blob: d98842e9ea5699861f7c1ab978145af403851b09 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package android.provider;
* The contract between the contacts provider and applications. Contains definitions
* for the supported URIs and columns.
* @hide
public final class ContactsContract {
/** The authority for the contacts provider */
public static final String AUTHORITY = "";
/** A content:// style uri to the authority for the contacts provider */
public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY);
public interface AccountsColumns {
* The name of this account data
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String NAME = "name";
* The name of this account data
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String TYPE = "type";
* The name of this account data
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String DATA1 = "data1";
* The value for this account data
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DATA2 = "data2";
* The value for this account data
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DATA3 = "data3";
* The value for this account data
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DATA4 = "data4";
* The value for this account data
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DATA5 = "data5";
* Constants for the aggregates table, which contains a record per group
* of contact representing the same person.
public static final class Accounts implements BaseColumns, AccountsColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private Accounts() {}
* The content:// style URI for this table
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "accounts");
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of
* account data.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* The MIME type of a {@link #CONTENT_URI} subdirectory of a account
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
public interface AggregatesColumns {
* The display name for the contact.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "display_name";
* The number of times a person has been contacted
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String TIMES_CONTACTED = "times_contacted";
* The last time a person was contacted.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String LAST_TIME_CONTACTED = "last_time_contacted";
* Is the contact starred?
* <P>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</P>
public static final String STARRED = "starred";
* Reference to the row in the data table holding the primary phone number.
* <P>Type: INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id)</P>
public static final String PRIMARY_PHONE_ID = "primary_phone_id";
* Reference to the row in the data table holding the primary email address.
* <P>Type: INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id)</P>
public static final String PRIMARY_EMAIL_ID = "primary_email_id";
* Reference to the row in the data table holding the photo.
* <P>Type: INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id)</P>
public static final String PHOTO_ID = "photo_id";
* Reference to a row containing custom ringtone and send to voicemail information.
* <P>Type: INTEGER REFERENCES data(_id)</P>
public static final String CUSTOM_RINGTONE_ID = "custom_ringtone_id";
* Constants for the aggregates table, which contains a record per group
* of contact representing the same person.
public static final class Aggregates implements BaseColumns, AggregatesColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private Aggregates() {}
* The content:// style URI for this table
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "aggregates");
* The content:// style URI for this table joined with useful data from
* {@link Data} and {@link Presence}.
public static final Uri CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI,
* The content:// style URI used for "type-to-filter" functionality on the
* {@link CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI} URI. The filter string will be used to match
* various parts of the aggregate name. The filter argument should be passed
* as an additional path segment after this URI.
public static final Uri CONTENT_SUMMARY_FILTER_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of
* people.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* The MIME type of a {@link #CONTENT_URI} subdirectory of a single
* person.
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* A sub-directory of a single contact aggregate that contains all of their
* {@link Data} rows.
public static final class Data implements BaseColumns, DataColumns {
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
private Data() {}
* The directory twig for this sub-table
public static final String CONTENT_DIRECTORY = "data";
* A sub-directory of a single contact aggregate that contains all aggregation suggestions
* (other aggregates). The aggregation suggestions are computed based on approximate
* data matches with this aggregate.
public static final class AggregationSuggestions implements BaseColumns, AggregatesColumns {
* No public constructor since this is a utility class
private AggregationSuggestions() {}
* The directory twig for this sub-table
public static final String CONTENT_DIRECTORY = "suggestions";
* An optional query parameter that can be supplied to limit the number of returned
* suggestions.
* <p>
public static final String MAX_SUGGESTIONS = "max_suggestions";
* Constants for the contacts table, which contains the base contact information.
public static final class Contacts implements BaseColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private Contacts() {}
* A reference to the {@link Accounts#_ID} that this data belongs to.
public static final String ACCOUNTS_ID = "accounts_id";
* A reference to the {@link Aggregates#_ID} that this data belongs to.
public static final String AGGREGATE_ID = "aggregate_id";
* The content:// style URI for this table
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "contacts");
* The content:// style URL for filtering people by email address. The
* filter argument should be passed as an additional path segment after
* this URI.
* @hide
public static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_EMAIL_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_URI, "filter_email");
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of
* people.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* The MIME type of a {@link #CONTENT_URI} subdirectory of a single
* person.
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* A string that uniquely identifies this contact to its source, which is referred to
* by the {@link #ACCOUNTS_ID}
public static final String SOURCE_ID = "sourceid";
* An integer that is updated whenever this contact or its data changes.
public static final String VERSION = "version";
* Set to 1 whenever the version changes
public static final String DIRTY = "dirty";
* A sub-directory of a single contact that contains all of their {@link Data} rows.
