert to using clang-format's algorithm.
+Can I Use YAPF In My Program?
+Please do! YAPF was designed to be used as a library as well as a command line
+tool. This means that a tool or IDE plugin is free to use YAPF.
+Gory Details
+Algorithm Design
+The main data structure in YAPF is the ``UnwrappedLine`` object. It holds a list
+of ``FormatToken``\s, that we would want to place on a single line if there were
+no column limit. An exception being a comment in the middle of an expression
+statement will force the line to be formatted on more than one line. The
+formatter works on one ``UnwrappedLine`` object at a time.
+An ``UnwrappedLine`` typically won't affect the formatting of lines before or
+after it. There is a part of the algorithm that may join two or more
+``UnwrappedLine``\s into one line. For instance, an if-then statement with a
+short body can be placed on a single line:
+.. code-block:: python
+    if a == 42: continue
+YAPF's formatting algorithm creates a weighted tree that acts as the solution
+space for the algorithm. Each node in the tree represents the result of a
+formatting decision --- i.e., whether to split or not to split before a token.
+Each formatting decision has a cost associated with it. Therefore, the cost is
+realized on the edge between two nodes. (In reality, the weighted tree doesn't
+have separate edge objects, so the cost resides on the nodes themselves.)
+For example, take the following Python code snippet. For the sake of this
+example, assume that line (1) violates the column limit restriction and needs to
+be reformatted.
+.. code-block:: python
+    def xxxxxxxxxxx(aaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbb, cccccccc, dddddddd, eeeeee):  # 1
+        pass                                                               # 2
+For line (1), the algorithm will build a tree where each node (a
+``FormattingDecisionState`` object) is the state of the line at that token given
+the decision to split before the token or not. Note: the ``FormatDecisionState``
+objects are copied by value so each node in the graph is unique and a change in
+one doesn't affect other nodes.
+Heuristics are used to determine the costs of splitting or not splitting.
+Because a node holds the state of the tree up to a token's insertion, it can
+easily determine if a splitting decision will violate one of the style
+requirements. For instance, the heuristic is able to apply an extra penalty to
+the edge when not splitting between the previous token and the one being added.
+There are some instances where we will never want to split the line, because
+doing so will always be detrimental (i.e., it will require a backslash-newline,
+which is very rarely desirable). For line (1), we will never want to split the
+first three tokens: ``def``, ``xxxxxxxxxxx``, and ``(``. Nor will we want to
+split between the ``)`` and the ``:`` at the end. These regions are said to be
+"unbreakable." This is reflected in the tree by there not being a "split"
+decision (left hand branch) within the unbreakable region.
+Now that we have the tree, we determine what the "best" formatting is by finding
+the path through the tree with the lowest cost.
+And that's it!
diff --git a/plugins/README.rst b/plugins/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7657cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+IDE Plugins
+The ``Emacs`` plugin is maintained separately. Installation directions can be
+found here:
+The ``vim`` plugin allows you to reformat a range of code. Copy ``plugin`` and
+``autoload`` directories into your ~/.vim or use ``:packadd`` in Vim 8. Or use
+a plugin manager like Plug or Vundle:
+.. code-block:: vim
+     " Plug
+     Plug 'google/yapf', { 'rtp': 'plugins/vim', 'for': 'python' }
+     " Vundle
+     Plugin 'google/yapf', { 'rtp': 'plugins/vim' }
+You can add key bindings in the ``.vimrc`` file:
+.. code-block:: vim
+    map <C-Y> :call yapf#YAPF()<cr>
+    imap <C-Y> <c-o>:call yapf#YAPF()<cr>
+Alternatively, you can call the command ``YAPF``. If you omit the range, it
+will reformat the whole buffer.
+.. code-block:: vim
+    :YAPF       " formats whole buffer
+    :'<,'>YAPF  " formats lines selected in visual mode
+Sublime Text
+The ``Sublime Text`` plugin is also maintained separately. It is compatible
+with both Sublime Text 2 and 3.
+The plugin can be easily installed by using *Sublime Package Control*. Check
+the project page of the plugin for more information:
+git Pre-Commit Hook
+The ``git`` pre-commit hook automatically formats your Python files before they
+are committed to your local repository. Any changes ``yapf`` makes to the files
+will stay unstaged so that you can diff them manually.
+To install, simply download the raw file and copy it into your git hooks
+.. code-block:: bash
+    # From the root of your git project.
+    curl -o
+    chmod a+x
+    mv .git/hooks/pre-commit
+Textmate 2
+Plugin for ``Textmate 2`` requires ``yapf`` Python package installed on your
+.. code-block:: shell
+    pip install yapf
+Also, you will need to activate ``Python`` bundle from ``Preferences >>
+Finally, create a ``~/Library/Application
+Support/TextMate/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Commands/YAPF.tmCommand`` file with
+the following content:
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
+    <plist version="1.0">
+    <dict>
+      <key>beforeRunningCommand</key>
+      <string>saveActiveFile</string>
+      <key>command</key>
+      <string>#!/bin/bash
+    TPY=${TM_PYTHON:-python}
+    "$TPY" "/usr/local/bin/yapf" "$TM_FILEPATH"</string>
+      <key>input</key>
+      <string>document</string>
+      <key>name</key>
+      <string>YAPF</string>
+      <key>scope</key>
+      <string>source.python</string>
+      <key>uuid</key>
+      <string>297D5A82-2616-4950-9905-BD2D1C94D2D4</string>
+    </dict>
+    </plist>
+You will see a new menu item ``Bundles > Python > YAPF``.
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..896f0ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Git pre-commit hook to check staged Python files for formatting issues with
+# yapf.
+# INSTALLING: Copy this script into `.git/hooks/pre-commit`, and mark it as
+# executable.
+# This requires that yapf is installed and runnable in the environment running
+# the pre-commit hook.
+# When running, this first checks for unstaged changes to staged files, and if
+# there are any, it will exit with an error. Files with unstaged changes will be
+# printed.
+# If all staged files have no unstaged changes, it will run yapf against them,
+# leaving the formatting changes unstaged. Changed files will be printed.
+# BUGS: This does not leave staged changes alone when used with the -a flag to
+# git commit, due to the fact that git stages ALL unstaged files when that flag
+# is used.
+# Find all staged Python files, and exit early if there aren't any.
+PYTHON_FILES=(`git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=AM | \
+  grep --color=never '.py$'`)
+if [ ! "$PYTHON_FILES" ]; then
+  exit 0
+########## PIP VERSION #############
+# Verify that yapf is installed; if not, warn and exit.
+if [ -z $(which yapf) ]; then
+  echo 'yapf not on path; can not format. Please install yapf:'
+  echo '    pip install yapf'
+  exit 2
+######### END PIP VERSION ##########
+########## PIPENV VERSION ##########
+# if [ -z $(pipenv run which yapf) ]; then
+#   echo 'yapf not on path; can not format. Please install yapf:'
+#   echo '    pipenv install yapf'
+#   exit 2
+# fi
+###### END PIPENV VERSION ##########
+# Check for unstaged changes to files in the index.
+CHANGED_FILES=(`git diff --name-only ${PYTHON_FILES[@]}`)
+if [ "$CHANGED_FILES" ]; then
+  echo 'You have unstaged changes to some files in your commit; skipping '
+  echo 'auto-format. Please stage, stash, or revert these changes. You may '
+  echo 'find `git stash -k` helpful here.'
+  echo
+  echo 'Files with unstaged changes:'
+  for file in ${CHANGED_FILES[@]}; do
+    echo "  $file"
+  done
+  exit 1
+# Format all staged files, then exit with an error code if any have uncommitted
+# changes.
+echo 'Formatting staged Python files . . .'
+########## PIP VERSION #############
+yapf -i -r ${PYTHON_FILES[@]}
+######### END PIP VERSION ##########
+########## PIPENV VERSION ##########
+# pipenv run yapf -i -r ${PYTHON_FILES[@]}
+###### END PIPENV VERSION ##########
+CHANGED_FILES=(`git diff --name-only ${PYTHON_FILES[@]}`)
+if [ "$CHANGED_FILES" ]; then
+  echo 'Reformatted staged files. Please review and stage the changes.'
+  echo
+  echo 'Files updated:'
+  for file in ${CHANGED_FILES[@]}; do
+    echo "  $file"
+  done
+  exit 1
+  exit 0
diff --git a/plugins/vim/autoload/yapf.vim b/plugins/vim/autoload/yapf.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3e7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/vim/autoload/yapf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+" Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+" Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+" you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+" You may obtain a copy of the License at
+" Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+" distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+" See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+" limitations under the License.
+" VIM Autoload script for YAPF support
+" Place this script in your ~/.vim/autoload directory. You can add accessors to
+" ~/.vimrc, e.g.:
+"    map <C-Y> :call yapf#YAPF()<cr>
+"    imap <C-Y> <c-o>:call yapf#YAPF()<cr>
+function! yapf#YAPF() range
+  " Determine range to format.
+  let l:line_ranges = a:firstline . '-' . a:lastline
+  let l:cmd = 'yapf --lines=' . l:line_ranges
+  " Call YAPF with the current buffer
+  if exists('*systemlist')
+    let l:formatted_text = systemlist(l:cmd, join(getline(1, '$'), "\n") . "\n")
+  else
+    let l:formatted_text =
+        \ split(system(l:cmd, join(getline(1, '$'), "\n") . "\n"), "\n")
+  endif
+  if v:shell_error
+    echohl ErrorMsg
+    echomsg printf('"%s" returned error: %s', l:cmd, l:formatted_text[-1])
+    echohl None
+    return
+  endif
+  " Update the buffer.
+  execute '1,' . string(line('$')) . 'delete'
+  call setline(1, l:formatted_text)
+  " Reset cursor to first line of the formatted range.
+  call cursor(a:firstline, 1)
diff --git a/plugins/vim/plugin/yapf.vim b/plugins/vim/plugin/yapf.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2cc7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/vim/plugin/yapf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+" Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+" Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+" you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+" You may obtain a copy of the License at
+" Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+" distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+" See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+" limitations under the License.
+" VIM command for YAPF support
+" Place this script in your ~/.vim/plugin directory. You can call the
+" command YAPF. If you omit the range, it will reformat the whole
+" buffer.
+" example:
+"   :YAPF       " formats whole buffer
+"   :'<,'>YAPF  " formats lines selected in visual mode
+command! -range=% YAPF <line1>,<line2>call yapf#YAPF()
diff --git a/pylintrc b/pylintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e8a554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+# Specify a configuration file.
+# Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as
+# pygtk.require().
+# Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not
+# paths.
+# Pickle collected data for later comparisons.
+# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load,
+# usually to register additional checkers.
+# Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint.
+# Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions are imported into the
+# active Python interpreter and may run arbitrary code.
+# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may
+# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may
+# run arbitrary code
+# Allow optimization of some AST trees. This will activate a peephole AST
+# optimizer, which will apply various small optimizations. For instance, it can
+# be used to obtain the result of joining multiple strings with the addition
+# operator. Joining a lot of strings can lead to a maximum recursion error in
+# Pylint and this flag can prevent that. It has one side effect, the resulting
+# AST will be different than the one from reality.
+# Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels. Leave empty to show
+# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
+# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
+# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
+# it should appear only once). See also the "--disable" option for examples.
+# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
+# can either give multiple identifiers separated by comma (,) or put this
+# option multiple times (only on the command line, not in the configuration
+# file where it should appear only once).You can also use "--disable=all" to
+# disable everything first and then reenable specific checks. For example, if
+# you want to run only the similarities checker, you can use "--disable=all
+# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
+# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes
+# --disable=W"
+    # disabled by me,
+    locally-disabled,
+    missing-docstring,
+    fixme,
+    # disabled by default,
+    import-star-module-level,
+    old-octal-literal,
+    oct-method,
+    print-statement,
+    unpacking-in-except,
+    parameter-unpacking,
+    backtick,
+    old-raise-syntax,
+    old-ne-operator,
+    long-suffix,
+    dict-view-method,
+    dict-iter-method,
+    metaclass-assignment,
+    next-method-called,
+    raising-string,
+    indexing-exception,
+    raw_input-builtin,
+    long-builtin,
+    file-builtin,
+    execfile-builtin,
+    coerce-builtin,
+    cmp-builtin,
+    buffer-builtin,
+    basestring-builtin,
+    apply-builtin,
+    filter-builtin-not-iterating,
+    using-cmp-argument,
+    useless-suppression,
+    range-builtin-not-iterating,
+    suppressed-message,
+    no-absolute-import,
+    old-division,
+    cmp-method,
+    reload-builtin,
+    zip-builtin-not-iterating,
+    intern-builtin,
+    unichr-builtin,
+    reduce-builtin,
+    standarderror-builtin,
+    unicode-builtin,
+    xrange-builtin,
+    coerce-method,
+    delslice-method,
+    getslice-method,
+    setslice-method,
+    input-builtin,
+    round-builtin,
+    hex-method,
+    nonzero-method,
+    map-builtin-not-iterating,
+# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, msvs
+# (visual studio) and html. You can also give a reporter class, eg
+# mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass.
+# Put messages in a separate file for each module / package specified on the
+# command line instead of printing them on stdout. Reports (if any) will be
+# written in a file name "pylint_global.[txt|html]".
+# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages
+# Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest
+# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which
+# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total
+# number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report
+# (RP0004).
+evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10)
+# Template used to display messages. This is a python new-style format string
+# used to format the message information. See doc for all details
+# Maximum number of characters on a single line.
+# Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than the limit.
+ignore-long-lines=^\s*(# )?<?https?://\S+>?$
+# Allow the body of an if to be on the same line as the test if there is no
+# else.
+# List of optional constructs for which whitespace checking is disabled. `dict-
+# separator` is used to allow tabulation in dicts, etc.: {1  : 1,\n222: 2}.
+# `trailing-comma` allows a space between comma and closing bracket: (a, ).
+# `empty-line` allows space-only lines.
+# Maximum number of lines in a module
+# String used as indentation unit. This is usually "    " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1
+# tab).
+indent-string='  '
+# Number of spaces of indent required inside a hanging  or continued line.
+# Expected format of line ending, e.g. empty (any line ending), LF or CRLF.
+# Spelling dictionary name. Available dictionaries: none. To make it working
+# install python-enchant package.
+# List of comma separated words that should not be checked.
+# A path to a file that contains private dictionary; one word per line.
+# Tells whether to store unknown words to indicated private dictionary in
+# --spelling-private-dict-file option instead of raising a message.
+# Logging modules to check that the string format arguments are in logging
+# function parameter format
+# List of builtins function names that should not be used, separated by a comma
+# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma
+# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma
+# Colon-delimited sets of names that determine each other's naming style when
+# the name regexes allow several styles.
+# Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name
+# Regular expression matching correct function names
+# original:
+# Naming hint for function names
+# Regular expression matching correct variable names
+# Naming hint for variable names
+# Regular expression matching correct constant names
+# original:
+# Naming hint for constant names
+# Regular expression matching correct attribute names
+# Naming hint for attribute names
+# Regular expression matching correct argument names
+# Naming hint for argument names
+# Regular expression matching correct class attribute names
+# original:
+# Naming hint for class attribute names
+# Regular expression matching correct inline iteration names
+# Naming hint for inline iteration names
+# Regular expression matching correct class names
+# original:
+# Naming hint for class names
+# Regular expression matching correct module names
+# Naming hint for module names
+# Regular expression matching correct method names
+# original:
+# Naming hint for method names
+# Regular expression which should only match function or class names that do
+# not require a docstring.
+# Minimum line length for functions/classes that require docstrings, shorter
+# ones are exempt.
+# Maximum number of nested blocks for function / method body
+# Minimum lines number of a similarity.
+# Ignore comments when computing similarities.
+# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities.
+# Ignore imports when computing similarities.
+# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A
+# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive).
+# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked
+# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime
+# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It
+# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching.
+# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked
+# (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set). This supports can work
+# with qualified names.
+# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
+# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular
+# expressions are accepted.
+# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma.
+# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files.
+# A regular expression matching the name of dummy variables (i.e. expectedly
+# not used).
+# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that
+# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible.
+# List of strings which can identify a callback function by name. A callback
+# name must start or end with one of those strings.
+# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes.
+# List of valid names for the first argument in a class method.
+# List of valid names for the first argument in a metaclass class method.
+# List of member names, which should be excluded from the protected access
+# warning.
+# Maximum number of arguments for function / method
+# Argument names that match this expression will be ignored. Default to name
+# with leading underscore
+# Maximum number of locals for function / method body
+# Maximum number of return / yield for function / method body
+# Maximum number of branch for function / method body
+# Maximum number of statements in function / method body
+# Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901).
+# Maximum number of attributes for a class (see R0902).
+# Minimum number of public methods for a class (see R0903).
+# Maximum number of public methods for a class (see R0904).
+# Maximum number of boolean expressions in a if statement
+# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma
+# Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the
+# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled)
+# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
+# not be disabled)
+# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
+# not be disabled)
+# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to
+# "Exception"
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9acf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+universal = 1
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e9470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import codecs
+import sys
+import unittest
+from setuptools import setup, Command
+import yapf
+class RunTests(Command):
+  user_options = []
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    pass
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    pass
+  def run(self):
+    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+    tests ='yapftests', pattern='*', top_level_dir='.')
+    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
+    results =
+    sys.exit(0 if results.wasSuccessful() else 1)
+with'README.rst', 'r', 'utf-8') as fd:
+  setup(
+      name='yapf',
+      version=yapf.__version__,
+      description='A formatter for Python code.',
+      license='Apache License, Version 2.0',
+      author='Google Inc.',
+      maintainer='Bill Wendling',
+      maintainer_email='',
+      packages=['yapf', 'yapf.yapflib', 'yapftests'],
+      classifiers=[
+          'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
+          'Environment :: Console',
+          'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+          'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
+          'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+          'Programming Language :: Python',
+          'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
+          'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
+          'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+          'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
+          'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
+          'Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance',
+      ],
+      entry_points={
+          'console_scripts': ['yapf = yapf:run_main'],
+      },
+      cmdclass={
+          'test': RunTests,
+      },
+  )
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca30d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+    python test
diff --git a/yapf/ b/yapf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ab014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+YAPF uses the algorithm in clang-format to figure out the "best" formatting for
+Python code. It looks at the program as a series of "unwrappable lines" ---
+i.e., lines which, if there were no column limit, we would place all tokens on
+that line. It then uses a priority queue to figure out what the best formatting
+is --- i.e., the formatting with the least penalty.
+It differs from tools like autopep8 and pep8ify in that it doesn't just look for
+violations of the style guide, but looks at the module as a whole, making
+formatting decisions based on what's the best format for each line.
+If no filenames are specified, YAPF reads the code from stdin.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from yapf.yapflib import errors
+from yapf.yapflib import file_resources
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import yapf_api
+__version__ = '0.22.0'
+def main(argv):
+  """Main program.
+  Arguments:
+    argv: command-line arguments, such as sys.argv (including the program name
+      in argv[0]).
+  Returns:
+    Zero on successful program termination, non-zero otherwise.
+    With --diff: zero if there were no changes, non-zero otherwise.
+  Raises:
+    YapfError: if none of the supplied files were Python files.
+  """
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Formatter for Python code.')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '-v',
+      '--version',
+      action='store_true',
+      help='show version number and exit')
+  diff_inplace_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+  diff_inplace_group.add_argument(
+      '-d',
+      '--diff',
+      action='store_true',
+      help='print the diff for the fixed source')
+  diff_inplace_group.add_argument(
+      '-i',
+      '--in-place',
+      action='store_true',
+      help='make changes to files in place')
+  lines_recursive_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+  lines_recursive_group.add_argument(
+      '-r',
+      '--recursive',
+      action='store_true',
+      help='run recursively over directories')
+  lines_recursive_group.add_argument(
+      '-l',
+      '--lines',
+      metavar='START-END',
+      action='append',
+      default=None,
+      help='range of lines to reformat, one-based')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '-e',
+      '--exclude',
+      metavar='PATTERN',
+      action='append',
+      default=None,
+      help='patterns for files to exclude from formatting')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--style',
+      action='store',
+      help=('specify formatting style: either a style name (for example "pep8" '
+            'or "google"), or the name of a file with style settings. The '
+            'default is pep8 unless a %s or %s file located in the same '
+            'directory as the source or one of its parent directories '
+            '(for stdin, the current directory is used).' %
+            (style.LOCAL_STYLE, style.SETUP_CONFIG)))
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--style-help',
+      action='store_true',
+      help=('show style settings and exit; this output can be '
+            'saved to .style.yapf to make your settings '
+            'permanent'))
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--no-local-style',
+      action='store_true',
+      help="don't search for local style definition")
+  parser.add_argument('--verify', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '-p',
+      '--parallel',
+      action='store_true',
+      help=('Run yapf in parallel when formatting multiple files. Requires '
+            'concurrent.futures in Python 2.X'))
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '-vv',
+      '--verbose',
+      action='store_true',
+      help='Print out file names while processing')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      'files', nargs='*', help='Reads from stdin when no files are specified.')
+  args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+  if args.version:
+    print('yapf {}'.format(__version__))
+    return 0
+  style_config =
+  if args.style_help:
+    if style_config is None and not args.no_local_style:
+      style_config = file_resources.GetDefaultStyleForDir(os.getcwd())
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateStyleFromConfig(style_config))
+    print('[style]')
+    for option, docstring in sorted(style.Help().items()):
+      for line in docstring.splitlines():
+        print('#', line and ' ' or '', line, sep='')
+      print(option.lower(), '=', style.Get(option), sep='')
+      print()
+    return 0
+  if args.lines and len(args.files) > 1:
+    parser.error('cannot use -l/--lines with more than one file')
+  lines = _GetLines(args.lines) if args.lines is not None else None
+  if not args.files:
+    # No arguments specified. Read code from stdin.
+    if args.in_place or args.diff:
+      parser.error('cannot use --in-place or --diff flags when reading '
+                   'from stdin')
+    original_source = []
+    while True:
+      if sys.stdin.closed:
+        break
+      try:
+        # Use 'raw_input' instead of '', because otherwise the
+        # user will need to hit 'Ctrl-D' more than once if they're inputting
+        # the program by hand. 'raw_input' throws an EOFError exception if
+        # 'Ctrl-D' is pressed, which makes it easy to bail out of this loop.
+        original_source.append(py3compat.raw_input())
+      except EOFError:
+        break
+    if style_config is None and not args.no_local_style:
+      style_config = file_resources.GetDefaultStyleForDir(os.getcwd())
+    source = [line.rstrip() for line in original_source]
+    reformatted_source, _ = yapf_api.FormatCode(
+        py3compat.unicode('\n'.join(source) + '\n'),
+        filename='<stdin>',
+        style_config=style_config,
+        lines=lines,
+        verify=args.verify)
+    file_resources.WriteReformattedCode('<stdout>', reformatted_source)
+    return 0
+  files = file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(args.files, args.recursive,
+                                             args.exclude)
+  if not files:
+    raise errors.YapfError('Input filenames did not match any python files')
+  changed = FormatFiles(
+      files,
+      lines,
+      no_local_style=args.no_local_style,
+      in_place=args.in_place,
+      print_diff=args.diff,
+      verify=args.verify,
+      parallel=args.parallel,
+      verbose=args.verbose)
+  return 1 if changed and args.diff else 0
+def FormatFiles(filenames,
+                lines,
+                style_config=None,
+                no_local_style=False,
+                in_place=False,
+                print_diff=False,
+                verify=False,
+                parallel=False,
+                verbose=False):
+  """Format a list of files.
+  Arguments:
+    filenames: (list of unicode) A list of files to reformat.
+    lines: (list of tuples of integers) A list of tuples of lines, [start, end],
+      that we want to format. The lines are 1-based indexed. This argument
+      overrides the 'args.lines'. It can be used by third-party code (e.g.,
+      IDEs) when reformatting a snippet of code.
+    style_config: (string) Style name or file path.
+    no_local_style: (string) If style_config is None don't search for
+      directory-local style configuration.
+    in_place: (bool) Modify the files in place.
+    print_diff: (bool) Instead of returning the reformatted source, return a
+      diff that turns the formatted source into reformatter source.
+    verify: (bool) True if reformatted code should be verified for syntax.
+    parallel: (bool) True if should format multiple files in parallel.
+    verbose: (bool) True if should print out filenames while processing.
+  Returns:
+    True if the source code changed in any of the files being formatted.
+  """
+  changed = False
+  if parallel:
+    import multiprocessing  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
+    import concurrent.futures  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
+    workers = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), len(filenames))
+    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(workers) as executor:
+      future_formats = [
+          executor.submit(_FormatFile, filename, lines, style_config,
+                          no_local_style, in_place, print_diff, verify, verbose)
+          for filename in filenames
+      ]
+      for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_formats):
+        changed |= future.result()
+  else:
+    for filename in filenames:
+      changed |= _FormatFile(filename, lines, style_config, no_local_style,
+                             in_place, print_diff, verify, verbose)
+  return changed
+def _FormatFile(filename,
+                lines,
+                style_config=None,
+                no_local_style=False,
+                in_place=False,
+                print_diff=False,
+                verify=False,
+                verbose=False):
+  if verbose:
+    print('Reformatting %s' % filename)
+  if style_config is None and not no_local_style:
+    style_config = file_resources.GetDefaultStyleForDir(
+        os.path.dirname(filename))
+  try:
+    reformatted_code, encoding, has_change = yapf_api.FormatFile(
+        filename,
+        in_place=in_place,
+        style_config=style_config,
+        lines=lines,
+        print_diff=print_diff,
+        verify=verify,
+        logger=logging.warning)
+    if not in_place and reformatted_code:
+      file_resources.WriteReformattedCode(filename, reformatted_code, encoding,
+                                          in_place)
+    return has_change
+  except SyntaxError as e:
+    e.filename = filename
+    raise
+def _GetLines(line_strings):
+  """Parses the start and end lines from a line string like 'start-end'.
+  Arguments:
+    line_strings: (array of string) A list of strings representing a line
+      range like 'start-end'.
+  Returns:
+    A list of tuples of the start and end line numbers.
+  Raises:
+    ValueError: If the line string failed to parse or was an invalid line range.
+  """
+  lines = []
+  for line_string in line_strings:
+    # The 'list' here is needed by Python 3.
+    line = list(map(int, line_string.split('-', 1)))
+    if line[0] < 1:
+      raise errors.YapfError('invalid start of line range: %r' % line)
+    if line[0] > line[1]:
+      raise errors.YapfError('end comes before start in line range: %r', line)
+    lines.append(tuple(line))
+  return lines
+def run_main():  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+  try:
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+  except errors.YapfError as e:
+    sys.stderr.write('yapf: ' + str(e) + '\n')
+    sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  run_main()
diff --git a/yapf/ b/yapf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1d0e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Main entry point."""
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+import yapf
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7522b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c239ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Calculate the number of blank lines between top-level entities.
+Calculates how many blank lines we need between classes, functions, and other
+entities at the same level.
+  CalculateBlankLines(): the main function exported by this module.
+  newlines: The number of newlines required before the node.
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+_PYTHON_STATEMENTS = frozenset({
+    'small_stmt', 'expr_stmt', 'print_stmt', 'del_stmt', 'pass_stmt',
+    'break_stmt', 'continue_stmt', 'return_stmt', 'raise_stmt', 'yield_stmt',
+    'import_stmt', 'global_stmt', 'exec_stmt', 'assert_stmt', 'if_stmt',
+    'while_stmt', 'for_stmt', 'try_stmt', 'with_stmt', 'nonlocal_stmt',
+    'async_stmt', 'simple_stmt'
+def CalculateBlankLines(tree):
+  """Run the blank line calculator visitor over the tree.
+  This modifies the tree in place.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: the top-level pytree node to annotate with subtypes.
+  """
+  blank_line_calculator = _BlankLineCalculator()
+  blank_line_calculator.Visit(tree)
+class _BlankLineCalculator(pytree_visitor.PyTreeVisitor):
+  """_BlankLineCalculator - see file-level docstring for a description."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.class_level = 0
+    self.function_level = 0
+    self.last_comment_lineno = 0
+    self.last_was_decorator = False
+    self.last_was_class_or_function = False
+  def Visit_simple_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    if pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[0]) == 'COMMENT':
+      self.last_comment_lineno = node.children[0].lineno
+  def Visit_decorator(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    if (self.last_comment_lineno and
+        self.last_comment_lineno == node.children[0].lineno - 1):
+      self._SetNumNewlines(node.children[0], _NO_BLANK_LINES)
+    else:
+      self._SetNumNewlines(node.children[0], self._GetNumNewlines(node))
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+    self.last_was_decorator = True
+  def Visit_classdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self.last_was_class_or_function = False
+    index = self._SetBlankLinesBetweenCommentAndClassFunc(node)
+    self.last_was_decorator = False
+    self.class_level += 1
+    for child in node.children[index:]:
+      self.Visit(child)
+    self.class_level -= 1
+    self.last_was_class_or_function = True
+  def Visit_funcdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self.last_was_class_or_function = False
+    index = self._SetBlankLinesBetweenCommentAndClassFunc(node)
+    if _AsyncFunction(node):
+      index = self._SetBlankLinesBetweenCommentAndClassFunc(
+          node.prev_sibling.parent)
+      self._SetNumNewlines(node.children[0], None)
+    else:
+      index = self._SetBlankLinesBetweenCommentAndClassFunc(node)
+    self.last_was_decorator = False
+    self.function_level += 1
+    for child in node.children[index:]:
+      self.Visit(child)
+    self.function_level -= 1
+    self.last_was_class_or_function = True
+  def DefaultNodeVisit(self, node):
+    """Override the default visitor for Node.
+    This will set the blank lines required if the last entity was a class or
+    function.
+    Arguments:
+      node: (pytree.Node) The node to visit.
+    """
+    if self.last_was_class_or_function:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(node) in _PYTHON_STATEMENTS:
+        leaf = pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node)
+        self._SetNumNewlines(leaf, self._GetNumNewlines(leaf))
+    self.last_was_class_or_function = False
+    super(_BlankLineCalculator, self).DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def _SetBlankLinesBetweenCommentAndClassFunc(self, node):
+    """Set the number of blanks between a comment and class or func definition.
+    Class and function definitions have leading comments as children of the
+    classdef and functdef nodes.
+    Arguments:
+      node: (pytree.Node) The classdef or funcdef node.
+    Returns:
+      The index of the first child past the comment nodes.
+    """
+    index = 0
+    while pytree_utils.IsCommentStatement(node.children[index]):
+      # Standalone comments are wrapped in a simple_stmt node with the comment
+      # node as its only child.
+      self.Visit(node.children[index].children[0])
+      if not self.last_was_decorator:
+        self._SetNumNewlines(node.children[index].children[0], _ONE_BLANK_LINE)
+      index += 1
+    if (index and node.children[index].lineno -
+        1 == node.children[index - 1].children[0].lineno):
+      self._SetNumNewlines(node.children[index], _NO_BLANK_LINES)
+    else:
+      if self.last_comment_lineno + 1 == node.children[index].lineno:
+        num_newlines = _NO_BLANK_LINES
+      else:
+        num_newlines = self._GetNumNewlines(node)
+      self._SetNumNewlines(node.children[index], num_newlines)
+    return index
+  def _GetNumNewlines(self, node):
+    if self.last_was_decorator:
+      return _NO_BLANK_LINES
+    elif self._IsTopLevel(node):
+      return 1 + style.Get('BLANK_LINES_AROUND_TOP_LEVEL_DEFINITION')
+    return _ONE_BLANK_LINE
+  def _SetNumNewlines(self, node, num_newlines):
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(node, pytree_utils.Annotation.NEWLINES,
+                                   num_newlines)
+  def _IsTopLevel(self, node):
+    return (not (self.class_level or self.function_level) and
+            _StartsInZerothColumn(node))
+def _StartsInZerothColumn(node):
+  return (pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node).column == 0 or
+          (_AsyncFunction(node) and node.prev_sibling.column == 0))
+def _AsyncFunction(node):
+  return (py3compat.PY3 and node.prev_sibling and
+          pytree_utils.NodeName(node.prev_sibling) == 'ASYNC')
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af999d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Comment splicer for lib2to3 trees.
+The lib2to3 syntax tree produced by the parser holds comments and whitespace in
+prefix attributes of nodes, rather than nodes themselves. This module provides
+functionality to splice comments out of prefixes and into nodes of their own,
+making them easier to process.
+  SpliceComments(): the main function exported by this module.
+from lib2to3 import pygram
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+def SpliceComments(tree):
+  """Given a pytree, splice comments into nodes of their own right.
+  Extract comments from the prefixes where they are housed after parsing.
+  The prefixes that previously housed the comments become empty.
+  Args:
+    tree: a pytree.Node - the tree to work on. The tree is modified by this
+        function.
+  """
+  # The previous leaf node encountered in the traversal.
+  # This is a list because Python 2.x doesn't have 'nonlocal' :)
+  prev_leaf = [None]
+  _AnnotateIndents(tree)
+  def _VisitNodeRec(node):
+    # This loop may insert into node.children, so we'll iterate over a copy.
+    for child in node.children[:]:
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Node):
+        # Nodes don't have prefixes.
+        _VisitNodeRec(child)
+      else:
+        if child.prefix.lstrip().startswith('#'):
+          # We have a comment prefix in this child, so splicing is needed.
+          comment_prefix = child.prefix
+          comment_lineno = child.lineno - comment_prefix.count('\n')
+          comment_column = child.column
+          # Remember the leading indentation of this prefix and clear it.
+          # Mopping up the prefix is important because we may go over this same
+          # child in the next iteration...
+          child_prefix = child.prefix.lstrip('\n')
+          prefix_indent = child_prefix[:child_prefix.find('#')]
+          if '\n' in prefix_indent:
+            prefix_indent = prefix_indent[prefix_indent.rfind('\n') + 1:]
+          child.prefix = ''
+          if child.type == token.NEWLINE:
+            # If the prefix was on a NEWLINE leaf, it's part of the line so it
+            # will be inserted after the previously encountered leaf.
+            # We can't just insert it before the NEWLINE node, because as a
+            # result of the way pytrees are organized, this node can be under
+            # an inappropriate parent.
+            comment_column -= len(comment_prefix.lstrip())
+            pytree_utils.InsertNodesAfter(
+                _CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                    comment_prefix,
+                    comment_lineno,
+                    comment_column,
+                    standalone=False), prev_leaf[0])
+          elif child.type == token.DEDENT:
+            # Comment prefixes on DEDENT nodes also deserve special treatment,
+            # because their final placement depends on their prefix.
+            # We'll look for an ancestor of this child with a matching
+            # indentation, and insert the comment before it if the ancestor is
+            # on a DEDENT node and after it otherwise.
+            #
+            # lib2to3 places comments that should be separated into the same
+            # DEDENT node. For example, "comment 1" and "comment 2" will be
+            # combined.
+            #
+            #   def _():
+            #     for x in y:
+            #       pass
+            #       # comment 1
+            #
+            #     # comment 2
+            #     pass
+            #
+            # In this case, we need to split them up ourselves.
+            # Split into groups of comments at decreasing levels of indentation
+            comment_groups = []
+            comment_column = None
+            for cmt in comment_prefix.split('\n'):
+              col = cmt.find('#')
+              if col < 0:
+                if comment_column is None:
+                  # Skip empty lines at the top of the first comment group
+                  comment_lineno += 1
+                  continue
+              elif comment_column is None or col < comment_column:
+                comment_column = col
+                comment_indent = cmt[:comment_column]
+                comment_groups.append((comment_column, comment_indent, []))
+              comment_groups[-1][-1].append(cmt)
+            # Insert a node for each group
+            for comment_column, comment_indent, comment_group in comment_groups:
+              ancestor_at_indent = _FindAncestorAtIndent(child, comment_indent)
+              if ancestor_at_indent.type == token.DEDENT:
+                InsertNodes = pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+              else:
+                InsertNodes = pytree_utils.InsertNodesAfter  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+              InsertNodes(
+                  _CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                      '\n'.join(comment_group) + '\n',
+                      comment_lineno,
+                      comment_column,
+                      standalone=True), ancestor_at_indent)
+              comment_lineno += len(comment_group)
+          else:
+            # Otherwise there are two cases.
+            #
+            # 1. The comment is on its own line
+            # 2. The comment is part of an expression.
+            #
+            # Unfortunately, it's fairly difficult to distinguish between the
+            # two in lib2to3 trees. The algorithm here is to determine whether
+            # child is the first leaf in the statement it belongs to. If it is,
+            # then the comment (which is a prefix) belongs on a separate line.
+            # If it is not, it means the comment is buried deep in the statement
+            # and is part of some expression.
+            stmt_parent = _FindStmtParent(child)
+            for leaf_in_parent in stmt_parent.leaves():
+              if leaf_in_parent.type == token.NEWLINE:
+                continue
+              elif id(leaf_in_parent) == id(child):
+                # This comment stands on its own line, and it has to be inserted
+                # into the appropriate parent. We'll have to find a suitable
+                # parent to insert into. See comments above
+                # _STANDALONE_LINE_NODES for more details.
+                node_with_line_parent = _FindNodeWithStandaloneLineParent(child)
+                pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore(
+                    _CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                        comment_prefix, comment_lineno, 0, standalone=True),
+                    node_with_line_parent)
+                break
+              else:
+                if comment_lineno == prev_leaf[0].lineno:
+                  comment_lines = comment_prefix.splitlines()
+                  value = comment_lines[0].lstrip()
+                  if value.rstrip('\n'):
+                    comment_column = prev_leaf[0].column
+                    comment_column += len(prev_leaf[0].value)
+                    comment_column += (
+                        len(comment_lines[0]) - len(comment_lines[0].lstrip()))
+                    comment_leaf = pytree.Leaf(
+                        type=token.COMMENT,
+                        value=value.rstrip('\n'),
+                        context=('', (comment_lineno, comment_column)))
+                    pytree_utils.InsertNodesAfter([comment_leaf], prev_leaf[0])
+                    comment_prefix = '\n'.join(comment_lines[1:])
+                    comment_lineno += 1
+                rindex = (0 if '\n' not in comment_prefix.rstrip() else
+                          comment_prefix.rstrip().rindex('\n') + 1)
+                comment_column = (
+                    len(comment_prefix[rindex:]) - len(
+                        comment_prefix[rindex:].lstrip()))
+                comments = _CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                    comment_prefix,
+                    comment_lineno,
+                    comment_column,
+                    standalone=False)
+                pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore(comments, child)
+                break
+        prev_leaf[0] = child
+  _VisitNodeRec(tree)
+def _CreateCommentsFromPrefix(comment_prefix,
+                              comment_lineno,
+                              comment_column,
+                              standalone=False):
+  """Create pytree nodes to represent the given comment prefix.
+  Args:
+    comment_prefix: (unicode) the text of the comment from the node's prefix.
+    comment_lineno: (int) the line number for the start of the comment.
+    comment_column: (int) the column for the start of the comment.
+    standalone: (bool) determines if the comment is standalone or not.
+  Returns:
+    The simple_stmt nodes if this is a standalone comment, otherwise a list of
+    new COMMENT leafs. The prefix may consist of multiple comment blocks,
+    separated by blank lines. Each block gets its own leaf.
+  """
+  # The comment is stored in the prefix attribute, with no lineno of its
+  # own. So we only know at which line it ends. To find out at which line it
+  # starts, look at how many newlines the comment itself contains.
+  comments = []
+  lines = comment_prefix.split('\n')
+  index = 0
+  while index < len(lines):
+    comment_block = []
+    while index < len(lines) and lines[index].lstrip().startswith('#'):
+      comment_block.append(lines[index].strip())
+      index += 1
+    if comment_block:
+      new_lineno = comment_lineno + index - 1
+      comment_block[0] = comment_block[0].strip()
+      comment_block[-1] = comment_block[-1].strip()
+      comment_leaf = pytree.Leaf(
+          type=token.COMMENT,
+          value='\n'.join(comment_block),
+          context=('', (new_lineno, comment_column)))
+      comment_node = comment_leaf if not standalone else pytree.Node(
+          pygram.python_symbols.simple_stmt, [comment_leaf])
+      comments.append(comment_node)
+    while index < len(lines) and not lines[index].lstrip():
+      index += 1
+  return comments
+# "Standalone line nodes" are tree nodes that have to start a new line in Python
+# code (and cannot follow a ';' or ':'). Other nodes, like 'expr_stmt', serve as
+# parents of other nodes but can come later in a line. This is a list of
+# standalone line nodes in the grammar. It is meant to be exhaustive
+# *eventually*, and we'll modify it with time as we discover more corner cases
+# in the parse tree.
+# When splicing a standalone comment (i.e. a comment that appears on its own
+# line, not on the same line with other code), it's important to insert it into
+# an appropriate parent of the node it's attached to. An appropriate parent
+# is the first "standaline line node" in the parent chain of a node.
+    'suite', 'if_stmt', 'while_stmt', 'for_stmt', 'try_stmt', 'with_stmt',
+    'funcdef', 'classdef', 'decorated', 'file_input'
+def _FindNodeWithStandaloneLineParent(node):
+  """Find a node whose parent is a 'standalone line' node.
+  See the comment above _STANDALONE_LINE_NODES for more details.
+  Arguments:
+    node: node to start from
+  Returns:
+    Suitable node that's either the node itself or one of its ancestors.
+  """
+  if pytree_utils.NodeName(node.parent) in _STANDALONE_LINE_NODES:
+    return node
+  else:
+    # This is guaranteed to terminate because 'file_input' is the root node of
+    # any pytree.
+    return _FindNodeWithStandaloneLineParent(node.parent)
+# "Statement nodes" are standalone statements. The don't have to start a new
+# line.
+_STATEMENT_NODES = frozenset(['simple_stmt']) | _STANDALONE_LINE_NODES
+def _FindStmtParent(node):
+  """Find the nearest parent of node that is a statement node.
+  Arguments:
+    node: node to start from
+  Returns:
+    Nearest parent (or node itself, if suitable).
+  """
+  if pytree_utils.NodeName(node) in _STATEMENT_NODES:
+    return node
+  else:
+    return _FindStmtParent(node.parent)
+def _FindAncestorAtIndent(node, indent):
+  """Find an ancestor of node with the given indentation.
+  Arguments:
+    node: node to start from. This must not be the tree root.
+    indent: indentation string for the ancestor we're looking for.
+        See _AnnotateIndents for more details.
+  Returns:
+    An ancestor node with suitable indentation. If no suitable ancestor is
+    found, the closest ancestor to the tree root is returned.
+  """
+  if node.parent.parent is None:
+    # Our parent is the tree root, so there's nowhere else to go.
+    return node
+  # If the parent has an indent annotation, and it's shorter than node's
+  # indent, this is a suitable ancestor.
+  # The reason for "shorter" rather than "equal" is that comments may be
+  # improperly indented (i.e. by three spaces, where surrounding statements
+  # have either zero or two or four), and we don't want to propagate them all
+  # the way to the root.
+  parent_indent = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+      node.parent, pytree_utils.Annotation.CHILD_INDENT)
+  if parent_indent is not None and indent.startswith(parent_indent):
+    return node
+  else:
+    # Keep looking up the tree.
+    return _FindAncestorAtIndent(node.parent, indent)
+def _AnnotateIndents(tree):
+  """Annotate the tree with child_indent annotations.
+  A child_indent annotation on a node specifies the indentation (as a string,
+  like "  ") of its children. It is inferred from the INDENT child of a node.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: root of a pytree. The pytree is modified to add annotations to nodes.
+  Raises:
+    RuntimeError: if the tree is malformed.
+  """
+  # Annotate the root of the tree with zero indent.
+  if tree.parent is None:
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(tree, pytree_utils.Annotation.CHILD_INDENT,
+                                   '')
+  for child in tree.children:
+    if child.type == token.INDENT:
+      child_indent = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+          tree, pytree_utils.Annotation.CHILD_INDENT)
+      if child_indent is not None and child_indent != child.value:
+        raise RuntimeError('inconsistent indentation for child', (tree, child))
+      pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(tree, pytree_utils.Annotation.CHILD_INDENT,
+                                     child.value)
+    _AnnotateIndents(child)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b86188c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Insert "continuation" nodes into lib2to3 tree.
+The "backslash-newline" continuation marker is shoved into the node's prefix.
+Pull them out and make it into nodes of their own.
+  SpliceContinuations(): the main function exported by this module.
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+def SpliceContinuations(tree):
+  """Given a pytree, splice the continuation marker into nodes.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: (pytree.Node) The tree to work on. The tree is modified by this
+      function.
+  """
+  def RecSplicer(node):
+    """Inserts a continuation marker into the node."""
+    if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+      if node.prefix.lstrip().startswith('\\\n'):
+        new_lineno = node.lineno - node.prefix.count('\n')
+        return pytree.Leaf(
+            type=format_token.CONTINUATION,
+            value=node.prefix,
+            context=('', (new_lineno, 0)))
+      return None
+    num_inserted = 0
+    for index, child in enumerate(node.children[:]):
+      continuation_node = RecSplicer(child)
+      if continuation_node:
+        node.children.insert(index + num_inserted, continuation_node)
+        num_inserted += 1
+  RecSplicer(tree)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3946275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""YAPF error object."""
+class YapfError(Exception):
+  """Parent class for user errors or input errors.
+  Exceptions of this type are handled by the command line tool
+  and result in clear error messages, as opposed to backtraces.
+  """
+  pass
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e7202d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Interface to file resources.
+This module provides functions for interfacing with files: opening, writing, and
+import fnmatch
+import os
+import re
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import tokenize
+from yapf.yapflib import errors
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+CR = '\r'
+LF = '\n'
+CRLF = '\r\n'
+def GetDefaultStyleForDir(dirname):
+  """Return default style name for a given directory.
+  Looks for .style.yapf or setup.cfg in the parent directories.
+  Arguments:
+    dirname: (unicode) The name of the directory.
+  Returns:
+    The filename if found, otherwise return the global default (pep8).
+  """
+  dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname)
+  while True:
+    # See if we have a .style.yapf file.
+    style_file = os.path.join(dirname, style.LOCAL_STYLE)
+    if os.path.exists(style_file):
+      return style_file
+    # See if we have a setup.cfg file with a '[yapf]' section.
+    config_file = os.path.join(dirname, style.SETUP_CONFIG)
+    if os.path.exists(config_file):
+      with open(config_file) as fd:
+        config = py3compat.ConfigParser()
+        config.read_file(fd)
+        if config.has_section('yapf'):
+          return config_file
+    dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname)
+    if (not dirname or not os.path.basename(dirname) or
+        dirname == os.path.abspath(os.path.sep)):
+      break
+  global_file = os.path.expanduser(style.GLOBAL_STYLE)
+  if os.path.exists(global_file):
+    return global_file
+  return style.DEFAULT_STYLE
+def GetCommandLineFiles(command_line_file_list, recursive, exclude):
+  """Return the list of files specified on the command line."""
+  return _FindPythonFiles(command_line_file_list, recursive, exclude)
+def WriteReformattedCode(filename,
+                         reformatted_code,
+                         encoding='',
+                         in_place=False):
+  """Emit the reformatted code.
+  Write the reformatted code into the file, if in_place is True. Otherwise,
+  write to stdout.
+  Arguments:
+    filename: (unicode) The name of the unformatted file.
+    reformatted_code: (unicode) The reformatted code.
+    encoding: (unicode) The encoding of the file.
+    in_place: (bool) If True, then write the reformatted code to the file.
+  """
+  if in_place:
+    with py3compat.open_with_encoding(
+        filename, mode='w', encoding=encoding, newline='') as fd:
+      fd.write(reformatted_code)
+  else:
+    py3compat.EncodeAndWriteToStdout(reformatted_code)
+def LineEnding(lines):
+  """Retrieve the line ending of the original source."""
+  endings = {CRLF: 0, CR: 0, LF: 0}
+  for line in lines:
+    if line.endswith(CRLF):
+      endings[CRLF] += 1
+    elif line.endswith(CR):
+      endings[CR] += 1
+    elif line.endswith(LF):
+      endings[LF] += 1
+  return (sorted(endings, key=endings.get, reverse=True) or [LF])[0]
+def _FindPythonFiles(filenames, recursive, exclude):
+  """Find all Python files."""
+  if exclude and any(e.startswith('./') for e in exclude):
+    raise errors.YapfError("path in '--exclude' should not start with ./")
+  python_files = []
+  for filename in filenames:
+    if filename != '.' and exclude and IsIgnored(filename, exclude):
+      continue
+    if os.path.isdir(filename):
+      if recursive:
+        # TODO(morbo): Look into a version of os.walk that can handle recursion.
+        excluded_dirs = []
+        for dirpath, _, filelist in os.walk(filename):
+          if dirpath != '.' and exclude and IsIgnored(dirpath, exclude):
+            excluded_dirs.append(dirpath)
+            continue
+          elif any(dirpath.startswith(e) for e in excluded_dirs):
+            continue
+          for f in filelist:
+            filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
+            if exclude and IsIgnored(filepath, exclude):
+              continue
+            if IsPythonFile(filepath):
+              python_files.append(filepath)
+      else:
+        raise errors.YapfError(
+            "directory specified without '--recursive' flag: %s" % filename)
+    elif os.path.isfile(filename):
+      python_files.append(filename)
+  return python_files
+def IsIgnored(path, exclude):
+  """Return True if filename matches any patterns in exclude."""
+  path = path.lstrip('/')
+  while path.startswith('./'):
+    path = path[2:]
+  return any(fnmatch.fnmatch(path, e.rstrip('/')) for e in exclude)
+def IsPythonFile(filename):
+  """Return True if filename is a Python file."""
+  if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.py':
+    return True
+  try:
+    with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
+      encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(fd.readline)[0]
+    # Check for correctness of encoding.
+    with py3compat.open_with_encoding(
+        filename, mode='r', encoding=encoding) as fd:
+  except UnicodeDecodeError:
+    encoding = 'latin-1'
+  except (IOError, SyntaxError):
+    # If we fail to detect encoding (or the encoding cookie is incorrect - which
+    # will make detect_encoding raise SyntaxError), assume it's not a Python
+    # file.
+    return False
+  try:
+    with py3compat.open_with_encoding(
+        filename, mode='r', encoding=encoding) as fd:
+      first_line = fd.readline(256)
+  except IOError:
+    return False
+  return re.match(r'^#!.*\bpython[23]?\b', first_line)
+def FileEncoding(filename):
+  """Return the file's encoding."""
+  with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
+    return tokenize.detect_encoding(fd.readline)[0]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff8ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Implements a format decision state object that manages whitespace decisions.
+Each token is processed one at a time, at which point its whitespace formatting
+decisions are made. A graph of potential whitespace formattings is created,
+where each node in the graph is a format decision state object. The heuristic
+tries formatting the token with and without a newline before it to determine
+which one has the least penalty. Therefore, the format decision state object for
+each decision needs to be its own unique copy.
+Once the heuristic determines the best formatting, it makes a non-dry run pass
+through the code to commit the whitespace formatting.
+  FormatDecisionState: main class exported by this module.
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import object_state
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import unwrapped_line
+class FormatDecisionState(object):
+  """The current state when indenting an unwrapped line.
+  The FormatDecisionState object is meant to be copied instead of referenced.
+  Attributes:
+    first_indent: The indent of the first token.
+    column: The number of used columns in the current line.
+    next_token: The next token to be formatted.
+    paren_level: The level of nesting inside (), [], and {}.
+    lowest_level_on_line: The lowest paren_level on the current line.
+    newline: Indicates if a newline is added along the edge to this format
+      decision state node.
+    previous: The previous format decision state in the decision tree.
+    stack: A stack (of _ParenState) keeping track of properties applying to
+      parenthesis levels.
+    comp_stack: A stack (of ComprehensionState) keeping track of properties
+      applying to comprehensions.
