blob: 995018479d444220497b6b2c883906ce467b830b [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __RS_CORE_RSH__
#define __RS_CORE_RSH__
// Debugging, print to the LOG a description string and a value.
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, float);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, float, float);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, float, float, float);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, float, float, float, float);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, const rs_matrix4x4 *);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, const rs_matrix3x3 *);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, const rs_matrix2x2 *);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, int);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, uint);
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsDebug(const char *, const void *);
#define RS_DEBUG(a) rsDebug(#a, a)
#define RS_DEBUG_MARKER rsDebug(__FILE__, __LINE__)
static void __attribute__((overloadable)) rsDebug(const char *s, float2 v) {
rsDebug(s, v.x, v.y);
static void __attribute__((overloadable)) rsDebug(const char *s, float3 v) {
rsDebug(s, v.x, v.y, v.z);
static void __attribute__((overloadable)) rsDebug(const char *s, float4 v) {
rsDebug(s, v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
static uchar4 __attribute__((overloadable)) rsPackColorTo8888(float r, float g, float b)
uchar4 c;
c.x = (uchar)(r * 255.f);
c.y = (uchar)(g * 255.f);
c.z = (uchar)(b * 255.f);
c.w = 255;
return c;
static uchar4 __attribute__((overloadable)) rsPackColorTo8888(float r, float g, float b, float a)
uchar4 c;
c.x = (uchar)(r * 255.f);
c.y = (uchar)(g * 255.f);
c.z = (uchar)(b * 255.f);
c.w = (uchar)(a * 255.f);
return c;
static uchar4 __attribute__((overloadable)) rsPackColorTo8888(float3 color)
color *= 255.f;
uchar4 c = {color.x, color.y, color.z, 255};
return c;
static uchar4 __attribute__((overloadable)) rsPackColorTo8888(float4 color)
color *= 255.f;
uchar4 c = {color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w};
return c;
static float4 rsUnpackColor8888(uchar4 c)
float4 ret = (float4)0.0039156862745f;
ret *= convert_float4(c);
return ret;
//extern uchar4 __attribute__((overloadable)) rsPackColorTo565(float r, float g, float b);
//extern uchar4 __attribute__((overloadable)) rsPackColorTo565(float3);
//extern float4 rsUnpackColor565(uchar4);
// Matrix ops
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixSet(rs_matrix4x4 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, float v) {
m->m[row * 4 + col] = v;
static float __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixGet(const rs_matrix4x4 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col) {
return m->m[row * 4 + col];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixSet(rs_matrix3x3 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, float v) {
m->m[row * 3 + col] = v;
static float __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixGet(const rs_matrix3x3 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col) {
return m->m[row * 3 + col];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixSet(rs_matrix2x2 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, float v) {
m->m[row * 2 + col] = v;
static float __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixGet(const rs_matrix2x2 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col) {
return m->m[row * 2 + col];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadIdentity(rs_matrix4x4 *m) {
m->m[0] = 1.f;
m->m[1] = 0.f;
m->m[2] = 0.f;
m->m[3] = 0.f;
m->m[4] = 0.f;
m->m[5] = 1.f;
m->m[6] = 0.f;
m->m[7] = 0.f;
m->m[8] = 0.f;
m->m[9] = 0.f;
m->m[10] = 1.f;
m->m[11] = 0.f;
m->m[12] = 0.f;
m->m[13] = 0.f;
m->m[14] = 0.f;
m->m[15] = 1.f;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadIdentity(rs_matrix3x3 *m) {
m->m[0] = 1.f;
m->m[1] = 0.f;
m->m[2] = 0.f;
m->m[3] = 0.f;
m->m[4] = 1.f;
