blob: 6c46e67be63d5e1bafb130bc650f36ee95063857 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Generate API lists for non-SDK API enforcement.
usage: [-h]
--input-public INPUT_PUBLIC
--input-private INPUT_PRIVATE
[--input-whitelists [INPUT_WHITELISTS [INPUT_WHITELISTS ...]]]
[--input-greylists [INPUT_GREYLISTS [INPUT_GREYLISTS ...]]]
[--input-blacklists [INPUT_BLACKLISTS [INPUT_BLACKLISTS ...]]]
--output-whitelist OUTPUT_WHITELIST
--output-light-greylist OUTPUT_LIGHT_GREYLIST
--output-dark-greylist OUTPUT_DARK_GREYLIST
--output-blacklist OUTPUT_BLACKLIST
import argparse
import os
import sys
import re
def get_args():
"""Parses command line arguments.
Namespace: dictionary of parsed arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--input-public', required=True, help='List of all public members')
parser.add_argument('--input-private', required=True, help='List of all private members')
'--input-whitelists', nargs='*',
help='Lists of members to force on whitelist')
'--input-greylists', nargs='*',
help='Lists of members to force on light greylist')
'--input-blacklists', nargs='*',
help='Lists of members to force on blacklist')
parser.add_argument('--output-whitelist', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output-light-greylist', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output-dark-greylist', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output-blacklist', required=True)
return parser.parse_args()
def read_lines(filename):
"""Reads entire file and return it as a list of lines.
Lines which begin with a hash are ignored.
filename (string): Path to the file to read from.
list: Lines of the loaded file as a list of strings.
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
return filter(lambda line: not line.startswith('#'), f.readlines())
def write_lines(filename, lines):
"""Writes list of lines into a file, overwriting the file it it exists.
filename (string): Path to the file to be writting into.
lines (list): List of strings to write into the file.
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def move_between_sets(subset, src, dst, source = "<unknown>"):
"""Removes a subset of elements from one set and add it to another.
subset (set): The subset of `src` to be moved from `src` to `dst`.
src (set): Source set. Must be a superset of `subset`.
dst (set): Destination set. Must be disjoint with `subset`.
assert src.issuperset(subset), (
"Error processing: {}\n"
"The following entries were not found:\n"
"Please visit go/hiddenapi for more information.").format(
source, "".join(map(lambda x: " " + str(x), subset.difference(src))))
assert dst.isdisjoint(subset)
# Order matters if `src` and `subset` are the same object.
def get_package_name(signature):
"""Returns the package name prefix of a class member signature.
Example: "Ljava/lang/String;->hashCode()J" --> "Ljava/lang/"
signature (string): Member signature
string: Package name of the given member
class_name_end = signature.find("->")
assert class_name_end != -1, "Invalid signature: {}".format(signature)
package_name_end = signature.rfind("/", 0, class_name_end)
assert package_name_end != -1, "Invalid signature: {}".format(signature)
return signature[:package_name_end + 1]
def all_package_names(*args):
"""Returns a set of packages names in given lists of member signatures.
Example: args = [ set([ "Lpkg1/ClassA;->foo()V", "Lpkg2/ClassB;->bar()J" ]),
set([ "Lpkg1/ClassC;->baz()Z" ]) ]
return value = set([ "Lpkg1/", "Lpkg2" ])
*args (list): List of sets to iterate over and extract the package names
of its elements (member signatures)
set: All package names extracted from the given lists of signatures.
packages = set()
for arg in args:
packages = packages.union(map(get_package_name, arg))
return packages
def move_all(src, dst):
"""Moves all elements of one set to another.
src (set): Source set. Will become empty.
dst (set): Destination set. Will contain all elements of `src`.
move_between_sets(src, src, dst)
def move_from_files(filenames, src, dst):
"""Loads member signatures from a list of files and moves them to a given set.
Opens files in `filenames`, reads all their lines and moves those from `src`
set to `dst` set.
filenames (list): List of paths to files to be loaded.
src (set): Set that loaded lines should be moved from.
dst (set): Set that loaded lines should be moved to.
if filenames:
for filename in filenames:
move_between_sets(set(read_lines(filename)), src, dst, filename)
def move_serialization(src, dst):
"""Moves all members matching serialization API signatures between given sets.
src (set): Set that will be searched for serialization API and that API
will be removed from it.
dst (set): Set that serialization API will be moved to.
serialization_patterns = [
regex = re.compile(r'.*->(' + '|'.join(serialization_patterns) + r')$')
move_between_sets(filter(lambda api: regex.match(api), src), src, dst)
def move_from_packages(packages, src, dst):
"""Moves all members of given package names from one set to another.
packages (list): List of string package names.
src (set): Set that will be searched for API matching one of the given
package names. Surch API will be removed from the set.
dst (set): Set that matching API will be moved to.
move_between_sets(filter(lambda api: get_package_name(api) in packages, src), src, dst)
def main(argv):
args = get_args()
# Initialize API sets by loading lists of public and private API. Public API
# are all members resolvable from SDK API stubs, other members are private.
# As an optimization, skip the step of moving public API from a full set of
# members and start with a populated whitelist.
whitelist = set(read_lines(args.input_public))
uncategorized = set(read_lines(args.input_private))
light_greylist = set()
dark_greylist = set()
blacklist = set()
# Assert that there is no overlap between public and private API.
assert whitelist.isdisjoint(uncategorized)
num_all_api = len(whitelist) + len(uncategorized)
# Read all files which manually assign members to specific lists.
move_from_files(args.input_whitelists, uncategorized, whitelist)
move_from_files(args.input_greylists, uncategorized, light_greylist)
move_from_files(args.input_blacklists, uncategorized, blacklist)
# Iterate over all uncategorized members and move serialization API to light greylist.
move_serialization(uncategorized, light_greylist)
# Extract package names of members from whitelist and light greylist, which
# are assumed to have been finalized at this point. Assign all uncategorized
# members from the same packages to the dark greylist.
dark_greylist_packages = all_package_names(whitelist, light_greylist)
move_from_packages(dark_greylist_packages, uncategorized, dark_greylist)
# Assign all uncategorized members to the blacklist.
move_all(uncategorized, blacklist)
# Assert we have not missed anything.
assert whitelist.isdisjoint(light_greylist)
assert whitelist.isdisjoint(dark_greylist)
assert whitelist.isdisjoint(blacklist)
assert light_greylist.isdisjoint(dark_greylist)
assert light_greylist.isdisjoint(blacklist)
assert dark_greylist.isdisjoint(blacklist)
assert num_all_api == len(whitelist) + len(light_greylist) + len(dark_greylist) + len(blacklist)
# Write final lists to disk.
write_lines(args.output_whitelist, whitelist)
write_lines(args.output_light_greylist, light_greylist)
write_lines(args.output_dark_greylist, dark_greylist)
write_lines(args.output_blacklist, blacklist)
if __name__ == "__main__":