+    ignore_stack_for_comparison: Ignore the stack of _ParenState for state
+      comparison.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, line, first_indent):
+    """Initializer.
+    Initializes to the state after placing the first token from 'line' at
+    'first_indent'.
+    Arguments:
+      line: (UnwrappedLine) The unwrapped line we're currently processing.
+      first_indent: (int) The indent of the first token.
+    """
+    self.next_token = line.first
+    self.column = first_indent
+    self.line = line
+    self.paren_level = 0
+    self.lowest_level_on_line = 0
+    self.ignore_stack_for_comparison = False
+    self.stack = [_ParenState(first_indent, first_indent)]
+    self.comp_stack = []
+    self.first_indent = first_indent
+    self.newline = False
+    self.previous = None
+    self.column_limit = style.Get('COLUMN_LIMIT')
+  def Clone(self):
+    """Clones a FormatDecisionState object."""
+    new = FormatDecisionState(self.line, self.first_indent)
+    new.next_token = self.next_token
+    new.column = self.column
+    new.line = self.line
+    new.paren_level = self.paren_level
+    new.line.depth = self.line.depth
+    new.lowest_level_on_line = self.lowest_level_on_line
+    new.ignore_stack_for_comparison = self.ignore_stack_for_comparison
+    new.first_indent = self.first_indent
+    new.newline = self.newline
+    new.previous = self.previous
+    new.stack = [state.Clone() for state in self.stack]
+    new.comp_stack = [state.Clone() for state in self.comp_stack]
+    return new
+  def __eq__(self, other):
+    # Note: 'first_indent' is implicit in the stack. Also, we ignore 'previous',
+    # because it shouldn't have a bearing on this comparison. (I.e., it will
+    # report equal if 'next_token' does.)
+    return (self.next_token == other.next_token and
+            self.column == other.column and
+            self.paren_level == other.paren_level and
+            self.line.depth == other.line.depth and
+            self.lowest_level_on_line == other.lowest_level_on_line and
+            (self.ignore_stack_for_comparison or
+             other.ignore_stack_for_comparison or
+             self.stack == other.stack and self.comp_stack == other.comp_stack))
+  def __ne__(self, other):
+    return not self == other
+  def __hash__(self):
+    return hash((self.next_token, self.column, self.paren_level,
+                 self.line.depth, self.lowest_level_on_line))
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return ('column::%d, next_token::%s, paren_level::%d, stack::[\n\t%s' %
+            (self.column, repr(self.next_token), self.paren_level,
+             '\n\t'.join(repr(s) for s in self.stack) + ']'))
+  def CanSplit(self, must_split):
+    """Determine if we can split before the next token.
+    Arguments:
+      must_split: (bool) A newline was required before this token.
+    Returns:
+      True if the line can be split before the next token.
+    """
+    current = self.next_token
+    previous = current.previous_token
+    if current.is_pseudo_paren:
+      return False
+    if (not must_split and
+        format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY_PART in current.subtypes and
+        format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY not in current.subtypes and
+        not style.Get('ALLOW_MULTILINE_DICTIONARY_KEYS')):
+      # In some situations, a dictionary may be multiline, but pylint doesn't
+      # like it. So don't allow it unless forced to.
+      return False
+    if (not must_split and
+        format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes and
+        not style.Get('ALLOW_SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_VALUE')):
+      return False
+    if previous and previous.value == '(' and current.value == ')':
+      # Don't split an empty function call list if we aren't splitting before
+      # dict values.
+      token = previous.previous_token
+      while token:
+        prev = token.previous_token
+        if not prev or not in {'NAME', 'DOT'}:
+          break
+        token = token.previous_token
+      if token and format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in token.subtypes:
+        if not style.Get('ALLOW_SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_VALUE'):
+          return False
+    if previous and previous.value == '.' and current.value == '.':
+      return False
+    return current.can_break_before
+  def MustSplit(self):
+    """Returns True if the line must split before the next token."""
+    current = self.next_token
+    previous = current.previous_token
+    if current.is_pseudo_paren:
+      return False
+    if current.must_break_before:
+      return True
+    if not previous:
+      return False
+    if style.Get('SPLIT_ALL_COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES') and previous.value == ',':
+      return True
+    if (self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket and
+        current.value in '}]' and style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_CLOSING_BRACKET')):
+      # Split before the closing bracket if we can.
+      return current.node_split_penalty != split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+    if (current.value == ')' and previous.value == ',' and
+        not _IsSingleElementTuple(current.matching_bracket)):
+      return True
+    # Prevent splitting before the first argument in compound statements
+    # with the exception of function declarations.
+    if (style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_FIRST_ARGUMENT') and
+        _IsCompoundStatement(self.line.first) and
+        not _IsFunctionDef(self.line.first)):
+      return False
+    ###########################################################################
+    # List Splitting
+    if (style.Get('DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS') or
+        style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_FIRST_ARGUMENT')):
+      bracket = current if current.ClosesScope() else previous
+      if format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET not in bracket.subtypes:
+        if bracket.OpensScope():
+          if style.Get('COALESCE_BRACKETS'):
+            if current.OpensScope():
+              # Prefer to keep all opening brackets together.
+              return False
+          if (not _IsLastScopeInLine(bracket) or
+              unwrapped_line.IsSurroundedByBrackets(bracket)):
+            last_token = bracket.matching_bracket
+          else:
+            last_token = _LastTokenInLine(bracket.matching_bracket)
+          if not self._FitsOnLine(bracket, last_token):
+            # Split before the first element if the whole list can't fit on a
+            # single line.
+            self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket = True
+            return True
+        elif style.Get('DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS') and current.ClosesScope():
+          # Split before and dedent the closing bracket.
+          return self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket
+        current.is_name):
+      # An expression that's surrounded by parens gets split after the opening
+      # parenthesis.
+      def SurroundedByParens(token):
+        """Check if it's an expression surrounded by parentheses."""
+        while token:
+          if token.value == ',':
+            return False
+          if token.value == ')':
+            return not token.next_token
+          if token.OpensScope():
+            token = token.matching_bracket.next_token
+          else:
+            token = token.next_token
+        return False
+      if (previous.value == '(' and not previous.is_pseudo_paren and
+          not unwrapped_line.IsSurroundedByBrackets(previous)):
+        pptoken = previous.previous_token
+        if (pptoken and not pptoken.is_name and not pptoken.is_keyword and
+            SurroundedByParens(current)):
+          return True
+    if (current.is_name or current.is_string) and previous.value == ',':
+      # If the list has function calls in it and the full list itself cannot
+      # fit on the line, then we want to split. Otherwise, we'll get something
+      # like this:
+      #
+      #     X = [
+      #         Bar(xxx='some string',
+      #             yyy='another long string',
+      #             zzz='a third long string'), Bar(
+      #                 xxx='some string',
+      #                 yyy='another long string',
+      #                 zzz='a third long string')
+      #     ]
+      #
+      # or when a string formatting syntax.
+      func_call_or_string_format = False
+      tok = current.next_token
+      if current.is_name:
+        while tok and (tok.is_name or tok.value == '.'):
+          tok = tok.next_token
+        func_call_or_string_format = tok and tok.value == '('
+      elif current.is_string:
+        while tok and tok.is_string:
+          tok = tok.next_token
+        func_call_or_string_format = tok and tok.value == '%'
+      if func_call_or_string_format:
+        open_bracket = unwrapped_line.IsSurroundedByBrackets(current)
+        if open_bracket:
+          if open_bracket.value in '[{':
+            if not self._FitsOnLine(open_bracket,
+                                    open_bracket.matching_bracket):
+              return True
+          elif tok.value == '(':
+            if not self._FitsOnLine(current, tok.matching_bracket):
+              return True
+    ###########################################################################
+    # Dict/Set Splitting
+    if (style.Get('EACH_DICT_ENTRY_ON_SEPARATE_LINE') and
+        format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY in current.subtypes and
+        not current.is_comment):
+      # Place each dictionary entry onto its own line.
+      if previous.value == '{' and previous.previous_token:
+        opening = _GetOpeningBracket(previous.previous_token)
+        if (opening and opening.value == '(' and opening.previous_token and
+            opening.previous_token.is_name):
+          # This is a dictionary that's an argument to a function.
+          if (self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket) and
+              previous.matching_bracket.next_token and
+              (not opening.matching_bracket.next_token or
+               opening.matching_bracket.next_token.value != '.') and
+              _ScopeHasNoCommas(previous)):
+            # Don't split before the key if:
+            #   - The dictionary fits on a line, and
+            #   - The function call isn't part of a builder-style call and
+            #   - The dictionary has one entry and no trailing comma
+            return False
+      return True
+    if (style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_SET_GENERATOR') and
+        format_token.Subtype.DICT_SET_GENERATOR in current.subtypes):
+      # Split before a dict/set generator.
+      return True
+    if (format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes or
+        (previous.is_pseudo_paren and previous.value == '(' and
+         not current.is_comment)):
+      # Split before the dictionary value if we can't fit every dictionary
+      # entry on its own line.
+      if not current.OpensScope():
+        opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
+        if not self._EachDictEntryFitsOnOneLine(opening):
+          return style.Get('ALLOW_SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_VALUE')
+    if previous.value == '{':
+      # Split if the dict/set cannot fit on one line and ends in a comma.
+      closing = previous.matching_bracket
+      if (not self._FitsOnLine(previous, closing) and
+          closing.previous_token.value == ','):
+        self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket = True
+        return True
+    ###########################################################################
+    # Argument List Splitting
+    if (style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_NAMED_ASSIGNS') and not current.is_comment and
+        format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST in
+        current.subtypes):
+      if (previous.value not in {'=', ':', '*', '**'} and
+          current.value not in ':=,)' and not _IsFunctionDefinition(previous)):
+        # If we're going to split the lines because of named arguments, then we
+        # want to split after the opening bracket as well. But not when this is
+        # part of a function definition.
+        if previous.value == '(':
+          # Make sure we don't split after the opening bracket if the
+          # continuation indent is greater than the opening bracket:
+          #
+          #  a(
+          #      b=1,
+          #      c=2)
+          if (self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket) and
+              unwrapped_line.IsSurroundedByBrackets(previous)):
+            # An argument to a function is a function call with named
+            # assigns.
+            return False
+          column = self.column - self.stack[-1].last_space
+          return column > style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH')
+        opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
+        if opening:
+          arglist_length = (
+              opening.matching_bracket.total_length - opening.total_length +
+              self.stack[-1].indent)
+          return arglist_length > self.column_limit
+    if (current.value not in '{)' and previous.value == '(' and
+        self._ArgumentListHasDictionaryEntry(current)):
+      return True
+      # Split before arguments in a function call or definition if the
+      # arguments are terminated by a comma.
+      opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
+      if opening and opening.previous_token and opening.previous_token.is_name:
+        if previous.value in '(,':
+          if opening.matching_bracket.previous_token.value == ',':
+            return True
+    if ((current.is_name or current.value in {'*', '**'}) and
+        previous.value == ','):
+      # If we have a function call within an argument list and it won't fit on
+      # the remaining line, but it will fit on a line by itself, then go ahead
+      # and split before the call.
+      opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
+      if (opening and opening.value == '(' and opening.previous_token and
+          (opening.previous_token.is_name or
+           opening.previous_token.value in {'*', '**'})):
+        is_func_call = False
+        opening = current
+        while opening:
+          if opening.value == '(':
+            is_func_call = True
+            break
+          if (not (opening.is_name or opening.value in {'*', '**'}) and
+              opening.value != '.'):
+            break
+          opening = opening.next_token
+        if is_func_call:
+          if (not self._FitsOnLine(current, opening.matching_bracket) or
+              (opening.matching_bracket.next_token and
+               opening.matching_bracket.next_token.value != ',' and
+               not opening.matching_bracket.next_token.ClosesScope())):
+            return True
+    pprevious = previous.previous_token
+    if (current.is_name and pprevious and pprevious.is_name and
+        previous.value == '('):
+      if (not self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket) and
+          _IsFunctionCallWithArguments(current)):
+        # There is a function call, with more than 1 argument, where the first
+        # argument is itself a function call with arguments.  In this specific
+        # case, if we split after the first argument's opening '(', then the
+        # formatting will look bad for the rest of the arguments. E.g.:
+        #
+        #     outer_function_call(inner_function_call(
+        #         inner_arg1, inner_arg2),
+        #                         outer_arg1, outer_arg2)
+        #
+        # Instead, enforce a split before that argument to keep things looking
+        # good.
+        return True
+    if (previous.OpensScope() and not current.OpensScope() and
+        not current.is_comment and
+        format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET not in previous.subtypes):
+      if pprevious and not pprevious.is_keyword and not pprevious.is_name:
+        # We want to split if there's a comment in the container.
+        token = current
+        while token != previous.matching_bracket:
+          if token.is_comment:
+            return True
+          token = token.next_token
+      if previous.value == '(':
+        pptoken = previous.previous_token
+        if not pptoken or not pptoken.is_name:
+          # Split after the opening of a tuple if it doesn't fit on the current
+          # line and it's not a function call.
+          if self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket):
+            return False
+        elif not self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket):
+          if len(previous.container_elements) == 1:
+            return False
+          elements = previous.container_elements + [previous.matching_bracket]
+          i = 1
+          while i < len(elements):
+            if (not elements[i - 1].OpensScope() and
+                not self._FitsOnLine(elements[i - 1], elements[i])):
+              return True
+            i += 1
+          if (self.column_limit - self.column) / float(self.column_limit) < 0.3:
+            # Try not to squish all of the arguments off to the right.
+            return True
+      else:
+        # Split after the opening of a container if it doesn't fit on the
+        # current line.
+        if not self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket):
+          return True
+    ###########################################################################
+    # Original Formatting Splitting
+    # These checks rely upon the original formatting. This is in order to
+    # attempt to keep hand-written code in the same condition as it was before.
+    # However, this may cause the formatter to fail to be idempotent.
+    if (style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_BITWISE_OPERATOR') and current.value in '&|' and
+        previous.lineno < current.lineno):
+      # Retain the split before a bitwise operator.
+      return True
+    if (current.is_comment and
+        previous.lineno < current.lineno - current.value.count('\n')):
+      # If a comment comes in the middle of an unwrapped line (like an if
+      # conditional with comments interspersed), then we want to split if the
+      # original comments were on a separate line.
+      return True
+    return False
+  def AddTokenToState(self, newline, dry_run, must_split=False):
+    """Add a token to the format decision state.
+    Allow the heuristic to try out adding the token with and without a newline.
+    Later on, the algorithm will determine which one has the lowest penalty.
+    Arguments:
+      newline: (bool) Add the token on a new line if True.
+      dry_run: (bool) Don't commit whitespace changes to the FormatToken if
+        True.
+      must_split: (bool) A newline was required before this token.
+    Returns:
+      The penalty of splitting after the current token.
+    """
+    penalty = 0
+    if newline:
+      penalty = self._AddTokenOnNewline(dry_run, must_split)
+    else:
+      self._AddTokenOnCurrentLine(dry_run)
+    penalty += self._CalculateComprehensionState(newline)
+    return self.MoveStateToNextToken() + penalty
+  def _AddTokenOnCurrentLine(self, dry_run):
+    """Puts the token on the current line.
+    Appends the next token to the state and updates information necessary for
+    indentation.
+    Arguments:
+      dry_run: (bool) Commit whitespace changes to the FormatToken if True.
+    """
+    current = self.next_token
+    previous = current.previous_token
+    spaces = current.spaces_required_before
+    if not dry_run:
+      current.AddWhitespacePrefix(newlines_before=0, spaces=spaces)
+    if previous.OpensScope():
+      if not current.is_comment:
+        # Align closing scopes that are on a newline with the opening scope:
+        #
+        #     foo = [a,
+        #            b,
+        #           ]
+        self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent = self.column - 1
+          self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent += 1
+        self.stack[-1].indent = self.column + spaces
+      else:
+        self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent = (
+            self.stack[-1].indent - style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'))
+    self.column += spaces
+  def _AddTokenOnNewline(self, dry_run, must_split):
+    """Adds a line break and necessary indentation.
+    Appends the next token to the state and updates information necessary for
+    indentation.
+    Arguments:
+      dry_run: (bool) Don't commit whitespace changes to the FormatToken if
+        True.
+      must_split: (bool) A newline was required before this token.
+    Returns:
+      The split penalty for splitting after the current state.
+    """
+    current = self.next_token
+    previous = current.previous_token
+    self.column = self._GetNewlineColumn()
+    if not dry_run:
+      indent_level = self.line.depth
+      spaces = self.column
+      if spaces:
+        spaces -= indent_level * style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH')
+      current.AddWhitespacePrefix(
+          newlines_before=1, spaces=spaces, indent_level=indent_level)
+    if not current.is_comment:
+      self.stack[-1].last_space = self.column
+    self.lowest_level_on_line = self.paren_level
+    if (previous.OpensScope() or
+        (previous.is_comment and previous.previous_token is not None and
+         previous.previous_token.OpensScope())):
+      self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent = max(
+          0, self.stack[-1].indent - style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'))
+      self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket = True
+    # Calculate the split penalty.
+    penalty = current.split_penalty
+    if must_split:
+      # Don't penalize for a must split.
+      return penalty
+    if previous.is_pseudo_paren and previous.value == '(':
+      # Small penalty for splitting after a pseudo paren.
+      penalty += 50
+    # Add a penalty for each increasing newline we add, but don't penalize for
+    # splitting before an if-expression or list comprehension.
+    if current.value not in {'if', 'for'}:
+      last = self.stack[-1]
+      last.num_line_splits += 1
+      penalty += (
+          style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_FOR_ADDED_LINE_SPLIT') *
+          last.num_line_splits)
+    if current.OpensScope() and previous.OpensScope():
+      # Prefer to keep opening brackets coalesced (unless it's at the beginning
+      # of a function call).
+      pprev = previous.previous_token
+      if not pprev or not pprev.is_name:
+        penalty += 10
+    return penalty + 10
+  def MoveStateToNextToken(self):
+    """Calculate format decision state information and move onto the next token.
+    Before moving onto the next token, we first calculate the format decision
+    state given the current token and its formatting decisions. Then the format
+    decision state is set up so that the next token can be added.
+    Returns:
+      The penalty for the number of characters over the column limit.
+    """
+    current = self.next_token
+    if not current.OpensScope() and not current.ClosesScope():
+      self.lowest_level_on_line = min(self.lowest_level_on_line,
+                                      self.paren_level)
+    # If we encounter an opening bracket, we add a level to our stack to prepare
+    # for the subsequent tokens.
+    if current.OpensScope():
+      last = self.stack[-1]
+      new_indent = style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH') + last.last_space
+      self.stack.append(_ParenState(new_indent, self.stack[-1].last_space))
+      self.paren_level += 1
+    # If we encounter a closing bracket, we can remove a level from our
+    # parenthesis stack.
+    if len(self.stack) > 1 and current.ClosesScope():
+      if format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY_PART in current.subtypes:
+        self.stack[-2].last_space = self.stack[-2].indent
+      else:
+        self.stack[-2].last_space = self.stack[-1].last_space
+      self.stack.pop()
+      self.paren_level -= 1
+    is_multiline_string = current.is_string and '\n' in current.value
+    if is_multiline_string:
+      # This is a multiline string. Only look at the first line.
+      self.column += len(current.value.split('\n')[0])
+    elif not current.is_pseudo_paren:
+      self.column += len(current.value)
+    self.next_token = self.next_token.next_token
+    # Calculate the penalty for overflowing the column limit.
+    penalty = 0
+    if (not current.is_pylint_comment and not current.is_pytype_comment and
+        self.column > self.column_limit):
+      excess_characters = self.column - self.column_limit
+      penalty += style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_EXCESS_CHARACTER') * excess_characters
+    if is_multiline_string:
+      # If this is a multiline string, the column is actually the
+      # end of the last line in the string.
+      self.column = len(current.value.split('\n')[-1])
+    return penalty
+  def _CalculateComprehensionState(self, newline):
+    """Makes required changes to comprehension state.
+    Args:
+      newline: Whether the current token is to be added on a newline.
+    Returns:
+      The penalty for the token-newline combination given the current
+      comprehension state.
+    """
+    current = self.next_token
+    previous = current.previous_token
+    top_of_stack = self.comp_stack[-1] if self.comp_stack else None
+    penalty = 0
+    if top_of_stack is not None:
+      # Check if the token terminates the current comprehension.
+      if current == top_of_stack.closing_bracket:
+        last = self.comp_stack.pop()
+        # Lightly penalize comprehensions that are split across multiple lines.
+        if last.has_interior_split:
+          penalty += style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_COMPREHENSION')
+        return penalty
+      if newline:
+        top_of_stack.has_interior_split = True
+    if (format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR in current.subtypes and
+        format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR not in previous.subtypes):
+      self.comp_stack.append(object_state.ComprehensionState(current))
+      return penalty
+    if (current.value == 'for' and
+        format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR in current.subtypes):
+      if top_of_stack.for_token is not None:
+        # Treat nested comprehensions like normal comp_if expressions.
+        # Example:
+        #     my_comp = [
+        #         a.qux + b.qux
+        #         for a in foo
+        #   -->   for b in bar   <--
+        #         if a.zut + b.zut
+        #     ]
+        if (style.Get('SPLIT_COMPLEX_COMPREHENSION') and
+            top_of_stack.has_split_at_for != newline and
+            (top_of_stack.has_split_at_for or
+             not top_of_stack.HasTrivialExpr())):
+          penalty += split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+      else:
+        top_of_stack.for_token = current
+        top_of_stack.has_split_at_for = newline
+        # Try to keep trivial expressions on the same line as the comp_for.
+        if (style.Get('SPLIT_COMPLEX_COMPREHENSION') and newline and
+            top_of_stack.HasTrivialExpr()):
+          penalty += split_penalty.CONNECTED
+    if (format_token.Subtype.COMP_IF in current.subtypes and
+        format_token.Subtype.COMP_IF not in previous.subtypes):
+      # Penalize breaking at comp_if when it doesn't match the newline structure
+      # in the rest of the comprehension.
+      if (style.Get('SPLIT_COMPLEX_COMPREHENSION') and
+          top_of_stack.has_split_at_for != newline and
+          (top_of_stack.has_split_at_for or not top_of_stack.HasTrivialExpr())):
+        penalty += split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+    return penalty
+  def _GetNewlineColumn(self):
+    """Return the new column on the newline."""
+    current = self.next_token
+    previous = current.previous_token
+    top_of_stack = self.stack[-1]
+    if current.spaces_required_before > 2 or self.line.disable:
+      return current.spaces_required_before
+    if current.OpensScope():
+      return top_of_stack.indent if self.paren_level else self.first_indent
+    if current.ClosesScope():
+      if (previous.OpensScope() or
+          (previous.is_comment and previous.previous_token is not None and
+           previous.previous_token.OpensScope())):
+        return max(0,
+                   top_of_stack.indent - style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'))
+      return top_of_stack.closing_scope_indent
+    if (previous and previous.is_string and current.is_string and
+        format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes):
+      return previous.column
+    if style.Get('INDENT_DICTIONARY_VALUE'):
+      if previous and (previous.value == ':' or previous.is_pseudo_paren):
+        if format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes:
+          return top_of_stack.indent
+    if (_IsCompoundStatement(self.line.first) and
+        (not style.Get('DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS') or
+         style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_FIRST_ARGUMENT'))):
+      token_indent = (
+          len(self.line.first.whitespace_prefix.split('\n')[-1]) +
+          style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH'))
+      if token_indent == top_of_stack.indent:
+        return top_of_stack.indent + style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH')
+    return top_of_stack.indent
+  def _FitsOnLine(self, start, end):
+    """Determines if line between start and end can fit on the current line."""
+    length = end.total_length - start.total_length
+    if not start.is_pseudo_paren:
+      length += len(start.value)
+    return length + self.column <= self.column_limit
+  def _EachDictEntryFitsOnOneLine(self, opening):
+    """Determine if each dict elems can fit on one line."""
+    def PreviousNonCommentToken(tok):
+      tok = tok.previous_token
+      while tok.is_comment:
+        tok = tok.previous_token
+      return tok
+    def ImplicitStringConcatenation(tok):
+      num_strings = 0
+      if tok.is_pseudo_paren:
+        tok = tok.next_token
+      while tok.is_string:
+        num_strings += 1
+        tok = tok.next_token
+      return num_strings > 1
+    closing = opening.matching_bracket
+    entry_start = opening.next_token
+    current = opening.next_token.next_token
+    while current and current != closing:
+      if format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY in current.subtypes:
+        prev = PreviousNonCommentToken(current)
+        length = prev.total_length - entry_start.total_length
+        length += len(entry_start.value)
+        if length + self.stack[-2].indent >= self.column_limit:
+          return False
+        entry_start = current
+      if current.OpensScope():
+        if ((current.value == '{' or
+             (current.is_pseudo_paren and current.next_token.value == '{') and
+             format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes) or
+            ImplicitStringConcatenation(current)):
+          # A dictionary entry that cannot fit on a single line shouldn't matter
+          # to this calculation. If it can't fit on a single line, then the
+          # opening should be on the same line as the key and the rest on
+          # newlines after it. But the other entries should be on single lines
+          # if possible.
+          if current.matching_bracket:
+            current = current.matching_bracket
+          while current:
+            if current == closing:
+              return True
+            if format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY in current.subtypes:
+              entry_start = current
+              break
+            current = current.next_token
+        else:
+          current = current.matching_bracket
+      else:
+        current = current.next_token
+    # At this point, current is the closing bracket. Go back one to get the the
+    # end of the dictionary entry.
+    current = PreviousNonCommentToken(current)
+    length = current.total_length - entry_start.total_length
+    length += len(entry_start.value)
+    return length + self.stack[-2].indent <= self.column_limit
+  def _ArgumentListHasDictionaryEntry(self, token):
+    """Check if the function argument list has a dictionary as an arg."""
+    if _IsArgumentToFunction(token):
+      while token:
+        if token.value == '{':
+          length = token.matching_bracket.total_length - token.total_length
+          return length + self.stack[-2].indent > self.column_limit
+        if token.ClosesScope():
+          break
+        if token.OpensScope():
+          token = token.matching_bracket
+        token = token.next_token
+    return False
+_COMPOUND_STMTS = frozenset(
+    {'for', 'while', 'if', 'elif', 'with', 'except', 'def', 'class'})
+def _IsCompoundStatement(token):
+  if token.value == 'async':
+    token = token.next_token
+  return token.value in _COMPOUND_STMTS
+def _IsFunctionDef(token):
+  if token.value == 'async':
+    token = token.next_token
+  return token.value == 'def'
+def _IsFunctionCallWithArguments(token):
+  while token:
+    if token.value == '(':
+      token = token.next_token
+      return token and token.value != ')'
+    elif not in {'NAME', 'DOT', 'EQUAL'}:
+      break
+    token = token.next_token
+  return False
+def _IsArgumentToFunction(token):
+  bracket = unwrapped_line.IsSurroundedByBrackets(token)
+  if not bracket or bracket.value != '(':
+    return False
+  previous = bracket.previous_token
+  return previous and previous.is_name
+def _GetLengthOfSubtype(token, subtype, exclude=None):
+  current = token
+  while (current.next_token and subtype in current.subtypes and
+         (exclude is None or exclude not in current.subtypes)):
+    current = current.next_token
+  return current.total_length - token.total_length + 1
+def _GetOpeningBracket(current):
+  """Get the opening bracket containing the current token."""
+  if current.matching_bracket and not current.is_pseudo_paren:
+    return current.matching_bracket
+  while current:
+    if current.ClosesScope():
+      current = current.matching_bracket
+    elif current.is_pseudo_paren:
+      current = current.previous_token
+    elif current.OpensScope():
+      return current
+    current = current.previous_token
+  return None
+def _LastTokenInLine(current):
+  while not current.is_comment and current.next_token:
+    current = current.next_token
+  return current
+def _IsFunctionDefinition(current):
+  prev = current.previous_token
+  return (current.value == '(' and prev and
+          format_token.Subtype.FUNC_DEF in prev.subtypes)
+def _IsLastScopeInLine(current):
+  while current:
+    current = current.next_token
+    if current and current.OpensScope():
+      return False
+  return True
+def _IsSingleElementTuple(token):
+  """Check if it's a single-element tuple."""
+  close = token.matching_bracket
+  token = token.next_token
+  num_commas = 0
+  while token != close:
+    if token.value == ',':
+      num_commas += 1
+    if token.OpensScope():
+      token = token.matching_bracket
+    else:
+      token = token.next_token
+  return num_commas == 1
+def _ScopeHasNoCommas(token):
+  """Check if the scope has no commas."""
+  close = token.matching_bracket
+  token = token.next_token
+  while token != close:
+    if token.value == ',':
+      return False
+    if token.OpensScope():
+      token = token.matching_bracket
+    else:
+      token = token.next_token
+  return True
+class _ParenState(object):
+  """Maintains the state of the bracket enclosures.
+  A stack of _ParenState objects are kept so that we know how to indent relative
+  to the brackets.
+  Attributes:
+    indent: The column position to which a specified parenthesis level needs to
+      be indented.
+    last_space: The column position of the last space on each level.
+    split_before_closing_bracket: Whether a newline needs to be inserted before
+      the closing bracket. We only want to insert a newline before the closing
+      bracket if there also was a newline after the beginning left bracket.
+    num_line_splits: Number of line splits this _ParenState contains already.
+      Each subsequent line split gets an increasing penalty.
+  """
+  # TODO(morbo): This doesn't track "bin packing."
+  def __init__(self, indent, last_space):
+    self.indent = indent
+    self.last_space = last_space
+    self.closing_scope_indent = 0
+    self.split_before_closing_bracket = False
+    self.num_line_splits = 0
+  def Clone(self):
+    state = _ParenState(self.indent, self.last_space)
+    state.closing_scope_indent = self.closing_scope_indent
+    state.split_before_closing_bracket = self.split_before_closing_bracket
+    state.num_line_splits = self.num_line_splits
+    return state
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return '[indent::%d, last_space::%d, closing_scope_indent::%d]' % (
+        self.indent, self.last_space, self.closing_scope_indent)
+  def __eq__(self, other):
+    return hash(self) == hash(other)
+  def __ne__(self, other):
+    return not self == other
+  def __hash__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    return hash((self.indent, self.last_space, self.closing_scope_indent,
+                 self.split_before_closing_bracket, self.num_line_splits))
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79dced4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Pytree nodes with extra formatting information.
+This is a thin wrapper around a pytree.Leaf node.
+import keyword
+import re
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+class Subtype(object):
+  """Subtype information about tokens.
+  Gleaned from parsing the code. Helps determine the best formatting.
+  """
+  NONE = 0
+  COMP_EXPR = 21
+  COMP_FOR = 15
+  COMP_IF = 16
+  FUNC_DEF = 17
+  TYPED_NAME = 19
+def _TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(spaces, align_style, tab_width,
+                                    continuation_indent_width):
+  """Build padding string for continuation alignment in tabbed indentation.
+  Arguments:
+    spaces: (int) The number of spaces to place before the token for alignment.
+    align_style: (str) The alignment style for continuation lines.
+    tab_width: (int) Number of columns of each tab character.
+    continuation_indent_width: (int) Indent columns for line continuations.
+  Returns:
+    A padding string for alignment with style specified by align_style option.
+  """
+  if align_style == 'FIXED':
+    if spaces > 0:
+      return '\t' * int(continuation_indent_width / tab_width)
+    return ''
+  elif align_style == 'VALIGN-RIGHT':
+    return '\t' * int((spaces + tab_width - 1) / tab_width)
+  return ' ' * spaces
+class FormatToken(object):
+  """A wrapper around pytree Leaf nodes.
+  This represents the token plus additional information useful for reformatting
+  the code.
+  Attributes:
+    next_token: The token in the unwrapped line after this token or None if this
+      is the last token in the unwrapped line.
+    previous_token: The token in the unwrapped line before this token or None if
+      this is the first token in the unwrapped line.
+    matching_bracket: If a bracket token ('[', '{', or '(') the matching
+      bracket.
+    container_opening: If the object is in a container, this points to its
+      opening bracket.
+    container_elements: If this is the start of a container, a list of the
+      elements in the container.
+    whitespace_prefix: The prefix for the whitespace.
+    spaces_required_before: The number of spaces required before a token. This
+      is a lower-bound for the formatter and not a hard requirement. For
+      instance, a comment may have n required spaces before it. But the
+      formatter won't place n spaces before all comments. Only those that are
+      moved to the end of a line of code. The formatter may use different
+      spacing when appropriate.
+    can_break_before: True if we're allowed to break before this token.
+    must_break_before: True if we're required to break before this token.
+    total_length: The total length of the unwrapped line up to and including
+      whitespace and this token. However, this doesn't include the initial
+      indentation amount.
+    split_penalty: The penalty for splitting the line before this token.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, node):
+    """Constructor.
+    Arguments:
+      node: (pytree.Leaf) The node that's being wrapped.
+    """
+    self.node = node
+    self.next_token = None
+    self.previous_token = None
+    self.matching_bracket = None
+    self.container_opening = None
+    self.container_elements = []
+    self.whitespace_prefix = ''
+    self.can_break_before = False
+    self.must_break_before = False
+    self.total_length = 0  # TODO(morbo): Think up a better name.
+    self.split_penalty = 0
+    if self.is_comment:
+      self.spaces_required_before = style.Get('SPACES_BEFORE_COMMENT')
+    else:
+      self.spaces_required_before = 0
+    if self.is_continuation:
+      self.value = self.node.value.rstrip()
+    else:
+      self.value = self.node.value
+  def AddWhitespacePrefix(self, newlines_before, spaces=0, indent_level=0):
+    """Register a token's whitespace prefix.
+    This is the whitespace that will be output before a token's string.
+    Arguments:
+      newlines_before: (int) The number of newlines to place before the token.
+      spaces: (int) The number of spaces to place before the token.
+      indent_level: (int) The indentation level.
+    """
+    if style.Get('USE_TABS'):
+      if newlines_before > 0:
+        indent_before = '\t' * indent_level + _TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(
+            spaces, style.Get('CONTINUATION_ALIGN_STYLE'),
+            style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH'), style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'))
+      else:
+        indent_before = '\t' * indent_level + ' ' * spaces
+    else:
+      indent_before = (
+          ' ' * indent_level * style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH') + ' ' * spaces)
+    if self.is_comment:
+      comment_lines = [s.lstrip() for s in self.value.splitlines()]
+      self.node.value = ('\n' + indent_before).join(comment_lines)
+      # Update our own value since we are changing node value
+      self.value = self.node.value
+    if not self.whitespace_prefix:
+      self.whitespace_prefix = (
+          '\n' * (self.newlines or newlines_before) + indent_before)
+    else:
+      self.whitespace_prefix += indent_before
+  def AdjustNewlinesBefore(self, newlines_before):
+    """Change the number of newlines before this token."""
+    self.whitespace_prefix = (
+        '\n' * newlines_before + self.whitespace_prefix.lstrip('\n'))
+  def RetainHorizontalSpacing(self, first_column, depth):
+    """Retains a token's horizontal spacing."""
+    previous = self.previous_token
+    if not previous:
+      return
+    if previous.is_pseudo_paren:
+      previous = previous.previous_token
+      if not previous:
+        return
+    cur_lineno = self.lineno
+    prev_lineno = previous.lineno
+    if previous.is_multiline_string:
+      prev_lineno += previous.value.count('\n')
+    if (cur_lineno != prev_lineno or
+        (previous.is_pseudo_paren and previous.value != ')' and
+         cur_lineno != previous.previous_token.lineno)):
+      self.spaces_required_before = (
+          self.column - first_column + depth * style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH'))
+      return
+    cur_column = self.node.column
+    prev_column = previous.node.column
+    prev_len = len(previous.value)
+    if previous.is_pseudo_paren and previous.value == ')':
+      prev_column -= 1
+      prev_len = 0
+    if previous.is_multiline_string:
+      prev_len = len(previous.value.split('\n')[-1])
+      if '\n' in previous.value:
+        prev_column = 0  # Last line starts in column 0.
+    self.spaces_required_before = cur_column - (prev_column + prev_len)
+  def OpensScope(self):
+    return self.value in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS
+  def ClosesScope(self):
+    return self.value in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS
+  def __repr__(self):
+    msg = 'FormatToken(name={0}, value={1}'.format(, self.value)
+    msg += ', pseudo)' if self.is_pseudo_paren else ')'
+    return msg
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def node_split_penalty(self):
+    """Split penalty attached to the pytree node of this token."""
+    return pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+        self.node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY, default=0)
+  @property
+  def newlines(self):
+    """The number of newlines needed before this token."""
+    return pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self.node,
+                                          pytree_utils.Annotation.NEWLINES)
+  @property
+  def must_split(self):
+    """Return true if the token requires a split before it."""
+    return pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self.node,
+                                          pytree_utils.Annotation.MUST_SPLIT)
+  @property
+  def column(self):
+    """The original column number of the node in the source."""
+    return self.node.column
+  @property
+  def lineno(self):
+    """The original line number of the node in the source."""
+    return self.node.lineno
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def subtypes(self):
+    """Extra type information for directing formatting."""
+    value = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self.node,
+                                           pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE)
+    return [Subtype.NONE] if value is None else value
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def is_binary_op(self):
+    """Token is a binary operator."""
+    return Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR in self.subtypes
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def name(self):
+    """A string representation of the node's name."""
+    return pytree_utils.NodeName(self.node)
+  @property
+  def is_comment(self):
+    return self.node.type == token.COMMENT
+  @property
+  def is_continuation(self):
+    return self.node.type == CONTINUATION
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def is_keyword(self):
+    return keyword.iskeyword(self.value)
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def is_name(self):
+    return self.node.type == token.NAME and not self.is_keyword
+  @property
+  def is_number(self):
+    return self.node.type == token.NUMBER
+  @property
+  def is_string(self):
+    return self.node.type == token.STRING
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def is_multiline_string(self):
+    """A multiline string."""
+    if py3compat.PY3:
+      prefix = '('
+      prefix += 'r|u|R|U|f|F|fr|Fr|fR|FR|rf|rF|Rf|RF'  # strings
+      prefix += '|b|B|br|Br|bR|BR|rb|rB|Rb|RB'  # bytes
+      prefix += ')?'
+    else:
+      prefix = '[uUbB]?[rR]?'
+    regex = r'^{prefix}(?P<delim>"""|\'\'\').*(?P=delim)$'.format(prefix=prefix)
+    return (self.is_string and
+            re.match(regex, self.value, re.DOTALL) is not None)
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def is_docstring(self):
+    return self.is_multiline_string and not self.node.prev_sibling
+  @property
+  @py3compat.lru_cache()
+  def is_pseudo_paren(self):
+    return hasattr(self.node, 'is_pseudo') and self.node.is_pseudo
+  @property
+  def is_pylint_comment(self):
+    return self.is_comment and re.match(r'#.*\bpylint:\s*(disable|enable)=',
+                                        self.value)
+  @property
+  def is_pytype_comment(self):
+    return self.is_comment and re.match(r'#.*\bpytype:\s*(disable|enable)=',
+                                        self.value)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5fc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Identify containers for lib2to3 trees.
+This module identifies containers and the elements in them. Each element points
+to the opening bracket and vice-versa.
+  IdentifyContainers(): the main function exported by this module.
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+def IdentifyContainers(tree):
+  """Run the identify containers visitor over the tree, modifying it in place.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: the top-level pytree node to annotate with subtypes.
+  """
+  identify_containers = _IdentifyContainers()
+  identify_containers.Visit(tree)
+class _IdentifyContainers(pytree_visitor.PyTreeVisitor):
+  """_IdentifyContainers - see file-level docstring for detailed description."""
+  def Visit_trailer(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+    if len(node.children) != 3:
+      return
+    if pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[0]) != 'LPAR':
+      return
+    if pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[1]) == 'arglist':
+      for child in node.children[1].children:
+        pytree_utils.SetOpeningBracket(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(child), node.children[0])
+    else:
+      pytree_utils.SetOpeningBracket(
+          pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[1]), node.children[0])
+  def Visit_atom(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+    if len(node.children) != 3:
+      return
+    if pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[0]) != 'LPAR':
+      return
+    for child in node.children[1].children:
+      pytree_utils.SetOpeningBracket(
+          pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(child), node.children[0])
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84346c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Join unwrapped lines together.
+Determine how many lines can be joined into one line. For instance, we could
+join these statements into one line:
+  if a == 42:
+    continue
+like this:
+  if a == 42: continue
+There are a few restrictions:
+  1. The lines should have been joined in the original source.
+  2. The joined lines must not go over the column boundary if placed on the same
+     line.
+  3. They need to be very simple statements.
+Note: Because we don't allow the use of a semicolon to separate statements, it
+follows that there can only be at most two lines to join.
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+_CLASS_OR_FUNC = frozenset({'def', 'class'})
+def CanMergeMultipleLines(lines, last_was_merged=False):
+  """Determine if multiple lines can be joined into one.
+  Arguments:
+    lines: (list of UnwrappedLine) This is a splice of UnwrappedLines from the
+      full code base.
+    last_was_merged: (bool) The last line was merged.
+  Returns:
+    True if two consecutive lines can be joined together. In reality, this will
+    only happen if two consecutive lines can be joined, due to the style guide.
+  """
+  # The indentation amount for the starting line (number of spaces).
+  indent_amt = lines[0].depth * style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH')
+  if len(lines) == 1 or indent_amt > style.Get('COLUMN_LIMIT'):
+    return False
+  if (len(lines) >= 3 and lines[2].depth >= lines[1].depth and
+      lines[0].depth != lines[2].depth):
+    # If lines[2]'s depth is greater than or equal to line[1]'s depth, we're not
+    # looking at a single statement (e.g., if-then, while, etc.). A following
+    # line with the same depth as the first line isn't part of the lines we
+    # would want to combine.
+    return False  # Don't merge more than two lines together.
+  if lines[0].first.value in _CLASS_OR_FUNC:
+    # Don't join lines onto the starting line of a class or function.
+    return False
+  limit = style.Get('COLUMN_LIMIT') - indent_amt
+  if lines[0].last.total_length < limit:
+    limit -= lines[0].last.total_length
+    if lines[0].first.value == 'if':
+      return _CanMergeLineIntoIfStatement(lines, limit)
+    if last_was_merged and lines[0].first.value in {'elif', 'else'}:
+      return _CanMergeLineIntoIfStatement(lines, limit)
+  # TODO(morbo): Other control statements?
+  return False
+def _CanMergeLineIntoIfStatement(lines, limit):
+  """Determine if we can merge a short if-then statement into one line.
+  Two lines of an if-then statement can be merged if they were that way in the
+  original source, fit on the line without going over the column limit, and are
+  considered "simple" statements --- typically statements like 'pass',
+  'continue', and 'break'.
+  Arguments:
+    lines: (list of UnwrappedLine) The lines we are wanting to merge.
+    limit: (int) The amount of space remaining on the line.
+  Returns:
+    True if the lines can be merged, False otherwise.
+  """
+  if len(lines[1].tokens) == 1 and lines[1].last.is_multiline_string:
+    # This might be part of a multiline shebang.
+    return True
+  if lines[0].lineno != lines[1].lineno:
+    # Don't merge lines if the original lines weren't merged.
+    return False
+  if lines[1].last.total_length >= limit:
+    # Don't merge lines if the result goes over the column limit.
+    return False
+  return style.Get('JOIN_MULTIPLE_LINES')
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dded7c4
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Represents the state of Python objects being formatted.
+Objects (e.g., list comprehensions, dictionaries, etc.) have specific
+requirements on how they're formatted. These state objects keep track of these
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+class ComprehensionState(object):
+  """Maintains the state of list comprehension formatting decisions.
+  A stack of ComprehensionState objects are kept to ensure that list
+  comprehensions are wrapped with well-defined rules.
+  Attributes:
+    expr_token: The first token in the comprehension.
+    for_token: The first 'for' token of the comprehension.
+    has_split_at_for: Whether there is a newline immediately before the
+        for_token.
+    has_interior_split: Whether there is a newline within the comprehension.
+        That is, a split somewhere after expr_token or before closing_bracket.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, expr_token):
+    self.expr_token = expr_token
+    self.for_token = None
+    self.has_split_at_for = False
+    self.has_interior_split = False
+  def HasTrivialExpr(self):
+    """Returns whether the comp_expr is "trivial" i.e. is a single token."""
+    return self.expr_token.next_token.value == 'for'
+  @property
+  def opening_bracket(self):
+    return self.expr_token.previous_token
+  @property
+  def closing_bracket(self):
+    return self.opening_bracket.matching_bracket
+  def Clone(self):
+    clone = ComprehensionState(self.expr_token)
+    clone.for_token = self.for_token
+    clone.has_split_at_for = self.has_split_at_for
+    clone.has_interior_split = self.has_interior_split
+    return clone
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return ('[opening_bracket::%s, for_token::%s, has_split_at_for::%s,'
+            ' has_interior_split::%s, has_trivial_expr::%s]' %
+            (self.opening_bracket, self.for_token, self.has_split_at_for,
+             self.has_interior_split, self.HasTrivialExpr()))
+  def __eq__(self, other):
+    return hash(self) == hash(other)
+  def __ne__(self, other):
+    return not self == other
+  def __hash__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    return hash((self.expr_token, self.for_token, self.has_split_at_for,
+                 self.has_interior_split))
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66d6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Utilities for Python2 / Python3 compatibility."""
+import io
+import os
+import sys
+PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
+PY36 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 6
+if PY3:
+  StringIO = io.StringIO
+  BytesIO = io.BytesIO
+  import codecs
+  def open_with_encoding(filename, mode, encoding, newline=''):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+    return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
+  import functools
+  lru_cache = functools.lru_cache
+  range = range
+  ifilter = filter
+  def raw_input():
+    wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8')
+    return wrapper.buffer.raw.readall().decode('utf-8')
+  import configparser
+  # Mappings from strings to booleans (such as '1' to True, 'false' to False,
+  # etc.)
+  import __builtin__
+  import cStringIO
+  StringIO = BytesIO = cStringIO.StringIO
+  open_with_encoding =
+  # Python 2.7 doesn't have a native LRU cache, so do nothing.
+  def lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):
+    def fake_wrapper(user_function):
+      return user_function
+    return fake_wrapper
+  range = xrange
+  from itertools import ifilter
+  raw_input = raw_input
+  import ConfigParser as configparser
+  CONFIGPARSER_BOOLEAN_STATES = configparser.ConfigParser._boolean_states  # pylint: disable=protected-access
+def EncodeAndWriteToStdout(s, encoding='utf-8'):
+  """Encode the given string and emit to stdout.
+  The string may contain non-ascii characters. This is a problem when stdout is
+  redirected, because then Python doesn't know the encoding and we may get a
+  UnicodeEncodeError.
+  Arguments:
+    s: (string) The string to encode.
+    encoding: (string) The encoding of the string.
+  """
+  if PY3:
+    sys.stdout.buffer.write(s.encode(encoding))
+  elif sys.platform == 'win32':
+    # On python 2 and Windows universal newline transformation will be in
+    # effect on stdout. Python 2 will not let us avoid the easily because
+    # it happens based on whether the file handle is opened in O_BINARY or
+    # O_TEXT state. However we can tell Windows itself to change the current
+    # mode, and python 2 will follow suit. However we must take care to change
+    # the mode on the actual external stdout not just the current sys.stdout
+    # which may have been monkey-patched inside the python environment.
+    import msvcrt  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
+    if sys.__stdout__ is sys.stdout:
+      msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
+    sys.stdout.write(s.encode(encoding))
+  else:
+    sys.stdout.write(s.encode(encoding))
+if PY3:
+  basestring = str
+  unicode = str  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
+  basestring = basestring
+  def unicode(s):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    """Force conversion of s to unicode."""
+    return __builtin__.unicode(s, 'utf-8')
+# In Python 3.2+, readfp is deprecated in favor of read_file, which doesn't
+# exist in Python 2 yet. To avoid deprecation warnings, subclass ConfigParser to
+# fix this - now read_file works across all Python versions we care about.
+class ConfigParser(configparser.ConfigParser):
+  if not PY3:
+    def read_file(self, fp, source=None):
+      self.readfp(fp, filename=source)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d371ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""PyTreeUnwrapper - produces a list of unwrapped lines from a pytree.
+[for a description of what an unwrapped line is, see]
+This is a pytree visitor that goes over a parse tree and produces a list of
+UnwrappedLine containers from it, each with its own depth and containing all
+the tokens that could fit on the line if there were no maximal line-length
+Note: a precondition to running this visitor and obtaining correct results is
+for the tree to have its comments spliced in as nodes. Prefixes are ignored.
+For most uses, the convenience function UnwrapPyTree should be sufficient.
+# The word "token" is overloaded within this module, so for clarity rename
+# the imported pgen2.token module.
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token as grammar_token
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import unwrapped_line
+def UnwrapPyTree(tree):
+  """Create and return a list of unwrapped lines from the given pytree.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: the top-level pytree node to unwrap.
+  Returns:
+    A list of UnwrappedLine objects.
+  """
+  unwrapper = PyTreeUnwrapper()
+  unwrapper.Visit(tree)
+  uwlines = unwrapper.GetUnwrappedLines()
+  uwlines.sort(key=lambda x: x.lineno)
+  return uwlines
+# Grammar tokens considered as whitespace for the purpose of unwrapping.
+_WHITESPACE_TOKENS = frozenset([
+    grammar_token.NEWLINE, grammar_token.DEDENT, grammar_token.INDENT,
+    grammar_token.ENDMARKER
+class PyTreeUnwrapper(pytree_visitor.PyTreeVisitor):
+  """PyTreeUnwrapper - see file-level docstring for detailed description.
+  Note: since this implements PyTreeVisitor and node names in lib2to3 are
+  underscore_separated, the visiting methods of this class are named as
+  Visit_node_name. invalid-name pragmas are added to each such method to silence
+  a style warning. This is forced on us by the usage of lib2to3, and re-munging
+  method names to make them different from actual node names sounded like a
+  confusing and brittle affair that wasn't worth it for this small & controlled
+  deviation from the style guide.
+  To understand the connection between visitor methods in this class, some
+  familiarity with the Python grammar is required.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    # A list of all unwrapped lines finished visiting so far.
+    self._unwrapped_lines = []
+    # Builds up a "current" unwrapped line while visiting pytree nodes. Some
+    # nodes will finish a line and start a new one.
+    self._cur_unwrapped_line = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(0)
+    # Current indentation depth.
+    self._cur_depth = 0
+  def GetUnwrappedLines(self):
+    """Fetch the result of the tree walk.
+    Note: only call this after visiting the whole tree.
+    Returns:
+      A list of UnwrappedLine objects.
+    """
+    # Make sure the last line that was being populated is flushed.
+    self._StartNewLine()
+    return self._unwrapped_lines
+  def _StartNewLine(self):
+    """Finish current line and start a new one.
+    Place the currently accumulated line into the _unwrapped_lines list and
+    start a new one.
+    """
+    if self._cur_unwrapped_line.tokens:
+      self._unwrapped_lines.append(self._cur_unwrapped_line)
+      _MatchBrackets(self._cur_unwrapped_line)
+      _AdjustSplitPenalty(self._cur_unwrapped_line)
+    self._cur_unwrapped_line = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(self._cur_depth)
+  _STMT_TYPES = frozenset({
+      'if_stmt',
+      'while_stmt',
+      'for_stmt',
+      'try_stmt',
+      'expect_clause',
+      'with_stmt',
+      'funcdef',
+      'classdef',
+  })
+  # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring
+  def Visit_simple_stmt(self, node):
+    # A 'simple_stmt' conveniently represents a non-compound Python statement,
+    # i.e. a statement that does not contain other statements.
