blob: c795e2edfc2045be84def865715a7727b060a414 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/privacy.proto";
package android.os;
* /proc/pagetypeinfo exports free memory distributions.
* For example, the order of a page ranges form 0 to 10.
* An order-0 page is 4 KB in size and 4 KB aligned.
* An order-1 page is 8 KB in size and 8 KB aligned.
* An order-10 page is 4096 KB in size and 4096 aligned.
* The memory has multiple zones, e.g. DMA zone, Normal zone
* Each zone has 11 free area. Each free area corresponds to pages of the same order.
* Each free area has 6 free list. Each corresponds to one migration type.
* The six migration types are Unmovable, Reclaimable, Movable, Reserve, CMA, and Isolate.
* Each zone has 11 * 6 = 66 free list.
* Next tag: 5
message PageTypeInfoProto {
option (android.msg_privacy).dest = DEST_AUTOMATIC;
optional int32 page_block_order = 1;
optional int32 pages_per_block = 2;
// Next tag: 5
message MigrateType {
option (android.msg_privacy).dest = DEST_AUTOMATIC;
optional int32 node = 1;
// Memory zone.
optional string zone = 2;
// Migration type (Unmovable, Reclaimable, Movable, Reserve, CMA, and
// Isolate).
optional string type = 3;
// order level starts from 0 for 4KB to page_block_order defined above, e.g. 10 for 4096KB
repeated int32 free_pages_count = 4;
repeated MigrateType migrate_types = 3;
// Next tag: 10
message Block {
option (android.msg_privacy).dest = DEST_AUTOMATIC;
optional int32 node = 1;
// Memory zone.
optional string zone = 2;
optional int32 unmovable = 3;
optional int32 reclaimable = 4;
optional int32 movable = 5;
optional int32 cma = 6;
optional int32 reserve = 7;
optional int32 isolate = 8;
optional int32 highatomic = 9;
repeated Block blocks = 4;