blob: f7e0f8f55fd4501fef203b2fbb94287f78d7d7d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/errors.h"
#include "android-base/file.h"
#include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "AppInfo.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Flags.h"
#include "Locale.h"
#include "NameMangler.h"
#include "ResourceUtils.h"
#include "compile/IdAssigner.h"
#include "filter/ConfigFilter.h"
#include "flatten/Archive.h"
#include "flatten/TableFlattener.h"
#include "flatten/XmlFlattener.h"
#include "io/FileSystem.h"
#include "io/ZipArchive.h"
#include "java/JavaClassGenerator.h"
#include "java/ManifestClassGenerator.h"
#include "java/ProguardRules.h"
#include "link/Linkers.h"
#include "link/ManifestFixer.h"
#include "link/ReferenceLinker.h"
#include "link/TableMerger.h"
#include "process/IResourceTableConsumer.h"
#include "process/SymbolTable.h"
#include "proto/ProtoSerialize.h"
#include "split/TableSplitter.h"
#include "unflatten/BinaryResourceParser.h"
#include "util/Files.h"
#include "xml/XmlDom.h"
using android::StringPiece;
using ::google::protobuf::io::CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor;
namespace aapt {
struct LinkOptions {
std::string output_path;
std::string manifest_path;
std::vector<std::string> include_paths;
std::vector<std::string> overlay_files;
bool output_to_directory = false;
bool auto_add_overlay = false;
// Java/Proguard options.
Maybe<std::string> generate_java_class_path;
Maybe<std::string> custom_java_package;
std::set<std::string> extra_java_packages;
Maybe<std::string> generate_proguard_rules_path;
Maybe<std::string> generate_main_dex_proguard_rules_path;
bool generate_non_final_ids = false;
std::vector<std::string> javadoc_annotations;
Maybe<std::string> private_symbols;
// Optimizations/features.
bool no_auto_version = false;
bool no_version_vectors = false;
bool no_version_transitions = false;
bool no_resource_deduping = false;
bool no_xml_namespaces = false;
bool do_not_compress_anything = false;
std::unordered_set<std::string> extensions_to_not_compress;
// Static lib options.
bool static_lib = false;
bool no_static_lib_packages = false;
// AndroidManifest.xml massaging options.
ManifestFixerOptions manifest_fixer_options;
// Products to use/filter on.
std::unordered_set<std::string> products;
// Split APK options.
TableSplitterOptions table_splitter_options;
std::vector<SplitConstraints> split_constraints;
std::vector<std::string> split_paths;
// Stable ID options.
std::unordered_map<ResourceName, ResourceId> stable_id_map;
Maybe<std::string> resource_id_map_path;
class LinkContext : public IAaptContext {
LinkContext() : name_mangler_({}) {}
IDiagnostics* GetDiagnostics() override { return &diagnostics_; }
NameMangler* GetNameMangler() override { return &name_mangler_; }
void SetNameManglerPolicy(const NameManglerPolicy& policy) {
name_mangler_ = NameMangler(policy);
const std::string& GetCompilationPackage() override {
return compilation_package_;
void SetCompilationPackage(const StringPiece& package_name) {
compilation_package_ = package_name.to_string();
uint8_t GetPackageId() override { return package_id_; }
void SetPackageId(uint8_t id) { package_id_ = id; }
SymbolTable* GetExternalSymbols() override { return &symbols_; }
bool IsVerbose() override { return verbose_; }
void SetVerbose(bool val) { verbose_ = val; }
int GetMinSdkVersion() override { return min_sdk_version_; }
void SetMinSdkVersion(int minSdk) { min_sdk_version_ = minSdk; }
StdErrDiagnostics diagnostics_;
NameMangler name_mangler_;
std::string compilation_package_;
uint8_t package_id_ = 0x0;
SymbolTable symbols_;
bool verbose_ = false;
int min_sdk_version_ = 0;
static bool CopyFileToArchive(io::IFile* file, const std::string& out_path,
uint32_t compression_flags,
IArchiveWriter* writer, IAaptContext* context) {
std::unique_ptr<io::IData> data = file->OpenAsData();
if (!data) {
<< "failed to open file");
return false;
const uint8_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data->data());
const size_t buffer_size = data->size();
if (context->IsVerbose()) {
context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "writing " << out_path
<< " to archive");
if (writer->StartEntry(out_path, compression_flags)) {
if (writer->WriteEntry(buffer, buffer_size)) {
if (writer->FinishEntry()) {
return true;
context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to write file "
<< out_path);
return false;
static bool FlattenXml(xml::XmlResource* xml_res, const StringPiece& path,
Maybe<size_t> max_sdk_level, bool keep_raw_values,
IArchiveWriter* writer, IAaptContext* context) {
BigBuffer buffer(1024);
XmlFlattenerOptions options = {};
options.keep_raw_values = keep_raw_values;
options.max_sdk_level = max_sdk_level;
XmlFlattener flattener(&buffer, options);
if (!flattener.Consume(context, xml_res)) {
return false;
if (context->IsVerbose()) {
DiagMessage msg;
msg << "writing " << path << " to archive";
if (max_sdk_level) {
msg << " maxSdkLevel=" << max_sdk_level.value()
<< " keepRawValues=" << keep_raw_values;
if (writer->StartEntry(path, ArchiveEntry::kCompress)) {
if (writer->WriteEntry(buffer)) {
if (writer->FinishEntry()) {
return true;
context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to write " << path
<< " to archive");
return false;
static std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> LoadTableFromPb(const Source& source,
const void* data,
size_t len,
IDiagnostics* diag) {
pb::ResourceTable pb_table;
if (!pb_table.ParseFromArray(data, len)) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "invalid compiled table");
return {};
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> table =
DeserializeTableFromPb(pb_table, source, diag);
if (!table) {
return {};
return table;
* Inflates an XML file from the source path.
