blob: 1e99eceeecec22f9aae9ff0983176d8f62faa449 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.bluetooth;
import android.os.ParcelUuid;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* A connected or connecting Bluetooth socket.
* <p>The interface for Bluetooth Sockets is similar to that of TCP sockets:
* {@link} and {@link}. On the server
* side, use a {@link BluetoothServerSocket} to create a listening server
* socket. When a connection is accepted by the {@link BluetoothServerSocket},
* it will return a new {@link BluetoothSocket} to manage the connection.
* On the client side, use a single {@link BluetoothSocket} to both initiate
* an outgoing connection and to manage the connection.
* <p>The most common type of Bluetooth socket is RFCOMM, which is the type
* supported by the Android APIs. RFCOMM is a connection-oriented, streaming
* transport over Bluetooth. It is also known as the Serial Port Profile (SPP).
* <p>To create a {@link BluetoothSocket} for connecting to a known device, use
* {@link BluetoothDevice#createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord
* BluetoothDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord()}.
* Then call {@link #connect()} to attempt a connection to the remote device.
* This call will block until a connection is established or the connection
* fails.
* <p>To create a {@link BluetoothSocket} as a server (or "host"), see the
* {@link BluetoothServerSocket} documentation.
* <p>Once the socket is connected, whether initiated as a client or accepted
* as a server, open the IO streams by calling {@link #getInputStream} and
* {@link #getOutputStream} in order to retrieve {@link}
* and {@link} objects, respectively, which are
* automatically connected to the socket.
* <p>{@link BluetoothSocket} is thread
* safe. In particular, {@link #close} will always immediately abort ongoing
* operations and close the socket.
* <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
* Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH} permission.
* <div class="special reference">
* <h3>Developer Guides</h3>
* <p>For more information about using Bluetooth, read the
* <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth.html">Bluetooth</a> developer guide.</p>
* </div>
* {@see BluetoothServerSocket}
* {@see}
* {@see}
public final class BluetoothSocket implements Closeable {
private static final String TAG = "BluetoothSocket";
private static final boolean DBG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
private static final boolean VDBG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
/** @hide */
public static final int MAX_RFCOMM_CHANNEL = 30;
/*package*/ static final int MAX_L2CAP_PACKAGE_SIZE = 0xFFFF;
/** RFCOMM socket */
public static final int TYPE_RFCOMM = 1;
/** SCO socket */
public static final int TYPE_SCO = 2;
/** L2CAP socket */
public static final int TYPE_L2CAP = 3;
/*package*/ static final int EBADFD = 77;
/*package*/ static final int EADDRINUSE = 98;
/*package*/ static final int SEC_FLAG_ENCRYPT = 1;
/*package*/ static final int SEC_FLAG_AUTH = 1 << 1;
/*package*/ static final int BTSOCK_FLAG_NO_SDP = 1 << 2;
/*package*/ static final int SEC_FLAG_AUTH_MITM = 1 << 3;
/*package*/ static final int SEC_FLAG_AUTH_16_DIGIT = 1 << 4;
private final int mType; /* one of TYPE_RFCOMM etc */
private BluetoothDevice mDevice; /* remote device */
private String mAddress; /* remote address */
private final boolean mAuth;
private final boolean mEncrypt;
private final BluetoothInputStream mInputStream;
private final BluetoothOutputStream mOutputStream;
private final ParcelUuid mUuid;
private boolean mExcludeSdp = false; /* when true no SPP SDP record will be created */
private boolean mAuthMitm = false; /* when true Man-in-the-middle protection will be enabled*/
private boolean mMin16DigitPin = false; /* Minimum 16 digit pin for sec mode 2 connections */
private ParcelFileDescriptor mPfd;
private LocalSocket mSocket;
private InputStream mSocketIS;
private OutputStream mSocketOS;
private int mPort; /* RFCOMM channel or L2CAP psm */
private int mFd;
private String mServiceName;
private static int PROXY_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 5000;
private static int SOCK_SIGNAL_SIZE = 20;
private ByteBuffer mL2capBuffer = null;
private int mMaxTxPacketSize = 0; // The l2cap maximum packet size supported by the peer.
private int mMaxRxPacketSize = 0; // The l2cap maximum packet size that can be received.
private enum SocketState {
/** prevents all native calls after destroyNative() */
private volatile SocketState mSocketState;
/** protects mSocketState */
//private final ReentrantReadWriteLock mLock;
* Construct a BluetoothSocket.
