blob: d59270c6a51b92c7d70d8c584a8b5fcf7877e988 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Parses media container formats and extracts contained media samples and metadata.
* <p>This class provides access to a battery of low-level media container parsers. Each instance of
* this class is associated to a specific media parser implementation which is suitable for
* extraction from a specific media container format. The media parser implementation assignment
* depends on the factory method (see {@link #create} and {@link #createByName}) used to create the
* instance.
* <p>Users must implement the following to use this class.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link InputReader}: Provides the media container's bytes to parse.
* <li>{@link OutputConsumer}: Provides a sink for all extracted data and metadata.
* </ul>
* <p>The following code snippet includes a usage example:
* <pre>
* MyOutputConsumer myOutputConsumer = new MyOutputConsumer();
* MyInputReader myInputReader = new MyInputReader("");
* MediaParser mediaParser = MediaParser.create(myOutputConsumer);
* while (mediaParser.advance(myInputReader)) {}
* mediaParser.release();
* mediaParser = null;
* </pre>
* <p>The following code snippet provides a rudimentary {@link OutputConsumer} sample implementation
* which extracts and publishes all video samples:
* <pre>
* class VideoOutputConsumer implements MediaParser.OutputConsumer {
* private static final int MAXIMUM_SAMPLE_SIZE = ...;
* private byte[] sampleDataBuffer = new byte[MAXIMUM_SAMPLE_SIZE];
* private int videoTrackIndex = -1;
* private int bytesWrittenCount = 0;
* \@Override
* public void onSeekMap(int i, @NonNull MediaFormat mediaFormat) { \/* Do nothing. *\/ }
* \@Override
* public void onTrackData(int i, @NonNull TrackData trackData) {
* MediaFormat mediaFormat = trackData.mediaFormat;
* if (videoTrackIndex == -1 && mediaFormat
* .getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, \/* defaultValue= *\/ "").startsWith("video/")) {
* videoTrackIndex = i;
* }
* }
* \@Override
* public void onSampleData(int trackIndex, @NonNull InputReader inputReader)
* throws IOException, InterruptedException {
* int numberOfBytesToRead = (int) inputReader.getLength();
* if (videoTrackIndex != trackIndex) {
* // Discard contents.
*\/* bytes= *\/ null, \/* offset= *\/ 0, numberOfBytesToRead);
* }
* int bytesRead =, bytesWrittenCount, numberOfBytesToRead);
* bytesWrittenCount += bytesRead;
* }
* \@Override
* public void onSampleCompleted(
* int trackIndex,
* long timeUs,
* int flags,
* int size,
* int offset,
* \@Nullable CryptoInfo cryptoData) {
* if (videoTrackIndex != trackIndex) {
* return; // It's not the video track. Ignore.
* }
* byte[] sampleData = new byte[size];
* System.arraycopy(sampleDataBuffer, bytesWrittenCount - size - offset, sampleData, \/*
* destPos= *\/ 0, size);
* // Place trailing bytes at the start of the buffer.
* System.arraycopy(
* sampleDataBuffer,
* bytesWrittenCount - offset,
* sampleDataBuffer,
* \/* destPos= *\/ 0,
* \/* size= *\/ offset);
* publishSample(sampleData, timeUs, flags);
* }
* }
* </pre>
public final class MediaParser {
* Maps seek positions to {@link SeekPoint SeekPoints} in the stream.
* <p>A {@link SeekPoint} is a position in the stream from which a player may successfully start
* playing media samples.
public static final class SeekMap {
/** Returned by {@link #getDurationUs()} when the duration is unknown. */
public static final int UNKNOWN_DURATION = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private final mExoPlayerSeekMap;
private SeekMap( exoplayerSeekMap) {
mExoPlayerSeekMap = exoplayerSeekMap;
/** Returns whether seeking is supported. */
public boolean isSeekable() {
return mExoPlayerSeekMap.isSeekable();
* Returns the duration of the stream in microseconds or {@link #UNKNOWN_DURATION} if the
* duration is unknown.
public long getDurationUs() {
return mExoPlayerSeekMap.getDurationUs();
* Obtains {@link SeekPoint SeekPoints} for the specified seek time in microseconds.
