blob: 729646d6dfe42cbad50d17995a4a10061b0fdb95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
* {@link AlgorithmParameterSpec} for initializing a {@code KeyGenerator} that works with
* <a href="{@docRoot}training/articles/keystore.html">Android KeyStore facility</a>.
* <p>The Android KeyStore facility is accessed through a {@link KeyGenerator} API using the
* {@code AndroidKeyStore} provider. The {@code context} passed in may be used to pop up some UI to
* ask the user to unlock or initialize the Android KeyStore facility.
* <p>After generation, the {@code keyStoreAlias} is used with the
* {@link,}
* interface to retrieve the {@link SecretKey}.
public class KeyGeneratorSpec implements AlgorithmParameterSpec {
private final Context mContext;
private final String mKeystoreAlias;
private final int mFlags;
private final int mKeySize;
private final Date mKeyValidityStart;
private final Date mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd;
private final Date mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd;
private final @KeyStoreKeyProperties.PurposeEnum int mPurposes;
private final @KeyStoreKeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] mEncryptionPaddings;
private final @KeyStoreKeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] mBlockModes;
private final boolean mRandomizedEncryptionRequired;
private final boolean mUserAuthenticationRequired;
private final int mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds;
private KeyGeneratorSpec(
Context context,
String keyStoreAlias,
int flags,
int keySize,
Date keyValidityStart,
Date keyValidityForOriginationEnd,
Date keyValidityForConsumptionEnd,
@KeyStoreKeyProperties.PurposeEnum int purposes,
@KeyStoreKeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] encryptionPaddings,
@KeyStoreKeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] blockModes,
boolean randomizedEncryptionRequired,
boolean userAuthenticationRequired,
int userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds) {
if (context == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("context == null");
} else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(keyStoreAlias)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyStoreAlias must not be empty");
} else if ((userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds < 0)
&& (userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds != -1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds must not be negative");
mContext = context;
mKeystoreAlias = keyStoreAlias;
mFlags = flags;
mKeySize = keySize;
mKeyValidityStart = keyValidityStart;
mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd = keyValidityForOriginationEnd;
mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd = keyValidityForConsumptionEnd;
mPurposes = purposes;
mEncryptionPaddings =
mBlockModes = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(ArrayUtils.nullToEmpty(blockModes));
mRandomizedEncryptionRequired = randomizedEncryptionRequired;
mUserAuthenticationRequired = userAuthenticationRequired;
mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds = userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds;
* Gets the Android context used for operations with this instance.
public Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* Returns the alias that will be used in the {@code} in conjunction with
* the {@code AndroidKeyStore}.
public String getKeystoreAlias() {
return mKeystoreAlias;
* @hide
public int getFlags() {
return mFlags;
* Returns the requested key size or {@code -1} if default size should be used.
public int getKeySize() {
return mKeySize;
* Gets the time instant before which the key is not yet valid.
* @return instant or {@code null} if not restricted.
public Date getKeyValidityStart() {
return mKeyValidityStart;
* Gets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid for decryption and verification.
* @return instant or {@code null} if not restricted.
public Date getKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd() {
return mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd;
* Gets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid for encryption and signing.
* @return instant or {@code null} if not restricted.
public Date getKeyValidityForOriginationEnd() {
return mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd;
* Gets the set of purposes for which the key can be used.
public @KeyStoreKeyProperties.PurposeEnum int getPurposes() {
return mPurposes;
* Gets the set of padding schemes with which the key can be used when encrypting/decrypting.
public @KeyStoreKeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] getEncryptionPaddings() {
return ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(mEncryptionPaddings);
* Gets the set of block modes with which the key can be used.
public @KeyStoreKeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] getBlockModes() {
return ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(mBlockModes);
* Returns {@code true} if encryption using this key must be sufficiently randomized to produce
* different ciphertexts for the same plaintext every time. The formal cryptographic property
* being required is <em>indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack ({@code
* IND-CPA})</em>. This property is important because it mitigates several classes of
* weaknesses due to which ciphertext may leak information about plaintext. For example, if a
* given plaintext always produces the same ciphertext, an attacker may see the repeated
* ciphertexts and be able to deduce something about the plaintext.
public boolean isRandomizedEncryptionRequired() {
return mRandomizedEncryptionRequired;
* Returns {@code true} if user authentication is required for this key to be used.
* @see #getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds()
public boolean isUserAuthenticationRequired() {
return mUserAuthenticationRequired;
* Gets the duration of time (seconds) for which this key can be used after the user is
* successfully authenticated. This has effect only if user authentication is required.
* @return duration in seconds or {@code -1} if authentication is required for every use of the
* key.
* @see #isUserAuthenticationRequired()
public int getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds() {
return mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds;
* Returns {@code true} if the key must be encrypted in the {@link}.
public boolean isEncryptionRequired() {
return (mFlags & KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED) != 0;
public static class Builder {
private final Context mContext;
private String mKeystoreAlias;
private int mFlags;
private int mKeySize = -1;
private Date mKeyValidityStart;
private Date mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd;
private Date mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd;
private @KeyStoreKeyProperties.PurposeEnum int mPurposes;
private @KeyStoreKeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] mEncryptionPaddings;
private @KeyStoreKeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] mBlockModes;
private boolean mRandomizedEncryptionRequired = true;
private boolean mUserAuthenticationRequired;
private int mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds = -1;
* Creates a new instance of the {@code Builder} with the given {@code context}. The
* {@code context} passed in may be used to pop up some UI to ask the user to unlock or
* initialize the Android KeyStore facility.
public Builder(Context context) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("context == null");
mContext = context;
* Sets the alias to be used to retrieve the key later from a {@link}
* instance using the {@code AndroidKeyStore} provider.
