blob: 9e9a6fec06c622473b88cd78cdad51c8832e0aec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.camera2.legacy;
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.hardware.Camera.Area;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.Face;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle;
import android.hardware.camera2.utils.ListUtils;
import android.hardware.camera2.utils.ParamsUtils;
import android.hardware.camera2.utils.SizeAreaComparator;
import android.util.Size;
import android.util.SizeF;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static*;
* Various utilities for dealing with camera API1 parameters.
public class ParameterUtils {
/** Upper/left minimal point of a normalized rectangle */
public static final int NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_MIN = -1000;
/** Lower/right maximal point of a normalized rectangle */
public static final int NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_MAX = 1000;
/** The default normalized rectangle spans the entire size of the preview viewport */
public static final Rect NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_DEFAULT = new Rect(
/** The default normalized area uses the default normalized rectangle with a weight=1 */
public static final Camera.Area CAMERA_AREA_DEFAULT =
/** Empty rectangle {@code 0x0+0,0} */
public static final Rect RECTANGLE_EMPTY =
new Rect(/*left*/0, /*top*/0, /*right*/0, /*bottom*/0);
* Calculate effective/reported zoom data from a user-specified crop region.
public static class ZoomData {
/** Zoom index used by {@link Camera.Parameters#setZoom} */
public final int zoomIndex;
/** Effective crop-region given the zoom index, coordinates relative to active-array */
public final Rect previewCrop;
/** Reported crop-region given the zoom index, coordinates relative to active-array */
public final Rect reportedCrop;
public ZoomData(int zoomIndex, Rect previewCrop, Rect reportedCrop) {
this.zoomIndex = zoomIndex;
this.previewCrop = previewCrop;
this.reportedCrop = reportedCrop;
* Calculate effective/reported metering data from a user-specified metering region.
public static class MeteringData {
* The metering area scaled to the range of [-1000, 1000].
* <p>Values outside of this range are clipped to be within the range.</p>
public final Camera.Area meteringArea;
* Effective preview metering region, coordinates relative to active-array.
* <p>Clipped to fit inside of the (effective) preview crop region.</p>
public final Rect previewMetering;
* Reported metering region, coordinates relative to active-array.
* <p>Clipped to fit inside of the (reported) resulting crop region.</p>
public final Rect reportedMetering;
public MeteringData(Area meteringArea, Rect previewMetering, Rect reportedMetering) {
this.meteringArea = meteringArea;
this.previewMetering = previewMetering;
this.reportedMetering = reportedMetering;
* A weighted rectangle is an arbitrary rectangle (the coordinate system is unknown) with an
* arbitrary weight.
* <p>The user of this class must know what the coordinate system ahead of time; it's
* then possible to convert to a more concrete type such as a metering rectangle or a face.
* </p>
* <p>When converting to a more concrete type, out-of-range values are clipped; this prevents
* possible illegal argument exceptions being thrown at runtime.</p>
public static class WeightedRectangle {
/** Arbitrary rectangle (the range is user-defined); never {@code null}. */
public final Rect rect;
/** Arbitrary weight (the range is user-defined). */
public final int weight;
* Create a new weighted-rectangle from a non-{@code null} rectangle; the {@code weight}
* can be unbounded.
public WeightedRectangle(Rect rect, int weight) {
this.rect = checkNotNull(rect, "rect must not be null");
this.weight = weight;
* Convert to a metering rectangle, clipping any of the values to stay within range.
* <p>If values are clipped, a warning is printed to logcat.</p>
* @return a new metering rectangle
public MeteringRectangle toMetering() {
int weight = clip(this.weight,
int x = clipLower(rect.left, /*lo*/0, rect, "left");
int y = clipLower(, /*lo*/0, rect, "top");
int w = clipLower(rect.width(), /*lo*/0, rect, "width");
int h = clipLower(rect.height(), /*lo*/0, rect, "height");
return new MeteringRectangle(x, y, w, h, weight);
* Convert to a face; the rect is considered to be the bounds, and the weight
* is considered to be the score.
* <p>If the score is out of range of {@value Face#SCORE_MIN}, {@value Face#SCORE_MAX},
* the score is clipped first and a warning is printed to logcat.</p>
* <p>If the id is negative, the id is changed to 0 and a warning is printed to
* logcat.</p>
* <p>All other parameters are passed-through as-is.</p>
* @return a new face with the optional features set
public Face toFace(
int id, Point leftEyePosition, Point rightEyePosition, Point mouthPosition) {
int idSafe = clipLower(id, /*lo*/0, rect, "id");
int score = clip(weight,
return new Face(rect, score, idSafe, leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition, mouthPosition);
* Convert to a face; the rect is considered to be the bounds, and the weight
* is considered to be the score.