* <p>{@code getSeekPoints(timeUs).first} contains the latest seek point for samples with
* timestamp equal to or smaller than {@code timeUs}.
* <p>{@code getSeekPoints(timeUs).second} contains the earliest seek point for samples with
* timestamp equal to or greater than {@code timeUs}. If a seek point exists for {@code
* timeUs}, the returned pair will contain the same {@link SeekPoint} twice.
* @param timeUs A seek time in microseconds.
* @return The corresponding {@link SeekPoint SeekPoints}.
public Pair<SeekPoint, SeekPoint> getSeekPoints(long timeUs) {
SeekPoints seekPoints = mExoPlayerSeekMap.getSeekPoints(timeUs);
return new Pair<>(toSeekPoint(seekPoints.first), toSeekPoint(seekPoints.second));
/** Holds information associated with a track. */
public static final class TrackData {
/** Holds {@link MediaFormat} information for the track. */
@NonNull public final MediaFormat mediaFormat;
* Holds {@link DrmInitData} necessary to acquire keys associated with the track, or null if
* the track has no encryption data.
@Nullable public final DrmInitData drmInitData;
private TrackData(MediaFormat mediaFormat, DrmInitData drmInitData) {
this.mediaFormat = mediaFormat;
this.drmInitData = drmInitData;
/** Defines a seek point in a media stream. */
public static final class SeekPoint {
/** A {@link SeekPoint} whose time and byte offset are both set to 0. */
@NonNull public static final SeekPoint START = new SeekPoint(0, 0);
/** The time of the seek point, in microseconds. */
public final long timeUs;
/** The byte offset of the seek point. */
public final long position;
* @param timeUs The time of the seek point, in microseconds.
* @param position The byte offset of the seek point.
private SeekPoint(long timeUs, long position) {
this.timeUs = timeUs;
this.position = position;
public String toString() {
return "[timeUs=" + timeUs + ", position=" + position + "]";
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
SeekPoint other = (SeekPoint) obj;
return timeUs == other.timeUs && position == other.position;
public int hashCode() {
int result = (int) timeUs;
result = 31 * result + (int) position;
return result;
/** Provides input data to {@link MediaParser}. */
public interface InputReader {
* Reads up to {@code readLength} bytes of data and stores them into {@code buffer},
* starting at index {@code offset}.
* <p>This method blocks until at least one byte is read, the end of input is detected, or
* an exception is thrown. The read position advances to the first unread byte.
* @param buffer The buffer into which the read data should be stored.
* @param offset The start offset into {@code buffer} at which data should be written.
* @param readLength The maximum number of bytes to read.
* @return The non-zero number of bytes read, or -1 if no data is available because the end
* of the input has been reached.
* @throws If an error occurs reading from the source.
int read(@NonNull byte[] buffer, int offset, int readLength)
throws IOException, InterruptedException;
/** Returns the current read position (byte offset) in the stream. */
long getPosition();
/** Returns the length of the input in bytes, or -1 if the length is unknown. */
long getLength();
/** {@link InputReader} that allows setting the read position. */
public interface SeekableInputReader extends InputReader {
* Sets the read position at the given {@code position}.
* <p>{@link #advance} will immediately return after calling this method.
* @param position The position to seek to, in bytes.
void seekToPosition(long position);
/** Receives extracted media sample data and metadata from {@link MediaParser}. */
public interface OutputConsumer {
* Called when a {@link SeekMap} has been extracted from the stream.
* <p>This method is called at least once before any samples are {@link #onSampleCompleted
* complete}. May be called multiple times after that in order to add {@link SeekPoint
* SeekPoints}.