* @param type type of socket
* @param fd fd to use for connected socket, or -1 for a new socket
* @param auth require the remote device to be authenticated
* @param encrypt require the connection to be encrypted
* @param device remote device that this socket can connect to
* @param port remote port
* @param uuid SDP uuid
* @throws IOException On error, for example Bluetooth not available, or
* insufficient privileges
/*package*/ BluetoothSocket(int type, int fd, boolean auth, boolean encrypt,
BluetoothDevice device, int port, ParcelUuid uuid) throws IOException {
this(type, fd, auth, encrypt, device, port, uuid, false, false);
* Construct a BluetoothSocket.
* @param type type of socket
* @param fd fd to use for connected socket, or -1 for a new socket
* @param auth require the remote device to be authenticated
* @param encrypt require the connection to be encrypted
* @param device remote device that this socket can connect to
* @param port remote port
* @param uuid SDP uuid
* @param mitm enforce man-in-the-middle protection.
* @param min16DigitPin enforce a minimum length of 16 digits for a sec mode 2 connection
* @throws IOException On error, for example Bluetooth not available, or
* insufficient privileges
/*package*/ BluetoothSocket(int type, int fd, boolean auth, boolean encrypt,
BluetoothDevice device, int port, ParcelUuid uuid, boolean mitm, boolean min16DigitPin)
throws IOException {
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "Creating new BluetoothSocket of type: " + type);
if (type == BluetoothSocket.TYPE_RFCOMM && uuid == null && fd == -1
&& port != BluetoothAdapter.SOCKET_CHANNEL_AUTO_STATIC_NO_SDP) {
if (port < 1 || port > MAX_RFCOMM_CHANNEL) {
throw new IOException("Invalid RFCOMM channel: " + port);
if (uuid != null)
mUuid = uuid;
else mUuid = new ParcelUuid(new UUID(0, 0));
mType = type;
mAuth = auth;
mAuthMitm = mitm;
mMin16DigitPin = min16DigitPin;
mEncrypt = encrypt;
mDevice = device;
mPort = port;
mFd = fd;
mSocketState = SocketState.INIT;
if (device == null) {
// Server socket
mAddress = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().getAddress();
} else {
// Remote socket
mAddress = device.getAddress();
mInputStream = new BluetoothInputStream(this);
mOutputStream = new BluetoothOutputStream(this);
private BluetoothSocket(BluetoothSocket s) {
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "Creating new Private BluetoothSocket of type: " + s.mType);
mUuid = s.mUuid;
mType = s.mType;
mAuth = s.mAuth;
mEncrypt = s.mEncrypt;
mPort = s.mPort;
mInputStream = new BluetoothInputStream(this);
mOutputStream = new BluetoothOutputStream(this);
mMaxRxPacketSize = s.mMaxRxPacketSize;
mMaxTxPacketSize = s.mMaxTxPacketSize;
mServiceName = s.mServiceName;
mExcludeSdp = s.mExcludeSdp;
mAuthMitm = s.mAuthMitm;
mMin16DigitPin = s.mMin16DigitPin;
private BluetoothSocket acceptSocket(String RemoteAddr) throws IOException {
BluetoothSocket as = new BluetoothSocket(this);
as.mSocketState = SocketState.CONNECTED;
FileDescriptor[] fds = mSocket.getAncillaryFileDescriptors();
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "socket fd passed by stack fds: " + Arrays.toString(fds));
if(fds == null || fds.length != 1) {
Log.e(TAG, "socket fd passed from stack failed, fds: " + Arrays.toString(fds));
throw new IOException("bt socket acept failed");
as.mPfd = new ParcelFileDescriptor(fds[0]);
as.mSocket = new LocalSocket(fds[0]);
as.mSocketIS = as.mSocket.getInputStream();
as.mSocketOS = as.mSocket.getOutputStream();
as.mAddress = RemoteAddr;
as.mDevice = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().getRemoteDevice(RemoteAddr);
return as;
* Construct a BluetoothSocket from address. Used by native code.