* <p>If the score is out of range of {@value Face#SCORE_MIN}, {@value Face#SCORE_MAX},
* the score is clipped first and a warning is printed to logcat.</p>
* <p>All other parameters are passed-through as-is.</p>
* @return a new face without the optional features
public Face toFace() {
int score = clip(weight,
return new Face(rect, score);
private static int clipLower(int value, int lo, Rect rect, String name) {
return clip(value, lo, /*hi*/Integer.MAX_VALUE, rect, name);
private static int clip(int value, int lo, int hi, Rect rect, String name) {
if (value < lo) {
Log.w(TAG, "toMetering - Rectangle " + rect + " "
+ name + " too small, clip to " + lo);
value = lo;
} else if (value > hi) {
Log.w(TAG, "toMetering - Rectangle " + rect + " "
+ name + " too small, clip to " + hi);
value = hi;
return value;
private static final String TAG = "ParameterUtils";
private static final boolean VERBOSE = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
/** getZoomRatios stores zoom ratios in 1/100 increments, e.x. a zoom of 3.2 is 320 */
private static final int ZOOM_RATIO_MULTIPLIER = 100;
* Convert a camera API1 size into a util size
public static Size convertSize(Camera.Size size) {
checkNotNull(size, "size must not be null");
return new Size(size.width, size.height);
* Convert a camera API1 list of sizes into a util list of sizes
public static List<Size> convertSizeList(List<Camera.Size> sizeList) {
checkNotNull(sizeList, "sizeList must not be null");
List<Size> sizes = new ArrayList<>(sizeList.size());
for (Camera.Size s : sizeList) {
sizes.add(new Size(s.width, s.height));
return sizes;
* Convert a camera API1 list of sizes into an array of sizes
public static Size[] convertSizeListToArray(List<Camera.Size> sizeList) {
checkNotNull(sizeList, "sizeList must not be null");
Size[] array = new Size[sizeList.size()];
int ctr = 0;
for (Camera.Size s : sizeList) {
array[ctr++] = new Size(s.width, s.height);
return array;
* Check if the camera API1 list of sizes contains a size with the given dimens.
public static boolean containsSize(List<Camera.Size> sizeList, int width, int height) {
checkNotNull(sizeList, "sizeList must not be null");
for (Camera.Size s : sizeList) {
if (s.height == height && s.width == width) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the largest supported picture size, as compared by its area.
public static Size getLargestSupportedJpegSizeByArea(Camera.Parameters params) {
checkNotNull(params, "params must not be null");
List<Size> supportedJpegSizes = convertSizeList(params.getSupportedPictureSizes());
return SizeAreaComparator.findLargestByArea(supportedJpegSizes);
* Convert a camera area into a human-readable string.
public static String stringFromArea(Camera.Area area) {
if (area == null) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Rect r = area.rect;
sb.append("(["); sb.append(r.left); sb.append(',');
sb.append(; sb.append("]["); sb.append(r.right);
sb.append(','); sb.append(r.bottom); sb.append(']');
return sb.toString();
* Convert a camera area list into a human-readable string
* @param areaList a list of areas (null is ok)
public static String stringFromAreaList(List<Camera.Area> areaList) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (areaList == null) {
return null;
int i = 0;
for (Camera.Area area : areaList) {
if (area == null) {
} else {
if (i != areaList.size() - 1) {
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
* Calculate the closest zoom index for the user-requested crop region by rounding
* up to the closest (largest or equal) possible zoom crop.