* @param seekMap The extracted {@link SeekMap}.
void onSeekMap(@NonNull SeekMap seekMap);
* Called when the number of tracks is found.
* @param numberOfTracks The number of tracks in the stream.
void onTracksFound(int numberOfTracks);
* Called when new {@link TrackData} is extracted from the stream.
* @param trackIndex The index of the track for which the {@link TrackData} was extracted.
* @param trackData The extracted {@link TrackData}.
void onTrackData(int trackIndex, @NonNull TrackData trackData);
* Called to write sample data to the output.
* <p>Implementers must attempt to consume the entirety of the input, but should surface any
* thrown {@link IOException} caused by reading from {@code input}.
* @param trackIndex The index of the track to which the sample data corresponds.
* @param inputReader The {@link InputReader} from which to read the data.
void onSampleData(int trackIndex, @NonNull InputReader inputReader)
throws IOException, InterruptedException;
* Called once all the data of a sample has been passed to {@link #onSampleData}.
* <p>Also includes sample metadata, like presentation timestamp and flags.
* @param trackIndex The index of the track to which the sample corresponds.
* @param timeUs The media timestamp associated with the sample, in microseconds.
* @param flags Flags associated with the sample. See {@link MediaCodec
* MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_*}.
* @param size The size of the sample data, in bytes.
* @param offset The number of bytes that have been passed to {@link #onSampleData} since
* the last byte belonging to the sample whose metadata is being passed.
* @param cryptoData Encryption data required to decrypt the sample. May be null for
* unencrypted samples.
void onSampleCompleted(
int trackIndex,
long timeUs,
int flags,
int size,
int offset,
@Nullable MediaCodec.CryptoInfo cryptoData);
* Thrown if all extractors implementations provided to {@link #create} failed to sniff the
* input content.
public static final class UnrecognizedInputFormatException extends IOException {
* Creates a new instance which signals that the extractors with the given names failed to
* parse the input.
private static UnrecognizedInputFormatException createForExtractors(
@NonNull String... extractorNames) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("None of the available extractors ( ");
for (int i = 1; i < extractorNames.length; i++) {
builder.append(", ");
builder.append(") could read the stream.");
return new UnrecognizedInputFormatException(builder.toString());
private UnrecognizedInputFormatException(String extractorNames) {
// Private constants.
private static final Map<String, ExtractorFactory> EXTRACTOR_FACTORIES_BY_NAME;
// Instance creation methods.
* Creates an instance backed by the extractor with the given {@code name}. The returned
* instance will attempt extraction without sniffing the content.
* @param name The name of the extractor that will be associated with the created instance.
* @param outputConsumer The {@link OutputConsumer} to which track data and samples are pushed.
* @return A new instance.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If an invalid name is provided.
public static MediaParser createByName(
@NonNull String name, @NonNull OutputConsumer outputConsumer) {
String[] nameAsArray = new String[] {name};
return new MediaParser(outputConsumer, /* sniff= */ false, name);
* Creates an instance whose backing extractor will be selected by sniffing the content during
* the first {@link #advance} call. Extractor implementations will sniff the content in order of
* appearance in {@code extractorNames}.
* @param outputConsumer The {@link OutputConsumer} to which extracted data is output.
* @param extractorNames The names of the extractors to sniff the content with. If empty, a
* default array of names is used.
* @return A new instance.
public static MediaParser create(
@NonNull OutputConsumer outputConsumer, @NonNull String... extractorNames) {
if (extractorNames.length == 0) {
extractorNames = EXTRACTOR_FACTORIES_BY_NAME.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
return new MediaParser(outputConsumer, /* sniff= */ true, extractorNames);
// Misc static methods.
* Returns an immutable list with the names of the extractors that are suitable for container
* formats with the given {@link MediaFormat}.