m->m[5] = 0.f;
m->m[6] = 0.f;
m->m[7] = 0.f;
m->m[8] = 1.f;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadIdentity(rs_matrix2x2 *m) {
m->m[0] = 1.f;
m->m[1] = 0.f;
m->m[2] = 0.f;
m->m[3] = 1.f;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const float *v) {
m->m[0] = v[0];
m->m[1] = v[1];
m->m[2] = v[2];
m->m[3] = v[3];
m->m[4] = v[4];
m->m[5] = v[5];
m->m[6] = v[6];
m->m[7] = v[7];
m->m[8] = v[8];
m->m[9] = v[9];
m->m[10] = v[10];
m->m[11] = v[11];
m->m[12] = v[12];
m->m[13] = v[13];
m->m[14] = v[14];
m->m[15] = v[15];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const float *v) {
m->m[0] = v[0];
m->m[1] = v[1];
m->m[2] = v[2];
m->m[3] = v[3];
m->m[4] = v[4];
m->m[5] = v[5];
m->m[6] = v[6];
m->m[7] = v[7];
m->m[8] = v[8];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const float *v) {
m->m[0] = v[0];
m->m[1] = v[1];
m->m[2] = v[2];
m->m[3] = v[3];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix4x4 *v) {
m->m[0] = v->m[0];
m->m[1] = v->m[1];
m->m[2] = v->m[2];
m->m[3] = v->m[3];
m->m[4] = v->m[4];
m->m[5] = v->m[5];
m->m[6] = v->m[6];
m->m[7] = v->m[7];
m->m[8] = v->m[8];
m->m[9] = v->m[9];
m->m[10] = v->m[10];
m->m[11] = v->m[11];
m->m[12] = v->m[12];
m->m[13] = v->m[13];
m->m[14] = v->m[14];
m->m[15] = v->m[15];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *v) {
m->m[0] = v->m[0];
m->m[1] = v->m[1];
m->m[2] = v->m[2];
m->m[3] = 0.f;
m->m[4] = v->m[3];
m->m[5] = v->m[4];
m->m[6] = v->m[5];
m->m[7] = 0.f;
m->m[8] = v->m[6];
m->m[9] = v->m[7];
m->m[10] = v->m[8];
m->m[11] = 0.f;
m->m[12] = 0.f;
m->m[13] = 0.f;
m->m[14] = 0.f;
m->m[15] = 1.f;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *v) {
m->m[0] = v->m[0];
m->m[1] = v->m[1];
m->m[2] = 0.f;
m->m[3] = 0.f;
m->m[4] = v->m[3];
m->m[5] = v->m[4];
m->m[6] = 0.f;
m->m[7] = 0.f;
m->m[8] = v->m[6];
m->m[9] = v->m[7];
m->m[10] = 1.f;
m->m[11] = 0.f;
m->m[12] = 0.f;
m->m[13] = 0.f;
m->m[14] = 0.f;
m->m[15] = 1.f;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *v) {
m->m[0] = v->m[0];
m->m[1] = v->m[1];
m->m[2] = v->m[2];
m->m[3] = v->m[3];
m->m[4] = v->m[4];
m->m[5] = v->m[5];
m->m[6] = v->m[6];
m->m[7] = v->m[7];
m->m[8] = v->m[8];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoad(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *v) {
m->m[0] = v->m[0];
m->m[1] = v->m[1];
m->m[2] = v->m[2];
m->m[3] = v->m[3];
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadRotate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
float c, s;
m->m[3] = 0;
m->m[7] = 0;
m->m[11]= 0;
m->m[12]= 0;
m->m[13]= 0;
m->m[14]= 0;
m->m[15]= 1;
rot *= (float)(M_PI / 180.0f);
c = cos(rot);
s = sin(rot);
const float len = x*x + y*y + z*z;
if (len != 1) {
const float recipLen = 1.f / sqrt(len);
x *= recipLen;
y *= recipLen;
z *= recipLen;
const float nc = 1.0f - c;
const float xy = x * y;
const float yz = y * z;
const float zx = z * x;
const float xs = x * s;
const float ys = y * s;
const float zs = z * s;
m->m[ 0] = x*x*nc + c;
m->m[ 4] = xy*nc - zs;
m->m[ 8] = zx*nc + ys;
m->m[ 1] = xy*nc + zs;
m->m[ 5] = y*y*nc + c;
m->m[ 9] = yz*nc - xs;
m->m[ 2] = zx*nc - ys;
m->m[ 6] = yz*nc + xs;
m->m[10] = z*z*nc + c;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadScale(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
m->m[0] = x;
m->m[5] = y;
m->m[10] = z;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadTranslate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
m->m[12] = x;
m->m[13] = y;
m->m[14] = z;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadMultiply(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix4x4 *lhs, const rs_matrix4x4 *rhs) {
for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
float ri0 = 0;
float ri1 = 0;
float ri2 = 0;
float ri3 = 0;
for (int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) {
const float rhs_ij = rsMatrixGet(rhs, i,j);
ri0 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 0) * rhs_ij;
ri1 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 1) * rhs_ij;