* <p>If the requested crop region exceeds the size of the active array, it is
* shrunk to fit inside of the active array first.</p>
* <p>Since all api1 camera devices only support a discrete set of zooms, we have
* to translate the per-pixel-granularity requested crop region into a per-zoom-index
* granularity.</p>
* <p>Furthermore, since the zoom index and zoom levels also depends on the field-of-view
* of the preview, the current preview {@code streamSize} is also used.</p>
* <p>The calculated crop regions are then written to in-place to {@code reportedCropRegion}
* and {@code previewCropRegion}, in coordinates relative to the active array.</p>
* @param params non-{@code null} camera api1 parameters
* @param activeArray active array dimensions, in sensor space
* @param streamSize stream size dimensions, in pixels
* @param cropRegion user-specified crop region, in active array coordinates
* @param reportedCropRegion (out parameter) what the result for {@code cropRegion} looks like
* @param previewCropRegion (out parameter) what the visual preview crop is
* @return
* the zoom index inclusively between 0 and {@code Parameters#getMaxZoom},
* where 0 means the camera is not zoomed
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the args were {@code null}
public static int getClosestAvailableZoomCrop(
Camera.Parameters params, Rect activeArray, Size streamSize, Rect cropRegion,
Rect reportedCropRegion,
Rect previewCropRegion) {
checkNotNull(params, "params must not be null");
checkNotNull(activeArray, "activeArray must not be null");
checkNotNull(streamSize, "streamSize must not be null");
checkNotNull(reportedCropRegion, "reportedCropRegion must not be null");
checkNotNull(previewCropRegion, "previewCropRegion must not be null");
Rect actualCrop = new Rect(cropRegion);
* Shrink requested crop region to fit inside of the active array size
if (!actualCrop.intersect(activeArray)) {
Log.w(TAG, "getClosestAvailableZoomCrop - Crop region out of range; " +
"setting to active array size");
Rect previewCrop = getPreviewCropRectangleUnzoomed(activeArray, streamSize);
// Make the user-requested crop region the same aspect ratio as the preview stream size
Rect cropRegionAsPreview =
shrinkToSameAspectRatioCentered(previewCrop, actualCrop);
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, "getClosestAvailableZoomCrop - actualCrop = " + actualCrop);
"getClosestAvailableZoomCrop - previewCrop = " + previewCrop);
"getClosestAvailableZoomCrop - cropRegionAsPreview = " + cropRegionAsPreview);
* Iterate all available zoom rectangles and find the closest zoom index
Rect bestReportedCropRegion = null;
Rect bestPreviewCropRegion = null;
int bestZoomIndex = -1;
List<Rect> availableReportedCropRegions =
getAvailableZoomCropRectangles(params, activeArray);
List<Rect> availablePreviewCropRegions =
getAvailablePreviewZoomCropRectangles(params, activeArray, streamSize);
if (VERBOSE) {
"getClosestAvailableZoomCrop - availableReportedCropRegions = " +
"getClosestAvailableZoomCrop - availablePreviewCropRegions = " +
if (availableReportedCropRegions.size() != availablePreviewCropRegions.size()) {
throw new AssertionError("available reported/preview crop region size mismatch");
for (int i = 0; i < availableReportedCropRegions.size(); ++i) {
Rect currentPreviewCropRegion = availablePreviewCropRegions.get(i);
Rect currentReportedCropRegion = availableReportedCropRegions.get(i);
boolean isBest;
if (bestZoomIndex == -1) {
isBest = true;
} else if (currentPreviewCropRegion.width() >= cropRegionAsPreview.width() &&
currentPreviewCropRegion.height() >= cropRegionAsPreview.height()) {
isBest = true;
} else {
isBest = false;
// Sizes are sorted largest-to-smallest, so once the available crop is too small,
// we the rest are too small. Furthermore, this is the final best crop,
// since its the largest crop that still fits the requested crop
if (isBest) {
bestPreviewCropRegion = currentPreviewCropRegion;
bestReportedCropRegion = currentReportedCropRegion;
bestZoomIndex = i;
} else {
if (bestZoomIndex == -1) {
// Even in the worst case, we should always at least return 0 here
throw new AssertionError("Should've found at least one valid zoom index");
// Write the rectangles in-place
return bestZoomIndex;
* Calculate the effective crop rectangle for this preview viewport;
* assumes the preview is centered to the sensor and scaled to fit across one of the dimensions
* without skewing.
