blob: af32aa2c687509686d3b04f464074c1662f9a3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.content.res.loader;
import android.annotation.AnyRes;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.util.TypedValue;
* Exposes methods for overriding file-based resource loading from a {@link Resources}.
* To be used with {@link Resources#addLoader(ResourceLoader, ResourcesProvider, int)} and related
* methods to override resource loading.
* Note that this class doesn't actually contain any resource data. Non-file-based resources are
* loaded directly from the {@link ResourcesProvider}'s .arsc representation.
* An instance's methods will only be called if its corresponding {@link ResourcesProvider}'s
* resources table contains an entry for the resource ID being resolved,
* with the exception of the non-cookie variants of {@link AssetManager}'s openAsset and
* openNonAsset.
* Those methods search backwards through all {@link ResourceLoader}s and then any paths provided
* by the application or system.
* Otherwise, an ARSC that defines R.drawable.some_id must be provided if a {@link ResourceLoader}
* wants to point R.drawable.some_id to a different file on disk.
public interface ResourceLoader {
* Given the value resolved from the string pool of the {@link ResourcesProvider} passed to
* {@link Resources#addLoader(ResourceLoader, ResourcesProvider, int)}, return a
* {@link Drawable} which should be returned by the parent
* {@link Resources#getDrawable(int, Resources.Theme)}.
* @param value the resolved {@link TypedValue} before it has been converted to a Drawable
* object
* @param id the R.drawable ID this resolution is for
* @param density the requested density
* @param theme the {@link Resources.Theme} resolved under
* @return null if resolution should try to find an entry inside the {@link ResourcesProvider},
* including calling through to {@link #loadAsset(String, int)} or {@link #loadAssetFd(String)}
default Drawable loadDrawable(@NonNull TypedValue value, int id, int density,
@Nullable Resources.Theme theme) {
return null;
* Given the value resolved from the string pool of the {@link ResourcesProvider} passed to
* {@link Resources#addLoader(ResourceLoader, ResourcesProvider, int)}, return an
* {@link XmlResourceParser} which should be returned by the parent
* {@link Resources#getDrawable(int, Resources.Theme)}.
* @param path the string that was found in the string pool
* @param id the XML ID this resolution is for, can be R.anim, R.layout, or R.xml
* @return null if resolution should try to find an entry inside the {@link ResourcesProvider},
* including calling through to {@link #loadAssetFd(String)} (String, int)}
default XmlResourceParser loadXmlResourceParser(@NonNull String path, @AnyRes int id) {
return null;
* Given the value resolved from the string pool of the {@link ResourcesProvider} passed to
* {@link Resources#addLoader(ResourceLoader, ResourcesProvider, int)}, return an
* {@link InputStream} which should be returned when an asset is loaded by {@link AssetManager}.
* Assets will be loaded from a provider's root, with anything in its assets subpath prefixed
* with "assets/".
* @param path the asset path to load
* @param accessMode {@link AssetManager} access mode; does not have to be respected
* @return null if resolution should try to find an entry inside the {@link ResourcesProvider}
default InputStream loadAsset(@NonNull String path, int accessMode) throws IOException {
return null;
* {@link ParcelFileDescriptor} variant of {@link #loadAsset(String, int)}.
* @param path the asset path to load
* @return null if resolution should try to find an entry inside the {@link ResourcesProvider}
default ParcelFileDescriptor loadAssetFd(@NonNull String path) throws IOException {
return null;