ri2 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 2) * rhs_ij;
ri3 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 3) * rhs_ij;
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 0, ri0);
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 1, ri1);
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 2, ri2);
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 3, ri3);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix4x4 *rhs) {
rs_matrix4x4 mt;
rsMatrixLoadMultiply(&mt, m, rhs);
rsMatrixLoad(m, &mt);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadMultiply(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *lhs, const rs_matrix3x3 *rhs) {
for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
float ri0 = 0;
float ri1 = 0;
float ri2 = 0;
for (int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) {
const float rhs_ij = rsMatrixGet(rhs, i,j);
ri0 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 0) * rhs_ij;
ri1 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 1) * rhs_ij;
ri2 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 2) * rhs_ij;
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 0, ri0);
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 1, ri1);
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 2, ri2);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *rhs) {
rs_matrix3x3 mt;
rsMatrixLoadMultiply(&mt, m, rhs);
rsMatrixLoad(m, &mt);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadMultiply(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *lhs, const rs_matrix2x2 *rhs) {
for (int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) {
float ri0 = 0;
float ri1 = 0;
for (int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++) {
const float rhs_ij = rsMatrixGet(rhs, i,j);
ri0 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 0) * rhs_ij;
ri1 += rsMatrixGet(lhs, j, 1) * rhs_ij;
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 0, ri0);
rsMatrixSet(m, i, 1, ri1);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *rhs) {
rs_matrix2x2 mt;
rsMatrixLoadMultiply(&mt, m, rhs);
rsMatrixLoad(m, &mt);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixRotate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
rs_matrix4x4 m1;
rsMatrixLoadRotate(&m1, rot, x, y, z);
rsMatrixMultiply(m, &m1);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixScale(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
rs_matrix4x4 m1;
rsMatrixLoadScale(&m1, x, y, z);
rsMatrixMultiply(m, &m1);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixTranslate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
rs_matrix4x4 m1;
rsMatrixLoadTranslate(&m1, x, y, z);
rsMatrixMultiply(m, &m1);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadOrtho(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far) {
m->m[0] = 2.f / (right - left);
m->m[5] = 2.f / (top - bottom);
m->m[10]= -2.f / (far - near);
m->m[12]= -(right + left) / (right - left);
m->m[13]= -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
m->m[14]= -(far + near) / (far - near);
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadFrustum(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far) {
m->m[0] = 2.f * near / (right - left);
m->m[5] = 2.f * near / (top - bottom);
m->m[8] = (right + left) / (right - left);
m->m[9] = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
m->m[10]= -(far + near) / (far - near);
m->m[11]= -1.f;
m->m[14]= -2.f * far * near / (far - near);
m->m[15]= 0.f;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixLoadPerspective(rs_matrix4x4* m, float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far) {
float top = near * tan((float) (fovy * M_PI / 360.0f));
float bottom = -top;
float left = bottom * aspect;
float right = top * aspect;
rsMatrixLoadFrustum(m, left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
static float4 __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float4 in) {
float4 ret;