* <p>TODO: List which properties are taken into account. E.g. MimeType.
public static List<String> getExtractorNames(@NonNull MediaFormat mediaFormat) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Private fields.
private final OutputConsumer mOutputConsumer;
private final String[] mExtractorNamesPool;
private final PositionHolder mPositionHolder;
private final InputReadingDataSource mDataSource;
private final ExtractorInputAdapter mScratchExtractorInputAdapter;
private final ParsableByteArrayAdapter mScratchParsableByteArrayAdapter;
private String mExtractorName;
private Extractor mExtractor;
private ExtractorInput mExtractorInput;
private long mPendingSeekPosition;
private long mPendingSeekTimeUs;
// Public methods.
* Returns the name of the backing extractor implementation.
* <p>If this instance was creating using {@link #createByName}, the provided name is returned.
* If this instance was created using {@link #create}, this method will return null until the
* first call to {@link #advance}, after which the name of the backing extractor implementation
* is returned.
* @return The name of the backing extractor implementation, or null if the backing extractor
* implementation has not yet been selected.
public String getExtractorName() {
return mExtractorName;
* Makes progress in the extraction of the input media stream, unless the end of the input has
* been reached.
* <p>This method will block until some progress has been made.
* <p>If this instance was created using {@link #create}. the first call to this method will
* sniff the content with the extractors with the provided names.
* @param seekableInputReader The {@link SeekableInputReader} from which to obtain the media
* container data.
* @return Whether there is any data left to extract. Returns false if the end of input has been
* reached.
* @throws UnrecognizedInputFormatException
public boolean advance(@NonNull SeekableInputReader seekableInputReader)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (mExtractorInput == null) {
// TODO: For efficiency, the same implementation should be used, by providing a
// clearBuffers() method, or similar.
mExtractorInput =
new DefaultExtractorInput(
mDataSource.mInputReader = seekableInputReader;
if (mExtractor == null) {
for (String extractorName : mExtractorNamesPool) {
Extractor extractor =
try {
if (extractor.sniff(mExtractorInput)) {
mExtractorName = extractorName;
mExtractor = extractor;
mExtractor.init(new ExtractorOutputAdapter());
} catch (EOFException e) {
// Do nothing.
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} finally {
if (mExtractor == null) {
return true;
if (isPendingSeek()) {, mPendingSeekTimeUs);
mPositionHolder.position = seekableInputReader.getPosition();
int result =, mPositionHolder);
if (result == Extractor.RESULT_END_OF_INPUT) {
return false;
if (result == Extractor.RESULT_SEEK) {
mExtractorInput = null;
return true;
* Seeks within the media container being extracted.
* <p>{@link SeekPoint SeekPoints} can be obtained from the {@link SeekMap} passed to {@link
* OutputConsumer#onSeekMap(SeekMap)}.
* <p>Following a call to this method, the {@link InputReader} passed to the next invocation of
* {@link #advance} must provide data starting from {@link SeekPoint#position} in the stream.
* @param seekPoint The {@link SeekPoint} to seek to.
public void seek(@NonNull SeekPoint seekPoint) {
if (mExtractor == null) {
mPendingSeekPosition = seekPoint.position;
mPendingSeekTimeUs = seekPoint.timeUs;
} else {, seekPoint.timeUs);
* Releases any acquired resources.
* <p>After calling this method, this instance becomes unusable and no other methods should be
* invoked. DESIGN NOTE: Should be removed. There shouldn't be any resource for releasing.
public void release() {
mExtractorInput = null;
mExtractor = null;
// Private methods.
private MediaParser(
OutputConsumer outputConsumer, boolean sniff, String... extractorNamesPool) {
mOutputConsumer = outputConsumer;
mExtractorNamesPool = extractorNamesPool;
if (!sniff) {
mExtractorName = extractorNamesPool[0];
mExtractor = EXTRACTOR_FACTORIES_BY_NAME.get(mExtractorName).createInstance();
mPositionHolder = new PositionHolder();
mDataSource = new InputReadingDataSource();
mScratchExtractorInputAdapter = new ExtractorInputAdapter();
mScratchParsableByteArrayAdapter = new ParsableByteArrayAdapter();
private boolean isPendingSeek() {
return mPendingSeekPosition >= 0;
private void removePendingSeek() {
mPendingSeekPosition = -1;
mPendingSeekTimeUs = -1;
// Private classes.