static std::unique_ptr<xml::XmlResource> LoadXml(const std::string& path,
IDiagnostics* diag) {
std::ifstream fin(path, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!fin) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(path) << strerror(errno));
return {};
return xml::Inflate(&fin, diag, Source(path));
struct ResourceFileFlattenerOptions {
bool no_auto_version = false;
bool no_version_vectors = false;
bool no_version_transitions = false;
bool no_xml_namespaces = false;
bool keep_raw_values = false;
bool do_not_compress_anything = false;
bool update_proguard_spec = false;
std::unordered_set<std::string> extensions_to_not_compress;
class ResourceFileFlattener {
ResourceFileFlattener(const ResourceFileFlattenerOptions& options,
IAaptContext* context, proguard::KeepSet* keep_set)
: options_(options), context_(context), keep_set_(keep_set) {}
bool Flatten(ResourceTable* table, IArchiveWriter* archive_writer);
struct FileOperation {
ConfigDescription config;
// The entry this file came from.
const ResourceEntry* entry;
// The file to copy as-is.
io::IFile* file_to_copy;
// The XML to process and flatten.
std::unique_ptr<xml::XmlResource> xml_to_flatten;
// The destination to write this file to.
std::string dst_path;
bool skip_version = false;
uint32_t GetCompressionFlags(const StringPiece& str);
bool LinkAndVersionXmlFile(ResourceTable* table, FileOperation* file_op,
std::queue<FileOperation>* out_file_op_queue);
ResourceFileFlattenerOptions options_;
IAaptContext* context_;
proguard::KeepSet* keep_set_;
uint32_t ResourceFileFlattener::GetCompressionFlags(const StringPiece& str) {
if (options_.do_not_compress_anything) {
return 0;
for (const std::string& extension : options_.extensions_to_not_compress) {
if (util::EndsWith(str, extension)) {
return 0;
return ArchiveEntry::kCompress;
static bool IsTransitionElement(const std::string& name) {
name == "fade" ||
name == "changeBounds" ||
name == "slide" ||
name == "explode" ||
name == "changeImageTransform" ||
name == "changeTransform" ||
name == "changeClipBounds" ||
name == "autoTransition" ||
name == "recolor" ||
name == "changeScroll" ||
name == "transitionSet" ||
name == "transition" ||
name == "transitionManager";
bool ResourceFileFlattener::LinkAndVersionXmlFile(
ResourceTable* table, FileOperation* file_op,
std::queue<FileOperation>* out_file_op_queue) {
xml::XmlResource* doc = file_op->xml_to_flatten.get();
const Source& src = doc->file.source;
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "linking " << src.path);
XmlReferenceLinker xml_linker;
if (!xml_linker.Consume(context_, doc)) {
return false;
if (options_.update_proguard_spec &&
!proguard::CollectProguardRules(src, doc, keep_set_)) {
return false;
if (options_.no_xml_namespaces) {
XmlNamespaceRemover namespace_remover;
if (!namespace_remover.Consume(context_, doc)) {
return false;
if (!options_.no_auto_version) {
if (options_.no_version_vectors) {
// Skip this if it is a vector or animated-vector.
xml::Element* el = xml::FindRootElement(doc);
if (el && el->namespace_uri.empty()) {
if (el->name == "vector" || el->name == "animated-vector") {
// We are NOT going to version this file.
file_op->skip_version = true;
return true;
if (options_.no_version_transitions) {
// Skip this if it is a transition resource.
xml::Element* el = xml::FindRootElement(doc);
if (el && el->namespace_uri.empty()) {
if (IsTransitionElement(el->name)) {
// We are NOT going to version this file.
file_op->skip_version = true;
return true;
const ConfigDescription& config = file_op->config;
// Find the first SDK level used that is higher than this defined config and
// not superseded by a lower or equal SDK level resource.
const int min_sdk_version = context_->GetMinSdkVersion();
for (int sdk_level : xml_linker.sdk_levels()) {
if (sdk_level > min_sdk_version && sdk_level > config.sdkVersion) {
if (!ShouldGenerateVersionedResource(file_op->entry, config,
sdk_level)) {
// If we shouldn't generate a versioned resource, stop checking.
ResourceFile versioned_file_desc = doc->file;
versioned_file_desc.config.sdkVersion = (uint16_t)sdk_level;
FileOperation new_file_op;
new_file_op.xml_to_flatten = util::make_unique<xml::XmlResource>(
versioned_file_desc, doc->root->Clone());
new_file_op.config = versioned_file_desc.config;
new_file_op.entry = file_op->entry;
new_file_op.dst_path = ResourceUtils::BuildResourceFileName(
versioned_file_desc, context_->GetNameMangler());
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
<< "auto-versioning resource from config '" << config << "' -> '"
<< versioned_file_desc.config << "'");
bool added = table->AddFileReferenceAllowMangled(, versioned_file_desc.config,
versioned_file_desc.source, new_file_op.dst_path, nullptr,
if (!added) {
return false;
return true;
* Do not insert or remove any resources while executing in this function. It
* will
* corrupt the iteration order.
bool ResourceFileFlattener::Flatten(ResourceTable* table,
IArchiveWriter* archive_writer) {
bool error = false;
std::map<std::pair<ConfigDescription, StringPiece>, FileOperation>
for (auto& pkg : table->packages) {
for (auto& type : pkg->types) {
// Sort by config and name, so that we get better locality in the zip
// file.
std::queue<FileOperation> file_operations;
// Populate the queue with all files in the ResourceTable.
for (auto& entry : type->entries) {
for (auto& config_value : entry->values) {
FileReference* file_ref =
if (!file_ref) {
io::IFile* file = file_ref->file;
if (!file) {
<< "file not found");
return false;
FileOperation file_op;
file_op.entry = entry.get();
file_op.dst_path = *file_ref->path;
file_op.config = config_value->config;
const StringPiece src_path = file->GetSource().path;
if (type->type != ResourceType::kRaw &&
(util::EndsWith(src_path, ".xml.flat") ||
util::EndsWith(src_path, ".xml"))) {
std::unique_ptr<io::IData> data = file->OpenAsData();
if (!data) {
<< "failed to open file");
return false;
file_op.xml_to_flatten =
xml::Inflate(data->data(), data->size(),
context_->GetDiagnostics(), file->GetSource());
if (!file_op.xml_to_flatten) {
return false;
file_op.xml_to_flatten->file.config = config_value->config;
file_op.xml_to_flatten->file.source = file_ref->GetSource();
file_op.xml_to_flatten-> =
ResourceName(pkg->name, type->type, entry->name);
// Enqueue the XML files to be processed.
