blob: 2f1e53ca50655574b7c55debd4ecb282c9072d0b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Generate API lists for non-SDK API enforcement.
import argparse
import os
import sys
import re
# Names of flags recognized by the `hiddenapi` tool.
FLAG_WHITELIST = "whitelist"
FLAG_GREYLIST = "greylist"
FLAG_BLACKLIST = "blacklist"
FLAG_GREYLIST_MAX_O = "greylist-max-o"
# List of all known flags.
# Suffix used in command line args to express that only known and
# otherwise unassigned entries should be assign the given flag.
# For example, the P dark greylist is checked in as it was in P,
# but signatures have changes since then. The flag instructs this
# script to skip any entries which do not exist any more.
FLAG_IGNORE_CONFLICTS_SUFFIX = "-ignore-conflicts"
# Regex patterns of fields/methods used in serialization. These are
# considered public API despite being hidden.
# Single regex used to match serialization API. It combines all the
# SERIALIZATION_PATTERNS into a single regular expression.
SERIALIZATION_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*->(' + '|'.join(SERIALIZATION_PATTERNS) + r')$')
# Predicates to be used with filter_apis.
IS_UNASSIGNED = lambda api, flags: not flags
IS_SERIALIZATION = lambda api, flags: SERIALIZATION_REGEX.match(api)
def get_args():
"""Parses command line arguments.
Namespace: dictionary of parsed arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--output', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--public', required=True, help='list of all public entries')
parser.add_argument('--private', required=True, help='list of all private entries')
parser.add_argument('--csv', nargs='*', default=[], metavar='CSV_FILE',
help='CSV files to be merged into output')
for flag in FLAGS:
ignore_conflicts_flag = flag + FLAG_IGNORE_CONFLICTS_SUFFIX
parser.add_argument('--' + flag, dest=flag, nargs='*', default=[], metavar='TXT_FILE',
help='lists of entries with flag "' + flag + '"')
parser.add_argument('--' + ignore_conflicts_flag, dest=ignore_conflicts_flag, nargs='*',
default=[], metavar='TXT_FILE',
help='lists of entries with flag "' + flag +
'". skip entry if missing or flag conflict.')
return parser.parse_args()
def read_lines(filename):
"""Reads entire file and return it as a list of lines.
Lines which begin with a hash are ignored.
filename (string): Path to the file to read from.
Lines of the file as a list of string.
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines();
lines = filter(lambda line: not line.startswith('#'), lines)
lines = map(lambda line: line.strip(), lines)
return set(lines)
def write_lines(filename, lines):
"""Writes list of lines into a file, overwriting the file it it exists.
filename (string): Path to the file to be writting into.
lines (list): List of strings to write into the file.
lines = map(lambda line: line + '\n', lines)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
class FlagsDict:
def __init__(self, public_api, private_api):
# Bootstrap the entries dictionary.
# Check that the two sets do not overlap.
public_api_set = set(public_api)
private_api_set = set(private_api)
assert public_api_set.isdisjoint(private_api_set), (
"Lists of public and private API overlap. " +
"This suggests an issue with the `hiddenapi` build tool.")
# Compute the whole key set
self._dict_keyset = public_api_set.union(private_api_set)
# Create a dict that creates entries for both public and private API,
# and assigns public API to the whitelist.
self._dict = {}
for api in public_api:
self._dict[api] = set([ FLAG_WHITELIST ])
for api in private_api:
self._dict[api] = set()
def _check_entries_set(self, keys_subset, source):
assert isinstance(keys_subset, set)
assert keys_subset.issubset(self._dict_keyset), (
"Error processing: {}\n"
"The following entries were unexpected:\n"
"Please visit go/hiddenapi for more information.").format(
source, "".join(map(lambda x: " " + str(x), keys_subset - self._dict_keyset)))
def _check_flags_set(self, flags_subset, source):
assert isinstance(flags_subset, set)
assert flags_subset.issubset(FLAGS_SET), (
"Error processing: {}\n"
"The following flags were not recognized: \n"
"Please visit go/hiddenapi for more information.").format(
source, "\n".join(flags_subset - FLAGS_SET))
def filter_apis(self, filter_fn):
"""Returns APIs which match a given predicate.