* <p>The preview size must be a subset of the active array size; the resulting
* rectangle will also be a subset of the active array rectangle.</p>
* <p>The unzoomed crop rectangle is calculated only.</p>
* @param activeArray active array dimensions, in sensor space
* @param previewSize size of the preview buffer render target, in pixels (not in sensor space)
* @return a rectangle which serves as the preview stream's effective crop region (unzoomed),
* in sensor space
* @throws NullPointerException
* if any of the args were {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if {@code previewSize} is wider or taller than {@code activeArray}
private static Rect getPreviewCropRectangleUnzoomed(Rect activeArray, Size previewSize) {
if (previewSize.getWidth() > activeArray.width()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("previewSize must not be wider than activeArray");
} else if (previewSize.getHeight() > activeArray.height()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("previewSize must not be taller than activeArray");
float aspectRatioArray = activeArray.width() * 1.0f / activeArray.height();
float aspectRatioPreview = previewSize.getWidth() * 1.0f / previewSize.getHeight();
float cropH, cropW;
if (aspectRatioPreview < aspectRatioArray) {
// The new width must be smaller than the height, so scale the width by AR
cropH = activeArray.height();
cropW = cropH * aspectRatioPreview;
} else {
// The new height must be smaller (or equal) than the width, so scale the height by AR
cropW = activeArray.width();
cropH = cropW / aspectRatioPreview;
Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix();
RectF cropRect = new RectF(/*left*/0, /*top*/0, cropW, cropH);
// Now center the crop rectangle so its center is in the center of the active array
translateMatrix.setTranslate(activeArray.exactCenterX(), activeArray.exactCenterY());
translateMatrix.postTranslate(-cropRect.centerX(), -cropRect.centerY());
// Round the rect corners towards the nearest integer values
return ParamsUtils.createRect(cropRect);
* Shrink the {@code shrinkTarget} rectangle to snugly fit inside of {@code reference};
* the aspect ratio of {@code shrinkTarget} will change to be the same aspect ratio as
* {@code reference}.
* <p>At most a single dimension will scale (down). Both dimensions will never be scaled.</p>
* @param reference the rectangle whose aspect ratio will be used as the new aspect ratio
* @param shrinkTarget the rectangle which will be scaled down to have a new aspect ratio
* @return a new rectangle, a subset of {@code shrinkTarget},
* whose aspect ratio will match that of {@code reference}
private static Rect shrinkToSameAspectRatioCentered(Rect reference, Rect shrinkTarget) {
float aspectRatioReference = reference.width() * 1.0f / reference.height();
float aspectRatioShrinkTarget = shrinkTarget.width() * 1.0f / shrinkTarget.height();
float cropH, cropW;
if (aspectRatioShrinkTarget < aspectRatioReference) {
// The new width must be smaller than the height, so scale the width by AR
cropH = reference.height();
cropW = cropH * aspectRatioShrinkTarget;
} else {
// The new height must be smaller (or equal) than the width, so scale the height by AR
cropW = reference.width();
cropH = cropW / aspectRatioShrinkTarget;
Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix();
RectF shrunkRect = new RectF(shrinkTarget);
// Scale the rectangle down, but keep its center in the same place as before
translateMatrix.setScale(cropW / reference.width(), cropH / reference.height(),
shrinkTarget.exactCenterX(), shrinkTarget.exactCenterY());
return ParamsUtils.createRect(shrunkRect);
* Get the available 'crop' (zoom) rectangles for this camera that will be reported
* via a {@code CaptureResult} when a zoom is requested.
* <p>These crops ignores the underlying preview buffer size, and will always be reported
* the same values regardless of what configuration of outputs is used.</p>
* <p>When zoom is supported, this will return a list of {@code 1 + #getMaxZoom} size,
* where each crop rectangle corresponds to a zoom ratio (and is centered at the middle).</p>
* <p>Each crop rectangle is changed to have the same aspect ratio as {@code streamSize},
* by shrinking the rectangle if necessary.</p>
* <p>To get the reported crop region when applying a zoom to the sensor, use {@code streamSize}
* = {@code activeArray size}.</p>
* @param params non-{@code null} camera api1 parameters
* @param activeArray active array dimensions, in sensor space
* @param streamSize stream size dimensions, in pixels
* @return a list of available zoom rectangles, sorted from least zoomed to most zoomed
public static List<Rect> getAvailableZoomCropRectangles(
Camera.Parameters params, Rect activeArray) {
checkNotNull(params, "params must not be null");
checkNotNull(activeArray, "activeArray must not be null");
return getAvailableCropRectangles(params, activeArray, ParamsUtils.createSize(activeArray));
* Get the available 'crop' (zoom) rectangles for this camera.
