blob: 0e96bd7ae47e73283690d324f210c97d6d44fcfb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "TvRemote-native-uiBridge"
#include "com_android_server_tv_GamepadKeys.h"
#include "com_android_server_tv_TvKeys.h"
#include "jni.h"
#include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h>
#include <nativehelper/ScopedUtfChars.h>
#include <android/keycodes.h>
#include <utils/BitSet.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/misc.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/uinput.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define SLOT_UNKNOWN -1
namespace android {
static std::map<int32_t,int> keysMap;
static std::map<int32_t,int32_t> slotsMap;
static BitSet32 mtSlots;
static void initKeysMap() {
if (keysMap.empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEM(KEYS); i++) {
keysMap[KEYS[i].androidKeyCode] = KEYS[i].linuxKeyCode;
static int32_t getLinuxKeyCode(int32_t androidKeyCode) {
std::map<int,int>::iterator it = keysMap.find(androidKeyCode);
if (it != keysMap.end()) {
return it->second;
static int findSlot(int32_t pointerId) {
std::map<int,int>::iterator it = slotsMap.find(pointerId);
if (it != slotsMap.end()) {
return it->second;
static int assignSlot(int32_t pointerId) {
if (!mtSlots.isFull()) {
uint32_t slot = mtSlots.markFirstUnmarkedBit();
slotsMap[pointerId] = slot;
return slot;
static void unassignSlot(int32_t pointerId) {
int slot = findSlot(pointerId);
if (slot != SLOT_UNKNOWN) {
static const int kInvalidFileDescriptor = -1;
// Convenience class to manage an opened /dev/uinput device
class UInputDescriptor {
UInputDescriptor() : mFd(kInvalidFileDescriptor) {
memset(&mUinputDescriptor, 0, sizeof(mUinputDescriptor));
// Auto-closes any open /dev/uinput descriptor unless detached.
// Open /dev/uinput and prepare to register
// the device with the given name and unique Id
bool Open(const char* name, const char* uniqueId);
// Checks if the current file descriptor is valid
bool IsValid() const { return mFd != kInvalidFileDescriptor; }
void EnableKey(int keyCode);
void EnableAxesEvents();
void EnableAxis(int axis, int rangeMin, int rangeMax);
bool Create();
// Detaches from the current file descriptor
// Returns the file descriptor for /dev/uniput
int Detach();
int mFd;
struct uinput_user_dev mUinputDescriptor;
UInputDescriptor::~UInputDescriptor() {
if (mFd != kInvalidFileDescriptor) {
mFd = kInvalidFileDescriptor;
int UInputDescriptor::Detach() {
int fd = mFd;
mFd = kInvalidFileDescriptor;
return fd;
bool UInputDescriptor::Open(const char* name, const char* uniqueId) {
if (IsValid()) {
ALOGE("UInput device already open");
return false;
mFd = ::open("/dev/uinput", O_WRONLY | O_NDELAY);
if (mFd < 0) {
ALOGE("Cannot open /dev/uinput: %s.", strerror(errno));
mFd = kInvalidFileDescriptor;
return false;
// write device unique id to the phys property
ioctl(mFd, UI_SET_PHYS, uniqueId);
memset(&mUinputDescriptor, 0, sizeof(mUinputDescriptor));
strlcpy(, name, UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE); = 1; = BUS_VIRTUAL;
// All UInput devices we use process keys
ioctl(mFd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_KEY);
return true;
void UInputDescriptor::EnableKey(int keyCode) {
ioctl(mFd, UI_SET_KEYBIT, keyCode);
void UInputDescriptor::EnableAxesEvents() {
ioctl(mFd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_ABS);
void UInputDescriptor::EnableAxis(int axis, int rangeMin, int rangeMax) {
if ((axis < 0) || (axis >= NELEM(mUinputDescriptor.absmin))) {
ALOGE("Invalid axis number: %d", axis);
if (ioctl(mFd, UI_SET_ABSBIT, axis) != 0) {
ALOGE("Failed to set absbit for %d", axis);
mUinputDescriptor.absmin[axis] = rangeMin;
mUinputDescriptor.absmax[axis] = rangeMax;
mUinputDescriptor.absfuzz[axis] = 0;
mUinputDescriptor.absflat[axis] = 0;
bool UInputDescriptor::Create() {
// register the input device
if (write(mFd, &mUinputDescriptor, sizeof(mUinputDescriptor)) != sizeof(mUinputDescriptor)) {
ALOGE("Cannot write uinput_user_dev to fd %d: %s.", mFd, strerror(errno));
return false;
if (ioctl(mFd, UI_DEV_CREATE) != 0) {
ALOGE("Unable to create uinput device: %s.", strerror(errno));
return false;
ALOGV("Created uinput device, fd=%d.", mFd);
return true;