This is a helper function which allows to filter on both signatures (keys) and
flags (values). The built-in filter() invokes the lambda only with dict's keys.
filter_fn : Function which takes two arguments (signature/flags) and returns a boolean.
A set of APIs which match the predicate.
return set(filter(lambda x: filter_fn(x, self._dict[x]), self._dict_keyset))
def get_valid_subset_of_unassigned_apis(self, api_subset):
"""Sanitizes a key set input to only include keys which exist in the dictionary
and have not been assigned any flags.
entries_subset (set/list): Key set to be sanitized.
Sanitized key set.
assert isinstance(api_subset, set)
return api_subset.intersection(self.filter_apis(IS_UNASSIGNED))
def generate_csv(self):
"""Constructs CSV entries from a dictionary.
List of lines comprising a CSV file. See "parse_and_merge_csv" for format description.
return sorted(map(lambda api: ",".join([api] + sorted(self._dict[api])), self._dict))
def parse_and_merge_csv(self, csv_lines, source = "<unknown>"):
"""Parses CSV entries and merges them into a given dictionary.
The expected CSV format is:
<api signature>,<flag1>,<flag2>,...,<flagN>
csv_lines (list of strings): Lines read from a CSV file.
source (string): Origin of `csv_lines`. Will be printed in error messages.
AssertionError if parsed API signatures of flags are invalid.
# Split CSV lines into arrays of values.
csv_values = [ line.split(',') for line in csv_lines ]
# Check that all entries exist in the dict.
csv_keys = set([ csv[0] for csv in csv_values ])
self._check_entries_set(csv_keys, source)
# Check that all flags are known.
csv_flags = set(reduce(lambda x, y: set(x).union(y), [ csv[1:] for csv in csv_values ], []))
self._check_flags_set(csv_flags, source)
# Iterate over all CSV lines, find entry in dict and append flags to it.
for csv in csv_values:
def assign_flag(self, flag, apis, source="<unknown>"):
"""Assigns a flag to given subset of entries.
flag (string): One of FLAGS.
apis (set): Subset of APIs to recieve the flag.
source (string): Origin of `entries_subset`. Will be printed in error messages.
AssertionError if parsed API signatures of flags are invalid.
# Check that all APIs exist in the dict.
self._check_entries_set(apis, source)
# Check that the flag is known.
self._check_flags_set(set([ flag ]), source)
# Iterate over the API subset, find each entry in dict and assign the flag to it.
for api in apis:
def main(argv):
# Parse arguments.
args = vars(get_args())
flags = FlagsDict(read_lines(args["public"]), read_lines(args["private"]))
# Combine inputs which do not require any particular order.
# (1) Assign serialization API to whitelist.
flags.assign_flag(FLAG_WHITELIST, flags.filter_apis(IS_SERIALIZATION))
# (2) Merge input CSV files into the dictionary.
for filename in args["csv"]:
flags.parse_and_merge_csv(read_lines(filename), filename)
# (3) Merge text files with a known flag into the dictionary.
for flag in FLAGS:
for filename in args[flag]:
flags.assign_flag(flag, read_lines(filename), filename)
# Merge text files where conflicts should be ignored.
# This will only assign the given flag if:
# (a) the entry exists, and
# (b) it has not been assigned any other flag.
# Because of (b), this must run after all strict assignments have been performed.
for flag in FLAGS:
for filename in args[flag + FLAG_IGNORE_CONFLICTS_SUFFIX]:
valid_entries = flags.get_valid_subset_of_unassigned_apis(read_lines(filename))
flags.assign_flag(flag, valid_entries, filename)
# Assign all remaining entries to the blacklist.
flags.assign_flag(FLAG_BLACKLIST, flags.filter_apis(IS_UNASSIGNED))
# Write output.
write_lines(args["output"], flags.generate_csv())
if __name__ == "__main__":