blob: e57490aab2d8edc236fb7539a9115932e31188eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef APKASSETS_H_
#define APKASSETS_H_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "android-base/unique_fd.h"
#include "androidfw/Asset.h"
#include "androidfw/Idmap.h"
#include "androidfw/LoadedArsc.h"
#include "androidfw/misc.h"
struct ZipArchive;
typedef ZipArchive* ZipArchiveHandle;
namespace android {
class LoadedIdmap;
// Interface for retrieving assets provided by an ApkAssets.
class AssetsProvider {
virtual ~AssetsProvider() = default;
// Opens a file for reading.
std::unique_ptr<Asset> Open(const std::string& path,
Asset::AccessMode mode = Asset::AccessMode::ACCESS_RANDOM,
bool* file_exists = nullptr) const {
return OpenInternal(path, mode, file_exists);
// Iterate over all files and directories provided by the zip. The order of iteration is stable.
virtual bool ForEachFile(const std::string& /* path */,
const std::function<void(const StringPiece&, FileType)>& /* f */) const {
return true;
AssetsProvider() = default;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Asset> OpenInternal(const std::string& path,
Asset::AccessMode mode,
bool* file_exists) const = 0;
class ZipAssetsProvider;
// Holds an APK.
class ApkAssets {
// This means the data extends to the end of the file.
static constexpr off64_t kUnknownLength = -1;
// Creates an ApkAssets.
// If `system` is true, the package is marked as a system package, and allows some functions to
// filter out this package when computing what configurations/resources are available.
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> Load(
const std::string& path, package_property_t flags = 0U,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_asset = nullptr);
// Creates an ApkAssets from the given file descriptor, and takes ownership of the file
// descriptor. The `friendly_name` is some name that will be used to identify the source of
// this ApkAssets in log messages and other debug scenarios.
// If `length` equals kUnknownLength, offset must equal 0; otherwise, the apk data will be read
// using the `offset` into the file descriptor and will be `length` bytes long.
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadFromFd(
base::unique_fd fd, const std::string& friendly_name, package_property_t flags = 0U,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_asset = nullptr, off64_t offset = 0,
off64_t length = kUnknownLength);
// Creates an ApkAssets from the given path which points to a resources.arsc.
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadTable(
const std::string& path, package_property_t flags = 0U,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_asset = nullptr);
// Creates an ApkAssets from the given file descriptor which points to an resources.arsc, and
// takes ownership of the file descriptor.
// If `length` equals kUnknownLength, offset must equal 0; otherwise, the .arsc data will be read
// using the `offset` into the file descriptor and will be `length` bytes long.
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadTableFromFd(
base::unique_fd fd, const std::string& friendly_name, package_property_t flags = 0U,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_asset = nullptr, off64_t offset = 0,
off64_t length = kUnknownLength);
// Creates an ApkAssets from an IDMAP, which contains the original APK path, and the overlay
// data.
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadOverlay(const std::string& idmap_path,
package_property_t flags = 0U);
// Creates an ApkAssets from the directory path. File-based resources are read within the
// directory as if the directory is an APK.
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadFromDir(
const std::string& path, package_property_t flags = 0U,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_asset = nullptr);
// Creates a totally empty ApkAssets with no resources table and no file entries.
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadEmpty(
package_property_t flags = 0U,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_asset = nullptr);
const std::string& GetPath() const {
return path_;
const AssetsProvider* GetAssetsProvider() const {
return assets_provider_.get();
// This is never nullptr.
const LoadedArsc* GetLoadedArsc() const {
return loaded_arsc_.get();
const LoadedIdmap* GetLoadedIdmap() const {
return loaded_idmap_.get();
bool IsLoader() const {
return (property_flags_ & PROPERTY_LOADER) != 0;
bool IsOverlay() const {
return loaded_idmap_ != nullptr;
// Returns whether the resources.arsc is allocated in RAM (not mmapped).
bool IsTableAllocated() const {
return resources_asset_ && resources_asset_->isAllocated();
bool IsUpToDate() const;
// Creates an Asset from a file on disk.
static std::unique_ptr<Asset> CreateAssetFromFile(const std::string& path);
// Creates an Asset from a file descriptor.
// The asset takes ownership of the file descriptor. If `length` equals kUnknownLength, offset
// must equal 0; otherwise, the asset data will be read using the `offset` into the file
// descriptor and will be `length` bytes long.
static std::unique_ptr<Asset> CreateAssetFromFd(base::unique_fd fd,
const char* path,
off64_t offset = 0,
off64_t length = kUnknownLength);
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadImpl(
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> assets, const std::string& path,
package_property_t property_flags,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_assets = nullptr,
std::unique_ptr<Asset> idmap_asset = nullptr,
std::unique_ptr<const LoadedIdmap> idmap = nullptr);
static std::unique_ptr<const ApkAssets> LoadTableImpl(
std::unique_ptr<Asset> resources_asset, const std::string& path,
package_property_t property_flags,
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> override_assets = nullptr);
ApkAssets(std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> assets_provider,
std::string path,
time_t last_mod_time,
package_property_t property_flags);
std::unique_ptr<const AssetsProvider> assets_provider_;
const std::string path_;
time_t last_mod_time_;
package_property_t property_flags_ = 0U;
std::unique_ptr<Asset> resources_asset_;
std::unique_ptr<Asset> idmap_asset_;
std::unique_ptr<const LoadedArsc> loaded_arsc_;
std::unique_ptr<const LoadedIdmap> loaded_idmap_;
} // namespace android
#endif /* APKASSETS_H_ */