} else {
file_op.file_to_copy = file;
// NOTE(adamlesinski): Explicitly construct a StringPiece here, or
// else we end up copying the string in the std::make_pair() method,
// then creating a StringPiece from the copy, which would cause us
// to end up referencing garbage in the map.
const StringPiece entry_name(entry->name);
config_value->config, entry_name)] = std::move(file_op);
// Now process the XML queue
for (; !file_operations.empty(); file_operations.pop()) {
FileOperation& file_op = file_operations.front();
if (!LinkAndVersionXmlFile(table, &file_op, &file_operations)) {
error = true;
// NOTE(adamlesinski): Explicitly construct a StringPiece here, or else
// we end up copying the string in the std::make_pair() method, then
// creating a StringPiece from the copy, which would cause us to end up
// referencing garbage in the map.
const StringPiece entry_name(file_op.entry->name);
config_sorted_files[std::make_pair(file_op.config, entry_name)] =
if (error) {
return false;
// Now flatten the sorted values.
for (auto& map_entry : config_sorted_files) {
const ConfigDescription& config = map_entry.first.first;
const FileOperation& file_op = map_entry.second;
if (file_op.xml_to_flatten) {
Maybe<size_t> max_sdk_level;
if (!options_.no_auto_version && !file_op.skip_version) {
max_sdk_level =
std::max<size_t>(std::max<size_t>(config.sdkVersion, 1u),
bool result = FlattenXml(
file_op.xml_to_flatten.get(), file_op.dst_path, max_sdk_level,
options_.keep_raw_values, archive_writer, context_);
if (!result) {
error = true;
} else {
bool result = CopyFileToArchive(
file_op.file_to_copy, file_op.dst_path,
GetCompressionFlags(file_op.dst_path), archive_writer, context_);
if (!result) {
error = true;
return !error;
static bool WriteStableIdMapToPath(
IDiagnostics* diag,
const std::unordered_map<ResourceName, ResourceId>& id_map,
const std::string& id_map_path) {
std::ofstream fout(id_map_path, std::ofstream::binary);
if (!fout) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(id_map_path) << strerror(errno));
return false;
for (const auto& entry : id_map) {
const ResourceName& name = entry.first;
const ResourceId& id = entry.second;
fout << name << " = " << id << "\n";
if (!fout) {
<< "failed writing to file: "
<< android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno));
return false;
return true;
static bool LoadStableIdMap(
IDiagnostics* diag, const std::string& path,
std::unordered_map<ResourceName, ResourceId>* out_id_map) {
std::string content;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(path, &content)) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(path) << "failed reading stable ID file");
return false;
size_t line_no = 0;
for (StringPiece line : util::Tokenize(content, '\n')) {
line = util::TrimWhitespace(line);
if (line.empty()) {
auto iter = std::find(line.begin(), line.end(), '=');
if (iter == line.end()) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(Source(path, line_no)) << "missing '='");
return false;
ResourceNameRef name;
StringPiece res_name_str =
util::TrimWhitespace(line.substr(0, std::distance(line.begin(), iter)));
if (!ResourceUtils::ParseResourceName(res_name_str, &name)) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(Source(path, line_no))
<< "invalid resource name '" << res_name_str << "'");
return false;
const size_t res_id_start_idx = std::distance(line.begin(), iter) + 1;
const size_t res_id_str_len = line.size() - res_id_start_idx;
StringPiece res_id_str =
util::TrimWhitespace(line.substr(res_id_start_idx, res_id_str_len));
Maybe<ResourceId> maybe_id = ResourceUtils::ParseResourceId(res_id_str);
if (!maybe_id) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(Source(path, line_no)) << "invalid resource ID '"
<< res_id_str << "'");
return false;
(*out_id_map)[name.ToResourceName()] = maybe_id.value();
return true;
static bool ParseSplitParameter(const StringPiece& arg, IDiagnostics* diag,
std::string* out_path,
SplitConstraints* out_split) {
std::vector<std::string> parts = util::Split(arg, ':');
if (parts.size() != 2) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid split parameter '" << arg << "'");
<< "should be --split path/to/output.apk:<config>[,<config>...]");
return false;
*out_path = parts[0];
std::vector<ConfigDescription> configs;
for (const StringPiece& config_str : util::Tokenize(parts[1], ',')) {
if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(config_str, &configs.back())) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid config '" << config_str
<< "' in split parameter '" << arg << "'");
return false;
out_split->configs.insert(configs.begin(), configs.end());
return true;
class LinkCommand {
LinkCommand(LinkContext* context, const LinkOptions& options)
: options_(options),
file_collection_(util::make_unique<io::FileCollection>()) {}
* Creates a SymbolTable that loads symbols from the various APKs and caches
* the results for faster lookup.
bool LoadSymbolsFromIncludePaths() {
std::unique_ptr<AssetManagerSymbolSource> asset_source =
for (const std::string& path : options_.include_paths) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
<< "loading include path");
// First try to load the file as a static lib.
std::string error_str;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> static_include =
LoadStaticLibrary(path, &error_str);
if (static_include) {
if (!options_.static_lib) {
// Can't include static libraries when not building a static library.
<< "can't include static library when building app");
return false;
// If we are using --no-static-lib-packages, we need to rename the
// package of this
// table to our compilation package.
if (options_.no_static_lib_packages) {
if (ResourceTablePackage* pkg =
static_include->FindPackageById(0x7f)) {
pkg->name = context_->GetCompilationPackage();
} else if (!error_str.empty()) {
// We had an error with reading, so fail.
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << error_str);
return false;
if (!asset_source->AddAssetPath(path)) {
<< "failed to load include path");
return false;
return true;
Maybe<AppInfo> ExtractAppInfoFromManifest(xml::XmlResource* xml_res,
IDiagnostics* diag) {
// Make sure the first element is <manifest> with package attribute.
if (xml::Element* manifest_el = xml::FindRootElement(xml_res->root.get())) {
AppInfo app_info;
if (!manifest_el->namespace_uri.empty() ||
manifest_el->name != "manifest") {
<< "root tag must be <manifest>");
return {};
xml::Attribute* package_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute({}, "package");
if (!package_attr) {
<< "<manifest> must have a 'package' attribute");
return {};
app_info.package = package_attr->value;
if (xml::Attribute* version_code_attr =
manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode")) {
Maybe<uint32_t> maybe_code =
if (!maybe_code) {
<< "invalid android:versionCode '"
<< version_code_attr->value << "'");
return {};
app_info.version_code = maybe_code.value();
if (xml::Attribute* revision_code_attr =
manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "revisionCode")) {
Maybe<uint32_t> maybe_code =
if (!maybe_code) {
<< "invalid android:revisionCode '"
<< revision_code_attr->value << "'");
return {};
app_info.revision_code = maybe_code.value();
if (xml::Element* uses_sdk_el = manifest_el->FindChild({}, "uses-sdk")) {
if (xml::Attribute* min_sdk = uses_sdk_el->FindAttribute(
xml::kSchemaAndroid, "minSdkVersion")) {
app_info.min_sdk_version = min_sdk->value;
return app_info;
return {};
* Precondition: ResourceTable doesn't have any IDs assigned yet, nor is it
* linked.
