blob: 41b31fffb869b1b86e8e1c1da9908d279bc1fead [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.camera2;
import static android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata.Key;
* ! Do not edit this file directly !
* Generated automatically from CameraPropertiesKeys.mako
* TODO: Include a hash of the input files here that the build can check.
* The base class for camera controls and information.
* This class defines the basic key/value map used for querying for camera
* characteristics or capture results, and for setting camera request
* parameters.
* @see CameraProperties
* @see CameraMetadata
* @hide
public final class CameraPropertiesKeys {
public static final class Control {
public static final Key<byte[]> AE_AVAILABLE_ANTIBANDING_MODES =
new Key<byte[]>("android.control.aeAvailableAntibandingModes", byte[].class);
public static final Key<int[]> AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES =
new Key<int[]>("android.control.aeAvailableTargetFpsRanges", int[].class);
public static final Key<int[]> AE_COMPENSATION_RANGE =
new Key<int[]>("android.control.aeCompensationRange", int[].class);
public static final Key<Rational> AE_COMPENSATION_STEP =
new Key<Rational>("android.control.aeCompensationStep", Rational.class);
public static final Key<byte[]> AF_AVAILABLE_MODES =
new Key<byte[]>("android.control.afAvailableModes", byte[].class);
public static final Key<byte[]> AVAILABLE_EFFECTS =
new Key<byte[]>("android.control.availableEffects", byte[].class);
public static final Key<byte[]> AVAILABLE_SCENE_MODES =
new Key<byte[]>("android.control.availableSceneModes", byte[].class);
public static final Key<byte[]> AVAILABLE_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODES =
new Key<byte[]>("android.control.availableVideoStabilizationModes", byte[].class);
public static final Key<byte[]> AWB_AVAILABLE_MODES =
new Key<byte[]>("android.control.awbAvailableModes", byte[].class);
public static final Key<Integer> MAX_REGIONS =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.maxRegions", int.class);
public static final class Flash {
public static final class Info {
public static final Key<Byte> AVAILABLE =
new Key<Byte>("", byte.class);
public static final class Jpeg {
public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size[]> AVAILABLE_THUMBNAIL_SIZES =
new Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size[]>("android.jpeg.availableThumbnailSizes", android.hardware.camera2.Size[].class);
public static final class Lens {
public static final class Info {
public static final Key<float[]> AVAILABLE_APERTURES =
new Key<float[]>("", float[].class);
public static final Key<float[]> AVAILABLE_FILTER_DENSITIES =
new Key<float[]>("", float[].class);
public static final Key<float[]> AVAILABLE_FOCAL_LENGTHS =
new Key<float[]>("", float[].class);
public static final Key<byte[]> AVAILABLE_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION =
new Key<byte[]>("", byte[].class);
public static final Key<Float> HYPERFOCAL_DISTANCE =
new Key<Float>("", float.class);
public static final Key<Float> MINIMUM_FOCUS_DISTANCE =
new Key<Float>("", float.class);
public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size> SHADING_MAP_SIZE =
new Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size>("", android.hardware.camera2.Size.class);
public static final class FacingKey extends Key<Lens.FacingKey.Enum> {
public enum Enum {
public static final Enum FRONT = Enum.FRONT;
public static final Enum BACK = Enum.BACK;
// TODO: remove requirement for constructor by making Key an interface
private FacingKey(String name) {
super(name, Lens.FacingKey.Enum.class);
public static final Key<Lens.FacingKey.Enum> FACING =
new FacingKey("android.lens.facing");
public static final class Request {
public static final Key<int[]> MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_STREAMS =
new Key<int[]>("android.request.maxNumOutputStreams", int[].class);
public static final class Scaler {
public static final class AvailableFormatsKey extends Key<Scaler.AvailableFormatsKey.Enum[]> {
public enum Enum {
public static final Enum RAW_SENSOR = Enum.RAW_SENSOR;
