| |
| # ################################################################ |
| # Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc. |
| # All rights reserved. |
| # |
| # This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the |
| # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found |
| # in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree). |
| # You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses. |
| # ################################################################ |
| # datagen : Synthetic and parametrable data generator, for tests |
| # fullbench : Precisely measure speed for each zstd inner functions |
| # fullbench32: Same as fullbench, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode |
| # fuzzer : Test tool, to check zstd integrity on target platform |
| # fuzzer32: Same as fuzzer, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode |
| # paramgrill : parameter tester for zstd |
| # test-zstd-speed.py : script for testing zstd speed difference between commits |
| # versionsTest : compatibility test between zstd versions stored on Github (v0.1+) |
| # zstreamtest : Fuzzer test tool for zstd streaming API |
| # zstreamtest32: Same as zstreamtest, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode |
| # ########################################################################## |
| |
| LIBZSTD = ../lib |
| |
| |
| export DEBUGLEVEL # transmit value to sub-makefiles |
| |
| include $(LIBZSTD)/libzstd.mk |
| |
| PRGDIR = ../programs |
| PYTHON ?= python3 |
| TESTARTEFACT := versionsTest |
| |
| DEBUGFLAGS += -g -Wno-c++-compat |
| CPPFLAGS += -I$(ZSTDDIR) -I$(ZSTDDIR)/common -I$(ZSTDDIR)/compress \ |
| -I$(ZSTDDIR)/dictBuilder -I$(ZSTDDIR)/deprecated -I$(PRGDIR) \ |
| |
| |
| ZSTD_F1 := $(sort $(wildcard $(ZSTD_FILES))) |
| ZSTD_OBJ1 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/common/,zstdm_,$(ZSTD_F1)) |
| ZSTD_OBJ2 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/,zstdc_,$(ZSTD_OBJ1)) |
| ZSTD_OBJ3 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/,zstdd_,$(ZSTD_OBJ2)) |
| ZSTD_OBJ4 := $(ZSTD_OBJ3:.c=.o) |
| ZSTD_OBJECTS := $(ZSTD_OBJ4:.S=.o) |
| |
| ZSTDMT_OBJ1 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/common/,zstdmt_m_,$(ZSTD_F1)) |
| ZSTDMT_OBJ2 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/,zstdmt_c_,$(ZSTDMT_OBJ1)) |
| ZSTDMT_OBJ3 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/,zstdmt_d_,$(ZSTDMT_OBJ2)) |
| ZSTDMT_OBJ4 := $(ZSTDMT_OBJ3:.c=.o) |
| |
| # Define *.exe as extension for Windows systems |
| ifneq (,$(filter Windows%,$(OS))) |
| EXT =.exe |
| else |
| EXT = |
| MULTITHREAD_LD = -pthread |
| endif |
| |
| VOID = /dev/null |
| FUZZERTEST ?= -T200s |
| ZSTDRTTEST = --test-large-data |
| |
| .PHONY: default |
| default: fullbench |
| |
| .PHONY: all |
| all: fullbench fuzzer zstreamtest paramgrill datagen decodecorpus roundTripCrash poolTests |
| |
| .PHONY: all32 |
| all32: fullbench32 fuzzer32 zstreamtest32 |
| |
| .PHONY: allnothread |
| allnothread: MULTITHREAD_CPP= |
| allnothread: MULTITHREAD_LD= |
| allnothread: fullbench fuzzer paramgrill datagen decodecorpus |
| |
| # note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library |
| .PHONY: dll |
| dll: fuzzer-dll zstreamtest-dll |
| |
| .PHONY: zstd zstd32 zstd-nolegacy # only external makefile knows how to build or update them |
| zstd zstd32 zstd-nolegacy: |
| |
| .PHONY: libzstd |
| libzstd : |
| |
| %-dll : libzstd |
| %-dll : LDFLAGS += -L$(ZSTDDIR) -lzstd |
| |
| $(ZSTDDIR)/libzstd.a : |
| $(MAKE) -C $(ZSTDDIR) libzstd.a |
| |
| zstdm_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/%.c |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| zstdc_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/%.c |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| zstdd_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.c |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| zstdd_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.S |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| zstdmt%.o : CPPFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_CPP) |
| |