+    # When compound nodes have a single statement as their suite, the parser
+    # can leave it in the tree directly without creating a suite. But we have
+    # to increase depth in these cases as well. However, don't increase the
+    # depth of we have a simple_stmt that's a comment node. This represents a
+    # standalone comment and in the case of it coming directly after the
+    # funcdef, it is a "top" comment for the whole function.
+    # TODO(eliben): add more relevant compound statements here.
+    single_stmt_suite = (
+        node.parent and pytree_utils.NodeName(node.parent) in self._STMT_TYPES)
+    is_comment_stmt = pytree_utils.IsCommentStatement(node)
+    if single_stmt_suite and not is_comment_stmt:
+      self._cur_depth += 1
+    self._StartNewLine()
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    if single_stmt_suite and not is_comment_stmt:
+      self._cur_depth -= 1
+  def _VisitCompoundStatement(self, node, substatement_names):
+    """Helper for visiting compound statements.
+    Python compound statements serve as containers for other statements. Thus,
+    when we encounter a new compound statement we start a new unwrapped line.
+    Arguments:
+      node: the node to visit.
+      substatement_names: set of node names. A compound statement will be
+        recognized as a NAME node with a name in this set.
+    """
+    for child in node.children:
+      # A pytree is structured in such a way that a single 'if_stmt' node will
+      # contain all the 'if', 'elif' and 'else' nodes as children (similar
+      # structure applies to 'while' statements, 'try' blocks, etc). Therefore,
+      # we visit all children here and create a new line before the requested
+      # set of nodes.
+      if (child.type == grammar_token.NAME and
+          child.value in substatement_names):
+        self._StartNewLine()
+      self.Visit(child)
+  _IF_STMT_ELEMS = frozenset({'if', 'else', 'elif'})
+  def Visit_if_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._IF_STMT_ELEMS)
+  _WHILE_STMT_ELEMS = frozenset({'while', 'else'})
+  def Visit_while_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._WHILE_STMT_ELEMS)
+  _FOR_STMT_ELEMS = frozenset({'for', 'else'})
+  def Visit_for_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._FOR_STMT_ELEMS)
+  _TRY_STMT_ELEMS = frozenset({'try', 'except', 'else', 'finally'})
+  def Visit_try_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._TRY_STMT_ELEMS)
+  _EXCEPT_STMT_ELEMS = frozenset({'except'})
+  def Visit_except_clause(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._EXCEPT_STMT_ELEMS)
+  _FUNC_DEF_ELEMS = frozenset({'def'})
+  def Visit_funcdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._FUNC_DEF_ELEMS)
+  def Visit_async_funcdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._StartNewLine()
+    index = 0
+    for child in node.children:
+      index += 1
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'ASYNC':
+        break
+    for child in node.children[index].children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+  _CLASS_DEF_ELEMS = frozenset({'class'})
+  def Visit_classdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._CLASS_DEF_ELEMS)
+  def Visit_async_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._StartNewLine()
+    index = 0
+    for child in node.children:
+      index += 1
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'ASYNC':
+        break
+    for child in node.children[index].children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+  def Visit_decorator(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if (pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'COMMENT' and
+          child == node.children[0]):
+        self._StartNewLine()
+  def Visit_decorators(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    for child in node.children:
+      self._StartNewLine()
+      self.Visit(child)
+  def Visit_decorated(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    for child in node.children:
+      self._StartNewLine()
+      self.Visit(child)
+  _WITH_STMT_ELEMS = frozenset({'with'})
+  def Visit_with_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._VisitCompoundStatement(node, self._WITH_STMT_ELEMS)
+  def Visit_suite(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # A 'suite' starts a new indentation level in Python.
+    self._cur_depth += 1
+    self._StartNewLine()
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    self._cur_depth -= 1
+  def Visit_listmaker(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    _DetermineMustSplitAnnotation(node)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_dictsetmaker(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    _DetermineMustSplitAnnotation(node)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_import_as_names(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    if node.prev_sibling.value == '(':
+      _DetermineMustSplitAnnotation(node)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_testlist_gexp(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    _DetermineMustSplitAnnotation(node)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_arglist(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    _DetermineMustSplitAnnotation(node)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_typedargslist(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    _DetermineMustSplitAnnotation(node)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def DefaultLeafVisit(self, leaf):
+    """Default visitor for tree leaves.
+    A tree leaf is always just gets appended to the current unwrapped line.
+    Arguments:
+      leaf: the leaf to visit.
+    """
+    if leaf.type in _WHITESPACE_TOKENS:
+      self._StartNewLine()
+    elif leaf.type != grammar_token.COMMENT or leaf.value.strip():
+      # Add non-whitespace tokens and comments that aren't empty.
+      self._cur_unwrapped_line.AppendNode(leaf)
+_BRACKET_MATCH = {')': '(', '}': '{', ']': '['}
+def _MatchBrackets(uwline):
+  """Visit the node and match the brackets.
+  For every open bracket ('[', '{', or '('), find the associated closing bracket
+  and "match" them up. I.e., save in the token a pointer to its associated open
+  or close bracket.
+  Arguments:
+    uwline: (UnwrappedLine) An unwrapped line.
+  """
+  bracket_stack = []
+  for token in uwline.tokens:
+    if token.value in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS:
+      bracket_stack.append(token)
+    elif token.value in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS:
+      bracket_stack[-1].matching_bracket = token
+      token.matching_bracket = bracket_stack[-1]
+      bracket_stack.pop()
+    for bracket in bracket_stack:
+      if id(pytree_utils.GetOpeningBracket(token.node)) == id(bracket.node):
+        bracket.container_elements.append(token)
+        token.container_opening = bracket
+def _AdjustSplitPenalty(uwline):
+  """Visit the node and adjust the split penalties if needed.
+  A token shouldn't be split if it's not within a bracket pair. Mark any token
+  that's not within a bracket pair as "unbreakable".
+  Arguments:
+    uwline: (UnwrappedLine) An unwrapped line.
+  """
+  bracket_level = 0
+  for index, token in enumerate(uwline.tokens):
+    if index and not bracket_level:
+      pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(token.node,
+                                     pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY,
+                                     split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE)
+    if token.value in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS:
+      bracket_level += 1
+    elif token.value in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS:
+      bracket_level -= 1
+def _DetermineMustSplitAnnotation(node):
+  """Enforce a split in the list if the list ends with a comma."""
+    return
+  if not _ContainsComments(node):
+    token = next(node.parent.leaves())
+    if token.value == '(':
+      if sum(1 for ch in node.children
+             if pytree_utils.NodeName(ch) == 'COMMA') < 2:
+        return
+    if (not isinstance(node.children[-1], pytree.Leaf) or
+        node.children[-1].value != ','):
+      return
+  num_children = len(node.children)
+  index = 0
+  _SetMustSplitOnFirstLeaf(node.children[0])
+  while index < num_children - 1:
+    child = node.children[index]
+    if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == ',':
+      next_child = node.children[index + 1]
+      if next_child.type == grammar_token.COMMENT:
+        index += 1
+        if index >= num_children - 1:
+          break
+      _SetMustSplitOnFirstLeaf(node.children[index + 1])
+    index += 1
+def _ContainsComments(node):
+  """Return True if the list has a comment in it."""
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+    return node.type == grammar_token.COMMENT
+  for child in node.children:
+    if _ContainsComments(child):
+      return True
+  return False
+def _SetMustSplitOnFirstLeaf(node):
+  """Set the "must split" annotation on the first leaf node."""
+  pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(
+      pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node), pytree_utils.Annotation.MUST_SPLIT,
+      True)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..999ba88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""pytree-related utilities.
+This module collects various utilities related to the parse trees produced by
+the lib2to3 library.
+  NodeName(): produces a string name for pytree nodes.
+  ParseCodeToTree(): convenience wrapper around lib2to3 interfaces to parse
+                     a given string with code to a pytree.
+  InsertNodeBefore(): insert a node before another in a pytree.
+  InsertNodeAfter(): insert a node after another in a pytree.
+  {Get,Set}NodeAnnotation(): manage custom annotations on pytree nodes.
+import ast
+from lib2to3 import pygram
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import driver
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import parse
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+# TODO(eliben): We may want to get rid of this filtering at some point once we
+# have a better understanding of what information we need from the tree. Then,
+# these tokens may be filtered out from the tree before the tree gets to the
+# unwrapper.
+OPENING_BRACKETS = frozenset({'(', '[', '{'})
+CLOSING_BRACKETS = frozenset({')', ']', '}'})
+class Annotation(object):
+  """Annotation names associated with pytrees."""
+  CHILD_INDENT = 'child_indent'
+  NEWLINES = 'newlines'
+  MUST_SPLIT = 'must_split'
+  SPLIT_PENALTY = 'split_penalty'
+  SUBTYPE = 'subtype'
+def NodeName(node):
+  """Produce a string name for a given node.
+  For a Leaf this is the token name, and for a Node this is the type.
+  Arguments:
+    node: a tree node
+  Returns:
+    Name as a string.
+  """
+  # Nodes with values < 256 are tokens. Values >= 256 are grammar symbols.
+  if node.type < 256:
+    return token.tok_name[node.type]
+  else:
+    return pygram.python_grammar.number2symbol[node.type]
+def FirstLeafNode(node):
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+    return node
+  return FirstLeafNode(node.children[0])
+def LastLeafNode(node):
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+    return node
+  return LastLeafNode(node.children[-1])
+# lib2to3 thoughtfully provides pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement for
+# parsing Python 3 code that wouldn't parse otherwise (when 'print' is used in a
+# context where a keyword is disallowed).
+# It forgets to do the same for 'exec' though. Luckily, Python is amenable to
+# monkey-patching.
+_GRAMMAR_FOR_PY3 = pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement.copy()
+del _GRAMMAR_FOR_PY3.keywords['exec']
+_GRAMMAR_FOR_PY2 = pygram.python_grammar.copy()
+del _GRAMMAR_FOR_PY2.keywords['nonlocal']
+def ParseCodeToTree(code):
+  """Parse the given code to a lib2to3 pytree.
+  Arguments:
+    code: a string with the code to parse.
+  Raises:
+    SyntaxError if the code is invalid syntax.
+    parse.ParseError if some other parsing failure.
+  Returns:
+    The root node of the parsed tree.
+  """
+  # This function is tiny, but the incantation for invoking the parser correctly
+  # is sufficiently magical to be worth abstracting away.
+  try:
+    # Try to parse using a Python 3 grammar, which is more permissive (print and
+    # exec are not keywords).
+    parser_driver = driver.Driver(_GRAMMAR_FOR_PY3, convert=pytree.convert)
+    tree = parser_driver.parse_string(code, debug=False)
+  except parse.ParseError:
+    # Now try to parse using a Python 2 grammar; If this fails, then
+    # there's something else wrong with the code.
+    try:
+      parser_driver = driver.Driver(_GRAMMAR_FOR_PY2, convert=pytree.convert)
+      tree = parser_driver.parse_string(code, debug=False)
+    except parse.ParseError:
+      # Raise a syntax error if the code is invalid python syntax.
+      try:
+        ast.parse(code)
+      except SyntaxError as e:
+        raise e
+      else:
+        raise
+  return _WrapEndMarker(tree)
+def _WrapEndMarker(tree):
+  """Wrap a single ENDMARKER token in a "file_input" node.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: (pytree.Node) The root node of the parsed tree.
+  Returns:
+    The root node of the parsed tree. If the tree is a single ENDMARKER node,
+    then that node is wrapped in a "file_input" node. That will ensure we don't
+    skip comments attached to that node.
+  """
+  if isinstance(tree, pytree.Leaf) and tree.type == token.ENDMARKER:
+    return pytree.Node(pygram.python_symbols.file_input, [tree])
+  return tree
+def InsertNodesBefore(new_nodes, target):
+  """Insert new_nodes before the given target location in the tree.
+  Arguments:
+    new_nodes: a sequence of new nodes to insert (the nodes should not be in the
+      tree).
+    target: the target node before which the new node node will be inserted.
+  Raises:
+    RuntimeError: if the tree is corrupted, or the insertion would corrupt it.
+  """
+  for node in new_nodes:
+    _InsertNodeAt(node, target, after=False)
+def InsertNodesAfter(new_nodes, target):
+  """Insert new_nodes after the given target location in the tree.
+  Arguments:
+    new_nodes: a sequence of new nodes to insert (the nodes should not be in the
+      tree).
+    target: the target node after which the new node node will be inserted.
+  Raises:
+    RuntimeError: if the tree is corrupted, or the insertion would corrupt it.
+  """
+  for node in reversed(new_nodes):
+    _InsertNodeAt(node, target, after=True)
+def _InsertNodeAt(new_node, target, after=False):
+  """Underlying implementation for node insertion.
+  Arguments:
+    new_node: a new node to insert (this node should not be in the tree).
+    target: the target node.
+    after: if True, new_node is inserted after target. Otherwise, it's inserted
+      before target.
+  Returns:
+    nothing
+  Raises:
+    RuntimeError: if the tree is corrupted, or the insertion would corrupt it.
+  """
+  # Protect against attempts to insert nodes which already belong to some tree.
+  if new_node.parent is not None:
+    raise RuntimeError('inserting node which already has a parent',
+                       (new_node, new_node.parent))
+  # The code here is based on pytree.Base.next_sibling
+  parent_of_target = target.parent
+  if parent_of_target is None:
+    raise RuntimeError('expected target node to have a parent', (target,))
+  for i, child in enumerate(parent_of_target.children):
+    if child is target:
+      insertion_index = i + 1 if after else i
+      parent_of_target.insert_child(insertion_index, new_node)
+      return
+  raise RuntimeError('unable to find insertion point for target node',
+                     (target,))
+# The following constant and functions implement a simple custom annotation
+# mechanism for pytree nodes. We attach new attributes to nodes. Each attribute
+# is prefixed with _NODE_ANNOTATION_PREFIX. These annotations should only be
+# managed through GetNodeAnnotation and SetNodeAnnotation.
+_NODE_ANNOTATION_PREFIX = '_yapf_annotation_'
+def GetNodeAnnotation(node, annotation, default=None):
+  """Get annotation value from a node.
+  Arguments:
+    node: the node.
+    annotation: annotation name - a string.
+    default: the default value to return if there's no annotation.
+  Returns:
+    Value of the annotation in the given node. If the node doesn't have this
+    particular annotation name yet, returns default.
+  """
+  return getattr(node, _NODE_ANNOTATION_PREFIX + annotation, default)
+def SetNodeAnnotation(node, annotation, value):
+  """Set annotation value on a node.
+  Arguments:
+    node: the node.
+    annotation: annotation name - a string.
+    value: annotation value to set.
+  """
+  setattr(node, _NODE_ANNOTATION_PREFIX + annotation, value)
+def AppendNodeAnnotation(node, annotation, value):
+  """Appends an annotation value to a list of annotations on the node.
+  Arguments:
+    node: the node.
+    annotation: annotation name - a string.
+    value: annotation value to set.
+  """
+  attr = GetNodeAnnotation(node, annotation, set())
+  attr.add(value)
+  SetNodeAnnotation(node, annotation, attr)
+def RemoveSubtypeAnnotation(node, value):
+  """Removes an annotation value from the subtype annotations on the node.
+  Arguments:
+    node: the node.
+    value: annotation value to remove.
+  """
+  attr = GetNodeAnnotation(node, Annotation.SUBTYPE)
+  if attr and value in attr:
+    attr.remove(value)
+    SetNodeAnnotation(node, Annotation.SUBTYPE, attr)
+def GetOpeningBracket(node):
+  """Get opening bracket value from a node.
+  Arguments:
+    node: the node.
+  Returns:
+    The opening bracket node or None if it couldn't find one.
+  """
+  return getattr(node, _NODE_ANNOTATION_PREFIX + 'container_bracket', None)
+def SetOpeningBracket(node, bracket):
+  """Set opening bracket value for a node.
+  Arguments:
+    node: the node.
+    bracket: opening bracket to set.
+  """
+  setattr(node, _NODE_ANNOTATION_PREFIX + 'container_bracket', bracket)
+def DumpNodeToString(node):
+  """Dump a string representation of the given node. For debugging.
+  Arguments:
+    node: the node.
+  Returns:
+    The string representation.
+  """
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+    fmt = ('{name}({value}) [lineno={lineno}, column={column}, '
+           'prefix={prefix}, penalty={penalty}]')
+    return fmt.format(
+        name=NodeName(node),
+        value=_PytreeNodeRepr(node),
+        lineno=node.lineno,
+        column=node.column,
+        prefix=repr(node.prefix),
+        penalty=GetNodeAnnotation(node, Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY, None))
+  else:
+    fmt = '{node} [{len} children] [child_indent="{indent}"]'
+    return fmt.format(
+        node=NodeName(node),
+        len=len(node.children),
+        indent=GetNodeAnnotation(node, Annotation.CHILD_INDENT))
+def _PytreeNodeRepr(node):
+  """Like pytree.Node.__repr__, but names instead of numbers for tokens."""
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Node):
+    return '%s(%s, %r)' % (node.__class__.__name__, NodeName(node),
+                           [_PytreeNodeRepr(c) for c in node.children])
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+    return '%s(%s, %r)' % (node.__class__.__name__, NodeName(node), node.value)
+def IsCommentStatement(node):
+  return (NodeName(node) == 'simple_stmt' and
+          node.children[0].type == token.COMMENT)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49da056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Generic visitor pattern for pytrees.
+The lib2to3 parser produces a "pytree" - syntax tree consisting of Node
+and Leaf types. This module implements a visitor pattern for such trees.
+It also exports a basic "dumping" visitor that dumps a textual representation of
+a pytree into a stream.
+  PyTreeVisitor: a generic visitor pattern fo pytrees.
+  PyTreeDumper: a configurable "dumper" for displaying pytrees.
+  DumpPyTree(): a convenience function to dump a pytree.
+import sys
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+class PyTreeVisitor(object):
+  """Visitor pattern for pytree trees.
+  Methods named Visit_XXX will be invoked when a node with type XXX is
+  encountered in the tree. The type is either a token type (for Leaf nodes) or
+  grammar symbols (for Node nodes). The return value of Visit_XXX methods is
+  ignored by the visitor.
+  Visitors can modify node contents but must not change the tree structure
+  (e.g. add/remove children and move nodes around).
+  This is a very common visitor pattern in Python code; it's also used in the
+  Python standard library ast module for providing AST visitors.
+  Note: this makes names that aren't style conformant, so such visitor methods
+  need to be marked with # pylint: disable=invalid-name We don't have a choice
+  here, because lib2to3 nodes have under_separated names.
+  For more complex behavior, the visit, DefaultNodeVisit and DefaultLeafVisit
+  methods can be overridden. Don't forget to invoke DefaultNodeVisit for nodes
+  that may have children - otherwise the children will not be visited.
+  """
+  def Visit(self, node):
+    """Visit a node."""
+    method = 'Visit_{0}'.format(pytree_utils.NodeName(node))
+    if hasattr(self, method):
+      # Found a specific visitor for this node
+      getattr(self, method)(node)
+    else:
+      if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+        self.DefaultLeafVisit(node)
+      else:
+        self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def DefaultNodeVisit(self, node):
+    """Default visitor for Node: visits the node's children depth-first.
+    This method is invoked when no specific visitor for the node is defined.
+    Arguments:
+      node: the node to visit
+    """
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+  def DefaultLeafVisit(self, leaf):
+    """Default visitor for Leaf: no-op.
+    This method is invoked when no specific visitor for the leaf is defined.
+    Arguments:
+      leaf: the leaf to visit
+    """
+    pass
+def DumpPyTree(tree, target_stream=sys.stdout):
+  """Convenience function for dumping a given pytree.
+  This function presents a very minimal interface. For more configurability (for
+  example, controlling how specific node types are displayed), use PyTreeDumper
+  directly.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: the tree to dump.
+    target_stream: the stream to dump the tree to. A file-like object. By
+      default will dump into stdout.
+  """
+  dumper = PyTreeDumper(target_stream)
+  dumper.Visit(tree)
+class PyTreeDumper(PyTreeVisitor):
+  """Visitor that dumps the tree to a stream.
+  Implements the PyTreeVisitor interface.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, target_stream=sys.stdout):
+    """Create a tree dumper.
+    Arguments:
+      target_stream: the stream to dump the tree to. A file-like object. By
+        default will dump into stdout.
+    """
+    self._target_stream = target_stream
+    self._current_indent = 0
+  def _DumpString(self, s):
+    self._target_stream.write('{0}{1}\n'.format(' ' * self._current_indent, s))
+  def DefaultNodeVisit(self, node):
+    # Dump information about the current node, and then use the generic
+    # DefaultNodeVisit visitor to dump each of its children.
+    self._DumpString(pytree_utils.DumpNodeToString(node))
+    self._current_indent += 2
+    super(PyTreeDumper, self).DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    self._current_indent -= 2
+  def DefaultLeafVisit(self, leaf):
+    self._DumpString(pytree_utils.DumpNodeToString(leaf))
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6539e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Decide what the format for the code should be.
+The `unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine`s are now ready to be formatted.
+UnwrappedLines that can be merged together are. The best formatting is returned
+as a string.
+  Reformat(): the main function exported by this module.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import collections
+import heapq
+import re
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from yapf.yapflib import format_decision_state
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import line_joiner
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import verifier
+def Reformat(uwlines, verify=False, lines=None):
+  """Reformat the unwrapped lines.
+  Arguments:
+    uwlines: (list of unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) Lines we want to format.
+    verify: (bool) True if reformatted code should be verified for syntax.
+    lines: (set of int) The lines which can be modified or None if there is no
+      line range restriction.
+  Returns:
+    A string representing the reformatted code.
+  """
+  final_lines = []
+  prev_uwline = None  # The previous line.
+  indent_width = style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH')
+  for uwline in _SingleOrMergedLines(uwlines):
+    first_token = uwline.first
+    _FormatFirstToken(first_token, uwline.depth, prev_uwline, final_lines)
+    indent_amt = indent_width * uwline.depth
+    state = format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState(uwline, indent_amt)
+    state.MoveStateToNextToken()
+    if not uwline.disable:
+      if uwline.first.is_comment:
+        uwline.first.node.value = uwline.first.node.value.rstrip()
+      elif uwline.last.is_comment:
+        uwline.last.node.value = uwline.last.node.value.rstrip()
+      if prev_uwline and prev_uwline.disable:
+        # Keep the vertical spacing between a disabled and enabled formatting
+        # region.
+        _RetainRequiredVerticalSpacingBetweenTokens(uwline.first,
+                                                    prev_uwline.last, lines)
+      if any(tok.is_comment for tok in uwline.tokens):
+        _RetainVerticalSpacingBeforeComments(uwline)
+    if (_LineContainsI18n(uwline) or uwline.disable or
+        _LineHasContinuationMarkers(uwline)):
+      _RetainHorizontalSpacing(uwline)
+      _RetainRequiredVerticalSpacing(uwline, prev_uwline, lines)
+      _EmitLineUnformatted(state)
+    elif _CanPlaceOnSingleLine(uwline) and not any(tok.must_split
+                                                   for tok in uwline.tokens):
+      # The unwrapped line fits on one line.
+      while state.next_token:
+        state.AddTokenToState(newline=False, dry_run=False)
+    else:
+      if not _AnalyzeSolutionSpace(state):
+        # Failsafe mode. If there isn't a solution to the line, then just emit
+        # it as is.
+        state = format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState(uwline, indent_amt)
+        state.MoveStateToNextToken()
+        _RetainHorizontalSpacing(uwline)
+        _RetainRequiredVerticalSpacing(uwline, prev_uwline, None)
+        _EmitLineUnformatted(state)
+    final_lines.append(uwline)
+    prev_uwline = uwline
+  return _FormatFinalLines(final_lines, verify)
+def _RetainHorizontalSpacing(uwline):
+  """Retain all horizontal spacing between tokens."""
+  for tok in uwline.tokens:
+    tok.RetainHorizontalSpacing(uwline.first.column, uwline.depth)
+def _RetainRequiredVerticalSpacing(cur_uwline, prev_uwline, lines):
+  prev_tok = None
+  if prev_uwline is not None:
+    prev_tok = prev_uwline.last
+  for cur_tok in cur_uwline.tokens:
+    _RetainRequiredVerticalSpacingBetweenTokens(cur_tok, prev_tok, lines)
+    prev_tok = cur_tok
+def _RetainRequiredVerticalSpacingBetweenTokens(cur_tok, prev_tok, lines):
+  """Retain vertical spacing between two tokens if not in editable range."""
+  if prev_tok is None:
+    return
+  if prev_tok.is_string:
+    prev_lineno = prev_tok.lineno + prev_tok.value.count('\n')
+  elif prev_tok.is_pseudo_paren:
+    if not prev_tok.previous_token.is_multiline_string:
+      prev_lineno = prev_tok.previous_token.lineno
+    else:
+      prev_lineno = prev_tok.lineno
+  else:
+    prev_lineno = prev_tok.lineno
+  if cur_tok.is_comment:
+    cur_lineno = cur_tok.lineno - cur_tok.value.count('\n')
+  else:
+    cur_lineno = cur_tok.lineno
+  if prev_tok.value.endswith('\\'):
+    prev_lineno += prev_tok.value.count('\n')
+  required_newlines = cur_lineno - prev_lineno
+  if cur_tok.is_comment and not prev_tok.is_comment:
+    # Don't adjust between a comment and non-comment.
+    pass
+  elif lines and (cur_lineno in lines or prev_lineno in lines):
+    desired_newlines = cur_tok.whitespace_prefix.count('\n')
+    whitespace_lines = range(prev_lineno + 1, cur_lineno)
+    deletable_lines = len(lines.intersection(whitespace_lines))
+    required_newlines = max(required_newlines - deletable_lines,
+                            desired_newlines)
+  cur_tok.AdjustNewlinesBefore(required_newlines)
+def _RetainVerticalSpacingBeforeComments(uwline):
+  """Retain vertical spacing before comments."""
+  prev_token = None
+  for tok in uwline.tokens:
+    if tok.is_comment and prev_token:
+      if tok.lineno - tok.value.count('\n') - prev_token.lineno > 1:
+        tok.AdjustNewlinesBefore(ONE_BLANK_LINE)
+    prev_token = tok
+def _EmitLineUnformatted(state):
+  """Emit the line without formatting.
+  The line contains code that if reformatted would break a non-syntactic
+  convention. E.g., i18n comments and function calls are tightly bound by
+  convention. Instead, we calculate when / if a newline should occur and honor
+  that. But otherwise the code emitted will be the same as the original code.
+  Arguments:
+    state: (format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState) The format decision
+      state.
+  """
+  prev_lineno = None
+  while state.next_token:
+    previous_token = state.next_token.previous_token
+    previous_lineno = previous_token.lineno
+    if previous_token.is_multiline_string or previous_token.is_string:
+      previous_lineno += previous_token.value.count('\n')
+    if previous_token.is_continuation:
+      newline = False
+    else:
+      newline = (
+          prev_lineno is not None and state.next_token.lineno > previous_lineno)
+    prev_lineno = state.next_token.lineno
+    state.AddTokenToState(newline=newline, dry_run=False)
+def _LineContainsI18n(uwline):
+  """Return true if there are i18n comments or function calls in the line.
+  I18n comments and pseudo-function calls are closely related. They cannot
+  be moved apart without breaking i18n.
+  Arguments:
+    uwline: (unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) The line currently being formatted.
+  Returns:
+    True if the line contains i18n comments or function calls. False otherwise.
+  """
+  if style.Get('I18N_COMMENT'):
+    for tok in uwline.tokens:
+      if tok.is_comment and re.match(style.Get('I18N_COMMENT'), tok.value):
+        # Contains an i18n comment.
+        return True
+  if style.Get('I18N_FUNCTION_CALL'):
+    length = len(uwline.tokens)
+    index = 0
+    while index < length - 1:
+      if (uwline.tokens[index + 1].value == '(' and
+          uwline.tokens[index].value in style.Get('I18N_FUNCTION_CALL')):
+        return True
+      index += 1
+  return False
+def _LineHasContinuationMarkers(uwline):
+  """Return true if the line has continuation markers in it."""
+  return any(tok.is_continuation for tok in uwline.tokens)
+def _CanPlaceOnSingleLine(uwline):
+  """Determine if the unwrapped line can go on a single line.
+  Arguments:
+    uwline: (unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) The line currently being formatted.
+  Returns:
+    True if the line can or should be added to a single line. False otherwise.
+  """
+  indent_amt = style.Get('INDENT_WIDTH') * uwline.depth
+  last = uwline.last
+  last_index = -1
+  if last.is_pylint_comment or last.is_pytype_comment:
+    last = last.previous_token
+    last_index = -2
+  if last is None:
+    return True
+  return (last.total_length + indent_amt <= style.Get('COLUMN_LIMIT') and
+          not any(tok.is_comment for tok in uwline.tokens[:last_index]))
+def _FormatFinalLines(final_lines, verify):
+  """Compose the final output from the finalized lines."""
+  formatted_code = []
+  for line in final_lines:
+    formatted_line = []
+    for tok in line.tokens:
+      if not tok.is_pseudo_paren:
+        formatted_line.append(tok.whitespace_prefix)
+        formatted_line.append(tok.value)
+      else:
+        if (not tok.next_token.whitespace_prefix.startswith('\n') and
+            not tok.next_token.whitespace_prefix.startswith(' ')):
+          if (tok.previous_token.value == ':' or
+              tok.next_token.value not in ',}])'):
+            formatted_line.append(' ')
+    formatted_code.append(''.join(formatted_line))
+    if verify:
+      verifier.VerifyCode(formatted_code[-1])
+  return ''.join(formatted_code) + '\n'
+class _StateNode(object):
+  """An edge in the solution space from 'previous.state' to 'state'.
+  Attributes:
+    state: (format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState) The format decision state
+      for this node.
+    newline: If True, then on the edge from 'previous.state' to 'state' a
+      newline is inserted.
+    previous: (_StateNode) The previous state node in the graph.
+  """
+  # TODO(morbo): Add a '__cmp__' method.
+  def __init__(self, state, newline, previous):
+    self.state = state.Clone()
+    self.newline = newline
+    self.previous = previous
+  def __repr__(self):  # pragma: no cover
+    return 'StateNode(state=[\n{0}\n], newline={1})'.format(
+        self.state, self.newline)
+# A tuple of (penalty, count) that is used to prioritize the BFS. In case of
+# equal penalties, we prefer states that were inserted first. During state
+# generation, we make sure that we insert states first that break the line as
+# late as possible.
+_OrderedPenalty = collections.namedtuple('OrderedPenalty', ['penalty', 'count'])
+# An item in the prioritized BFS search queue. The 'StateNode's 'state' has
+# the given '_OrderedPenalty'.
+_QueueItem = collections.namedtuple('QueueItem',
+                                    ['ordered_penalty', 'state_node'])
+def _AnalyzeSolutionSpace(initial_state):
+  """Analyze the entire solution space starting from initial_state.
+  This implements a variant of Dijkstra's algorithm on the graph that spans
+  the solution space (LineStates are the nodes). The algorithm tries to find
+  the shortest path (the one with the lowest penalty) from 'initial_state' to
+  the state where all tokens are placed.
+  Arguments:
+    initial_state: (format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState) The initial state
+      to start the search from.
+  Returns:
+    True if a formatting solution was found. False otherwise.
+  """
+  count = 0
+  seen = set()
+  p_queue = []
+  # Insert start element.
+  node = _StateNode(initial_state, False, None)
+  heapq.heappush(p_queue, _QueueItem(_OrderedPenalty(0, count), node))
+  count += 1
+  while p_queue:
+    item = p_queue[0]
+    penalty = item.ordered_penalty.penalty
+    node = item.state_node
+    if not node.state.next_token:
+      break
+    heapq.heappop(p_queue)
+    if count > 10000:
+      node.state.ignore_stack_for_comparison = True
+    if node.state in seen:
+      continue
+    seen.add(node.state)
+    # FIXME(morbo): Add a 'decision' element?
+    count = _AddNextStateToQueue(penalty, node, False, count, p_queue)
+    count = _AddNextStateToQueue(penalty, node, True, count, p_queue)
+  if not p_queue:
+    # We weren't able to find a solution. Do nothing.
+    return False
+  _ReconstructPath(initial_state, heapq.heappop(p_queue).state_node)
+  return True
+def _AddNextStateToQueue(penalty, previous_node, newline, count, p_queue):
+  """Add the following state to the analysis queue.
+  Assume the current state is 'previous_node' and has been reached with a
+  penalty of 'penalty'. Insert a line break if 'newline' is True.
+  Arguments:
+    penalty: (int) The penalty associated with the path up to this point.
+    previous_node: (_StateNode) The last _StateNode inserted into the priority
+      queue.
+    newline: (bool) Add a newline if True.
+    count: (int) The number of elements in the queue.
+    p_queue: (heapq) The priority queue representing the solution space.
+  Returns:
+    The updated number of elements in the queue.
+  """
+  must_split = previous_node.state.MustSplit()
+  if newline and not previous_node.state.CanSplit(must_split):
+    # Don't add a newline if the token cannot be split.
+    return count
+  if not newline and must_split:
+    # Don't add a token we must split but where we aren't splitting.
+    return count
+  node = _StateNode(previous_node.state, newline, previous_node)
+  penalty += node.state.AddTokenToState(
+      newline=newline, dry_run=True, must_split=must_split)
+  heapq.heappush(p_queue, _QueueItem(_OrderedPenalty(penalty, count), node))
+  return count + 1
+def _ReconstructPath(initial_state, current):
+  """Reconstruct the path through the queue with lowest penalty.
+  Arguments:
+    initial_state: (format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState) The initial state
+      to start the search from.
+    current: (_StateNode) The node in the decision graph that is the end point
+      of the path with the least penalty.
+  """
+  path = collections.deque()
+  while current.previous:
+    path.appendleft(current)
+    current = current.previous
+  for node in path:
+    initial_state.AddTokenToState(newline=node.newline, dry_run=False)
+def _FormatFirstToken(first_token, indent_depth, prev_uwline, final_lines):
+  """Format the first token in the unwrapped line.
+  Add a newline and the required indent before the first token of the unwrapped
+  line.
+  Arguments:
+    first_token: (format_token.FormatToken) The first token in the unwrapped
+      line.
+    indent_depth: (int) The line's indentation depth.
+    prev_uwline: (list of unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) The unwrapped line
+      previous to this line.
+    final_lines: (list of unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) The unwrapped lines
+      that have already been processed.
+  """
+  first_token.AddWhitespacePrefix(
+      _CalculateNumberOfNewlines(first_token, indent_depth, prev_uwline,
+                                 final_lines),
+      indent_level=indent_depth)
+def _IsClassOrDef(uwline):
+  if uwline.first.value in {'class', 'def'}:
+    return True
+  return [t.value for t in uwline.tokens[:2]] == ['async', 'def']
+def _CalculateNumberOfNewlines(first_token, indent_depth, prev_uwline,
+                               final_lines):
+  """Calculate the number of newlines we need to add.
+  Arguments:
+    first_token: (format_token.FormatToken) The first token in the unwrapped
+      line.
+    indent_depth: (int) The line's indentation depth.
+    prev_uwline: (list of unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) The unwrapped line
+      previous to this line.
+    final_lines: (list of unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) The unwrapped lines
+      that have already been processed.
+  Returns:
+    The number of newlines needed before the first token.
+  """
+  # TODO(morbo): Special handling for imports.
+  # TODO(morbo): Create a knob that can tune these.
+  if prev_uwline is None:
+    # The first line in the file. Don't add blank lines.
+    # FIXME(morbo): Is this correct?
+    if first_token.newlines is not None:
+      pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(first_token.node,
+                                     pytree_utils.Annotation.NEWLINES, None)
+    return 0
+  if first_token.is_docstring:
+    if (prev_uwline.first.value == 'class' and
+      # Enforce a blank line before a class's docstring.
+      return ONE_BLANK_LINE
+    elif (prev_uwline.first.value.startswith('#') and
+      # Enforce a blank line before a module's docstring.
+      return ONE_BLANK_LINE
+    # The docstring shouldn't have a newline before it.
+    return NO_BLANK_LINES
+  prev_last_token = prev_uwline.last
+  if prev_last_token.is_docstring:
+    if (not indent_depth and first_token.value in {'class', 'def', 'async'}):
+      # Separate a class or function from the module-level docstring with
+      # appropriate number of blank lines.
+      return 1 + style.Get('BLANK_LINES_AROUND_TOP_LEVEL_DEFINITION')
+    if _NoBlankLinesBeforeCurrentToken(prev_last_token.value, first_token,
+                                       prev_last_token):
+      return NO_BLANK_LINES
+    else:
+      return ONE_BLANK_LINE
+  if first_token.value in {'class', 'def', 'async', '@'}:
+    # TODO(morbo): This can go once the blank line calculator is more
+    # sophisticated.
+    if not indent_depth:
+      # This is a top-level class or function.
+      is_inline_comment = prev_last_token.whitespace_prefix.count('\n') == 0
+      if (not prev_uwline.disable and prev_last_token.is_comment and
+          not is_inline_comment):
+        # This token follows a non-inline comment.
+        if _NoBlankLinesBeforeCurrentToken(prev_last_token.value, first_token,
+                                           prev_last_token):
+          # Assume that the comment is "attached" to the current line.
+          # Therefore, we want two blank lines before the comment.
+          index = len(final_lines) - 1
+          while index > 0:
+            if not final_lines[index - 1].is_comment:
+              break
+            index -= 1
+          if final_lines[index - 1].first.value == '@':
+            final_lines[index].first.AdjustNewlinesBefore(NO_BLANK_LINES)
+          else:
+            prev_last_token.AdjustNewlinesBefore(
+                1 + style.Get('BLANK_LINES_AROUND_TOP_LEVEL_DEFINITION'))
+          if first_token.newlines is not None:
+            pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(
+                first_token.node, pytree_utils.Annotation.NEWLINES, None)
+          return NO_BLANK_LINES
+    elif _IsClassOrDef(prev_uwline):
+      if not style.Get('BLANK_LINE_BEFORE_NESTED_CLASS_OR_DEF'):
+        pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(first_token.node,
+                                       pytree_utils.Annotation.NEWLINES, None)
+        return NO_BLANK_LINES
+  # Calculate how many newlines were between the original lines. We want to
+  # retain that formatting if it doesn't violate one of the style guide rules.
+  if first_token.is_comment:
+    first_token_lineno = first_token.lineno - first_token.value.count('\n')
+  else:
+    first_token_lineno = first_token.lineno
+  prev_last_token_lineno = prev_last_token.lineno
+  if prev_last_token.is_multiline_string:
+    prev_last_token_lineno += prev_last_token.value.count('\n')
+  if first_token_lineno - prev_last_token_lineno > 1:
+    return ONE_BLANK_LINE
+  return NO_BLANK_LINES
+def _SingleOrMergedLines(uwlines):
+  """Generate the lines we want to format.
+  Arguments:
+    uwlines: (list of unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine) Lines we want to format.
+  Yields:
+    Either a single line, if the current line cannot be merged with the
+    succeeding line, or the next two lines merged into one line.
+  """
+  index = 0
+  last_was_merged = False
+  while index < len(uwlines):
+    if uwlines[index].disable:
+      uwline = uwlines[index]
+      index += 1
+      while index < len(uwlines):
+        column = uwline.last.column + 2
+        if uwlines[index].lineno != uwline.lineno:
+          break
+        if uwline.last.value != ':':
+          leaf = pytree.Leaf(
+              type=token.SEMI, value=';', context=('', (uwline.lineno, column)))
+          uwline.AppendToken(format_token.FormatToken(leaf))
+        for tok in uwlines[index].tokens:
+          uwline.AppendToken(tok)
+        index += 1
+      yield uwline
+    elif line_joiner.CanMergeMultipleLines(uwlines[index:], last_was_merged):
+      # TODO(morbo): This splice is potentially very slow. Come up with a more
+      # performance-friendly way of determining if two lines can be merged.
+      next_uwline = uwlines[index + 1]
+      for tok in next_uwline.tokens:
+        uwlines[index].AppendToken(tok)
+      if (len(next_uwline.tokens) == 1 and
+          next_uwline.first.is_multiline_string):
+        # This may be a multiline shebang. In that case, we want to retain the
+        # formatting. Otherwise, it could mess up the shell script's syntax.
+        uwlines[index].disable = True
+      yield uwlines[index]
+      index += 2
+      last_was_merged = True
+    else:
+      yield uwlines[index]
+      index += 1
+      last_was_merged = False
+def _NoBlankLinesBeforeCurrentToken(text, cur_token, prev_token):
+  """Determine if there are no blank lines before the current token.
+  The previous token is a docstring or comment. The prev_token_lineno is the
+  start of the text of that token. Counting the number of newlines in its text
+  gives us the extent and thus where the line number of the end of the
+  docstring or comment. After that, we just compare it to the current token's
+  line number to see if there are blank lines between them.
+  Arguments:
+    text: (unicode) The text of the docstring or comment before the current
+      token.
+    cur_token: (format_token.FormatToken) The current token in the unwrapped
+      line.
+    prev_token: (format_token.FormatToken) The previous token in the unwrapped
+      line.
+  Returns:
+    True if there is no blank line before the current token.
+  """
+  cur_token_lineno = cur_token.lineno
+  if cur_token.is_comment:
+    cur_token_lineno -= cur_token.value.count('\n')
+  num_newlines = text.count('\n') if not prev_token.is_comment else 0
+  return prev_token.lineno + num_newlines == cur_token_lineno - 1
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..416eda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Computation of split penalties before/between tokens."""
+import re
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+# TODO(morbo): Document the annotations in a centralized place. E.g., the
+# README file.
+UNBREAKABLE = 1000 * 1000
+OR_TEST = 1000
+AND_TEST = 1100
+NOT_TEST = 1200
+STAR_EXPR = 1300
+EXPR = 1400
+XOR_EXPR = 1500
+AND_EXPR = 1700
+SHIFT_EXPR = 1800
+ARITH_EXPR = 1900
+TERM = 2000
+FACTOR = 2100
+POWER = 2200
+ATOM = 2300
+def ComputeSplitPenalties(tree):
+  """Compute split penalties on tokens in the given parse tree.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: the top-level pytree node to annotate with penalties.
+  """
+  _SplitPenaltyAssigner().Visit(tree)
+class _SplitPenaltyAssigner(pytree_visitor.PyTreeVisitor):
+  """Assigns split penalties to tokens, based on parse tree structure.
+  Split penalties are attached as annotations to tokens.
+  """
+  def Visit_import_as_names(self, node):  # pyline: disable=invalid-name
+    # import_as_names ::= import_as_name (',' import_as_name)* [',']
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    prev_child = None
+    for child in node.children:
+      if (prev_child and isinstance(prev_child, pytree.Leaf) and
+          prev_child.value == ','):
+        _SetSplitPenalty(child, style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_IMPORT_NAMES'))
+      prev_child = child
+  def Visit_classdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # classdef ::= 'class' NAME ['(' [arglist] ')'] ':' suite
+    #
+    # NAME
+    _SetUnbreakable(node.children[1])
+    if len(node.children) > 4:
+      # opening '('
+      _SetUnbreakable(node.children[2])
+    # ':'
+    _SetUnbreakable(node.children[-2])
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_funcdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # funcdef ::= 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite
+    #
+    # Can't break before the function name and before the colon. The parameters
+    # are handled by child iteration.
+    colon_idx = 1
+    while pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[colon_idx]) == 'simple_stmt':
+      colon_idx += 1
+    _SetUnbreakable(node.children[colon_idx])
+    arrow_idx = -1
+    while colon_idx < len(node.children):
+      if isinstance(node.children[colon_idx], pytree.Leaf):
+        if node.children[colon_idx].value == ':':
+          break
+        if node.children[colon_idx].value == '->':
+          arrow_idx = colon_idx
+      colon_idx += 1
+    _SetUnbreakable(node.children[colon_idx])
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    if arrow_idx > 0:
+      _SetSplitPenalty(
+          pytree_utils.LastLeafNode(node.children[arrow_idx - 1]), 0)
+      _SetUnbreakable(node.children[arrow_idx])
+      _SetStronglyConnected(node.children[arrow_idx + 1])
+  def Visit_lambdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # lambdef ::= 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
+    # Loop over the lambda up to and including the colon.
+    allow_multiline_lambdas = style.Get('ALLOW_MULTILINE_LAMBDAS')
+    if not allow_multiline_lambdas:
+      for child in node.children:
+        if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'COMMENT':
+          if'pylint:.*disable=.*\bg-long-lambda', child.value):
+            allow_multiline_lambdas = True
+            break
+    if allow_multiline_lambdas:
+      _SetStronglyConnected(node)
+    else:
+      self._SetUnbreakableOnChildren(node)
+  def Visit_parameters(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # parameters ::= '(' [typedargslist] ')'
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    # Can't break before the opening paren of a parameter list.
+    _SetUnbreakable(node.children[0])
+    if not style.Get('DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS'):
+      _SetStronglyConnected(node.children[-1])
+  def Visit_arglist(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # arglist ::= argument (',' argument)* [',']
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    index = 1
+    while index < len(node.children):
+      child = node.children[index]
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == ',':
+        _SetUnbreakable(child)
+      index += 1
+    for child in node.children:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'atom':
+        _IncreasePenalty(child, CONNECTED)
+  def Visit_argument(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # argument ::= test [comp_for] | test '=' test  # Really [keyword '='] test
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    index = 1
+    while index < len(node.children) - 1:
+      child = node.children[index]
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '=':
+        _SetSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index]), NAMED_ASSIGN)
+        _SetSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index + 1]), NAMED_ASSIGN)
+      index += 1
+  def Visit_tname(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # tname ::= NAME [':' test]
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    index = 1
+    while index < len(node.children) - 1:
+      child = node.children[index]
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == ':':
+        _SetSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index]), NAMED_ASSIGN)
+        _SetSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index + 1]), NAMED_ASSIGN)
+      index += 1
+  def Visit_dotted_name(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # dotted_name ::= NAME ('.' NAME)*
+    self._SetUnbreakableOnChildren(node)
+  def Visit_dictsetmaker(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # dictsetmaker ::= ( (test ':' test
+    #                      (comp_for | (',' test ':' test)* [','])) |
+    #                    (test (comp_for | (',' test)* [','])) )
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'COLON':
+        # This is a key to a dictionary. We don't want to split the key if at
+        # all possible.
+        _SetStronglyConnected(child)
+  def Visit_trailer(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # trailer ::= '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
+    if node.children[0].value == '.':
+      self._SetUnbreakableOnChildren(node)
+      _SetSplitPenalty(node.children[1], DOTTED_NAME)
+    elif len(node.children) == 2:
+      # Don't split an empty argument list if at all possible.
+      _SetSplitPenalty(node.children[1], VERY_STRONGLY_CONNECTED)
+    elif len(node.children) == 3:
+      name = pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[1])
+      if name in {'argument', 'comparison'}:
+        # Don't split an argument list with one element if at all possible.
+        _SetStronglyConnected(node.children[1])
+        if (len(node.children[1].children) > 1 and
+            pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[1].children[1]) == 'comp_for'):
+          # Don't penalize splitting before a comp_for expression.
+          _SetSplitPenalty(pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[1]), 0)
+        else:
+          _SetSplitPenalty(
+              pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[1]),
+              ONE_ELEMENT_ARGUMENT)
+      elif (pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[0]) == 'LSQB' and
+            len(node.children[1].children) > 2 and
+            (name.endswith('_test') or name.endswith('_expr'))):
+        _SetStronglyConnected(node.children[1].children[0])
+        _SetStronglyConnected(node.children[1].children[2])
+        # Still allow splitting around the operator.
+        split_before = ((name.endswith('_test') and
+                         style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_LOGICAL_OPERATOR')) or
+                        (name.endswith('_expr') and
+                         style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_BITWISE_OPERATOR')))
+        if split_before:
+          _SetSplitPenalty(
+              pytree_utils.LastLeafNode(node.children[1].children[1]), 0)
+        else:
+          _SetSplitPenalty(
+              pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[1].children[2]), 0)
+        # Don't split the ending bracket of a subscript list.
+        _SetVeryStronglyConnected(node.children[-1])
+      elif name not in {
+          'arglist', 'argument', 'term', 'or_test', 'and_test', 'comparison',
+          'atom', 'power'
+      }:
+        # Don't split an argument list with one element if at all possible.
+        _SetStronglyConnected(node.children[1], node.children[2])
+      if name == 'arglist':
+        _SetStronglyConnected(node.children[-1])
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_power(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring
+    # power ::= atom trailer* ['**' factor]
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    # When atom is followed by a trailer, we can not break between them.
+    # E.g. arr[idx] - no break allowed between 'arr' and '['.
+    if (len(node.children) > 1 and
+        pytree_utils.NodeName(node.children[1]) == 'trailer'):
+      # children[1] itself is a whole trailer: we don't want to
+      # mark all of it as unbreakable, only its first token: (, [ or .
+      _SetUnbreakable(node.children[1].children[0])
+      # A special case when there are more trailers in the sequence. Given:
+      #   atom tr1 tr2
+      # The last token of tr1 and the first token of tr2 comprise an unbreakable
+      # region. For example:
+      # We can't put breaks between either of the '.', '(', or '[' and the names
+      # *preceding* them.
+      prev_trailer_idx = 1
+      while prev_trailer_idx < len(node.children) - 1:
+        cur_trailer_idx = prev_trailer_idx + 1
+        cur_trailer = node.children[cur_trailer_idx]
+        if pytree_utils.NodeName(cur_trailer) == 'trailer':
+          # Now we know we have two trailers one after the other
+          prev_trailer = node.children[prev_trailer_idx]
+          if prev_trailer.children[-1].value != ')':
+            # Set the previous node unbreakable if it's not a function call:
+            #   atom tr1() tr2
+            # It may be necessary (though undesirable) to split up a previous
+            # function call's parentheses to the next line.
+            _SetStronglyConnected(prev_trailer.children[-1])
+          _SetStronglyConnected(cur_trailer.children[0])
+          prev_trailer_idx = cur_trailer_idx
+        else:
+          break
+    # We don't want to split before the last ')' of a function call. This also
+    # takes care of the special case of:
+    #   atom tr1 tr2 ... trn
+    # where the 'tr#' are trailers that may end in a ')'.
+    for trailer in node.children[1:]:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(trailer) != 'trailer':
+        break
+      if trailer.children[0].value in '([':
+        if len(trailer.children) > 2:
+          subtypes = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+              trailer.children[0], pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE)
+          if subtypes and format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET in subtypes:
+            _SetStronglyConnected(
+                pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(trailer.children[1]))
+          last_child_node = pytree_utils.LastLeafNode(trailer)
+          if last_child_node.value.strip().startswith('#'):
+            last_child_node = last_child_node.prev_sibling
+          if not style.Get('DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS'):
+            last = pytree_utils.LastLeafNode(last_child_node.prev_sibling)
+            if last.value != ',':
+              if last_child_node.value == ']':
+                _SetUnbreakable(last_child_node)
+              else:
+                _SetSplitPenalty(last_child_node, VERY_STRONGLY_CONNECTED)
+        else:
+          # If the trailer's children are '()', then make it a strongly
+          # connected region.  It's sometimes necessary, though undesirable, to
+          # split the two.
+          _SetStronglyConnected(trailer.children[-1])
+    # If the original source has a "builder" style calls, then we should allow
+    # the reformatter to retain that.