class NativeConnection {
enum class ConnectionType {
static NativeConnection* open(const char* name, const char* uniqueId,
int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t maxPointerId);
static NativeConnection* openGamepad(const char* name, const char* uniqueId);
void sendEvent(int32_t type, int32_t code, int32_t value);
int32_t getMaxPointers() const { return mMaxPointers; }
ConnectionType getType() const { return mType; }
bool IsGamepad() const { return getType() == ConnectionType::kGamepadDevice; }
bool IsRemote() const { return getType() == ConnectionType::kRemoteDevice; }
NativeConnection(int fd, int32_t maxPointers, ConnectionType type);
const int mFd;
const int32_t mMaxPointers;
const ConnectionType mType;
NativeConnection::NativeConnection(int fd, int32_t maxPointers, ConnectionType type)
: mFd(fd), mMaxPointers(maxPointers), mType(type) {}
NativeConnection::~NativeConnection() {
ALOGI("Un-Registering uinput device %d.", mFd);
ioctl(mFd, UI_DEV_DESTROY);
NativeConnection* NativeConnection::open(const char* name, const char* uniqueId,
int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t maxPointers) {
ALOGI("Registering uinput device %s: touch pad size %dx%d, "
"max pointers %d.", name, width, height, maxPointers);
UInputDescriptor descriptor;
if (!descriptor.Open(name, uniqueId)) {
return nullptr;
// set the keys mapped
for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEM(KEYS); i++) {
if (!descriptor.Create()) {
return nullptr;
return new NativeConnection(descriptor.Detach(), maxPointers, ConnectionType::kRemoteDevice);
NativeConnection* NativeConnection::openGamepad(const char* name, const char* uniqueId) {
ALOGI("Registering uinput device %s: gamepad", name);
UInputDescriptor descriptor;
if (!descriptor.Open(name, uniqueId)) {
return nullptr;
// set the keys mapped for gamepads
for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEM(GAMEPAD_KEY_CODES); i++) {
// define the axes that are required
for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEM(GAMEPAD_AXES); i++) {
const Axis& axis = GAMEPAD_AXES[i];
descriptor.EnableAxis(axis.number, axis.rangeMin, axis.rangeMax);
if (!descriptor.Create()) {
return nullptr;
return new NativeConnection(descriptor.Detach(), 0, ConnectionType::kGamepadDevice);
void NativeConnection::sendEvent(int32_t type, int32_t code, int32_t value) {
struct input_event iev;
memset(&iev, 0, sizeof(iev));
iev.type = type;
iev.code = code;
iev.value = value;
write(mFd, &iev, sizeof(iev));
static jlong nativeOpen(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz,
jstring nameStr, jstring uniqueIdStr,
jint width, jint height, jint maxPointers) {
ScopedUtfChars name(env, nameStr);
ScopedUtfChars uniqueId(env, uniqueIdStr);
NativeConnection* connection = NativeConnection::open(name.c_str(), uniqueId.c_str(),
width, height, maxPointers);
return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(connection);
static jlong nativeGamepadOpen(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring nameStr, jstring uniqueIdStr) {
ScopedUtfChars name(env, nameStr);
ScopedUtfChars uniqueId(env, uniqueIdStr);
NativeConnection* connection = NativeConnection::openGamepad(name.c_str(), uniqueId.c_str());
return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(connection);
static void nativeClose(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr) {
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
delete connection;
static void nativeSendKey(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr, jint keyCode, jboolean down) {
int32_t code = getLinuxKeyCode(keyCode);
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
if (connection->IsGamepad()) {
ALOGE("Invalid key even for a gamepad - need to send gamepad events");
if (code != KEY_UNKNOWN) {
connection->sendEvent(EV_KEY, code, down ? 1 : 0);
} else {
ALOGE("Received an unknown keycode of %d.", keyCode);
static void nativeSendGamepadKey(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr, jint keyIndex,
jboolean down) {
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
if (!connection->IsGamepad()) {
ALOGE("Invalid gamepad key for non-gamepad device");