| zstdmt_m_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/%.c |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| zstdmt_c_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/%.c |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| zstdmt_d_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.c |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| zstdmt_d_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.S |
| $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ |
| |
| fullbench32: CPPFLAGS += -m32 |
| fullbench fullbench32 : CPPFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_CPP) -Wno-deprecated-declarations |
| fullbench fullbench32 : LDFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_LD) |
| fullbench fullbench32 : DEBUGFLAGS = -DNDEBUG # turn off assert() for speed measurements |
| fullbench fullbench32 : $(ZSTD_FILES) |
| fullbench fullbench32 : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c fullbench.c |
| $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| fullbench-lib : CPPFLAGS += -DXXH_NAMESPACE=ZSTD_ |
| fullbench-lib : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c $(ZSTDDIR)/libzstd.a fullbench.c |
| $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| # note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library |
| fullbench-dll: $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c fullbench.c |
| # $(CC) $(FLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) -o $@$(EXT) -DZSTD_DLL_IMPORT=1 $(ZSTDDIR)/dll/libzstd.dll |
| $(LINK.c) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| fuzzer : CPPFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_CPP) -Wno-deprecated-declarations |
| fuzzer : LDFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_LD) |
| fuzzer : $(ZSTDMT_OBJECTS) |
| fuzzer fuzzer32 : $(ZDICT_FILES) $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c fuzzer.c |
| |
| fuzzer32 : CFLAGS += -m32 $(MULTITHREAD) |
| fuzzer32 : $(ZSTD_FILES) |
| $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| # note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library |
| fuzzer-dll : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/xxhash.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c fuzzer.c |
| $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| ZSTREAM_LOCAL_FILES := $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c seqgen.c zstreamtest.c |
| zstreamtest32 : CFLAGS += -m32 |
| zstreamtest zstreamtest32 : CPPFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_CPP) |
| zstreamtest zstreamtest32 : LDFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_LD) |
| zstreamtest32 : $(ZSTREAMFILES) |
| zstreamtest zstreamtest32 : |
| $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| zstreamtest_asan : CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address |
| zstreamtest_asan : $(ZSTREAMFILES) |
| $(LINK.c) $(MULTITHREAD) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| zstreamtest_tsan : CFLAGS += -fsanitize=thread |
| zstreamtest_tsan : $(ZSTREAMFILES) |
| $(LINK.c) $(MULTITHREAD) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| # note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library |
| zstreamtest-dll : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/xxhash.c # xxh symbols not exposed from dll |
| zstreamtest-dll : $(ZSTREAM_LOCAL_FILES) |
| $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| paramgrill : DEBUGFLAGS = # turn off debug for speed measurements |
| paramgrill : LDLIBS += -lm |
| paramgrill : $(ZSTD_FILES) $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchzstd.c $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c paramgrill.c |
| |
| datagen : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c datagencli.c |
| $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| roundTripCrash: CFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD) |
| roundTripCrash : $(ZSTD_OBJECTS) roundTripCrash.c |
| |
| longmatch : $(ZSTD_OBJECTS) longmatch.c |
| |
| bigdict: CFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD) |
| bigdict: $(ZSTDMT_OBJECTS) $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c bigdict.c |
| |
| invalidDictionaries : $(ZSTD_OBJECTS) invalidDictionaries.c |
| |
| legacy : $(ZSTD_FILES) $(sort $(wildcard $(ZSTDDIR)/legacy/*.c)) legacy.c |
| |
| decodecorpus : LDLIBS += -lm |
| decodecorpus : $(filter-out zstdc_zstd_compress.o, $(ZSTD_OBJECTS)) $(ZDICT_FILES) $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c decodecorpus.c |
