blob: 4c20ccb61afe506397cd5cc4babc4ff2d77b1a70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define DEBUG false // STOPSHIP if true
#include "Log.h"
#include "CombinationConditionTracker.h"
#include <log/logprint.h>
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {
using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
CombinationConditionTracker::CombinationConditionTracker(const int64_t& id, const int index)
: ConditionTracker(id, index) {
VLOG("creating CombinationConditionTracker %lld", (long long)mConditionId);
CombinationConditionTracker::~CombinationConditionTracker() {
VLOG("~CombinationConditionTracker() %lld", (long long)mConditionId);
bool CombinationConditionTracker::init(const vector<Predicate>& allConditionConfig,
const vector<sp<ConditionTracker>>& allConditionTrackers,
const unordered_map<int64_t, int>& conditionIdIndexMap,
vector<bool>& stack) {
VLOG("Combination predicate init() %lld", (long long)mConditionId);
if (mInitialized) {
return true;
// mark this node as visited in the recursion stack.
stack[mIndex] = true;
Predicate_Combination combinationCondition = allConditionConfig[mIndex].combination();
if (!combinationCondition.has_operation()) {
return false;
mLogicalOperation = combinationCondition.operation();
if (mLogicalOperation == LogicalOperation::NOT && combinationCondition.predicate_size() != 1) {
return false;
for (auto child : combinationCondition.predicate()) {
auto it = conditionIdIndexMap.find(child);
if (it == conditionIdIndexMap.end()) {
ALOGW("Predicate %lld not found in the config", (long long)child);
return false;
int childIndex = it->second;
const auto& childTracker = allConditionTrackers[childIndex];
// if the child is a visited node in the recursion -> circle detected.
if (stack[childIndex]) {
ALOGW("Circle detected!!!");
return false;
bool initChildSucceeded = childTracker->init(allConditionConfig, allConditionTrackers,
conditionIdIndexMap, stack);
if (!initChildSucceeded) {
ALOGW("Child initialization failed %lld ", (long long)child);
return false;
} else {
ALOGW("Child initialization success %lld ", (long long)child);
if (allConditionTrackers[childIndex]->isSliced()) {
// unmark this node in the recursion stack.
stack[mIndex] = false;
mInitialized = true;
return true;
void CombinationConditionTracker::isConditionMet(
const ConditionKey& conditionParameters,
const vector<sp<ConditionTracker>>& allConditions,
const FieldMatcher& dimensionFields,
vector<ConditionState>& conditionCache,
std::unordered_set<HashableDimensionKey> &dimensionsKeySet) const {
// So far, this is fine as there is at most one child having sliced output.
for (const int childIndex : mChildren) {
if (conditionCache[childIndex] == ConditionState::kNotEvaluated) {
allConditions[childIndex]->isConditionMet(conditionParameters, allConditions,
dimensionFields, conditionCache,
conditionCache[mIndex] =
evaluateCombinationCondition(mChildren, mLogicalOperation, conditionCache);
void CombinationConditionTracker::evaluateCondition(
const LogEvent& event, const std::vector<MatchingState>& eventMatcherValues,
const std::vector<sp<ConditionTracker>>& mAllConditions,
std::vector<ConditionState>& nonSlicedConditionCache,
std::vector<bool>& conditionChangedCache) {
// value is up to date.
if (nonSlicedConditionCache[mIndex] != ConditionState::kNotEvaluated) {
for (const int childIndex : mChildren) {
// So far, this is fine as there is at most one child having sliced output.
if (nonSlicedConditionCache[childIndex] == ConditionState::kNotEvaluated) {
const sp<ConditionTracker>& child = mAllConditions[childIndex];
child->evaluateCondition(event, eventMatcherValues, mAllConditions,
nonSlicedConditionCache, conditionChangedCache);
if (!mSliced) {
ConditionState newCondition =
evaluateCombinationCondition(mChildren, mLogicalOperation, nonSlicedConditionCache);
bool nonSlicedChanged = (mNonSlicedConditionState != newCondition);
mNonSlicedConditionState = newCondition;
nonSlicedConditionCache[mIndex] = mNonSlicedConditionState;
conditionChangedCache[mIndex] = nonSlicedChanged;
} else {
for (const int childIndex : mChildren) {
// If any of the sliced condition in children condition changes, the combination
// condition may be changed too.
if (conditionChangedCache[childIndex]) {
conditionChangedCache[mIndex] = true;
nonSlicedConditionCache[mIndex] = ConditionState::kUnknown;
VLOG("CombinationPredicate %lld sliced may changed? %d", (long long)mConditionId,
conditionChangedCache[mIndex] == true);
ConditionState CombinationConditionTracker::getMetConditionDimension(
const std::vector<sp<ConditionTracker>>& allConditions,
const FieldMatcher& dimensionFields,
std::unordered_set<HashableDimensionKey> &dimensionsKeySet) const {
vector<ConditionState> conditionCache(allConditions.size(), ConditionState::kNotEvaluated);
// So far, this is fine as there is at most one child having sliced output.
for (const int childIndex : mChildren) {
conditionCache[childIndex] = conditionCache[childIndex] |
allConditions, dimensionFields, dimensionsKeySet);
evaluateCombinationCondition(mChildren, mLogicalOperation, conditionCache);
if (conditionCache[mIndex] == ConditionState::kTrue && dimensionsKeySet.empty()) {
return conditionCache[mIndex];
} // namespace statsd
} // namespace os
} // namespace android