* Postcondition: ResourceTable has only one package left. All others are
* stripped, or there is an error and false is returned.
bool VerifyNoExternalPackages() {
auto is_ext_package_func =
[&](const std::unique_ptr<ResourceTablePackage>& pkg) -> bool {
return context_->GetCompilationPackage() != pkg->name || !pkg->id ||
pkg->id.value() != context_->GetPackageId();
bool error = false;
for (const auto& package : final_table_.packages) {
if (is_ext_package_func(package)) {
// We have a package that is not related to the one we're building!
for (const auto& type : package->types) {
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
ResourceNameRef res_name(package->name, type->type, entry->name);
for (const auto& config_value : entry->values) {
// Special case the occurrence of an ID that is being generated
// for the 'android' package. This is due to legacy reasons.
if (ValueCast<Id>(config_value->value.get()) &&
package->name == "android") {
<< "generated id '" << res_name
<< "' for external package '" << package->name << "'");
} else {
<< "defined resource '" << res_name
<< "' for external package '" << package->name << "'");
error = true;
auto new_end_iter =
final_table_.packages.end(), is_ext_package_func);
final_table_.packages.erase(new_end_iter, final_table_.packages.end());
return !error;
* Returns true if no IDs have been set, false otherwise.
bool VerifyNoIdsSet() {
for (const auto& package : final_table_.packages) {
for (const auto& type : package->types) {
if (type->id) {
DiagMessage() << "type " << type->type << " has ID " << std::hex
<< (int)type->id.value() << std::dec
<< " assigned");
return false;
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
if (entry->id) {
ResourceNameRef res_name(package->name, type->type, entry->name);
DiagMessage() << "entry " << res_name << " has ID " << std::hex
<< (int)entry->id.value() << std::dec
<< " assigned");
return false;
return true;
std::unique_ptr<IArchiveWriter> MakeArchiveWriter(const StringPiece& out) {
if (options_.output_to_directory) {
return CreateDirectoryArchiveWriter(context_->GetDiagnostics(), out);
} else {
return CreateZipFileArchiveWriter(context_->GetDiagnostics(), out);
bool FlattenTable(ResourceTable* table, IArchiveWriter* writer) {
BigBuffer buffer(1024);
TableFlattener flattener(&buffer);
if (!flattener.Consume(context_, table)) {
return false;
if (writer->StartEntry("resources.arsc", ArchiveEntry::kAlign)) {
if (writer->WriteEntry(buffer)) {
if (writer->FinishEntry()) {
return true;
DiagMessage() << "failed to write resources.arsc to archive");
return false;
bool FlattenTableToPb(ResourceTable* table, IArchiveWriter* writer) {
// Create the file/zip entry.
if (!writer->StartEntry("resources.arsc.flat", 0)) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to open");
return false;
// Make sure CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor is deleted before we call
// writer->FinishEntry().
// Wrap our IArchiveWriter with an adaptor that implements the
// ZeroCopyOutputStream interface.
CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor adaptor(writer);
std::unique_ptr<pb::ResourceTable> pb_table = SerializeTableToPb(table);
if (!pb_table->SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&adaptor)) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to write");
return false;
if (!writer->FinishEntry()) {
<< "failed to finish entry");
return false;
return true;
bool WriteJavaFile(ResourceTable* table,
const StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
const StringPiece& out_package,
const JavaClassGeneratorOptions& java_options) {
if (!options_.generate_java_class_path) {
return true;
std::string out_path = options_.generate_java_class_path.value();
file::AppendPath(&out_path, file::PackageToPath(out_package));
if (!file::mkdirs(out_path)) {
DiagMessage() << "failed to create directory '" << out_path << "'");
return false;
file::AppendPath(&out_path, "");
std::ofstream fout(out_path, std::ofstream::binary);
if (!fout) {
DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': "
<< android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno));
return false;
JavaClassGenerator generator(context_, table, java_options);
if (!generator.Generate(package_name_to_generate, out_package, &fout)) {
<< generator.getError());
return false;
if (!fout) {
DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': "
<< android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno));
return true;
bool WriteManifestJavaFile(xml::XmlResource* manifest_xml) {
if (!options_.generate_java_class_path) {
return true;
std::unique_ptr<ClassDefinition> manifest_class =
GenerateManifestClass(context_->GetDiagnostics(), manifest_xml);
if (!manifest_class) {
// Something bad happened, but we already logged it, so exit.
return false;
if (manifest_class->empty()) {
// Empty Manifest class, no need to generate it.
return true;
// Add any JavaDoc annotations to the generated class.