| |
| poolTests : $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c poolTests.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/pool.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/threading.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/zstd_common.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/error_private.c |
| $(LINK.c) $(MULTITHREAD) $^ -o $@$(EXT) |
| |
| .PHONY: versionsTest |
| versionsTest: clean |
| $(PYTHON) test-zstd-versions.py |
| |
| .PHONY: automated_benchmarking |
| automated_benchmarking: clean |
| $(PYTHON) automated_benchmarking.py |
| |
| # make checkTag |
| checkTag.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/zstd.h |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| $(MAKE) -C $(ZSTDDIR) clean |
| $(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) clean |
| $(RM) -rf tmp* # some test directories are named tmp* |
| $(RM) core *.o *.tmp result* *.gcda dictionary *.zst \ |
| $(PRGDIR)/zstd$(EXT) $(PRGDIR)/zstd32$(EXT) \ |
| fullbench$(EXT) fullbench32$(EXT) \ |
| fullbench-lib$(EXT) fullbench-dll$(EXT) \ |
| fuzzer$(EXT) fuzzer32$(EXT) \ |
| fuzzer-dll$(EXT) zstreamtest-dll$(EXT) \ |
| zstreamtest$(EXT) zstreamtest32$(EXT) \ |
| datagen$(EXT) paramgrill$(EXT) roundTripCrash$(EXT) longmatch$(EXT) \ |
| symbols$(EXT) invalidDictionaries$(EXT) legacy$(EXT) poolTests$(EXT) \ |
| decodecorpus$(EXT) checkTag$(EXT) bigdict$(EXT) |
| @echo Cleaning completed |
| |
| |
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # valgrind tests are validated only for some posix platforms |
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| UNAME := $(shell uname) |
| ifneq (,$(filter $(UNAME),Linux Darwin GNU/kFreeBSD GNU OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD DragonFly SunOS AIX)) |
| |
| valgrindTest: VALGRIND = valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --error-exitcode=1 |
| valgrindTest: zstd datagen fuzzer fullbench |
| @echo "\n ---- valgrind tests : memory analyzer ----" |
| $(VALGRIND) ./datagen -g50M > $(VOID) |
| $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd ; if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "zstd without argument should have failed"; false; fi |
| ./datagen -g80 | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd - -c > $(VOID) |
| ./datagen -g16KB | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -vf - -c > $(VOID) |
| ./datagen -g2930KB | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -5 -vf - -o tmp |
| $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -vdf tmp -c > $(VOID) |
| ./datagen -g64MB | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -vf - -c > $(VOID) |
| @rm tmp |
| $(VALGRIND) ./fuzzer -T1mn -t1 |
| $(VALGRIND) ./fullbench -i1 |
| |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq (,$(filter MINGW% MSYS%,$(UNAME))) |
| endif |
| |
| |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # make tests validated only for below targets |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ifneq (,$(filter $(HOST_OS),MSYS POSIX)) |
| |
| DIFF:=diff |
| ifneq (,$(filter $(UNAME),SunOS)) |
| DIFF:=gdiff |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: list |
| list: |
| @$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' | xargs |
| |
| .PHONY: shortest |
| shortest: ZSTDRTTEST= # remove long tests |
| shortest: test-zstd |
| |
| .PHONY: check |
| check: shortest |
| |
| .PHONY: fuzztest |
| fuzztest: test-fuzzer test-zstream test-decodecorpus |
| |
| .PHONY: test |
| test: test-zstd test-fullbench test-fuzzer test-zstream test-invalidDictionaries test-legacy test-decodecorpus |
| ifeq ($(QEMU_SYS),) |
| test: test-pool |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: test32 |
| test32: test-zstd32 test-fullbench32 test-fuzzer32 test-zstream32 |
| |
| .PHONY: test-all |
| test-all: test test32 valgrindTest test-decodecorpus-cli |
| |
| .PHONY: test-zstd test-zstd32 test-zstd-nolegacy test-zstdgrep |
| test-zstd: ZSTD = $(PRGDIR)/zstd |
| test-zstd: zstd |
| |
| test-zstd32: ZSTD = $(PRGDIR)/zstd32 |
| test-zstd32: zstd32 |
| |
| test-zstd-nolegacy: ZSTD = $(PRGDIR)/zstd-nolegacy |
| test-zstd-nolegacy: zstd-nolegacy |
| |
| test-zstd test-zstd32 test-zstd-nolegacy: datagen |
| file $(ZSTD) |