if ((keyIndex < 0) || (keyIndex >= NELEM(GAMEPAD_KEY_CODES))) {
ALOGE("Invalid gamepad key index: %d", keyIndex);
connection->sendEvent(EV_KEY, GAMEPAD_KEY_CODES[keyIndex], down ? 1 : 0);
static void nativeSendGamepadAxisValue(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr, jint axis,
jint value) {
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
if (!connection->IsGamepad()) {
ALOGE("Invalid axis send for non-gamepad device");
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, axis, value);
static void nativeSendPointerDown(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr,
jint pointerId, jint x, jint y) {
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
if (connection->IsGamepad()) {
ALOGE("Invalid pointer down event for a gamepad.");
int32_t slot = findSlot(pointerId);
if (slot == SLOT_UNKNOWN) {
slot = assignSlot(pointerId);
if (slot != SLOT_UNKNOWN) {
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_SLOT, slot);
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, pointerId);
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, x);
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, y);
static void nativeSendPointerUp(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr,
jint pointerId) {
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
if (connection->IsGamepad()) {
ALOGE("Invalid pointer up event for a gamepad.");
int32_t slot = findSlot(pointerId);
if (slot != SLOT_UNKNOWN) {
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_SLOT, slot);
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, -1);
static void nativeSendPointerSync(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr) {
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
connection->sendEvent(EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0);
static void nativeClear(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong ptr) {
NativeConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<NativeConnection*>(ptr);
// Clear keys.
if (connection->IsRemote()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEM(KEYS); i++) {
connection->sendEvent(EV_KEY, KEYS[i].linuxKeyCode, 0);
// Clear pointers.
int32_t slot = SLOT_UNKNOWN;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < connection->getMaxPointers(); i++) {
slot = findSlot(i);
if (slot != SLOT_UNKNOWN) {
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_SLOT, slot);
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, -1);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEM(GAMEPAD_KEY_CODES); i++) {
connection->sendEvent(EV_KEY, GAMEPAD_KEY_CODES[i], 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEM(GAMEPAD_AXES); i++) {
const Axis& axis = GAMEPAD_AXES[i];
if ((axis.number == ABS_Z) || (axis.number == ABS_RZ)) {
// Mark triggers unpressed
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, axis.number, 0);
} else {
// Joysticks and dpad rests on center
connection->sendEvent(EV_ABS, axis.number, (axis.rangeMin + axis.rangeMax) / 2);
// Sync pointer events
connection->sendEvent(EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0);
* JNI registration
static JNINativeMethod gUinputBridgeMethods[] = {
{"nativeOpen", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;III)J", (void*)nativeOpen},
{"nativeGamepadOpen", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)J", (void*)nativeGamepadOpen},
{"nativeClose", "(J)V", (void*)nativeClose},
{"nativeSendKey", "(JIZ)V", (void*)nativeSendKey},
{"nativeSendPointerDown", "(JIII)V", (void*)nativeSendPointerDown},
{"nativeSendPointerUp", "(JI)V", (void*)nativeSendPointerUp},
{"nativeClear", "(J)V", (void*)nativeClear},
{"nativeSendPointerSync", "(J)V", (void*)nativeSendPointerSync},
{"nativeSendGamepadKey", "(JIZ)V", (void*)nativeSendGamepadKey},
{"nativeSendGamepadAxisValue", "(JII)V", (void*)nativeSendGamepadAxisValue},
int register_android_server_tv_TvUinputBridge(JNIEnv* env) {
int res = jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/server/tv/UinputBridge",
gUinputBridgeMethods, NELEM(gUinputBridgeMethods));
LOG_FATAL_IF(res < 0, "Unable to register native methods.");
(void)res; // Don't complain about unused variable in the LOG_NDEBUG case
return 0;
} // namespace android