for (const std::string& annotation : options_.javadoc_annotations) {
std::string proper_annotation = "@";
proper_annotation += annotation;
const std::string& package_utf8 = context_->GetCompilationPackage();
std::string out_path = options_.generate_java_class_path.value();
file::AppendPath(&out_path, file::PackageToPath(package_utf8));
if (!file::mkdirs(out_path)) {
DiagMessage() << "failed to create directory '" << out_path << "'");
return false;
file::AppendPath(&out_path, "");
std::ofstream fout(out_path, std::ofstream::binary);
if (!fout) {
DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': "
<< android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno));
return false;
if (!ClassDefinition::WriteJavaFile(manifest_class.get(), package_utf8,
true, &fout)) {
DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': "
<< android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno));
return false;
return true;
bool WriteProguardFile(const Maybe<std::string>& out,
const proguard::KeepSet& keep_set) {
if (!out) {
return true;
const std::string& out_path = out.value();
std::ofstream fout(out_path, std::ofstream::binary);
if (!fout) {
DiagMessage() << "failed to open '" << out_path << "': "
<< android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno));
return false;
proguard::WriteKeepSet(&fout, keep_set);
if (!fout) {
DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': "
<< android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(errno));
return false;
return true;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> LoadStaticLibrary(const std::string& input,
std::string* out_error) {
std::unique_ptr<io::ZipFileCollection> collection =
io::ZipFileCollection::Create(input, out_error);
if (!collection) {
return {};
return LoadTablePbFromCollection(collection.get());
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> LoadTablePbFromCollection(
io::IFileCollection* collection) {
io::IFile* file = collection->FindFile("resources.arsc.flat");
if (!file) {
return {};
std::unique_ptr<io::IData> data = file->OpenAsData();
return LoadTableFromPb(file->GetSource(), data->data(), data->size(),
bool MergeStaticLibrary(const std::string& input, bool override) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
<< "merging static library " << input);
std::string error_str;
std::unique_ptr<io::ZipFileCollection> collection =
io::ZipFileCollection::Create(input, &error_str);
if (!collection) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(input) << error_str);
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> table =
if (!table) {
<< "invalid static library");
return false;
ResourceTablePackage* pkg = table->FindPackageById(0x7f);
if (!pkg) {
<< "static library has no package");
return false;
bool result;
if (options_.no_static_lib_packages) {
// Merge all resources as if they were in the compilation package. This is
// the old behavior of aapt.
// Add the package to the set of --extra-packages so we emit an for
// each library package.
if (!pkg->name.empty()) {
pkg->name = "";
if (override) {
result = table_merger_->MergeOverlay(Source(input), table.get(),
} else {
result =
table_merger_->Merge(Source(input), table.get(), collection.get());
} else {
// This is the proper way to merge libraries, where the package name is
// preserved and resource names are mangled.
result = table_merger_->MergeAndMangle(Source(input), pkg->name,
table.get(), collection.get());
if (!result) {
return false;
// Make sure to move the collection into the set of IFileCollections.
return true;
bool MergeResourceTable(io::IFile* file, bool override) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
DiagMessage() << "merging resource table " << file->GetSource());
std::unique_ptr<io::IData> data = file->OpenAsData();
if (!data) {
<< "failed to open file");
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> table =
LoadTableFromPb(file->GetSource(), data->data(), data->size(),
if (!table) {
return false;
bool result = false;
if (override) {
result = table_merger_->MergeOverlay(file->GetSource(), table.get());
} else {
result = table_merger_->Merge(file->GetSource(), table.get());
return result;
bool MergeCompiledFile(io::IFile* file, ResourceFile* file_desc,
bool override) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
DiagMessage() << "merging '" << file_desc->name
<< "' from compiled file " << file->GetSource());
bool result = false;
if (override) {
result = table_merger_->MergeFileOverlay(*file_desc, file);
} else {
result = table_merger_->MergeFile(*file_desc, file);
if (!result) {
return false;
// Add the exports of this file to the table.
for (SourcedResourceName& exported_symbol : file_desc->exported_symbols) {
if ( { = context_->GetCompilationPackage();
ResourceNameRef res_name =;
Maybe<ResourceName> mangled_name =
if (mangled_name) {
res_name = mangled_name.value();
std::unique_ptr<Id> id = util::make_unique<Id>();
bool result = final_table_.AddResourceAllowMangled(
res_name, ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig(), std::string(),
std::move(id), context_->GetDiagnostics());
if (!result) {
return false;
return true;
* Takes a path to load as a ZIP file and merges the files within into the
* master ResourceTable.
* If override is true, conflicting resources are allowed to override each
* other, in order of last seen.
* An io::IFileCollection is created from the ZIP file and added to the set of
* io::IFileCollections that are open.
bool MergeArchive(const std::string& input, bool override) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "merging archive "
<< input);
std::string error_str;
std::unique_ptr<io::ZipFileCollection> collection =
io::ZipFileCollection::Create(input, &error_str);
if (!collection) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(input) << error_str);
return false;
bool error = false;
for (auto iter = collection->Iterator(); iter->HasNext();) {
if (!MergeFile(iter->Next(), override)) {
error = true;
// Make sure to move the collection into the set of IFileCollections.
return !error;
* Takes a path to load and merge into the master ResourceTable. If override
* is true,
* conflicting resources are allowed to override each other, in order of last
* seen.
* If the file path ends with .flata, .jar, .jack, or .zip the file is treated
* as ZIP archive
* and the files within are merged individually.
* Otherwise the files is processed on its own.
bool MergePath(const std::string& path, bool override) {
if (util::EndsWith(path, ".flata") || util::EndsWith(path, ".jar") ||
util::EndsWith(path, ".jack") || util::EndsWith(path, ".zip")) {
return MergeArchive(path, override);
} else if (util::EndsWith(path, ".apk")) {
return MergeStaticLibrary(path, override);
io::IFile* file = file_collection_->InsertFile(path);
return MergeFile(file, override);
* Takes a file to load and merge into the master ResourceTable. If override
* is true,
* conflicting resources are allowed to override each other, in order of last
* seen.
* If the file ends with .arsc.flat, then it is loaded as a ResourceTable and
* merged into the
* master ResourceTable. If the file ends with .flat, then it is treated like
* a compiled file
* and the header data is read and merged into the final ResourceTable.
* All other file types are ignored. This is because these files could be
* coming from a zip,
* where we could have other files like classes.dex.
bool MergeFile(io::IFile* file, bool override) {
const Source& src = file->GetSource();
if (util::EndsWith(src.path, ".arsc.flat")) {
return MergeResourceTable(file, override);
} else if (util::EndsWith(src.path, ".flat")) {
// Try opening the file and looking for an Export header.
std::unique_ptr<io::IData> data = file->OpenAsData();
if (!data) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to open");
return false;
CompiledFileInputStream input_stream(data->data(), data->size());
uint32_t num_files = 0;
if (!input_stream.ReadLittleEndian32(&num_files)) {
<< "failed read num files");
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
pb::CompiledFile compiled_file;
if (!input_stream.ReadCompiledFile(&compiled_file)) {
DiagMessage(src) << "failed to read compiled file header");
return false;
uint64_t offset, len;
if (!input_stream.ReadDataMetaData(&offset, &len)) {
<< "failed to read data meta data");
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceFile> resource_file =
DeserializeCompiledFileFromPb(compiled_file, file->GetSource(),
if (!resource_file) {
return false;
if (!MergeCompiledFile(file->CreateFileSegment(offset, len),
resource_file.get(), override)) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (util::EndsWith(src.path, ".xml") ||
util::EndsWith(src.path, ".png")) {
// Since AAPT compiles these file types and appends .flat to them, seeing
// their raw extensions is a sign that they weren't compiled.