| EXE_PREFIX="$(QEMU_SYS)" ZSTD_BIN="$(ZSTD)" DATAGEN_BIN=./datagen ./playTests.sh $(ZSTDRTTEST) |
| |
| test-fullbench: fullbench datagen |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench -i1 |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench -i1 -P0 |
| |
| test-fullbench32: fullbench32 datagen |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench32 -i1 |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench32 -i1 -P0 |
| |
| test-fuzzer: fuzzer |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./fuzzer -v $(FUZZERTEST) $(FUZZER_FLAGS) |
| |
| test-fuzzer-stackmode: MOREFLAGS += -DZSTD_HEAPMODE=0 |
| test-fuzzer-stackmode: test-fuzzer |
| |
| test-fuzzer32: fuzzer32 |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./fuzzer32 -v $(FUZZERTEST) $(FUZZER_FLAGS) |
| |
| test-zstream: zstreamtest |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./zstreamtest -v $(ZSTREAM_TESTTIME) $(FUZZER_FLAGS) |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./zstreamtest --newapi -t1 $(ZSTREAM_TESTTIME) $(FUZZER_FLAGS) |
| |
| test-zstream32: zstreamtest32 |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./zstreamtest32 $(ZSTREAM_TESTTIME) $(FUZZER_FLAGS) |
| |
| test-longmatch: longmatch |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./longmatch |
| |
| test-bigdict: bigdict |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./bigdict |
| |
| test-invalidDictionaries: invalidDictionaries |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./invalidDictionaries |
| |
| test-legacy: legacy |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./legacy |
| |
| test-decodecorpus: decodecorpus |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./decodecorpus -t $(DECODECORPUS_TESTTIME) |
| |
| test-decodecorpus-cli: decodecorpus |
| @echo "\n ---- decodecorpus basic cli tests ----" |
| @mkdir testdir |
| ./decodecorpus -n5 -otestdir -ptestdir |
| @cd testdir && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000000.zst -o tmp0 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000001.zst -o tmp1 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000002.zst -o tmp2 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000003.zst -o tmp3 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000004.zst -o tmp4 && \ |
| diff z000000 tmp0 && \ |
| diff z000001 tmp1 && \ |
| diff z000002 tmp2 && \ |
| diff z000003 tmp3 && \ |
| diff z000004 tmp4 && \ |
| rm ./* && \ |
| cd .. |
| @echo "\n ---- decodecorpus dictionary cli tests ----" |
| ./decodecorpus -n5 -otestdir -ptestdir --use-dict=1MB |
| @cd testdir && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000000.zst -D dictionary -o tmp0 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000001.zst -D dictionary -o tmp1 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000002.zst -D dictionary -o tmp2 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000003.zst -D dictionary -o tmp3 && \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d z000004.zst -D dictionary -o tmp4 && \ |
| diff z000000 tmp0 && \ |
| diff z000001 tmp1 && \ |
| diff z000002 tmp2 && \ |
| diff z000003 tmp3 && \ |
| diff z000004 tmp4 && \ |
| cd .. |
| @rm -rf testdir |
| |
| test-pool: poolTests |
| $(QEMU_SYS) ./poolTests |
| |
| test-lz4: ZSTD = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib $(PRGDIR)/zstd |
| test-lz4: ZSTD_LZ4 = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./lz4 |
| test-lz4: ZSTD_UNLZ4 = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./unlz4 |
| test-lz4: zstd decodecorpus datagen |
| [ -f lz4 ] || ln -s $(PRGDIR)/zstd lz4 |
| [ -f unlz4 ] || ln -s $(PRGDIR)/zstd unlz4 |
| |
| ./decodecorpus -ptmp |
| # lz4 -> zstd |
| lz4 < tmp | \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d | \ |
| cmp - tmp |
| lz4 < tmp | \ |
| $(ZSTD_UNLZ4) | \ |
| cmp - tmp |
| # zstd -> lz4 |
| $(ZSTD) --format=lz4 < tmp | \ |
| lz4 -d | \ |
| cmp - tmp |
| $(ZSTD_LZ4) < tmp | \ |
| lz4 -d | \ |
| cmp - tmp |
| # zstd -> zstd |
| $(ZSTD) --format=lz4 < tmp | \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d | \ |
| cmp - tmp |
| # zstd -> zstd |
| $(ZSTD) < tmp | \ |
| $(ZSTD) -d | \ |
| cmp - tmp |
| |
| ./datagen -g384KB | $(ZSTD) --format=lz4 | $(ZSTD) -d > /dev/null |
| |
| rm tmp lz4 unlz4 |
| |
| endif |