* To access this directory append
public static final class Data implements BaseColumns, DataColumns {
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
private Data() {}
* The directory twig for this sub-table
public static final String CONTENT_DIRECTORY = "data";
private interface DataColumns {
* The package name that defines this type of data.
public static final String PACKAGE = "package";
* The mime-type of the item represented by this row.
public static final String MIMETYPE = "mimetype";
* A reference to the {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts#_ID}
* that this data belongs to.
public static final String CONTACT_ID = "contact_id";
* Whether this is the primary entry of its kind for the contact it belongs to
* <P>Type: INTEGER (if set, non-0 means true)</P>
public static final String IS_PRIMARY = "is_primary";
* Whether this is the primary entry of its kind for the aggregate it belongs to. Any data
* record that is "super primary" must also be "primary".
* <P>Type: INTEGER (if set, non-0 means true)</P>
public static final String IS_SUPER_PRIMARY = "is_super_primary";
* Flag indicating that this data entry has been restricted by the owner
* {@link #PACKAGE}.
public static final String IS_RESTRICTED = "is_restricted";
* The version of this data record. This is a read-only value. The data column is
* guaranteed to not change without the version going up. This value is monotonically
* increasing.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DATA_VERSION = "data_version";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA1 = "data1";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA2 = "data2";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA3 = "data3";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA4 = "data4";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA5 = "data5";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA6 = "data6";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA7 = "data7";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA8 = "data8";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA9 = "data9";
/** Generic data column, the meaning is {@link #MIMETYPE} specific */
public static final String DATA10 = "data10";
* Constants for the data table, which contains data points tied to a contact.
* For example, a phone number or email address. Each row in this table contains a type
* definition and some generic columns. Each data type can define the meaning for each of
* the generic columns.
public static final class Data implements BaseColumns, DataColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private Data() {}
* The content:// style URI for this table
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "data");
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of data.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* A table that represents the result of looking up a phone number, for example for caller ID.
* The table joins that data row for the phone number with the contact that owns the number.
* To perform a lookup you must append the number you want to find to {@link #CONTENT_URI}.
public static final class PhoneLookup implements BaseColumns, DataColumns, AggregatesColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private PhoneLookup() {}
* The content:// style URI for this table. Append the phone number you want to lookup
* to this URI and query it to perform a lookup. For example:
* {@code
* Uri lookupUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_URI, phoneNumber);
* }
public static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI,
* Additional data mixed in with {@link Im.CommonPresenceColumns} to link
* back to specific {@link ContactsContract.Aggregates#_ID} entries.
private interface PresenceColumns {
* Reference to the {@link Aggregates#_ID} this presence references.
public static final String AGGREGATE_ID = "aggregate_id";
* Reference to the {@link Data#_ID} entry that owns this presence.
public static final String DATA_ID = "data_id";
* The IM service the presence is coming from. Formatted using either
* {@link Contacts.ContactMethods#encodePredefinedImProtocol} or
* {@link Contacts.ContactMethods#encodeCustomImProtocol}.
* <p>
* Type: STRING
public static final String IM_PROTOCOL = "im_protocol";
* The IM handle the presence item is for. The handle is scoped to the
* {@link #IM_PROTOCOL}.
* <p>
* Type: STRING
public static final String IM_HANDLE = "im_handle";
* The IM account for the local user that the presence data came from.
* <p>
* Type: STRING
public static final String IM_ACCOUNT = "im_account";
public static final class Presence implements BaseColumns, PresenceColumns,
Im.CommonPresenceColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private Presence() {
* The content:// style URI for this table
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "presence");
* Gets the resource ID for the proper presence icon.
* @param status the status to get the icon for
* @return the resource ID for the proper presence icon
public static final int getPresenceIconResourceId(int status) {
switch (status) {
return android.R.drawable.presence_online;
case IDLE:
case AWAY:
return android.R.drawable.presence_away;
return android.R.drawable.presence_busy;
return android.R.drawable.presence_invisible;
return android.R.drawable.presence_offline;
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of
* presence details.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* The MIME type of a {@link #CONTENT_URI} subdirectory of a single
* presence detail.