+    _AllowBuilderStyleCalls(node)
+  def Visit_subscript(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # subscript ::= test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
+    _SetStronglyConnected(*node.children)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_comp_for(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # comp_for ::= 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist_safe [comp_iter]
+    _SetSplitPenalty(pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node), 0)
+    _SetStronglyConnected(*node.children[1:])
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_comp_if(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # comp_if ::= 'if' old_test [comp_iter]
+    _SetSplitPenalty(node.children[0],
+                     style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_BEFORE_IF_EXPR'))
+    _SetStronglyConnected(*node.children[1:])
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_or_test(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # or_test ::= and_test ('or' and_test)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, OR_TEST)
+    index = 1
+    while index + 1 < len(node.children):
+        _DecrementSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index]), OR_TEST)
+      else:
+        _DecrementSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index + 1]), OR_TEST)
+      index += 2
+  def Visit_and_test(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # and_test ::= not_test ('and' not_test)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, AND_TEST)
+    index = 1
+    while index + 1 < len(node.children):
+        _DecrementSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index]), AND_TEST)
+      else:
+        _DecrementSplitPenalty(
+            pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index + 1]), AND_TEST)
+      index += 2
+  def Visit_not_test(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # not_test ::= 'not' not_test | comparison
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, NOT_TEST)
+  def Visit_comparison(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # comparison ::= expr (comp_op expr)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    if len(node.children) == 3 and _StronglyConnectedCompOp(node):
+      _SetSplitPenalty(
+          pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[1]), STRONGLY_CONNECTED)
+      _SetSplitPenalty(
+          pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[2]), STRONGLY_CONNECTED)
+    else:
+      _IncreasePenalty(node, COMPARISON)
+  def Visit_star_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # star_expr ::= '*' expr
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, STAR_EXPR)
+  def Visit_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # expr ::= xor_expr ('|' xor_expr)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, EXPR)
+    index = 1
+    while index < len(node.children) - 1:
+      child = node.children[index]
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '|':
+        if style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_BITWISE_OPERATOR'):
+          _SetSplitPenalty(child, style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_BITWISE_OPERATOR'))
+        else:
+          _SetSplitPenalty(
+              pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index + 1]),
+              style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_BITWISE_OPERATOR'))
+      index += 1
+  def Visit_xor_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # xor_expr ::= and_expr ('^' and_expr)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, XOR_EXPR)
+  def Visit_and_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # and_expr ::= shift_expr ('&' shift_expr)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, AND_EXPR)
+  def Visit_shift_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # shift_expr ::= arith_expr (('<<'|'>>') arith_expr)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, SHIFT_EXPR)
+  _ARITH_OPS = frozenset({'PLUS', 'MINUS'})
+  def Visit_arith_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # arith_expr ::= term (('+'|'-') term)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, ARITH_EXPR)
+    index = 1
+    while index < len(node.children) - 1:
+      child = node.children[index]
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) in self._ARITH_OPS:
+        next_node = pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index + 1])
+        _SetSplitPenalty(next_node, ARITH_EXPR)
+      index += 1
+  _TERM_OPS = frozenset({'STAR', 'AT', 'SLASH', 'PERCENT', 'DOUBLESLASH'})
+  def Visit_term(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # term ::= factor (('*'|'@'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, TERM)
+    index = 1
+    while index < len(node.children) - 1:
+      child = node.children[index]
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) in self._TERM_OPS:
+        next_node = pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[index + 1])
+        _SetSplitPenalty(next_node, TERM)
+      index += 1
+  def Visit_factor(self, node):  # pyline: disable=invalid-name
+    # factor ::= ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    _IncreasePenalty(node, FACTOR)
+  def Visit_atom(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # atom ::= ('(' [yield_expr|testlist_gexp] ')'
+    #           '[' [listmaker] ']' |
+    #           '{' [dictsetmaker] '}')
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    if node.children[0].value == '(':
+      if node.children[-1].value == ')':
+        if pytree_utils.NodeName(node.parent) == 'if_stmt':
+          _SetSplitPenalty(node.children[-1], STRONGLY_CONNECTED)
+        else:
+          if len(node.children) > 2:
+            _SetSplitPenalty(pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node.children[1]), EXPR)
+          _SetSplitPenalty(node.children[-1], ATOM)
+    elif node.children[0].value in '[{' and len(node.children) == 2:
+      # Keep empty containers together if we can.
+      _SetUnbreakable(node.children[-1])
+  def Visit_testlist_gexp(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+    prev_was_comma = False
+    for child in node.children:
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == ',':
+        _SetUnbreakable(child)
+        prev_was_comma = True
+      else:
+        if prev_was_comma:
+          _SetSplitPenalty(pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(child), 0)
+        prev_was_comma = False
+  ############################################################################
+  # Helper methods that set the annotations.
+  def _SetUnbreakableOnChildren(self, node):
+    """Set an UNBREAKABLE penalty annotation on children of node."""
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+    start = 2 if hasattr(node.children[0], 'is_pseudo') else 1
+    for i in py3compat.range(start, len(node.children)):
+      _SetUnbreakable(node.children[i])
+def _SetUnbreakable(node):
+  """Set an UNBREAKABLE penalty annotation for the given node."""
+  _RecAnnotate(node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY, UNBREAKABLE)
+def _SetStronglyConnected(*nodes):
+  """Set a STRONGLY_CONNECTED penalty annotation for the given nodes."""
+  for node in nodes:
+    _RecAnnotate(node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY,
+                 STRONGLY_CONNECTED)
+def _SetVeryStronglyConnected(*nodes):
+  """Set a VERY_STRONGLY_CONNECTED penalty annotation for the given nodes."""
+  for node in nodes:
+    _RecAnnotate(node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY,
+                 VERY_STRONGLY_CONNECTED)
+def _SetExpressionPenalty(node, penalty):
+  """Set a penalty annotation on children nodes."""
+  def RecExpression(node, first_child_leaf):
+    if node is first_child_leaf:
+      return
+    if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+      if node.value in {'(', 'for', 'if'}:
+        return
+      penalty_annotation = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+          node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY, default=0)
+      if penalty_annotation < penalty:
+        _SetSplitPenalty(node, penalty)
+    else:
+      for child in node.children:
+        RecExpression(child, first_child_leaf)
+  RecExpression(node, pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node))
+def _IncreasePenalty(node, amt):
+  """Increase a penalty annotation on children nodes."""
+  def RecExpression(node, first_child_leaf):
+    if node is first_child_leaf:
+      return
+    if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+      if node.value in {'(', 'for', 'if'}:
+        return
+      penalty = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+          node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY, default=0)
+      _SetSplitPenalty(node, penalty + amt)
+    else:
+      for child in node.children:
+        RecExpression(child, first_child_leaf)
+  RecExpression(node, pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node))
+def _RecAnnotate(tree, annotate_name, annotate_value):
+  """Recursively set the given annotation on all leafs of the subtree.
+  Takes care to only increase the penalty. If the node already has a higher
+  or equal penalty associated with it, this is a no-op.
+  Args:
+    tree: subtree to annotate
+    annotate_name: name of the annotation to set
+    annotate_value: value of the annotation to set
+  """
+  for child in tree.children:
+    _RecAnnotate(child, annotate_name, annotate_value)
+  if isinstance(tree, pytree.Leaf):
+    cur_annotate = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+        tree, annotate_name, default=0)
+    if cur_annotate < annotate_value:
+      pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(tree, annotate_name, annotate_value)
+def _StronglyConnectedCompOp(op):
+  if (len(op.children[1].children) == 2 and
+      pytree_utils.NodeName(op.children[1]) == 'comp_op' and
+      pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(op.children[1]).value == 'not' and
+      pytree_utils.LastLeafNode(op.children[1]).value == 'in'):
+    return True
+  if (isinstance(op.children[1], pytree.Leaf) and
+      op.children[1].value in {'==', 'in'}):
+    return True
+  return False
+def _DecrementSplitPenalty(node, amt):
+  penalty = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+      node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY, default=amt)
+  penalty = penalty - amt if amt < penalty else 0
+  _SetSplitPenalty(node, penalty)
+def _SetSplitPenalty(node, penalty):
+  pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY,
+                                 penalty)
+def _AllowBuilderStyleCalls(node):
+  """Allow splitting before '.' if it's a builder style function call."""
+  def RecGetLeaves(node):
+    if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+      return [node]
+    children = []
+    for child in node.children:
+      children += RecGetLeaves(child)
+    return children
+  list_of_children = RecGetLeaves(node)
+  prev_child = None
+  for child in list_of_children:
+    if child.value == '.':
+      if prev_child.lineno != child.lineno:
+        _SetSplitPenalty(child, 0)
+    prev_child = child
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6144246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Python formatting style settings."""
+import os
+import re
+import textwrap
+from yapf.yapflib import errors
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+class StyleConfigError(errors.YapfError):
+  """Raised when there's a problem reading the style configuration."""
+  pass
+def Get(setting_name):
+  """Get a style setting."""
+  return _style[setting_name]
+def Help():
+  """Return dict mapping style names to help strings."""
+  return _STYLE_HELP
+def SetGlobalStyle(style):
+  """Set a style dict."""
+  global _style
+  factory = _GetStyleFactory(style)
+  if factory:
+    _GLOBAL_STYLE_FACTORY = factory
+  _style = style
+_STYLE_HELP = dict(
+      Align closing bracket with visual indentation."""),
+    ALLOW_MULTILINE_LAMBDAS=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Allow lambdas to be formatted on more than one line."""),
+    ALLOW_MULTILINE_DICTIONARY_KEYS=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Allow dictionary keys to exist on multiple lines. For example:
+        x = {
+            ('this is the first element of a tuple',
+             'this is the second element of a tuple'):
+                 value,
+        }"""),
+    ALLOW_SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_VALUE=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Allow splits before the dictionary value."""),
+    BLANK_LINE_BEFORE_NESTED_CLASS_OR_DEF=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Insert a blank line before a 'def' or 'class' immediately nested
+      within another 'def' or 'class'. For example:
+        class Foo:
+                           # <------ this blank line
+          def method():
+            ..."""),
+    BLANK_LINE_BEFORE_CLASS_DOCSTRING=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Insert a blank line before a class-level docstring."""),
+    BLANK_LINE_BEFORE_MODULE_DOCSTRING=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Insert a blank line before a module docstring."""),
+      Number of blank lines surrounding top-level function and class
+      definitions."""),
+    COALESCE_BRACKETS=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Do not split consecutive brackets. Only relevant when
+      dedent_closing_brackets is set. For example:
+         call_func_that_takes_a_dict(
+             {
+                 'key1': 'value1',
+                 'key2': 'value2',
+             }
+         )
+      would reformat to:
+         call_func_that_takes_a_dict({
+             'key1': 'value1',
+             'key2': 'value2',
+         })"""),
+    COLUMN_LIMIT=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The column limit."""),
+    CONTINUATION_ALIGN_STYLE=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The style for continuation alignment. Possible values are:
+      - SPACE: Use spaces for continuation alignment. This is default behavior.
+      - FIXED: Use fixed number (CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH) of columns
+        (ie: CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH/INDENT_WIDTH tabs) for continuation
+        alignment.
+      - LESS: Slightly left if cannot vertically align continuation lines with
+        indent characters.
+      - VALIGN-RIGHT: Vertically align continuation lines with indent
+        characters. Slightly right (one more indent character) if cannot
+        vertically align continuation lines with indent characters.
+      For options FIXED, and VALIGN-RIGHT are only available when USE_TABS is
+      enabled."""),
+    CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Indent width used for line continuations."""),
+    DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Put closing brackets on a separate line, dedented, if the bracketed
+      expression can't fit in a single line. Applies to all kinds of brackets,
+      including function definitions and calls. For example:
+        config = {
+            'key1': 'value1',
+            'key2': 'value2',
+        }        # <--- this bracket is dedented and on a separate line
+        time_series = self.remote_client.query_entity_counters(
+            entity='dev3246.region1',
+            key='dns.query_latency_tcp',
+            transform=Transformation.AVERAGE(window=timedelta(seconds=60)),
+            start_ts=now()-timedelta(days=3),
+            end_ts=now(),
+        )        # <--- this bracket is dedented and on a separate line"""),
+    DISABLE_ENDING_COMMA_HEURISTIC=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Disable the heuristic which places each list element on a separate line
+      if the list is comma-terminated."""),
+    EACH_DICT_ENTRY_ON_SEPARATE_LINE=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Place each dictionary entry onto its own line."""),
+    I18N_COMMENT=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The regex for an i18n comment. The presence of this comment stops
+      reformatting of that line, because the comments are required to be
+      next to the string they translate."""),
+    I18N_FUNCTION_CALL=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The i18n function call names. The presence of this function stops
+      reformattting on that line, because the string it has cannot be moved
+      away from the i18n comment."""),
+    INDENT_DICTIONARY_VALUE=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Indent the dictionary value if it cannot fit on the same line as the
+      dictionary key. For example:
+        config = {
+            'key1':
+                'value1',
+            'key2': value1 +
+                    value2,
+        }"""),
+    INDENT_WIDTH=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The number of columns to use for indentation."""),
+    JOIN_MULTIPLE_LINES=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Join short lines into one line. E.g., single line 'if' statements."""),
+      Do not include spaces around selected binary operators. For example:
+        1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5
+      will be formatted as follows when configured with *,/:
+        1 + 2*3 - 4/5
+      """),
+      Insert a space between the ending comma and closing bracket of a list,
+      etc."""),
+    SPACES_AROUND_POWER_OPERATOR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Use spaces around the power operator."""),
+      Use spaces around default or named assigns."""),
+    SPACES_BEFORE_COMMENT=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The number of spaces required before a trailing comment."""),
+      Split before arguments if the argument list is terminated by a
+      comma."""),
+    SPLIT_ALL_COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Split before arguments"""),
+    SPLIT_BEFORE_BITWISE_OPERATOR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Set to True to prefer splitting before '&', '|' or '^' rather than
+      after."""),
+    SPLIT_BEFORE_CLOSING_BRACKET=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Split before the closing bracket if a list or dict literal doesn't fit on
+      a single line."""),
+    SPLIT_BEFORE_DICT_SET_GENERATOR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Split before a dictionary or set generator (comp_for). For example, note
+      the split before the 'for':
+        foo = {
+            variable: 'Hello world, have a nice day!'
+            for variable in bar if variable != 42
+        }"""),
+      Split after the opening paren which surrounds an expression if it doesn't
+      fit on a single line.
+      """),
+    SPLIT_BEFORE_FIRST_ARGUMENT=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      If an argument / parameter list is going to be split, then split before
+      the first argument."""),
+    SPLIT_BEFORE_LOGICAL_OPERATOR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Set to True to prefer splitting before 'and' or 'or' rather than
+      after."""),
+    SPLIT_BEFORE_NAMED_ASSIGNS=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Split named assignments onto individual lines."""),
+    SPLIT_COMPLEX_COMPREHENSION=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Set to True to split list comprehensions and generators that have
+      non-trivial expressions and multiple clauses before each of these
+      clauses. For example:
+        result = [
+            a_long_var + 100 for a_long_var in xrange(1000)
+            if a_long_var % 10]
+      would reformat to something like:
+        result = [
+            a_long_var + 100
+            for a_long_var in xrange(1000)
+            if a_long_var % 10]
+      """),
+      The penalty for splitting right after the opening bracket."""),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_AFTER_UNARY_OPERATOR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty for splitting the line after a unary operator."""),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_BEFORE_IF_EXPR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty for splitting right before an if expression."""),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_BITWISE_OPERATOR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty of splitting the line around the '&', '|', and '^'
+      operators."""),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_COMPREHENSION=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty for splitting a list comprehension or generator
+      expression."""),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_EXCESS_CHARACTER=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty for characters over the column limit."""),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_FOR_ADDED_LINE_SPLIT=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty incurred by adding a line split to the unwrapped line. The
+      more line splits added the higher the penalty."""),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_IMPORT_NAMES=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty of splitting a list of "import as" names. For example:
+        from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yad import (long_argument_1,
+                                                                  long_argument_2,
+                                                                  long_argument_3)
+      would reformat to something like:
+        from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yad import (
+            long_argument_1, long_argument_2, long_argument_3)
+      """),
+    SPLIT_PENALTY_LOGICAL_OPERATOR=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      The penalty of splitting the line around the 'and' and 'or'
+      operators."""),
+    USE_TABS=textwrap.dedent("""\
+      Use the Tab character for indentation."""),
+    # BASED_ON_STYLE='Which predefined style this style is based on',
+def CreatePEP8Style():
+  return dict(
+      COLUMN_LIMIT=79,
+      I18N_COMMENT='',
+      I18N_FUNCTION_CALL='',
+      INDENT_WIDTH=4,
+      USE_TABS=False,
+  )
+def CreateGoogleStyle():
+  style = CreatePEP8Style()
+  style['COLUMN_LIMIT'] = 80
+  style['INDENT_WIDTH'] = 4
+  style['I18N_COMMENT'] = r'#\..*'
+  style['I18N_FUNCTION_CALL'] = ['N_', '_']
+  return style
+def CreateChromiumStyle():
+  style = CreateGoogleStyle()
+  style['INDENT_WIDTH'] = 2
+  style['JOIN_MULTIPLE_LINES'] = False
+  return style
+def CreateFacebookStyle():
+  style = CreatePEP8Style()
+  style['COLUMN_LIMIT'] = 80
+  style['JOIN_MULTIPLE_LINES'] = False
+  return style
+    pep8=CreatePEP8Style,
+    chromium=CreateChromiumStyle,
+    google=CreateGoogleStyle,
+    facebook=CreateFacebookStyle,
+    (CreateChromiumStyle(), CreateChromiumStyle),
+    (CreateFacebookStyle(), CreateFacebookStyle),
+    (CreateGoogleStyle(), CreateGoogleStyle),
+    (CreatePEP8Style(), CreatePEP8Style),
+def _GetStyleFactory(style):
+  for def_style, factory in _DEFAULT_STYLE_TO_FACTORY:
+    if style == def_style:
+      return factory
+  return None
+def _ContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter(s):
+  """Option value converter for a continuation align style string."""
+  accepted_styles = ('SPACE', 'FIXED', 'VALIGN-RIGHT')
+  if s:
+    r = s.upper()
+    if r not in accepted_styles:
+      raise ValueError('unknown continuation align style: %r' % (s,))
+  else:
+    r = accepted_styles[0]
+  return r
+def _StringListConverter(s):
+  """Option value converter for a comma-separated list of strings."""
+  return [part.strip() for part in s.split(',')]
+def _StringSetConverter(s):
+  """Option value converter for a comma-separated set of strings."""
+  return set(part.strip() for part in s.split(','))
+def _BoolConverter(s):
+  """Option value converter for a boolean."""
+  return py3compat.CONFIGPARSER_BOOLEAN_STATES[s.lower()]
+# Different style options need to have their values interpreted differently when
+# read from the config file. This dict maps an option name to a "converter"
+# function that accepts the string read for the option's value from the file and
+# returns it wrapper in actual Python type that's going to be meaningful to
+# yapf.
+# Note: this dict has to map all the supported style options.
+    COALESCE_BRACKETS=_BoolConverter,
+    COLUMN_LIMIT=int,
+    CONTINUATION_ALIGN_STYLE=_ContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter,
+    I18N_COMMENT=str,
+    I18N_FUNCTION_CALL=_StringListConverter,
+    INDENT_WIDTH=int,
+    JOIN_MULTIPLE_LINES=_BoolConverter,
+    USE_TABS=_BoolConverter,
+def CreateStyleFromConfig(style_config):
+  """Create a style dict from the given config.
+  Arguments:
+    style_config: either a style name or a file name. The file is expected to
+      contain settings. It can have a special BASED_ON_STYLE setting naming the
+      style which it derives from. If no such setting is found, it derives from
+      the default style. When style_config is None, the _GLOBAL_STYLE_FACTORY
+      config is created.
+  Returns:
+    A style dict.
+  Raises:
+    StyleConfigError: if an unknown style option was encountered.
+  """
+  def GlobalStyles():
+    for style, _ in _DEFAULT_STYLE_TO_FACTORY:
+      yield style
+  def_style = False
+  if style_config is None:
+    for style in GlobalStyles():
+      if _style == style:
+        def_style = True
+        break
+    if not def_style:
+      return _style
+  if isinstance(style_config, dict):
+    config = _CreateConfigParserFromConfigDict(style_config)
+  elif isinstance(style_config, py3compat.basestring):
+    style_factory = _STYLE_NAME_TO_FACTORY.get(style_config.lower())
+    if style_factory is not None:
+      return style_factory()
+    if style_config.startswith('{'):
+      # Most likely a style specification from the command line.
+      config = _CreateConfigParserFromConfigString(style_config)
+    else:
+      # Unknown config name: assume it's a file name then.
+      config = _CreateConfigParserFromConfigFile(style_config)
+  return _CreateStyleFromConfigParser(config)
+def _CreateConfigParserFromConfigDict(config_dict):
+  config = py3compat.ConfigParser()
+  config.add_section('style')
+  for key, value in config_dict.items():
+    config.set('style', key, str(value))
+  return config
+def _CreateConfigParserFromConfigString(config_string):
+  """Given a config string from the command line, return a config parser."""
+  if config_string[0] != '{' or config_string[-1] != '}':
+    raise StyleConfigError(
+        "Invalid style dict syntax: '{}'.".format(config_string))
+  config = py3compat.ConfigParser()
+  config.add_section('style')
+  for key, value in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*[:=]\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)',
+                               config_string):
+    config.set('style', key, value)
+  return config
+def _CreateConfigParserFromConfigFile(config_filename):
+  """Read the file and return a ConfigParser object."""
+  if not os.path.exists(config_filename):
+    # Provide a more meaningful error here.
+    raise StyleConfigError(
+        '"{0}" is not a valid style or file path'.format(config_filename))
+  with open(config_filename) as style_file:
+    config = py3compat.ConfigParser()
+    config.read_file(style_file)
+    if config_filename.endswith(SETUP_CONFIG):
+      if not config.has_section('yapf'):
+        raise StyleConfigError(
+            'Unable to find section [yapf] in {0}'.format(config_filename))
+    elif config_filename.endswith(LOCAL_STYLE):
+      if not config.has_section('style'):
+        raise StyleConfigError(
+            'Unable to find section [style] in {0}'.format(config_filename))
+    else:
+      if not config.has_section('style'):
+        raise StyleConfigError(
+            'Unable to find section [style] in {0}'.format(config_filename))
+    return config
+def _CreateStyleFromConfigParser(config):
+  """Create a style dict from a configuration file.
+  Arguments:
+    config: a ConfigParser object.
+  Returns:
+    A style dict.
+  Raises:
+    StyleConfigError: if an unknown style option was encountered.
+  """
+  # Initialize the base style.
+  section = 'yapf' if config.has_section('yapf') else 'style'
+  if config.has_option('style', 'based_on_style'):
+    based_on = config.get('style', 'based_on_style').lower()
+    base_style = _STYLE_NAME_TO_FACTORY[based_on]()
+  elif config.has_option('yapf', 'based_on_style'):
+    based_on = config.get('yapf', 'based_on_style').lower()
+    base_style = _STYLE_NAME_TO_FACTORY[based_on]()
+  else:
+    base_style = _GLOBAL_STYLE_FACTORY()
+  # Read all options specified in the file and update the style.
+  for option, value in config.items(section):
+    if option.lower() == 'based_on_style':
+      # Now skip this one - we've already handled it and it's not one of the
+      # recognized style options.
+      continue
+    option = option.upper()
+    if option not in _STYLE_OPTION_VALUE_CONVERTER:
+      raise StyleConfigError('Unknown style option "{0}"'.format(option))
+    try:
+      base_style[option] = _STYLE_OPTION_VALUE_CONVERTER[option](value)
+    except ValueError:
+      raise StyleConfigError("'{}' is not a valid setting for {}.".format(
+          value, option))
+  return base_style
+# The default style - used if yapf is not invoked without specifically
+# requesting a formatting style.
+# The name of the file to use for global style definition.
+    os.path.join(
+        os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') or os.path.expanduser('~/.config'), 'yapf',
+        'style'))
+# The name of the file to use for directory-local style definition.
+LOCAL_STYLE = '.style.yapf'
+# Alternative place for directory-local style definition. Style should be
+# specified in the '[yapf]' section.
+SETUP_CONFIG = 'setup.cfg'
+# TODO(eliben): For now we're preserving the global presence of a style dict.
+# Refactor this so that the style is passed around through yapf rather than
+# being global.
+_style = None
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf3d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Subtype assigner for lib2to3 trees.
+This module assigns extra type information to the lib2to3 trees. This
+information is more specific than whether something is an operator or an
+identifier. For instance, it can specify if a node in the tree is part of a
+  AssignSubtypes(): the main function exported by this module.
+  subtype: The subtype of a pytree token. See 'format_token' module for a list
+      of subtypes.
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from lib2to3.pygram import python_symbols as syms
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+def AssignSubtypes(tree):
+  """Run the subtype assigner visitor over the tree, modifying it in place.
+  Arguments:
+    tree: the top-level pytree node to annotate with subtypes.
+  """
+  subtype_assigner = _SubtypeAssigner()
+  subtype_assigner.Visit(tree)
+# Map tokens in argument lists to their respective subtype.
+    '=': format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN,
+    ':': format_token.Subtype.TYPED_NAME,
+    '*': format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_STAR,
+    '**': format_token.Subtype.KWARGS_STAR_STAR,
+class _SubtypeAssigner(pytree_visitor.PyTreeVisitor):
+  """_SubtypeAssigner - see file-level docstring for detailed description.
+  The subtype is added as an annotation to the pytree token.
+  """
+  def Visit_dictsetmaker(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # dictsetmaker ::= (test ':' test (comp_for |
+    #                                   (',' test ':' test)* [','])) |
+    #                  (test (comp_for | (',' test)* [',']))
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+    comp_for = False
+    dict_maker = False
+    for child in node.children:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'comp_for':
+        comp_for = True
+        _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(child,
+                                     format_token.Subtype.DICT_SET_GENERATOR)
+      elif pytree_utils.NodeName(child) in ('COLON', 'DOUBLESTAR'):
+        dict_maker = True
+    if not comp_for and dict_maker:
+      last_was_colon = False
+      unpacking = False
+      for child in node.children:
+        if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'DOUBLESTAR':
+          _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(child,
+                                       format_token.Subtype.KWARGS_STAR_STAR)
+        if last_was_colon:
+          if style.Get('INDENT_DICTIONARY_VALUE'):
+            _InsertPseudoParentheses(child)
+          else:
+            _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(child,
+                                         format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE)
+        elif (isinstance(child, pytree.Node) or
+              (not child.value.startswith('#') and child.value not in '{:,')):
+          # Mark the first leaf of a key entry as a DICTIONARY_KEY. We
+          # normally want to split before them if the dictionary cannot exist
+          # on a single line.
+          if not unpacking or pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(child).value == '**':
+            _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(child,
+                                         format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY)
+          _AppendSubtypeRec(child, format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY_PART)
+        last_was_colon = pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'COLON'
+        if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'DOUBLESTAR':
+          unpacking = True
+        elif last_was_colon:
+          unpacking = False
+  def Visit_expr_stmt(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # expr_stmt ::= testlist_star_expr (augassign (yield_expr|testlist)
+    #               | ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*)
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '=':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.ASSIGN_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_or_test(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # or_test ::= and_test ('or' and_test)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == 'or':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_and_test(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # and_test ::= not_test ('and' not_test)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == 'and':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_not_test(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # not_test ::= 'not' not_test | comparison
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == 'not':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_comparison(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # comparison ::= expr (comp_op expr)*
+    # comp_op ::= '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not in'|'is'|'is not'
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if (isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and
+          child.value in {'<', '>', '==', '>=', '<=', '<>', '!=', 'in', 'is'}):
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+      elif pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'comp_op':
+        for grandchild in child.children:
+          _AppendTokenSubtype(grandchild, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_star_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # star_expr ::= '*' expr
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '*':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR)
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_STAR)
+  def Visit_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # expr ::= xor_expr ('|' xor_expr)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '|':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_xor_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # xor_expr ::= and_expr ('^' and_expr)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '^':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_and_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # and_expr ::= shift_expr ('&' shift_expr)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '&':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_shift_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # shift_expr ::= arith_expr (('<<'|'>>') arith_expr)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value in {'<<', '>>'}:
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_arith_expr(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # arith_expr ::= term (('+'|'-') term)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value in '+-':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_term(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # term ::= factor (('*'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if (isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and
+          child.value in {'*', '/', '%', '//'}):
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_factor(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # factor ::= ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value in '+-~':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_power(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # power ::= atom trailer* ['**' factor]
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '**':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+  def Visit_trailer(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value in '[]':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET)
+  def Visit_subscript(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # subscript ::= test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == ':':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_COLON)
+  def Visit_sliceop(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # sliceop ::= ':' [test]
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == ':':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_COLON)
+  def Visit_argument(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # argument ::=
+    #     test [comp_for] | test '=' test
+    self._ProcessArgLists(node)
+  def Visit_arglist(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # arglist ::=
+    #     (argument ',')* (argument [',']
+    #                     | '*' test (',' argument)* [',' '**' test]
+    #                     | '**' test)
+    self._ProcessArgLists(node)
+    _SetArgListSubtype(node, format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN,
+                       format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST)
+  def Visit_tname(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    self._ProcessArgLists(node)
+    _SetArgListSubtype(node, format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN,
+                       format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST)
+  def Visit_decorator(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # decorator ::=
+    #     '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
+    for child in node.children:
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '@':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, subtype=format_token.Subtype.DECORATOR)
+      self.Visit(child)
+  def Visit_funcdef(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # funcdef ::=
+    #     'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite
+    for child in node.children:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'NAME' and child.value != 'def':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.FUNC_DEF)
+        break
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+  def Visit_typedargslist(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # typedargslist ::=
+    #     ((tfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
+    #          ('*' [tname] (',' tname ['=' test])* [',' '**' tname]
+    #           | '**' tname)
+    #     | tfpdef ['=' test] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
+    self._ProcessArgLists(node)
+    _SetArgListSubtype(node, format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN,
+                       format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST)
+    tname = False
+    for child in node.children:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) == 'tname':
+        tname = True
+        _SetArgListSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.TYPED_NAME,
+                           format_token.Subtype.TYPED_NAME_ARG_LIST)
+      if not isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf):
+        continue
+      if child.value == ',':
+        tname = False
+      elif child.value == '=' and tname:
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, subtype=format_token.Subtype.TYPED_NAME)
+        tname = False
+  def Visit_varargslist(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # varargslist ::=
+    #     ((vfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
+    #          ('*' [vname] (',' vname ['=' test])*  [',' '**' vname]
+    #           | '**' vname)
+    #      | vfpdef ['=' test] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
+    self._ProcessArgLists(node)
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf) and child.value == '=':
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(child, format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_LIST)
+  def Visit_comp_for(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # comp_for ::= 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist_safe [comp_iter]
+    _AppendSubtypeRec(node, format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR)
+    # Mark the previous node as COMP_EXPR unless this is a nested comprehension
+    # as these will have the outer comprehension as their previous node.
+    attr = pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(node.parent,
+                                          pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE)
+    if not attr or format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR not in attr:
+      _AppendSubtypeRec(node.parent.children[0], format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def Visit_comp_if(self, node):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    # comp_if ::= 'if' old_test [comp_iter]
+    _AppendSubtypeRec(node, format_token.Subtype.COMP_IF)
+    self.DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def _ProcessArgLists(self, node):
+    """Common method for processing argument lists."""
+    for child in node.children:
+      self.Visit(child)
+      if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf):
+        _AppendTokenSubtype(
+            child,
+            subtype=_ARGLIST_TOKEN_TO_SUBTYPE.get(child.value,
+                                                  format_token.Subtype.NONE))
+def _SetArgListSubtype(node, node_subtype, list_subtype):
+  """Set named assign subtype on elements in a arg list."""
+  def HasSubtype(node):
+    """Return True if the arg list has a named assign subtype."""
+    if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+      if node_subtype in pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+          node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE, set()):
+        return True
+      return False
+    has_subtype = False
+    for child in node.children:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) != 'arglist':
+        has_subtype |= HasSubtype(child)
+    return has_subtype
+  if HasSubtype(node):
+    for child in node.children:
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(child) != 'COMMA':
+        _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(child, list_subtype)
+def _AppendTokenSubtype(node, subtype):
+  """Append the token's subtype only if it's not already set."""
+  pytree_utils.AppendNodeAnnotation(node, pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE,
+                                    subtype)
+def _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(node, subtype):
+  """Append the first leaf token's subtypes."""
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+    _AppendTokenSubtype(node, subtype)
+    return
+  _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(node.children[0], subtype)
+def _AppendSubtypeRec(node, subtype, force=True):
+  """Append the leafs in the node to the given subtype."""
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Leaf):
+    _AppendTokenSubtype(node, subtype)
+    return
+  for child in node.children:
+    _AppendSubtypeRec(child, subtype, force=force)
+def _InsertPseudoParentheses(node):
+  """Insert pseudo parentheses so that dicts can be formatted correctly."""
+  comment_node = None
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Node):
+    if node.children[-1].type == token.COMMENT:
+      comment_node = node.children[-1].clone()
+      node.children[-1].remove()
+  first = pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node)
+  last = pytree_utils.LastLeafNode(node)
+  if first == last and first.type == token.COMMENT:
+    # A comment was inserted before the value, which is a pytree.Leaf.
+    # Encompass the dictionary's value into an ATOM node.
+    last = first.next_sibling
+    new_node = pytree.Node(syms.atom, [first.clone(), last.clone()])
+    node.replace(new_node)
+    node = new_node
+    last.remove()
+    first = pytree_utils.FirstLeafNode(node)
+    last = pytree_utils.LastLeafNode(node)
+  lparen = pytree.Leaf(
+      token.LPAR, u'(', context=('', (first.get_lineno(), first.column - 1)))
+  last_lineno = last.get_lineno()
+  if last.type == token.STRING and '\n' in last.value:
+    last_lineno += last.value.count('\n')
+  if last.type == token.STRING and '\n' in last.value:
+    last_column = len(last.value.split('\n')[-1]) + 1
+  else:
+    last_column = last.column + len(last.value) + 1
+  rparen = pytree.Leaf(
+      token.RPAR, u')', context=('', (last_lineno, last_column)))
+  lparen.is_pseudo = True
+  rparen.is_pseudo = True
+  if isinstance(node, pytree.Node):
+    node.insert_child(0, lparen)
+    node.append_child(rparen)
+    if comment_node:
+      node.append_child(comment_node)
+    _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(node, format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE)
+  else:
+    clone = node.clone()
+    new_node = pytree.Node(syms.atom, [lparen, clone, rparen])
+    node.replace(new_node)
+    _AppendFirstLeafTokenSubtype(clone, format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE)
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b986e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""UnwrappedLine primitive for formatting.
+An unwrapped line is the containing data structure produced by the parser. It
+collects all nodes (stored in FormatToken objects) that could appear on a
+single line if there were no line length restrictions. It's then used by the
+parser to perform the wrapping required to comply with the style guide.
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+class UnwrappedLine(object):
+  """Represents a single unwrapped line in the output.
+  Attributes:
+    depth: indentation depth of this line. This is just a numeric value used to
+      distinguish lines that are more deeply nested than others. It is not the
+      actual amount of spaces, which is style-dependent.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, depth, tokens=None):
+    """Constructor.
+    Creates a new unwrapped line with the given depth an initial list of tokens.
+    Constructs the doubly-linked lists for format tokens using their built-in
+    next_token and previous_token attributes.
+    Arguments:
+      depth: indentation depth of this line
+      tokens: initial list of tokens
+    """
+    self.depth = depth
+    self._tokens = tokens or []
+    self.disable = False
+    if self._tokens:
+      # Set up a doubly linked list.
+      for index, tok in enumerate(self._tokens[1:]):
+        # Note, 'index' is the index to the previous token.
+        tok.previous_token = self._tokens[index]
+        self._tokens[index].next_token = tok
+  def CalculateFormattingInformation(self):
+    """Calculate the split penalty and total length for the tokens."""
+    # Say that the first token in the line should have a space before it. This
+    # means only that if this unwrapped line is joined with a predecessor line,
+    # then there will be a space between them.
+    self.first.spaces_required_before = 1
+    self.first.total_length = len(self.first.value)
+    prev_token = self.first
+    prev_length = self.first.total_length
+    for token in self._tokens[1:]:
+      if (token.spaces_required_before == 0 and
+          _SpaceRequiredBetween(prev_token, token)):
+        token.spaces_required_before = 1
+      tok_len = len(token.value) if not token.is_pseudo_paren else 0
+      token.total_length = prev_length + tok_len + token.spaces_required_before
+      # The split penalty has to be computed before {must|can}_break_before,
+      # because these may use it for their decision.
+      token.split_penalty += _SplitPenalty(prev_token, token)
+      token.must_break_before = _MustBreakBefore(prev_token, token)
+      token.can_break_before = (
+          token.must_break_before or _CanBreakBefore(prev_token, token))
+      prev_length = token.total_length
+      prev_token = token
+  def Split(self):
+    """Split the line at semicolons."""
+    if not self.has_semicolon or self.disable:
+      return [self]
+    uwlines = []
+    uwline = UnwrappedLine(self.depth)
+    for tok in self._tokens:
+      if tok.value == ';':
+        uwlines.append(uwline)
+        uwline = UnwrappedLine(self.depth)
+      else:
+        uwline.AppendToken(tok)
+    if uwline.tokens:
+      uwlines.append(uwline)
+    for uwline in uwlines:
+      pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(uwline.first.node,
+                                     pytree_utils.Annotation.MUST_SPLIT, True)
+      uwline.first.previous_token = None
+      uwline.last.next_token = None
+    return uwlines
+  ############################################################################
+  # Token Access and Manipulation Methods                                    #
+  ############################################################################
+  def AppendToken(self, token):
+    """Append a new FormatToken to the tokens contained in this line."""
+    if self._tokens:
+      token.previous_token = self.last
+      self.last.next_token = token
+    self._tokens.append(token)
+  def AppendNode(self, node):
+    """Convenience method to append a pytree node directly.
+    Wraps the node with a FormatToken.
+    Arguments:
+      node: the node to append
+    """
+    self.AppendToken(format_token.FormatToken(node))
+  @property
+  def first(self):
+    """Returns the first non-whitespace token."""
+    return self._tokens[0]
+  @property
+  def last(self):
+    """Returns the last non-whitespace token."""
+    return self._tokens[-1]
+  ############################################################################
+  # Token -> String Methods                                                  #
+  ############################################################################
+  def AsCode(self, indent_per_depth=2):
+    """Return a "code" representation of this line.
+    The code representation shows how the line would be printed out as code.
+    TODO(eliben): for now this is rudimentary for debugging - once we add
+    formatting capabilities, this method will have other uses (not all tokens
+    have spaces around them, for example).
+    Arguments:
+      indent_per_depth: how much spaces to indend per depth level.
+    Returns:
+      A string representing the line as code.
+    """
+    indent = ' ' * indent_per_depth * self.depth
+    tokens_str = ' '.join(tok.value for tok in self._tokens)
+    return indent + tokens_str
+  def __str__(self):  # pragma: no cover
+    return self.AsCode()
+  def __repr__(self):  # pragma: no cover
+    tokens_repr = ','.join(
+        ['{0}({1!r})'.format(, tok.value) for tok in self._tokens])
+    return 'UnwrappedLine(depth={0}, tokens=[{1}])'.format(
+        self.depth, tokens_repr)
+  ############################################################################
+  # Properties                                                               #
+  ############################################################################
+  @property
+  def tokens(self):
+    """Access the tokens contained within this line.
+    The caller must not modify the tokens list returned by this method.
+    Returns:
+      List of tokens in this line.
+    """
+    return self._tokens
+  @property
+  def lineno(self):
+    """Return the line number of this unwrapped line.
+    Returns:
+      The line number of the first token in this unwrapped line.
+    """
+    return self.first.lineno
+  @property
+  def is_comment(self):
+    return self.first.is_comment
+  @property
+  def has_semicolon(self):
+    return any(tok.value == ';' for tok in self._tokens)
+def _IsIdNumberStringToken(tok):
+  return tok.is_keyword or tok.is_name or tok.is_number or tok.is_string
+def _IsUnaryOperator(tok):
+  return format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR in tok.subtypes
+def _SpaceRequiredBetween(left, right):
+  """Return True if a space is required between the left and right token."""
+  lval = left.value
+  rval = right.value
+  if (left.is_pseudo_paren and _IsIdNumberStringToken(right) and
+      left.previous_token and _IsIdNumberStringToken(left.previous_token)):
+    # Space between keyword... tokens and pseudo parens.
+    return True
+  if left.is_pseudo_paren or right.is_pseudo_paren:
+    # There should be a space after the ':' in a dictionary.
+    if left.OpensScope():
+      return True
+    # The closing pseudo-paren shouldn't affect spacing.
+    return False
+  if left.is_continuation or right.is_continuation:
+    # The continuation node's value has all of the spaces it needs.
+    return False
+  if in pytree_utils.NONSEMANTIC_TOKENS:
+    # No space before a non-semantic token.
+    return False
+  if _IsIdNumberStringToken(left) and _IsIdNumberStringToken(right):
+    # Spaces between keyword, string, number, and identifier tokens.
+    return True
+  if lval == ',' and rval == ':':
+    # We do want a space between a comma and colon.
+    return True
+  if rval in ':,':
+    # Otherwise, we never want a space before a colon or comma.
+    return False
+  if lval == ',' and rval in ']})':
+    # Add a space between ending ',' and closing bracket if requested.
+  if lval == ',':
+    # We want a space after a comma.
+    return True
+  if lval == 'from' and rval == '.':
+    # Space before the '.' in an import statement.
+    return True
+  if lval == '.' and rval == 'import':
+    # Space after the '.' in an import statement.
+    return True
+  if (lval == '=' and rval == '.' and
+      format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN not in left.subtypes):
+    # Space between equal and '.' as in "X = ...".
+    return True
+  if ((right.is_keyword or right.is_name) and
+      (left.is_keyword or left.is_name)):
+    # Don't merge two keywords/identifiers.
+    return True
+  if (format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_COLON in left.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_COLON in right.subtypes):
+    # A subscript shouldn't have spaces separating its colons.
+    return False
+  if (format_token.Subtype.TYPED_NAME in left.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.TYPED_NAME in right.subtypes):
+    # A typed argument should have a space after the colon.
+    return True
+  if left.is_string:
+    if (rval == '=' and
+        format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST in right.subtypes
+       ):
+      # If there is a type hint, then we don't want to add a space between the
+      # equal sign and the hint.
+      return False
+    if rval not in '[)]}.':
+      # A string followed by something other than a subscript, closing bracket,
+      # or dot should have a space after it.
+      return True
+  if left.is_binary_op and lval != '**' and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+    # Space between the binary operator and the unary operator.
+    return True
+  if left.is_keyword and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+    # Handle things like "not -3 < x".
+    return True
+  if _IsUnaryOperator(left) and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+    # No space between two unary operators.
+    return False
+  if left.is_binary_op or right.is_binary_op:
+    if lval == '**' or rval == '**':
+      # Space around the "power" operator.
+      return style.Get('SPACES_AROUND_POWER_OPERATOR')
+    # Enforce spaces around binary operators except the blacklisted ones.
+    return lval not in blacklist and rval not in blacklist
+  if (_IsUnaryOperator(left) and lval != 'not' and
+      (right.is_name or right.is_number or rval == '(')):
+    # The previous token was a unary op. No space is desired between it and
+    # the current token.
+    return False
+  if (format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in left.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in right.subtypes):
+    # A named argument or default parameter shouldn't have spaces around it.
+  if (format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_LIST in left.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_LIST in right.subtypes):
+    return False
+  if (format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_STAR in left.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.KWARGS_STAR_STAR in left.subtypes):
+    # Don't add a space after a vararg's star or a keyword's star-star.
+    return False
+  if lval == '@' and format_token.Subtype.DECORATOR in left.subtypes:
+    # Decorators shouldn't be separated from the 'at' sign.
+    return False
+  if left.is_keyword and rval == '.' or lval == '.' and right.is_keyword:
+    # Add space between keywords and dots.
+    return lval != 'None'
+  if lval == '.' or rval == '.':
+    # Don't place spaces between dots.
+    return False
+  if ((lval == '(' and rval == ')') or (lval == '[' and rval == ']') or
+      (lval == '{' and rval == '}')):
+    # Empty objects shouldn't be separated by spaces.
+    return False
+  if (lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and
+      rval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS):
+    # Nested objects' opening brackets shouldn't be separated.
+    return False
+  if (lval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS and
+      rval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS):
+    # Nested objects' closing brackets shouldn't be separated.
+    return False
+  if lval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS and rval in '([':
+    # A call, set, dictionary, or subscript that has a call or subscript after
+    # it shouldn't have a space between them.
+    return False
+  if lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and _IsIdNumberStringToken(right):
+    # Don't separate the opening bracket from the first item.
+    return False
+  if left.is_name and rval in '([':
+    # Don't separate a call or array access from the name.
+    return False
+  if rval in pytree_utils.CLOSING_BRACKETS:
+    # Don't separate the closing bracket from the last item.
+    # FIXME(morbo): This might be too permissive.
+    return False
+  if lval == 'print' and rval == '(':
+    # Special support for the 'print' function.
+    return False
+  if lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and _IsUnaryOperator(right):
+    # Don't separate a unary operator from the opening bracket.
+    return False
+  if (lval in pytree_utils.OPENING_BRACKETS and
+      (format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_STAR in right.subtypes or
+       format_token.Subtype.KWARGS_STAR_STAR in right.subtypes)):
+    # Don't separate a '*' or '**' from the opening bracket.
+    return False
+  if rval == ';':
+    # Avoid spaces before a semicolon. (Why is there a semicolon?!)
+    return False
+  if lval == '(' and rval == 'await':
+    # Special support for the 'await' keyword. Don't separate the 'await'
+    # keyword from an opening paren.
+    return False
+  return True
+def _MustBreakBefore(prev_token, cur_token):
+  """Return True if a line break is required before the current token."""
+  if prev_token.is_comment or (prev_token.previous_token and
+                               prev_token.is_pseudo_paren and
+                               prev_token.previous_token.is_comment):
+    # Must break if the previous token was a comment.
+    return True
+  if (cur_token.is_string and prev_token.is_string and
+      IsSurroundedByBrackets(cur_token)):
+    # We want consecutive strings to be on separate lines. This is a
+    # reasonable assumption, because otherwise they should have written them
+    # all on the same line, or with a '+'.
+    return True
+  return pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+      cur_token.node, pytree_utils.Annotation.MUST_SPLIT, default=False)
+def _CanBreakBefore(prev_token, cur_token):
+  """Return True if a line break may occur before the current token."""
+  pval = prev_token.value
+  cval = cur_token.value
+  if py3compat.PY3:
+    if pval == 'yield' and cval == 'from':
+      # Don't break before a yield argument.
+      return False
+    if pval in {'async', 'await'} and cval in {'def', 'with', 'for'}:
+      # Don't break after sync keywords.
+      return False
+  if cur_token.split_penalty >= split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE:
+    return False
+  if pval == '@':
+    # Don't break right after the beginning of a decorator.
+    return False
+  if cval == ':':
+    # Don't break before the start of a block of code.
+    return False
+  if cval == ',':
+    # Don't break before a comma.
+    return False
+  if prev_token.is_name and cval == '(':
+    # Don't break in the middle of a function definition or call.
+    return False
+  if prev_token.is_name and cval == '[':
+    # Don't break in the middle of an array dereference.
+    return False
+  if prev_token.is_name and cval == '.':
+    # Don't break before the '.' in a dotted name.
+    return False
+  if cur_token.is_comment and prev_token.lineno == cur_token.lineno:
+    # Don't break a comment at the end of the line.
+    return False
+  if format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR in prev_token.subtypes:
+    # Don't break after a unary token.
+    return False
+  return True
+def IsSurroundedByBrackets(tok):
+  """Return True if the token is surrounded by brackets."""
+  paren_count = 0
+  brace_count = 0
+  sq_bracket_count = 0
+  previous_token = tok.previous_token
+  while previous_token:
+    if previous_token.value == ')':
+      paren_count -= 1
+    elif previous_token.value == '}':
+      brace_count -= 1
+    elif previous_token.value == ']':
+      sq_bracket_count -= 1
+    if previous_token.value == '(':
+      if paren_count == 0:
+        return previous_token
+      paren_count += 1
+    elif previous_token.value == '{':
+      if brace_count == 0:
+        return previous_token
+      brace_count += 1
+    elif previous_token.value == '[':
+      if sq_bracket_count == 0:
+        return previous_token
+      sq_bracket_count += 1
+    previous_token = previous_token.previous_token
+  return None
+_LOGICAL_OPERATORS = frozenset({'and', 'or'})
+_BITWISE_OPERATORS = frozenset({'&', '|', '^'})
+_TERM_OPERATORS = frozenset({'*', '/', '%', '//'})
+def _SplitPenalty(prev_token, cur_token):
+  """Return the penalty for breaking the line before the current token."""
+  pval = prev_token.value
+  cval = cur_token.value
+  if pval == 'not':
+    return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+  if cur_token.node_split_penalty > 0:
+    return cur_token.node_split_penalty
+    # Prefer to split before 'and' and 'or'.
+    if pval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+      return style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_LOGICAL_OPERATOR')
+    if cval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+      return 0
+  else:
+    # Prefer to split after 'and' and 'or'.
+    if pval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+      return 0
+    if cval in _LOGICAL_OPERATORS:
+      return style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_LOGICAL_OPERATOR')
+    # Prefer to split before '&', '|', and '^'.
+    if pval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+      return style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_BITWISE_OPERATOR')
+    if cval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+      return 0
+  else:
+    # Prefer to split after '&', '|', and '^'.
+    if pval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+      return 0
+    if cval in _BITWISE_OPERATORS:
+      return style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_BITWISE_OPERATOR')
+  if (format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR in cur_token.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.COMP_IF in cur_token.subtypes):
+    # We don't mind breaking before the 'for' or 'if' of a list comprehension.
+    return 0
+  if format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR in prev_token.subtypes:
+    # Try not to break after a unary operator.
+  if pval == ',':
+    # Breaking after a comma is fine, if need be.
+    return 0
+  if prev_token.is_binary_op:
+    # We would rather not split after an equality operator.
+    return 20
+  if (format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_STAR in prev_token.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.KWARGS_STAR_STAR in prev_token.subtypes):
+    # Don't split after a varargs * or kwargs **.
+    return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+  if prev_token.OpensScope() and cval != '(':
+    # Slightly prefer
+  if cval == ':':
+    # Don't split before a colon.
+    return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+  if cval == '=':
+    # Don't split before an assignment.
+    return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+  if (format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in prev_token.subtypes or
+      format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN in cur_token.subtypes):
+    # Don't break before or after an default or named assignment.
+    return split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
+  if cval == '==':
+    # We would rather not split before an equality operator.
+    return split_penalty.STRONGLY_CONNECTED
+  if cur_token.ClosesScope():
+    # Give a slight penalty for splitting before the closing scope.
+    return 100
+  if pval in _TERM_OPERATORS or cval in _TERM_OPERATORS:
+    return 50
+  return 0
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbe6fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Verify that the generated code is valid code.
+This takes a line of code and "normalizes" it. I.e., it transforms the snippet
+into something that has the potential to compile.
+    VerifyCode(): the main function exported by this module.
+import ast
+import re
+import sys
+import textwrap
+class InternalError(Exception):
+  """Internal error in verifying formatted code."""
+  pass
+def VerifyCode(code):
+  """Verify that the reformatted code is syntactically correct.
+  Arguments:
+    code: (unicode) The reformatted code snippet.
+  Raises:
+    SyntaxError if the code was reformatted incorrectly.