ret.x = (m->m[0] * in.x) + (m->m[4] * in.y) + (m->m[8] * in.z) + (m->m[12] * in.w);
ret.y = (m->m[1] * in.x) + (m->m[5] * in.y) + (m->m[9] * in.z) + (m->m[13] * in.w);
ret.z = (m->m[2] * in.x) + (m->m[6] * in.y) + (m->m[10] * in.z) + (m->m[14] * in.w);
ret.w = (m->m[3] * in.x) + (m->m[7] * in.y) + (m->m[11] * in.z) + (m->m[15] * in.w);
return ret;
static float4 __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float3 in) {
float4 ret;
ret.x = (m->m[0] * in.x) + (m->m[4] * in.y) + (m->m[8] * in.z) + m->m[12];
ret.y = (m->m[1] * in.x) + (m->m[5] * in.y) + (m->m[9] * in.z) + m->m[13];
ret.z = (m->m[2] * in.x) + (m->m[6] * in.y) + (m->m[10] * in.z) + m->m[14];
ret.w = (m->m[3] * in.x) + (m->m[7] * in.y) + (m->m[11] * in.z) + m->m[15];
return ret;
static float4 __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float2 in) {
float4 ret;
ret.x = (m->m[0] * in.x) + (m->m[4] * in.y) + m->m[12];
ret.y = (m->m[1] * in.x) + (m->m[5] * in.y) + m->m[13];
ret.z = (m->m[2] * in.x) + (m->m[6] * in.y) + m->m[14];
ret.w = (m->m[3] * in.x) + (m->m[7] * in.y) + m->m[15];
return ret;
static float3 __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix3x3 *m, float3 in) {
float3 ret;
ret.x = (m->m[0] * in.x) + (m->m[3] * in.y) + (m->m[6] * in.z);
ret.y = (m->m[1] * in.x) + (m->m[4] * in.y) + (m->m[7] * in.z);
ret.z = (m->m[2] * in.x) + (m->m[5] * in.y) + (m->m[8] * in.z);
return ret;
static float3 __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix3x3 *m, float2 in) {
float3 ret;
ret.x = (m->m[0] * in.x) + (m->m[3] * in.y);
ret.y = (m->m[1] * in.x) + (m->m[4] * in.y);
ret.z = (m->m[2] * in.x) + (m->m[5] * in.y);
return ret;
static float2 __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix2x2 *m, float2 in) {
float2 ret;
ret.x = (m->m[0] * in.x) + (m->m[2] * in.y);
ret.y = (m->m[1] * in.x) + (m->m[3] * in.y);
return ret;
// Returns true if the matrix was successfully inversed
static bool __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixInverse(rs_matrix4x4 *m) {
rs_matrix4x4 result;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
// computeCofactor for int i, int j
int c0 = (i+1) % 4;
int c1 = (i+2) % 4;
int c2 = (i+3) % 4;
int r0 = (j+1) % 4;
int r1 = (j+2) % 4;
int r2 = (j+3) % 4;
float minor = (m->m[c0 + 4*r0] * (m->m[c1 + 4*r1] * m->m[c2 + 4*r2] - m->m[c1 + 4*r2] * m->m[c2 + 4*r1]))
- (m->m[c0 + 4*r1] * (m->m[c1 + 4*r0] * m->m[c2 + 4*r2] - m->m[c1 + 4*r2] * m->m[c2 + 4*r0]))
+ (m->m[c0 + 4*r2] * (m->m[c1 + 4*r0] * m->m[c2 + 4*r1] - m->m[c1 + 4*r1] * m->m[c2 + 4*r0]));
float cofactor = (i+j) & 1 ? -minor : minor;
result.m[4*i + j] = cofactor;
// Dot product of 0th column of source and 0th row of result
float det = m->m[0]*result.m[0] + m->m[4]*result.m[1] +
m->m[8]*result.m[2] + m->m[12]*result.m[3];
if (fabs(det) < 1e-6) {
return false;
det = 1.0f / det;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
m->m[i] = result.m[i] * det;
return true;
// Returns true if the matrix was successfully inversed
static bool __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixInverseTranspose(rs_matrix4x4 *m) {
rs_matrix4x4 result;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
// computeCofactor for int i, int j
int c0 = (i+1) % 4;
int c1 = (i+2) % 4;
int c2 = (i+3) % 4;
int r0 = (j+1) % 4;
int r1 = (j+2) % 4;
int r2 = (j+3) % 4;
float minor = (m->m[c0 + 4*r0] * (m->m[c1 + 4*r1] * m->m[c2 + 4*r2] - m->m[c1 + 4*r2] * m->m[c2 + 4*r1]))
- (m->m[c0 + 4*r1] * (m->m[c1 + 4*r0] * m->m[c2 + 4*r2] - m->m[c1 + 4*r2] * m->m[c2 + 4*r0]))
+ (m->m[c0 + 4*r2] * (m->m[c1 + 4*r0] * m->m[c2 + 4*r1] - m->m[c1 + 4*r1] * m->m[c2 + 4*r0]));
float cofactor = (i+j) & 1 ? -minor : minor;
result.m[4*j + i] = cofactor;
// Dot product of 0th column of source and 0th column of result
float det = m->m[0]*result.m[0] + m->m[4]*result.m[4] +
m->m[8]*result.m[8] + m->m[12]*result.m[12];
if (fabs(det) < 1e-6) {
return false;
det = 1.0f / det;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