* <p>The alias must be provided. There is no default.
public Builder setAlias(String alias) {
if (alias == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("alias == null");
mKeystoreAlias = alias;
return this;
* Sets the size (in bits) of the key to be generated.
* <p>By default, the key size will be determines based on the key algorithm. For example,
* for {@code HmacSHA256}, the key size will default to {@code 256}.
public Builder setKeySize(int keySize) {
mKeySize = keySize;
return this;
* Indicates that this key must be encrypted at rest on storage. Note that enabling this
* will require that the user enable a strong lock screen (e.g., PIN, password) before
* creating or using the generated key is successful.
public Builder setEncryptionRequired(boolean required) {
if (required) {
mFlags |= KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED;
} else {
mFlags &= ~KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED;
return this;
* Sets the time instant before which the key is not yet valid.
* <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
* @see #setKeyValidityEnd(Date)
public Builder setKeyValidityStart(Date startDate) {
mKeyValidityStart = startDate;
return this;
* Sets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid.
* <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
* @see #setKeyValidityStart(Date)
* @see #setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(Date)
* @see #setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(Date)
public Builder setKeyValidityEnd(Date endDate) {
return this;
* Sets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid for encryption and signing.
* <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
* @see #setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(Date)
public Builder setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(Date endDate) {
mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd = endDate;
return this;
* Sets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid for decryption and
* verification.
* <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
* @see #setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(Date)
public Builder setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(Date endDate) {
mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd = endDate;
return this;
* Sets the set of purposes for which the key can be used.
* <p>This must be specified for all keys. There is no default.
public Builder setPurposes(@KeyStoreKeyProperties.PurposeEnum int purposes) {
mPurposes = purposes;
return this;
* Sets the set of padding schemes with which the key can be used when
* encrypting/decrypting. Attempts to use the key with any other padding scheme will be
* rejected.
* <p>This must be specified for keys which are used for encryption/decryption.
public Builder setEncryptionPaddings(
@KeyStoreKeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String... paddings) {
mEncryptionPaddings = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(paddings);
return this;
* Sets the set of block modes with which the key can be used when encrypting/decrypting.
* Attempts to use the key with any other block modes will be rejected.
* <p>This must be specified for encryption/decryption keys.
public Builder setBlockModes(@KeyStoreKeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String... blockModes) {
mBlockModes = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(blockModes);
return this;
* Sets whether encryption using this key must be sufficiently randomized to produce
* different ciphertexts for the same plaintext every time. The formal cryptographic
* property being required is <em>indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack
* ({@code IND-CPA})</em>. This property is important because it mitigates several classes
* of weaknesses due to which ciphertext may leak information about plaintext. For example,
* if a given plaintext always produces the same ciphertext, an attacker may see the
* repeated ciphertexts and be able to deduce something about the plaintext.
* <p>By default, {@code IND-CPA} is required.
* <p>When {@code IND-CPA} is required:
* <ul>
* <li>block modes which do not offer {@code IND-CPA}, such as {@code ECB}, are prohibited;
* </li>
* <li>in block modes which use an IV, such as {@code CBC}, {@code CTR}, and {@code GCM},
* caller-provided IVs are rejected when encrypting, to ensure that only random IVs are
* used.</li>
* <p>Before disabling this requirement, consider the following approaches instead:
* <ul>
* <li>If you are generating a random IV for encryption and then initializing a {@code}
* Cipher using the IV, the solution is to let the {@code Cipher} generate a random IV
* instead. This will occur if the {@code Cipher} is initialized for encryption without an
* IV. The IV can then be queried via {@link Cipher#getIV()}.</li>
* <li>If you are generating a non-random IV (e.g., an IV derived from something not fully
* random, such as the name of the file being encrypted, or transaction ID, or password,
* or a device identifier), consider changing your design to use a random IV which will then
* be provided in addition to the ciphertext to the entities which need to decrypt the
* ciphertext.</li>
* </ul>
public Builder setRandomizedEncryptionRequired(boolean required) {
mRandomizedEncryptionRequired = required;
return this;
* Sets whether user authentication is required to use this key.
* <p>By default, the key can be used without user authentication.
* <p>When user authentication is required, the user authorizes the use of the key by
* authenticating to this Android device using a subset of their secure lock screen
* credentials. Different authentication methods are used depending on whether the every
* use of the key must be authenticated (as specified by
* {@link #setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(int)}).
* <a href="{@docRoot}training/articles/keystore.html#UserAuthentication">More
* information</a>.
* @see #setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(int)
public Builder setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean required) {
mUserAuthenticationRequired = required;
return this;
* Sets the duration of time (seconds) for which this key can be used after the user is
* successfully authenticated. This has effect only if user authentication is required.
* <p>By default, the user needs to authenticate for every use of the key.
* @param seconds duration in seconds or {@code -1} if the user needs to authenticate for
* every use of the key.
* @see #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)
public Builder setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(int seconds) {
mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds = seconds;
return this;
* Builds a new instance instance of {@code KeyGeneratorSpec}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a required field is missing or violates a constraint.
public KeyGeneratorSpec build() {
return new KeyGeneratorSpec(mContext,