* <p>This is the effective (real) crop that is applied by the camera api1 device
* when projecting the zoom onto the intermediate preview buffer. Use this when
* deciding which zoom ratio to apply.</p>
* <p>When zoom is supported, this will return a list of {@code 1 + #getMaxZoom} size,
* where each crop rectangle corresponds to a zoom ratio (and is centered at the middle).</p>
* <p>Each crop rectangle is changed to have the same aspect ratio as {@code streamSize},
* by shrinking the rectangle if necessary.</p>
* <p>To get the reported crop region when applying a zoom to the sensor, use {@code streamSize}
* = {@code activeArray size}.</p>
* @param params non-{@code null} camera api1 parameters
* @param activeArray active array dimensions, in sensor space
* @param streamSize stream size dimensions, in pixels
* @return a list of available zoom rectangles, sorted from least zoomed to most zoomed
public static List<Rect> getAvailablePreviewZoomCropRectangles(Camera.Parameters params,
Rect activeArray, Size previewSize) {
checkNotNull(params, "params must not be null");
checkNotNull(activeArray, "activeArray must not be null");
checkNotNull(previewSize, "previewSize must not be null");
return getAvailableCropRectangles(params, activeArray, previewSize);
* Get the available 'crop' (zoom) rectangles for this camera.
* <p>When zoom is supported, this will return a list of {@code 1 + #getMaxZoom} size,
* where each crop rectangle corresponds to a zoom ratio (and is centered at the middle).</p>
* <p>Each crop rectangle is changed to have the same aspect ratio as {@code streamSize},
* by shrinking the rectangle if necessary.</p>
* <p>To get the reported crop region when applying a zoom to the sensor, use {@code streamSize}
* = {@code activeArray size}.</p>
* @param params non-{@code null} camera api1 parameters
* @param activeArray active array dimensions, in sensor space
* @param streamSize stream size dimensions, in pixels
* @return a list of available zoom rectangles, sorted from least zoomed to most zoomed
private static List<Rect> getAvailableCropRectangles(Camera.Parameters params,
Rect activeArray, Size streamSize) {
checkNotNull(params, "params must not be null");
checkNotNull(activeArray, "activeArray must not be null");
checkNotNull(streamSize, "streamSize must not be null");
// TODO: change all uses of Rect activeArray to Size activeArray,
// since we want the crop to be active-array relative, not pixel-array relative
Rect unzoomedStreamCrop = getPreviewCropRectangleUnzoomed(activeArray, streamSize);
if (!params.isZoomSupported()) {
// Trivial case: No zoom -> only support the full size as the crop region
return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(unzoomedStreamCrop));
List<Rect> zoomCropRectangles = new ArrayList<>(params.getMaxZoom() + 1);
Matrix scaleMatrix = new Matrix();
RectF scaledRect = new RectF();
for (int zoom : params.getZoomRatios()) {
float shrinkRatio = ZOOM_RATIO_MULTIPLIER * 1.0f / zoom; // normalize to 1.0 and smaller
// set scaledRect to unzoomedStreamCrop
ParamsUtils.convertRectF(unzoomedStreamCrop, /*out*/scaledRect);
shrinkRatio, shrinkRatio,
Rect intRect = ParamsUtils.createRect(scaledRect);
// Round the rect corners towards the nearest integer values
return zoomCropRectangles;
* Get the largest possible zoom ratio (normalized to {@code 1.0f} and higher)
* that the camera can support.
* <p>If the camera does not support zoom, it always returns {@code 1.0f}.</p>
* @param params non-{@code null} camera api1 parameters
* @return normalized max zoom ratio, at least {@code 1.0f}
public static float getMaxZoomRatio(Camera.Parameters params) {
if (!params.isZoomSupported()) {
return 1.0f; // no zoom
List<Integer> zoomRatios = params.getZoomRatios(); // sorted smallest->largest
int zoom = zoomRatios.get(zoomRatios.size() - 1); // largest zoom ratio
float zoomRatio = zoom * 1.0f / ZOOM_RATIO_MULTIPLIER; // normalize to 1.0 and smaller
return zoomRatio;
* Returns the component-wise zoom ratio (each greater or equal than {@code 1.0});
* largest values means more zoom.