+  """
+  try:
+    compile(textwrap.dedent(code).encode('UTF-8'), '<string>', 'exec')
+  except SyntaxError:
+    try:
+      ast.parse(textwrap.dedent(code.lstrip('\n')).lstrip(), '<string>', 'exec')
+    except SyntaxError:
+      try:
+        normalized_code = _NormalizeCode(code)
+        compile(normalized_code.encode('UTF-8'), '<string>', 'exec')
+      except SyntaxError:
+        raise InternalError(sys.exc_info()[1])
+def _NormalizeCode(code):
+  """Make sure that the code snippet is compilable."""
+  code = textwrap.dedent(code.lstrip('\n')).lstrip()
+  # Split the code to lines and get rid of all leading full-comment lines as
+  # they can mess up the normalization attempt.
+  lines = code.split('\n')
+  i = 0
+  for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+    line = line.strip()
+    if line and not line.startswith('#'):
+      break
+  code = '\n'.join(lines[i:]) + '\n'
+  if re.match(r'(if|while|for|with|def|class|async|await)\b', code):
+    code += '\n    pass'
+  elif re.match(r'(elif|else)\b', code):
+    try:
+      try_code = 'if True:\n    pass\n' + code + '\n    pass'
+      ast.parse(
+          textwrap.dedent(try_code.lstrip('\n')).lstrip(), '<string>', 'exec')
+      code = try_code
+    except SyntaxError:
+      # The assumption here is that the code is on a single line.
+      code = 'if True: pass\n' + code
+  elif code.startswith('@'):
+    code += '\ndef _():\n    pass'
+  elif re.match(r'try\b', code):
+    code += '\n    pass\nexcept:\n    pass'
+  elif re.match(r'(except|finally)\b', code):
+    code = 'try:\n    pass\n' + code + '\n    pass'
+  elif re.match(r'(return|yield)\b', code):
+    code = 'def _():\n    ' + code
+  elif re.match(r'(continue|break)\b', code):
+    code = 'while True:\n    ' + code
+  elif re.match(r'print\b', code):
+    code = 'from __future__ import print_function\n' + code
+  return code + '\n'
diff --git a/yapf/yapflib/ b/yapf/yapflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..282dea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapf/yapflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Entry points for YAPF.
+The main APIs that YAPF exposes to drive the reformatting.
+  FormatFile(): reformat a file.
+  FormatCode(): reformat a string of code.
+These APIs have some common arguments:
+  style_config: (string) Either a style name or a path to a file that contains
+    formatting style settings. If None is specified, use the default style
+    as set in style.DEFAULT_STYLE_FACTORY
+  lines: (list of tuples of integers) A list of tuples of lines, [start, end],
+    that we want to format. The lines are 1-based indexed. It can be used by
+    third-party code (e.g., IDEs) when reformatting a snippet of code rather
+    than a whole file.
+  print_diff: (bool) Instead of returning the reformatted source, return a
+    diff that turns the formatted source into reformatter source.
+  verify: (bool) True if reformatted code should be verified for syntax.
+import difflib
+import re
+import sys
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import parse
+from yapf.yapflib import blank_line_calculator
+from yapf.yapflib import comment_splicer
+from yapf.yapflib import continuation_splicer
+from yapf.yapflib import file_resources
+from yapf.yapflib import identify_container
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_unwrapper
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import subtype_assigner
+def FormatFile(filename,
+               style_config=None,
+               lines=None,
+               print_diff=False,
+               verify=False,
+               in_place=False,
+               logger=None):
+  """Format a single Python file and return the formatted code.
+  Arguments:
+    filename: (unicode) The file to reformat.
+    in_place: (bool) If True, write the reformatted code back to the file.
+    logger: (io streamer) A stream to output logging.
+    remaining arguments: see comment at the top of this module.
+  Returns:
+    Tuple of (reformatted_code, encoding, changed). reformatted_code is None if
+    the file is successfully written to (having used in_place). reformatted_code
+    is a diff if print_diff is True.
+  Raises:
+    IOError: raised if there was an error reading the file.
+    ValueError: raised if in_place and print_diff are both specified.
+  """
+  _CheckPythonVersion()
+  if in_place and print_diff:
+    raise ValueError('Cannot pass both in_place and print_diff.')
+  original_source, newline, encoding = ReadFile(filename, logger)
+  reformatted_source, changed = FormatCode(
+      original_source,
+      style_config=style_config,
+      filename=filename,
+      lines=lines,
+      print_diff=print_diff,
+      verify=verify)
+  if reformatted_source.rstrip('\n'):
+    lines = reformatted_source.rstrip('\n').split('\n')
+    reformatted_source = newline.join(line for line in lines) + newline
+  if in_place:
+    if original_source and original_source != reformatted_source:
+      file_resources.WriteReformattedCode(filename, reformatted_source,
+                                          encoding, in_place)
+    return None, encoding, changed
+  return reformatted_source, encoding, changed
+def FormatCode(unformatted_source,
+               filename='<unknown>',
+               style_config=None,
+               lines=None,
+               print_diff=False,
+               verify=False):
+  """Format a string of Python code.
+  This provides an alternative entry point to YAPF.
+  Arguments:
+    unformatted_source: (unicode) The code to format.
+    filename: (unicode) The name of the file being reformatted.
+    remaining arguments: see comment at the top of this module.
+  Returns:
+    Tuple of (reformatted_source, changed). reformatted_source conforms to the
+    desired formatting style. changed is True if the source changed.
+  """
+  _CheckPythonVersion()
+  style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateStyleFromConfig(style_config))
+  if not unformatted_source.endswith('\n'):
+    unformatted_source += '\n'
+  try:
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(unformatted_source)
+  except parse.ParseError as e:
+    e.msg = filename + ': ' + e.msg
+    raise
+  # Run passes on the tree, modifying it in place.
+  comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+  continuation_splicer.SpliceContinuations(tree)
+  subtype_assigner.AssignSubtypes(tree)
+  identify_container.IdentifyContainers(tree)
+  split_penalty.ComputeSplitPenalties(tree)
+  blank_line_calculator.CalculateBlankLines(tree)
+  uwlines = pytree_unwrapper.UnwrapPyTree(tree)
+  for uwl in uwlines:
+    uwl.CalculateFormattingInformation()
+  lines = _LineRangesToSet(lines)
+  _MarkLinesToFormat(uwlines, lines)
+  reformatted_source = reformatter.Reformat(
+      _SplitSemicolons(uwlines), verify, lines)
+  if unformatted_source == reformatted_source:
+    return '' if print_diff else reformatted_source, False
+  code_diff = _GetUnifiedDiff(
+      unformatted_source, reformatted_source, filename=filename)
+  if print_diff:
+    return code_diff, code_diff.strip() != ''  # pylint: disable=g-explicit-bool-comparison
+  return reformatted_source, True
+def _CheckPythonVersion():  # pragma: no cover
+  errmsg = 'yapf is only supported for Python 2.7 or 3.4+'
+  if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 7:
+      raise RuntimeError(errmsg)
+  elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 4:
+      raise RuntimeError(errmsg)
+def ReadFile(filename, logger=None):
+  """Read the contents of the file.
+  An optional logger can be specified to emit messages to your favorite logging
+  stream. If specified, then no exception is raised. This is external so that it
+  can be used by third-party applications.
+  Arguments:
+    filename: (unicode) The name of the file.
+    logger: (function) A function or lambda that takes a string and emits it.
+  Returns:
+    The contents of filename.
+  Raises:
+    IOError: raised if there was an error reading the file.
+  """
+  try:
+    encoding = file_resources.FileEncoding(filename)
+    # Preserves line endings.
+    with py3compat.open_with_encoding(
+        filename, mode='r', encoding=encoding, newline='') as fd:
+      lines = fd.readlines()
+    line_ending = file_resources.LineEnding(lines)
+    source = '\n'.join(line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in lines) + '\n'
+    return source, line_ending, encoding
+  except IOError as err:  # pragma: no cover
+    if logger:
+      logger(err)
+    raise
+def _SplitSemicolons(uwlines):
+  res = []
+  for uwline in uwlines:
+    res.extend(uwline.Split())
+  return res
+DISABLE_PATTERN = r'^#.*\byapf:\s*disable\b'
+ENABLE_PATTERN = r'^#.*\byapf:\s*enable\b'
+def _LineRangesToSet(line_ranges):
+  """Return a set of lines in the range."""
+  if line_ranges is None:
+    return None
+  line_set = set()
+  for low, high in sorted(line_ranges):
+    line_set.update(range(low, high + 1))
+  return line_set
+def _MarkLinesToFormat(uwlines, lines):
+  """Skip sections of code that we shouldn't reformat."""
+  if lines:
+    for uwline in uwlines:
+      uwline.disable = not lines.intersection(
+          range(uwline.lineno, uwline.last.lineno + 1))
+  # Now go through the lines and disable any lines explicitly marked as
+  # disabled.
+  index = 0
+  while index < len(uwlines):
+    uwline = uwlines[index]
+    if uwline.is_comment:
+      if _DisableYAPF(uwline.first.value.strip()):
+        index += 1
+        while index < len(uwlines):
+          uwline = uwlines[index]
+          if uwline.is_comment and _EnableYAPF(uwline.first.value.strip()):
+            break
+          uwline.disable = True
+          index += 1
+    elif, uwline.last.value.strip(), re.IGNORECASE):
+      uwline.disable = True
+    index += 1
+def _DisableYAPF(line):
+  return (,
+                    line.split('\n')[0].strip(), re.IGNORECASE) or
+                    line.split('\n')[-1].strip(), re.IGNORECASE))
+def _EnableYAPF(line):
+  return (,
+                    line.split('\n')[0].strip(), re.IGNORECASE) or
+                    line.split('\n')[-1].strip(), re.IGNORECASE))
+def _GetUnifiedDiff(before, after, filename='code'):
+  """Get a unified diff of the changes.
+  Arguments:
+    before: (unicode) The original source code.
+    after: (unicode) The reformatted source code.
+    filename: (unicode) The code's filename.
+  Returns:
+    The unified diff text.
+  """
+  before = before.splitlines()
+  after = after.splitlines()
+  return '\n'.join(
+      difflib.unified_diff(
+          before,
+          after,
+          filename,
+          filename,
+          '(original)',
+          '(reformatted)',
+          lineterm='')) + '\n'
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7522b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a27a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.blank_line_calculator."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import yapf_api
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class BasicBlankLineCalculatorTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testDecorators(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @bork()
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @bork()
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testComplexDecorators(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import sys
+        @bork()
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        @fork()
+        class moo(object):
+          @bar()
+          @baz()
+          def method(self):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import sys
+        @bork()
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        @fork()
+        class moo(object):
+          @bar()
+          @baz()
+          def method(self):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCodeAfterFunctionsAndClasses(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        top_level_code = True
+        class moo(object):
+          def method_1(self):
+            pass
+          ivar_a = 42
+          ivar_b = 13
+          def method_2(self):
+            pass
+        try:
+          raise Error
+        except Error as error:
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        top_level_code = True
+        class moo(object):
+          def method_1(self):
+            pass
+          ivar_a = 42
+          ivar_b = 13
+          def method_2(self):
+            pass
+        try:
+          raise Error
+        except Error as error:
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentSpacing(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # This is the first comment
+        # And it's multiline
+        # This is the second comment
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        # multiline before a
+        # class definition
+        # This is the second comment
+        class qux(object):
+          pass
+        # An attached comment.
+        class bar(object):
+          '''class docstring'''
+          # Comment attached to
+          # function
+          def foo(self):
+            '''Another docstring.'''
+            # Another multiline
+            # comment
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # This is the first comment
+        # And it's multiline
+        # This is the second comment
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        # multiline before a
+        # class definition
+        # This is the second comment
+        class qux(object):
+          pass
+        # An attached comment.
+        class bar(object):
+          '''class docstring'''
+          # Comment attached to
+          # function
+          def foo(self):
+            '''Another docstring.'''
+            # Another multiline
+            # comment
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentBeforeMethod(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class foo(object):
+          # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+          def f(self):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentsBeforeClassDefs(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        """Test."""
+        # Comment
+        class Foo(object):
+          pass
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentsBeforeDecorator(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # The @foo operator adds bork to a().
+        @foo()
+        def a():
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # Hello world
+        @foo()
+        def a():
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentsAfterDecorator(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def _():
+            pass
+          @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="#709 and #710")
+          # also
+          #@pytest.mark.xfail(setuptools.tests.is_ascii,
+          #    reason="")
+          def test_unicode_filename_in_sdist(self, sdist_unicode, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testInnerClasses(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      class DeployAPIClient(object):
+          class Error(Exception): pass
+          class TaskValidationError(Error): pass
+          class DeployAPIHTTPError(Error): pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      class DeployAPIClient(object):
+        class Error(Exception):
+          pass
+        class TaskValidationError(Error):
+          pass
+        class DeployAPIHTTPError(Error):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testLinesOnRangeBoundary(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def A():
+          pass
+        def B():  # 4
+          pass  # 5
+        def C():
+          pass
+        def D():  # 9
+          pass  # 10
+        def E():
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def A():
+          pass
+        def B():  # 4
+          pass  # 5
+        def C():
+          pass
+        def D():  # 9
+          pass  # 10
+        def E():
+          pass
+        """)
+    code, changed = yapf_api.FormatCode(
+        unformatted_code, lines=[(4, 5), (9, 10)])
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, code)
+    self.assertTrue(changed)
+  def testLinesRangeBoundaryNotOutside(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def A():
+          pass
+        def B():  # 6
+          pass  # 7
+        def C():
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def A():
+          pass
+        def B():  # 6
+          pass  # 7
+        def C():
+          pass
+        """)
+    code, changed = yapf_api.FormatCode(unformatted_code, lines=[(6, 7)])
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, code)
+    self.assertFalse(changed)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacc888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.comment_splicer."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import comment_splicer
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+class CommentSplicerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def _AssertNodeType(self, expected_type, node):
+    self.assertEqual(expected_type, pytree_utils.NodeName(node))
+  def _AssertNodeIsComment(self, node, text_in_comment=None):
+    if pytree_utils.NodeName(node) == 'simple_stmt':
+      self._AssertNodeType('COMMENT', node.children[0])
+      node_value = node.children[0].value
+    else:
+      self._AssertNodeType('COMMENT', node)
+      node_value = node.value
+    if text_in_comment is not None:
+      self.assertIn(text_in_comment, node_value)
+  def _FindNthChildNamed(self, node, name, n=1):
+    for i, child in enumerate(
+        py3compat.ifilter(lambda c: pytree_utils.NodeName(c) == name,
+                          node.pre_order())):
+      if i == n - 1:
+        return child
+    raise RuntimeError('No Nth child for n={0}'.format(n))
+  def testSimpleInline(self):
+    code = 'foo = 1 # and a comment\n'
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    expr = tree.children[0].children[0]
+    # Check that the expected node is still expr_stmt, but now it has 4 children
+    # (before comment splicing it had 3), the last child being the comment.
+    self._AssertNodeType('expr_stmt', expr)
+    self.assertEqual(4, len(expr.children))
+    comment_node = expr.children[3]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(comment_node, '# and a comment')
+  def testSimpleSeparateLine(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      foo = 1
+      # first comment
+      bar = 2
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # The comment should've been added to the root's children (now 4, including
+    # the ENDMARKER in the end.
+    self.assertEqual(4, len(tree.children))
+    comment_node = tree.children[1]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(comment_node)
+  def testTwoLineComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      foo = 1
+      # first comment
+      # second comment
+      bar = 2
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # This is similar to the single-line standalone comment.
+    self.assertEqual(4, len(tree.children))
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(tree.children[1])
+  def testCommentIsFirstChildInCompound(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      if x:
+        # a comment
+        foo = 1
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # Look into the suite node under the 'if'. We don't care about the NEWLINE
+    # leaf but the new COMMENT must be a child of the suite and before the
+    # actual code leaf.
+    if_suite = tree.children[0].children[3]
+    self._AssertNodeType('NEWLINE', if_suite.children[0])
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(if_suite.children[1])
+  def testCommentIsLastChildInCompound(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      if x:
+        foo = 1
+        # a comment
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # Look into the suite node under the 'if'. We don't care about the DEDENT
+    # leaf but the new COMMENT must be a child of the suite and after the
+    # actual code leaf.
+    if_suite = tree.children[0].children[3]
+    self._AssertNodeType('DEDENT', if_suite.children[-1])
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(if_suite.children[-2])
+  def testInlineAfterSeparateLine(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      bar = 1
+      # line comment
+      foo = 1 # inline comment
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # The separate line comment should become a child of the root, while
+    # the inline comment remains within its simple_node.
+    sep_comment_node = tree.children[1]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(sep_comment_node, '# line comment')
+    expr = tree.children[2].children[0]
+    inline_comment_node = expr.children[-1]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(inline_comment_node, '# inline comment')
+  def testSeparateLineAfterInline(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      bar = 1
+      foo = 1 # inline comment
+      # line comment
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # The separate line comment should become a child of the root, while
+    # the inline comment remains within its simple_node.
+    sep_comment_node = tree.children[-2]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(sep_comment_node, '# line comment')
+    expr = tree.children[1].children[0]
+    inline_comment_node = expr.children[-1]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(inline_comment_node, '# inline comment')
+  def testCommentBeforeDedent(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      if bar:
+        z = 1
+      # a comment
+      j = 2
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # The comment should go under the tree root, not under the 'if'.
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(tree.children[1])
+    if_suite = tree.children[0].children[3]
+    self._AssertNodeType('DEDENT', if_suite.children[-1])
+  def testCommentBeforeDedentTwoLevel(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      if foo:
+        if bar:
+          z = 1
+        # a comment
+      y = 1
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    if_suite = tree.children[0].children[3]
+    # The comment is in the first if_suite, not the nested if under it. It's
+    # right before the DEDENT
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(if_suite.children[-2])
+    self._AssertNodeType('DEDENT', if_suite.children[-1])
+  def testCommentBeforeDedentTwoLevelImproperlyIndented(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      if foo:
+        if bar:
+          z = 1
+         # comment 2
+      y = 1
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # The comment here is indented by 3 spaces, which is unlike any of the
+    # surrounding statement indentation levels. The splicer attaches it to the
+    # "closest" parent with smaller indentation.
+    if_suite = tree.children[0].children[3]
+    # The comment is in the first if_suite, not the nested if under it. It's
+    # right before the DEDENT
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(if_suite.children[-2])
+    self._AssertNodeType('DEDENT', if_suite.children[-1])
+  def testCommentBeforeDedentThreeLevel(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      if foo:
+        if bar:
+          z = 1
+          # comment 2
+        # comment 1
+      # comment 0
+      j = 2
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    # comment 0 should go under the tree root
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(tree.children[1], '# comment 0')
+    # comment 1 is in the first if_suite, right before the DEDENT
+    if_suite_1 = self._FindNthChildNamed(tree, 'suite', n=1)
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(if_suite_1.children[-2], '# comment 1')
+    self._AssertNodeType('DEDENT', if_suite_1.children[-1])
+    # comment 2 is in if_suite nested under the first if suite,
+    # right before the DEDENT
+    if_suite_2 = self._FindNthChildNamed(tree, 'suite', n=2)
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(if_suite_2.children[-2], '# comment 2')
+    self._AssertNodeType('DEDENT', if_suite_2.children[-1])
+  def testCommentsInClass(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      class Foo:
+        """docstring abc..."""
+        # top-level comment
+        def foo(): pass
+        # another comment
+      ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    class_suite = tree.children[0].children[3]
+    another_comment = class_suite.children[-2]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(another_comment, '# another')
+    # It's OK for the comment to be a child of funcdef, as long as it's
+    # the first child and thus comes before the 'def'.
+    funcdef = class_suite.children[3]
+    toplevel_comment = funcdef.children[0]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(toplevel_comment, '# top-level')
+  def testMultipleBlockComments(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+        # Block comment number 1
+        # Block comment number 2
+        def f():
+          pass
+        ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    funcdef = tree.children[0]
+    block_comment_1 = funcdef.children[0]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(block_comment_1, '# Block comment number 1')
+    block_comment_2 = funcdef.children[1]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(block_comment_2, '# Block comment number 2')
+  def testCommentsOnDedents(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+        class Foo(object):
+          # A comment for qux.
+          def qux(self):
+            pass
+          # Interim comment.
+          def mux(self):
+            pass
+        ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    classdef = tree.children[0]
+    class_suite = classdef.children[6]
+    qux_comment = class_suite.children[1]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(qux_comment, '# A comment for qux.')
+    interim_comment = class_suite.children[4]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(interim_comment, '# Interim comment.')
+  def testExprComments(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      foo( # Request fractions of an hour.
+        948.0/3600, 20)
+    ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    trailer = self._FindNthChildNamed(tree, 'trailer', 1)
+    comment = trailer.children[1]
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(comment, '# Request fractions of an hour.')
+  def testMultipleCommentsInOneExpr(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r'''
+      foo( # com 1
+        948.0/3600, # com 2
+        20 + 12 # com 3
+        )
+    ''')
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+    trailer = self._FindNthChildNamed(tree, 'trailer', 1)
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(trailer.children[1], '# com 1')
+    arglist = self._FindNthChildNamed(tree, 'arglist', 1)
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(arglist.children[2], '# com 2')
+    arith_expr = self._FindNthChildNamed(tree, 'arith_expr', 1)
+    self._AssertNodeIsComment(arith_expr.children[-1], '# com 3')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70cea46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.file_resources."""
+import contextlib
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import errors
+from yapf.yapflib import file_resources
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapftests import utils
+def _restore_working_dir():
+  curdir = os.getcwd()
+  try:
+    yield
+  finally:
+    os.chdir(curdir)
+class GetDefaultStyleForDirTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.test_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    shutil.rmtree(self.test_tmpdir)
+  def test_no_local_style(self):
+    test_file = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, '')
+    style_name = file_resources.GetDefaultStyleForDir(test_file)
+    self.assertEqual(style_name, 'pep8')
+  def test_with_local_style(self):
+    # Create an empty .style.yapf file in test_tmpdir
+    style_file = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, '.style.yapf')
+    open(style_file, 'w').close()
+    test_filename = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, '')
+    self.assertEqual(style_file,
+                     file_resources.GetDefaultStyleForDir(test_filename))
+    test_filename = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, 'dir1', '')
+    self.assertEqual(style_file,
+                     file_resources.GetDefaultStyleForDir(test_filename))
+def _touch_files(filenames):
+  for name in filenames:
+    open(name, 'a').close()
+class GetCommandLineFilesTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.test_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    self.old_dir = os.getcwd()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    shutil.rmtree(self.test_tmpdir)
+    os.chdir(self.old_dir)
+  def _make_test_dir(self, name):
+    fullpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, name))
+    os.makedirs(fullpath)
+    return fullpath
+  def test_find_files_not_dirs(self):
+    tdir1 = self._make_test_dir('test1')
+    tdir2 = self._make_test_dir('test2')
+    file1 = os.path.join(tdir1, '')
+    file2 = os.path.join(tdir2, '')
+    _touch_files([file1, file2])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+            [file1, file2], recursive=False, exclude=None), [file1, file2])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+            [file1, file2], recursive=True, exclude=None), [file1, file2])
+  def test_nonrecursive_find_in_dir(self):
+    tdir1 = self._make_test_dir('test1')
+    tdir2 = self._make_test_dir('test1/foo')
+    file1 = os.path.join(tdir1, '')
+    file2 = os.path.join(tdir2, '')
+    _touch_files([file1, file2])
+    self.assertRaises(
+        errors.YapfError,
+        file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles,
+        command_line_file_list=[tdir1],
+        recursive=False,
+        exclude=None)
+  def test_recursive_find_in_dir(self):
+    tdir1 = self._make_test_dir('test1')
+    tdir2 = self._make_test_dir('test2/testinner/')
+    tdir3 = self._make_test_dir('test3/foo/bar/bas/xxx')
+    files = [
+        os.path.join(tdir1, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir2, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir3, ''),
+    ]
+    _touch_files(files)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        sorted(
+            file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+                [self.test_tmpdir], recursive=True, exclude=None)),
+        sorted(files))
+  def test_recursive_find_in_dir_with_exclude(self):
+    tdir1 = self._make_test_dir('test1')
+    tdir2 = self._make_test_dir('test2/testinner/')
+    tdir3 = self._make_test_dir('test3/foo/bar/bas/xxx')
+    files = [
+        os.path.join(tdir1, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir2, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir3, ''),
+    ]
+    _touch_files(files)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        sorted(
+            file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+                [self.test_tmpdir], recursive=True, exclude=['*test*'])),
+        sorted([
+            os.path.join(tdir1, ''),
+            os.path.join(tdir2, ''),
+        ]))
+  def test_find_with_excluded_hidden_dirs(self):
+    tdir1 = self._make_test_dir('.test1')
+    tdir2 = self._make_test_dir('test_2')
+    tdir3 = self._make_test_dir('test.3')
+    files = [
+        os.path.join(tdir1, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir2, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir3, ''),
+    ]
+    _touch_files(files)
+    actual = file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+        [self.test_tmpdir], recursive=True, exclude=['*.test1*'])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        sorted(actual),
+        sorted([
+            os.path.join(tdir2, ''),
+            os.path.join(tdir3, ''),
+        ]))
+  def test_find_with_excluded_hidden_dirs_relative(self):
+    """Test find with excluded hidden dirs.
+    A regression test against a specific case where a hidden directory (one
+    beginning with a period) is being excluded, but it is also an immediate
+    child of the current directory which has been specified in a relative
+    manner.
+    At its core, the bug has to do with overzelous stripping of "./foo" so that
+    it removes too much from "./.foo" .
+    """
+    tdir1 = self._make_test_dir('.test1')
+    tdir2 = self._make_test_dir('test_2')
+    tdir3 = self._make_test_dir('test.3')
+    files = [
+        os.path.join(tdir1, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir2, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir3, ''),
+    ]
+    _touch_files(files)
+    # We must temporarily change the current directory, so that we test against
+    # patterns like ./.test1/file instead of /tmp/foo/.test1/file
+    with _restore_working_dir():
+      os.chdir(self.test_tmpdir)
+      actual = file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+          [os.path.relpath(self.test_tmpdir)],
+          recursive=True,
+          exclude=['*.test1*'])
+      self.assertEqual(
+          sorted(actual),
+          sorted([
+              os.path.join(
+                  os.path.relpath(self.test_tmpdir), os.path.basename(tdir2),
+                  ''),
+              os.path.join(
+                  os.path.relpath(self.test_tmpdir), os.path.basename(tdir3),
+                  ''),
+          ]))
+  def test_find_with_excluded_dirs(self):
+    tdir1 = self._make_test_dir('test1')
+    tdir2 = self._make_test_dir('test2/testinner/')
+    tdir3 = self._make_test_dir('test3/foo/bar/bas/xxx')
+    files = [
+        os.path.join(tdir1, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir2, ''),
+        os.path.join(tdir3, ''),
+    ]
+    _touch_files(files)
+    os.chdir(self.test_tmpdir)
+    found = sorted(
+        file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+            ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'],
+            recursive=True,
+            exclude=[
+                'test1',
+                'test2/testinner/',
+            ]))
+    self.assertEqual(found, ['test3/foo/bar/bas/xxx/'])
+    found = sorted(
+        file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles(
+            ['.'], recursive=True, exclude=[
+                'test1',
+                'test3',
+            ]))
+    self.assertEqual(found, ['./test2/testinner/'])
+  def test_find_with_excluded_current_dir(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(errors.YapfError):
+      file_resources.GetCommandLineFiles([], False, exclude=['./z'])
+class IsPythonFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.test_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    shutil.rmtree(self.test_tmpdir)
+  def test_with_py_extension(self):
+    file1 = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, '')
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsPythonFile(file1))
+  def test_empty_without_py_extension(self):
+    file1 = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, 'testfile1')
+    self.assertFalse(file_resources.IsPythonFile(file1))
+    file2 = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, 'testfile1.rb')
+    self.assertFalse(file_resources.IsPythonFile(file2))
+  def test_python_shebang(self):
+    file1 = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, 'testfile1')
+    with open(file1, 'w') as f:
+      f.write(u'#!/usr/bin/python\n')
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsPythonFile(file1))
+    file2 = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, '')
+    with open(file2, 'w') as f:
+      f.write(u'#! /bin/python2\n')
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsPythonFile(file1))
+  def test_with_latin_encoding(self):
+    file1 = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, 'testfile1')
+    with py3compat.open_with_encoding(file1, mode='w', encoding='latin-1') as f:
+      f.write(u'#! /bin/python2\n')
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsPythonFile(file1))
+  def test_with_invalid_encoding(self):
+    file1 = os.path.join(self.test_tmpdir, 'testfile1')
+    with open(file1, 'w') as f:
+      f.write(u'#! /bin/python2\n')
+      f.write(u'# -*- coding: iso-3-14159 -*-\n')
+    self.assertFalse(file_resources.IsPythonFile(file1))
+class IsIgnoredTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_root_path(self):
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsIgnored('media', ['media']))
+    self.assertFalse(file_resources.IsIgnored('media', ['media/*']))
+  def test_sub_path(self):
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsIgnored('media/a', ['*/a']))
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsIgnored('media/b', ['media/*']))
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsIgnored('media/b/c', ['*/*/c']))
+  def test_trailing_slash(self):
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsIgnored('z', ['z']))
+    self.assertTrue(file_resources.IsIgnored('z', ['z/']))
+class BufferedByteStream(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+ = py3compat.BytesIO()
+  def getvalue(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    return'utf-8')
+  @property
+  def buffer(self):
+    return
+class WriteReformattedCodeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    cls.test_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+  @classmethod
+  def tearDownClass(cls):
+    shutil.rmtree(cls.test_tmpdir)
+  def test_write_to_file(self):
+    s = u'foobar\n'
+    with utils.NamedTempFile(dirname=self.test_tmpdir) as (f, fname):
+      file_resources.WriteReformattedCode(
+          fname, s, in_place=True, encoding='utf-8')
+      f.flush()
+      with open(fname) as f2:
+        self.assertEqual(, s)
+  def test_write_to_stdout(self):
+    s = u'foobar'
+    stream = BufferedByteStream() if py3compat.PY3 else py3compat.StringIO()
+    with utils.stdout_redirector(stream):
+      file_resources.WriteReformattedCode(
+          None, s, in_place=False, encoding='utf-8')
+    self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), s)
+  def test_write_encoded_to_stdout(self):
+    s = '\ufeff# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nresult = "passed"\n'  # pylint: disable=anomalous-unicode-escape-in-string
+    stream = BufferedByteStream() if py3compat.PY3 else py3compat.StringIO()
+    with utils.stdout_redirector(stream):
+      file_resources.WriteReformattedCode(
+          None, s, in_place=False, encoding='utf-8')
+    self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), s)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6122960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.format_decision_state."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import format_decision_state
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import unwrapped_line
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class FormatDecisionStateTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testSimpleFunctionDefWithNoSplitting(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      def f(a, b):
+        pass
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    uwline = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(0, _FilterLine(uwlines[0]))
+    uwline.CalculateFormattingInformation()
+    # Add: 'f'
+    state = format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState(uwline, 0)
+    state.MoveStateToNextToken()
+    self.assertEqual('f', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    # Add: '('
+    state.AddTokenToState(False, True)
+    self.assertEqual('(', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    self.assertFalse(state.MustSplit())
+    # Add: 'a'
+    state.AddTokenToState(False, True)
+    self.assertEqual('a', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertTrue(state.CanSplit(False))
+    self.assertFalse(state.MustSplit())
+    # Add: ','
+    state.AddTokenToState(False, True)
+    self.assertEqual(',', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    self.assertFalse(state.MustSplit())
+    # Add: 'b'
+    state.AddTokenToState(False, True)
+    self.assertEqual('b', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertTrue(state.CanSplit(False))
+    self.assertFalse(state.MustSplit())
+    # Add: ')'
+    state.AddTokenToState(False, True)
+    self.assertEqual(')', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertTrue(state.CanSplit(False))
+    self.assertFalse(state.MustSplit())
+    # Add: ':'
+    state.AddTokenToState(False, True)
+    self.assertEqual(':', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    self.assertFalse(state.MustSplit())
+    clone = state.Clone()
+    self.assertEqual(repr(state), repr(clone))
+  def testSimpleFunctionDefWithSplitting(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      def f(a, b):
+        pass
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    uwline = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(0, _FilterLine(uwlines[0]))
+    uwline.CalculateFormattingInformation()
+    # Add: 'f'
+    state = format_decision_state.FormatDecisionState(uwline, 0)
+    state.MoveStateToNextToken()
+    self.assertEqual('f', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    # Add: '('
+    state.AddTokenToState(True, True)
+    self.assertEqual('(', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    # Add: 'a'
+    state.AddTokenToState(True, True)
+    self.assertEqual('a', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertTrue(state.CanSplit(False))
+    # Add: ','
+    state.AddTokenToState(True, True)
+    self.assertEqual(',', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    # Add: 'b'
+    state.AddTokenToState(True, True)
+    self.assertEqual('b', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertTrue(state.CanSplit(False))
+    # Add: ')'
+    state.AddTokenToState(True, True)
+    self.assertEqual(')', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertTrue(state.CanSplit(False))
+    # Add: ':'
+    state.AddTokenToState(True, True)
+    self.assertEqual(':', state.next_token.value)
+    self.assertFalse(state.CanSplit(False))
+    clone = state.Clone()
+    self.assertEqual(repr(state), repr(clone))
+def _FilterLine(uwline):
+  """Filter out nonsemantic tokens from the UnwrappedLines."""
+  return [
+      ft for ft in uwline.tokens
+      if not in pytree_utils.NONSEMANTIC_TOKENS
+  ]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dfb82a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.format_token."""
+import unittest
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+class TabbedContinuationAlignPaddingTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testSpace(self):
+    align_style = 'SPACE'
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(0, align_style, 2, 4)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '')
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(2, align_style, 2, 4)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, ' ' * 2)
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(5, align_style, 2, 4)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, ' ' * 5)
+  def testFixed(self):
+    align_style = 'FIXED'
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(0, align_style, 4, 8)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '')
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(2, align_style, 4, 8)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '\t' * 2)
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(5, align_style, 4, 8)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '\t' * 2)
+  def testVAlignRight(self):
+    align_style = 'VALIGN-RIGHT'
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(0, align_style, 4, 8)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '')
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(2, align_style, 4, 8)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '\t')
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(4, align_style, 4, 8)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '\t')
+    pad = format_token._TabbedContinuationAlignPadding(5, align_style, 4, 8)
+    self.assertEqual(pad, '\t' * 2)
+class FormatTokenTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testSimple(self):
+    tok = format_token.FormatToken(pytree.Leaf(token.STRING, "'hello world'"))
+    self.assertEqual("FormatToken(name=STRING, value='hello world')", str(tok))
+    self.assertTrue(tok.is_string)
+    tok = format_token.FormatToken(pytree.Leaf(token.COMMENT, '# A comment'))
+    self.assertEqual('FormatToken(name=COMMENT, value=# A comment)', str(tok))
+    self.assertTrue(tok.is_comment)
+  def testIsMultilineString(self):
+    tok = format_token.FormatToken(pytree.Leaf(token.STRING, '"""hello"""'))
+    self.assertTrue(tok.is_multiline_string)
+    tok = format_token.FormatToken(pytree.Leaf(token.STRING, 'r"""hello"""'))
+    self.assertTrue(tok.is_multiline_string)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6501bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.line_joiner."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import line_joiner
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class LineJoinerTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def _CheckLineJoining(self, code, join_lines):
+    """Check that the given UnwrappedLines are joined as expected.
+    Arguments:
+      code: The code to check to see if we can join it.
+      join_lines: True if we expect the lines to be joined.
+    """
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(line_joiner.CanMergeMultipleLines(uwlines), join_lines)
+  def testSimpleSingleLineStatement(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if isinstance(a, int): continue
+        """)
+    self._CheckLineJoining(code, join_lines=True)
+  def testSimpleMultipleLineStatement(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if isinstance(b, int):
+            continue
+        """)
+    self._CheckLineJoining(code, join_lines=False)
+  def testSimpleMultipleLineComplexStatement(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if isinstance(c, int):
+            while True:
+                continue
+        """)
+    self._CheckLineJoining(code, join_lines=False)
+  def testSimpleMultipleLineStatementWithComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if isinstance(d, int): continue  # We're pleased that d's an int.
+        """)
+    self._CheckLineJoining(code, join_lines=True)
+  def testSimpleMultipleLineStatementWithLargeIndent(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if isinstance(e, int):    continue
+        """)
+    self._CheckLineJoining(code, join_lines=True)
+  def testOverColumnLimit(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if instance(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, int): cccccccccccccccccccccccccc = ddddddddddddddddddddd
+        """)
+    self._CheckLineJoining(code, join_lines=False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..138853c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.__init__.main."""
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import sys
+import unittest
+import yapf
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+class IO(object):
+  """IO is a thin wrapper around StringIO.
+  This is strictly to wrap the Python 3 StringIO object so that it can supply a
+  "buffer" attribute.
+  """
+  class Buffer(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+      self.string_io = py3compat.StringIO()
+    def write(self, s):
+      if py3compat.PY3 and isinstance(s, bytes):
+        s = str(s, 'utf-8')
+      self.string_io.write(s)
+    def getvalue(self):
+      return self.string_io.getvalue()
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.buffer = self.Buffer()
+  def write(self, s):
+    self.buffer.write(s)
+  def getvalue(self):
+    return self.buffer.getvalue()
+def captured_output():
+  new_out, new_err = IO(), IO()
+  old_out, old_err = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
+  try:
+    sys.stdout, sys.stderr = new_out, new_err
+    yield sys.stdout, sys.stderr
+  finally:
+    sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_out, old_err
+def patched_input(code):
+  """Monkey patch code as though it were coming from stdin."""
+  def lines():
+    for line in code.splitlines():
+      yield line
+    raise EOFError()
+  def patch_raw_input(lines=lines()):
+    return next(lines)
+  try:
+    orig_raw_import = yapf.py3compat.raw_input
+    yapf.py3compat.raw_input = patch_raw_input
+    yield
+  finally:
+    yapf.py3compat.raw_input = orig_raw_import
+class RunMainTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testShouldHandleYapfError(self):
+    """run_main should handle YapfError and sys.exit(1)."""
+    expected_message = 'yapf: Input filenames did not match any python files\n'
+    sys.argv = ['yapf', 'foo.c']
+    with captured_output() as (out, err):
+      with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+        yapf.run_main()
+      self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), '')
+      self.assertEqual(err.getvalue(), expected_message)
+class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testNoPythonFilesMatched(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(yapf.errors.YapfError,
+                                 'did not match any python files'):
+      yapf.main(['yapf', 'foo.c'])
+  def testEchoInput(self):
+    code = 'a = 1\nb = 2\n'
+    with patched_input(code):
+      with captured_output() as (out, _):
+        ret = yapf.main([])
+        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), code)
+  def testEchoInputWithStyle(self):
+    code = 'def f(a = 1):\n    return 2*a\n'
+    chromium_code = 'def f(a=1):\n  return 2 * a\n'
+    with patched_input(code):
+      with captured_output() as (out, _):
+        ret = yapf.main(['-', '--style=chromium'])
+        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), chromium_code)
+  def testEchoBadInput(self):
+    bad_syntax = '  a = 1\n'
+    with patched_input(bad_syntax):
+      with captured_output() as (_, _):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(SyntaxError, 'unexpected indent'):
+          yapf.main([])
+  def testHelp(self):
+    with captured_output() as (out, _):
+      ret = yapf.main(['-', '--style-help', '--style=pep8'])
+      self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
+      help_message = out.getvalue()
+      self.assertIn('indent_width=4', help_message)
+      self.assertIn('The number of spaces required before a trailing comment.',
+                    help_message)
+  def testVersion(self):
+    with captured_output() as (out, _):
+      ret = yapf.main(['-', '--version'])
+      self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
+      version = 'yapf {}\n'.format(yapf.__version__)
+      self.assertEqual(version, out.getvalue())
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95f366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.pytree_unwrapper."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class PytreeUnwrapperTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  def _CheckUnwrappedLines(self, uwlines, list_of_expected):
+    """Check that the given UnwrappedLines match expectations.
+    Args:
+      uwlines: list of UnwrappedLine
+      list_of_expected: list of (depth, values) pairs. Non-semantic tokens are
+        filtered out from the expected values.
+    """
+    actual = []
+    for uwl in uwlines:
+      filtered_values = [
+          ft.value
+          for ft in uwl.tokens
+          if not in pytree_utils.NONSEMANTIC_TOKENS
+      ]
+      actual.append((uwl.depth, filtered_values))
+    self.assertEqual(list_of_expected, actual)
+  def testSimpleFileScope(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      x = 1
+      # a comment
+      y = 2
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['x', '=', '1']),
+        (0, ['# a comment']),
+        (0, ['y', '=', '2']),
+    ])
+  def testSimpleMultilineStatement(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      y = (1 +
+           x)
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['y', '=', '(', '1', '+', 'x', ')']),
+    ])
+  def testFileScopeWithInlineComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      x = 1    # a comment
+      y = 2
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['x', '=', '1', '# a comment']),
+        (0, ['y', '=', '2']),
+    ])
+  def testSimpleIf(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      if foo:
+          x = 1
+          y = 2
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['if', 'foo', ':']),
+        (1, ['x', '=', '1']),
+        (1, ['y', '=', '2']),
+    ])
+  def testSimpleIfWithComments(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      # c1
+      if foo: # c2
+          x = 1
+          y = 2
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['# c1']),
+        (0, ['if', 'foo', ':', '# c2']),
+        (1, ['x', '=', '1']),
+        (1, ['y', '=', '2']),
+    ])
+  def testIfWithCommentsInside(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      if foo:
+          # c1
+          x = 1 # c2
+          # c3
+          y = 2
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['if', 'foo', ':']),
+        (1, ['# c1']),
+        (1, ['x', '=', '1', '# c2']),
+        (1, ['# c3']),
+        (1, ['y', '=', '2']),
+    ])
+  def testIfElifElse(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+       if x:
+         x = 1 # c1
+       elif y: # c2
+         y = 1
+       else:
+         # c3
+         z = 1
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['if', 'x', ':']),
+        (1, ['x', '=', '1', '# c1']),
+        (0, ['elif', 'y', ':', '# c2']),
+        (1, ['y', '=', '1']),
+        (0, ['else', ':']),
+        (1, ['# c3']),
+        (1, ['z', '=', '1']),
+    ])
+  def testNestedCompoundTwoLevel(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+       if x:
+         x = 1 # c1
+         while t:
+           # c2
+           j = 1
+         k = 1
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['if', 'x', ':']),
+        (1, ['x', '=', '1', '# c1']),
+        (1, ['while', 't', ':']),
+        (2, ['# c2']),
+        (2, ['j', '=', '1']),
+        (1, ['k', '=', '1']),
+    ])
+  def testSimpleWhile(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+       while x > 1: # c1
+          # c2
+          x = 1
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['while', 'x', '>', '1', ':', '# c1']),
+        (1, ['# c2']),
+        (1, ['x', '=', '1']),
+    ])
+  def testSimpleTry(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      try:
+        pass
+      except:
+        pass
+      except:
+        pass
+      else:
+        pass
+      finally:
+        pass
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['try', ':']),
+        (1, ['pass']),
+        (0, ['except', ':']),
+        (1, ['pass']),
+        (0, ['except', ':']),
+        (1, ['pass']),
+        (0, ['else', ':']),
+        (1, ['pass']),
+        (0, ['finally', ':']),
+        (1, ['pass']),
+    ])
+  def testSimpleFuncdef(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      def foo(x): # c1
+        # c2
+        return x
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['def', 'foo', '(', 'x', ')', ':', '# c1']),
+        (1, ['# c2']),
+        (1, ['return', 'x']),
+    ])
+  def testTwoFuncDefs(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      def foo(x): # c1
+        # c2
+        return x
+      def bar(): # c3
+        # c4
+        return x
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['def', 'foo', '(', 'x', ')', ':', '# c1']),
+        (1, ['# c2']),
+        (1, ['return', 'x']),
+        (0, ['def', 'bar', '(', ')', ':', '# c3']),
+        (1, ['# c4']),
+        (1, ['return', 'x']),
+    ])
+  def testSimpleClassDef(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      class Klass: # c1
+        # c2
+        p = 1
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['class', 'Klass', ':', '# c1']),
+        (1, ['# c2']),
+        (1, ['p', '=', '1']),
+    ])
+  def testSingleLineStmtInFunc(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+        def f(): return 37
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['def', 'f', '(', ')', ':']),
+        (1, ['return', '37']),
+    ])
+  def testMultipleComments(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+        # Comment #1
+        # Comment #2
+        def f():
+          pass
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [
+        (0, ['# Comment #1']),
+        (0, ['# Comment #2']),
+        (0, ['def', 'f', '(', ')', ':']),
+        (1, ['pass']),
+    ])
+  def testSplitListWithComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      a = [
+          'a',
+          'b',
+          'c',  # hello world
+      ]
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckUnwrappedLines(uwlines, [(0, [
+        'a', '=', '[', "'a'", ',', "'b'", ',', "'c'", ',', '# hello world', ']'
+    ])])
+class MatchBracketsTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  def _CheckMatchingBrackets(self, uwlines, list_of_expected):
+    """Check that the tokens have the expected matching bracket.
+    Arguments:
+      uwlines: list of UnwrappedLine.
+      list_of_expected: list of (index, index) pairs. The matching brackets at
+        the indexes need to match. Non-semantic tokens are filtered out from the
+        expected values.
+    """
+    actual = []
+    for uwl in uwlines:
+      filtered_values = [(ft, ft.matching_bracket)
+                         for ft in uwl.tokens
+                         if not in pytree_utils.NONSEMANTIC_TOKENS]
+      if filtered_values:
+        actual.append(filtered_values)
+    for index, bracket_list in enumerate(list_of_expected):
+      uwline = actual[index]
+      if not bracket_list:
+        for value in uwline:
+          self.assertIsNone(value[1])
+      else:
+        for open_bracket, close_bracket in bracket_list:
+          self.assertEqual(uwline[open_bracket][0], uwline[close_bracket][1])
+          self.assertEqual(uwline[close_bracket][0], uwline[open_bracket][1])
+  def testFunctionDef(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(a, b=['w','d'], c=[42, 37]):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckMatchingBrackets(uwlines, [
+        [(2, 20), (7, 11), (15, 19)],
+        [],
+    ])
+  def testDecorator(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @bar()
+        def foo(a, b, c):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckMatchingBrackets(uwlines, [
+        [(2, 3)],
+        [(2, 8)],
+        [],
+    ])
+  def testClassDef(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(B, C, D):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckMatchingBrackets(uwlines, [
+        [(2, 8)],
+        [],
+    ])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b9fde7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.pytree_utils."""
+import unittest
+from lib2to3 import pygram
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+# More direct access to the symbol->number mapping living within the grammar
+# module.
+_GRAMMAR_SYMBOL2NUMBER = pygram.python_grammar.symbol2number
+_FOO = 'foo'
+_FOO1 = 'foo1'
+_FOO2 = 'foo2'
+_FOO3 = 'foo3'
+_FOO4 = 'foo4'
+_FOO5 = 'foo5'
+class NodeNameTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testNodeNameForLeaf(self):
+    leaf = pytree.Leaf(token.LPAR, '(')
+    self.assertEqual('LPAR', pytree_utils.NodeName(leaf))
+  def testNodeNameForNode(self):
+    leaf = pytree.Leaf(token.LPAR, '(')
+    node = pytree.Node(pygram.python_grammar.symbol2number['suite'], [leaf])
+    self.assertEqual('suite', pytree_utils.NodeName(node))
+class ParseCodeToTreeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testParseCodeToTree(self):
+    # Since ParseCodeToTree is a thin wrapper around underlying lib2to3
+    # functionality, only a sanity test here...
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree('foo = 2\n')
+    self.assertEqual('file_input', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual('simple_stmt', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree.children[0]))
+  def testPrintFunctionToTree(self):
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(
+        'print("hello world", file=sys.stderr)\n')
+    self.assertEqual('file_input', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual('simple_stmt', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree.children[0]))
+  def testPrintStatementToTree(self):
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree('print "hello world"\n')
+    self.assertEqual('file_input', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual('simple_stmt', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree.children[0]))
+  def testClassNotLocal(self):
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree('class nonlocal: pass\n')
+    self.assertEqual('file_input', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual('classdef', pytree_utils.NodeName(tree.children[0]))
+class InsertNodesBeforeAfterTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def _BuildSimpleTree(self):
+    # Builds a simple tree we can play with in the tests.
+    # The tree looks like this:
+    #
+    #   suite:
+    #     LPAR
+    #     LPAR
+    #     simple_stmt:
+    #       NAME('foo')
+    #
+    lpar1 = pytree.Leaf(token.LPAR, '(')
+    lpar2 = pytree.Leaf(token.LPAR, '(')
+    simple_stmt = pytree.Node(_GRAMMAR_SYMBOL2NUMBER['simple_stmt'],
+                              [pytree.Leaf(token.NAME, 'foo')])
+    return pytree.Node(_GRAMMAR_SYMBOL2NUMBER['suite'],
+                       [lpar1, lpar2, simple_stmt])
+  def _MakeNewNodeRPAR(self):
+    return pytree.Leaf(token.RPAR, ')')
+  def setUp(self):
+    self._simple_tree = self._BuildSimpleTree()
+  def testInsertNodesBefore(self):
+    # Insert before simple_stmt and make sure it went to the right place
+    pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore([self._MakeNewNodeRPAR()],
+                                   self._simple_tree.children[2])
+    self.assertEqual(4, len(self._simple_tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual('RPAR',
+                     pytree_utils.NodeName(self._simple_tree.children[2]))
+    self.assertEqual('simple_stmt',
+                     pytree_utils.NodeName(self._simple_tree.children[3]))
+  def testInsertNodesBeforeFirstChild(self):
+    # Insert before the first child of its parent
+    simple_stmt = self._simple_tree.children[2]
+    foo_child = simple_stmt.children[0]
+    pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore([self._MakeNewNodeRPAR()], foo_child)
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(self._simple_tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(simple_stmt.children))
+    self.assertEqual('RPAR', pytree_utils.NodeName(simple_stmt.children[0]))
+    self.assertEqual('NAME', pytree_utils.NodeName(simple_stmt.children[1]))
+  def testInsertNodesAfter(self):
+    # Insert after and make sure it went to the right place
+    pytree_utils.InsertNodesAfter([self._MakeNewNodeRPAR()],
+                                  self._simple_tree.children[2])
+    self.assertEqual(4, len(self._simple_tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual('simple_stmt',
+                     pytree_utils.NodeName(self._simple_tree.children[2]))
+    self.assertEqual('RPAR',
+                     pytree_utils.NodeName(self._simple_tree.children[3]))
+  def testInsertNodesAfterLastChild(self):
+    # Insert after the last child of its parent
+    simple_stmt = self._simple_tree.children[2]
+    foo_child = simple_stmt.children[0]
+    pytree_utils.InsertNodesAfter([self._MakeNewNodeRPAR()], foo_child)
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(self._simple_tree.children))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(simple_stmt.children))
+    self.assertEqual('NAME', pytree_utils.NodeName(simple_stmt.children[0]))
+    self.assertEqual('RPAR', pytree_utils.NodeName(simple_stmt.children[1]))
+  def testInsertNodesWhichHasParent(self):
+    # Try to insert an existing tree node into another place and fail.
