blob: 78f989a2974fb58aca45cce1586b84ee73e0fb10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* System clock functions.
#include "JNIHelp.h"
#include "jni.h"
#include "android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h"
#include "utils/SystemClock.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
namespace android {
* native public static void setCurrentTimeMillis(long millis)
* Set the current time. This only works when running as root.
static jboolean android_os_SystemClock_setCurrentTimeMillis(JNIEnv* env,
jobject clazz, jlong millis)
return (setCurrentTimeMillis(millis) == 0);
* native public static long uptimeMillis();
static jlong android_os_SystemClock_uptimeMillis(JNIEnv* env,
jobject clazz)
return (jlong)uptimeMillis();
* native public static long elapsedRealtime();
static jlong android_os_SystemClock_elapsedRealtime(JNIEnv* env,
jobject clazz)
return (jlong)elapsedRealtime();
* native public static long currentThreadTimeMillis();
static jlong android_os_SystemClock_currentThreadTimeMillis(JNIEnv* env,
jobject clazz)
#if defined(HAVE_POSIX_CLOCKS)
struct timespec tm;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &tm);
return tm.tv_sec * 1000LL + tm.tv_nsec / 1000000;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv.tv_sec * 1000LL + tv.tv_usec / 1000;
* native public static long currentThreadTimeMicro();
static jlong android_os_SystemClock_currentThreadTimeMicro(JNIEnv* env,
jobject clazz)
#if defined(HAVE_POSIX_CLOCKS)
struct timespec tm;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &tm);
return tm.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tm.tv_nsec / 1000;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tv.tv_nsec / 1000;
* native public static long currentTimeMicro();
static jlong android_os_SystemClock_currentTimeMicro(JNIEnv* env,
jobject clazz)
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tv.tv_usec;
* public static native long elapsedRealtimeNano();
static jlong android_os_SystemClock_elapsedRealtimeNano(JNIEnv* env,
jobject clazz)
return (jlong)elapsedRealtimeNano();
* JNI registration.
static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
/* name, signature, funcPtr */
{ "setCurrentTimeMillis", "(J)Z",
(void*) android_os_SystemClock_setCurrentTimeMillis },
{ "uptimeMillis", "()J",
(void*) android_os_SystemClock_uptimeMillis },
{ "elapsedRealtime", "()J",
(void*) android_os_SystemClock_elapsedRealtime },
{ "currentThreadTimeMillis", "()J",
(void*) android_os_SystemClock_currentThreadTimeMillis },
{ "currentThreadTimeMicro", "()J",
(void*) android_os_SystemClock_currentThreadTimeMicro },
{ "currentTimeMicro", "()J",
(void*) android_os_SystemClock_currentTimeMicro },
{ "elapsedRealtimeNano", "()J",
(void*) android_os_SystemClock_elapsedRealtimeNano },
int register_android_os_SystemClock(JNIEnv* env)
return AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(env,
"android/os/SystemClock", gMethods, NELEM(gMethods));
}; // namespace android