const StringPiece file_type =
util::EndsWith(src.path, ".xml") ? "XML" : "PNG";
<< "uncompiled " << file_type
<< " file passed as argument. Must be "
"compiled first into .flat file.");
return false;
// Ignore non .flat files. This could be classes.dex or something else that
// happens
// to be in an archive.
return true;
std::unique_ptr<xml::XmlResource> GenerateSplitManifest(
const AppInfo& app_info, const SplitConstraints& constraints) {
std::unique_ptr<xml::XmlResource> doc =
std::unique_ptr<xml::Namespace> namespace_android =
namespace_android->namespace_uri = xml::kSchemaAndroid;
namespace_android->namespace_prefix = "android";
std::unique_ptr<xml::Element> manifest_el =
manifest_el->name = "manifest";
xml::Attribute{"", "package", app_info.package});
if (app_info.version_code) {
xml::Attribute{xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode",
if (app_info.revision_code) {
xml::Attribute{xml::kSchemaAndroid, "revisionCode",
std::stringstream split_name;
split_name << "config." << util::Joiner(constraints.configs, "_");
xml::Attribute{"", "split", split_name.str()});
std::unique_ptr<xml::Element> application_el =
application_el->name = "application";
xml::Attribute{xml::kSchemaAndroid, "hasCode", "false"});
doc->root = std::move(namespace_android);
return doc;
* Writes the AndroidManifest, ResourceTable, and all XML files referenced by
* the ResourceTable to the IArchiveWriter.
bool WriteApk(IArchiveWriter* writer, proguard::KeepSet* keep_set,
xml::XmlResource* manifest, ResourceTable* table) {
const bool keep_raw_values = options_.static_lib;
bool result = FlattenXml(manifest, "AndroidManifest.xml", {},
keep_raw_values, writer, context_);
if (!result) {
return false;
ResourceFileFlattenerOptions file_flattener_options;
file_flattener_options.keep_raw_values = keep_raw_values;
file_flattener_options.do_not_compress_anything =
file_flattener_options.extensions_to_not_compress =
file_flattener_options.no_auto_version = options_.no_auto_version;
file_flattener_options.no_version_vectors = options_.no_version_vectors;
file_flattener_options.no_version_transitions = options_.no_version_transitions;
file_flattener_options.no_xml_namespaces = options_.no_xml_namespaces;
file_flattener_options.update_proguard_spec =
ResourceFileFlattener file_flattener(file_flattener_options, context_,
if (!file_flattener.Flatten(table, writer)) {
<< "failed linking file resources");
return false;
if (options_.static_lib) {
if (!FlattenTableToPb(table, writer)) {
DiagMessage() << "failed to write resources.arsc.flat");
return false;
} else {
if (!FlattenTable(table, writer)) {
<< "failed to write resources.arsc");
return false;
return true;
int Run(const std::vector<std::string>& input_files) {
// Load the AndroidManifest.xml
std::unique_ptr<xml::XmlResource> manifest_xml =
LoadXml(options_.manifest_path, context_->GetDiagnostics());
if (!manifest_xml) {
return 1;
// First extract the Package name without modifying it (via
// --rename-manifest-package).
if (Maybe<AppInfo> maybe_app_info = ExtractAppInfoFromManifest(
manifest_xml.get(), context_->GetDiagnostics())) {
const AppInfo& app_info = maybe_app_info.value();
ManifestFixer manifest_fixer(options_.manifest_fixer_options);
if (!manifest_fixer.Consume(context_, manifest_xml.get())) {
return 1;
Maybe<AppInfo> maybe_app_info = ExtractAppInfoFromManifest(
manifest_xml.get(), context_->GetDiagnostics());
if (!maybe_app_info) {
return 1;
const AppInfo& app_info = maybe_app_info.value();
if (app_info.min_sdk_version) {
if (Maybe<int> maybe_min_sdk_version = ResourceUtils::ParseSdkVersion(
app_info.min_sdk_version.value())) {
if (context_->GetCompilationPackage() == "android") {
} else {
if (!LoadSymbolsFromIncludePaths()) {
return 1;
TableMergerOptions table_merger_options;
table_merger_options.auto_add_overlay = options_.auto_add_overlay;
table_merger_ = util::make_unique<TableMerger>(context_, &final_table_,
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
<< "linking package '"
<< context_->GetCompilationPackage()
<< "' with package ID " << std::hex
<< (int)context_->GetPackageId());
for (const std::string& input : input_files) {
if (!MergePath(input, false)) {
<< "failed parsing input");
return 1;
for (const std::string& input : options_.overlay_files) {
if (!MergePath(input, true)) {
<< "failed parsing overlays");
return 1;
if (!VerifyNoExternalPackages()) {
return 1;
if (!options_.static_lib) {
PrivateAttributeMover mover;
if (!mover.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) {
DiagMessage() << "failed moving private attributes");
return 1;
// Assign IDs if we are building a regular app.
IdAssigner id_assigner(&options_.stable_id_map);
if (!id_assigner.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) {
<< "failed assigning IDs");
return 1;
// Now grab each ID and emit it as a file.
if (options_.resource_id_map_path) {
for (auto& package : final_table_.packages) {
for (auto& type : package->types) {
for (auto& entry : type->entries) {
ResourceName name(package->name, type->type, entry->name);
// The IDs are guaranteed to exist.
options_.stable_id_map[std::move(name)] = ResourceId(
package->id.value(), type->id.value(), entry->id.value());
if (!WriteStableIdMapToPath(context_->GetDiagnostics(),
options_.resource_id_map_path.value())) {
return 1;
} else {
// Static libs are merged with other apps, and ID collisions are bad, so
// verify that
// no IDs have been set.
if (!VerifyNoIdsSet()) {
return 1;
// Add the names to mangle based on our source merge earlier.
context_->GetCompilationPackage(), table_merger_->merged_packages()});
// Add our table to the symbol table.