public static final Enum YV12 = Enum.YV12;
public static final Enum YCrCb_420_SP = Enum.YCrCb_420_SP;
public static final Enum YCbCr_420_888 = Enum.YCbCr_420_888;
public static final Enum BLOB = Enum.BLOB;
// TODO: remove requirement for constructor by making Key an interface
private AvailableFormatsKey(String name) {
super(name, Scaler.AvailableFormatsKey.Enum[].class);
static {
CameraMetadata.registerEnumValues(Scaler.AvailableFormatsKey.Enum.class, new int[] {
0x20, // RAW_SENSOR
0x32315659, // YV12
0x11, // YCrCb_420_SP
0x23, // YCbCr_420_888
0x21 // BLOB
public static final Key<Scaler.AvailableFormatsKey.Enum[]> AVAILABLE_FORMATS =
new AvailableFormatsKey("android.scaler.availableFormats");
public static final Key<long[]> AVAILABLE_JPEG_MIN_DURATIONS =
new Key<long[]>("android.scaler.availableJpegMinDurations", long[].class);
public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size[]> AVAILABLE_JPEG_SIZES =
new Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size[]>("android.scaler.availableJpegSizes", android.hardware.camera2.Size[].class);
public static final Key<Float> AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM =
new Key<Float>("android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom", float.class);
public static final Key<long[]> AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_MIN_DURATIONS =
new Key<long[]>("android.scaler.availableProcessedMinDurations", long[].class);
public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size[]> AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES =
new Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size[]>("android.scaler.availableProcessedSizes", android.hardware.camera2.Size[].class);
public static final class Sensor {
public static final class Info {
public static final Key<> ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE =
new Key<>("",;
public static final Key<int[]> SENSITIVITY_RANGE =
new Key<int[]>("", int[].class);
public static final Key<long[]> EXPOSURE_TIME_RANGE =
new Key<long[]>("", long[].class);
public static final Key<Long> MAX_FRAME_DURATION =
new Key<Long>("", long.class);
public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size> PHYSICAL_SIZE =
new Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size>("", android.hardware.camera2.Size.class);
public static final Key<Rational> BASE_GAIN_FACTOR =
new Key<Rational>("android.sensor.baseGainFactor", Rational.class);
public static final Key<Integer> MAX_ANALOG_SENSITIVITY =
new Key<Integer>("android.sensor.maxAnalogSensitivity", int.class);
public static final Key<Integer> ORIENTATION =
new Key<Integer>("android.sensor.orientation", int.class);
public static final class Statistics {
public static final class Info {
public static final Key<byte[]> AVAILABLE_FACE_DETECT_MODES =
new Key<byte[]>("", byte[].class);
public static final Key<Integer> MAX_FACE_COUNT =
new Key<Integer>("", int.class);
public static final class Tonemap {
public static final Key<Integer> MAX_CURVE_POINTS =
new Key<Integer>("android.tonemap.maxCurvePoints", int.class);
* @hide
public static final class Led {
* @hide
public static final class AvailableLedsKey extends Key<Led.AvailableLedsKey.Enum[]> {
public enum Enum {
public static final Enum TRANSMIT = Enum.TRANSMIT;
// TODO: remove requirement for constructor by making Key an interface
private AvailableLedsKey(String name) {
super(name, Led.AvailableLedsKey.Enum[].class);
* @hide
public static final Key<Led.AvailableLedsKey.Enum[]> AVAILABLE_LEDS =
new AvailableLedsKey("android.led.availableLeds");
public static final class Info {
public static final class SupportedHardwareLevelKey extends Key<Info.SupportedHardwareLevelKey.Enum> {
public enum Enum {
public static final Enum LIMITED = Enum.LIMITED;
public static final Enum FULL = Enum.FULL;
// TODO: remove requirement for constructor by making Key an interface
private SupportedHardwareLevelKey(String name) {
super(name, Info.SupportedHardwareLevelKey.Enum.class);
public static final Key<Info.SupportedHardwareLevelKey.Enum> SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL =
new SupportedHardwareLevelKey("");