private static final class InputReadingDataSource implements DataSource {
public InputReader mInputReader;
public void addTransferListener(TransferListener transferListener) {
// Do nothing.
public long open(DataSpec dataSpec) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int readLength) throws IOException {
// TODO: Reevaluate interruption in Input.
try {
return, offset, readLength);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO: Remove.
throw new RuntimeException();
public Uri getUri() {
return null;
public Map<String, List<String>> getResponseHeaders() {
return null;
public void close() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private final class ExtractorOutputAdapter implements ExtractorOutput {
private final SparseArray<TrackOutput> mTrackOutputAdapters;
private boolean mTracksEnded;
private ExtractorOutputAdapter() {
mTrackOutputAdapters = new SparseArray<>();
public TrackOutput track(int id, int type) {
TrackOutput trackOutput = mTrackOutputAdapters.get(id);
if (trackOutput == null) {
trackOutput = new TrackOutputAdapter(mTrackOutputAdapters.size());
mTrackOutputAdapters.put(id, trackOutput);
return trackOutput;
public void endTracks() {
public void seekMap( exoplayerSeekMap) {
mOutputConsumer.onSeekMap(new SeekMap(exoplayerSeekMap));
private class TrackOutputAdapter implements TrackOutput {
private final int mTrackIndex;
private TrackOutputAdapter(int trackIndex) {
mTrackIndex = trackIndex;
public void format(Format format) {
new TrackData(
toMediaFormat(format), toFrameworkDrmInitData(format.drmInitData)));
public int sampleData(ExtractorInput input, int length, boolean allowEndOfInput)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
mScratchExtractorInputAdapter.setExtractorInput(input, length);
long positionBeforeReading = mScratchExtractorInputAdapter.getPosition();
mOutputConsumer.onSampleData(mTrackIndex, mScratchExtractorInputAdapter);
return (int) (mScratchExtractorInputAdapter.getPosition() - positionBeforeReading);
public void sampleData(ParsableByteArray data, int length) {
mScratchParsableByteArrayAdapter.resetWithByteArray(data, length);
try {
mOutputConsumer.onSampleData(mTrackIndex, mScratchParsableByteArrayAdapter);
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
// Unexpected.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void sampleMetadata(
long timeUs, int flags, int size, int offset, CryptoData encryptionData) {
mTrackIndex, timeUs, flags, size, offset, toCryptoInfo(encryptionData));
private static final class ExtractorInputAdapter implements InputReader {
private ExtractorInput mExtractorInput;
private int mCurrentPosition;
private long mLength;
public void setExtractorInput(ExtractorInput extractorInput, long length) {
mExtractorInput = extractorInput;
mCurrentPosition = 0;
mLength = length;
// Input implementation.
public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int readLength)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
int readBytes =, offset, readLength);
mCurrentPosition += readBytes;
return readBytes;
public long getPosition() {
return mCurrentPosition;
public long getLength() {
return mLength - mCurrentPosition;
private static final class ParsableByteArrayAdapter implements InputReader {
private ParsableByteArray mByteArray;
private long mLength;
private int mCurrentPosition;
public void resetWithByteArray(ParsableByteArray byteArray, long length) {
mByteArray = byteArray;
mCurrentPosition = 0;
mLength = length;
// Input implementation.
public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int readLength) {
mByteArray.readBytes(buffer, offset, readLength);
mCurrentPosition += readLength;
return readLength;
public long getPosition() {
return mCurrentPosition;
public long getLength() {
return mLength - mCurrentPosition;
/** Creates extractor instances. */
private interface ExtractorFactory {
/** Returns a new extractor instance. */
Extractor createInstance();
// Private static methods.