ReferenceLinker linker;
if (!linker.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) {
<< "failed linking references");
return 1;
if (options_.static_lib) {
if (!options_.products.empty()) {
<< "can't select products when building static library");
} else {
ProductFilter product_filter(options_.products);
if (!product_filter.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) {
<< "failed stripping products");
return 1;
if (!options_.no_auto_version) {
AutoVersioner versioner;
if (!versioner.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) {
<< "failed versioning styles");
return 1;
if (!options_.static_lib && context_->GetMinSdkVersion() > 0) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
DiagMessage() << "collapsing resource versions for minimum SDK "
<< context_->GetMinSdkVersion());
VersionCollapser collapser;
if (!collapser.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) {
return 1;
if (!options_.no_resource_deduping) {
ResourceDeduper deduper;
if (!deduper.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) {
<< "failed deduping resources");
return 1;
proguard::KeepSet proguard_keep_set;
proguard::KeepSet proguard_main_dex_keep_set;
if (options_.static_lib) {
if (options_.table_splitter_options.config_filter != nullptr ||
options_.table_splitter_options.preferred_density) {
<< "can't strip resources when building static library");
} else {
// Adjust the SplitConstraints so that their SDK version is stripped if it
// is less
// than or equal to the minSdk. Otherwise the resources that have had
// their SDK version
// stripped due to minSdk won't ever match.
std::vector<SplitConstraints> adjusted_constraints_list;
for (const SplitConstraints& constraints : options_.split_constraints) {
SplitConstraints adjusted_constraints;
for (const ConfigDescription& config : constraints.configs) {
if (config.sdkVersion <= context_->GetMinSdkVersion()) {
} else {
TableSplitter table_splitter(adjusted_constraints_list,
if (!table_splitter.VerifySplitConstraints(context_)) {
return 1;
// Now we need to write out the Split APKs.
auto path_iter = options_.split_paths.begin();
auto split_constraints_iter = adjusted_constraints_list.begin();
for (std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable>& split_table :
table_splitter.splits()) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
<< "generating split with configurations '"
<< util::Joiner(split_constraints_iter->configs, ", ") << "'");
std::unique_ptr<IArchiveWriter> archive_writer =
if (!archive_writer) {
<< "failed to create archive");
return 1;
// Generate an AndroidManifest.xml for each split.
std::unique_ptr<xml::XmlResource> split_manifest =
GenerateSplitManifest(app_info, *split_constraints_iter);
XmlReferenceLinker linker;
if (!linker.Consume(context_, split_manifest.get())) {
DiagMessage() << "failed to create Split AndroidManifest.xml");
return 1;
if (!WriteApk(archive_writer.get(), &proguard_keep_set,
split_manifest.get(), split_table.get())) {
return 1;
// Start writing the base APK.
std::unique_ptr<IArchiveWriter> archive_writer =
if (!archive_writer) {
<< "failed to create archive");
return 1;
bool error = false;
// AndroidManifest.xml has no resource name, but the CallSite is built
// from the name
// (aka, which package the AndroidManifest.xml is coming from).
// So we give it a package name so it can see local resources.
manifest_xml-> = context_->GetCompilationPackage();
XmlReferenceLinker manifest_linker;
if (manifest_linker.Consume(context_, manifest_xml.get())) {
if (options_.generate_proguard_rules_path &&
Source(options_.manifest_path), manifest_xml.get(),
&proguard_keep_set)) {
error = true;
if (options_.generate_main_dex_proguard_rules_path &&
Source(options_.manifest_path), manifest_xml.get(),
&proguard_main_dex_keep_set, true)) {
error = true;
if (options_.generate_java_class_path) {
if (!WriteManifestJavaFile(manifest_xml.get())) {
error = true;
if (options_.no_xml_namespaces) {
// PackageParser will fail if URIs are removed from
// AndroidManifest.xml.
XmlNamespaceRemover namespace_remover(true /* keepUris */);
if (!namespace_remover.Consume(context_, manifest_xml.get())) {
error = true;
} else {
error = true;
if (error) {
<< "failed processing manifest");
return 1;
if (!WriteApk(archive_writer.get(), &proguard_keep_set, manifest_xml.get(),
&final_table_)) {
return 1;
if (options_.generate_java_class_path) {
JavaClassGeneratorOptions options;
options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kAll;
options.javadoc_annotations = options_.javadoc_annotations;
if (options_.static_lib || options_.generate_non_final_ids) {
options.use_final = false;
const StringPiece actual_package = context_->GetCompilationPackage();
StringPiece output_package = context_->GetCompilationPackage();
if (options_.custom_java_package) {
// Override the output java package to the custom one.
output_package = options_.custom_java_package.value();
if (options_.private_symbols) {
// If we defined a private symbols package, we only emit Public symbols
// to the original package, and private and public symbols to the
// private package.
options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic;
if (!WriteJavaFile(&final_table_, context_->GetCompilationPackage(),
output_package, options)) {
return 1;
options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublicPrivate;
output_package = options_.private_symbols.value();
if (!WriteJavaFile(&final_table_, actual_package, output_package,
options)) {
return 1;
for (const std::string& extra_package : options_.extra_java_packages) {
if (!WriteJavaFile(&final_table_, actual_package, extra_package,
options)) {
return 1;
if (!WriteProguardFile(options_.generate_proguard_rules_path,
proguard_keep_set)) {
return 1;
if (!WriteProguardFile(options_.generate_main_dex_proguard_rules_path,
proguard_main_dex_keep_set)) {
return 1;
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
DebugPrintTableOptions debug_print_table_options;
debug_print_table_options.show_sources = true;
Debug::PrintTable(&final_table_, debug_print_table_options);
return 0;
LinkOptions options_;
LinkContext* context_;
ResourceTable final_table_;
std::unique_ptr<TableMerger> table_merger_;
// A pointer to the FileCollection representing the filesystem (not archives).