* @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
* @param cropSize size of the crop/zoom
* @return {@link SizeF} with width/height being the component-wise zoom ratio
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the args were {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any component of {@code cropSize} was {@code 0}
private static SizeF getZoomRatio(Size activeArraySize, Size cropSize) {
checkNotNull(activeArraySize, "activeArraySize must not be null");
checkNotNull(cropSize, "cropSize must not be null");
checkArgumentPositive(cropSize.getWidth(), "cropSize.width must be positive");
checkArgumentPositive(cropSize.getHeight(), "cropSize.height must be positive");
float zoomRatioWidth = activeArraySize.getWidth() * 1.0f / cropSize.getWidth();
float zoomRatioHeight = activeArraySize.getHeight() * 1.0f / cropSize.getHeight();
return new SizeF(zoomRatioWidth, zoomRatioHeight);
* Convert the user-specified crop region into zoom data; which can be used
* to set the parameters to a specific zoom index, or to report back to the user what the
* actual zoom was, or for other calculations requiring the current preview crop region.
* <p>None of the parameters are mutated.</p>
* @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
* @param cropRegion the user-specified crop region
* @param previewSize the current preview size (in pixels)
* @param params the current camera parameters (not mutated)
* @return the zoom index, and the effective/reported crop regions (relative to active array)
public static ZoomData convertScalerCropRegion(Rect activeArraySize, Rect
cropRegion, Size previewSize, Camera.Parameters params) {
Rect activeArraySizeOnly = new Rect(
/*left*/0, /*top*/0,
activeArraySize.width(), activeArraySize.height());
Rect userCropRegion = cropRegion;
if (userCropRegion == null) {
userCropRegion = activeArraySizeOnly;
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, "convertScalerCropRegion - user crop region was " + userCropRegion);
final Rect reportedCropRegion = new Rect();
final Rect previewCropRegion = new Rect();
final int zoomIdx = ParameterUtils.getClosestAvailableZoomCrop(params, activeArraySizeOnly,
previewSize, userCropRegion,
/*out*/reportedCropRegion, /*out*/previewCropRegion);
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, "convertScalerCropRegion - zoom calculated to: " +
"zoomIndex = " + zoomIdx +
", reported crop region = " + reportedCropRegion +
", preview crop region = " + previewCropRegion);
return new ZoomData(zoomIdx, previewCropRegion, reportedCropRegion);
* Calculate the actual/effective/reported normalized rectangle data from a metering
* rectangle.
* <p>If any of the rectangles are out-of-range of their intended bounding box,
* the {@link #RECTANGLE_EMPTY empty rectangle} is substituted instead
* (with a weight of {@code 0}).</p>
* <p>The metering rectangle is bound by the crop region (effective/reported respectively).
* The metering {@link Camera.Area area} is bound by {@code [-1000, 1000]}.</p>
* <p>No parameters are mutated; returns the new metering data.</p>
* @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
* @param meteringRect the user-specified metering rectangle
* @param zoomData the calculated zoom data corresponding to this request
* @return the metering area, the reported/effective metering rectangles
public static MeteringData convertMeteringRectangleToLegacy(
Rect activeArray, MeteringRectangle meteringRect, ZoomData zoomData) {
Rect previewCrop = zoomData.previewCrop;
Matrix transform = new Matrix();
// Move the preview crop so that top,left is at (0,0), otherwise after scaling
// the corner bounds will be outside of [-1000, 1000]
// Scale into [0, 2000] range about the center of the preview
transform.postScale(scaleW, scaleH);
// Move so that top left of a typical rect is at [-1000, -1000]
* Calculate the preview metering region (effective), and the camera1 api
* normalized metering region.
Rect normalizedRegionUnbounded = ParamsUtils.mapRect(transform, meteringRect.getRect());
* Try to intersect normalized area with [-1000, 1000] rectangle; otherwise
* it's completely out of range
Rect normalizedIntersected = new Rect(normalizedRegionUnbounded);
Camera.Area meteringArea;
if (!normalizedIntersected.intersect(NORMALIZED_RECTANGLE_DEFAULT)) {
"convertMeteringRectangleToLegacy - metering rectangle too small, " +
"no metering will be done");
meteringArea = new Camera.Area(RECTANGLE_EMPTY,
} else {
meteringArea = new Camera.Area(normalizedIntersected,
* Calculate effective preview metering region
Rect previewMetering = meteringRect.getRect();
if (!previewMetering.intersect(previewCrop)) {
* Calculate effective reported metering region
* - Transform the calculated metering area back into active array space
* - Clip it to be a subset of the reported crop region
Rect reportedMetering;
Camera.Area normalizedAreaUnbounded = new Camera.Area(
normalizedRegionUnbounded, meteringRect.getMeteringWeight());
WeightedRectangle reportedMeteringRect = convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(
activeArray, zoomData, normalizedAreaUnbounded, /*usePreviewCrop*/false);
reportedMetering = reportedMeteringRect.rect;
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format(
"convertMeteringRectangleToLegacy - activeArray = %s, meteringRect = %s, " +
"previewCrop = %s, meteringArea = %s, previewMetering = %s, " +
"reportedMetering = %s, normalizedRegionUnbounded = %s",
activeArray, meteringRect,
previewCrop, stringFromArea(meteringArea), previewMetering,
reportedMetering, normalizedRegionUnbounded));
return new MeteringData(meteringArea, previewMetering, reportedMetering);
* Convert the normalized camera area from [-1000, 1000] coordinate space
* into the active array-based coordinate space.
