blob: 6bade0aeb998b0c6e6ed51bc32cdcf405b0ee99e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.text.TextUtils
import android.util.Log
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.Comparator
* Model for keeping track of current favorites and their order.
* This model is to be used with two [ControlAdapter] one that shows only favorites in the current
* order and another that shows all controls, separated by zone. When the favorite state of any
* control is modified or when the favorites are reordered, the adapters are notified of the change.
* @param listControls list of all the [ControlStatus] to display. This includes controls currently
* marked as favorites as well as those that have been removed (not returned
* from load)
* @param listFavoritesIds list of the [Control.controlId] for all the favorites, including those
* that have been removed.
* @param favoritesAdapter [ControlAdapter] used by the [RecyclerView] that shows only favorites
* @param allAdapter [ControlAdapter] used by the [RecyclerView] that shows all controls
class FavoriteModel(
private val listControls: List<ControlStatus>,
listFavoritesIds: List<String>,
private val favoritesAdapter: ControlAdapter,
private val allAdapter: ControlAdapter
) {
companion object {
private const val TAG = "FavoriteModel"
* List of favorite controls ([ControlWrapper]) in order.
* Initially, this list will give a list of wrappers in the order specified by the constructor
* variable `listFavoriteIds`.
* As the favorites are added, removed or moved, this list will keep track of those changes.
val favorites: List<ControlWrapper> = { id ->
ControlWrapper(listControls.first { it.control.controlId == id })
* List of all controls by zones.
* Lists all the controls with the zone names interleaved as a flat list. After each zone name,
* the controls in that zone are listed. Zones are listed in alphabetical order
val all: List<ElementWrapper> = listControls.groupBy { }
.mapKeys { it.key ?: "" } // map null to empty
.flatMap {
val controls = { ControlWrapper(it) }
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(it.key)) {
listOf(ZoneNameWrapper(it.key)) + controls
} else {
* Change the favorite status of a [Control].
* This can be invoked from any of the [ControlAdapter]. It will change the status of that
* control and either add it to the list of favorites (at the end) or remove it from it.
* Removing the favorite status from a Removed control will make it disappear completely if
* changes are saved.
* @param controlId the id of the [Control] to change the status
* @param favorite `true` if and only if it's set to be a favorite.
fun changeFavoriteStatus(controlId: String, favorite: Boolean) {
favorites as MutableList
val index = all.indexOfFirst {
it is ControlWrapper && it.controlStatus.control.controlId == controlId
val control = (all[index] as ControlWrapper).controlStatus
if (control.favorite == favorite) {
Log.d(TAG, "Changing favorite to same state for ${control.control.controlId} ")
} else {
control.favorite = favorite
if (favorite) {
favorites.add(all[index] as ControlWrapper)
favoritesAdapter.notifyItemInserted(favorites.size - 1)
} else {
val i = favorites.indexOfFirst { it.controlStatus.control.controlId == controlId }
* Move items in the model and notify the [favoritesAdapter].
fun onMoveItem(from: Int, to: Int) {
if (from < to) {
for (i in from until to) {
Collections.swap(favorites, i, i + 1)
} else {
for (i in from downTo to + 1) {
Collections.swap(favorites, i, i - 1)
favoritesAdapter.notifyItemMoved(from, to)
* Compares [CharSequence] as [String].
* It will have empty strings as the first element
class CharSequenceComparator : Comparator<CharSequence> {
override fun compare(p0: CharSequence?, p1: CharSequence?): Int {
if (p0 == null && p1 == null) return 0
else if (p0 == null && p1 != null) return -1
else if (p0 != null && p1 == null) return 1
return p0.toString().compareTo(p1.toString())
* Wrapper classes for the different types of elements shown in the [RecyclerView]s in
* [ControlsFavoritingActivity].
sealed class ElementWrapper
data class ZoneNameWrapper(val zoneName: CharSequence) : ElementWrapper()
data class ControlWrapper(val controlStatus: ControlStatus) : ElementWrapper()