+    with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+      pytree_utils.InsertNodesAfter([self._simple_tree.children[1]],
+                                    self._simple_tree.children[0])
+class AnnotationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self._leaf = pytree.Leaf(token.LPAR, '(')
+    self._node = pytree.Node(_GRAMMAR_SYMBOL2NUMBER['simple_stmt'],
+                             [pytree.Leaf(token.NAME, 'foo')])
+  def testGetWhenNone(self):
+    self.assertIsNone(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO))
+  def testSetWhenNone(self):
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO, 20)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO), 20)
+  def testSetAgain(self):
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO, 20)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO), 20)
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO, 30)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO), 30)
+  def testMultiple(self):
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO, 20)
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO1, 1)
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO2, 2)
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO3, 3)
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO4, 4)
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO5, 5)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO), 20)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO1), 1)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO2), 2)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO3), 3)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO4), 4)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO5), 5)
+  def testSubtype(self):
+    pytree_utils.AppendNodeAnnotation(self._leaf,
+                                      pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE, _FOO)
+    self.assertSetEqual(
+        pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf,
+                                       pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE), {_FOO})
+    pytree_utils.RemoveSubtypeAnnotation(self._leaf, _FOO)
+    self.assertSetEqual(
+        pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._leaf,
+                                       pytree_utils.Annotation.SUBTYPE), set())
+  def testSetOnNode(self):
+    pytree_utils.SetNodeAnnotation(self._node, _FOO, 20)
+    self.assertEqual(pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(self._node, _FOO), 20)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1908249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.pytree_visitor."""
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+class _NodeNameCollector(pytree_visitor.PyTreeVisitor):
+  """A tree visitor that collects the names of all tree nodes into a list.
+  Attributes:
+    all_node_names: collected list of the names, available when the traversal
+      is over.
+    name_node_values: collects a list of NAME leaves (in addition to those going
+      into all_node_names).
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.all_node_names = []
+    self.name_node_values = []
+  def DefaultNodeVisit(self, node):
+    self.all_node_names.append(pytree_utils.NodeName(node))
+    super(_NodeNameCollector, self).DefaultNodeVisit(node)
+  def DefaultLeafVisit(self, leaf):
+    self.all_node_names.append(pytree_utils.NodeName(leaf))
+  def Visit_NAME(self, leaf):
+    self.name_node_values.append(leaf.value)
+    self.DefaultLeafVisit(leaf)
+foo = bar
+baz = x
+if x:
+  if y:
+    return z
+class PytreeVisitorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testCollectAllNodeNamesSimpleCode(self):
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(_VISITOR_TEST_SIMPLE_CODE)
+    collector = _NodeNameCollector()
+    collector.Visit(tree)
+    expected_names = [
+        'file_input',
+        'simple_stmt', 'expr_stmt', 'NAME', 'EQUAL', 'NAME', 'NEWLINE',
+        'simple_stmt', 'expr_stmt', 'NAME', 'EQUAL', 'NAME', 'NEWLINE',
+        'ENDMARKER',
+    ]  # yapf: disable
+    self.assertEqual(expected_names, collector.all_node_names)
+    expected_name_node_values = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'x']
+    self.assertEqual(expected_name_node_values, collector.name_node_values)
+  def testCollectAllNodeNamesNestedCode(self):
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(_VISITOR_TEST_NESTED_CODE)
+    collector = _NodeNameCollector()
+    collector.Visit(tree)
+    expected_names = [
+        'file_input',
+        'if_stmt', 'NAME', 'NAME', 'COLON',
+        'suite', 'NEWLINE',
+        'INDENT', 'if_stmt', 'NAME', 'NAME', 'COLON', 'suite', 'NEWLINE',
+        'INDENT', 'simple_stmt', 'return_stmt', 'NAME', 'NAME', 'NEWLINE',
+    ]  # yapf: disable
+    self.assertEqual(expected_names, collector.all_node_names)
+    expected_name_node_values = ['if', 'x', 'if', 'y', 'return', 'z']
+    self.assertEqual(expected_name_node_values, collector.name_node_values)
+  def testDumper(self):
+    # PyTreeDumper is mainly a debugging utility, so only do basic sanity
+    # checking.
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(_VISITOR_TEST_SIMPLE_CODE)
+    stream = py3compat.StringIO()
+    pytree_visitor.PyTreeDumper(target_stream=stream).Visit(tree)
+    dump_output = stream.getvalue()
+    self.assertIn('file_input [3 children]', dump_output)
+    self.assertIn("NAME(Leaf(NAME, 'foo'))", dump_output)
+    self.assertIn("EQUAL(Leaf(EQUAL, '='))", dump_output)
+  def testDumpPyTree(self):
+    # Similar sanity checking for the convenience wrapper DumpPyTree
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(_VISITOR_TEST_SIMPLE_CODE)
+    stream = py3compat.StringIO()
+    pytree_visitor.DumpPyTree(tree, target_stream=stream)
+    dump_output = stream.getvalue()
+    self.assertIn('file_input [3 children]', dump_output)
+    self.assertIn("NAME(Leaf(NAME, 'foo'))", dump_output)
+    self.assertIn("EQUAL(Leaf(EQUAL, '='))", dump_output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3de63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,2509 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Basic tests for yapf.reformatter."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class BasicReformatterTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testSplittingAllArgs(self):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(
+        style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+            '{split_all_comma_separated_values: true, column_limit: 40}'))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          responseDict = {"timestamp": timestamp, "someValue":   value, "whatever": 120}
+          """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          responseDict = {
+              "timestamp": timestamp,
+              "someValue": value,
+              "whatever": 120
+          }
+          """)
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def foo(long_arg, really_long_arg, really_really_long_arg, cant_keep_all_these_args):
+                pass
+          """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def foo(long_arg,
+                  really_long_arg,
+                  really_really_long_arg,
+                  cant_keep_all_these_args):
+            pass
+          """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          foo_tuple = [long_arg, really_long_arg, really_really_long_arg, cant_keep_all_these_args]
+          """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          foo_tuple = [
+              long_arg,
+              really_long_arg,
+              really_really_long_arg,
+              cant_keep_all_these_args
+          ]
+          """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          foo_tuple = [short, arg]
+          """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          foo_tuple = [short, arg]
+          """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSimpleFunctionsWithTrailingComments(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def g():  # Trailing comment
+          if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+              xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+            pass
+        def f(  # Intermediate comment
+        ):
+          if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+              xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def g():  # Trailing comment
+          if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+              xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+            pass
+        def f(  # Intermediate comment
+        ):
+          if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+              xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testBlankLinesAtEndOfFile(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foobar(): # foo
+         pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foobar():  # foo
+          pass
+    """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        x = {  'a':37,'b':42,
+        'c':927}
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        x = {'a': 37, 'b': 42, 'c': 927}
+    """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultipleUgliness(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        x = {  'a':37,'b':42,
+        'c':927}
+        y = 'hello ''world'
+        z = 'hello '+'world'
+        a = 'hello {}'.format('world')
+        class foo  (     object  ):
+          def f    (self   ):
+            return       37*-+2
+          def g(self, x,y=42):
+              return y
+        def f  (   a ) :
+          return      37+-+a[42-x :  y**3]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        x = {'a': 37, 'b': 42, 'c': 927}
+        y = 'hello ' 'world'
+        z = 'hello ' + 'world'
+        a = 'hello {}'.format('world')
+        class foo(object):
+          def f(self):
+            return 37 * -+2
+          def g(self, x, y=42):
+            return y
+        def f(a):
+          return 37 + -+a[42 - x:y**3]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testComments(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          pass
+        # Attached comment
+        class Bar(object):
+          pass
+        global_assignment = 42
+        # Comment attached to class with decorator.
+        # Comment attached to class with decorator.
+        @noop
+        @noop
+        class Baz(object):
+          pass
+        # Intermediate comment
+        class Qux(object):
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          pass
+        # Attached comment
+        class Bar(object):
+          pass
+        global_assignment = 42
+        # Comment attached to class with decorator.
+        # Comment attached to class with decorator.
+        @noop
+        @noop
+        class Baz(object):
+          pass
+        # Intermediate comment
+        class Qux(object):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSingleComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # Thing 1
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentsWithTrailingSpaces(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # Thing 1    
+        # Thing 2    
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # Thing 1
+        # Thing 2
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentsInDataLiteral(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          return collections.OrderedDict({
+              # First comment.
+              'fnord': 37,
+              # Second comment.
+              # Continuation of second comment.
+              'bork': 42,
+              # Ending comment.
+          })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testEndingWhitespaceAfterSimpleStatement(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import foo as bar
+        # Thing 1
+        # Thing 2
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDocstrings(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        u"""Module-level docstring."""
+        import os
+        class Foo(object):
+          """Class-level docstring."""
+          # A comment for qux.
+          def qux(self):
+            """Function-level docstring.
+            A multiline function docstring.
+            """
+            print('hello {}'.format('world'))
+            return 42
+        ''')
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        u"""Module-level docstring."""
+        import os
+        class Foo(object):
+          """Class-level docstring."""
+          # A comment for qux.
+          def qux(self):
+            """Function-level docstring.
+            A multiline function docstring.
+            """
+            print('hello {}'.format('world'))
+            return 42
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDocstringAndMultilineComment(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        """Hello world"""
+        # A multiline
+        # comment
+        class bar(object):
+          """class docstring"""
+          # class multiline
+          # comment
+          def foo(self):
+            """Another docstring."""
+            # Another multiline
+            # comment
+            pass
+        ''')
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        """Hello world"""
+        # A multiline
+        # comment
+        class bar(object):
+          """class docstring"""
+          # class multiline
+          # comment
+          def foo(self):
+            """Another docstring."""
+            # Another multiline
+            # comment
+            pass
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultilineDocstringAndMultilineComment(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        """Hello world
+        RIP Dennis Richie.
+        """
+        # A multiline
+        # comment
+        class bar(object):
+          """class docstring
+          A classy class.
+          """
+          # class multiline
+          # comment
+          def foo(self):
+            """Another docstring.
+            A functional function.
+            """
+            # Another multiline
+            # comment
+            pass
+        ''')
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        """Hello world
+        RIP Dennis Richie.
+        """
+        # A multiline
+        # comment
+        class bar(object):
+          """class docstring
+          A classy class.
+          """
+          # class multiline
+          # comment
+          def foo(self):
+            """Another docstring.
+            A functional function.
+            """
+            # Another multiline
+            # comment
+            pass
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testTupleCommaBeforeLastParen(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = ( 1, )
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = (1,)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoBreakOutsideOfBracket(self):
+    # FIXME(morbo): How this is formatted is not correct. But it's syntactically
+    # correct.
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          assert port >= minimum, \
+'Unexpected port %d when minimum was %d.' % (port, minimum)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          assert port >= minimum, 'Unexpected port %d when minimum was %d.' % (port,
+                                                                               minimum)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testBlankLinesBeforeDecorators(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @foo()
+        class A(object):
+          @bar()
+          @baz()
+          def x(self):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @foo()
+        class A(object):
+          @bar()
+          @baz()
+          def x(self):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentBetweenDecorators(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @foo()
+        # frob
+        @bar
+        def x  (self):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @foo()
+        # frob
+        @bar
+        def x(self):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testListComprehension(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+            [k for k in ()
+              if k in y]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+          [k for k in () if k in y]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testListComprehensionPreferOneLine(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+            long_variable_name = [
+                long_var_name + 1
+                for long_var_name in ()
+                if long_var_name == 2]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+          long_variable_name = [
+              long_var_name + 1 for long_var_name in () if long_var_name == 2
+          ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testListComprehensionPreferOneLineOverArithmeticSplit(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(used_identifiers):
+          return (sum(len(identifier)
+                      for identifier in used_identifiers) / len(used_identifiers))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(used_identifiers):
+          return (sum(len(identifier) for identifier in used_identifiers) /
+                  len(used_identifiers))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testListComprehensionPreferThreeLinesForLineWrap(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+            long_variable_name = [
+                long_var_name + 1
+                for long_var_name, number_two in ()
+                if long_var_name == 2 and number_two == 3]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+          long_variable_name = [
+              long_var_name + 1
+              for long_var_name, number_two in ()
+              if long_var_name == 2 and number_two == 3
+          ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testListComprehensionPreferNoBreakForTrivialExpression(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+            long_variable_name = [
+                long_var_name
+                for long_var_name, number_two in ()
+                if long_var_name == 2 and number_two == 3]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def given(y):
+          long_variable_name = [
+              long_var_name for long_var_name, number_two in ()
+              if long_var_name == 2 and number_two == 3
+          ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testOpeningAndClosingBrackets(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+foo( (1, ) )
+foo( ( 1, 2, 3  ) )
+foo( ( 1, 2, 3, ) )
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+foo((1, 2, 3))
+    1,
+    2,
+    3,
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSingleLineFunctions(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():  return 42
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          return 42
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoQueueSeletionInMiddleOfLine(self):
+    # If the queue isn't properly constructed, then a token in the middle of the
+    # line may be selected as the one with least penalty. The tokens after that
+    # one are then splatted at the end of the line with no formatting.
+    unformatted_code = """\
+find_symbol(node.type) + "< " + " ".join(find_pattern(n) for n in node.child) + " >"
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+find_symbol(node.type) + "< " + " ".join(
+    find_pattern(n) for n in node.child) + " >"
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSpacesBetweenSubscriptsAndCalls(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc() [42] (a, 2)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc()[42](a, 2)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSpacesBetweenOpeningBracketAndStartingOperator(self):
+    # Unary operator.
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc[ -1 ]( -42 )
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc[-1](-42)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    # Varargs and kwargs.
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc( *varargs )
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc( **kwargs )
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc(*varargs)
+        aaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb.ccccccccc(**kwargs)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultilineCommentReformatted(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            # This is a multiline
+            # comment.
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          # This is a multiline
+          # comment.
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDictionaryMakerFormatting(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        _PYTHON_STATEMENTS = frozenset({
+            lambda x, y: 'simple_stmt': 'small_stmt', 'expr_stmt': 'print_stmt', 'del_stmt':
+            'pass_stmt', lambda: 'break_stmt': 'continue_stmt', 'return_stmt': 'raise_stmt',
+            'yield_stmt': 'import_stmt', lambda: 'global_stmt': 'exec_stmt', 'assert_stmt':
+            'if_stmt', 'while_stmt': 'for_stmt',
+        })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        _PYTHON_STATEMENTS = frozenset({
+            lambda x, y: 'simple_stmt': 'small_stmt',
+            'expr_stmt': 'print_stmt',
+            'del_stmt': 'pass_stmt',
+            lambda: 'break_stmt': 'continue_stmt',
+            'return_stmt': 'raise_stmt',
+            'yield_stmt': 'import_stmt',
+            lambda: 'global_stmt': 'exec_stmt',
+            'assert_stmt': 'if_stmt',
+            'while_stmt': 'for_stmt',
+        })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSimpleMultilineCode(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccc(zzzzzzzzzzzz, \
+xxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyy, vvvvvvvvv)
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccc(zzzzzzzzzzzz, \
+xxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyy, vvvvvvvvv)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccc(zzzzzzzzzzzz, xxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyy,
+                                                vvvvvvvvv)
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccc(zzzzzzzzzzzz, xxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyy,
+                                                vvvvvvvvv)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultilineComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if Foo:
+          # Hello world
+          # Yo man.
+          # Yo man.
+          # Yo man.
+          # Yo man.
+          a = 42
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultilineString(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+            if Foo:
+              # Hello world
+              # Yo man.
+              # Yo man.
+              # Yo man.
+              # Yo man.
+              a = 42
+            ''')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        def f():
+            email_text += """<html>This is a really long docstring that goes over the column limit and is multi-line.<br><br>
+        <b>Czar: </b>"""+despot["Nicholas"]+"""<br>
+        <b>Minion: </b>"""+serf["Dmitri"]+"""<br>
+        <b>Residence: </b>"""+palace["Winter"]+"""<br>
+        </body>
+        </html>"""
+        ''')
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        def f():
+          email_text += """<html>This is a really long docstring that goes over the column limit and is multi-line.<br><br>
+        <b>Czar: </b>""" + despot["Nicholas"] + """<br>
+        <b>Minion: </b>""" + serf["Dmitri"] + """<br>
+        <b>Residence: </b>""" + palace["Winter"] + """<br>
+        </body>
+        </html>"""
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSimpleMultilineWithComments(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if (  # This is the first comment
+            a and  # This is the second comment
+            # This is the third comment
+            b):  # A trailing comment
+          # Whoa! A normal comment!!
+          pass  # Another trailing comment
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMatchingParenSplittingMatching(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          raise RuntimeError('unable to find insertion point for target node',
+                             (target,))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          raise RuntimeError('unable to find insertion point for target node',
+                             (target,))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testContinuationIndent(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        class F:
+          def _ProcessArgLists(self, node):
+            """Common method for processing argument lists."""
+            for child in node.children:
+              if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf):
+                self._SetTokenSubtype(
+                    child, subtype=_ARGLIST_TOKEN_TO_SUBTYPE.get(
+                        child.value, format_token.Subtype.NONE))
+        ''')
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        class F:
+          def _ProcessArgLists(self, node):
+            """Common method for processing argument lists."""
+            for child in node.children:
+              if isinstance(child, pytree.Leaf):
+                self._SetTokenSubtype(
+                    child,
+                    subtype=_ARGLIST_TOKEN_TO_SUBTYPE.get(child.value,
+                                                          format_token.Subtype.NONE))
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testTrailingCommaAndBracket(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        a = { 42, }
+        b = ( 42, )
+        c = [ 42, ]
+        ''')
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        a = {
+            42,
+        }
+        b = (42,)
+        c = [
+            42,
+        ]
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testI18n(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        N_('Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.')  # A comment is here.
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        foo('Fake function call')  #. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testI18nCommentsInDataLiteral(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          return collections.OrderedDict({
+              #. First i18n comment.
+              'bork': 'foo',
+              #. Second i18n comment.
+              'snork': 'bar#.*=\\\\0',
+          })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testClosingBracketIndent(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        def f():
+          def g():
+            while (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+                       yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz].aaaaaaaa[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+              pass
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testClosingBracketsInlinedInCall(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          def bar(self):
+            self.aaaaaaaa = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyyyyyyy(
+                self.cccccc.ddddddddd.eeeeeeee,
+                options={
+                    "forkforkfork": 1,
+                    "borkborkbork": 2,
+                    "corkcorkcork": 3,
+                    "horkhorkhork": 4,
+                    "porkporkpork": 5,
+                    })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          def bar(self):
+            self.aaaaaaaa = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyyyyyyy(
+                self.cccccc.ddddddddd.eeeeeeee,
+                options={
+                    "forkforkfork": 1,
+                    "borkborkbork": 2,
+                    "corkcorkcork": 3,
+                    "horkhorkhork": 4,
+                    "porkporkpork": 5,
+                })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testLineWrapInForExpression(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A:
+          def x(self, node, name, n=1):
+            for i, child in enumerate(
+                itertools.ifilter(lambda c: pytree_utils.NodeName(c) == name,
+                                  node.pre_order())):
+              pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testFunctionCallContinuationLine(self):
+    code = """\
+class foo:
+  def bar(self, node, name, n=1):
+    if True:
+      if True:
+        return [(aaaaaaaaaa,
+                 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(
+                     cccc, ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd))]
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testI18nNonFormatting(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class F(object):
+          def __init__(self, fieldname,
+                       #. Error message indicating an invalid e-mail address.
+                       message=N_('Please check your email address.'), **kwargs):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSpaceBetweenUnaryOpAndOpeningParen(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if ~(a or b):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentBeforeFuncDef(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          a = 42
+          # This is a comment.
+          def __init__(self,
+                       xxxxxxx,
+                       yyyyy=0,
+                       zzzzzzz=None,
+                       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=False,
+                       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb=False):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testExcessLineCountWithDefaultKeywords(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Fnord(object):
+          def Moo(self):
+            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = self._bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(
+                ccccccccccccc=ccccccccccccc, ddddddd=ddddddd, eeee=eeee,
+                fffff=fffff, ggggggg=ggggggg, hhhhhhhhhhhhh=hhhhhhhhhhhhh,
+                iiiiiii=iiiiiiiiiiiiii)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Fnord(object):
+          def Moo(self):
+            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = self._bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(
+                ccccccccccccc=ccccccccccccc,
+                ddddddd=ddddddd,
+                eeee=eeee,
+                fffff=fffff,
+                ggggggg=ggggggg,
+                hhhhhhhhhhhhh=hhhhhhhhhhhhh,
+                iiiiiii=iiiiiiiiiiiiii)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSpaceAfterNotOperator(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if not (this and that):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoPenaltySplitting(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              python_files.extend(
+                  os.path.join(filename, f)
+                  for f in os.listdir(filename)
+                  if IsPythonFile(os.path.join(filename, f)))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testExpressionPenalties(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def f():
+        if ((left.value == '(' and right.value == ')') or
+            (left.value == '[' and right.value == ']') or
+            (left.value == '{' and right.value == '}')):
+          return False
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testLineDepthOfSingleLineStatement(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        while True: continue
+        for x in range(3): continue
+        try: a = 42
+        except: b = 42
+        with open(a) as fd: a =
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        while True:
+          continue
+        for x in range(3):
+          continue
+        try:
+          a = 42
+        except:
+          b = 42
+        with open(a) as fd:
+          a =
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplitListWithTerminatingComma(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        FOO = ['bar', 'baz', 'mux', 'qux', 'quux', 'quuux', 'quuuux',
+          'quuuuux', 'quuuuuux', 'quuuuuuux', lambda a, b: 37,]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        FOO = [
+            'bar',
+            'baz',
+            'mux',
+            'qux',
+            'quux',
+            'quuux',
+            'quuuux',
+            'quuuuux',
+            'quuuuuux',
+            'quuuuuuux',
+            lambda a, b: 37,
+        ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplitListWithInterspersedComments(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        FOO = [
+            'bar',  # bar
+            'baz',  # baz
+            'mux',  # mux
+            'qux',  # qux
+            'quux',  # quux
+            'quuux',  # quuux
+            'quuuux',  # quuuux
+            'quuuuux',  # quuuuux
+            'quuuuuux',  # quuuuuux
+            'quuuuuuux',  # quuuuuuux
+            lambda a, b: 37  # lambda
+        ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testRelativeImportStatements(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        from ... import bork
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSingleLineList(self):
+    # A list on a single line should prefer to remain contiguous.
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb = aaaaaaaaaaa(
+            ("...", "."), "..",
+            ".............................................."
+        )
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb = aaaaaaaaaaa(
+            ("...", "."), "..", "..............................................")
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testBlankLinesBeforeFunctionsNotInColumnZero(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import signal
+        try:
+          signal.SIGALRM
+          # ..................................................................
+          # ...............................................................
+          def timeout(seconds=1):
+            pass
+        except:
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import signal
+        try:
+          signal.SIGALRM
+          # ..................................................................
+          # ...............................................................
+          def timeout(seconds=1):
+            pass
+        except:
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoKeywordArgumentBreakage(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+          def b(self):
+            if self.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not in self.bbbbbbbbbb(
+                cccccccccccccccccccc=True):
+              pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testTrailerOnSingleLine(self):
+    code = """\
+urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^$', 'homepage_view'),
+                       url(r'^/login/$', 'login_view'),
+                       url(r'^/login/$', 'logout_view'),
+                       url(r'^/user/(?P<username>\\w+)/$', 'profile_view'))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testIfConditionalParens(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo:
+          def bar():
+            if True:
+              if (child.type == grammar_token.NAME and
+                  child.value in substatement_names):
+                pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testContinuationMarkers(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. "\\
+               "Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur "\\
+               "ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis "\\
+               "sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. "\\
+               "Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricies a non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        from __future__ import nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import, with_statement, \\
+            print_function, unicode_literals
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if aaaaaaaaa == 42 and bbbbbbbbbbbbbb == 42 and \\
+           cccccccc == 42:
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentsWithContinuationMarkers(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def fn(arg):
+          v = fn2(key1=True,
+                  #c1
+                  key2=arg)\\
+                        .fn3()
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultipleContinuationMarkers(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        xyz = \\
+            \\
+            some_thing()
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testContinuationMarkerAfterStringWithContinuation(self):
+    code = """\
+s = 'foo \\
+    bar' \\
+    .format()
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testEmptyContainers(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        flags.DEFINE_list(
+            'output_dirs', [],
+            'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. '
+            'Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue.')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplitStringsIfSurroundedByParens(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a ={'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': baz[42]} + 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' 'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc' 'ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd')
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a ={
+            'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+            'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': baz[42]
+        } + 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
+                    'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'
+                    'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'
+                    'ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' \
+'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' 'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc' \
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultilineShebang(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        #!/bin/sh
+        if "true" : '''\'
+        then
+        export FOO=123
+        exec /usr/bin/env python "$0" "$@"
+        exit 127
+        fi
+        '''
+        import os
+        assert os.environ['FOO'] == '123'
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSplittingAroundTermOperators(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a_very_long_function_call_yada_yada_etc_etc_etc(long_arg1,
+                                                        long_arg2 / long_arg3)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSplittingWithinSubscriptList(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        somequitelongvariablename.somemember[(a, b)] = {
+            'somelongkey': 1,
+            'someotherlongkey': 2
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testExcessCharacters(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class foo:
+          def bar(self):
+            self.write(s=[
+                '%s%s %s' % ('many of really', 'long strings', '+ just makes up 81')
+            ])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              if contract == allow_contract and attr_dict.get(if_attribute) == has_value:
+                return True
+        """)
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              if contract == allow_contract and attr_dict.get(
+                  if_attribute) == has_value:
+                return True
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDictSetGenerator(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        foo = {
+            variable: 'hello world. How are you today?'
+            for variable in fnord
+            if variable != 37
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testUnaryOpInDictionaryValue(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        beta = "123"
+        test = {'alpha': beta[-1]}
+        print(beta[-1])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testUnaryNotOperator(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              if True:
+                remote_checksum = self.get_checksum(conn, tmp, dest, inject,
+                                                    not directory_prepended, source)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testRelaxArraySubscriptAffinity(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+          def f(self, aaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbb, row):
+            if True:
+              if True:
+                if True:
+                  if True:
+                    if row[4] is None or row[5] is None:
+                      bbbbbbbbbbbbb['..............'] = row[
+                          5] if row[5] is not None else 5
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testFunctionCallInDict(self):
+    code = "a = {'a': b(c=d, **e)}\n"
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testFunctionCallInNestedDict(self):
+    code = "a = {'a': {'a': {'a': b(c=d, **e)}}}\n"
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testUnbreakableNot(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def test():
+          if not "Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" or "Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" == "Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo":
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplitListWithComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      a = [
+          'a',
+          'b',
+          'c'  # hello world
+      ]
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testOverColumnLimit(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      class Test:
+        def testSomething(self):
+          expected = {
+              ('aaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbb'): 'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+              ('aaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbb'): 'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+              ('aaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbb'): 'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+          }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      class Test:
+        def testSomething(self):
+          expected = {
+              ('aaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbb'):
+                  'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+              ('aaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbb'):
+                  'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+              ('aaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbb'):
+                  'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+          }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testEndingComment(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      a = f(
+          a="something",
+          b="something requiring comment which is quite long",  # comment about b (pushes line over 79)
+          c="something else, about which comment doesn't make sense")
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testContinuationSpaceRetention(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def fn():
+        return module \\
+               .method(Object(data,
+                   fn2(arg)
+               ))
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testIfExpressionWithFunctionCall(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      if x or z.y(
+          a,
+          c,
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
+          bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb=bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb):
+        pass
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testUnformattedAfterMultilineString(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def foo():
+        com_text = \\
+      '''
+      TEST
+      ''' % (input_fname, output_fname)
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSpacesAroundKeywordDefaultValues(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      sources = {
+          'json': request.get_json(silent=True) or {},
+          'json2': request.get_json(silent=True),
+      }
+      json = request.get_json(silent=True) or {}
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSplittingBeforeEndingSubscriptBracket(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            status = cf.describe_stacks(StackName=stackname)[u'Stacks'][0][u'StackStatus']
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            status = cf.describe_stacks(
+                StackName=stackname)[u'Stacks'][0][u'StackStatus']
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSplittingOnSingleArgument(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = ('(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)\\d+',
+                                    aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbb).group(1) +
+                '\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.(\\d+)',
+                                    ccccccc).group(1))
+        xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = ('(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)\\d+',
+                                    aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbb).group(a.b) +
+                '\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.(\\d+)',
+                                    ccccccc).group(c.d))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = (
+  '(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)\\d+', aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbb).group(1) +
+  '\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.(\\d+)', ccccccc).group(1))
+        xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = (
+  '(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)\\d+', aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbb).group(a.b) +
+  '\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.(\\d+)', ccccccc).group(c.d))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingArraysSensibly(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        while True:
+          while True:
+            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = list['bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'].split(',')
+            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = list('bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb').split(',')
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        while True:
+          while True:
+            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = list[
+                'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'].split(',')
+            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = list(
+                'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb').split(',')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testComprehensionForAndIf(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class f:
+          def __repr__(self):
+            tokens_repr = ','.join(['{0}({1!r})'.format(, tok.value) for tok in self._tokens])
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class f:
+          def __repr__(self):
+            tokens_repr = ','.join(
+                ['{0}({1!r})'.format(, tok.value) for tok in self._tokens])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testFunctionCallArguments(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore(_CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                comment_prefix, comment_lineno, comment_column,
+                standalone=True), ancestor_at_indent)
+            pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore(_CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                comment_prefix, comment_lineno, comment_column,
+                standalone=True))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore(
+                _CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                    comment_prefix, comment_lineno, comment_column, standalone=True),
+                ancestor_at_indent)
+            pytree_utils.InsertNodesBefore(
+                _CreateCommentsFromPrefix(
+                    comment_prefix, comment_lineno, comment_column, standalone=True))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testBinaryOperators(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = b ** 37
+        c = (20 ** -3) / (_GRID_ROWS ** (code_length - 10))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = b**37
+        c = (20**-3) / (_GRID_ROWS**(code_length - 10))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def f():
+        if True:
+          if (self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket and
+              # FIXME(morbo): Use the 'matching_bracket' instead of this.
+              # FIXME(morbo): Don't forget about tuples!
+              current.value in ']}'):
+            pass
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testContiguousList(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      [retval1, retval2] = a_very_long_function(argument_1, argument2, argument_3,
+                                                argument_4)
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testArgsAndKwargsFormatting(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      a(a=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
+        b=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
+        c=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
+        *d,
+        **e)
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def foo():
+        return [
+            Bar(xxx='some string',
+                yyy='another long string',
+                zzz='a third long string')
+        ]
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testCommentColumnLimitOverflow(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def f():
+        if True:
+          TaskManager.get_tags = MagicMock(
+              name='get_tags_mock',
+              return_value=[157031694470475],
+              # side_effect=[(157031694470475), (157031694470475),],
+          )
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultilineLambdas(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, allow_multiline_lambdas: true}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          class SomeClass(object):
+            do_something = True
+            def succeeded(self, dddddddddddddd):
+              d = defer.succeed(None)
+              if self.do_something:
+                d.addCallback(lambda _: self.aaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc(dddddddddddddd))
+              return d
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          class SomeClass(object):
+            do_something = True
+            def succeeded(self, dddddddddddddd):
+              d = defer.succeed(None)
+              if self.do_something:
+                d.addCallback(lambda _: self.aaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
+                              cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc(dddddddddddddd))
+              return d
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testMultilineDictionaryKeys(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{based_on_style: chromium, '
+                                      'allow_multiline_dictionary_keys: true}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          MAP_WITH_LONG_KEYS = {
+              ('lorem ipsum', 'dolor sit amet'):
+                  1,
+              ('consectetur adipiscing elit.', 'Vestibulum mauris justo, ornare eget dolor eget'):
+                  2,
+              ('vehicula convallis nulla. Vestibulum dictum nisl in malesuada finibus.',):
+                  3
+          }
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          MAP_WITH_LONG_KEYS = {
+              ('lorem ipsum', 'dolor sit amet'):
+                  1,
+              ('consectetur adipiscing elit.',
+               'Vestibulum mauris justo, ornare eget dolor eget'):
+                  2,
+              ('vehicula convallis nulla. Vestibulum dictum nisl in malesuada finibus.',):
+                  3
+          }
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testStableDictionaryFormatting(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, indent_width: 2, '
+              'continuation_indent_width: 4, indent_dictionary_value: True}'))
+      code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          class A(object):
+            def method(self):
+              filters = {
+                  'expressions': [{
+                      'field': {
+                          'search_field': {
+                              'user_field': 'latest_party__number_of_guests'
+                          },
+                      }
+                  }]
+              }
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatted_code)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(reformatted_code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatted_code)
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testStableInlinedDictionaryFormatting(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def _():
+              url = "http://{0}/axis-cgi/admin/param.cgi?{1}".format(
+                  value, urllib.urlencode({'action': 'update', 'parameter': value}))
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def _():
+              url = "http://{0}/axis-cgi/admin/param.cgi?{1}".format(
+                  value, urllib.urlencode({
+                      'action': 'update',
+                      'parameter': value
+                  }))
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatted_code)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(reformatted_code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatted_code)
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testDontSplitKeywordValueArguments(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def mark_game_scored(gid):
+          _connect.execute(_games.update().where(_games.c.gid == gid).values(
+              scored=True))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def mark_game_scored(gid):
+          _connect.execute(
+              _games.update().where(_games.c.gid == gid).values(scored=True))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDontAddBlankLineAfterMultilineString(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      query = '''SELECT id 
+      FROM table 
+      WHERE day in {}'''
+      days = ",".join(days)
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testFormattingListComprehensions(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def a():
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              columns = [
+                  x for x, y in self._heap_this_is_very_long if x.route[0] == choice
+              ]
+              self._heap = [x for x in self._heap if x.route and x.route[0] == choice]
+      """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSplittingWhenBinPacking(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, indent_width: 2, '
+              'continuation_indent_width: 4, indent_dictionary_value: True, '
+              'dedent_closing_brackets: True, '
+              'split_before_named_assigns: False}'))
+      code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a_very_long_function_name(
+              long_argument_name_1=1,
+              long_argument_name_2=2,
+              long_argument_name_3=3,
+              long_argument_name_4=4,
+          )
+          a_very_long_function_name(
+              long_argument_name_1=1, long_argument_name_2=2, long_argument_name_3=3,
+              long_argument_name_4=4
+          )
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatted_code)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(reformatted_code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatted_code)
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testNotSplittingAfterSubscript(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if not aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.b(c == d[
+                'eeeeee']).ffffff():
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if not aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.b(
+            c == d['eeeeee']).ffffff():
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingOneArgumentList(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              if True:
+                if True:
+                  if True:
+                    boxes[id_] = np.concatenate((points.min(axis=0), qoints.max(axis=0)))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              if True:
+                if True:
+                  if True:
+                    boxes[id_] = np.concatenate((points.min(axis=0),
+                                                 qoints.max(axis=0)))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingBeforeFirstElementListArgument(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          @classmethod
+          def _pack_results_for_constraint_or(cls, combination, constraints):
+            if True:
+              if True:
+                if True:
+                  return cls._create_investigation_result(
+                          (
+                                  clue for clue in combination if not clue == Verifier.UNMATCHED
+                          ), constraints, InvestigationResult.OR
+                  )
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          @classmethod
+          def _pack_results_for_constraint_or(cls, combination, constraints):
+            if True:
+              if True:
+                if True:
+                  return cls._create_investigation_result(
+                      (clue for clue in combination if not clue == Verifier.UNMATCHED),
+                      constraints, InvestigationResult.OR)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingArgumentsTerminatedByComma(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, '
+              'split_arguments_when_comma_terminated: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          function_name(argument_name_1=1, argument_name_2=2, argument_name_3=3)
+          function_name(argument_name_1=1, argument_name_2=2, argument_name_3=3,)
+          a_very_long_function_name(long_argument_name_1=1, long_argument_name_2=2, long_argument_name_3=3, long_argument_name_4=4)
+          a_very_long_function_name(long_argument_name_1, long_argument_name_2, long_argument_name_3, long_argument_name_4,)
+          r =f0 (1,  2,3,)
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          function_name(argument_name_1=1, argument_name_2=2, argument_name_3=3)
+          function_name(
+              argument_name_1=1,
+              argument_name_2=2,
+              argument_name_3=3,
+          )
+          a_very_long_function_name(
+              long_argument_name_1=1,
+              long_argument_name_2=2,
+              long_argument_name_3=3,
+              long_argument_name_4=4)
+          a_very_long_function_name(
+              long_argument_name_1,
+              long_argument_name_2,
+              long_argument_name_3,
+              long_argument_name_4,
+          )
+          r = f0(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3,
+          )
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatted_code)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(reformatted_code)
+      reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatted_code)
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testImportAsList(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        from toto import titi, tata, tutu  # noqa
+        from toto import titi, tata, tutu
+        from toto import (titi, tata, tutu)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDictionaryValuesOnOwnLines(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = {
+        'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa':
+        'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb':
+        'ccccccccccccccc':
+            Check('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', '!=', 'SUSPENDED'),
+        'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd':
+        'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee':
+            Check('VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV', '=', False),
+        'ffffffffffffffffffffffffff':
+        'ggggggggggggggggg':
+            Check('TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT', '=', True),
+        'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh':
+        'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii':
+            Check('RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR', '=', True),
+        'jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj':
+        }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = {
+            'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa':
+            'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb':
+            'ccccccccccccccc':
+                Check('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', '!=', 'SUSPENDED'),
+            'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd':
+                Check('WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW', '=', False),
+            'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee':
+                Check('VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV', '=', False),
+            'ffffffffffffffffffffffffff':
+                Check('UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU', '=', True),
+            'ggggggggggggggggg':
+                Check('TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT', '=', True),
+            'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh':
+            'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii':
+                Check('RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR', '=', True),
+            'jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj':
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDictionaryOnOwnLine(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        doc = test_utils.CreateTestDocumentViaController(
+            content={ 'a': 'b' },
+            branch_key=branch.key,
+            collection_key=collection.key)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        doc = test_utils.CreateTestDocumentViaController(
+            content={'a': 'b'}, branch_key=branch.key, collection_key=collection.key)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        doc = test_utils.CreateTestDocumentViaController(
+            content={ 'a': 'b' },
+            branch_key=branch.key,
+            collection_key=collection.key,
+            collection_key2=collection.key2)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        doc = test_utils.CreateTestDocumentViaController(
+            content={'a': 'b'},
+            branch_key=branch.key,
+            collection_key=collection.key,
+            collection_key2=collection.key2)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNestedListsInDictionary(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        _A = {
+            'cccccccccc': ('^^1',),
+            'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr': ('^7913',  # AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
+                                         ),
+            'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee': ('^6242',  # BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.
+                                                  ),
+            'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv': ('^27959',  # CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.
+                                    '^19746',  # DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
+                                    '^22907',  # EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
+                                    '^21098',  # FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+                                    '^22826',  # GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
+                                    '^22769',  # HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
+                                    '^22935',  # IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.
+                                    '^3982',  # JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.
+                                   ),
+            'uuuuuuuuuuuu': ('^19745',  # LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
+                             '^21324',  # MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
+                             '^22831',  # NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
+                             '^17081',  # OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
+                            ),
+            'eeeeeeeeeeeeee': (
+                '^9416',  # Reporter email. Not necessarily the reporter.
+                '^^3',  # This appears to be the raw email field.
+            ),
+            'cccccccccc': ('^21109',  # PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.
+                          ),
+        }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        _A = {
+            'cccccccccc': ('^^1',),
+            'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr': (
+                '^7913',  # AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
+            ),
+            'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee': (
+                '^6242',  # BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.
+            ),
+            'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv': (
+                '^27959',  # CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.
+                '^19746',  # DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
+                '^22907',  # EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
+                '^21098',  # FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
+                '^3982',  # JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.
+            ),
+            'uuuuuuuuuuuu': (
+                '^19745',  # LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
+                '^17081',  # OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
+            ),
+            'eeeeeeeeeeeeee': (
+                '^9416',  # Reporter email. Not necessarily the reporter.
+                '^^3',  # This appears to be the raw email field.
+            ),
+            'cccccccccc': (
+            ),
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNestedDictionary(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def _():
+            breadcrumbs = [{'name': 'Admin',
+                            'url': url_for(".home")},
+                           {'title': title},]
+            breadcrumbs = [{'name': 'Admin',
+                            'url': url_for(".home")},
+                           {'title': title}]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def _():
+            breadcrumbs = [
+                {
+                    'name': 'Admin',
+                    'url': url_for(".home")
+                },
+                {
+                    'title': title
+                },
+            ]
+            breadcrumbs = [{'name': 'Admin', 'url': url_for(".home")}, {'title': title}]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDictionaryElementsOnOneLine(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          @mock.patch.dict(
+              os.environ,
+              {'HTTP_' + xsrf._XSRF_TOKEN_HEADER.replace('-', '_'): 'atoken'})
+          def _():
+            pass
+            Environment.XXXXXXXXXX: 'some text more text even more tex',
+            Environment.YYYYYYY: 'some text more text even more text yet ag',
+            Environment.ZZZZZZZZZZZ: 'some text more text even mor etext yet again tex',
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNotInParams(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        list("a long line to break the line. a long line to break the brk a long lin", not True)
+        """)
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        list("a long line to break the line. a long line to break the brk a long lin",
+             not True)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNamedAssignNotAtEndOfLine(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          if True:
+            with py3compat.open_with_encoding(filename, mode='w',
+                                              encoding=encoding) as fd:
+              pass
+        """)
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          if True:
+            with py3compat.open_with_encoding(
+                filename, mode='w', encoding=encoding) as fd:
+              pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testBlankLineBeforeClassDocstring(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        class A:
+          """Does something.
+          Also, here are some details.
+          """
+          def __init__(self):
+            pass
+        ''')
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        class A:
+          """Does something.
+          Also, here are some details.
+          """
+          def __init__(self):
+            pass
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, '
+              'blank_line_before_class_docstring: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+          class A:
+            """Does something.
+            Also, here are some details.
+            """
+            def __init__(self):
+              pass
+          ''')
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+          class A:
+            """Does something.
+            Also, here are some details.
+            """
+            def __init__(self):
+              pass
+          ''')
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testBlankLineBeforeModuleDocstring(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        #!/usr/bin/env python
+        # -*- coding: utf-8 name> -*-
+        """Some module docstring."""
+        def foobar():
+          pass
+        ''')
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        #!/usr/bin/env python
+        # -*- coding: utf-8 name> -*-
+        """Some module docstring."""
+        def foobar():
+          pass
+        ''')
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, '
+              'blank_line_before_module_docstring: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        #!/usr/bin/env python
+        # -*- coding: utf-8 name> -*-
+        """Some module docstring."""
+        def foobar():
+            pass
+          ''')
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        #!/usr/bin/env python
+        # -*- coding: utf-8 name> -*-
+        """Some module docstring."""
+        def foobar():
+            pass
+          ''')
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testTupleCohesion(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          this_is_a_very_long_function_name(an_extremely_long_variable_name, (
+              'a string that may be too long %s' % 'M15'))
+        """)
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          this_is_a_very_long_function_name(
+              an_extremely_long_variable_name,
+              ('a string that may be too long %s' % 'M15'))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSubscriptExpression(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        foo = d[not a]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testListWithFunctionCalls(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          return [
+              Bar(
+                  xxx='some string',
+                  yyy='another long string',
+                  zzz='a third long string'), Bar(
+                      xxx='some string',
+                      yyy='another long string',
+                      zzz='a third long string')
+          ]
+        """)
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          return [
+              Bar(xxx='some string',
+                  yyy='another long string',
+                  zzz='a third long string'),
+              Bar(xxx='some string',
+                  yyy='another long string',
+                  zzz='a third long string')
+          ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testEllipses(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        X=...
+        Y = X if ... else X
+        """)
+    expected_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        X = ...
+        Y = X if ... else X
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingBeforeFirstArgumentOnFunctionCall(self):
+    """Tests split_before_first_argument on a function call."""
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, split_before_first_argument: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a_very_long_function_name("long string with formatting {0:s}".format(
+              "mystring"))
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a_very_long_function_name(
+              "long string with formatting {0:s}".format("mystring"))
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testSplittingBeforeFirstArgumentOnFunctionDefinition(self):
+    """Tests split_before_first_argument on a function definition."""
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, split_before_first_argument: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def _GetNumberOfSecondsFromElements(year, month, day, hours,
+                                              minutes, seconds, microseconds):
+            return
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def _GetNumberOfSecondsFromElements(
+              year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds):
+            return
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testSplittingBeforeFirstArgumentOnCompoundStatement(self):
+    """Tests split_before_first_argument on a compound statement."""
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, split_before_first_argument: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          if (long_argument_name_1 == 1 or
+              long_argument_name_2 == 2 or
+              long_argument_name_3 == 3 or
+              long_argument_name_4 == 4):
+            pass
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          if (long_argument_name_1 == 1 or long_argument_name_2 == 2 or
+              long_argument_name_3 == 3 or long_argument_name_4 == 4):
+            pass
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testCoalesceBracketsOnDict(self):
+    """Tests coalesce_brackets on a dictionary."""
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, coalesce_brackets: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          date_time_values = (
+              {
+                  u'year': year,
+                  u'month': month,
+                  u'day_of_month': day_of_month,
+                  u'hours': hours,
+                  u'minutes': minutes,
+                  u'seconds': seconds
+              }
+          )
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          date_time_values = ({
+              u'year': year,
+              u'month': month,
+              u'day_of_month': day_of_month,
+              u'hours': hours,
+              u'minutes': minutes,
+              u'seconds': seconds
+          })
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testSplitAfterComment(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: chromium, coalesce_brackets: True, '
+              'dedent_closing_brackets: true}'))
+      code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          if __name__ == "__main__":
+            with another_resource:
+              account = {
+                  "validUntil":
+                      int(time() + (6 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60))  # in 6 weeks time
+              }
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testAsyncAsNonKeyword(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+      # In Python 2, async may be used as a non-keyword identifier.
+      code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          from util import async
+          class A(object):
+              def foo(self):
+              def bar(self):
+                  pass
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=False))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testDisableEndingCommaHeuristic(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{based_on_style: chromium,'
+                                      ' disable_ending_comma_heuristic: True}'))
+      code = """\
+x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,]
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a1c781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Buganizer tests for yapf.reformatter."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class BuganizerFixes(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testB77923341(self):
+    code = """\
+def f():
+  if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccc <= 0 and  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
+      ddddddddddd.eeeeeeeee == constants.FFFFFFFFFFFFFF):
+    raise "yo"
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB77329955(self):
+    code = """\
+class _():
+  @parameterized.named_parameters(
+      ('ReadyExpiredSuccess', True, True, True, None, None),
+      ('SpannerUpdateFails', True, False, True, None, None),
+      ('ReadyNotExpired', False, True, True, True, None),
+      # ('ReadyNotExpiredNotHealthy', False, True, True, False, True),
+      # ('ReadyNotExpiredNotHealthyErrorFails', False, True, True, False, False
+      # ('ReadyNotExpiredNotHealthyUpdateFails', False, False, True, False, True
+  )
+  def _():
+    pass
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB65197969(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+class _():
+  def _():
+    return timedelta(seconds=max(float(time_scale), small_interval) *
+                   1.41 ** min(num_attempts, 9))
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+class _():
+  def _():
+    return timedelta(
+        seconds=max(float(time_scale), small_interval) *
+        1.41**min(num_attempts, 9))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB65546221(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+    "centos-6",
+    "centos-7",
+    "ubuntu-1204-precise",
+    "ubuntu-1404-trusty",
+    "ubuntu-1604-xenial",
+    "debian-7-wheezy",
+    "debian-8-jessie",
+    "debian-9-stretch",)
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+    "centos-6",
+    "centos-7",
+    "ubuntu-1204-precise",
+    "ubuntu-1404-trusty",
+    "ubuntu-1604-xenial",
+    "debian-7-wheezy",
+    "debian-8-jessie",
+    "debian-9-stretch",
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30500455(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+INITIAL_SYMTAB = dict([(name, 'exception#' + name) for name in INITIAL_EXCEPTIONS
+] * [(name, 'type#' + name) for name in INITIAL_TYPES] + [
+    (name, 'function#' + name) for name in INITIAL_FUNCTIONS
+] + [(name, 'const#' + name) for name in INITIAL_CONSTS])
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+    [(name, 'exception#' + name) for name in INITIAL_EXCEPTIONS] *
+    [(name, 'type#' + name) for name in INITIAL_TYPES] +
+    [(name, 'function#' + name) for name in INITIAL_FUNCTIONS] +
+    [(name, 'const#' + name) for name in INITIAL_CONSTS])
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB38343525(self):
+    code = """\
+# This does foo.
+@arg.String('some_path_to_a_file', required=True)
+# This does bar.
+@arg.String('some_path_to_a_file', required=True)
+def f():
+  print 1
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB37099651(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+_MEMCACHE = lazy.MakeLazy(
+    # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
+    lambda:, default_namespace=_LAZY_MEM_NAMESPACE, allow_pickle=True)
+    # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+_MEMCACHE = lazy.MakeLazy(
+    # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
+    lambda:
+        FLAGS.some_flag_thingy,
+        default_namespace=_LAZY_MEM_NAMESPACE,
+        allow_pickle=True)
+    # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB33228502(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  success_rate_stream_table = module.Precompute(
+      query_function=module.DefineQueryFunction(
+          name='Response error ratio',
+          expression=((m.Fetch(
+                  m.Raw('monarch.BorgTask',
+                        '/corp/travel/trips2/dispatcher/email/response'),
+                  {'borg_job': module_config.job, 'metric:response_type': 'SUCCESS'}),
+               m.Fetch(m.Raw('monarch.BorgTask', '/corp/travel/trips2/dispatcher/email/response'), {'borg_job': module_config.job}))
+              | m.Window(m.Delta('1h'))
+              | m.Join('successes', 'total')
+              | m.Point(m.VAL['successes'] / m.VAL['total']))))
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  success_rate_stream_table = module.Precompute(
+      query_function=module.DefineQueryFunction(
+          name='Response error ratio',
+          expression=(
+              (m.Fetch(
+                  m.Raw('monarch.BorgTask',
+                        '/corp/travel/trips2/dispatcher/email/response'), {
+                            'borg_job': module_config.job,
+                            'metric:response_type': 'SUCCESS'
+                        }),
+               m.Fetch(
+                   m.Raw('monarch.BorgTask',
+                         '/corp/travel/trips2/dispatcher/email/response'),
+                   {'borg_job': module_config.job}))
+              | m.Window(m.Delta('1h'))
+              | m.Join('successes', 'total')
+              | m.Point(m.VAL['successes'] / m.VAL['total']))))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30394228(self):
+    code = """\
+class _():
+  def _(self):
+    return some.randome.function.calling(
+        wf, None, alert.Format(alert.subject, alert=alert, threshold=threshold),
+        alert.Format(alert.body, alert=alert, threshold=threshold),
+        alert.html_formatting)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB65246454(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+class _():
+  def _(self):
+    self.assertEqual({
+                      for i in successful_instances},
+                     {
+                      for i in self._statuses.successful_instances})
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+class _():
+  def _(self):
+    self.assertEqual({ for i in successful_instances},
+                     { for i in self._statuses.successful_instances})
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB67935450(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  return (
+      (Gauge(
+          metric='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
+          group_by=group_by + ['metric:process_name'],
+          metric_filter={'metric:process_name': process_name_re}),
+       Gauge(
+           metric='bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
+           group_by=group_by + ['metric:process_name'],
+           metric_filter={'metric:process_name': process_name_re}))
+      | expr.Join(
+          left_name='start', left_default=0, right_name='end', right_default=0)
+      | m.Point(
+          m.Cond(m.VAL['end'] != 0, m.VAL['end'], k.TimestampMicros() /
+                 1000000L) - m.Cond(m.VAL['start'] != 0, m.VAL['start'],
+                                    m.TimestampMicros() / 1000000L)))
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  return (
+      (Gauge(
+          metric='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
+          group_by=group_by + ['metric:process_name'],
+          metric_filter={'metric:process_name': process_name_re}),
+       Gauge(
+           metric='bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
+           group_by=group_by + ['metric:process_name'],
+           metric_filter={'metric:process_name': process_name_re}))
+      | expr.Join(
+          left_name='start', left_default=0, right_name='end', right_default=0)
+      | m.Point(
+          m.Cond(m.VAL['end'] != 0, m.VAL['end'],
+                 k.TimestampMicros() / 1000000L) -
+          m.Cond(m.VAL['start'] != 0, m.VAL['start'],
+                 m.TimestampMicros() / 1000000L)))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB66011084(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+X = {
+"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa":  # Comment 1.
