blob: 24b0728c29ec145766f3f646f24d9f68865fe636 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/content/configuration.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/privacy.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
* Obfuscated version of android.service.IntervalStatsProto (usagestatsservice.proto).
message IntervalStatsObfuscatedProto {
message CountAndTime {
optional int32 count = 1;
optional int64 time_ms = 2;
// Stores the relevant information an IntervalStats will have about a Configuration
message Configuration {
optional .android.content.ConfigurationProto config = 1;
optional int64 last_time_active_ms = 2;
optional int64 total_time_active_ms = 3;
optional int32 count = 4;
optional bool active = 5;
// The following fields contain supplemental data used to build IntervalStats.
optional int64 end_time_ms = 1;
optional int32 major_version = 2;
optional int32 minor_version = 3;
// The following fields contain aggregated usage stats data
optional CountAndTime interactive = 10;
optional CountAndTime non_interactive = 11;
optional CountAndTime keyguard_shown = 12;
optional CountAndTime keyguard_hidden = 13;
// The following fields contain listed usage stats data
repeated UsageStatsObfuscatedProto packages = 20;
repeated Configuration configurations = 21;
repeated EventObfuscatedProto event_log = 22;
// The following field is only used to persist the reported events before a user unlock
repeated PendingEventProto pending_events = 23;
* Stores the relevant information from an obfuscated UsageStats.
message UsageStatsObfuscatedProto {
message ChooserAction {
message CategoryCount {
optional int32 category_token = 1;
optional int32 count = 2;
optional int32 action_token = 1;
repeated CategoryCount counts = 2;
optional int32 package_token = 1;
optional int64 last_time_active_ms = 3;
optional int64 total_time_active_ms = 4;
optional int32 last_event = 5;
optional int32 app_launch_count = 6;
repeated ChooserAction chooser_actions = 7;
optional int64 last_time_service_used_ms = 8;
optional int64 total_time_service_used_ms = 9;
optional int64 last_time_visible_ms = 10;
optional int64 total_time_visible_ms = 11;
* Stores the relevant information from an obfuscated Event.
message EventObfuscatedProto {
optional int32 package_token = 1;
optional int32 class_token = 2;
optional int64 time_ms = 3;
optional int32 flags = 4;
optional int32 type = 5;
optional .android.content.ConfigurationProto config = 6;
optional int32 shortcut_id_token = 7;
optional int32 standby_bucket = 8;
optional int32 notification_channel_id_token = 9;
optional int32 instance_id = 10;
optional int32 task_root_package_token = 11;
optional int32 task_root_class_token = 12;
optional int32 locus_id_token = 13;
* This message stores all of the fields in an Event object as strings instead of tokens.
message PendingEventProto {
optional string package_name = 1;
optional string class_name = 2;
optional int64 time_ms = 3;
optional int32 flags = 4;
optional int32 type = 5;
optional .android.content.ConfigurationProto config = 6;
optional string shortcut_id = 7;
optional int32 standby_bucket = 8;
optional string notification_channel_id = 9;
optional int32 instance_id = 10;
optional string task_root_package = 11;
optional string task_root_class = 12;
optional string locus_id = 13;
* A proto message representing the obfuscated tokens mappings for Usage Stats.
message ObfuscatedPackagesProto {
message PackagesMap {
optional int32 package_token = 1;
// The list of strings for each package where their indices are the token
repeated string strings = 2;
optional int32 counter = 1;
// Stores the mappings for every package
repeated PackagesMap packages_map = 2;