m->m[i] = result.m[i] * det;
return true;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixTranspose(rs_matrix4x4 *m) {
int i, j;
float temp;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j) {
temp = m->m[i*4 + j];
m->m[i*4 + j] = m->m[j*4 + i];
m->m[j*4 + i] = temp;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixTranspose(rs_matrix3x3 *m) {
int i, j;
float temp;
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (j = i + 1; j < 3; ++j) {
temp = m->m[i*3 + j];
m->m[i*3 + j] = m->m[j*4 + i];
m->m[j*3 + i] = temp;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixTranspose(rs_matrix2x2 *m) {
float temp = m->m[1];
m->m[1] = m->m[2];
m->m[2] = temp;
// quaternion ops
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsQuaternionSet(rs_quaternion *q, float w, float x, float y, float z) {
q->w = w;
q->x = x;
q->y = y;
q->z = z;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsQuaternionSet(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *rhs) {
q->w = rhs->w;
q->x = rhs->x;
q->y = rhs->y;
q->z = rhs->z;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsQuaternionMultiply(rs_quaternion *q, float s) {
q->w *= s;
q->x *= s;
q->y *= s;
q->z *= s;
static void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsQuaternionMultiply(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *rhs) {
q->w = -q->x*rhs->x - q->y*rhs->y - q->z*rhs->z + q->w*rhs->w;
q->x = q->x*rhs->w + q->y*rhs->z - q->z*rhs->y + q->w*rhs->x;
q->y = -q->x*rhs->z + q->y*rhs->w + q->z*rhs->z + q->w*rhs->y;
q->z = q->x*rhs->y - q->y*rhs->x + q->z*rhs->w + q->w*rhs->z;
static void
rsQuaternionAdd(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *rhs) {
q->w *= rhs->w;
q->x *= rhs->x;
q->y *= rhs->y;
q->z *= rhs->z;
static void
rsQuaternionLoadRotateUnit(rs_quaternion *q, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
rot *= (float)(M_PI / 180.0f) * 0.5f;
float c = cos(rot);
float s = sin(rot);
q->w = c;
q->x = x * s;
q->y = y * s;
q->z = z * s;
static void
rsQuaternionLoadRotate(rs_quaternion *q, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
const float len = x*x + y*y + z*z;
if (len != 1) {
const float recipLen = 1.f / sqrt(len);
x *= recipLen;
y *= recipLen;
z *= recipLen;
rsQuaternionLoadRotateUnit(q, rot, x, y, z);
static void
rsQuaternionConjugate(rs_quaternion *q) {
q->x = -q->x;
q->y = -q->y;
q->z = -q->z;
static float
rsQuaternionDot(const rs_quaternion *q0, const rs_quaternion *q1) {
return q0->w*q1->w + q0->x*q1->x + q0->y*q1->y + q0->z*q1->z;
static void
rsQuaternionNormalize(rs_quaternion *q) {
const float len = rsQuaternionDot(q, q);
if (len != 1) {
const float recipLen = 1.f / sqrt(len);
rsQuaternionMultiply(q, recipLen);
static void
rsQuaternionSlerp(rs_quaternion *q, const rs_quaternion *q0, const rs_quaternion *q1, float t) {
if(t <= 0.0f) {
rsQuaternionSet(q, q0);
if(t >= 1.0f) {
rsQuaternionSet(q, q1);
rs_quaternion tempq0, tempq1;
rsQuaternionSet(&tempq0, q0);
rsQuaternionSet(&tempq1, q1);
float angle = rsQuaternionDot(q0, q1);
if(angle < 0) {
rsQuaternionMultiply(&tempq0, -1.0f);
angle *= -1.0f;
float scale, invScale;
if (angle + 1.0f > 0.05f) {
if (1.0f - angle >= 0.05f) {
float theta = acos(angle);
float invSinTheta = 1.0f / sin(theta);
scale = sin(theta * (1.0f - t)) * invSinTheta;
invScale = sin(theta * t) * invSinTheta;
else {
scale = 1.0f - t;
invScale = t;
else {
rsQuaternionSet(&tempq1, tempq0.z, -tempq0.y, tempq0.x, -tempq0.w);
scale = sin(M_PI * (0.5f - t));
invScale = sin(M_PI * t);
rsQuaternionSet(q, tempq0.w*scale + tempq1.w*invScale, tempq0.x*scale + tempq1.x*invScale,
tempq0.y*scale + tempq1.y*invScale, tempq0.z*scale + tempq1.z*invScale);
static void rsQuaternionGetMatrixUnit(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_quaternion *q) {
float x2 = 2.0f * q->x * q->x;
float y2 = 2.0f * q->y * q->y;
float z2 = 2.0f * q->z * q->z;
float xy = 2.0f * q->x * q->y;
float wz = 2.0f * q->w * q->z;
float xz = 2.0f * q->x * q->z;
float wy = 2.0f * q->w * q->y;
