blob: e8335d11407ade041832ded095844bc3635eeb29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.util.Log;
import dalvik.system.CloseGuard;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
* A class representing a single publish or subscribe Aware session. This object
* will not be created directly - only its child classes are available:
* {@link WifiAwarePublishDiscoverySession} and {@link WifiAwareSubscribeDiscoverySession}. This
* class provides functionality common to both publish and subscribe discovery sessions:
* <ul>
* <li>Sending messages: {@link #sendMessage(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle, int, byte[])} or
* {@link #sendMessage(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle, int, byte[], int)} methods.
* <li>Creating a network-specifier when requesting a Aware connection:
* {@link #createNetworkSpecifier(int, WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle, byte[])}.
* </ul>
* The {@link #destroy()} method must be called to destroy discovery sessions once they are
* no longer needed.
public class WifiAwareDiscoveryBaseSession {
private static final String TAG = "WifiAwareDiscBaseSsn";
private static final boolean DBG = false;
private static final boolean VDBG = false; // STOPSHIP if true
private static final int MAX_SEND_RETRY_COUNT = 5;
/** @hide */
protected WeakReference<WifiAwareManager> mMgr;
/** @hide */
protected final int mClientId;
/** @hide */
protected final int mSessionId;
/** @hide */
protected boolean mTerminated = false;
private final CloseGuard mCloseGuard = CloseGuard.get();
* Return the maximum permitted retry count when sending messages using
* {@link #sendMessage(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle, int, byte[], int)}.
* @return Maximum retry count when sending messages.
public static int getMaxSendRetryCount() {
/** @hide */
public WifiAwareDiscoveryBaseSession(WifiAwareManager manager, int clientId, int sessionId) {
if (VDBG) {
Log.v(TAG, "New discovery session created: manager=" + manager + ", clientId="
+ clientId + ", sessionId=" + sessionId);
mMgr = new WeakReference<>(manager);
mClientId = clientId;
mSessionId = sessionId;"destroy");
* Destroy the publish or subscribe session - free any resources, and stop
* transmitting packets on-air (for an active session) or listening for
* matches (for a passive session). The session may not be used for any
* additional operations after its destruction.
* <p>
* This operation must be done on a session which is no longer needed. Otherwise system
* resources will continue to be utilized until the application exits. The only
* exception is a session for which we received a termination callback,
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onSessionTerminated(int)}.
public void destroy() {
WifiAwareManager mgr = mMgr.get();
if (mgr == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "destroy: called post GC on WifiAwareManager");
mgr.terminateSession(mClientId, mSessionId);
mTerminated = true;
* Sets the status of the session to terminated - i.e. an indication that
* already terminated rather than executing a termination.
* @hide
public void setTerminated() {
if (mTerminated) {
Log.w(TAG, "terminate: already terminated.");
mTerminated = true;
/** @hide */
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
if (!mTerminated) {
} finally {
* Sends a message to the specified destination. Aware messages are transmitted in the context
* of a discovery session - executed subsequent to a publish/subscribe
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onServiceDiscovered(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[], byte[])} event.
* <p>
* Aware messages are not guaranteed delivery. Callbacks on
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback} indicate message was transmitted successfully,
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageSendSucceeded(int)}, or transmission
* failed (possibly after several retries) -
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageSendFailed(int)}.
* <p>
* The peer will get a callback indicating a message was received using
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageReceived(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[])}.
* @param peerHandle The peer's handle for the message. Must be a result of an
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onServiceDiscovered(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[], byte[])} or
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageReceived(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[])} events.
* @param messageId An arbitrary integer used by the caller to identify the message. The same
* integer ID will be returned in the callbacks indicating message send success or
* failure. The {@code messageId} is not used internally by the Aware service - it
* can be arbitrary and non-unique.
* @param message The message to be transmitted.
