blob: 644adb6c6df482f6185820dfccc7be9746b44524 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.hardware.soundtrigger.IRecognitionStatusCallback;
import android.hardware.soundtrigger.SoundTrigger;
import android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionService;
import android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession;
interface IVoiceInteractionManagerService {
void showSession(IVoiceInteractionService service, in Bundle sessionArgs, int flags);
boolean deliverNewSession(IBinder token, IVoiceInteractionSession session,
IVoiceInteractor interactor);
boolean showSessionFromSession(IBinder token, in Bundle sessionArgs, int flags);
boolean hideSessionFromSession(IBinder token);
int startVoiceActivity(IBinder token, in Intent intent, String resolvedType);
void setKeepAwake(IBinder token, boolean keepAwake);
void finish(IBinder token);
* Gets the registered Sound model for keyphrase detection for the current user.
* May be null if no matching sound model exists.
* @param keyphraseId The unique identifier for the keyphrase.
* @param bcp47Locale The BCP47 language tag for the keyphrase's locale.
SoundTrigger.KeyphraseSoundModel getKeyphraseSoundModel(int keyphraseId, in String bcp47Locale);
* Add/Update the given keyphrase sound model.
int updateKeyphraseSoundModel(in SoundTrigger.KeyphraseSoundModel model);
* Deletes the given keyphrase sound model for the current user.
* @param keyphraseId The unique identifier for the keyphrase.
* @param bcp47Locale The BCP47 language tag for the keyphrase's locale.
int deleteKeyphraseSoundModel(int keyphraseId, in String bcp47Locale);
* Gets the properties of the DSP hardware on this device, null if not present.
SoundTrigger.ModuleProperties getDspModuleProperties(in IVoiceInteractionService service);
* Indicates if there's a keyphrase sound model available for the given keyphrase ID.
* This performs the check for the current user.
* @param service The current VoiceInteractionService.
* @param keyphraseId The unique identifier for the keyphrase.
* @param bcp47Locale The BCP47 language tag for the keyphrase's locale.
boolean isEnrolledForKeyphrase(IVoiceInteractionService service, int keyphraseId,
String bcp47Locale);
* Starts a recognition for the given keyphrase.
int startRecognition(in IVoiceInteractionService service, int keyphraseId,
in String bcp47Locale, in IRecognitionStatusCallback callback,
in SoundTrigger.RecognitionConfig recognitionConfig);
* Stops a recognition for the given keyphrase.
int stopRecognition(in IVoiceInteractionService service, int keyphraseId,
in IRecognitionStatusCallback callback);
* @return the component name for the currently active voice interaction service
ComponentName getActiveServiceComponentName();
* Shows the session for the currently active service. Used to start a new session from system
* affordances.
* @param showCallback callback to be notified when the session was shown
void showSessionForActiveService(IVoiceInteractionSessionShowCallback showCallback);
* Notifies the active service that a launch was requested from the Keyguard. This will only
* be called if {@link #activeServiceSupportsLaunchFromKeyguard()} returns true.
void launchVoiceAssistFromKeyguard();
* Indicates whether there is a voice session running (but not necessarily showing).
boolean isSessionRunning();
* Indicates whether the currently active voice interaction service is capable of handling the
* assist gesture.
boolean activeServiceSupportsAssist();
* Indicates whether the currently active voice interaction service is capable of being launched
* from the lockscreen.
boolean activeServiceSupportsLaunchFromKeyguard();