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* Container for definitions of common data types stored in the {@link Data} table.
public static final class CommonDataKinds {
* The {@link Data#PACKAGE} value for common data that should be shown
* using a default style.
public static final String PACKAGE_COMMON = "common";
* Columns common across the specific types.
private interface BaseCommonColumns {
* The package name that defines this type of data.
public static final String PACKAGE = "package";
* The mime-type of the item represented by this row.
public static final String MIMETYPE = "mimetype";
* A reference to the {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts#_ID} that this
* data belongs to.
public static final String CONTACT_ID = "contact_id";
* Columns common across the specific types.
private interface CommonColumns {
* The type of data, for example Home or Work.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String TYPE = "data1";
* The data for the contact method.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String DATA = "data2";
* The user defined label for the the contact method.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String LABEL = "data3";
* The base types that all "Typed" data kinds support.
public interface BaseTypes {
* A custom type. The custom label should be supplied by user.
public static int TYPE_CUSTOM = 0;
* Parts of the name.
public static final class StructuredName {
private StructuredName() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* The given name for the contact.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String GIVEN_NAME = "data1";
* The family name for the contact.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String FAMILY_NAME = "data2";
* The contact's honorific prefix, e.g. "Sir"
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String PREFIX = "data3";
* The contact's middle name
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MIDDLE_NAME = "data4";
* The contact's honorific suffix, e.g. "Jr"
public static final String SUFFIX = "data5";
* The phonetic version of the given name for the contact.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME = "data6";
* The phonetic version of the additional name for the contact.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String PHONETIC_MIDDLE_NAME = "data7";
* The phonetic version of the family name for the contact.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String PHONETIC_FAMILY_NAME = "data8";
* The name that should be used to display the contact.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "data9";
* A nickname.
public static final class Nickname implements BaseTypes {
private Nickname() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* The type of data, for example Home or Work.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String TYPE = "data1";
public static final int TYPE_DEFAULT = 1;
public static final int TYPE_OTHER_NAME = 2;
public static final int TYPE_MAINDEN_NAME = 3;
public static final int TYPE_SHORT_NAME = 4;
public static final int TYPE_INITIALS = 5;
* The name itself
public static final String NAME = "data2";
* The user provided label, only used if TYPE is {@link #TYPE_CUSTOM}.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String LABEL = "data3";
* Common data definition for telephone numbers.
public static final class Phone implements BaseCommonColumns, CommonColumns, BaseTypes {
private Phone() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of
* phones.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* The content:// style URI for all data records of the
* {@link Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE} mimetype, combined with the associated contact
* and aggregate data.
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(Data.CONTENT_URI,
* The content:// style URI for filtering data records of the
* {@link Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE} mimetype, combined with the associated contact
* and aggregate data. The filter argument should be passed
* as an additional path segment after this URI.
public static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_URI,
public static final int TYPE_HOME = 1;
public static final int TYPE_MOBILE = 2;
public static final int TYPE_WORK = 3;
public static final int TYPE_FAX_WORK = 4;
public static final int TYPE_FAX_HOME = 5;
public static final int TYPE_PAGER = 6;
public static final int TYPE_OTHER = 7;
* The phone number as the user entered it.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String NUMBER = "data2";
* Common data definition for email addresses.
public static final class Email implements BaseCommonColumns, CommonColumns, BaseTypes {
private Email() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
public static final int TYPE_HOME = 1;
public static final int TYPE_WORK = 2;
public static final int TYPE_OTHER = 3;
* Common data definition for postal addresses.
public static final class Postal implements BaseCommonColumns, CommonColumns, BaseTypes {
private Postal() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of
* postal addresses.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* The content:// style URI for all data records of the
* {@link Postal.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE} mimetype, combined with the associated contact
* and aggregate data.
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(Data.CONTENT_URI,
public static final int TYPE_HOME = 1;
public static final int TYPE_WORK = 2;
public static final int TYPE_OTHER = 3;
* Common data definition for IM addresses.
public static final class Im implements BaseCommonColumns, CommonColumns, BaseTypes {
private Im() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
public static final int TYPE_HOME = 1;
public static final int TYPE_WORK = 2;
public static final int TYPE_OTHER = 3;
public static final String PROTOCOL = "data5";
* The predefined IM protocol types. The protocol can either be non-present, one
* of these types, or a free-form string. These cases are encoded in the PROTOCOL
* column as:
* <ul>
* <li>null</li>
* <li>pre:&lt;an integer, one of the protocols below&gt;</li>
* <li>custom:&lt;a string&gt;</li>
* </ul>
public static final int PROTOCOL_AIM = 0;
public static final int PROTOCOL_MSN = 1;
public static final int PROTOCOL_YAHOO = 2;
public static final int PROTOCOL_SKYPE = 3;
public static final int PROTOCOL_QQ = 4;
public static final int PROTOCOL_GOOGLE_TALK = 5;
public static final int PROTOCOL_ICQ = 6;
public static final int PROTOCOL_JABBER = 7;
public static String encodePredefinedImProtocol(int protocol) {
return "pre:" + protocol;
public static String encodeCustomImProtocol(String protocolString) {
return "custom:" + protocolString;
public static Object decodeImProtocol(String encodedString) {
if (encodedString == null) {
return null;
if (encodedString.startsWith("pre:")) {
return Integer.parseInt(encodedString.substring(4));
if (encodedString.startsWith("custom:")) {
return encodedString.substring(7);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"the value is not a valid encoded protocol, " + encodedString);
* Common data definition for organizations.