* @param type type of socket
* @param fd fd to use for connected socket, or -1 for a new socket
* @param auth require the remote device to be authenticated
* @param encrypt require the connection to be encrypted
* @param address remote device that this socket can connect to
* @param port remote port
* @throws IOException On error, for example Bluetooth not available, or
* insufficient privileges
private BluetoothSocket(int type, int fd, boolean auth, boolean encrypt, String address,
int port) throws IOException {
this(type, fd, auth, encrypt, new BluetoothDevice(address), port, null, false, false);
/** @hide */
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
} finally {
private int getSecurityFlags() {
int flags = 0;
flags |= SEC_FLAG_AUTH;
flags |= SEC_FLAG_AUTH_16_DIGIT;
return flags;
* Get the remote device this socket is connecting, or connected, to.
* @return remote device
public BluetoothDevice getRemoteDevice() {
return mDevice;
* Get the input stream associated with this socket.
* <p>The input stream will be returned even if the socket is not yet
* connected, but operations on that stream will throw IOException until
* the associated socket is connected.
* @return InputStream
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
return mInputStream;
* Get the output stream associated with this socket.
* <p>The output stream will be returned even if the socket is not yet
* connected, but operations on that stream will throw IOException until
* the associated socket is connected.
* @return OutputStream
public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
return mOutputStream;
* Get the connection status of this socket, ie, whether there is an active connection with
* remote device.
* @return true if connected
* false if not connected
public boolean isConnected() {
return mSocketState == SocketState.CONNECTED;
/*package*/ void setServiceName(String name) {
mServiceName = name;
* Attempt to connect to a remote device.
* <p>This method will block until a connection is made or the connection
* fails. If this method returns without an exception then this socket
* is now connected.
* <p>Creating new connections to
* remote Bluetooth devices should not be attempted while device discovery
* is in progress. Device discovery is a heavyweight procedure on the
* Bluetooth adapter and will significantly slow a device connection.
* Use {@link BluetoothAdapter#cancelDiscovery()} to cancel an ongoing
* discovery. Discovery is not managed by the Activity,
* but is run as a system service, so an application should always call
* {@link BluetoothAdapter#cancelDiscovery()} even if it
* did not directly request a discovery, just to be sure.
* <p>{@link #close} can be used to abort this call from another thread.
* @throws IOException on error, for example connection failure
public void connect() throws IOException {
if (mDevice == null) throw new IOException("Connect is called on null device");
try {
if (mSocketState == SocketState.CLOSED) throw new IOException("socket closed");
IBluetooth bluetoothProxy =
if (bluetoothProxy == null) throw new IOException("Bluetooth is off");
mPfd = bluetoothProxy.connectSocket(mDevice, mType,
mUuid, mPort, getSecurityFlags());
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "connect(), SocketState: " + mSocketState + ", mPfd: " + mPfd);
if (mSocketState == SocketState.CLOSED) throw new IOException("socket closed");
if (mPfd == null) throw new IOException("bt socket connect failed");
FileDescriptor fd = mPfd.getFileDescriptor();
mSocket = new LocalSocket(fd);
mSocketIS = mSocket.getInputStream();
mSocketOS = mSocket.getOutputStream();
int channel = readInt(mSocketIS);
if (channel <= 0)
throw new IOException("bt socket connect failed");
mPort = channel;
if (mSocketState == SocketState.CLOSED)
throw new IOException("bt socket closed");
mSocketState = SocketState.CONNECTED;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable()));
throw new IOException("unable to send RPC: " + e.getMessage());
* Currently returns unix errno instead of throwing IOException,
* so that BluetoothAdapter can check the error code for EADDRINUSE
/*package*/ int bindListen() {
int ret;
if (mSocketState == SocketState.CLOSED) return EBADFD;
IBluetooth bluetoothProxy = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().getBluetoothService(null);
if (bluetoothProxy == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "bindListen fail, reason: bluetooth is off");
return -1;
try {
mPfd = bluetoothProxy.createSocketChannel(mType, mServiceName,
mUuid, mPort, getSecurityFlags());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable()));
return -1;
// read out port number
try {
synchronized(this) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "bindListen(), SocketState: " + mSocketState + ", mPfd: " +
if(mSocketState != SocketState.INIT) return EBADFD;
if(mPfd == null) return -1;
FileDescriptor fd = mPfd.getFileDescriptor();
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "bindListen(), new LocalSocket ");
mSocket = new LocalSocket(fd);
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "bindListen(), new LocalSocket.getInputStream() ");