private static MediaFormat toMediaFormat(Format format) {
// TODO: Add if (value != Format.NO_VALUE);
MediaFormat result = new MediaFormat();
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, format.bitrate);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, format.channelCount);
if (format.colorInfo != null) {
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_TRANSFER, format.colorInfo.colorTransfer);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_RANGE, format.colorInfo.colorRange);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_STANDARD, format.colorInfo.colorSpace);
if (format.colorInfo.hdrStaticInfo != null) {
result.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, format.sampleMimeType);
result.setFloat(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, format.frameRate);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH, format.width);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT, format.height);
List<byte[]> initData = format.initializationData;
if (initData != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < initData.size(); i++) {
result.setByteBuffer("csd-" + i, ByteBuffer.wrap(initData.get(i)));
result.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_LANGUAGE, format.language);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, format.maxInputSize);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PCM_ENCODING, format.pcmEncoding);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_ROTATION, format.rotationDegrees);
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, format.sampleRate);
int selectionFlags = format.selectionFlags;
// We avoid setting selection flags in the MediaFormat, unless explicitly signaled by the
// extractor.
if ((selectionFlags & C.SELECTION_FLAG_AUTOSELECT) != 0) {
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_AUTOSELECT, 1);
if ((selectionFlags & C.SELECTION_FLAG_DEFAULT) != 0) {
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_DEFAULT, 1);
if ((selectionFlags & C.SELECTION_FLAG_FORCED) != 0) {
result.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IS_FORCED_SUBTITLE, 1);
// format.accessibilityChannel;
// format.codecs;
// format.containerMimeType;
// format.drmInitData;
// format.encoderDelay;
// format.encoderPadding;
// format.metadata;
// format.pixelWidthHeightRatio;
// format.roleFlags;
// format.stereoMode;
// format.subsampleOffsetUs;
return result;
private static int toFrameworkFlags(int flags) {
// TODO: Implement.
return 0;
private static DrmInitData toFrameworkDrmInitData( drmInitData) {
// TODO: Implement.
return null;
private static MediaCodec.CryptoInfo toCryptoInfo(TrackOutput.CryptoData encryptionData) {
// TODO: Implement.
return null;
/** Returns a new {@link SeekPoint} equivalent to the given {@code exoPlayerSeekPoint}. */
private static SeekPoint toSeekPoint( exoPlayerSeekPoint) {
return new SeekPoint(exoPlayerSeekPoint.timeUs, exoPlayerSeekPoint.position);
private static void assertValidNames(@NonNull String[] names) {
for (String name : names) {
if (!EXTRACTOR_FACTORIES_BY_NAME.containsKey(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid extractor name: "
+ name
+ ". Supported extractors are: "
+ TextUtils.join(", ", EXTRACTOR_FACTORIES_BY_NAME.keySet())
+ ".");
// Static initialization.
static {
// Using a LinkedHashMap to keep the insertion order when iterating over the keys.
LinkedHashMap<String, ExtractorFactory> extractorFactoriesByName = new LinkedHashMap<>();
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.Ac3Extractor", Ac3Extractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.Ac4Extractor", Ac4Extractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.AdtsExtractor", AdtsExtractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.AmrExtractor", AmrExtractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.FlvExtractor", FlvExtractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.FragmentedMp4Extractor", FragmentedMp4Extractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.MatroskaExtractor", MatroskaExtractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.Mp3Extractor", Mp3Extractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.Mp4Extractor", Mp4Extractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.OggExtractor", OggExtractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.PsExtractor", PsExtractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.TsExtractor", TsExtractor::new);
extractorFactoriesByName.put("exo.WavExtractor", WavExtractor::new);
EXTRACTOR_FACTORIES_BY_NAME = Collections.unmodifiableMap(extractorFactoriesByName);