public static final class Organization implements BaseCommonColumns, BaseTypes {
private Organization() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* The type of data, for example Home or Work.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String TYPE = "data1";
public static final int TYPE_HOME = 1;
public static final int TYPE_WORK = 2;
public static final int TYPE_OTHER = 3;
* The user provided label, only used if TYPE is {@link #TYPE_CUSTOM}.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String LABEL = "data2";
* The company as the user entered it.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String COMPANY = "data3";
* The position title at this company as the user entered it.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String TITLE = "data4";
* Photo of the contact.
public static final class Photo implements BaseCommonColumns {
private Photo() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* Thumbnail photo of the contact. This is the raw bytes of an image
* that could be inflated using {@link BitmapFactory}.
* <p>
* Type: BLOB
public static final String PHOTO = "data1";
* Notes about the contact.
public static final class Note implements BaseCommonColumns {
private Note() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = "";
* The note text.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String NOTE = "data1";
* Custom ringtone associated with the contact.
public static final class CustomRingtone implements BaseCommonColumns {
private CustomRingtone() {}
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE =
* Whether to send the number to voicemail.
* <P>Type: INTEGER (if set, non-0 means true)</P>
public static final String SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL = "data1";
* The ringtone uri.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String RINGTONE_URI = "data2";
* Group Membership.
public static final class GroupMembership implements BaseCommonColumns {
private GroupMembership() {}
/** Mime-type used when storing this in data table. */
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE =
* The row id of the group that this group membership refers to. Either this or the
* GROUP_SOURCE_ID must be set. If they are both set then they must refer to the same
* group.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String GROUP_ROW_ID = "data1";
* The source id of the group that this membership refers to. Either this or the
* GROUP_ROW_ID must be set. If they are both set then they must refer to the same
* group.
* <P>Type: STRING</P>
public static final String GROUP_SOURCE_ID = "data2";
* Constants for the contact aggregation exceptions table, which contains
* aggregation rules overriding those used by automatic aggregation. This type only
* supports query and update. Neither insert nor delete are supported.
public static final class AggregationExceptions implements BaseColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private AggregationExceptions() {}
* The content:// style URI for this table
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI =
Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "aggregation_exceptions");
* The MIME type of {@link #CONTENT_URI} providing a directory of data.
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "";
* The MIME type of a {@link #CONTENT_URI} subdirectory of an aggregation exception
public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE =
* The type of exception: {@link #TYPE_KEEP_IN}, {@link #TYPE_KEEP_OUT} or
* {@link #TYPE_AUTOMATIC}.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String TYPE = "type";
* Allows the provider to automatically decide whether the aggregate should include
* a particular contact or not.
public static final int TYPE_AUTOMATIC = 0;
* Makes sure that the specified contact is included in the specified aggregate.
public static final int TYPE_KEEP_IN = 1;
* Makes sure that the specified contact is NOT included in the specified aggregate.
public static final int TYPE_KEEP_OUT = 2;
* A reference to the {@link Aggregates#_ID} of the aggregate that the rule applies to.
public static final String AGGREGATE_ID = "aggregate_id";
* A reference to the {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts#_ID} of the
* contact that the rule applies to.
public static final String CONTACT_ID = "contact_id";
private interface RestrictionExceptionsColumns {
* Package name of a specific data provider, which will be matched
* against {@link Data#PACKAGE}.
* <p>
* Type: STRING
public static final String PACKAGE_PROVIDER = "package_provider";
* Package name of a specific data client, which will be matched against
* the incoming {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingUid()} to decide if
* the caller can access values with {@link Data#IS_RESTRICTED} flags.
* <p>
* Type: STRING
public static final String PACKAGE_CLIENT = "package_client";
* Flag indicating if {@link #PACKAGE_PROVIDER} allows
* {@link #PACKAGE_CLIENT} to access restricted {@link Data} rows.
* <p>
public static final String ALLOW_ACCESS = "allow_access";
* Constants for {@link Data} restriction exceptions. Sync adapters who
* insert restricted data can use this table to specify exceptions about
* which additional packages can access that restricted data.You can only
* modify rules for a {@link RestrictionExceptionsColumns#PACKAGE_PROVIDER}
* that your {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingUid()} owns.
public static final class RestrictionExceptions implements RestrictionExceptionsColumns {
* This utility class cannot be instantiated
private RestrictionExceptions() {}
* The content:// style URI for this table
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI,