blob: 5eb8cc2f37a401e746c7d7772005d1f9e84967ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.print;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.print.IPrinterDiscoveryObserver;
import android.print.IPrintDocumentAdapter;
import android.print.PrintJobId;
import android.print.IPrintJobStateChangeListener;
import android.print.IPrintServicesChangeListener;
import android.print.PrinterId;
import android.print.PrintJobInfo;
import android.print.PrintAttributes;
import android.printservice.PrintServiceInfo;
* Interface for communication with the core print manager service.
* @hide
interface IPrintManager {
List<PrintJobInfo> getPrintJobInfos(int appId, int userId);
PrintJobInfo getPrintJobInfo(in PrintJobId printJobId, int appId, int userId);
Bundle print(String printJobName, in IPrintDocumentAdapter printAdapter,
in PrintAttributes attributes, String packageName, int appId, int userId);
void cancelPrintJob(in PrintJobId printJobId, int appId, int userId);
void restartPrintJob(in PrintJobId printJobId, int appId, int userId);
void addPrintJobStateChangeListener(in IPrintJobStateChangeListener listener,
int appId, int userId);
void removePrintJobStateChangeListener(in IPrintJobStateChangeListener listener,
int userId);
* Listen for changes to the installed and enabled print services.
* @param listener the listener to add
* @param userId the id of the user listening
* @see android.print.PrintManager#getPrintServices(int, String)
void addPrintServicesChangeListener(in IPrintServicesChangeListener listener,
int userId);
* Stop listening for changes to the installed and enabled print services.
* @param listener the listener to remove
* @param userId the id of the user requesting the removal
* @see android.print.PrintManager#getPrintServices(int, String)
void removePrintServicesChangeListener(in IPrintServicesChangeListener listener,
int userId);
* Get the print services.
* @param selectionFlags flags selecting which services to get
* @param selectedService if not null, the id of the print service to get
* @param userId the id of the user requesting the services
* @return the list of selected print services.
List<PrintServiceInfo> getPrintServices(int selectionFlags, int userId);
* Enable or disable a print service.
* @param service The service to enabled or disable
* @param isEnabled whether the service should be enabled or disabled
* @param userId the id of the user requesting the services
void setPrintServiceEnabled(in ComponentName service, boolean isEnabled, int userId);
void createPrinterDiscoverySession(in IPrinterDiscoveryObserver observer, int userId);
void startPrinterDiscovery(in IPrinterDiscoveryObserver observer,
in List<PrinterId> priorityList, int userId);
void stopPrinterDiscovery(in IPrinterDiscoveryObserver observer, int userId);
void validatePrinters(in List<PrinterId> printerIds, int userId);
void startPrinterStateTracking(in PrinterId printerId, int userId);
* Get the custom icon for a printer. If the icon is not cached, the icon is
* requested asynchronously. Once it is available the printer is updated.
* @param printerId the id of the printer the icon should be loaded for
* @param userId the id of the user requesting the printer
* @return the custom icon to be used for the printer or null if the icon is
* not yet available
* @see android.print.PrinterInfo.Builder#setHasCustomPrinterIcon()
Icon getCustomPrinterIcon(in PrinterId printerId, int userId);
void stopPrinterStateTracking(in PrinterId printerId, int userId);
void destroyPrinterDiscoverySession(in IPrinterDiscoveryObserver observer,
int userId);