blob: c904ea3f9b60afa692ab2206af8669752d330a7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.content.type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Default implementation of {@link MimeMap}, a bidirectional mapping between
* MIME types and file extensions.
* This default mapping is loaded from data files that start with some mappings
* recognized by IANA plus some custom extensions and overrides.
* @hide
public class MimeMapImpl extends MimeMap {
* Creates and returns a new {@link MimeMapImpl} instance that implements.
* Android's default mapping between MIME types and extensions.
public static MimeMapImpl createDefaultInstance() {
return parseFromResources("/mime.types", "/android.mime.types");
private static final Pattern SPLIT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s+");
* Note: These maps only contain lowercase keys/values, regarded as the
* {@link #toLowerCase(String) canonical form}.
* <p>This is the case for both extensions and MIME types. The mime.types
* data file contains examples of mixed-case MIME types, but some applications
* use the lowercase version of these same types. RFC 2045 section 2 states
* that MIME types are case insensitive.
private final Map<String, String> mMimeTypeToExtension;
private final Map<String, String> mExtensionToMimeType;
public MimeMapImpl(Map<String, String> mimeTypeToExtension,
Map<String, String> extensionToMimeType) {
this.mMimeTypeToExtension = new HashMap<>(mimeTypeToExtension);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mimeTypeToExtension.entrySet()) {
this.mExtensionToMimeType = new HashMap<>(extensionToMimeType);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : extensionToMimeType.entrySet()) {
private static void checkValidMimeType(String s) {
if (MimeMap.isNullOrEmpty(s) || !s.equals(MimeMap.toLowerCase(s))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid MIME type: " + s);
private static void checkValidExtension(String s) {
if (MimeMap.isNullOrEmpty(s) || !s.equals(MimeMap.toLowerCase(s))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid extension: " + s);
static MimeMapImpl parseFromResources(String... resourceNames) {
Map<String, String> mimeTypeToExtension = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> extensionToMimeType = new HashMap<>();
for (String resourceName : resourceNames) {
parseTypes(mimeTypeToExtension, extensionToMimeType, resourceName);
return new MimeMapImpl(mimeTypeToExtension, extensionToMimeType);
* An element of a *mime.types file: A MIME type or an extension, with an optional
* prefix of "?" (if not overriding an earlier value).
private static class Element {
public final boolean keepExisting;
public final String s;
Element(boolean keepExisting, String value) {
this.keepExisting = keepExisting;
this.s = toLowerCase(value);
if (value.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public String toString() {
return keepExisting ? ("?" + s) : s;
private static String maybePut(Map<String, String> map, Element keyElement, String value) {
if (keyElement.keepExisting) {
return map.putIfAbsent(keyElement.s, value);
} else {
return map.put(keyElement.s, value);
private static void parseTypes(Map<String, String> mimeTypeToExtension,
Map<String, String> extensionToMimeType, String resource) {
try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(MimeMapImpl.class.getResourceAsStream(resource)))) {
String line;
while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
int commentPos = line.indexOf('#');
if (commentPos >= 0) {
line = line.substring(0, commentPos);
line = line.trim();
// The first time a MIME type is encountered it is mapped to the first extension
// listed in its line. The first time an extension is encountered it is mapped
// to the MIME type.
// When encountering a previously seen MIME type or extension, then by default
// the later ones override earlier mappings (put() semantics); however if a MIME
// type or extension is prefixed with '?' then any earlier mapping _from_ that
// MIME type / extension is kept (putIfAbsent() semantics).
final String[] split = SPLIT_PATTERN.split(line);
if (split.length <= 1) {
// Need mimeType + at least one extension to make a mapping.
// "mime.types" files may also contain lines with just a mimeType without
// an extension but we skip them as they provide no mapping info.
List<Element> lineElements = new ArrayList<>(split.length);
for (String s : split) {
boolean keepExisting = s.startsWith("?");
if (keepExisting) {
s = s.substring(1);
if (s.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid entry in '" + line + "'");
lineElements.add(new Element(keepExisting, s));
// MIME type -> first extension (one mapping)
// This will override any earlier mapping from this MIME type to another
// extension, unless this MIME type was prefixed with '?'.
Element mimeElement = lineElements.get(0);
List<Element> extensionElements = lineElements.subList(1, lineElements.size());
String firstExtension = extensionElements.get(0).s;
maybePut(mimeTypeToExtension, mimeElement, firstExtension);
// extension -> MIME type (one or more mappings).
// This will override any earlier mapping from this extension to another
// MIME type, unless this extension was prefixed with '?'.
for (Element extensionElement : extensionElements) {
maybePut(extensionToMimeType, extensionElement, mimeElement.s);
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse " + resource, e);
protected String guessExtensionFromLowerCaseMimeType(String mimeType) {
return mMimeTypeToExtension.get(mimeType);
protected String guessMimeTypeFromLowerCaseExtension(String extension) {
return mExtensionToMimeType.get(extension);