+([] if True else [ # Comment 2.
+    "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",  # Comment 3.
+    "cccccccccccccccccccccccc", # Comment 4.
+    "ddddddddddddddddddddddddd", # Comment 5.
+    "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", # Comment 6.
+    "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", # Comment 7.
+    "ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg", # Comment 8.
+    "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh",  # Comment 9.
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+X = {
+    "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa":  # Comment 1.
+        ([] if True else [  # Comment 2.
+            "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",  # Comment 3.
+            "cccccccccccccccccccccccc",  # Comment 4.
+            "ddddddddddddddddddddddddd",  # Comment 5.
+            "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",  # Comment 6.
+            "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",  # Comment 7.
+            "ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",  # Comment 8.
+            "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh",  # Comment 9.
+        ]),
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB67455376(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+sponge_ids.extend( for invocation in self._client.GetInvocationsByLabels(labels))
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+                  for invocation in self._client.GetInvocationsByLabels(labels))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB35210351(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  config.AnotherRuleThing(
+      'the_title_to_the_thing_here',
+      {'monitorname': 'firefly',
+       'service': ACCOUNTING_THING,
+       'severity': 'the_bug',
+       'monarch_module_name': alerts.TheLabel(qa_module_regexp, invert=True)},
+      fanout,
+      alerts.AlertUsToSomething(
+          GetTheAlertToIt('the_title_to_the_thing_here'),
+          GetNotificationTemplate('your_email_here')))
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  config.AnotherRuleThing(
+      'the_title_to_the_thing_here', {
+          'monitorname': 'firefly',
+          'service': ACCOUNTING_THING,
+          'severity': 'the_bug',
+          'monarch_module_name': alerts.TheLabel(qa_module_regexp, invert=True)
+      }, fanout,
+      alerts.AlertUsToSomething(
+          GetTheAlertToIt('the_title_to_the_thing_here'),
+          GetNotificationTemplate('your_email_here')))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB34774905(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+x=[VarExprType(ir_name=IrName( value='x',
+expr_type=UnresolvedAttrExprType( atom=UnknownExprType(), attr_name=IrName(
+    value='x', expr_type=UnknownExprType(), usage='UNKNOWN', fqn=None,
+    astn=None), usage='REF'), usage='ATTR', fqn='<attr>.x', astn=None))]
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+x = [
+    VarExprType(
+        ir_name=IrName(
+            value='x',
+            expr_type=UnresolvedAttrExprType(
+                atom=UnknownExprType(),
+                attr_name=IrName(
+                    value='x',
+                    expr_type=UnknownExprType(),
+                    usage='UNKNOWN',
+                    fqn=None,
+                    astn=None),
+                usage='REF'),
+            usage='ATTR',
+            fqn='<attr>.x',
+            astn=None))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB65176185(self):
+    code = """\
+xx = zip(*[(a, b) for (a, b, c) in yy])
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB35210166(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  query = (
+      m.Fetch(n.Raw('monarch.BorgTask', '/proc/container/memory/usage'), { 'borg_user': borguser, 'borg_job': jobname })
+      | o.Window(m.Align('5m')) | p.GroupBy(['borg_user', 'borg_job', 'borg_cell'], q.Mean()))
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  query = (
+      m.Fetch(
+          n.Raw('monarch.BorgTask', '/proc/container/memory/usage'), {
+              'borg_user': borguser,
+              'borg_job': jobname
+          })
+      | o.Window(m.Align('5m'))
+      | p.GroupBy(['borg_user', 'borg_job', 'borg_cell'], q.Mean()))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB32167774(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+X = (
+    'is_official',
+    'is_cover',
+    'is_remix',
+    'is_instrumental',
+    'is_live',
+    'has_lyrics',
+    'is_album',
+    'is_compilation',)
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+X = (
+    'is_official',
+    'is_cover',
+    'is_remix',
+    'is_instrumental',
+    'is_live',
+    'has_lyrics',
+    'is_album',
+    'is_compilation',
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB66912275(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.HttpError, 'Invalid'):
+    patch_op = api_client.forwardingRules().patch(
+        project=project_id,
+        region=region,
+        forwardingRule=rule_name,
+        body={'fingerprint': base64.urlsafe_b64encode('invalid_fingerprint')}).execute()
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def _():
+  with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.HttpError, 'Invalid'):
+    patch_op = api_client.forwardingRules().patch(
+        project=project_id,
+        region=region,
+        forwardingRule=rule_name,
+        body={
+            'fingerprint': base64.urlsafe_b64encode('invalid_fingerprint')
+        }).execute()
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB67312284(self):
+    code = """\
+def _():
+  self.assertEqual(
+      [u'to be published 2', u'to be published 1', u'to be published 0'],
+      [el.text for el in page.first_column_tds])
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB65241516(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+checkpoint_files = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(TrainTraceDir(unit_key, "*", "*"), embedding_model.CHECKPOINT_FILENAME + "-*"))
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+checkpoint_files = gfile.Glob(
+    os.path.join(
+        TrainTraceDir(unit_key, "*", "*"),
+        embedding_model.CHECKPOINT_FILENAME + "-*"))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB37460004(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        assert all(s not in (_SENTINEL, None) for s in nested_schemas
+                  ), 'Nested schemas should never contain None/_SENTINEL'
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB36806207(self):
+    code = """\
+def _():
+  linearity_data = [[row] for row in [
+      "%.1f mm" % (np.mean(linearity_values["pos_error"]) * 1000.0),
+      "%.1f mm" % (np.max(linearity_values["pos_error"]) * 1000.0),
+      "%.1f mm" % (np.mean(linearity_values["pos_error_chunk_mean"]) * 1000.0),
+      "%.1f mm" % (np.max(linearity_values["pos_error_chunk_max"]) * 1000.0),
+      "%.1f deg" % math.degrees(np.mean(linearity_values["rot_noise"])),
+      "%.1f deg" % math.degrees(np.max(linearity_values["rot_noise"])),
+      "%.1f deg" % math.degrees(np.mean(linearity_values["rot_drift"])),
+      "%.1f deg" % math.degrees(np.max(linearity_values["rot_drift"])),
+      "%.1f%%" % (np.max(linearity_values["pos_discontinuity"]) * 100.0),
+      "%.1f%%" % (np.max(linearity_values["rot_discontinuity"]) * 100.0)
+  ]]
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB36215507(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class X():
+          def _():
+            aaaaaaaaaaaaa._bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(
+                mmmmmmmmmmmmm, nnnnn, ooooooooo,
+                _(ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp),
+                *(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq),
+                **(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB35212469(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          X = {
+            'retain': {
+                'loadtest':  # This is a comment in the middle of a dictionary entry
+                    ('/some/path/to/a/file/that/is/needed/by/this/process')
+              }
+          }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          X = {
+              'retain': {
+                  'loadtest':  # This is a comment in the middle of a dictionary entry
+                      ('/some/path/to/a/file/that/is/needed/by/this/process')
+              }
+          }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB31063453(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          while ((not mpede_proc) or ((time_time() - last_modified) < FLAGS_boot_idle_timeout)):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          while ((not mpede_proc) or
+                 ((time_time() - last_modified) < FLAGS_boot_idle_timeout)):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB35021894(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          labelacl = Env(qa={
+              'read': 'name/some-type-of-very-long-name-for-reading-perms',
+              'modify': 'name/some-other-type-of-very-long-name-for-modifying'
+          },
+                         prod={
+                            'read': 'name/some-type-of-very-long-name-for-reading-perms',
+                            'modify': 'name/some-other-type-of-very-long-name-for-modifying'
+                         })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          labelacl = Env(
+              qa={
+                  'read': 'name/some-type-of-very-long-name-for-reading-perms',
+                  'modify': 'name/some-other-type-of-very-long-name-for-modifying'
+              },
+              prod={
+                  'read': 'name/some-type-of-very-long-name-for-reading-perms',
+                  'modify': 'name/some-other-type-of-very-long-name-for-modifying'
+              })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB34682902(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+"Mean angular velocity norm: %.3f", np.linalg.norm(np.mean(ang_vel_arr, axis=0)))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+"Mean angular velocity norm: %.3f",
+                     np.linalg.norm(np.mean(ang_vel_arr, axis=0)))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB33842726(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def _():
+            hints.append(('hg tag -f -l -r %s %s # %s' % (short(ctx.node(
+            )), candidatetag, firstline))[:78])
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def _():
+            hints.append(('hg tag -f -l -r %s %s # %s' % (short(
+                ctx.node()), candidatetag, firstline))[:78])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB32931780(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        environments = {
+            'prod': {
+                # this is a comment before the first entry.
+                'entry one':
+                    'an entry.',
+                # this is the comment before the second entry.
+                'entry number 2.':
+                    'something',
+                # this is the comment before the third entry and it's a doozy. So big!
+                'who':
+                    'allin',
+                # This is an entry that has a dictionary in it. It's ugly
+                'something': {
+                    'page': ['', ''],
+                    'bug': [''],
+                    'email': [''],
+                },
+                # a short comment
+                'yolo!!!!!':
+                    '',
+                # this entry has an implicit string concatenation
+                'implicit':
+                    ''
+                    '?something=something%20some%20more%20stuff..',
+                # A more normal entry.
+                '.....':
+                    'this is an entry',
+            }
+        }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        environments = {
+            'prod': {
+                # this is a comment before the first entry.
+                'entry one': 'an entry.',
+                # this is the comment before the second entry.
+                'entry number 2.': 'something',
+                # this is the comment before the third entry and it's a doozy. So big!
+                'who': 'allin',
+                # This is an entry that has a dictionary in it. It's ugly
+                'something': {
+                    'page': [
+                        '', ''
+                    ],
+                    'bug': [''],
+                    'email': [''],
+                },
+                # a short comment
+                'yolo!!!!!': '',
+                # this entry has an implicit string concatenation
+                'implicit': ''
+                            '?something=something%20some%20more%20stuff..',
+                # A more normal entry.
+                '.....': 'this is an entry',
+            }
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB33047408(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          for sort in (sorts or []):
+            request['sorts'].append({
+                'field': {
+                    'user_field': sort
+                },
+                'order': 'ASCENDING'
+            })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB32714745(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def _BlankDefinition():
+            '''Return a generic blank dictionary for a new field.'''
+            return {
+                'type': '',
+                'validation': '',
+                'name': 'fieldname',
+                'label': 'Field Label',
+                'help': '',
+                'initial': '',
+                'required': False,
+                'required_msg': 'Required',
+                'invalid_msg': 'Please enter a valid value',
+                'options': {
+                    'regex': '',
+                    'widget_attr': '',
+                    'choices_checked': '',
+                    'choices_count': '',
+                    'choices': {}
+                },
+                'isnew': True,
+                'dirty': False,
+            }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB32737279(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        here_is_a_dict = {
+            'key':
+            # Comment.
+            'value'
+        }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        here_is_a_dict = {
+            'key':  # Comment.
+                'value'
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB32570937(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def _():
+        if (job_message.ball not in ('*', ball) or
+   not in ('*', call) or
+            job_message.mall not in ('*', job_name)):
+          return False
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB31937033(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def __init__(self, metric, fields_cb=None):
+            self._fields_cb = fields_cb or (lambda *unused_args, **unused_kwargs: {})
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB31911533(self):
+    code = """\
+class _():
+  @parameterized.NamedParameters(
+      ('IncludingModInfoWithHeaderList', AAAA, aaaa),
+      ('IncludingModInfoWithoutHeaderList', BBBB, bbbbb),
+      ('ExcludingModInfoWithHeaderList', CCCCC, cccc),
+      ('ExcludingModInfoWithoutHeaderList', DDDDD, ddddd),
+  )
+  def _():
+    pass
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB31847238(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def aaaaa(self, bbbbb, cccccccccccccc=None):  # TODO(who): pylint: disable=unused-argument
+            return 1
+          def xxxxx(self, yyyyy, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz=None):  # A normal comment that runs over the column limit.
+            return 1
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def aaaaa(self, bbbbb, cccccccccccccc=None):  # TODO(who): pylint: disable=unused-argument
+            return 1
+          def xxxxx(
+              self, yyyyy,
+              zzzzzzzzzzzzzz=None):  # A normal comment that runs over the column limit.
+            return 1
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30760569(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        {'1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890':
+             '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'}
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        {
+            '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890':
+                '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB26034238(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Thing:
+          def Function(self):
+            thing.Scrape('/aaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbb/ccccc/dddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeee/ffffffffffffff').AndReturn(42)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Thing:
+          def Function(self):
+            thing.Scrape(
+                '/aaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbb/ccccc/dddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeee/ffffffffffffff'
+            ).AndReturn(42)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30536435(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def main(unused_argv):
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              aaaaaaaaaaa.comment('import-from[{}] {} {}'.format(
+                  bbbbbbbbb.usage,
+                  ccccccccc.within,
+                  imports.ddddddddddddddddddd(name_item.ffffffffffffffff)))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def main(unused_argv):
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              aaaaaaaaaaa.comment('import-from[{}] {} {}'.format(
+                  bbbbbbbbb.usage, ccccccccc.within,
+                  imports.ddddddddddddddddddd(name_item.ffffffffffffffff)))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30442148(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def lulz():
+          return (some_long_module_name.SomeLongClassName.
+                  some_long_attribute_name.some_long_method_name())
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def lulz():
+          return (some_long_module_name.SomeLongClassName.some_long_attribute_name.
+                  some_long_method_name())
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB26868213(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def _():
+        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = {
+            'ssssss': {'ddddd': 'qqqqq',
+                       'p90': aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
+                       'p99': bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,
+                       'lllllllllllll': yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(),},
+            'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb': {
+                'ddddd': 'bork bork bork bo',
+                'p90': wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,
+                'p99': wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,
+                'lllllllllllll': None,  # use the default
+            }
+        }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def _():
+        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = {
+            'ssssss': {
+                'ddddd': 'qqqqq',
+                'p90': aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
+                'p99': bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,
+                'lllllllllllll': yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(),
+            },
+            'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb': {
+                'ddddd': 'bork bork bork bo',
+                'p90': wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,
+                'p99': wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,
+                'lllllllllllll': None,  # use the default
+            }
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30173198(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def _():
+            self.assertFalse(
+                evaluation_runner.get_larps_in_eval_set('these_arent_the_larps'))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB29908765(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+          def __repr__(self):
+            return '<session %s on %s>' % (self._id,
+                                           self._stub._stub.rpc_channel().target())  # pylint:disable=protected-access
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30087362(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          for s in sorted(env['foo']):
+            bar()
+            # This is a comment
+          # This is another comment
+          foo()
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB30087363(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if False:
+          bar()
+          # This is a comment
+        # This is another comment
+        elif True:
+          foo()
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB29093579(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          _xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(aaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc[
+              dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.fffffffffffffffffffff])
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          _xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+              aaaaaaaa,
+              bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc[dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.
+                                        eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.fffffffffffffffffffff])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB26382315(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        @hello_world
+        # This is a first comment
+        # Comment
+        def foo():
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB27616132(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          query.fetch_page.assert_has_calls([
+    ,
+                        start_cursor=None),
+    ,
+                        start_cursor=cursor_1),
+    ,
+                        start_cursor=cursor_2),
+          ])
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          query.fetch_page.assert_has_calls([
+    , start_cursor=None),
+    , start_cursor=cursor_1),
+    , start_cursor=cursor_2),
+          ])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB27590179(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            self.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = (
+                { True:
+                     self.bbb.cccccccccc(ddddddddddddddddddddddd.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee),
+                 False:
+                     self.bbb.cccccccccc(ddddddddddddddddddddddd.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
+                })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            self.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = ({
+                True:
+                    self.bbb.cccccccccc(ddddddddddddddddddddddd.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee),
+                False:
+                    self.bbb.cccccccccc(ddddddddddddddddddddddd.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
+            })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB27266946(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = (self.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = (
+              self.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
+              cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB25505359(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        _EXAMPLE = {
+            'aaaaaaaaaaaaaa': [{
+                'bbbb': 'cccccccccccccccccccccc',
+                'dddddddddddd': []
+            }, {
+                'bbbb': 'ccccccccccccccccccc',
+                'dddddddddddd': []
+            }]
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB25324261(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaa = set(bbbb.cccc
+                        for ddd in eeeeee.fffffffffff.gggggggggggggggg
+                        for cccc in ddd.specification)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB25136704(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class f:
+          def test(self):
+            self.bbbbbbb[0]['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', {
+                'xxxxxx': 'yyyyyy'
+            }] = cccccc.ddd('1m', '10x1+1')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB25165602(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          ids = {u: i for u, i in zip(self.aaaaa, xrange(42, 42 + len(self.aaaaaa)))}
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB25157123(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def ListArgs():
+          FairlyLongMethodName([relatively_long_identifier_for_a_list],
+                               another_argument_with_a_long_identifier)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB25136820(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          return collections.OrderedDict({
+              # Preceding comment.
+              'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa':
+              '$bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
+          })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          return collections.OrderedDict({
+              # Preceding comment.
+              'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa':
+                  '$bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
+          })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB25131481(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        APPARENT_ACTIONS = ('command_type', {
+            'materialize': lambda x: some_type_of_function('materialize ' + x.command_def),
+            '#': lambda x: x  # do nothing
+        })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+            'command_type',
+            {
+                'materialize':
+                    lambda x: some_type_of_function('materialize ' + x.command_def),
+                '#':
+                    lambda x: x  # do nothing
+            })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB23445244(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          if True:
+            return xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+                command,
+                extra_env={
+                    "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO": FLAGS.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,
+                    "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP":
+                        FLAGS.aaaaaaaaaaaaaa + FLAGS.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,
+                })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          if True:
+            return xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+                command,
+                extra_env={
+                    "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO":
+                        FLAGS.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,
+                    "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP":
+                        FLAGS.aaaaaaaaaaaaaa + FLAGS.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,
+                })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20559654(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      class A(object):
+        def foo(self):
+          unused_error, result = server.Query(
+              aaaaaaaaaaa=True, bbbbbbbb=None)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      class A(object):
+        def foo(self):
+          unused_error, result = server.Query(
+              aaaaaaaaaaa=True,
+              bbbbbbbb=None)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB23943842(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class F():
+          def f():
+            self.assertDictEqual(
+                accounts, {
+                    'foo':
+                    {'account': 'foo',
+                     'lines': 'l1\\nl2\\nl3\\n1 line(s) were elided.'},
+                    'bar': {'account': 'bar',
+                            'lines': 'l5\\nl6\\nl7'},
+                    'wiz': {'account': 'wiz',
+                            'lines': 'l8'}
+                })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class F():
+          def f():
+            self.assertDictEqual(
+                accounts, {
+                    'foo': {
+                        'account': 'foo',
+                        'lines': 'l1\\nl2\\nl3\\n1 line(s) were elided.'
+                    },
+                    'bar': {
+                        'account': 'bar',
+                        'lines': 'l5\\nl6\\nl7'
+                    },
+                    'wiz': {
+                        'account': 'wiz',
+                        'lines': 'l8'
+                    }
+                })
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20551180(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          if True:
+            return (struct.pack('aaaa', bbbbbbbbbb, ccccccccccccccc, dddddddd) + eeeeeee)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          if True:
+            return (
+                struct.pack('aaaa', bbbbbbbbbb, ccccccccccccccc, dddddddd) + eeeeeee)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB23944849(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+          def xxxxxxxxx(self, aaaaaaa, bbbbbbb=ccccccccccc, dddddd=300, eeeeeeeeeeeeee=None, fffffffffffffff=0):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+          def xxxxxxxxx(self,
+                        aaaaaaa,
+                        bbbbbbb=ccccccccccc,
+                        dddddd=300,
+                        eeeeeeeeeeeeee=None,
+                        fffffffffffffff=0):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB23935890(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class F():
+          def functioni(self, aaaaaaa, bbbbbbb, cccccc, dddddddddddddd, eeeeeeeeeeeeeee):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class F():
+          def functioni(self, aaaaaaa, bbbbbbb, cccccc, dddddddddddddd,
+                        eeeeeeeeeeeeeee):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB28414371(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _():
+          return ((m.fffff(
+              m.rrr('mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm', 'ssssssssssssssssssssssssss'), ffffffffffffffff)
+                   | m.wwwwww(m.ddddd('1h'))
+                   | m.ggggggg(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb)
+                   | m.ppppp(
+                       (1 - m.ffffffffffffffff(llllllllllllllllllllll * 1000000, m.vvv))
+                       * m.ddddddddddddddddd(m.vvv)),
+                   m.fffff(
+                       m.rrr('mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm', 'sssssssssssssssssssssss'),
+                       dict(
+                           ffffffffffffffff, **{
+                               'mmmmmm:ssssss':
+                                   m.rrrrrrrrrrr('|'.join(iiiiiiiiiiiiii), iiiiii=True)
+                           }))
+                   | m.wwwwww(m.rrrr('1h'))
+                   | m.ggggggg(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb))
+                  | m.jjjj()
+                  | m.ppppp(m.vvv[0] + m.vvv[1]))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20127686(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            return ((m.fffff(
+                m.rrr('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
+                      'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'),
+                mmmmmmmm)
+                     | m.wwwwww(m.rrrr(self.tttttttttt, self.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm))
+                     | m.ggggggg(self.gggggggg, m.sss()), m.fffff('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')
+                     | m.wwwwww(m.ddddd(self.tttttttttt, self.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm))
+                     | m.ggggggg(self.gggggggg))
+                    | m.jjjj()
+                    | m.ppppp(m.VAL[0] / m.VAL[1]))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20016122(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, split_penalty_import_names: 35}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yada import (long_argument_1,
+                                                                     long_argument_2)
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          from a_very_long_or_indented_module_name_yada_yada import (
+              long_argument_1, long_argument_2)
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{based_on_style: chromium, '
+                                      'split_before_logical_operator: True}'))
+      code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          class foo():
+            def __eq__(self, other):
+              return (isinstance(other, type(self))
+                      and self.xxxxxxxxxxx == other.xxxxxxxxxxx
+                      and self.xxxxxxxx == other.xxxxxxxx
+                      and self.aaaaaaaaaaaa == other.aaaaaaaaaaaa
+                      and self.bbbbbbbbbbb == other.bbbbbbbbbbb
+                      and self.ccccccccccccccccc == other.ccccccccccccccccc
+                      and self.ddddddddddddddddddddddd == other.ddddddddddddddddddddddd
+                      and self.eeeeeeeeeeee == other.eeeeeeeeeeee
+                      and self.ffffffffffffff == other.time_completed
+                      and self.gggggg == other.gggggg and self.hhh == other.hhh
+                      and len(self.iiiiiiii) == len(other.iiiiiiii)
+                      and all(jjjjjjj in other.iiiiiiii for jjjjjjj in self.iiiiiiii))
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testB22527411(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            aaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb[-1].cccccccccccccc.ddd().eeeeeeee(ffffffffffffff)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            aaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb[-1].cccccccccccccc.ddd().eeeeeeee(
+                ffffffffffffff)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20849933(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def main(unused_argv):
+          if True:
+            aaaaaaaa = {
+                'xxx': '%s/cccccc/ddddddddddddddddddd.jar' %
+                       (eeeeee.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),
+            }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def main(unused_argv):
+          if True:
+            aaaaaaaa = {
+                'xxx':
+                    '%s/cccccc/ddddddddddddddddddd.jar' % (eeeeee.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),
+            }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20813997(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def myfunc_1():
+          myarray = numpy.zeros((2, 2, 2))
+          print(myarray[:, 1, :])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20605036(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        foo = {
+            'aaaa': {
+                # A comment for no particular reason.
+                'xxxxxxxx': 'bbbbbbbbb',
+                'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': 'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'
+                                      'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd',
+            }
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20562732(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        foo = [
+            # Comment about first list item
+            'First item',
+            # Comment about second list item
+            'Second item',
+        ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20128830(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = {
+            'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx': {
+                'aaaa':
+                    'mmmmmmm',
+                'bbbbb':
+                    'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm',
+                'cccccccccc': [
+                    'nnnnnnnnnnn',
+                    'ooooooooooo',
+                    'ppppppppppp',
+                    'qqqqqqqqqqq',
+                ],
+            },
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB20073838(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class DummyModel(object):
+          def do_nothing(self, class_1_count):
+            if True:
+              class_0_count = num_votes - class_1_count
+              return ('{class_0_name}={class_0_count}, {class_1_name}={class_1_count}'
+                      .format(
+                          class_0_name=self.class_0_name,
+                          class_0_count=class_0_count,
+                          class_1_name=self.class_1_name,
+                          class_1_count=class_1_count))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB19626808(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbb(
+              'ccccccccccc', ddddddddd='eeeee').fffffffff([ggggggggggggggggggggg])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB19547210(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        while True:
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              if True:
+                if xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyy(aa).zzzzzzz() not in (
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zzzzzzzz,
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zzzzzzzz):
+                  continue
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB19377034(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.start >= aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.end or
+              bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.start >= bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.end):
+            return False
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB19372573(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+            if a: return 42
+            while True:
+                if b: continue
+                if c: break
+            return 0
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+  def testB19353268(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = {1, 2, 3}[x]
+        b = {'foo': 42, 'bar': 37}['foo']
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB19287512(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          def bar(self):
+            with xxxxxxxxxx.yyyyy(
+                'aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbb.ccccccc.dddddddddddddddddddd.eeeeeeeeeee',
+                fffffffffff=(aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbb.ccccccc.dddddddddddddddddddd
+                             .Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm(-1, 'permission error'))):
+              self.assertRaises(nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.ooooo, ppppp.qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          def bar(self):
+            with xxxxxxxxxx.yyyyy(
+                'aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbb.ccccccc.dddddddddddddddddddd.eeeeeeeeeee',
+                fffffffffff=(
+                    aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbb.ccccccc.dddddddddddddddddddd.Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm(
+                        -1, 'permission error'))):
+              self.assertRaises(nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.ooooo, ppppp.qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB19194420(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        method.Set(
+            'long argument goes here that causes the line to break',
+            lambda arg2=0.5: arg2)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB19073499(self):
+    code = """\
+instance = (
+    aaaaaaa.bbbbbbb().ccccccccccccccccc().ddddddddddd({
+        'aa': 'context!'
+    }).eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee({  # Inline comment about why fnord has the value 6.
+        'fnord': 6
+    }))
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB18257115(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            self._Test(aaaa, bbbbbbb.cccccccccc, dddddddd, eeeeeeeeeee,
+                       [ffff, ggggggggggg, hhhhhhhhhhhh, iiiiii, jjjj])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB18256666(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+          def Bar(self):
+            aaaaa.bbbbbbb(
+                ccc='ddddddddddddddd',
+                eeee='ffffffffffffffffffffff-%s-%s' % (gggg, int(time.time())),
+                hhhhhh={
+                    'iiiiiiiiiii': iiiiiiiiiii,
+                    'jjjj': jjjj.jjjjj(),
+                    'kkkkkkkkkkkk': kkkkkkkkkkkk,
+                },
+                llllllllll=mmmmmm.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB18256826(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          pass
+        # A multiline comment.
+        # Line two.
+        elif False:
+          pass
+        if True:
+          pass
+          # A multiline comment.
+          # Line two.
+        elif False:
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB18255697(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+            'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 4242,  # Inline comment
+            # Next comment
+            'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY': ['zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'],
+        }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB17534869(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          self.assertLess(abs(time.time()-aaaa.bbbbbbbbbbb(
+                    , 1)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          self.assertLess(
+              abs(time.time() - aaaa.bbbbbbbbbbb(, 1)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB17489866(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              return aaaa.bbbbbbbbb(ccccccc=dddddddddddddd({('eeee', \
+'ffffffff'): str(j)}))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              return aaaa.bbbbbbbbb(
+                  ccccccc=dddddddddddddd({
+                      ('eeee', 'ffffffff'): str(j)
+                  }))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB17133019(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(object):
+          def bbbbbbbbbb(self):
+            with"/dev/null", "rb"):
+              with,
+                                        DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,
+                                        "eeeeeeeee ffffffffff"
+                                       ), "rb") as gggggggggggggggggggg:
+                print(gggggggggggggggggggg)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(object):
+          def bbbbbbbbbb(self):
+            with"/dev/null", "rb"):
+              with
+                  os.path.join(aaaaa.bbbbb.ccccccccccc, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,
+                               "eeeeeeeee ffffffffff"), "rb") as gggggggggggggggggggg:
+                print(gggggggggggggggggggg)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB17011869(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        '''blah......'''
+        class SomeClass(object):
+          '''blah.'''
+          AAAAAAAAAAAA = {                        # Comment.
+              'BBB': 1.0,
+                'DDDDDDDD': 0.4811
+                                      }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        '''blah......'''
+        class SomeClass(object):
+          '''blah.'''
+          AAAAAAAAAAAA = {  # Comment.
+              'BBB': 1.0,
+              'DDDDDDDD': 0.4811
+          }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB16783631(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          with aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccc(ddddddddddddd,
+                                                      eeeeeeeee=self.fffffffffffff
+                                                      )as gggg:
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          with aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccc(
+              ddddddddddddd, eeeeeeeee=self.fffffffffffff) as gggg:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB16572361(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(self):
+         def bar(my_dict_name):
+          self.my_dict_name['foo-bar-baz-biz-boo-baa-baa'].IncrementBy.assert_called_once_with('foo_bar_baz_boo')
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(self):
+          def bar(my_dict_name):
+            self.my_dict_name[
+                'foo-bar-baz-biz-boo-baa-baa'].IncrementBy.assert_called_once_with(
+                    'foo_bar_baz_boo')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB15884241(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if 1:
+          if 1:
+            for row in AAAA:
+              self.create(aaaaaaaa="/aaa/bbbb/cccc/dddddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/%s" % row [0].replace(".foo", ".bar"), aaaaa=bbb[1], ccccc=bbb[2], dddd=bbb[3], eeeeeeeeeee=[s.strip() for s in bbb[4].split(",")], ffffffff=[s.strip() for s in bbb[5].split(",")], gggggg=bbb[6])
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if 1:
+          if 1:
+            for row in AAAA:
+              self.create(
+                  aaaaaaaa="/aaa/bbbb/cccc/dddddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/%s" %
+                  row[0].replace(".foo", ".bar"),
+                  aaaaa=bbb[1],
+                  ccccc=bbb[2],
+                  dddd=bbb[3],
+                  eeeeeeeeeee=[s.strip() for s in bbb[4].split(",")],
+                  ffffffff=[s.strip() for s in bbb[5].split(",")],
+                  gggggg=bbb[6])
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB15697268(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def main(unused_argv):
+          ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A = 10
+          an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name = range(ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A + 1)
+          ok = an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name[:ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A]
+          bad_slice = map(math.sqrt, an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name[:ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A])
+          a_long_name_slicing = an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name[:ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A]
+          bad_slice = ("I am a crazy, no good, string whats too long, etc." + " no really ")[:ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def main(unused_argv):
+          ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A = 10
+          an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name = range(ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A + 1)
+          ok = an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name[:ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A]
+          bad_slice = map(math.sqrt,
+                          an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name[:ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A])
+          a_long_name_slicing = an_array_with_an_exceedingly_long_name[:
+                                                                       ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A]
+          bad_slice = ("I am a crazy, no good, string whats too long, etc." +
+                       " no really ")[:ARBITRARY_CONSTANT_A]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB15597568(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              print(("Return code was %d" + (", and the process timed out." if did_time_out else ".")) % errorcode)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          if True:
+            if True:
+              print(("Return code was %d" + (", and the process timed out."
+                                             if did_time_out else ".")) % errorcode)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB15542157(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaa = bbbb.ccccccccccccccc(dddddd.eeeeeeeeeeeeee, ffffffffffffffffff, gggggg.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaa = bbbb.ccccccccccccccc(dddddd.eeeeeeeeeeeeee, ffffffffffffffffff,
+                                            gggggg.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB15438132(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbb:
+           cccccc.dddddddddd(eeeeeeeeeee=fffffffffffff.gggggggggggggggggg)
+           if hhhhhh.iiiii.jjjjjjjjjjjjj:
+             # This is a comment in the middle of it all.
+             kkkkkkk.llllllllll.mmmmmmmmmmmmm = True
+           if (aaaaaa.bbbbb.ccccccccccccc != ddddddd.eeeeeeeeee.fffffffffffff or
+               eeeeee.fffff.ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg() != hhhhhhh.iiiiiiiiii.jjjjjjjjjjjj):
+             aaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbb(
+       ,
+                 dddddddddddd=eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.fffffffffffffffff(
+                     gggggg.hh,
+                     iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.jjjjjjjjjj.kkkkkkk,
+           ,
+                 nnnnnnnnnn=ooooooo.pppppppppp)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if aaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbb:
+          cccccc.dddddddddd(eeeeeeeeeee=fffffffffffff.gggggggggggggggggg)
+          if hhhhhh.iiiii.jjjjjjjjjjjjj:
+            # This is a comment in the middle of it all.
+            kkkkkkk.llllllllll.mmmmmmmmmmmmm = True
+          if (aaaaaa.bbbbb.ccccccccccccc != ddddddd.eeeeeeeeee.fffffffffffff or
+              eeeeee.fffff.ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg() !=
+              hhhhhhh.iiiiiiiiii.jjjjjjjjjjjj):
+            aaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbb(
+      ,
+                dddddddddddd=eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.fffffffffffffffff(
+                    gggggg.hh, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.jjjjjjjjjj.kkkkkkk,,
+                nnnnnnnnnn=ooooooo.pppppppppp)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB14468247(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+    b=2,
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+    a=1,
+    b=2,
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB14406499(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo1(parameter_1, parameter_2, parameter_3, parameter_4, \
+parameter_5, parameter_6): pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo1(parameter_1, parameter_2, parameter_3, parameter_4, parameter_5,
+                 parameter_6):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB13900309(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        self.aaaaaaaaaaa(  # A comment in the middle of it all.
+               948.0/3600, self.bbb.ccccccccccccccccccccc(dddddddddddddddd.eeee, True))
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        self.aaaaaaaaaaa(  # A comment in the middle of it all.
+            948.0 / 3600, self.bbb.ccccccccccccccccccccc(dddddddddddddddd.eeee, True))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc(
+            DC_1, (CL - 50, CL), AAAAAAAA, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, 98.0,
+            CCCCCCC).ddddddddd(  # Look! A comment is here.
+                AAAAAAAA - (20 * 60 - 5))
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccccccccccccccccccccc().dddddddddddddddddddddddddd(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccccccccccccccccccccc(
+        ).dddddddddddddddddddddddddd(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccccccccccccccccccccc(x).dddddddddddddddddddddddddd(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbb.ccccccccccccccccccccccccc(
+            x).dddddddddddddddddddddddddd(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).dddddddddddddddddddddddddd(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(
+            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).dddddddddddddddddddddddddd(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa().bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb().ccccccccccccccccccc().\
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa().bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb().ccccccccccccccccccc(
+        ).dddddddddddddddddd().eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee().fffffffffffffffff(
+        ).gggggggggggggggggg()
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testB67935687(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        Fetch(
+            Raw('monarch.BorgTask', '/union/row_operator_action_delay'),
+            {'borg_user': self.borg_user})
+    """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        shelf_renderer.expand_text = text.translate_to_unicode(
+            expand_text % {
+                'creator': creator
+            })
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        shelf_renderer.expand_text = text.translate_to_unicode(
+            expand_text % {'creator': creator})
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289aa85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Facebook tests for yapf.reformatter."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class TestsForFacebookStyle(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateFacebookStyle())
+  def testNoNeedForLineBreaks(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(
+          just_one_arg, **kwargs):
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(just_one_arg, **kwargs):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentClosingBracket(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(
+          first_argument_on_the_same_line,
+          second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long):
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(
+            first_argument_on_the_same_line, second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long
+        ):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testBreakAfterOpeningBracketIfContentsTooBig(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m,
+          n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z):
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(
+            a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, \
+v, w, x, y, z
+        ):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentClosingBracketWithComments(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(
+          # comment about the first argument
+          first_argument_with_a_very_long_name_or_so,
+          # comment about the second argument
+          second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long):
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def overly_long_function_name(
+            # comment about the first argument
+            first_argument_with_a_very_long_name_or_so,
+            # comment about the second argument
+            second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long
+        ):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentImportAsNames(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        from module import (
+            internal_function as function,
+        )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentTestListGexp(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        try:
+            pass
+        except (
+            IOError, OSError, LookupError, RuntimeError, OverflowError
+        ) as exception:
+            pass
+        try:
+            pass
+        except (
+            IOError, OSError, LookupError, RuntimeError, OverflowError,
+        ) as exception:
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        try:
+            pass
+        except (
+            IOError, OSError, LookupError, RuntimeError, OverflowError
+        ) as exception:
+            pass
+        try:
+            pass
+        except (
+            IOError,
+            OSError,
+            LookupError,
+            RuntimeError,
+            OverflowError,
+        ) as exception:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testBrokenIdempotency(self):
+    # TODO(ambv): The following behaviour should be fixed.
+    pass0_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        try:
+            pass
+        except (IOError, OSError, LookupError, RuntimeError, OverflowError) as exception:
+            pass
+        """)
+    pass1_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        try:
+            pass
+        except (
+            IOError, OSError, LookupError, RuntimeError, OverflowError
+        ) as exception:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(pass0_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(pass1_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    pass2_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        try:
+            pass
+        except (
+            IOError, OSError, LookupError, RuntimeError, OverflowError
+        ) as exception:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(pass1_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(pass2_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testIfExprHangingIndent(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            if True:
+                if True:
+                    if not self.frobbies and (
+                       self.foobars.counters['db.cheeses'] != 1 or
+                       self.foobars.counters['db.marshmellow_skins'] != 1):
+                        pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            if True:
+                if True:
+                    if not self.frobbies and (
+                        self.foobars.counters['db.cheeses'] != 1 or
+                        self.foobars.counters['db.marshmellow_skins'] != 1
+                    ):
+                        pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSimpleDedenting(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            self.assertEqual(result.reason_not_added, "current preflight is still running")
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            self.assertEqual(
+                result.reason_not_added, "current preflight is still running"
+            )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentingWithSubscripts(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo:
+            class Bar:
+                @classmethod
+                def baz(cls, clues_list, effect, constraints, constraint_manager):
+                    if clues_lists:
+                       return cls.single_constraint_not(clues_lists, effect, constraints[0], constraint_manager)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo:
+            class Bar:
+                @classmethod
+                def baz(cls, clues_list, effect, constraints, constraint_manager):
+                    if clues_lists:
+                        return cls.single_constraint_not(
+                            clues_lists, effect, constraints[0], constraint_manager
+                        )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentingCallsWithInnerLists(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+            def _():
+                cls.effect_clues = {
+                    'effect': Clue((cls.effect_time, 'apache_host'), effect_line, 40)
+                }
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentingListComprehension(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo():
+            def _pack_results_for_constraint_or():
+                self.param_groups = dict(
+                    (
+                        key + 1, ParamGroup(groups[key], default_converter)
+                    ) for key in six.moves.range(len(groups))
+                )
+                for combination in cls._clues_combinations(clues_lists):
+                    if all(
+                        cls._verify_constraint(combination, effect, constraint)
+                        for constraint in constraints
+                    ):
+                        pass
+                guessed_dict = dict(
+                    (
+                        key, guessed_pattern_matches[key]
+                    ) for key in six.moves.range(len(guessed_pattern_matches))
+                )
+                content = "".join(
+                    itertools.chain(
+                        (first_line_fragment, ), lines_between, (last_line_fragment, )
+                    )
+                )
+                rule = Rule(
+                    [self.cause1, self.cause2, self.cause1, self.cause2], self.effect, constraints1,
+                    Rule.LINKAGE_AND
+                )
+                assert sorted(log_type.files_to_parse) == [
+                    ('localhost', os.path.join(path, 'node_1.log'), super_parser),
+                    ('localhost', os.path.join(path, 'node_2.log'), super_parser)
+                ]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo():
+            def _pack_results_for_constraint_or():
+                self.param_groups = dict(
+                    (key + 1, ParamGroup(groups[key], default_converter))
+                    for key in six.moves.range(len(groups))
+                )
+                for combination in cls._clues_combinations(clues_lists):
+                    if all(
+                        cls._verify_constraint(combination, effect, constraint)
+                        for constraint in constraints
+                    ):
+                        pass
+                guessed_dict = dict(
+                    (key, guessed_pattern_matches[key])
+                    for key in six.moves.range(len(guessed_pattern_matches))
+                )
+                content = "".join(
+                    itertools.chain(
+                        (first_line_fragment, ), lines_between, (last_line_fragment, )
+                    )
+                )
+                rule = Rule(
+                    [self.cause1, self.cause2, self.cause1, self.cause2], self.effect,
+                    constraints1, Rule.LINKAGE_AND
+                )
+                assert sorted(log_type.files_to_parse) == [
+                    ('localhost', os.path.join(path, 'node_1.log'), super_parser),
+                    ('localhost', os.path.join(path, 'node_2.log'), super_parser)
+                ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMustSplitDedenting(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+            def _():
+                effect_line = FrontInput(
+                    effect_line_offset, line_content,
+                    LineSource('localhost', xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
+                )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentIfConditional(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+            def _():
+                if True:
+                    if not self.frobbies and (
+                        self.foobars.counters['db.cheeses'] != 1 or
+                        self.foobars.counters['db.marshmellow_skins'] != 1
+                    ):
+                        pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentSet(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class _():
+            def _():
+                assert set(self.constraint_links.get_links()) == set(
+                    [
+                        (2, 10, 100),
+                        (2, 10, 200),
+                        (2, 20, 100),
+                        (2, 20, 200),
+                    ]
+                )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testDedentingInnerScope(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo():
+            @classmethod
+            def _pack_results_for_constraint_or(cls, combination, constraints):
+                return cls._create_investigation_result(
+                    (clue for clue in combination if not clue == Verifier.UNMATCHED),
+                    constraints, InvestigationResult.OR
+                )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatted_code)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(reformatted_code)
+    reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatted_code)
+  def testCommentWithNewlinesInPrefix(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            if 0:
+                return False
+            #a deadly comment
+            elif 1:
+                return True
+        print(foo())
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            if 0:
+                return False
+            #a deadly comment
+            elif 1:
+                return True
+        print(foo())
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testIfStmtClosingBracket(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+if (isinstance(value  , (StopIteration  , StopAsyncIteration  )) and exc.__cause__ is value_asdfasdfasdfasdfsafsafsafdasfasdfs):
+    return False
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+if (
+    isinstance(value, (StopIteration, StopAsyncIteration)) and
+    exc.__cause__ is value_asdfasdfasdfasdfsafsafsafdasfasdfs
+    return False
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f736f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""PEP8 tests for yapf.reformatter."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class TestsForPEP8Style(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testIndent4(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if a+b:
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if a + b:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSingleLineIfStatements(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True: a = 42
+        elif False: b = 42
+        else: c = 42
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoBlankBetweenClassAndDef(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo:
+          def joe():
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo:
+            def joe():
+                pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSingleWhiteBeforeTrailingComment(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if a+b: # comment
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if a + b:  # comment
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSpaceBetweenEndingCommandAndClosingBracket(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = (
+            1,
+        )
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = (1, )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testContinuedNonOutdentedLine(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class eld(d):
+            if str(geom.geom_type).upper(
+            ) != self.geom_type and not self.geom_type == 'GEOMETRY':
+                ror(code='om_type')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testWrappingPercentExpressions(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+            if True:
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1)
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1)
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1)
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+            if True:
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1,
+                                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1)
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1,
+                                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1)
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1,
+                                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1)
+                zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1,
+                                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testAlignClosingBracketWithVisualIndentation(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        TEST_LIST = ('foo', 'bar',  # first comment
+                     'baz'  # second comment
+                    )
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        TEST_LIST = (
+            'foo',
+            'bar',  # first comment
+            'baz'  # second comment
+        )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+          def g():
+            while (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz].aaaaaaaa[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'
+                  ):
+              pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def f():
+            def g():
+                while (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa'
+                       and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+                           yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz].aaaaaaaa[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                    pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testIndentSizeChanging(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          runtime_mins = (program_end_time - program_start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            runtime_mins = (
+                program_end_time - program_start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testHangingIndentCollision(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb == ccccccccccccccccc and xxxxxxxxxxxxx or yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy):
+            pass
+        elif (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(aaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb, cccccccccccc, dddddddddd=None)):
+            pass
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+            for connection in itertools.chain(, branch.address, morestuff.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore):
+                dosomething(connection)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb == ccccccccccccccccc and xxxxxxxxxxxxx
+                or yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy):
+            pass
+        elif (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+                aaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb, cccccccccccc, dddddddddd=None)):
+            pass
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+            for connection in itertools.chain(
+          , branch.address,
+                    morestuff.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore):
+                dosomething(connection)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingBeforeLogicalOperator(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, split_before_logical_operator: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def foo():
+              return bool(update.message.new_chat_member or update.message.left_chat_member or
+                          update.message.new_chat_title or update.message.new_chat_photo or
+                          update.message.delete_chat_photo or update.message.group_chat_created or
+                          update.message.supergroup_chat_created or update.message.channel_chat_created
+                          or update.message.migrate_to_chat_id or update.message.migrate_from_chat_id or
+                          update.message.pinned_message)
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          def foo():
+              return bool(
+                  update.message.new_chat_member or update.message.left_chat_member
+                  or update.message.new_chat_title or update.message.new_chat_photo
+                  or update.message.delete_chat_photo
+                  or update.message.group_chat_created
+                  or update.message.supergroup_chat_created
+                  or update.message.channel_chat_created
+                  or update.message.migrate_to_chat_id
+                  or update.message.migrate_from_chat_id
+                  or update.message.pinned_message)
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testContiguousListEndingWithComment(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            if True:
+                keys.append(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)  # may be unassigned.
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+            if True:
+                keys.append(
+                    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)  # may be unassigned.
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingBeforeFirstArgument(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, split_before_first_argument: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a_very_long_function_name(long_argument_name_1=1, long_argument_name_2=2,
+                                    long_argument_name_3=3, long_argument_name_4=4)
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a_very_long_function_name(
+              long_argument_name_1=1,
+              long_argument_name_2=2,
+              long_argument_name_3=3,
+              long_argument_name_4=4)
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testSplittingExpressionsInsideSubscripts(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            df = df[(df['campaign_status'] == 'LIVE') & (df['action_status'] == 'LIVE')]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            df = df[(df['campaign_status'] == 'LIVE')
+                    & (df['action_status'] == 'LIVE')]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplitListsAndDictSetMakersIfCommaTerminated(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        DJANGO_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = {"context_processors": []}
+        DJANGO_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = {"context_processors": [],}
+        x = ["context_processors"]
+        x = ["context_processors",]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        DJANGO_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = {"context_processors": []}
+            "context_processors": [],
+        }
+        x = ["context_processors"]
+        x = [
+            "context_processors",
+        ]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplitAroundNamedAssigns(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class a():
+            def a(): return a(
+             aaaaaaaaaa=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class a():
+            def a():
+                return a(
+                    aaaaaaaaaa=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+                )
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testUnaryOperator(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if not -3 < x < 3:
+          pass
+        if -3 < x < 3:
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if not -3 < x < 3:
+            pass
+        if -3 < x < 3:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoSplitBeforeDictValue(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{based_on_style: pep8, '
+                                      'allow_split_before_dict_value: false, '
+                                      'coalesce_brackets: true, '
+                                      'dedent_closing_brackets: true, '
+                                      'each_dict_entry_on_separate_line: true, '
+                                      'split_before_logical_operator: true}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          some_dict = {
+              'title': _("I am example data"),
+              'description': _("Lorem ipsum dolor met sit amet elit, si vis pacem para bellum "
+                               "elites nihi very long string."),
+          }
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          some_dict = {
+              'title': _("I am example data"),
+              'description': _(
+                  "Lorem ipsum dolor met sit amet elit, si vis pacem para bellum "
+                  "elites nihi very long string."
+              ),
+          }
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          X = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'key': this_is_a_function_call_that_goes_over_the_column_limit_im_pretty_sure()}
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          X = {
+              'a': 1,
+              'b': 2,
+              'key': this_is_a_function_call_that_goes_over_the_column_limit_im_pretty_sure()
+          }
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          attrs = {
+              'category': category,
+              'role': forms.ModelChoiceField(label=_("Role"), required=False, queryset=category_roles, initial=selected_role, empty_label=_("No access"),),
+          }
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          attrs = {
+              'category': category,
+              'role': forms.ModelChoiceField(
+                  label=_("Role"),
+                  required=False,
+                  queryset=category_roles,
+                  initial=selected_role,
+                  empty_label=_("No access"),
+              ),
+          }
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          css_class = forms.CharField(
+              label=_("CSS class"),
+              required=False,
+              help_text=_("Optional CSS class used to customize this category appearance from templates."),
+          )
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          css_class = forms.CharField(
+              label=_("CSS class"),
+              required=False,
+              help_text=_(
+                  "Optional CSS class used to customize this category appearance from templates."
+              ),
+          )
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9be6528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Python 3 tests for yapf.reformatter."""
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+@unittest.skipUnless(py3compat.PY3, 'Requires Python 3')
+class TestsForPython3Code(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  """Test a few constructs that are new Python 3 syntax."""