* <p>Values out of range are clipped to be within the resulting (reported) crop
* region. It is possible to have values larger than the preview crop.</p>
* <p>Weights out of range of [0, 1000] are clipped to be within the range.</p>
* @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
* @param zoomData the calculated zoom data corresponding to this request
* @param area the normalized camera area
* @return the weighed rectangle in active array coordinate space, with the weight
public static WeightedRectangle convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(
Rect activeArray, ZoomData zoomData, Camera.Area area) {
return convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(activeArray, zoomData, area,
* Convert an api1 face into an active-array based api2 face.
* <p>Out-of-ranges scores and ids will be clipped to be within range (with a warning).</p>
* @param face a non-{@code null} api1 face
* @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
* @param zoomData the calculated zoom data corresponding to this request
* @return a non-{@code null} api2 face
* @throws NullPointerException if the {@code face} was {@code null}
public static Face convertFaceFromLegacy(Camera.Face face, Rect activeArray,
ZoomData zoomData) {
checkNotNull(face, "face must not be null");
Face api2Face;
Camera.Area fakeArea = new Camera.Area(face.rect, /*weight*/1);
WeightedRectangle faceRect =
convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(activeArray, zoomData, fakeArea);
Point leftEye = face.leftEye, rightEye = face.rightEye, mouth = face.mouth;
if (leftEye != null && rightEye != null && mouth != null && leftEye.x != -2000 &&
leftEye.y != -2000 && rightEye.x != -2000 && rightEye.y != -2000 &&
mouth.x != -2000 && mouth.y != -2000) {
leftEye = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);
rightEye = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);
mouth = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);
api2Face = faceRect.toFace(, leftEye, rightEye, mouth);
} else {
api2Face = faceRect.toFace();
return api2Face;
private static Point convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(
Rect activeArray, ZoomData zoomData, Point point, boolean usePreviewCrop) {
Rect pointedRect = new Rect(point.x, point.y, point.x, point.y);
Camera.Area pointedArea = new Area(pointedRect, /*weight*/1);
WeightedRectangle adjustedRect =
zoomData, pointedArea, usePreviewCrop);
Point transformedPoint = new Point(adjustedRect.rect.left,;
return transformedPoint;
private static WeightedRectangle convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(
Rect activeArray, ZoomData zoomData, Camera.Area area, boolean usePreviewCrop) {
Rect previewCrop = zoomData.previewCrop;
Rect reportedCrop = zoomData.reportedCrop;
float scaleW = previewCrop.width() * 1.0f /
float scaleH = previewCrop.height() * 1.0f /
* Calculate the reported metering region from the non-intersected normalized region
* by scaling and translating back into active array-relative coordinates.
Matrix transform = new Matrix();
// Move top left from (-1000, -1000) to (0, 0)
// Scale from [0, 2000] back into the preview rectangle
transform.postScale(scaleW, scaleH);
// Move the rect so that the [-1000,-1000] point ends up at the preview [left, top]
Rect cropToIntersectAgainst = usePreviewCrop ? previewCrop : reportedCrop;
// Now apply the transformation backwards to get the reported metering region
Rect reportedMetering = ParamsUtils.mapRect(transform, area.rect);
// Intersect it with the crop region, to avoid reporting out-of-bounds
// metering regions
if (!reportedMetering.intersect(cropToIntersectAgainst)) {
int weight = area.weight;
if (weight < MeteringRectangle.METERING_WEIGHT_MIN) {
"convertCameraAreaToMeteringRectangle - rectangle "
+ stringFromArea(area) + " has too small weight, clip to 0");
weight = 0;
return new WeightedRectangle(reportedMetering, area.weight);
private ParameterUtils() {
throw new AssertionError();