float wx = 2.0f * q->w * q->x;
float yz = 2.0f * q->y * q->z;
m->m[0] = 1.0f - y2 - z2;
m->m[1] = xy - wz;
m->m[2] = xz + wy;
m->m[3] = 0.0f;
m->m[4] = xy + wz;
m->m[5] = 1.0f - x2 - z2;
m->m[6] = yz - wx;
m->m[7] = 0.0f;
m->m[8] = xz - wy;
m->m[9] = yz - wx;
m->m[10] = 1.0f - x2 - y2;
m->m[11] = 0.0f;
m->m[12] = 0.0f;
m->m[13] = 0.0f;
m->m[14] = 0.0f;
m->m[15] = 1.0f;
// utility funcs
void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsExtractFrustumPlanes(const rs_matrix4x4 *modelViewProj,
float4 *left, float4 *right,
float4 *top, float4 *bottom,
float4 *near, float4 *far) {
// x y z w = a b c d in the plane equation
left->x = modelViewProj->m[3] + modelViewProj->m[0];
left->y = modelViewProj->m[7] + modelViewProj->m[4];
left->z = modelViewProj->m[11] + modelViewProj->m[8];
left->w = modelViewProj->m[15] + modelViewProj->m[12];
right->x = modelViewProj->m[3] - modelViewProj->m[0];
right->y = modelViewProj->m[7] - modelViewProj->m[4];
right->z = modelViewProj->m[11] - modelViewProj->m[8];
right->w = modelViewProj->m[15] - modelViewProj->m[12];
top->x = modelViewProj->m[3] - modelViewProj->m[1];
top->y = modelViewProj->m[7] - modelViewProj->m[5];
top->z = modelViewProj->m[11] - modelViewProj->m[9];
top->w = modelViewProj->m[15] - modelViewProj->m[13];
bottom->x = modelViewProj->m[3] + modelViewProj->m[1];
bottom->y = modelViewProj->m[7] + modelViewProj->m[5];
bottom->z = modelViewProj->m[11] + modelViewProj->m[9];
bottom->w = modelViewProj->m[15] + modelViewProj->m[13];
near->x = modelViewProj->m[3] + modelViewProj->m[2];
near->y = modelViewProj->m[7] + modelViewProj->m[6];
near->z = modelViewProj->m[11] + modelViewProj->m[10];
near->w = modelViewProj->m[15] + modelViewProj->m[14];
far->x = modelViewProj->m[3] - modelViewProj->m[2];
far->y = modelViewProj->m[7] - modelViewProj->m[6];
far->z = modelViewProj->m[11] - modelViewProj->m[10];
far->w = modelViewProj->m[15] - modelViewProj->m[14];
float len = length(left->xyz);
*left /= len;
len = length(right->xyz);
*right /= len;
len = length(top->xyz);
*top /= len;
len = length(bottom->xyz);
*bottom /= len;
len = length(near->xyz);
*near /= len;
len = length(far->xyz);
*far /= len;
bool __attribute__((overloadable))
rsIsSphereInFrustum(float4 *sphere,
float4 *left, float4 *right,
float4 *top, float4 *bottom,
float4 *near, float4 *far) {
float distToCenter = dot(left->xyz, sphere->xyz) + left->w;
if(distToCenter < -sphere->w) {
return false;
distToCenter = dot(right->xyz, sphere->xyz) + right->w;
if(distToCenter < -sphere->w) {
return false;
distToCenter = dot(top->xyz, sphere->xyz) + top->w;
if(distToCenter < -sphere->w) {
return false;
distToCenter = dot(bottom->xyz, sphere->xyz) + bottom->w;
if(distToCenter < -sphere->w) {
return false;
distToCenter = dot(near->xyz, sphere->xyz) + near->w;
if(distToCenter < -sphere->w) {
return false;
distToCenter = dot(far->xyz, sphere->xyz) + far->w;
if(distToCenter < -sphere->w) {
return false;
return true;
// int ops
__inline__ static uint __attribute__((overloadable, always_inline)) rsClamp(uint amount, uint low, uint high) {
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
__inline__ static int __attribute__((overloadable, always_inline)) rsClamp(int amount, int low, int high) {
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
__inline__ static ushort __attribute__((overloadable, always_inline)) rsClamp(ushort amount, ushort low, ushort high) {
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
__inline__ static short __attribute__((overloadable, always_inline)) rsClamp(short amount, short low, short high) {
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
__inline__ static uchar __attribute__((overloadable, always_inline)) rsClamp(uchar amount, uchar low, uchar high) {
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
__inline__ static char __attribute__((overloadable, always_inline)) rsClamp(char amount, char low, char high) {
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);