* @param retryCount An integer specifying how many additional service-level (as opposed to PHY
* or MAC level) retries should be attempted if there is no ACK from the receiver
* (note: no retransmissions are attempted in other failure cases). A value of 0
* indicates no retries. Max permitted value is {@link #getMaxSendRetryCount()}.
public void sendMessage(@NonNull WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle peerHandle, int messageId,
@Nullable byte[] message, int retryCount) {
if (mTerminated) {
Log.w(TAG, "sendMessage: called on terminated session");
} else {
WifiAwareManager mgr = mMgr.get();
if (mgr == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "sendMessage: called post GC on WifiAwareManager");
mgr.sendMessage(mClientId, mSessionId, peerHandle, message, messageId, retryCount);
* Sends a message to the specified destination. Aware messages are transmitted in the context
* of a discovery session - executed subsequent to a publish/subscribe
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onServiceDiscovered(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[], byte[])} event.
* <p>
* Aware messages are not guaranteed delivery. Callbacks on
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback} indicate message was transmitted successfully,
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageSendSucceeded(int)}, or transmission
* failed (possibly after several retries) -
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageSendFailed(int)}.
* <p>
* The peer will get a callback indicating a message was received using
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageReceived(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[])}.
* Equivalent to {@link #sendMessage(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle, int, byte[], int)}
* with a {@code retryCount} of 0.
* @param peerHandle The peer's handle for the message. Must be a result of an
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onServiceDiscovered(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[], byte[])} or
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageReceived(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[])} events.
* @param messageId An arbitrary integer used by the caller to identify the message. The same
* integer ID will be returned in the callbacks indicating message send success or
* failure. The {@code messageId} is not used internally by the Aware service - it
* can be arbitrary and non-unique.
* @param message The message to be transmitted.
public void sendMessage(@NonNull WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle peerHandle, int messageId,
@Nullable byte[] message) {
sendMessage(peerHandle, messageId, message, 0);
* Start a ranging operation with the specified peers. The peer IDs are obtained from an
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onServiceDiscovered(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[], byte[])} or
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageReceived(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[])} operation - can
* only range devices which are part of an ongoing discovery session.
* @param params RTT parameters - each corresponding to a specific peer ID (the array sizes
* must be identical). The
* {@link} member must be set to
* a peer ID - not to a MAC address.
* @param listener The listener to receive the results of the ranging session.
* [TODO: b/28847998 - track RTT API & visilibity]
public void startRanging(RttManager.RttParams[] params, RttManager.RttListener listener) {
if (mTerminated) {
Log.w(TAG, "startRanging: called on terminated session");
} else {
WifiAwareManager mgr = mMgr.get();
if (mgr == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "startRanging: called post GC on WifiAwareManager");
mgr.startRanging(mClientId, mSessionId, params, listener);
* Create a {@link} for a
* WiFi Aware connection to the specified peer. The
* {@link} should be set to
* {@link}.
* <p>
* This method should be used when setting up a connection with a peer discovered through Aware
* discovery or communication (in such scenarios the MAC address of the peer is shielded by
* an opaque peer ID handle). If a Aware connection is needed to a peer discovered using other
* OOB (out-of-band) mechanism then use the alternative
* {@link WifiAwareSession#createNetworkSpecifier(int, byte[], byte[])} method - which uses the
* peer's MAC address.
* @param role The role of this device:
* @param peerHandle The peer's handle obtained through
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onServiceDiscovered(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[], byte[])} or
* {@link WifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageReceived(WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle,
* byte[])}. On a RESPONDER this value is used to gate the acceptance of a connection request
* from only that peer. A RESPONDER may specified a null - indicating that
* it will accept connection requests from any device.
* @param token An arbitrary token (message) to be used to match connection initiation request
* to a responder setup. A RESPONDER is set up with a {@code token} which must
* be matched by the token provided by the INITIATOR. A null token is permitted
* on the RESPONDER and matches any peer token. An empty ({@code ""}) token is
* not the same as a null token and requires the peer token to be empty as well.
* @return A string to be used to construct
* {@link} to pass to
* {@link,
* [or other varieties of that API].
public String createNetworkSpecifier(@WifiAwareManager.DataPathRole int role,
@Nullable WifiAwareManager.PeerHandle peerHandle, @Nullable byte[] token) {
if (mTerminated) {
Log.w(TAG, "createNetworkSpecifier: called on terminated session");
return null;
} else {
WifiAwareManager mgr = mMgr.get();
if (mgr == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "createNetworkSpecifier: called post GC on WifiAwareManager");
return null;
return mgr.createNetworkSpecifier(mClientId, role, mSessionId, peerHandle, token);