blob: d8681dc2179830cc635ce5e27b5d65217f2c3a20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.nfc;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
* Represents a discovered tag that contains {@link NdefMessage}s (or a tag that can store them).
* In practice, a tag is a thing that an NFC-enabled device can communicate with. This
* class is a representation of such a tag and can contain the NDEF messages shared by the tag.
* <p>An NDEF tag can contain zero or more NDEF messages (represented by {@link NdefMessage}
* objects) in addition to the basic tag properties of UID and Type.
* <p>
* {@link NdefTag}s that have been initialized will usually contain a single {@link NdefMessage}
* (and that Message can contain multiple {@link NdefRecord}s). However it
* is possible for {@link NdefTag}s to contain multiple {@link NdefMessage}s.
* <p>{@link NfcAdapter#createNdefTagConnection createNdefTagConnection()} can be used to modify the
* contents of some tags.
* <p>This is an immutable data class. All properties are set at Tag discovery
* time and calls on this class will retrieve those read-only properties, and
* not cause any further RF activity or block. Note however that arrays passed to and
* returned by this class are *not* cloned, so be careful not to modify them.
public class NdefTag extends Tag implements Parcelable {
* Target for NFC Forum Type 1 compliant tag.
* <p>This is based on Jewel/Topaz technology
public static final String TARGET_TYPE_1 = "type_1";
* Target for NFC Forum Type 2 compliant tag.
* <p>This is based on Mifare Ultralight technology.
public static final String TARGET_TYPE_2 = "type_2";
* Target for NFC Forum Type 3 compliant tag.
* <p>This is based on Felica technology.
public static final String TARGET_TYPE_3 = "type_3";
* Target for NFC Forum Type 4 compliant tag.
* <p>This is based on Mifare Desfire technology.
public static final String TARGET_TYPE_4 = "type_4";
* Target for NFC Forum Enabled: Mifare Classic tag.
* <p>This is not strictly a NFC Forum tag type, but is a common
* NDEF message container.
public static final String TARGET_MIFARE_CLASSIC = "type_mifare_classic";
* Any other target.
public static final String TARGET_OTHER = "other";
private final String[] mNdefTargets;
private final NdefMessage[][] mMessages; // one NdefMessage[] per NDEF target
private NdefMessage[] mFlatMessages; // collapsed mMessages, built lazily, protected by (this)
* Hidden constructor to be used by NFC service only.
* @hide
public NdefTag(byte[] id, String[] rawTargets, byte[] pollBytes, byte[] activationBytes,
int serviceHandle, String[] ndefTargets, NdefMessage[][] messages) {
super(id, true, rawTargets, pollBytes, activationBytes, serviceHandle);
if (ndefTargets == null || messages == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ndefTargets or messages cannot be null");
if (ndefTargets.length != messages.length){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ndefTargets and messages arrays must match");
for (NdefMessage[] ms : messages) {
if (ms == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("messages elements cannot be null");
mNdefTargets = ndefTargets;
mMessages = messages;
* Construct a mock NdefTag.
* <p>This is an application constructed tag, so NfcAdapter methods on this
* Tag such as {@link NfcAdapter#createRawTagConnection} will fail with
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} since it does not represent a physical Tag.
* <p>This constructor might be useful for mock testing.
* @param id The tag identifier, can be null
* @param rawTargets must not be null
* @param pollBytes can be null
* @param activationBytes can be null
* @param ndefTargets NDEF target array, such as {TARGET_TYPE_2}, cannot be null
* @param messages messages, one array per NDEF target, cannot be null
* @return freshly constructed NdefTag
public static NdefTag createMockNdefTag(byte[] id, String[] rawTargets, byte[] pollBytes,
byte[] activationBytes, String[] ndefTargets, NdefMessage[][] messages) {
// set serviceHandle to 0 to indicate mock tag
return new NdefTag(id, rawTargets, pollBytes, activationBytes, 0, ndefTargets, messages);
* Get all NDEF Messages.
* <p>
* This retrieves the NDEF Messages that were found on the Tag at discovery
* time. It does not cause any further RF activity, and does not block.
* <p>
* Most tags only contain a single NDEF message.
* @return NDEF Messages found at Tag discovery
public NdefMessage[] getNdefMessages() {
// common-case optimization
if (mMessages.length == 1) {
return mMessages[0];
// return cached flat array
synchronized(this) {
if (mFlatMessages != null) {
return mFlatMessages;
// not cached - build a flat array
int sz = 0;
for (NdefMessage[] ms : mMessages) {
sz += ms.length;
mFlatMessages = new NdefMessage[sz];
int i = 0;
for (NdefMessage[] ms : mMessages) {
System.arraycopy(ms, 0, mFlatMessages, i, ms.length);
i += ms.length;
return mFlatMessages;
* Get only the NDEF Messages from a single NDEF target on a tag.
* <p>
* This retrieves the NDEF Messages that were found on the Tag at discovery
* time. It does not cause any further RF activity, and does not block.
* <p>
* Most tags only contain a single NDEF message.
* @param target one of targets strings provided by getNdefTargets()
* @return NDEF Messages found at Tag discovery
public NdefMessage[] getNdefMessages(String target) {
for (int i=0; i<mNdefTargets.length; i++) {
if (target.equals(mNdefTargets[i])) {
return mMessages[i];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target (" + target + ") not found");
* Return the NDEF targets on this Tag that support NDEF messages.
* @return
public String[] getNdefTargets() {
return mNdefTargets;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
// Tag fields
dest.writeInt(mIsNdef ? 1 : 0);
writeBytesWithNull(dest, mId);
writeBytesWithNull(dest, mPollBytes);
writeBytesWithNull(dest, mActivationBytes);
// NdefTag fields
for (NdefMessage[] ms : mMessages) {
dest.writeTypedArray(ms, flags);
public static final Parcelable.Creator<NdefTag> CREATOR =
new Parcelable.Creator<NdefTag>() {
public NdefTag createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
boolean isNdef = (in.readInt() == 1);
if (!isNdef) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Creating NdefTag from Tag parcel");
// Tag fields
byte[] id = readBytesWithNull(in);
String[] rawTargets = new String[in.readInt()];
byte[] pollBytes = readBytesWithNull(in);
byte[] activationBytes = readBytesWithNull(in);
int serviceHandle = in.readInt();
// NdefTag fields
String[] ndefTargets = new String[in.readInt()];
NdefMessage[][] messages = new NdefMessage[in.readInt()][];
for (int i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {
messages[i] = new NdefMessage[in.readInt()];
in.readTypedArray(messages[i], NdefMessage.CREATOR);
return new NdefTag(id, rawTargets, pollBytes, activationBytes, serviceHandle,
ndefTargets, messages);
public NdefTag[] newArray(int size) {
return new NdefTag[size];