mSocketIS = mSocket.getInputStream();
mSocketOS = mSocket.getOutputStream();
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "bindListen(), readInt mSocketIS: " + mSocketIS);
int channel = readInt(mSocketIS);
synchronized(this) {
if(mSocketState == SocketState.INIT)
mSocketState = SocketState.LISTENING;
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "channel: " + channel);
if (mPort <= -1) {
mPort = channel;
} // else ASSERT(mPort == channel)
ret = 0;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (mPfd != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
Log.e(TAG, "bindListen, close mPfd: " + e1);
mPfd = null;
Log.e(TAG, "bindListen, fail to get port number, exception: " + e);
return -1;
return ret;
/*package*/ BluetoothSocket accept(int timeout) throws IOException {
BluetoothSocket acceptedSocket;
if (mSocketState != SocketState.LISTENING)
throw new IOException("bt socket is not in listen state");
if(timeout > 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "accept() set timeout (ms):" + timeout);
String RemoteAddr = waitSocketSignal(mSocketIS);
if(timeout > 0)
if (mSocketState != SocketState.LISTENING)
throw new IOException("bt socket is not in listen state");
acceptedSocket = acceptSocket(RemoteAddr);
//quick drop the reference of the file handle
return acceptedSocket;
/*package*/ int available() throws IOException {
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "available: " + mSocketIS);
return mSocketIS.available();
* Wait until the data in sending queue is emptied. A polling version
* for flush implementation. Used to ensure the writing data afterwards will
* be packed in new RFCOMM frame.
* @throws IOException
* if an i/o error occurs.
/*package*/ void flush() throws IOException {
if (mSocketOS == null) throw new IOException("flush is called on null OutputStream");
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "flush: " + mSocketOS);
/*package*/ int read(byte[] b, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
int ret = 0;
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "read in: " + mSocketIS + " len: " + length);
if(mType == TYPE_L2CAP)
int bytesToRead = length;
if (VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "l2cap: read(): offset: " + offset + " length:" + length
+ "mL2capBuffer= " + mL2capBuffer);
if (mL2capBuffer == null) {
if (mL2capBuffer.remaining() == 0) {
if (VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "l2cap buffer empty, refilling...");
if (fillL2capRxBuffer() == -1) {
return -1;
if (bytesToRead > mL2capBuffer.remaining()) {
bytesToRead = mL2capBuffer.remaining();
if(VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "get(): offset: " + offset
+ " bytesToRead: " + bytesToRead);
mL2capBuffer.get(b, offset, bytesToRead);
ret = bytesToRead;
}else {
if (VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "default: read(): offset: " + offset + " length:" + length);
ret =, offset, length);
if (ret < 0)
throw new IOException("bt socket closed, read return: " + ret);
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "read out: " + mSocketIS + " ret: " + ret);
return ret;
/*package*/ int write(byte[] b, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
//TODO: Since bindings can exist between the SDU size and the
// protocol, we might need to throw an exception instead of just
// splitting the write into multiple smaller writes.
// Rfcomm uses dynamic allocation, and should not have any bindings
// to the actual message length.
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "write: " + mSocketOS + " length: " + length);
if (mType == TYPE_L2CAP) {
if(length <= mMaxTxPacketSize) {
mSocketOS.write(b, offset, length);
} else {
int tmpOffset = offset;
int tmpLength = mMaxTxPacketSize;
int endIndex = offset + length;
boolean done = false;
if(DBG) Log.w(TAG, "WARNING: Write buffer larger than L2CAP packet size!\n"
+ "Packet will be divided into SDU packets of size "
+ mMaxTxPacketSize);
mSocketOS.write(b, tmpOffset, tmpLength);
tmpOffset += mMaxTxPacketSize;
if((tmpOffset + mMaxTxPacketSize) > endIndex) {
tmpLength = endIndex - tmpOffset;
done = true;
} while(!done);
} else {
mSocketOS.write(b, offset, length);
// There is no good way to confirm since the entire process is asynchronous anyway
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "write out: " + mSocketOS + " length: " + length);
return length;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "close() in, this: " + this + ", channel: " + mPort + ", state: "
+ mSocketState);
if(mSocketState == SocketState.CLOSED)
if(mSocketState == SocketState.CLOSED)
mSocketState = SocketState.CLOSED;
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "close() this: " + this + ", channel: " + mPort +
", mSocketIS: " + mSocketIS + ", mSocketOS: " + mSocketOS +
"mSocket: " + mSocket);
if(mSocket != null) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Closing mSocket: " + mSocket);
mSocket = null;
if (mPfd != null) {
mPfd = null;
/*package */ void removeChannel() {
/*package */ int getPort() {
return mPort;
* Get the maximum supported Transmit packet size for the underlying transport.