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testTypedNames(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def x(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:int,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:str,ccccccccccccccc:dict,eeeeeeeeeeeeee:set={1, 2, 3})->bool:
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def x(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: int,
+              bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb: str,
+              ccccccccccccccc: dict,
+              eeeeeeeeeeeeee: set = {1, 2, 3}) -> bool:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testKeywordOnlyArgSpecifier(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(a, *, kw):
+          return a+kw
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(a, *, kw):
+            return a + kw
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  @unittest.skipUnless(py3compat.PY36, 'Requires Python 3.6')
+  def testPEP448ParameterExpansion(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+    { ** x }
+    {   **{}   }
+    { **{   **x },  **x }
+    {'a': 1,   **kw , 'b':3,  **kw2   }
+    """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+    {**x}
+    {**{}}
+    {**{**x}, **x}
+    {'a': 1, **kw, 'b': 3, **kw2}
+    """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testAnnotations(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(a: list, b: "bar") -> dict:
+          return a+b
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(a: list, b: "bar") -> dict:
+            return a + b
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testExecAsNonKeyword(self):
+    unformatted_code = 'methods.exec( sys.modules[name])\n'
+    expected_formatted_code = 'methods.exec(sys.modules[name])\n'
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testAsyncFunctions(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
+      return
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import asyncio
+        import time
+        @print_args
+        async def slow_operation():
+            await asyncio.sleep(1)
+            # print("Slow operation {} complete".format(n))
+        async def main():
+            start = time.time()
+            if (await get_html()):
+                pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=False))
+  def testNoSpacesAroundPowerOperator(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, SPACES_AROUND_POWER_OPERATOR: True}'))
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a**b
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a ** b
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testSpacesAroundDefaultOrNamedAssign(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, '
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          f(a=5)
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          f(a = 5)
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testTypeHint(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(x: int=42):
+            pass
+        def foo2(x: 'int' =42):
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(x: int = 42):
+            pass
+        def foo2(x: 'int' = 42):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMatrixMultiplication(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a=b@c
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = b @ c
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testNoneKeyword(self):
+    code = """\
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testAsyncWithPrecedingComment(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
+      return
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import asyncio
+        # Comment
+        async def bar():
+            pass
+        async def foo():
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import asyncio
+        # Comment
+        async def bar():
+            pass
+        async def foo():
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testAsyncFunctionsNested(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
+      return
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        async def outer():
+            async def inner():
+                pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testKeepTypesIntact(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
+      return
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _ReduceAbstractContainers(
+            self, *args: Optional[automation_converter.PyiCollectionAbc]) -> List[
+                automation_converter.PyiCollectionAbc]:
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def _ReduceAbstractContainers(
+                self, *args: Optional[automation_converter.PyiCollectionAbc]
+        ) -> List[automation_converter.PyiCollectionAbc]:
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testContinuationIndentWithAsync(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
+      return
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        async def start_websocket():
+            async with session.ws_connect(
+                r"ws://a_really_long_long_long_long_long_long_url") as ws:
+                pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        async def start_websocket():
+            async with session.ws_connect(
+                    r"ws://a_really_long_long_long_long_long_long_url") as ws:
+                pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testSplittingArguments(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
+      return
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(
+          style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+              '{based_on_style: pep8, '
+              'dedent_closing_brackets: true, '
+              'coalesce_brackets: false, '
+              'space_between_ending_comma_and_closing_bracket: false, '
+              'split_arguments_when_comma_terminated: true, '
+              'split_before_first_argument: true}'))
+      unformatted_code = """\
+async def open_file(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None):
+    pass
+async def run_sync_in_worker_thread(sync_fn, *args, cancellable=False, limiter=None):
+    pass
+def open_file(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None):
+    pass
+def run_sync_in_worker_thread(sync_fn, *args, cancellable=False, limiter=None):
+    pass
+      expected_formatted_code = """\
+async def open_file(
+        file,
+        mode='r',
+        buffering=-1,
+        encoding=None,
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+        closefd=True,
+        opener=None
+    pass
+async def run_sync_in_worker_thread(
+        sync_fn, *args, cancellable=False, limiter=None
+    pass
+def open_file(
+        file,
+        mode='r',
+        buffering=-1,
+        encoding=None,
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+        closefd=True,
+        opener=None
+    pass
+def run_sync_in_worker_thread(sync_fn, *args, cancellable=False, limiter=None):
+    pass
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testDictUnpacking(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 5:
+      return
+    unformatted_code = """\
+class Foo:
+    def foo(self):
+        foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo('foofoofoofoofoo', {
+            'foo': 'foo',
+            **foofoofoo
+        })
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+class Foo:
+    def foo(self):
+        foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo('foofoofoofoofoo', {
+            'foo': 'foo',
+            **foofoofoo
+        })
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testMultilineFormatString(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 6:
+      return
+    code = """\
+# yapf: disable
+  ''')
+# yapf: enable
+    #
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testEllipses(self):
+    if sys.version_info[1] < 6:
+      return
+    code = """\
+def dirichlet(x12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890=...) -> None:
+    return
+    #
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5afd805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Style config tests for yapf.reformatter."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class TestsForStyleConfig(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.current_style = style.DEFAULT_STYLE
+  def testSetGlobalStyle(self):
+    try:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreateChromiumStyle())
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+          for i in range(5):
+           print('bar')
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+          for i in range(5):
+            print('bar')
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+      style.DEFAULT_STYLE = self.current_style
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        for i in range(5):
+         print('bar')
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        for i in range(5):
+            print('bar')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+  def testOperatorStyle(self):
+    try:
+      sympy_style = style.CreatePEP8Style()
+        style._StringSetConverter('*,/')
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(sympy_style)
+      unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a = 1+2 * 3 - 4 / 5
+          """)
+      expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+          a = 1 + 2*3 - 4/5
+          """)
+      uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                           reformatter.Reformat(uwlines))
+    finally:
+      style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+      style.DEFAULT_STYLE = self.current_style
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b3d5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.reformatter."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import reformatter
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import verifier
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+@unittest.skipIf(py3compat.PY3, 'Requires Python 2')
+class TestVerifyNoVerify(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testVerifyException(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class ABC(metaclass=type):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    with self.assertRaises(verifier.InternalError):
+      reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=True)
+    reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)  # verify should be False by default.
+  def testNoVerify(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class ABC(metaclass=type):
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class ABC(metaclass=type):
+            pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                         reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=False))
+  def testVerifyFutureImport(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        from __future__ import print_function
+        def call_my_function(the_function):
+          the_function("hi")
+        if __name__ == "__main__":
+          call_my_function(print)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    with self.assertRaises(verifier.InternalError):
+      reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=True)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        from __future__ import print_function
+        def call_my_function(the_function):
+            the_function("hi")
+        if __name__ == "__main__":
+            call_my_function(print)
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                         reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=False))
+  def testContinuationLineShouldBeDistinguished(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+            def bar(self):
+                if self.solo_generator_that_is_long is None and len(
+                        self.generators + self.next_batch) == 1:
+                    pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class Foo(object):
+            def bar(self):
+                if self.solo_generator_that_is_long is None and len(
+                        self.generators + self.next_batch) == 1:
+                    pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code)
+    self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code,
+                         reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=False))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d500da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.split_penalty."""
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+DOTTED_NAME = split_penalty.DOTTED_NAME
+class SplitPenaltyTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def _ParseAndComputePenalties(self, code, dumptree=False):
+    """Parses the code and computes split penalties.
+    Arguments:
+      code: code to parse as a string
+      dumptree: if True, the parsed pytree (after penalty assignment) is dumped
+        to stderr. Useful for debugging.
+    Returns:
+      Parse tree.
+    """
+    tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+    split_penalty.ComputeSplitPenalties(tree)
+    if dumptree:
+      pytree_visitor.DumpPyTree(tree, target_stream=sys.stderr)
+    return tree
+  def _CheckPenalties(self, tree, list_of_expected):
+    """Check that the tokens in the tree have the correct penalties.
+    Args:
+      tree: the pytree.
+      list_of_expected: list of (name, penalty) pairs. Non-semantic tokens are
+        filtered out from the expected values.
+    """
+    def FlattenRec(tree):
+      if pytree_utils.NodeName(tree) in pytree_utils.NONSEMANTIC_TOKENS:
+        return []
+      if isinstance(tree, pytree.Leaf):
+        return [(tree.value,
+                 pytree_utils.GetNodeAnnotation(
+                     tree, pytree_utils.Annotation.SPLIT_PENALTY))]
+      nodes = []
+      for node in tree.children:
+        nodes += FlattenRec(node)
+      return nodes
+    self.assertEqual(list_of_expected, FlattenRec(tree))
+  def testUnbreakable(self):
+    # Test function definitions.
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      def foo(x):
+        pass
+      """)
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('def', None),
+        ('foo', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('(', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('x', None),
+        (')', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        (':', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('pass', None),
+    ])
+    # Test function definition with trailing comment.
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      def foo(x):  # trailing comment
+        pass
+      """)
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('def', None),
+        ('foo', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('(', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('x', None),
+        (')', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        (':', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('pass', None),
+    ])
+    # Test class definitions.
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      class A:
+        pass
+      class B(A):
+        pass
+      """)
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('class', None),
+        ('A', UNBREAKABLE),
+        (':', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('pass', None),
+        ('class', None),
+        ('B', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('(', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('A', None),
+        (')', None),
+        (':', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('pass', None),
+    ])
+    # Test lambda definitions.
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      lambda a, b: None
+      """)
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('lambda', None),
+        ('a', UNBREAKABLE),
+        (',', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('b', UNBREAKABLE),
+        (':', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('None', UNBREAKABLE),
+    ])
+    # Test dotted names.
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      import a.b.c
+      """)
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('import', None),
+        ('a', None),
+        ('.', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('b', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('.', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('c', UNBREAKABLE),
+    ])
+  def testStronglyConnected(self):
+    # Test dictionary keys.
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      a = {
+          'x': 42,
+          y(lambda a: 23): 37,
+      }
+      """)
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('a', None),
+        ('=', None),
+        ('{', None),
+        ("'x'", None),
+        (':', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('42', None),
+        (',', None),
+        ('y', None),
+        ('(', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('lambda', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('a', UNBREAKABLE),
+        (':', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('23', UNBREAKABLE),
+        (':', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('37', None),
+        (',', None),
+        ('}', None),
+    ])
+    # Test list comprehension.
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+      [a for a in foo if a.x == 37]
+      """)
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('[', None),
+        ('a', None),
+        ('for', 0),
+        ('a', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('in', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('foo', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('if', 0),
+        ('a', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('.', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('x', DOTTED_NAME),
+        ('==', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('37', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        (']', None),
+    ])
+  def testFuncCalls(self):
+    code = 'foo(1, 2, 3)\n'
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('foo', None),
+        ('(', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('1', None),
+        (',', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('2', None),
+        (',', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('3', None),
+    ])
+    # Now a method call, which has more than one trailer
+    code = ', 2, 3)\n'
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('foo', None),
+        ('.', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('bar', DOTTED_NAME),
+        ('.', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('baz', DOTTED_NAME),
+        ('(', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('1', None),
+        (',', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('2', None),
+        (',', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('3', None),
+    ])
+    # Test single generator argument.
+    code = 'max(i for i in xrange(10))\n'
+    tree = self._ParseAndComputePenalties(code)
+    self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+        ('max', None),
+        ('(', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('i', 0),
+        ('for', 0),
+        ('i', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('in', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('xrange', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+        ('(', UNBREAKABLE),
+        ('10', STRONGLY_CONNECTED),
+    ])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f4a465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for"""
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapftests import utils
+class UtilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter(self):
+    self.assertEqual(style._ContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter(''), 'SPACE')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        style._ContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter('space'), 'SPACE')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        style._ContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter('fixed'), 'FIXED')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        style._ContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter('valign-right'),
+        'VALIGN-RIGHT')
+    with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
+      style._ContinuationAlignStyleStringConverter('blahblah')
+    self.assertIn("unknown continuation align style: 'blahblah'",
+                  str(ctx.exception))
+  def testStringListConverter(self):
+    self.assertEqual(style._StringListConverter('foo, bar'), ['foo', 'bar'])
+    self.assertEqual(style._StringListConverter('foo,bar'), ['foo', 'bar'])
+    self.assertEqual(style._StringListConverter('  foo'), ['foo'])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        style._StringListConverter('joe  ,foo,  bar'), ['joe', 'foo', 'bar'])
+  def testBoolConverter(self):
+    self.assertEqual(style._BoolConverter('true'), True)
+    self.assertEqual(style._BoolConverter('1'), True)
+    self.assertEqual(style._BoolConverter('false'), False)
+    self.assertEqual(style._BoolConverter('0'), False)
+def _LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg):
+  return (cfg['INDENT_WIDTH'] == 2 and
+def _LooksLikeGoogleStyle(cfg):
+  return (cfg['INDENT_WIDTH'] == 4 and
+def _LooksLikePEP8Style(cfg):
+  return (cfg['INDENT_WIDTH'] == 4 and
+def _LooksLikeFacebookStyle(cfg):
+  return cfg['INDENT_WIDTH'] == 4 and cfg['DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS']
+class PredefinedStylesByNameTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testDefault(self):
+    # default is PEP8
+    cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(None)
+    self.assertTrue(_LooksLikePEP8Style(cfg))
+  def testPEP8ByName(self):
+    for pep8_name in ('PEP8', 'pep8', 'Pep8'):
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(pep8_name)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikePEP8Style(cfg))
+  def testGoogleByName(self):
+    for google_name in ('google', 'Google', 'GOOGLE'):
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(google_name)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeGoogleStyle(cfg))
+  def testChromiumByName(self):
+    for chromium_name in ('chromium', 'Chromium', 'CHROMIUM'):
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(chromium_name)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg))
+  def testFacebookByName(self):
+    for fb_name in ('facebook', 'FACEBOOK', 'Facebook'):
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(fb_name)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeFacebookStyle(cfg))
+class StyleFromFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    cls.test_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  @classmethod
+  def tearDownClass(cls):
+    shutil.rmtree(cls.test_tmpdir)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnStyle(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        continuation_indent_width = 20
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikePEP8Style(cfg))
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'], 20)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnPEP8Style(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        based_on_style = pep8
+        continuation_indent_width = 40
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikePEP8Style(cfg))
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'], 40)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnChromiumStyle(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        based_on_style = chromium
+        continuation_indent_width = 30
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg))
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'], 30)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnGoogleStyle(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        based_on_style = google
+        continuation_indent_width = 20
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeGoogleStyle(cfg))
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'], 20)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnFacebookStyle(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        based_on_style = facebook
+        continuation_indent_width = 20
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeFacebookStyle(cfg))
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'], 20)
+  def testBoolOptionValue(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        based_on_style = chromium
+        split_before_logical_operator = true
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg))
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['SPLIT_BEFORE_NAMED_ASSIGNS'], False)
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['SPLIT_BEFORE_LOGICAL_OPERATOR'], True)
+  def testStringListOptionValue(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        based_on_style = chromium
+        I18N_FUNCTION_CALL = N_, V_, T_
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+      self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg))
+      self.assertEqual(cfg['I18N_FUNCTION_CALL'], ['N_', 'V_', 'T_'])
+  def testErrorNoStyleFile(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError,
+                                 'is not a valid style or file path'):
+      style.CreateStyleFromConfig('/8822/xyznosuchfile')
+  def testErrorNoStyleSection(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [s]
+        indent_width=2
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      with self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError,
+                                   'Unable to find section'):
+        style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+  def testErrorUnknownStyleOption(self):
+    cfg = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        indent_width=2
+        hummus=2
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, cfg) as filepath:
+      with self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError,
+                                   'Unknown style option'):
+        style.CreateStyleFromConfig(filepath)
+class StyleFromDict(unittest.TestCase):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testDefaultBasedOnStyle(self):
+    config_dict = {
+        'based_on_style': 'pep8',
+        'indent_width': 2,
+        'blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def': True
+    }
+    cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(config_dict)
+    self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg))
+    self.assertEqual(cfg['INDENT_WIDTH'], 2)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnStyleBadDict(self):
+    self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError, 'Unknown style option',
+                            style.CreateStyleFromConfig,
+                            {'based_on_styl': 'pep8'})
+    self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError, 'not a valid',
+                            style.CreateStyleFromConfig,
+                            {'INDENT_WIDTH': 'FOUR'})
+class StyleFromCommandLine(unittest.TestCase):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style())
+  def testDefaultBasedOnStyle(self):
+    cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+        '{based_on_style: pep8,'
+        ' indent_width: 2,'
+        ' blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def: True}')
+    self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg))
+    self.assertEqual(cfg['INDENT_WIDTH'], 2)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnStyleNotStrict(self):
+    cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(
+        '{based_on_style : pep8'
+        ' ,indent_width=2'
+        ' blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def:True}')
+    self.assertTrue(_LooksLikeChromiumStyle(cfg))
+    self.assertEqual(cfg['INDENT_WIDTH'], 2)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnExplicitlyUnicodeTypeString(self):
+    cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig(u'{}')
+    self.assertIsInstance(cfg, dict)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnDetaultTypeString(self):
+    cfg = style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{}')
+    self.assertIsInstance(cfg, dict)
+  def testDefaultBasedOnStyleBadString(self):
+    self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError, 'Unknown style option',
+                            style.CreateStyleFromConfig,
+                            '{based_on_styl: pep8}')
+    self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError, 'not a valid',
+                            style.CreateStyleFromConfig, '{INDENT_WIDTH: FOUR}')
+    self.assertRaisesRegexp(style.StyleConfigError, 'Invalid style dict',
+                            style.CreateStyleFromConfig,
+                            '{based_on_style: pep8')
+class StyleHelp(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testHelpKeys(self):
+    settings = sorted(style.Help())
+    expected = sorted(style._style)
+    self.assertListEqual(settings, expected)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8daead9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.subtype_assigner."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class SubtypeAssignerTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  def _CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(self, uwlines, list_of_expected):
+    """Check that the tokens in the UnwrappedLines have the expected subtypes.
+    Args:
+      uwlines: list of UnwrappedLine.
+      list_of_expected: list of (name, subtype) pairs. Non-semantic tokens are
+        filtered out from the expected values.
+    """
+    actual = []
+    for uwl in uwlines:
+      filtered_values = [(ft.value, ft.subtypes)
+                         for ft in uwl.tokens
+                         if not in pytree_utils.NONSEMANTIC_TOKENS]
+      if filtered_values:
+        actual.append(filtered_values)
+    self.assertEqual(list_of_expected, actual)
+  def testFuncDefDefaultAssign(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+        def foo(a=37, *b, **c):
+          return -x[:42]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(uwlines, [
+        [('def', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('foo', {format_token.Subtype.FUNC_DEF}),
+         ('(', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('a', {format_token.Subtype.NONE,
+                format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         ('=', {format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN,
+                format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         ('37', {format_token.Subtype.NONE,
+                 format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         (',', {format_token.Subtype.NONE}),
+         ('*', {format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_STAR,
+                format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         ('b', {format_token.Subtype.NONE,
+                format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         (',', {format_token.Subtype.NONE}),
+         ('**', {format_token.Subtype.KWARGS_STAR_STAR,
+                 format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         ('c', {format_token.Subtype.NONE,
+                format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         (')', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (':', [format_token.Subtype.NONE])],
+        [('return', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('-', {format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR}),
+         ('x', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('[', {format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET}),
+         (':', {format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_COLON}),
+         ('42', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (']', {format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET})],
+    ])  # yapf: disable
+  def testFuncCallWithDefaultAssign(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+        foo(x, a='hello world')
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(uwlines, [
+        [('foo', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('(', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('x', {format_token.Subtype.NONE,
+                format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         (',', {format_token.Subtype.NONE}),
+         ('a', {format_token.Subtype.NONE,
+                format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST}),
+         ('=', {format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN}),
+         ("'hello world'", {format_token.Subtype.NONE}),
+         (')', [format_token.Subtype.NONE])],
+    ])  # yapf: disable
+  def testSetComprehension(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(strs):
+          return {s.lower() for s in strs}
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(uwlines, [
+        [('def', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('foo', {format_token.Subtype.FUNC_DEF}),
+         ('(', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('strs', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (')', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (':', [format_token.Subtype.NONE])],
+        [('return', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('{', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('s', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR}),
+         ('.', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR}),
+         ('lower', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR}),
+         ('(', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR}),
+         (')', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_EXPR}),
+         ('for', {format_token.Subtype.DICT_SET_GENERATOR,
+                  format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR}),
+         ('s', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR}),
+         ('in', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR}),
+         ('strs', {format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR}),
+         ('}', [format_token.Subtype.NONE])]
+    ])  # yapf: disable
+  def testUnaryNotOperator(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        not a
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(uwlines, [
+        [('not', {format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR}),
+         ('a', [format_token.Subtype.NONE])]
+    ])  # yapf: disable
+  def testBitwiseOperators(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        x = ((a | (b ^ 3) & c) << 3) >> 1
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(uwlines, [
+        [('x', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('=', {format_token.Subtype.ASSIGN_OPERATOR}),
+         ('(', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('(', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('a', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('|', {format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR}),
+         ('(', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('b', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('^', {format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR}),
+         ('3', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (')', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('&', {format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR}),
+         ('c', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (')', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('<<', {format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR}),
+         ('3', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (')', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('>>', {format_token.Subtype.BINARY_OPERATOR}),
+         ('1', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),],
+    ])  # yapf: disable
+  def testSubscriptColon(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        x[0:42:1]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(uwlines, [
+        [
+            ('x', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+            ('[', {format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET}),
+            ('0', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+            (':', {format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_COLON}),
+            ('42', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+            (':', {format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_COLON}),
+            ('1', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+            (']', {format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET}),
+        ],
+    ])
+  def testFunctionCallWithStarExpression(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        [a, *b]
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    self._CheckFormatTokenSubtypes(uwlines, [
+        [('[', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('a', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (',', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         ('*', {format_token.Subtype.UNARY_OPERATOR,
+                format_token.Subtype.VARARGS_STAR}),
+         ('b', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),
+         (']', [format_token.Subtype.NONE]),],
+    ])  # yapf: disable
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90be1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.unwrapped_line."""
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from lib2to3 import pytree
+from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
+from yapf.yapflib import format_token
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+from yapf.yapflib import unwrapped_line
+from yapftests import yapf_test_helper
+class UnwrappedLineBasicTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testConstruction(self):
+    toks = _MakeFormatTokenList([(token.DOT, '.'), (token.VBAR, '|')])
+    uwl = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(20, toks)
+    self.assertEqual(20, uwl.depth)
+    self.assertEqual(['DOT', 'VBAR'], [ for tok in uwl.tokens])
+  def testFirstLast(self):
+    toks = _MakeFormatTokenList([(token.DOT, '.'), (token.LPAR, '('),
+                                 (token.VBAR, '|')])
+    uwl = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(20, toks)
+    self.assertEqual(20, uwl.depth)
+    self.assertEqual('DOT',
+    self.assertEqual('VBAR',
+  def testAsCode(self):
+    toks = _MakeFormatTokenList([(token.DOT, '.'), (token.LPAR, '('),
+                                 (token.VBAR, '|')])
+    uwl = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(2, toks)
+    self.assertEqual('    . ( |', uwl.AsCode())
+  def testAppendToken(self):
+    uwl = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(0)
+    uwl.AppendToken(_MakeFormatTokenLeaf(token.LPAR, '('))
+    uwl.AppendToken(_MakeFormatTokenLeaf(token.RPAR, ')'))
+    self.assertEqual(['LPAR', 'RPAR'], [ for tok in uwl.tokens])
+  def testAppendNode(self):
+    uwl = unwrapped_line.UnwrappedLine(0)
+    uwl.AppendNode(pytree.Leaf(token.LPAR, '('))
+    uwl.AppendNode(pytree.Leaf(token.RPAR, ')'))
+    self.assertEqual(['LPAR', 'RPAR'], [ for tok in uwl.tokens])
+class UnwrappedLineFormattingInformationTest(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest):
+  def testFuncDef(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(r"""
+        def f(a, b):
+          pass
+        """)
+    uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code)
+    f = uwlines[0].tokens[1]
+    self.assertFalse(f.can_break_before)
+    self.assertFalse(f.must_break_before)
+    self.assertEqual(f.split_penalty, split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE)
+    lparen = uwlines[0].tokens[2]
+    self.assertFalse(lparen.can_break_before)
+    self.assertFalse(lparen.must_break_before)
+    self.assertEqual(lparen.split_penalty, split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE)
+def _MakeFormatTokenLeaf(token_type, token_value):
+  return format_token.FormatToken(pytree.Leaf(token_type, token_value))
+def _MakeFormatTokenList(token_type_values):
+  return [
+      _MakeFormatTokenLeaf(token_type, token_value)
+      for token_type, token_value in token_type_values
+  ]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268b8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Utilities for tests."""
+import contextlib
+import io
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+def stdout_redirector(stream):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+  old_stdout = sys.stdout
+  sys.stdout = stream
+  try:
+    yield
+  finally:
+    sys.stdout = old_stdout
+# NamedTemporaryFile is useless because on Windows the temporary file would be
+# created with O_TEMPORARY, which would not allow the file to be opened a
+# second time, even by the same process, unless the same flag is used.
+# Thus we provide a simplified version ourselves.
+# Note: returns a tuple of (io.file_obj, file_path), instead of a file_obj with
+# a .name attribute
+# Note: `buffering` is set to -1 despite documentation of NamedTemporaryFile
+# says None. This is probably a problem with the python documentation.
+def NamedTempFile(mode='w+b',
+                  buffering=-1,
+                  encoding=None,
+                  errors=None,
+                  newline=None,
+                  suffix=None,
+                  prefix=None,
+                  dirname=None,
+                  text=False):
+  """Context manager creating a new temporary file in text mode."""
+  if sys.version_info < (3, 5):  # covers also python 2
+    if suffix is None:
+      suffix = ''
+    if prefix is None:
+      prefix = 'tmp'
+  (fd, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp(
+      suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dirname, text=text)
+  f =
+      fd,
+      mode=mode,
+      buffering=buffering,
+      encoding=encoding,
+      errors=errors,
+      newline=newline)
+  yield f, fname
+  f.close()
+  os.remove(fname)
+def TempFileContents(dirname,
+                     contents,
+                     encoding='utf-8',
+                     newline='',
+                     suffix=None):
+  # Note: NamedTempFile properly handles unicode encoding when using mode='w'
+  with NamedTempFile(
+      dirname=dirname,
+      mode='w',
+      encoding=encoding,
+      newline=newline,
+      suffix=suffix) as (f, fname):
+    f.write(contents)
+    f.flush()
+    yield fname
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df28b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1393 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for yapf.yapf."""
+import io
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import py3compat
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import yapf_api
+from yapftests import utils
+ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
+# Verification is turned off by default, but want to enable it for testing.
+YAPF_BINARY = [sys.executable, '-m', 'yapf', '--verify', '--no-local-style']
+class FormatCodeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def _Check(self, unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code):
+    formatted_code, _ = yapf_api.FormatCode(
+        unformatted_code, style_config='chromium')
+    self.assertEqual(expected_formatted_code, formatted_code)
+  def testSimple(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        print('foo')
+        """)
+    self._Check(unformatted_code, unformatted_code)
+  def testNoEndingNewline(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          pass""")
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True:
+          pass
+        """)
+    self._Check(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+class FormatFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.test_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    shutil.rmtree(self.test_tmpdir)
+  def assertCodeEqual(self, expected_code, code):
+    if code != expected_code:
+      msg = 'Code format mismatch:\n'
+      msg += 'Expected:\n >'
+      msg += '\n > '.join(expected_code.splitlines())
+      msg += '\nActual:\n >'
+      msg += '\n > '.join(code.splitlines())
+      # TODO(sbc): maybe using difflib here to produce easy to read deltas?
+  def testFormatFile(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if True:
+         pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code_pep8 = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if True:
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code_chromium = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if True:
+          pass
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code_pep8, formatted_code)
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(
+          filepath, style_config='chromium')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code_chromium, formatted_code)
+  def testDisableLinesPattern(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a:    b
+        # yapf: disable
+        if f:    g
+        if h:    i
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a: b
+        # yapf: disable
+        if f:    g
+        if h:    i
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, formatted_code)
+  def testDisableAndReenableLinesPattern(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a:    b
+        # yapf: disable
+        if f:    g
+        # yapf: enable
+        if h:    i
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a: b
+        # yapf: disable
+        if f:    g
+        # yapf: enable
+        if h: i
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, formatted_code)
+  def testDisablePartOfMultilineComment(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a:    b
+        # This is a multiline comment that disables YAPF.
+        # yapf: disable
+        if f:    g
+        # yapf: enable
+        # This is a multiline comment that enables YAPF.
+        if h:    i
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a: b
+        # This is a multiline comment that disables YAPF.
+        # yapf: disable
+        if f:    g
+        # yapf: enable
+        # This is a multiline comment that enables YAPF.
+        if h: i
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, formatted_code)
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+      def foo_function():
+          # some comment
+          # yapf: disable
+          foo(
+          bar,
+          baz
+          )
+          # yapf: enable
+      """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, formatted_code)
+  def testFormatFileLinesSelection(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a:    b
+        if f:    g
+        if h:    i
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code_lines1and2 = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a: b
+        if f:    g
+        if h:    i
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code_lines3 = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if a:    b
+        if f: g
+        if h:    i
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(
+          filepath, style_config='pep8', lines=[(1, 2)])
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code_lines1and2, formatted_code)
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(
+          filepath, style_config='pep8', lines=[(3, 3)])
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code_lines3, formatted_code)
+  def testFormatFileDiff(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        if True:
+         pass
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      diff, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, print_diff=True)
+      self.assertTrue(u'+  pass' in diff)
+  def testFormatFileInPlace(self):
+    unformatted_code = u'True==False\n'
+    formatted_code = u'True == False\n'
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      result, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, in_place=True)
+      self.assertEqual(result, None)
+      with open(filepath) as fd:
+        if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
+          self.assertCodeEqual(formatted_code,'ascii'))
+        else:
+          self.assertCodeEqual(formatted_code,
+      self.assertRaises(
+          ValueError,
+          yapf_api.FormatFile,
+          filepath,
+          in_place=True,
+          print_diff=True)
+  def testNoFile(self):
+    stream = py3compat.StringIO()
+    handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
+    logger = logging.getLogger('mylogger')
+    logger.addHandler(handler)
+    self.assertRaises(
+        IOError, yapf_api.FormatFile, '', logger=logger.error)
+    self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(),
+                     "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''\n")
+  def testCommentsUnformatted(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        foo = [# A list of things
+               # bork
+            'one',
+            # quark
+            'two'] # yapf: disable
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, formatted_code)
+  def testDisabledHorizontalFormattingOnNewLine(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        # yapf: disable
+        a = [
+        1]
+        # yapf: enable
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, formatted_code)
+  def testSplittingSemicolonStatements(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def f():
+          x = y + 42 ; z = n * 42
+          if True: a += 1 ; b += 1; c += 1
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def f():
+            x = y + 42
+            z = n * 42
+            if True:
+                a += 1
+                b += 1
+                c += 1
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, formatted_code)
+  def testSemicolonStatementsDisabled(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def f():
+          x = y + 42 ; z = n * 42  # yapf: disable
+          if True: a += 1 ; b += 1; c += 1
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def f():
+            x = y + 42 ; z = n * 42  # yapf: disable
+            if True:
+                a += 1
+                b += 1
+                c += 1
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, formatted_code)
+  def testDisabledSemiColonSeparatedStatements(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        # yapf: disable
+        if True: a ; b
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(filepath, style_config='pep8')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, formatted_code)
+  def testDisabledMultilineStringInDictionary(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        # yapf: disable
+        A = [
+            {
+                "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa": '''
+        bbbbbbbbbbb: "ccccccccccc"
+        dddddddddddddd: 1
+        eeeeeeee: 0
+        ffffffffff: "ggggggg"
+        ''',
+            },
+        ]
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(
+          filepath, style_config='chromium')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, formatted_code)
+  def testDisabledWithPrecedingText(self):
+    code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        # TODO(fix formatting): yapf: disable
+        A = [
+            {
+                "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa": '''
+        bbbbbbbbbbb: "ccccccccccc"
+        dddddddddddddd: 1
+        eeeeeeee: 0
+        ffffffffff: "ggggggg"
+        ''',
+            },
+        ]
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(
+          filepath, style_config='chromium')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, formatted_code)
+  def testCRLFLineEnding(self):
+    code = u'class _():\r\n  pass\r\n'
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, code) as filepath:
+      formatted_code, _, _ = yapf_api.FormatFile(
+          filepath, style_config='chromium')
+      self.assertCodeEqual(code, formatted_code)
+class CommandLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test how calling yapf from the command line acts."""
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    cls.test_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+  @classmethod
+  def tearDownClass(cls):
+    shutil.rmtree(cls.test_tmpdir)
+  def assertYapfReformats(self,
+                          unformatted,
+                          expected,
+                          extra_options=None,
+                          env=None):
+    """Check that yapf reformats the given code as expected.
+    Invokes yapf in a subprocess, piping the unformatted code into its stdin.
+    Checks that the formatted output is as expected.
+    Arguments:
+      unformatted: unformatted code - input to yapf
+      expected: expected formatted code at the output of yapf
+      extra_options: iterable of extra command-line options to pass to yapf
+      env: dict of environment variables.
+    """
+    cmdline = YAPF_BINARY + (extra_options or [])
+    p = subprocess.Popen(
+        cmdline,
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        env=env)
+    reformatted_code, stderrdata = p.communicate(unformatted.encode('utf-8'))
+    self.assertEqual(stderrdata, b'')
+    self.assertMultiLineEqual(reformatted_code.decode('utf-8'), expected)
+  def testUnicodeEncodingPipedToFile(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def foo():
+            print('⇒')
+        """)
+    with utils.NamedTempFile(
+        dirname=self.test_tmpdir, suffix='.py') as (out, _):
+      with utils.TempFileContents(
+          self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code, suffix='.py') as filepath:
+        subprocess.check_call(YAPF_BINARY + ['--diff', filepath], stdout=out)
+  def testInPlaceReformatting(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        def foo():
+          x = 37
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            x = 37
+        """)
+    with utils.TempFileContents(
+        self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code, suffix='.py') as filepath:
+      p = subprocess.Popen(YAPF_BINARY + ['--in-place', filepath])
+      p.wait()
+      with, mode='r', newline='') as fd:
+        reformatted_code =
+    self.assertEqual(reformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testInPlaceReformattingBlank(self):
+    unformatted_code = u'\n\n'
+    expected_formatted_code = u'\n'
+    with utils.TempFileContents(
+        self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code, suffix='.py') as filepath:
+      p = subprocess.Popen(YAPF_BINARY + ['--in-place', filepath])
+      p.wait()
+      with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as fd:
+        reformatted_code =
+    self.assertEqual(reformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testInPlaceReformattingEmpty(self):
+    unformatted_code = u''
+    expected_formatted_code = u''
+    with utils.TempFileContents(
+        self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code, suffix='.py') as filepath:
+      p = subprocess.Popen(YAPF_BINARY + ['--in-place', filepath])
+      p.wait()
+      with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as fd:
+        reformatted_code =
+    self.assertEqual(reformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testReadFromStdin(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          x = 37
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            x = 37
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testReadFromStdinWithEscapedStrings(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        s =   "foo\\nbar"
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        s = "foo\\nbar"
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testSetChromiumStyle(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(): # trail
+            x = 37
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():  # trail
+          x = 37
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--style=chromium'])
+  def testSetCustomStyleBasedOnChromium(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo(): # trail
+            x = 37
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():    # trail
+          x = 37
+        """)
+    style_file = textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+        [style]
+        based_on_style = chromium
+        ''')
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, style_file) as stylepath:
+      self.assertYapfReformats(
+          unformatted_code,
+          expected_formatted_code,
+          extra_options=['--style={0}'.format(stylepath)])
+  def testReadSingleLineCodeFromStdin(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True: pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if True: pass
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testEncodingVerification(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+        '''The module docstring.'''
+        # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+        def f():
+            x = 37
+        """)
+    with utils.NamedTempFile(
+        suffix='.py', dirname=self.test_tmpdir) as (out, _):
+      with utils.TempFileContents(
+          self.test_tmpdir, unformatted_code, suffix='.py') as filepath:
+        try:
+          subprocess.check_call(YAPF_BINARY + ['--diff', filepath], stdout=out)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+          self.assertEqual(e.returncode, 1)  # Indicates the text changed.
+  def testReformattingSpecificLines(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        """)
+    # TODO(ambv): the `expected_formatted_code` here is not PEP8 compliant,
+    # raising "E129 visually indented line with same indent as next logical
+    # line" with flake8.
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-2'])
+  def testOmitFormattingLinesBeforeDisabledFunctionComment(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import sys
+        # Comment
+        def some_func(x):
+            x = ["badly" , "formatted","line" ]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import sys
+        # Comment
+        def some_func(x):
+            x = ["badly", "formatted", "line"]
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '5-5'])
+  def testReformattingSkippingLines(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        # yapf: disable
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        # yapf: enable
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        # yapf: disable
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        # yapf: enable
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testReformattingSkippingToEndOfFile(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        # yapf: disable
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def f():
+            def e():
+                while (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz].aaaaaaaa[0]) ==
+                       'bbbbbbb'):
+                    pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        # yapf: disable
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def f():
+            def e():
+                while (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz].aaaaaaaa[0]) ==
+                       'bbbbbbb'):
+                    pass
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testReformattingSkippingSingleLine(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):  # yapf: disable
+                pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):  # yapf: disable
+                pass
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testDisableWholeDataStructure(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        A = set([
+            'hello',
+            'world',
+        ])  # yapf: disable
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        A = set([
+            'hello',
+            'world',
+        ])  # yapf: disable
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testDisableButAdjustIndentations(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class SplitPenaltyTest(unittest.TestCase):
+          def testUnbreakable(self):
+            self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+            ])  # yapf: disable
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class SplitPenaltyTest(unittest.TestCase):
+            def testUnbreakable(self):
+                self._CheckPenalties(tree, [
+                ])  # yapf: disable
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testRetainingHorizontalWhitespace(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy        (zzzzzzzzzzzzz  [0]) ==     'aaaaaaaaaaa' and    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):  # yapf: disable
+                pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy        (zzzzzzzzzzzzz  [0]) ==     'aaaaaaaaaaa' and    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):  # yapf: disable
+                pass
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+  def testRetainingVerticalWhitespace(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def h():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and
+                    xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        def g():
+            if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'):
+                pass
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-2'])
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if a:     b
+        if c:
+            to_much      + indent
+            same
+        #comment
+        #   trailing whitespace
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        if a: b
+        if c:
+            to_much      + indent
+            same
+        #comment
+        #   trailing whitespace
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '3-3', '--lines', '13-13'])
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        '''
+        docstring
+        '''
+        import blah
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code, unformatted_code, extra_options=['--lines', '2-2'])
+  def testRetainingSemicolonsWhenSpecifyingLines(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = line_to_format
+        def f():
+            x = y + 42; z = n * 42
+            if True: a += 1 ; b += 1 ; c += 1
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        a = line_to_format
+        def f():
+            x = y + 42; z = n * 42
+            if True: a += 1 ; b += 1 ; c += 1
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-1'])
+  def testDisabledMultilineStrings(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        foo=42
+        def f():
+            email_text += """<html>This is a really long docstring that goes over the column limit and is multi-line.<br><br>
+        <b>Czar: </b>"""+despot["Nicholas"]+"""<br>
+        <b>Minion: </b>"""+serf["Dmitri"]+"""<br>
+        <b>Residence: </b>"""+palace["Winter"]+"""<br>
+        </body>
+        </html>"""
+        ''')
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\
+        foo = 42
+        def f():
+            email_text += """<html>This is a really long docstring that goes over the column limit and is multi-line.<br><br>
+        <b>Czar: </b>"""+despot["Nicholas"]+"""<br>
+        <b>Minion: </b>"""+serf["Dmitri"]+"""<br>
+        <b>Residence: </b>"""+palace["Winter"]+"""<br>
+        </body>
+        </html>"""
+        ''')
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-1'])
+  def testDisableWhenSpecifyingLines(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # yapf: disable
+        A = set([
+            'hello',
+            'world',
+        ])
+        # yapf: enable
+        B = set([
+            'hello',
+            'world',
+        ])  # yapf: disable
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # yapf: disable
+        A = set([
+            'hello',
+            'world',
+        ])
+        # yapf: enable
+        B = set([
+            'hello',
+            'world',
+        ])  # yapf: disable
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-10'])
+  def testDisableFormattingInDataLiteral(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def horrible():
+          oh_god()
+          why_would_you()
+          [
+             'do',
+              'that',
+          ]
+        def still_horrible():
+            oh_god()
+            why_would_you()
+            [
+                'do',
+                'that'
+            ]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def horrible():
+            oh_god()
+            why_would_you()
+            [
+               'do',
+                'that',
+            ]
+        def still_horrible():
+            oh_god()
+            why_would_you()
+            ['do', 'that']
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '14-15'])
+  def testRetainVerticalFormattingBetweenDisabledAndEnabledLines(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+            def aaaaaaaaaaaaa(self):
+                c = bbbbbbbbb.ccccccccc('challenge', 0, 1, 10)
+                self.assertEqual(
+                    ('ddddddddddddddddddddddddd',
+             'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.%s' %
+                     c.ffffffffffff),
+             gggggggggggg.hhhhhhhhh(c, c.ffffffffffff))
+                iiiii = jjjjjjjjjjjjjj.iiiii
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+            def aaaaaaaaaaaaa(self):
+                c = bbbbbbbbb.ccccccccc('challenge', 0, 1, 10)
+                self.assertEqual(('ddddddddddddddddddddddddd',
+                                  'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.%s' % c.ffffffffffff),
+                                 gggggggggggg.hhhhhhhhh(c, c.ffffffffffff))
+                iiiii = jjjjjjjjjjjjjj.iiiii
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '4-7'])
+  def testFormatLinesSpecifiedInMiddleOfExpression(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+            def aaaaaaaaaaaaa(self):
+                c = bbbbbbbbb.ccccccccc('challenge', 0, 1, 10)
+                self.assertEqual(
+                    ('ddddddddddddddddddddddddd',
+             'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.%s' %
+                     c.ffffffffffff),
+             gggggggggggg.hhhhhhhhh(c, c.ffffffffffff))
+                iiiii = jjjjjjjjjjjjjj.iiiii
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        class A(object):
+            def aaaaaaaaaaaaa(self):
+                c = bbbbbbbbb.ccccccccc('challenge', 0, 1, 10)
+                self.assertEqual(('ddddddddddddddddddddddddd',
+                                  'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.%s' % c.ffffffffffff),
+                                 gggggggggggg.hhhhhhhhh(c, c.ffffffffffff))
+                iiiii = jjjjjjjjjjjjjj.iiiii
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '5-6'])
+  def testCommentFollowingMultilineString(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            '''First line.
+            Second line.
+            '''  # comment
+            x = '''hello world'''  # second comment
+            return 42  # another comment
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+            '''First line.
+            Second line.
+            '''  # comment
+            x = '''hello world'''  # second comment
+            return 42  # another comment
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-1'])
+  def testDedentClosingBracket(self):
+    # no line-break on the first argument, not dedenting closing brackets
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def overly_long_function_name(first_argument_on_the_same_line,
+      second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long):
+        pass
+    """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def overly_long_function_name(first_argument_on_the_same_line,
+                                    second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long):
+          pass
+    """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--style=pep8'])
+    # TODO(ambv): currently the following produces the closing bracket on a new
+    # line but indented to the opening bracket which is the worst of both
+    # worlds. Expected behaviour would be to format as --style=pep8 does in
+    # this case.
+    # self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code,
+    #                          extra_options=['--style=facebook'])
+    # line-break before the first argument, dedenting closing brackets if set
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def overly_long_function_name(
+        first_argument_on_the_same_line,
+        second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long):
+        pass
+    """)
+    # expected_formatted_pep8_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+    #   def overly_long_function_name(
+    #           first_argument_on_the_same_line,
+    #           second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long):
+    #       pass
+    # """)
+    expected_formatted_fb_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+      def overly_long_function_name(
+          first_argument_on_the_same_line, second_argument_makes_the_line_too_long
+      ):
+          pass
+    """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_fb_code,
+        extra_options=['--style=facebook'])
+    # TODO(ambv): currently the following produces code that is not PEP8
+    # compliant, raising "E125 continuation line with same indent as next
+    # logical line" with flake8. Expected behaviour for PEP8 would be to use
+    # double-indentation here.
+    # self.assertYapfReformats(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_pep8_code,
+    #                          extra_options=['--style=pep8'])
+  def testCoalesceBrackets(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+       some_long_function_name_foo(
+           {
+               'first_argument_of_the_thing': id,
+               'second_argument_of_the_thing': "some thing"
+           }
+       )""")
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+       some_long_function_name_foo({
+           'first_argument_of_the_thing': id,
+           'second_argument_of_the_thing': "some thing"
+       })
+       """)
+    with utils.NamedTempFile(dirname=self.test_tmpdir, mode='w') as (f, name):
+      f.write(
+          textwrap.dedent(u'''\
+          [style]
+          column_limit=82
+          coalesce_brackets = True
+          '''))
+      f.flush()
+      self.assertYapfReformats(
+          unformatted_code,
+          expected_formatted_code,
+          extra_options=['--style={0}'.format(name)])
+  def testPseudoParenSpaces(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          def bar():
+            return {msg_id: author for author, msg_id in reader}
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo():
+          def bar():
+            return {msg_id: author for author, msg_id in reader}
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-1', '--style', 'chromium'])
+  def testMultilineCommentFormattingDisabled(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # This is a comment
+        FOO = {
+            aaaaaaaa.ZZZ: [
+                bbbbbbbbbb.Pop(),
+                # Multiline comment.
+                # Line two.
+                bbbbbbbbbb.Pop(),
+            ],
+            'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx':
+                ('yyyyy', zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz),
+            '#': lambda x: x  # do nothing
+        }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # This is a comment
+        FOO = {
+            aaaaaaaa.ZZZ: [
+                bbbbbbbbbb.Pop(),
+                # Multiline comment.
+                # Line two.
+                bbbbbbbbbb.Pop(),
+            ],
+            'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx':
+                ('yyyyy', zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz),
+            '#': lambda x: x  # do nothing
+        }
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-1', '--style', 'chromium'])
+  def testTrailingCommentsWithDisabledFormatting(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import os
+        SCOPES = [
+            'hello world'  # This is a comment.
+        ]
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        import os
+        SCOPES = [
+            'hello world'  # This is a comment.
+        ]
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-1', '--style', 'chromium'])
+  def testUseTabs(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def foo_function():
+ if True:
+  pass
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def foo_function():
+	if True:
+		pass
+    style_contents = u"""\
+based_on_style = chromium
+USE_TABS = true
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, style_contents) as stylepath:
+      self.assertYapfReformats(
+          unformatted_code,
+          expected_formatted_code,
+          extra_options=['--style={0}'.format(stylepath)])
+  def testUseTabsWith(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def f():
+  return ['hello', 'world',]
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def f():
+	return [
+	    'hello',
+	    'world',
+	]
+    style_contents = u"""\
+based_on_style = chromium
+USE_TABS = true
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, style_contents) as stylepath:
+      self.assertYapfReformats(
+          unformatted_code,
+          expected_formatted_code,
+          extra_options=['--style={0}'.format(stylepath)])
+  def testUseTabsContinuationAlignStyleFixed(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def foo_function(arg1, arg2, arg3):
+  return ['hello', 'world',]
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def foo_function(arg1, arg2,
+		arg3):
+	return [
+			'hello',
+			'world',
+	]
+    style_contents = u"""\
+based_on_style = chromium
+USE_TABS = true
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, style_contents) as stylepath:
+      self.assertYapfReformats(
+          unformatted_code,
+          expected_formatted_code,
+          extra_options=['--style={0}'.format(stylepath)])
+  def testUseTabsContinuationAlignStyleVAlignRight(self):
+    unformatted_code = """\
+def foo_function(arg1, arg2, arg3):
+  return ['hello', 'world',]
+    expected_formatted_code = """\
+def foo_function(arg1, arg2,
+					arg3):
+	return [
+			'hello',
+			'world',
+	]
+    style_contents = u"""\
+based_on_style = chromium
+USE_TABS = true
+    with utils.TempFileContents(self.test_tmpdir, style_contents) as stylepath:
+      self.assertYapfReformats(
+          unformatted_code,
+          expected_formatted_code,
+          extra_options=['--style={0}'.format(stylepath)])
+  def testStyleOutputRoundTrip(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo_function():
+          pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        def foo_function():
+            pass
+        """)
+    with utils.NamedTempFile(dirname=self.test_tmpdir) as (stylefile,
+                                                           stylepath):
+      p = subprocess.Popen(
+          YAPF_BINARY + ['--style-help'],
+          stdout=stylefile,
+          stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+          stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+      _, stderrdata = p.communicate()
+      self.assertEqual(stderrdata, b'')
+      self.assertYapfReformats(
+          unformatted_code,
+          expected_formatted_code,
+          extra_options=['--style={0}'.format(stylepath)])
+  def testSpacingBeforeComments(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        A = 42
+        # A comment
+        def x():
+            pass
+        def _():
+            pass
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        A = 42
+        # A comment
+        def x():
+            pass
+        def _():
+            pass
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--lines', '1-2'])
+  def testSpacingBeforeCommentsInDicts(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        A=42
+        X = {
+            # 'Valid' statuses.
+            PASSED:  # Passed
+                'PASSED',
+            FAILED:  # Failed
+                'FAILED',
+            TIMED_OUT:  # Timed out.
+                'FAILED',
+            BORKED:  # Broken.
+                'BROKEN'
+        }
+        """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        A = 42
+        X = {
+            # 'Valid' statuses.
+            PASSED:  # Passed
+                'PASSED',
+            FAILED:  # Failed
+                'FAILED',
+            TIMED_OUT:  # Timed out.
+                'FAILED',
+            BORKED:  # Broken.
+                'BROKEN'
+        }
+        """)
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        extra_options=['--style', 'chromium', '--lines', '1-1'])
+  @unittest.skipUnless(py3compat.PY36, 'Requires Python 3.6')
+  def testCP936Encoding(self):
+    unformatted_code = 'print("中文")\n'
+    expected_formatted_code = 'print("中文")\n'
+    self.assertYapfReformats(
+        unformatted_code,
+        expected_formatted_code,
+        env={'PYTHONIOENCODING': 'cp936'})
+class BadInputTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test yapf's behaviour when passed bad input."""
+  def testBadSyntax(self):
+    code = '  a = 1\n'
+    self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, yapf_api.FormatCode, code)
+class DiffIndentTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  @staticmethod
+  def _OwnStyle():
+    my_style = style.CreatePEP8Style()
+    my_style['INDENT_WIDTH'] = 3
+    my_style['CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'] = 3
+    return my_style
+  def _Check(self, unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code):
+    formatted_code, _ = yapf_api.FormatCode(
+        unformatted_code, style_config=style.SetGlobalStyle(self._OwnStyle()))
+    self.assertEqual(expected_formatted_code, formatted_code)
+  def testSimple(self):
+    unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        for i in range(5):
+         print('bar')
+         """)
+    expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        for i in range(5):
+           print('bar')
+           """)
+    self._Check(unformatted_code, expected_formatted_code)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/yapftests/ b/yapftests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f21b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yapftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Support module for tests for yapf."""
+import difflib
+import sys
+import unittest
+from yapf.yapflib import blank_line_calculator
+from yapf.yapflib import comment_splicer
+from yapf.yapflib import continuation_splicer
+from yapf.yapflib import identify_container
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_unwrapper
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_utils
+from yapf.yapflib import pytree_visitor
+from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
+from yapf.yapflib import style
+from yapf.yapflib import subtype_assigner
+class YAPFTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def assertCodeEqual(self, expected_code, code):
+    if code != expected_code:
+      msg = ['Code format mismatch:', 'Expected:']
+      linelen = style.Get('COLUMN_LIMIT')
+      for l in expected_code.splitlines():
+        if len(l) > linelen:
+          msg.append('!> %s' % l)
+        else:
+          msg.append(' > %s' % l)
+      msg.append('Actual:')
+      for l in code.splitlines():
+        if len(l) > linelen:
+          msg.append('!> %s' % l)
+        else:
+          msg.append(' > %s' % l)
+      msg.append('Diff:')
+      msg.extend(
+          difflib.unified_diff(
+              code.splitlines(),
+              expected_code.splitlines(),
+              fromfile='actual',
+              tofile='expected',
+              lineterm=''))
+def ParseAndUnwrap(code, dumptree=False):
+  """Produces unwrapped lines from the given code.
+  Parses the code into a tree, performs comment splicing and runs the
+  unwrapper.
+  Arguments:
+    code: code to parse as a string
+    dumptree: if True, the parsed pytree (after comment splicing) is dumped
+              to stderr. Useful for debugging.
+  Returns:
+    List of unwrapped lines.
+  """
+  tree = pytree_utils.ParseCodeToTree(code)
+  comment_splicer.SpliceComments(tree)
+  continuation_splicer.SpliceContinuations(tree)
+  subtype_assigner.AssignSubtypes(tree)
+  identify_container.IdentifyContainers(tree)
+  split_penalty.ComputeSplitPenalties(tree)
+  blank_line_calculator.CalculateBlankLines(tree)
+  if dumptree:
+    pytree_visitor.DumpPyTree(tree, target_stream=sys.stderr)
+  uwlines = pytree_unwrapper.UnwrapPyTree(tree)
+  for uwl in uwlines:
+    uwl.CalculateFormattingInformation()
+  return uwlines