blob: 76b5fe1e1b55e58d4daa1e9f52b884015d43af65 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<device name="Android">
<!-- Most values are the incremental current used by a feature,
in mA (measured at nominal voltage).
The default values are deliberately incorrect dummy values.
OEM's must measure and provide actual values before
shipping a device.
Example real-world values are given in comments, but they
are totally dependent on the platform and can vary
significantly, so should be measured on the shipping platform
with a power meter. -->
<item name="none">0</item>
<item name="screen.on">0.1</item> <!-- ~200mA -->
<item name="screen.full">0.1</item> <!-- ~300mA -->
<item name="">0.1</item> <!-- Bluetooth data transfer, ~10mA -->
<item name="bluetooth.on">0.1</item> <!-- Bluetooth on & connectable, but not connected, ~0.1mA -->
<item name="wifi.on">0.1</item> <!-- ~3mA -->
<item name="">0.1</item> <!-- WIFI data transfer, ~200mA -->
<item name="wifi.scan">0.1</item> <!-- WIFI network scanning, ~100mA -->
<item name="">0.1</item> <!-- ~10mA -->
<item name="">0.1</item> <!-- ~50mA -->
<item name="camera.flashlight">0.1</item> <!-- Avg. power for camera flash, ~160mA -->
<item name="camera.avg">0.1</item> <!-- Avg. power use of camera in standard usecases, ~550mA -->
<item name="gps.on">0.1</item> <!-- ~50mA -->
<!-- Radio related values. For modems without energy reporting support in firmware, use, radio.scanning, and radio.on. -->
<item name="">0.1</item> <!-- ~200mA -->
<item name="radio.scanning">0.1</item> <!-- cellular radio scanning for signal, ~10mA -->
<!-- Current consumed by the radio at different signal strengths, when paging -->
<array name="radio.on"> <!-- Strength 0 to BINS-1 -->
<value>0.2</value> <!-- ~2mA -->
<value>0.1</value> <!-- ~1mA -->
<!-- Radio related values. For modems WITH energy reporting support in firmware, use
modem.controller.idle, modem.controller.tx, modem.controller.rx, modem.controller.voltage.
<item name="modem.controller.idle">0</item>
<item name="modem.controller.rx">0</item>
<item name="modem.controller.tx">0</item>
<item name="modem.controller.voltage">0</item>
<!-- A list of heterogeneous CPU clusters, where the value for each cluster represents the
number of CPU cores for that cluster.
<array name="cpu.clusters.cores">
<value>4</value> // cluster 0 has cpu0, cpu1, cpu2, cpu3
<value>2</value> // cluster 1 has cpu4, cpu5
</array> -->
<array name="cpu.clusters.cores">
<value>1</value> <!-- cluster 0 has cpu0 -->
<!-- Different CPU speeds for cluster 0 as reported in
There must be one of these for each cluster, labeled:
cpu.speeds.cluster0, cpu.speeds.cluster1, etc... -->
<array name="cpu.speeds.cluster0">
<value>400000</value> <!-- 400 MHz CPU speed -->
<!-- Current at each CPU speed for cluster 0, as per 'cpu.speeds.cluster0'.
Like cpu.speeds.cluster0, there must be one of these present for
each heterogeneous CPU cluster. -->
<array name="">
<value>0.1</value> <!-- ~100mA -->
<!-- Current when CPU is idle -->
<item name="cpu.idle">0.1</item>
<!-- This is the battery capacity in mAh (measured at nominal voltage) -->
<item name="battery.capacity">1000</item>
<array name="wifi.batchedscan"> <!-- mA -->
<value>.0002</value> <!-- 1-8/hr -->
<value>.002</value> <!-- 9-64/hr -->
<value>.02</value> <!-- 65-512/hr -->
<value>.2</value> <!-- 513-4,096/hr -->
<value>2</value> <!-- 4097-/hr -->