* Use this to optimize the writes done to the output socket, to avoid sending
* half full packets.
* @return the maximum supported Transmit packet size for the underlying transport.
public int getMaxTransmitPacketSize(){
return mMaxTxPacketSize;
* Get the maximum supported Receive packet size for the underlying transport.
* Use this to optimize the reads done on the input stream, as any call to read
* will return a maximum of this amount of bytes - or for some transports a
* multiple of this value.
* @return the maximum supported Receive packet size for the underlying transport.
public int getMaxReceivePacketSize(){
return mMaxRxPacketSize;
* Get the type of the underlying connection.
* @return one of {@link #TYPE_RFCOMM}, {@link #TYPE_SCO} or {@link #TYPE_L2CAP}
public int getConnectionType() {
return mType;
* Change if a SDP entry should be automatically created.
* Must be called before calling .bind, for the call to have any effect.
* @param mExcludeSdp <li>TRUE - do not auto generate SDP record.
* <li>FALSE - default - auto generate SPP SDP record.
* @hide
public void setExcludeSdp(boolean excludeSdp) {
this.mExcludeSdp = excludeSdp;
private String convertAddr(final byte[] addr) {
return String.format(Locale.US, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
addr[0] , addr[1], addr[2], addr[3] , addr[4], addr[5]);
private String waitSocketSignal(InputStream is) throws IOException {
byte [] sig = new byte[SOCK_SIGNAL_SIZE];
int ret = readAll(is, sig);
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "waitSocketSignal read " + SOCK_SIGNAL_SIZE +
" bytes signal ret: " + ret);
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(sig);
/* the struct in native is decorated with __attribute__((packed)), hence this is possible */
int size = bb.getShort();
if(size != SOCK_SIGNAL_SIZE)
throw new IOException("Connection failure, wrong signal size: " + size);
byte [] addr = new byte[6];
int channel = bb.getInt();
int status = bb.getInt();
mMaxTxPacketSize = (bb.getShort() & 0xffff); // Convert to unsigned value
mMaxRxPacketSize = (bb.getShort() & 0xffff); // Convert to unsigned value
String RemoteAddr = convertAddr(addr);
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "waitSocketSignal: sig size: " + size + ", remote addr: "
+ RemoteAddr + ", channel: " + channel + ", status: " + status
+ " MaxRxPktSize: " + mMaxRxPacketSize + " MaxTxPktSize: " + mMaxTxPacketSize);
if(status != 0)
throw new IOException("Connection failure, status: " + status);
return RemoteAddr;
private void createL2capRxBuffer(){
if(mType == TYPE_L2CAP) {
// Allocate the buffer to use for reads.
if(VDBG) Log.v(TAG, " Creating mL2capBuffer: mMaxPacketSize: " + mMaxRxPacketSize);
mL2capBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[mMaxRxPacketSize]);
if(VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "mL2capBuffer.remaining()" + mL2capBuffer.remaining());
mL2capBuffer.limit(0); // Ensure we do a real read at the first read-request
if(VDBG) Log.v(TAG, "mL2capBuffer.remaining() after limit(0):" +
private int readAll(InputStream is, byte[] b) throws IOException {
int left = b.length;
while(left > 0) {
int ret =, b.length - left, left);
if(ret <= 0)
throw new IOException("read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: "
+ ret);
left -= ret;
if(left != 0)
Log.w(TAG, "readAll() looping, read partial size: " + (b.length - left) +
", expect size: " + b.length);
return b.length;
private int readInt(InputStream is) throws IOException {
byte[] ibytes = new byte[4];
int ret = readAll(is, ibytes);
if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, " ret: " + ret);
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ibytes);
return bb.getInt();
private int fillL2capRxBuffer() throws IOException {
int ret =;
if(ret == -1) {
// reached end of stream - return -1
return -1;
return ret;