blob: bdcf3f7099f27503610b02e3ede884656ae42e6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.AsyncResult;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Registrant;
import android.os.RegistrantList;
import android.telephony.ServiceState;
import android.telephony.SignalStrength;
* {@hide}
public abstract class ServiceStateTracker extends Handler {
* The access technology currently in use:
* 0 = unknown
* 1 = GPRS only
* 2 = EDGE
* 3 = UMTS
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_UNKNOWN = 0;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_GPRS = 1;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_EDGE = 2;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_UMTS = 3;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_CDMA_IS95A = 4;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_CDMA_IS95B = 5;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_CDMA_1xRTT = 6;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_CDMA_EvDo_0 = 7;
protected static final int DATA_ACCESS_CDMA_EvDo_A = 8;
//***** Instance Variables
protected CommandsInterface cm;
public ServiceState ss;
protected ServiceState newSS;
public SignalStrength mSignalStrength;
// Used as a unique identifier to track requests associated with a poll
// and ignore stale responses.The value is a count-down of expected responses
// in this pollingContext
protected int[] pollingContext;
protected boolean mDesiredPowerState;
protected boolean dontPollSignalStrength = false; // Default is to poll strength
// If we're getting unsolicited signal strength updates from the radio,
// set value to true and don't bother polling any more
protected RegistrantList networkAttachedRegistrants = new RegistrantList();
protected RegistrantList roamingOnRegistrants = new RegistrantList();
protected RegistrantList roamingOffRegistrants = new RegistrantList();
//***** Constants
protected static final boolean DBG = true;
// signal strength poll rate
protected static final int POLL_PERIOD_MILLIS = 20 * 1000;
// waiting period before recheck gprs and voice registration
public static final int DEFAULT_GPRS_CHECK_PERIOD_MILLIS = 60 * 1000;
public static final int MAX_NUM_DATA_STATE_READS = 15;
public static final int DATA_STATE_POLL_SLEEP_MS = 100;
//*****GSM events
protected static final int EVENT_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED = 1;
protected static final int EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED = 2;
protected static final int EVENT_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH = 3;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION = 4;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS = 5;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR = 6;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH = 10;
protected static final int EVENT_NITZ_TIME = 11;
protected static final int EVENT_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UPDATE = 12;
protected static final int EVENT_RADIO_AVAILABLE = 13;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE = 14;
protected static final int EVENT_GET_LOC_DONE = 15;
protected static final int EVENT_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED = 16;
protected static final int EVENT_SIM_READY = 17;
protected static final int EVENT_LOCATION_UPDATES_ENABLED = 18;
protected static final int EVENT_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE = 19;
protected static final int EVENT_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE = 20;
protected static final int EVENT_RESET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE = 21;
protected static final int EVENT_CHECK_REPORT_GPRS = 22;
protected static final int EVENT_RESTRICTED_STATE_CHANGED = 23;
//*****CDMA events:
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION_CDMA = 24;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR_CDMA = 25;
protected static final int EVENT_RUIM_READY = 26;
protected static final int EVENT_RUIM_RECORDS_LOADED = 27;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_CDMA = 28;
protected static final int EVENT_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_CDMA = 29;
protected static final int EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_CDMA = 30;
protected static final int EVENT_GET_LOC_DONE_CDMA = 31;
protected static final int EVENT_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UPDATE_CDMA = 32;
protected static final int EVENT_NV_LOADED = 33;
protected static final int EVENT_POLL_STATE_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION = 34;
protected static final int EVENT_NV_READY = 35;
protected static final int EVENT_ERI_FILE_LOADED = 36;
//***** Time Zones
protected static final String TIMEZONE_PROPERTY = "persist.sys.timezone";
// List of ISO codes for countries that can have an offset of GMT+0
// when not in daylight savings time. This ignores some small places
// such as the Canary Islands (Spain) and Danmarkshavn (Denmark).
// The list must be sorted by code.
protected static final String[] GMT_COUNTRY_CODES = {
"bf", // Burkina Faso
"ci", // Cote d'Ivoire
"eh", // Western Sahara
"fo", // Faroe Islands, Denmark
"gh", // Ghana
"gm", // Gambia
"gn", // Guinea
"gw", // Guinea Bissau
"ie", // Ireland
"lr", // Liberia
"is", // Iceland
"ma", // Morocco
"ml", // Mali
"mr", // Mauritania
"pt", // Portugal
"sl", // Sierra Leone
"sn", // Senegal
"st", // Sao Tome and Principe
"tg", // Togo
"uk", // U.K
//***** Registration denied reason
protected static final String REGISTRATION_DENIED_GEN = "General";
protected static final String REGISTRATION_DENIED_AUTH = "Authentication Failure";
//***** Constructors
public ServiceStateTracker() {
public boolean getDesiredPowerState() {
return mDesiredPowerState;
* Registration point for combined roaming on
* combined roaming is true when roaming is true and ONS differs SPN
* @param h handler to notify
* @param what what code of message when delivered
* @param obj placed in Message.obj
public void registerForRoamingOn(Handler h, int what, Object obj) {
Registrant r = new Registrant(h, what, obj);
if (ss.getRoaming()) {
public void unregisterForRoamingOn(Handler h) {
* Registration point for combined roaming off
* combined roaming is true when roaming is true and ONS differs SPN
* @param h handler to notify
* @param what what code of message when delivered
* @param obj placed in Message.obj
public void registerForRoamingOff(Handler h, int what, Object obj) {
Registrant r = new Registrant(h, what, obj);
if (!ss.getRoaming()) {
public void unregisterForRoamingOff(Handler h) {
* Reregister network through toggle perferred network type
* This is a work aorund to deregister and register network since there is
* no ril api to set COPS=2 (deregister) only.
* @param onComplete is dispatched when this is complete. it will be
* an AsyncResult, and onComplete.obj.exception will be non-null
* on failure.
public void reRegisterNetwork(Message onComplete) {
obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, onComplete));
//***** Called from Phone
public void
setRadioPower(boolean power) {
mDesiredPowerState = power;
public void enableLocationUpdates() {
cm.setLocationUpdates(true, obtainMessage(EVENT_LOCATION_UPDATES_ENABLED));
public void disableLocationUpdates() {
cm.setLocationUpdates(false, null);
//***** Overridden from Handler
public abstract void handleMessage(Message msg);
//***** Protected abstract Methods
protected abstract void handlePollStateResult(int what, AsyncResult ar);
protected abstract void updateSpnDisplay();
protected abstract void setPowerStateToDesired();
/** Cancel a pending (if any) pollState() operation */
protected void cancelPollState() {
// This will effectively cancel the rest of the poll requests
pollingContext = new int[1];