std::unique_ptr<io::FileCollection> file_collection_;
// A vector of IFileCollections. This is mainly here to keep ownership of the
// collections.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<io::IFileCollection>> collections_;
// A vector of ResourceTables. This is here to retain ownership, so that the
// SymbolTable
// can use these.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable>> static_table_includes_;
int Link(const std::vector<StringPiece>& args) {
LinkContext context;
LinkOptions options;
std::vector<std::string> overlay_arg_list;
std::vector<std::string> extra_java_packages;
Maybe<std::string> configs;
Maybe<std::string> preferred_density;
Maybe<std::string> product_list;
bool legacy_x_flag = false;
bool require_localization = false;
bool verbose = false;
Maybe<std::string> stable_id_file_path;
std::vector<std::string> split_args;
Flags flags =
.RequiredFlag("-o", "Output path", &options.output_path)
.RequiredFlag("--manifest", "Path to the Android manifest to build",
.OptionalFlagList("-I", "Adds an Android APK to link against",
"Compilation unit to link, using `overlay` semantics.\n"
"The last conflicting resource given takes precedence.",
.OptionalFlag("--java", "Directory in which to generate",
"Output file for generated Proguard rules",
"Output file for generated Proguard rules for the main dex",
"Disables automatic style and layout SDK versioning",
"Disables automatic versioning of vector drawables. "
"Use this only\n"
"when building with vector drawable support library",
"Disables automatic versioning of transition resources. "
"Use this only\n"
"when building with transition support library",
"Disables automatic deduping of resources with\n"
"identical values across compatible configurations.",
"Legacy flag that specifies to use the package identifier 0x01",
"Require localization of strings marked 'suggested'",
"Comma separated list of configurations to include. The default\n"
"is all configurations",
"Selects the closest matching density and strips out all others.",
"Comma separated list of product names to keep",
"Outputs the APK contents to a directory specified "
"by -o",
"Removes XML namespace prefix and URI "
"information from AndroidManifest.xml\nand XML "
"binaries in res/*.",
"Default minimum SDK version to use for "
"Default target SDK version to use for "
"Version code (integer) to inject into the "
"AndroidManifest.xml if none is present",
"Version name to inject into the AndroidManifest.xml "
"if none is present",
.OptionalSwitch("--static-lib", "Generate a static Android library",
"Merge all library resources under the app's package",
"Generates without the final modifier.\n"
"This is implied when --static-lib is specified.",
"File containing a list of name to ID mapping.",
"Emit a file at the given path with a list of name to ID\n"
"mappings, suitable for use with --stable-ids.",
"Package name to use when generating for "
"private symbols.\n"
"If not specified, public and private symbols will use "
"the application's "
"package name",
"Custom Java package under which to generate",
"Generate the same but with different "
"package names",
"Adds a JavaDoc annotation to all "
"generated Java classes",
"Allows the addition of new resources in "
"overlays without <add-resource> tags",
"Renames the package in AndroidManifest.xml",
"Changes the name of the target package for instrumentation. "
"Most useful "
"when used\nin conjunction with --rename-manifest-package",
.OptionalFlagList("-0", "File extensions not to compress",
"Split resources matching a set of configs out to a "
"Split APK.\nSyntax: path/to/output.apk:<config>[,<config>[...]]",
.OptionalSwitch("-v", "Enables verbose logging", &verbose);
if (!flags.Parse("aapt2 link", args, &std::cerr)) {
return 1;
// Expand all argument-files passed into the command line. These start with
// '@'.
std::vector<std::string> arg_list;
for (const std::string& arg : flags.GetArgs()) {
if (util::StartsWith(arg, "@")) {
const std::string path = arg.substr(1, arg.size() - 1);
std::string error;
if (!file::AppendArgsFromFile(path, &arg_list, &error)) {
context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << error);
return 1;
} else {
// Expand all argument-files passed to -R.
for (const std::string& arg : overlay_arg_list) {
if (util::StartsWith(arg, "@")) {
const std::string path = arg.substr(1, arg.size() - 1);
std::string error;
if (!file::AppendArgsFromFile(path, &options.overlay_files, &error)) {
context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << error);
return 1;
} else {
if (verbose) {
// Populate the set of extra packages for which to generate
for (std::string& extra_package : extra_java_packages) {
// A given package can actually be a colon separated list of packages.
for (StringPiece package : util::Split(extra_package, ':')) {
if (product_list) {
for (StringPiece product : util::Tokenize(product_list.value(), ',')) {
if (product != "" && product != "default") {
AxisConfigFilter filter;
if (configs) {
for (const StringPiece& config_str : util::Tokenize(configs.value(), ',')) {
ConfigDescription config;
LocaleValue lv;
if (lv.InitFromFilterString(config_str)) {
} else if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(config_str, &config)) {
context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "invalid config '"
<< config_str
<< "' for -c option");
return 1;
if (config.density != 0) {
context.GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage() << "ignoring density '"
<< config
<< "' for -c option");
} else {
options.table_splitter_options.config_filter = &filter;
if (preferred_density) {
ConfigDescription preferred_density_config;
if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(preferred_density.value(),
&preferred_density_config)) {
DiagMessage() << "invalid density '" << preferred_density.value()
<< "' for --preferred-density option");
return 1;
// Clear the version that can be automatically added.
preferred_density_config.sdkVersion = 0;
if (preferred_density_config.diff(ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) !=
ConfigDescription::CONFIG_DENSITY) {
DiagMessage() << "invalid preferred density '"
<< preferred_density.value() << "'. "
<< "Preferred density must only be a density value");
return 1;
options.table_splitter_options.preferred_density =
if (!options.static_lib && stable_id_file_path) {
if (!LoadStableIdMap(context.GetDiagnostics(), stable_id_file_path.value(),
&options.stable_id_map)) {
return 1;
// Populate some default no-compress extensions that are already compressed.
{".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".wav", ".mp2", ".mp3", ".ogg",
".aac", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".mid", ".midi", ".smf", ".jet", ".rtttl",
".imy", ".xmf", ".mp4", ".m4a", ".m4v", ".3gp", ".3gpp", ".3g2",
".3gpp2", ".amr", ".awb", ".wma", ".wmv", ".webm", ".mkv"});
// Parse the split parameters.
for (const std::string& split_arg : split_args) {
if (!ParseSplitParameter(split_arg, context.GetDiagnostics(),
&options.split_constraints.back())) {
return 1;
// Turn off auto versioning for static-libs.
if (options.static_lib) {
options.no_auto_version = true;
options.no_version_vectors = true;
options.no_version_transitions = true;
LinkCommand cmd(&context, options);
return cmd.Run(arg_list);
} // namespace aapt